public static function Instance() { if (self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = new Model(); } return self::$instance; }
public static function get_instance() { if (self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
/** * Singleton constructor * @return static */ public static function getInstance() { if (is_null(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new static(); } return self::$instance; }
public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance == NULL) { self::$instance = new Model(); } return self::$instance; }
public function index() { $model = Model::instance(); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Grid/assets/grid.js'); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Grid/assets/gridInit.js'); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Grid/assets/subgridField.js'); $notes = array(); if (isset($_SESSION['Ip']['notes']) && is_array($_SESSION['Ip']['notes'])) { $notes = $_SESSION['Ip']['notes']; } unset($_SESSION['Ip']['notes']); $enableUpdate = !defined('MULTISITE_WEBSITES_DIR'); // Disable update in MultiSite installation. $trash = array('size' => \Ip\Internal\Pages\Service::trashSize()); $data = array('notes' => $notes, 'version' => \Ip\ServiceLocator::storage()->get('Ip', 'version'), 'changedUrl' => $model->getOldUrl() != $model->getNewUrl(), 'oldUrl' => $model->getOldUrl(), 'newUrl' => $model->getNewUrl(), 'migrationsAvailable' => \Ip\Internal\Update\Service::migrationsAvailable(), 'migrationsUrl' => ipActionUrl(array('pa' => 'Update')), 'recoveryPageForm' => \Ip\Internal\System\Helper::recoveryPageForm(), 'emptyPageForm' => \Ip\Internal\System\Helper::emptyPageForm(), 'trash' => $trash); $content = ipView('view/index.php', $data)->render(); if ($enableUpdate) { ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/System/assets/update.js'); } if ($trash['size'] > 0) { ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Core/assets/js/angular.js'); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/System/assets/trash.js'); } ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/System/assets/migrations.js'); ipAddJs('assets/cache.js'); return $content; }
private static function checkForUpdates() { $module = Model::instance(); $systemInfo = $module->getIpNotifications(); if ($systemInfo != '') { //send an email $md5 = \Ip\ServiceLocator::storage()->get('Ip', 'lastSystemMessageSent'); if (!$md5 || $md5 != md5(serialize($systemInfo))) { //we have a new message $message = ''; $messages = $systemInfo; if (is_array($messages)) { foreach ($messages as $messageVal) { $message .= '<p>' . $messageVal->message . '</p>'; } $onlyStatusMessages = true; foreach ($messages as $messageVal) { if ($messageVal->type != 'status') { $onlyStatusMessages = false; } } if ($onlyStatusMessages) { return; //TODO replace to something that would not terminate execution of following scripts if they will be there some day } } else { return; //TODO replace to something that would not terminate execution of following scripts if they will be there some day } ipEvent('ipSystemMessages', array('messages' => $messages)); \Ip\ServiceLocator::storage()->set('Ip', 'lastSystemMessageSent', md5(serialize($systemInfo))); } } }
public static function getInstance() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new Model(); } return self::$instance; }
public function downloadTheme($name, $url, $signature) { $model = Model::instance(); //download theme $net = new \Ip\Internal\NetHelper(); $themeTempFilename = $net->downloadFile($url, ipFile('file/secure/tmp/'), $name . '.zip'); if (!$themeTempFilename) { throw new \Ip\Exception('Theme file download failed.'); } $archivePath = ipFile('file/secure/tmp/' . $themeTempFilename); //check signature $fileMd5 = md5_file($archivePath); $rsa = new \Crypt_RSA(); $rsa->loadKey($this->publicKey); $rsa->setSignatureMode(CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1); $verified = $rsa->verify($fileMd5, base64_decode($signature)); if (!$verified) { throw new \Ip\Exception('Theme signature verification failed.'); } //extract $helper = Helper::instance(); $secureTmpDir = ipFile('file/secure/tmp/'); $tmpExtractedDir = \Ip\Internal\File\Functions::genUnoccupiedName($name, $secureTmpDir); \Ip\Internal\Helper\Zip::extract($secureTmpDir . $themeTempFilename, $secureTmpDir . $tmpExtractedDir); unlink($archivePath); //install $extractedDir = $helper->getFirstDir($secureTmpDir . $tmpExtractedDir); $installDir = $model->getThemeInstallDir(); $newThemeDir = \Ip\Internal\File\Functions::genUnoccupiedName($name, $installDir); rename($secureTmpDir . $tmpExtractedDir . '/' . $extractedDir, $installDir . $newThemeDir); }
