public function execute($query, $arguments = [])
     $split = preg_split('/({\\w+})/', $query, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
     $count = count($split);
     for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i += 2) {
         $key = $split[$i];
         if (array_key_exists($key, $arguments)) {
             // found a replacement in $arguments.
             $split[$i] = $arguments[$key];
     $query = join($split);
     // create a PDO statment
     $this->last_stmt = $st = $this->link->prepare($query);
     if ($st === false) {
         $this->last_stmt = null;
         return false;
     // forward :args to PDO.
     $pdo_args = [];
     foreach ($arguments as $key => $value) {
         if ($key[0] == ':') {
             $pdo_args[$key] = $value;
     No2_Logger::debug('PDO->execute: ' . preg_replace('/\\s+/m', ' ', $query));
     return $st->execute($pdo_args) ? $st : false;
 function test_output_format()
     $date = preg_quote(date(DateTime::ISO8601), '/');
     $reqid = preg_quote(No2_Logger::$reqid, '/');
     $this->expectOutputRegex("/^\\[PHPUnit {$date} {$reqid}\\] DEBUG: test\$/");
     print file_get_contents(static::$LOGFILE_PATH);
Пример #3
  * make a SQL query to the database. the query should be properly escaped.
  * @see
 public function query($query)
     global $wpdb;
     if (preg_match('/\\s*select/i', $query)) {
         No2_Logger::debug('$wpdb->get_results: ' . preg_replace('/\\s+/m', ' ', $query));
         $result = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
         if (is_array($result)) {
             $index = count($this->results);
             $this->results[$index] = $result;
             $result = (object) array($index);
             // return the index as an object.
     } else {
         No2_Logger::debug('$wpdb->query: ' . preg_replace('/\\s+/m', ' ', $query));
         $result = $wpdb->query($query);
     return $result;
Пример #4
  * find the associated controller to $alias.
  * @param $alias
  *   the alias to find a matching controller
  * @param $action
  *   The action (method) to perform. It will be passed to the respond_to()
  *   method of the controller in order to check if it can handle it.
  * @param $http_method
  *   The HTTP verb, usually GET or POST.
  * @return
  *   a controller object that can handle $action. If there isn't any, null is
  *   returned.
 public function find_route($alias, $action, $http_method)
     if (!array_key_exists($alias, $this->mapping)) {
         return null;
     $target = $this->mapping[$alias];
     /* require the associated file if any */
     if (!is_null($target['file'])) {
         require_once $target['file'];
     // check if the controller responding to $alias can handle $action
     $klass = $target['controller'];
     try {
         $controller = new $klass($alias, $action, $http_method);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         No2_Logger::warn(get_class($this) . '::find_route: ' . 'exception in controller ctor: ' . $e->getMessage());
         return null;
     return $controller;
Пример #5
  * save the current user id in the session.
  * @param $user
  *   a User object. The client is considered logged in as
  *   <code>$user</code> when this function return. if NULL, the current
  *   user is "logged out", meaning the session user id is unset.
 public static function current_is($user)
     if (is_null($user)) {
         static::$current_user = NULL;
         if (session_active()) {
     } else {
         if ($user instanceof static) {
             static::$current_user = $user;
             if (session_active()) {
                 $_SESSION['uid'] = $user->id;
         } else {
             No2_Logger::err(get_called_class() . 'current_is: ' . 'Wrong user type: ' . get_class($user));
Пример #6
// load Composer stuff
require_once PROJECTDIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// initialize no2 framework.
require_once PROJECTDIR . '/no2/';
// get the config stuff
require_once APPDIR . '/config.class.php';
AppConfig::parse(PROJECTDIR . '/config/config.yml', array('{{APPDIR}}' => APPDIR, '{{PROJECTDIR}}' => PROJECTDIR, '{{WEBDIR}}' => WEBDIR));
// load the application's models.
require_once APPDIR . '/models/user.class.php';
// load the application's helpers.
require_once APPDIR . '/';
// set the timezone
// set the locale
setlocale(LC_ALL, AppConfig::get('l10n.default_locale'));
// start the logger
if (!No2_Logger::setup(AppConfig::get('logger'))) {
    error_log('unable to setup Logger');
// connect to the database.
// try our best to hide the fact that we still use PHP in the 21th century.
if (function_exists('header_remove')) {
    // PHP 5.3+
} else {
    @ini_set('expose_php', 'off');
// start the session
session_set_cookie_params(0, dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
session_start() or die('session_start()');
Пример #7
  * Save the current Object. If the object was loaded by the database, an
  * UPDATE is performed and an INSERT otherwise. This method will call
  * is_valid() and ensure that true is returned before attempting to save
  * it.
  * @param $do_validate
  *   Control if the object's state should be validated (calling and
  *   checking the return value of is_valid()). If $do_validate is true,
  *   is_valid() is called and false is returned by save() if validation
  *   failed. if $do_validate is false, then save() doesn't try to validate
  *   the object.
  * @return
  *   false on error, true otherwise.
 public function save($do_validate = true)
     $is_new_record = $this->is_new_record();
     if ($do_validate && !$this->is_valid()) {
         return false;
     // filter to only SET dirty properties.
