Пример #1
 public function save_newfile($srvid, $file, $content)
     if (empty($file)) {
         return 'No filename given!';
     // Get network ID
     $result_nid = @mysql_query("SELECT netid FROM servers WHERE id = '{$srvid}'");
     $row_nid = mysql_fetch_row($result_nid);
     $this_netid = $row_nid[0];
     if (empty($this_netid)) {
         return 'Failed to get network ID!';
     require DOCROOT . '/includes/classes/network.php';
     $Network = new Network();
     $netinfo = $Network->netinfo($this_netid);
     #$net_game_ip    = $netinfo['game_ip'];
     #$net_game_port  = $netinfo['game_port'];
     #$net_gameuser   = $netinfo['username'];
     $net_local = $netinfo['is_local'];
     // Get real server info
     require DOCROOT . '/includes/classes/servers.php';
     $Servers = new Servers();
     $srvinfo = $Servers->getinfo($srvid);
     $net_game_ip = $srvinfo[0]['ip'];
     $net_gameuser = $srvinfo[0]['username'];
     $net_game_port = $srvinfo[0]['port'];
     // Add full path to file
     if (isset($_SESSION['curdir'])) {
         $file = $_SESSION['curdir'] . '/' . $file;
     // Get userdir
     if ($net_local) {
         $localdir = DOCROOT . '/_SERVERS/';
         $game_dir = $localdir . '/accounts/' . $net_gameuser . '/' . $net_game_ip . '.' . $net_game_port . '/' . $file;
         // Stupid newlines, this took forever to figure out '\\\n/' - either jquery caused this or the textarea did, no idea
         $content = preg_replace('/\\\\n/', "\n", $content);
         $content = stripslashes($content);
         // Write to file
         $fh = fopen($game_dir, "w") or die('Failed to open file for writing!');
         fwrite($fh, $content);
         return 'success';
     } else {
         #$file_path  = $netinfo['ssh_homedir'] . "/accounts/$net_gameuser/$net_game_ip\.$net_game_port/$file";
         // Get SSO info
         $sso_info = $Network->sso_info($srvid);
         $file_path = $sso_info['game_path'] . '/' . $file;
         // Save File
         $run_cmd = 'FileSave -f ' . $file_path . ' -c "' . $content . '"';
         // Run the command, return output
         return $Network->runcmd($this_netid, $netinfo, $run_cmd, true, $srvid);
Пример #2
 public function create($netid, $gameid, $ownerid, $tplid, $port, $description, $total_slots, $rcon_password, $is_private, $private_password)
     #if(empty($netid) || empty($gameid) || empty($ownerid)) return 'Servers: Insufficient info provided';
     if (empty($netid)) {
         return 'Servers: No Network Server provided!';
     } elseif (empty($ownerid)) {
         return 'Servers: No username provided!';
     # elseif(empty($gameid)) return 'Servers: No game/voice server name provided!';
     // Generate random token for remote server callback
     $Core = new Core();
     $remote_token = $Core->genstring('16');
     // Check for uses IP/Port combo (false if used)
     if (!$this->checkcombo($netid, $port)) {
         return 'Servers: That IP/Port combination is already in use!  Please choose a different IP or Port and try again.';
     // Grab Game ID if not given (get from template)
     if (empty($gameid)) {
         if (!empty($tplid) && is_numeric($tplid)) {
             // Query for gameid
             $result_gmid = @mysql_query("SELECT cfgid FROM templates WHERE id = '{$tplid}'") or die('Failed to query for game ID');
             $row_gmid = mysql_fetch_row($result_gmid);
             $gameid = $row_gmid[0];
             if (empty($gameid)) {
                 return 'Template ID specified, but no Game ID found from it!';
         } else {
             return 'No Game ID or empty/invalid Template ID specified!';
     // Get owner username
