    $error = NULL;
    if ($file_count != $cnt) {
        $error_msg = __("Select any {$media_type} file to upload");
    if (empty(PA::$login_uid)) {
        $error_msg = __("You have to login before uploading {$media_type}");
if (!empty($_POST) && empty($error_msg)) {
    for ($k = 0; $k < $cnt; $k++) {
        $upload = uihelper_upload_gallery(PA::$login_uid, $_POST, $_FILES, $extention, $k);
        if ($upload[3] == TRUE) {
            if ($extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES && PA::$network_info->owner_id != PA::$login_uid) {
                Network::moderate_network_content((int) $upload['album_id'], $upload[4]);
                // is_active = 2 for unverified content
                $moderation_msg = TRUE;
            $uploaded = TRUE;
            $success = true;
        } else {
            $error_msg = $upload[1];
            //index 1 has the error message during uploading
// Code for Re-Direction
if (isset($success) && $success == true) {
    switch ($_GET['type']) {
        case 'Images':
$error_msg = NULL;
if ($file_count == $cnt) {
    $error_msg = "Select any {$media_type} file to upload";
if (empty($login_uid)) {
    $error_msg = "You have to login before uploading {$media_type}";
if (!empty($_POST) && empty($error_msg)) {
    for ($k = 0; $k < $cnt; $k++) {
        $upload = uihelper_upload_gallery_for_group($login_uid, $_POST, $_FILES, $extention, $k);
        if ($upload[3] == TRUE) {
            if ($extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES && PA::$network_info->owner_id != $login_uid) {
                Network::moderate_network_content((int) $upload['collection_id'], $upload['content_id']);
                $msg_id = 1004;
            $uploaded = TRUE;
            $success = true;
        } else {
            $error_msg = $upload[1];
            //index 1 has the error message during uploading
// deleting media
try {
    $id = @$_GET['id'];
    if (!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'delete') {
        if ($_GET['type'] == 'Images') {
Пример #3
 //.. end of edit
 // If we have come this far it means it is not edit and we have to create post
 //save post normally
 if ($_POST['route_to_pa_home'] == 1) {
     $display_on_homepage = DISPLAY_ON_HOMEPAGE;
     //its zero
 } else {
     $display_on_homepage = NO_DISPLAY_ON_HOMEPAGE;
     //This will not show up on homepage - flag has opposite values
 $post_saved = BlogPost::save_blogpost(0, $login_uid, $_POST["blog_title"], $_POST["description"], NULL, $terms, -1, 1, $display_on_homepage);
 $permalink_cid = $post_saved['cid'];
 if ($extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES && $network_info->owner_id != $user->user_id) {
     Network::moderate_network_content(-1, $permalink_cid);
     // -1 for contents; not a part of any collection
     $error_msg = "&err=" . urlencode(MessagesHandler::get_message(1004));
 $content_author_image = uihelper_resize_mk_user_img($user->picture, 80, 80, 'alt="' . $user->first_name . '" align="left" style="padding: 0px 12px 12px 0px;"');
 $network_owner_name = User::map_ids_to_logins($network_info->owner_id);
 $params['cid'] = $permalink_cid;
 $params['first_name'] = $user->first_name;
 $params['user_id'] = $user->user_id;
 $params['user_image'] = $content_author_image;
 $params['content_title'] = $_POST["blog_title"];
 $params['network_name'] = $network_info->name;
 $params['content_url'] = PA::$url . '/' . FILE_CONTENT . '?cid=' . $permalink_cid;
 $params['content_moderation_url'] = PA::$url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_MANAGE_CONTENT;
 $params['config_site_name'] = $config_site_name;
 $params['network_owner_name'] = $network_owner_name[$network_info->owner_id];
function route2groups()
    global $user, $is_edit;
    $extra = unserialize(PA::$network_info->extra);
    $tags = preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', strtolower($_POST['tags']));
    $tags = array_unique($tags);
    $net_owner = new User();
    $net_owner->load((int) PA::$network_info->owner_id);
    $valid_post_types = array('BlogPost', 'Contribution', 'Suggestion');
    $type = isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['blog_type']) && in_array($_POST['blog_type'], $valid_post_types) ? $_POST['blog_type'] : 'BlogPost';
    //find tag entry
    $terms = array();
    foreach ($tags as $term) {
        $tr = trim($term);
        if ($tr) {
            $terms[] = $tr;
    if (!empty($_POST['route_to_pa_home']) && $_POST['route_to_pa_home'] == 1) {
        $display_on_homepage = DISPLAY_ON_HOMEPAGE;
        //its zero
    } else {
        $display_on_homepage = NO_DISPLAY_ON_HOMEPAGE;
        //This will not show up on homepage - flag has opposite values