     $properties = [];
     foreach ($this->__dirty_db_data as $prop => $dirty) {
         if ($dirty) {
             $properties[$prop] = $this->massage_for_storage($prop, $this->__db_data[$prop]);
     if (!$is_new_record && empty($properties)) {
         // We're doing an UPDATE with no new values. Don't commit anything
         // to the db and return true to notice the caller that somehow,
         // save was a success.
         $success = true;
         $rows = [];
     } else {
         $query = new No2_SQLQuery(get_class($this));
         if ($is_new_record) {
             $rows = $query->insert1($properties);
         } else {
             $rows = $query->set($properties)->id($this->id)->update();
         $success = !is_null($rows);
     if (!$success) {
          * this is strange because we passed through is_valid(). There is
          * some inconsistancies between programmed validation and
          * database validation.
         No2_Logger::err(get_class($this) . '::save: ' . 'database failed to save me:' . print_r($this, true));
     } else {
         // the database query was successful.
         // we're now a saved record, congrats.
         $this->__is_new_record = false;
         // load the row properties from the database response. This is
         // needed for database generated fields.
         foreach ($rows as $name => $value) {
             $this->{$name} = $value;
         // reset the dirty properties, because the db now match them.
         $this->__dirty_db_data = [];
     return $success;
Пример #8
$view = $controller->view();
if (No2_HTTP::is_error($view->status()) && !$controller->can_render_errors()) {
     * The controller declined error handling, so we load the default error
     * controller to generate the response.
    require_once APPDIR . '/controllers/error.class.php';
    $controller = new ErrorController($view->status());
    goto invoke_it;
/* from this point, $controller and $view are set and valid. */
 * Here we know the status code, log the request and render the requested ressource.
No2_Logger::info("{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} - {$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']} - {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']} - {$view->status()}");
/* kindly ask the view to render the response */
try {
     * Don't try to buffer the view's output using something like ob_start(),
     * it will OOM PHP if the response is moderately big.
} catch (Exception $e) {
    No2_Logger::err('view rendering exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
  * partial render.
 protected function render_debug()
     if (No2_Logger::$level >= No2_Logger::DEBUG) {
Пример #10
  * perform a redirection the the location property if this object.
 protected function render_redirect()
     No2_Logger::no2debug(get_class($this) . "::render_redirect: redirecting to {$this->__redirect_location}");
     header("Location: {$this->__redirect_location}");
  * execute an UPDATE instruction. set() should have been called before.
  * @return
  *   false on error, true otherwise.
 public function update()
     if (empty($this->set)) {
         No2_Logger::warn(get_class($this) . '::update: ' . 'called without previous set() call.');
     $klass = $this->klass;
     $arguments = array_merge($this->arguments, ['{__table}' => $klass::$table]);
     $options = ['profile' => $this->profile];
     $db = static::_database_or_throw($this->profile);
     $updated = false;
     if ($db->has_returning()) {
         $sql = "UPDATE {__table} {$this->set} {$this->where} RETURNING *";
         $updated = static::execute($sql, $arguments, $options);
     } else {
         // XXX: asume MySQL, hacky.
         $last_insert_id_hack = (empty($this->set) ? 'SET' : ',') . ' id = LAST_INSERT_ID(id)';
         $sql = "UPDATE {__table} {$this->set} {$last_insert_id_hack} {$this->where}";
         if (static::execute($sql, $arguments, $options) !== false) {
             $updated = static::execute('SELECT * FROM {__table} WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID()', $arguments, $options);
     if ($updated !== false) {
         return $updated;
     } else {
         No2_Logger::warn(get_class($this) . '::update: ' . "SQL query returned FALSE: {$sql}");
         No2_Logger::warn('error message: ' . $db->error());
         return null;
  * This method is called by the view before rendering a zone.
  * The view is asked by the template to render a zone. It first call its
  * controller pre_render() method with the zone to render. pre_render()
  * will setup views properties if needed (setup). To do the rendering it
  * can either output data or return a file (like a template file) that will
  * be included (or both). It can also control if the zone should be
  * rendered or not (for example based on authorization) and return a file
  * or not accordingly.
  * This implementation will call the magic protected method render_$zone if
  * it exist. All subclasses are expected to define such method instead of
  * overriding pre_render().
  * @param $zone
  *   The zone the view has been asked to render.
  * @return
  *   a (template) file to be included or null if nothing has to be done by
  *   the view.
 public function pre_render($zone)
     $method = "render_{$zone}";
     $tpl = null;
     if ($this->has_protected_method($method)) {
         $tpl = $this->{$method}();
     if (!is_null($tpl)) {
         No2_Logger::no2debug(get_class($this) . "::pre_render(zone={$zone}): " . "sending template " . basename($tpl) . " back to view");
     return $tpl;
Пример #13
  * make a SQL query to the database. the query should be properly escaped
  * since it will be directly passed to mysql_query().
  * @see
 public function query($query)
     No2_Logger::debug('mysql_query: ' . preg_replace('/\\s+/m', ' ', $query));
     $result = mysql_query($query, $this->link);
     return $result;