     $result_name = @mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = '{$ownerid}' LIMIT 1") or die('Failed to query for username');
     $row_name = mysql_fetch_row($result_name);
     $this_usrname = $row_name[0];
     // Get default template
     if (empty($tplid)) {
         $result_tpl = @mysql_query("SELECT id FROM templates WHERE cfgid = '{$gameid}' AND status = 'complete' AND is_default = '1' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1") or die('Failed to get the default template');
         $row_tpl = mysql_fetch_row($result_tpl);
         $this_tplid = $row_tpl[0];
     } else {
         $this_tplid = $tplid;
     // Setup to create on remote server
     require_once DOCROOT . '/includes/classes/network.php';
     $Network = new Network();
     $net_arr = $Network->netinfo($netid);
     if (!empty($net_arr['real_ip'])) {
         $this_ip = $net_arr['real_ip'];
     } else {
         $this_ip = $net_arr['game_ip'];
     # if(empty($net_arr['game_ip'])) $this_ip = $net_arr['ssh_ip'];
     # else $this_ip  = $net_arr['game_ip'];
     // Double check everything
     if (empty($this_usrname)) {
         return 'Servers: No username specified!';
     } elseif (empty($this_ip)) {
         return 'Servers: No IP Address specified!';
     } elseif (empty($port)) {
         return 'Servers: No port specified!';
     } elseif (empty($this_tplid)) {
         return 'Servers: No template found for this game!';
     // Get some defaults
     $result_dfts = @mysql_query("SELECT maxplayers,working_dir,pid_file,update_cmd,simplecmd,map,hostname FROM default_games WHERE id = '{$gameid}' LIMIT 1") or die('Failed to query for defaults');
     $row_dfts = mysql_fetch_row($result_dfts);
     $def_working_dir = mysql_real_escape_string($row_dfts[1]);
     $def_pid_file = mysql_real_escape_string($row_dfts[2]);
     $def_update_cmd = mysql_real_escape_string($row_dfts[3]);
     $def_simple_cmd = mysql_real_escape_string($row_dfts[4]);
     $def_map = mysql_real_escape_string($row_dfts[5]);
     $def_hostname = mysql_real_escape_string($row_dfts[6]);
     // Max player slots - use what was given, otherwise use the default
     if (!empty($total_slots) && is_numeric($total_slots)) {
         $def_maxplayers = mysql_real_escape_string($total_slots);
     } else {
         $def_maxplayers = mysql_real_escape_string($row_dfts[0]);
     // Generate random rcon password if not specified
     if (empty($rcon_password)) {
         $rcon_password = $Core->genstring('8');
     // If local, ensure we can write to the _SERVERS/accounts directory
     $result_loc = @mysql_query("SELECT is_local FROM network WHERE id = '{$netid}' LIMIT 1");
     $row_loc = mysql_fetch_row($result_loc);
     $net_local = $row_loc[0];
     if ($net_local && !is_writable(DOCROOT . '/_SERVERS/accounts')) {
         die('Error: Unable to write to the "' . DOCROOT . '/_SERVERS/accounts" directory.  Check that this directory is recursively owned by your webserver user, and try again.');
     // Insert into db
     @mysql_query("INSERT INTO servers (userid,netid,defid,port,maxplayers,status,date_created,token,working_dir,pid_file,update_cmd,description,map,rcon,hostname,sv_password) VALUES('{$ownerid}','{$netid}','{$gameid}','{$port}','{$def_maxplayers}','installing',NOW(),'{$remote_token}','{$def_working_dir}','{$def_pid_file}','{$def_update_cmd}','{$description}','{$def_map}','{$rcon_password}','{$def_hostname}','{$private_password}')") or die('Failed to insert server: ' . mysql_error());
     $srv_id = mysql_insert_id();
     // Insert default srv settings
     $result_smp = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM default_startup WHERE defid = '{$gameid}' ORDER BY sort_order ASC");
     $total_strt = mysql_num_rows($result_smp);