protected static function getAdminNavbarHtml() { $requestData = \Ip\ServiceLocator::request()->getRequest(); $curModTitle = ''; $curModUrl = ''; $curModIcon = ''; if (!empty($requestData['aa'])) { $parts = explode('.', $requestData['aa']); $curModule = $parts[0]; } else { $curModule = "Content"; } if (isset($curModule) && $curModule) { $title = $curModule; $plugin = \Ip\Internal\Plugins\Service::getPluginConfig($curModule); if ($plugin) { $title = $plugin['title']; } $curModTitle = __($title, 'Ip-admin', false); $curModUrl = ipActionUrl(array('aa' => $curModule . '.index')); $curModIcon = Model::getAdminMenuItemIcon($curModule); } $navbarButtons = array(array('text' => '', 'hint' => __('Logout', 'Ip-admin', false), 'url' => ipActionUrl(array('sa' => 'Admin.logout')), 'class' => 'ipsAdminLogout', 'faIcon' => 'fa-power-off')); $navbarButtons = ipFilter('ipAdminNavbarButtons', $navbarButtons); $navbarCenterElements = ipFilter('ipAdminNavbarCenterElements', array()); $data = array('menuItems' => Model::instance()->getAdminMenuItems($curModule), 'curModTitle' => $curModTitle, 'curModUrl' => $curModUrl, 'curModIcon' => $curModIcon, 'navbarButtons' => array_reverse($navbarButtons), 'navbarCenterElements' => $navbarCenterElements); $html = ipView('view/navbar.php', $data)->render(); return $html; }
protected static function initConfig() { ipAddCss('Ip/Internal/Core/assets/admin/admin.css'); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Core/assets/js/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js'); ipAddJsVariable('ipTranslationSaving', __('Saving...', 'Ip-admin', false)); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Design/assets/optionsBox.js'); ipAddJsVariable('ipModuleDesignConfiguration', Helper::getConfigurationBoxHtml()); if (file_exists(ipThemeFile(Model::INSTALL_DIR . 'Options.js'))) { ipAddJs(ipThemeUrl(Model::INSTALL_DIR . 'Options.js')); } elseif (file_exists(ipThemeFile(Model::INSTALL_DIR . 'options.js'))) { ipAddJs(ipThemeUrl(Model::INSTALL_DIR . 'options.js')); } $model = Model::instance(); $theme = $model->getTheme(ipConfig()->theme()); if (!$theme) { throw new \Ip\Exception("Theme doesn't exist"); } $options = $theme->getOptionsAsArray(); $fieldNames = array(); foreach ($options as $option) { if (empty($option['name'])) { continue; } $fieldNames[] = $option['name']; } ipAddJsVariable('ipModuleDesignOptionNames', $fieldNames); }
/** * @param string $themeName * @param string $lessFile * @return string */ public function compileFile($themeName, $lessFile) { $model = Model::instance(); $theme = $model->getTheme($themeName); $options = $theme->getOptionsAsArray(); $configModel = ConfigModel::instance(); $config = $configModel->getAllConfigValues($themeName); $less = "@import '{$lessFile}';"; $less .= $this->generateLessVariables($options, $config); $css = ''; try { require_once ipFile('Ip/Lib/less.php/Less.php'); $themeDir = ipFile('Theme/' . $themeName . '/assets/'); $ipContentDir = ipFile('Ip/Internal/Core/assets/ipContent/'); // creating new context to pass theme assets directory dynamically to a static callback function $context = $this; $callback = function ($parseFile) use($context, $themeDir) { return $context->overrideImportDirectory($themeDir, $parseFile); }; $parserOptions = array('import_callback' => $callback, 'cache_dir' => ipFile('file/tmp/less/'), 'relativeUrls' => false, 'sourceMap' => true); $parser = new \Less_Parser($parserOptions); $directories = array($themeDir => '', $ipContentDir => ''); $parser->SetImportDirs($directories); $parser->parse($less); $css = $parser->getCss(); $css = "/* Edit {$lessFile}, not this file. */" . "\n" . $css; } catch (\Exception $e) { ipLog()->error('Less compilation error: Theme - ' . $e->getMessage()); } return $css; }
static function get_instance() { if (self::$instance instanceof self) { return self::$instance; } return self::$instance = new self(); }
public static function __callStatic($function, $arguments) { // avoid cap errors if (strtolower($function) == strtolower(get_called_class())) { // call the constructor from an instance if (is_null(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } }
