protected function get_id() { $tempObj = new Model('t_temp'); $res = $tempObj->lock(true)->find(); if ($res == null) { $temp = 0; $data['v_id'] = '1'; $tempObj->add($data); } else { $condition['t_id'] = $res['t_id']; $data['v_id'] = (int) $res['v_id'] + 1; $tempObj->where($condition)->save($data); $temp = (int) $res['v_id']; } $t = (int) $temp + 1; if ($t < 10) { return '000' . $t; } elseif ($t >= 0 && $t < 100) { return '00' . $t; } elseif ($t >= 100 && $t < 1000) { return '0' . $t; } elseif ($t >= 1000) { return $t; } }
public function add($keyvalue) { $this->_utilRbac = $this->_getGlobalData('Util_Rbac', 'object'); $userClass = $this->_utilRbac->getUserClass(); $keyvalue['user_id'] = $userClass['_id']; $keyvalue['time'] = CURRENT_TIME; parent::add($keyvalue); #------记录日志(生成msg)-------# $logArr = array(); array_push($logArr, '增加了一条FAQ记录'); $this->_modelPlayerKindFaq = $this->_getGlobalData('Model_PlayerKindFaq', 'object'); $gameTypeName = $this->_modelPlayerKindFaq->getGameKind(); $gameTypeName = $gameTypeName[$keyvalue['game_type_id']]; array_push($logArr, "FAQ所属游戏[{$gameTypeName}]"); $lang = $this->_getGlobalData('lang'); $lang = $lang[$keyvalue['lang_id']]; array_push($logArr, "FAQ所属语言[{$lang}]"); $kindList = $this->_modelPlayerKindFaq->findById($keyvalue['kind_id']); $kindName = $kindList['name']; array_push($logArr, "FAQ所属类型[{$kindName}]"); array_push($logArr, "FAQ记录 [{$keyvalue['question']}]"); $msg = Tools::formatLog($logArr); Tools::addLog($msg, true); return true; #------记录日志(生成msg)-------# }
public function add($postArr) { if (empty($postArr['title'])) { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '请填写标题', 'href' => 1); } if (empty($postArr['description'])) { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '请填写描述', 'href' => 1); } if (empty($postArr['start_time'])) { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '请选择开始时间', 'href' => 1); } if (empty($postArr['end_time'])) { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '请选择结束时间', 'href' => 1); } $this->_utilRbac = $this->_getGlobalData('Util_Rbac', 'object'); $userClass = $this->_utilRbac->getUserClass(); $addArr = array(); $addArr['title'] = $postArr['title']; $addArr['description'] = $postArr['description']; $addArr['start_time'] = strtotime($postArr['start_time']); $addArr['end_time'] = strtotime($postArr['end_time']); $addArr['create_time'] = CURRENT_TIME; $addArr['status'] = $postArr['status']; $addArr['user_id'] = $userClass['_id']; if (parent::add($addArr)) { return array('status' => 1, 'msg' => false, 'href' => Tools::url('Askform', 'Askform')); } else { return array('status' => -2, 'msg' => '添加问卷失败', 'href' => 1); } }
public function addClicked(SubmitButton $button) { $array = $button->getForm()->getValues(); if ($array['authorId'] == 'true') { $array['author'] = dibi::query('SELECT authorId FROM authors ORDER BY authorId DESC LIMIT 1')->fetchSingle(); } elseif ($array['author'] == 0) { $this->flashMessage('Je potřaba vybrat autora!', 'error'); return; } unset($array['authorId']); try { $array['url'] = Model::createUri($array['title'], $array['author']); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->flashMessage('U tohoto autora byla již vložena práce se stejným jménem', 'error'); return; } $array['added%sql'] = 'NOW()'; $array['edited%sql'] = 'NOW()'; $array = $this->fixValues($array); $file = $array['file']; unset($array['file']); $id = Model::add($array, 'works'); if ($file != '') { FileModel::add($id, $_FILES['file']); } $s = Environment::getSession('workform'); $s->author = $array['author']; $s->award = $array['award']; $s->year = $array['year']; $s->type = $array['type']; $this->flashMessage('Práce byla přidána.', 'info'); $this->redirect("this"); }