    if (is_array($_POST['route_targets_group'])) {
        if (in_array(-2, $_POST['route_targets_group'])) {
            //-2 means Select none of group
            // no need to post in any group
        } elseif (in_array(-1, $_POST['route_targets_group'])) {
            //-1 means select all the groups
            // post in all the groups
            $group_array = explode(',', $_POST['Allgroups']);
            foreach ($group_array as $gid) {
                // post to all the groups
                $_group = Group::load_group_by_id((int) $gid);
                $login_required_str = null;
                if ($_group->access_type == ACCESS_PRIVATE) {
                    $login_required_str = '&login_required=true';
                switch ($type) {
                    case 'BlogPost':
                        $res = BlogPost::save_blogpost(0, PA::$login_uid, $_POST['blog_title'], $_POST['description'], NULL, $terms, $gid, $is_active = 1, $display_on_homepage);
                    case 'Contribution':
                        $res = Contribution::save_contribution(0, PA::$login_uid, $_POST['blog_title'], $_POST['description'], NULL, $terms, $gid, $is_active = 1, $display_on_homepage);
                    case 'Suggestion':
                        $res = Suggetion::save_suggestion(0, PA::$login_uid, $_POST['blog_title'], $_POST['description'], NULL, $terms, $gid, $is_active = 1, $display_on_homepage);
                $permalink_cid = $res['cid'];
                // NOTE: would this notification message be sent for each group ???
                $content_obj = Content::load_content((int) $permalink_cid);
                PANotify::send("content_posted", PA::$network_info, $user, $content_obj);
                // notify network owner (maybe group owner would be better?)
                if ($display_on_homepage == DISPLAY_ON_HOMEPAGE) {
                    PANotify::send("content_posted_to_comm_blog", PA::$network_info, $user, $content_obj);
                //for rivers of people
                $activity = 'group_post_a_blog';
                $activity_extra['info'] = $user->first_name . 'posted a new blog';
                $activity_extra['blog_name'] = $_POST["blog_title"];
                $activity_extra['blog_id'] = $permalink_cid;
                $activity_extra['blog_url'] = PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_CONTENT . '/cid=' . $permalink_cid . $login_required_str;
                $extra = serialize($activity_extra);
                $object = $gid;
                // update status to unverified
                $group = ContentCollection::load_collection((int) $gid, PA::$login_uid);
                if ($group->reg_type == REG_MODERATED) {
                    Network::moderate_network_content((int) $gid, $permalink_cid);
                } else {
                    if ($extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES && $is_edit == 0 && PA::$network_info->owner_id != $user->user_id) {
                        Network::moderate_network_content($gid, $permalink_cid);
                if (!PA::is_moderated_content() && $group->reg_type != REG_MODERATED) {
                    //Write to activity log only when moderation is off
                    Activities::save($user->user_id, $activity, $object, $extra);
        } else {
            // post in selected groups
            foreach ($_POST['route_targets_group'] as $gid) {
                //only send to selected groups
                $_group = Group::load_group_by_id((int) $gid);
                $login_required_str = null;
                if ($_group->access_type == ACCESS_PRIVATE) {
                    $login_required_str = '&login_required=true';
                switch ($type) {
                    case 'BlogPost':
                        $res = BlogPost::save_blogpost(0, PA::$login_uid, $_POST['blog_title'], $_POST['description'], NULL, $terms, $gid, $is_active = 1, $display_on_homepage);
                    case 'Contribution':
                        $res = Contribution::save_contribution(0, PA::$login_uid, $_POST['blog_title'], $_POST['description'], NULL, $terms, $gid, $is_active = 1, $display_on_homepage);
                    case 'Suggestion':
                        $res = Suggestion::save_suggestion(0, PA::$login_uid, $_POST['blog_title'], $_POST['description'], NULL, $terms, $gid, $is_active = 1, $display_on_homepage);
                $permalink_cid = $res['cid'];
                $content_obj = Content::load_content((int) $permalink_cid);
                PANotify::send("content_posted", PA::$network_info, $user, $content_obj);
                // notify network owner (maybe group owner would be better?)