public static function urlHasChanged() { $model = Model::instance(); $oldUrl = $model->getOldUrl(); $newUrl = $model->getNewUrl(); if ($oldUrl != $newUrl) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public function getTheme($name = null, $dir = null, $url = null) { if ($name == null) { $name = ipConfig()->theme(); } if ($dir == null) { $dir = ipFile('Theme/'); } $model = Model::instance(); $theme = $model->getTheme($name, $dir, $url); return $theme; }
/** * Devuelve la instancia * Model::getInstance() */ public static function getInstance() { if (null === self::$instance) { // Creamos una nueva conexión try { self::$instance = new PDO(";dbname=" . self::DB_NAME . "; charset=utf8", self::DB_USER, self::DB_PASS); self::$instance->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } catch (PDOException $e) { $this->_error = $e->getMessage(); } } return self::$instance; }
public static function query($columns = ['*']) { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self([]); } self::$table = 'eli_' . strtolower(get_called_class()); $get = 'select '; foreach ($columns as $key => $val) { $get .= $val; if ($key != end_key($columns)) { $get .= ', '; } else { $get .= ' '; } } self::$query = $get . ' from ' . self::$table; return self::$instance; }
public function __construct() { if (is_object(self::$instance)) { $this->dbh = self::$instance->dbh; return null; } $config = Init::config('database'); $dsn = $config['driver'] . ':host=' . $config['hostname'] . ';dbname=' . $config['database'] . ';charset=' . $config['charset']; try { $this->dbh = new PDO($dsn, $config['username'], $config['password']); $this->dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING); $this->dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); //$this->dbh->query('SET NAMES utf8'); } catch (PDOException $exc) { echo $exc->getMessage(); } self::$instance = $this; }
<?php $model = Model::instance($_REQUEST['_m']); $criteria = array(); foreach ($model->fields() as $f) { if (is_a($f, 'ChoiceField') || is_a($f, 'MultipleChoiceField')) { $criteria[] = $f->to_search_field(); } } $search = new Form($criteria, $_REQUEST); $data = array(); $data['_v'] = 'list'; $data['_m'] = $_REQUEST['_m']; if ($search->is_valid()) { $data = array_merge($data, $search->cleaned_data()); } $_REQUEST['_r'] = config('greenroom_admin') . '?' . http_build_query($data); $documents = $backend->find($_REQUEST['_m'])->sort(array('publish_date' => -1)); if ($search->is_valid()) { $documents = $model->find($search->cleaned_data()); } $new_link = $model->new_link($search->cleaned_data()); echo "<h3>List " . ucwords($_REQUEST['_m']) . "</h3>"; echo sprintf('<a href="%s">New</a>', $new_link); if (!empty($criteria)) { echo $search->open(); echo $search->as_div(); ?> <div><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search"></div><?php echo $search->close(); }
public function testContainer() { $person = \Model::instance()->m('PersonModelTest'); $this->assertTrue($person instanceof PersonModelTest); }
public static function setAdminLogin($username) { $model = Model::instance(); $model->setAdminLogin($username); }
public function logout() { Model::instance()->logout(); if (ipRequest()->isAjax()) { return new \Ip\Response\Json(array()); } else { return new \Ip\Response\Redirect(ipHomeUrl()); } }
/** * 单例 * @param string $className * @return CronModel */ public static function instance($className = __CLASS__) { return parent::instance($className); }
private function removeFile($file, $secure, $forced = false) { if (basename($file) == '.htaccess') { //for security reasons we don't allow to remove .htaccess files return false; } $baseDir = 'file/repository/'; if ($secure) { $baseDir = 'file/secure/'; } $realFile = realpath(ipFile($baseDir . $file)); if (strpos($realFile, realpath(ipFile($baseDir))) !== 0) { return false; } $model = Model::instance(); $usages = $model->whoUsesFile($file); if (!$forced && !empty($usages)) { return false; } if (!$secure) { $reflectionModel = ReflectionModel::instance(); $reflectionModel->removeReflections($file); } if (file_exists($realFile) && is_file($realFile) && is_writable($realFile)) { unlink($realFile); } return true; }
public static function getInstance() { if (Model::$instance == null) { Model::$instance = new Model(); } return Model::$instance; }
public function logout() { Model::instance()->logout(); return new \Ip\Response\Redirect(ipFileUrl('admin/')); }