     $insert_new = 'INSERT INTO servers_startup (srvid,sort_order,single,usr_edit,cmd_item,cmd_value) VALUES ';
     $simplecmd = '';
     while ($row_smp = mysql_fetch_array($result_smp)) {
         $cmd_sort = $row_smp['sort_order'];
         $cmd_single = $row_smp['single'];
         $cmd_usred = $row_smp['usr_edit'];
         $cmd_item = $row_smp['cmd_item'];
         $cmd_val = $row_smp['cmd_value'];
         $insert_new .= "('{$srv_id}','{$cmd_sort}','{$cmd_single}','{$cmd_usred}','{$cmd_item}','{$cmd_val}'),";
         // Replace %vars% for simplecmd
         $cmd_val = str_replace('%IP%', $this_ip, $cmd_val);
         $cmd_val = str_replace('%PORT%', $port, $cmd_val);
         $cmd_val = str_replace('%MAP%', $def_map, $cmd_val);
         $cmd_val = str_replace('%MAXPLAYERS%', $def_maxplayers, $cmd_val);
         $cmd_val = str_replace('%HOSTNAME%', $def_hostname, $cmd_val);
         // Update simplecmd
         $simplecmd .= $cmd_item . ' ';
         if ($cmd_val || $cmd_val == '0') {
             $simplecmd .= $cmd_val . ' ';
     // Run multi-insert (only if there were default startup items)
     if ($total_strt) {
         // Remove last comma
         $insert_new = substr($insert_new, 0, -1);
         @mysql_query($insert_new) or die('Failed to insert startup items: ' . mysql_error());
     // Add simplecmd
     if (empty($simplecmd)) {
         $simplecmd = $def_simple_cmd;
     @mysql_query("UPDATE servers SET simplecmd = '{$simplecmd}' WHERE id = '{$srv_id}'");
     // Get callback page
     $this_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
     $this_page = str_replace('ajax/ajax.php', '', $this_url);
     $this_page = str_replace('api/api.php', '', $this_page);
     $this_page .= '/includes/callback.php?token=' . $remote_token . '&id=' . $srv_id;
     $this_page = preg_replace('/\\/+/', '/', $this_page);
     // Remove extra slashes
     $this_page = 'http://' . $this_page;
     // Create on Remote server
     // Check via 'gpx' user if account exists, create if needed, THEN run CreateServer.  Cannot add this functionality to CreateServer as CreateServer is run by the gpxblah accounts.
     if (!$net_local) {
         $sso_info = $Network->sso_info($srv_id);
         $sso_user = substr($sso_info['sso_user'], 3);
         // Lose the 'gpx' prefix
         $sso_pass = $sso_info['sso_pass'];
         // Remote: Create the system user account if needed.  Okay if it already exists.
         $crypt_pass = crypt($sso_pass);
         $net_cmd = "CreateUser -u '{$sso_user}' -p '{$crypt_pass}'";
         $create_result = $Network->runcmd($netid, $net_arr, $net_cmd, true);
         // Proceed if the user exists, or it was successfully created
         if ($create_result == 'success') {
             // Allow GPXManager to create the account
         } elseif (!preg_match('/That user already exists/', $create_result)) {
             // Failed, delete this server
             die('Failed to create the user account for this server (' . $create_result . ') exiting.');
     $net_cmd = "CreateServer -u {$this_usrname} -i {$this_ip} -p {$port} -x {$this_tplid} -c \"{$this_page}\"";
     $result_net_create = $Network->runcmd($netid, $net_arr, $net_cmd, true, $srv_id);
     if ($result_net_create != 'success') {
         // Failed on Remote Creation; delete this server
         #@mysql_query("DELETE FROM servers WHERE id = '$srv_id'") or die('Failed to delete the server from the database');
         #@mysql_query("DELETE FROM servers_startup WHERE srvid = '$srv_id'") or die('Failed to delete the server startups from the database');
         return 'Remote Failed: ' . $result_net_create;
     } else {
         return 'success';