                if ($display_on_homepage == DISPLAY_ON_HOMEPAGE) {
                    PANotify::send("content_posted_to_comm_blog", PA::$network_info, $user, $content_obj);
                //for rivers of people
                $activity = 'group_post_a_blog';
                $activity_extra['info'] = $user->first_name . 'posted a new blog';
                $activity_extra['blog_name'] = $_POST["blog_title"];
                $activity_extra['blog_id'] = $permalink_cid;
                $activity_extra['blog_url'] = PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_CONTENT . '/cid=' . $permalink_cid . $login_required_str;
                $extra = serialize($activity_extra);
                $object = $gid;
                // update status to unverified
                $group = ContentCollection::load_collection((int) $gid, PA::$login_uid);
                if ($group->reg_type == REG_MODERATED) {
                    Network::moderate_network_content((int) $gid, $permalink_cid);
                } else {
                    if ($extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES && $is_edit == 0 && PA::$network_info->owner_id != $user->user_id) {
                        Network::moderate_network_content($gid, $permalink_cid);
                if (!PA::is_moderated_content() && $group->reg_type != REG_MODERATED) {
                    //Write to activity log only when moderation is off
                    Activities::save($user->user_id, $activity, $object, $extra);
    return TRUE;
Пример #5
function save_post($cid = NULL, $ccid = NULL, $is_album = FALSE, $display_on = 1)
    global $user, $network_info;
    $extra = unserialize($network_info->extra);
    $micro_content_post = new SBMicroContent();
    $content = $micro_content_post->format_structured_content();
    $micro_content_post->body = $content;
    $micro_content_post->author_id = $_SESSION['user']['id'];
    $micro_content_post->allow_comments = 1;
    $micro_content_post->trackbacks = $_REQUEST['trackback'];
    $micro_content_post->is_active = 1;
    if ($cid) {
        $micro_content_post->content_id = $cid;
        $condition = array('content_id' => $cid);
        $is_active = ACTIVE;
        if ($extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES) {
            $content = Content::load_all_content_for_moderation(NULL, $condition);
            if (!empty($content)) {
                $is_active = $content[0]['is_active'];
        $micro_content_post->is_active = $is_active;
    if (!$ccid) {
        //independent post which is not part of any contentcollection
        $ccid = -1;
    $micro_content_post->parent_collection_id = $ccid;
    $micro_content_post->display_on = $display_on;
    $sb_content = array();
    $sb_content = SBMicroContent::get_sbtype_id($_REQUEST['sb_mc_type'], $with_name = true);
    $micro_content_post->sbtype_id = $sb_content["sbtype_id"];
    $micro_content_post->title = $_POST[$sb_content["titlefield"]];
    //echo '<pre>';print_r($content);
    $return_array = array('title' => $_POST[$sb_content["titlefield"]], 'body' => $content, 'content_id' => $micro_content_post->content_id);
    if ($ccid != -1 && !$is_album) {
        // Code for checking groups with moderated content.
        //fix me change it for using ContentCollection::get_collection_type()
        $collection = ContentCollection::load_collection($micro_content_post->parent_collection_id, $micro_content_post->author_id);
        if ($collection->is_moderated) {
            $Group = new Group();
            $Group->collection_id = $micro_content_post->parent_collection_id;
            $return_array['is_moderated'] = 1;
    $permalink_cid = $micro_content_post->content_id;
    $content_author_image = uihelper_resize_mk_user_img($user->picture, 80, 80, 'alt="' . $user->first_name . '" align="left" style="padding: 0px 12px 12px 0px;"');
    $params['cid'] = $permalink_cid;
    $params['first_name'] = $user->first_name;
    $params['user_id'] = $user->user_id;
    $params['user_image'] = $content_author_image;
    $params['content_title'] = $micro_content_post->title;
    $params['network_name'] = $network_info->name;
    auto_email_notification('content_posted', $params);
    if ($_POST['route_to_pa_home'] == 1) {
        auto_email_notification('content_posted_to_comm_blog', $params);
    if ($extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES && $network_info->owner_id != $user->user_id) {
        Network::moderate_network_content(-1, $permalink_cid);
        // -1 for contents; not a part of any collection
        $return_array['msg'] = 1004;
    return $return_array;
        $location = $redirect_url . '/media/gallery/Videos/view=groups_media&gid=' . $_GET['group_id'];
        $params['media_full_view_url'] = $redirect_url . '/' . FILE_MEDIA_FULL_VIEW . '?cid=' . $new_video->content_id;
        $group = new Group();
        $group->load((int) $_GET['group_id']);
        if ($group->reg_type == REG_MODERATED && !in_array(PA::$login_uid, $group->moderators)) {
            $moderation = TRUE;
            $params['media_full_view_url'] = $redirect_url . '/group_moderation.php?view=content&gid=' . $_GET['group_id'];
    } else {
        $activity = 'user_video_upload';
        //for rivers of people
        $location = $redirect_url . '/media/gallery/Videos/uid=' . PA::$login_uid;
    $task = Roles::check_permission_by_value(PA::$login_uid, 'manage_content');
    if (($network_extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES && $network_details->owner_id != PA::$login_uid || $moderation) && PA::$login_uid != SUPER_USER_ID) {
        Network::moderate_network_content($new_video->parent_collection_id, $new_video->content_id);
        // is_active = 2 for unverified content
        //     $location .= 1005;
    } else {
        //To send mail to all the members of the organization
        $params['content_type'] = 'Video';
        $params['content_title'] = $new_video->title;
        $params['first_name'] = PA::$user->first_name;
        $params['content_url'] = $redirect_url . '/' . FILE_MEDIA_FULL_VIEW . '?type=Videos&display=videos&cid=' . $new_video->content_id . '&uid=' . PA::$login_uid;
        $params['nid'] = PA::$network_info->network_id;
        //To show this video in recent in system log
        $activity = 'user_video_upload';
        //for rivers of people
        $activity_extra['info'] = PA::$user->first_name . ' uploaded a image in album id = 
		      ' . $new_video->parent_collection_id;
        $activity_extra['content_id'] = $new_video->content_id;
Пример #7
function route2groups()
    global $login_uid, $user, $network_info;
    $extra = unserialize($network_info->extra);
    $tags = explode(',', $_POST['tags']);
    //find tag entry
    foreach ($tags as $term) {
        $tr = trim($term);
        if ($tr) {
            $terms[] = $tr;
    if ($_POST['route_to_pa_home'] == 1) {
        $display_on_homepage = DISPLAY_ON_HOMEPAGE;
        //its zero
    } else {
        $display_on_homepage = NO_DISPLAY_ON_HOMEPAGE;
        //This will not show up on homepage - flag has opposite values
    if (is_array($_POST['route_targets_group'])) {
        if (in_array(-2, $_POST['route_targets_group'])) {
            //-2 means Select none of group
            // no need to post in any group
        } elseif (in_array(-1, $_POST['route_targets_group'])) {
            //-1 means select all the groups
            // post in all the groups
            $group_array = explode(',', $_POST['Allgroups']);
            foreach ($group_array as $gid) {
                // post to all the groups
                $res = BlogPost::save_blogpost(0, $login_uid, $_POST['blog_title'], $_POST['description'], NULL, $terms, $gid, $is_active = 1, $display_on_homepage);
                $permalink_cid = $res['cid'];
                $content_author_image = uihelper_resize_mk_user_img($user->picture, 80, 80, 'alt="' . $user->first_name . '" align="left" style="padding: 0px 12px 12px 0px;"');
                $params['cid'] = $permalink_cid;
                $params['first_name'] = $user->first_name;
                $params['user_id'] = $user->user_id;
                $params['user_image'] = $content_author_image;
                $params['content_title'] = $_POST["blog_title"];
                $params['network_name'] = $network_info->name;
                auto_email_notification('content_posted', $params);
                if ($_POST['route_to_pa_home'] == 1) {
                    auto_email_notification('content_posted_to_comm_blog', $params);
            // update status to unverified
            if ($extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES && $is_edit == 0 && $network_info->owner_id != $user->user_id) {
                Network::moderate_network_content($gid, $permalink_cid);
        } else {
            // post in selected groups
            foreach ($_POST['route_targets_group'] as $gid) {
                //only send to selected groups
                $res = BlogPost::save_blogpost(0, $login_uid, $_POST['blog_title'], $_POST['description'], NULL, $terms, $gid, $is_active = 1, $display_on_homepage);
                $permalink_cid = $res['cid'];
                $content_author_image = uihelper_resize_mk_user_img($user->picture, 80, 80, 'alt="' . $user->first_name . '" align="left" style="padding: 0px 12px 12px 0px;"');
                $params['cid'] = $permalink_cid;
                $params['first_name'] = $user->first_name;
                $params['user_id'] = $user->user_id;
                $params['user_image'] = $content_author_image;
                $params['content_title'] = $_POST["blog_title"];
                $params['network_name'] = $network_info->name;
                auto_email_notification('content_posted', $params);
                if ($_POST['route_to_pa_home'] == 1) {
                    auto_email_notification('content_posted_to_comm_blog', $params);
                // update status to unverified
                if ($extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES && $is_edit == 0 && $network_info->owner_id != $user->user_id) {
                    Network::moderate_network_content($gid, $permalink_cid);
    return TRUE;