/** * 新建任务 */ public function newTask($postArr) { $difficulty = Tools::coerceInt($postArr['difficulty']); $precastHour = Tools::coerceInt($postArr['precast_hour']); if (empty($postArr['task_content'])) { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '任务描述不能为空', 'href' => 2); } if (!$precastHour) { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '预计完成时间不能为0', 'href' => 2); } if (!$postArr['accept_user_id']) { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '请选择任务负责人', 'href' => 2); } $this->_utilRbac = $this->_getGlobalData('Util_Rbac', 'object'); $userClass = $this->_utilRbac->getUserClass(); $addArr = array(); $addArr['Id'] = date('Ymd', CURRENT_TIME) . Tools::getRandCode(5, 1); $addArr['assign_user_id'] = $userClass['_id']; $addArr['accept_user_id'] = $postArr['accept_user_id']; $addArr['difficulty'] = $difficulty; $addArr['precast_hour'] = $precastHour; $addArr['assign_time'] = CURRENT_TIME; $addArr['task_content'] = $postArr['task_content']; if (parent::add($addArr)) { return array('status' => 1, 'msg' => '增加任务成功', 'href' => Tools::url('ProgramTask', 'Index', array('zp' => 'Program'))); } else { return array('status' => -2, 'msg' => '增加任务失败', 'href' => 2); } }
public function add($postArr) { if (empty($postArr['content'])) { return array('href' => 2, 'msg' => '工作计划不能为空', 'status' => -1); } if (empty($postArr['group_id'])) { return array('href' => 2, 'msg' => '请选择项目组', 'status' => -1); } $this->_utilRbac = $this->_getGlobalData('Util_Rbac', 'object'); $userClass = $this->_utilRbac->getUserClass(); $addArr = array(); $addArr['start_time'] = strtotime($postArr['start_time']); $isAdd = $this->select("select Id from {$this->tName()} where user_id={$userClass['_id']} and start_time={$addArr['start_time']}", 1); if ($isAdd) { return array('href' => 2, 'msg' => '您今天已经填写过工作计划', 'status' => -1); } $addArr['end_time'] = strtotime($postArr['end_time']); $addArr['content'] = $postArr['content']; $addArr['group_id'] = $postArr['group_id']; $addArr['user_id'] = $userClass['_id']; if (parent::add($addArr)) { return array('href' => Tools::url('ProgramDateWork', 'Index', array('zp' => 'Program')), 'msg' => '添加成功', 'status' => 1); } else { return array('href' => Tools::url('ProgramDateWork', 'Index', array('zp' => 'Program')), 'msg' => '添加失败', 'status' => -2); } }
public function add_data() { $data['pic'] = $this->_post('pic_url'); //1-监督信息 2-好人好事 $data['type'] = $this->_post('type'); $data['title'] = $this->_post('title'); $data['contents'] = $_POST['contents']; $data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $data['v_id'] = $this->get_volun_id(); if ($data['v_id'] == '' && $_SESSION['temp'] == 1) { $this->error('请先提交个人信息', '__APP__/Index/personal', 3); exit; } if ($data['type'] != '1' && $data['type'] != '2') { $this->error('系统错误', '', 3); exit; } $obj = new Model('t_contents'); $res = $obj->add($data); if ($res) { $this->success('提交成功', '__URL__/add_form?type=' . $data['type'], 3); } else { $this->error('提交失败', '', 3); } }
public function add($postArr) { if (empty($postArr['conf_name'])) { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '请填定配置名称', 'href' => 1); } if (empty($postArr['description'])) { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '请填定说明', 'href' => 1); } if (!count($postArr['option'])) { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '至少要有一个投票选项', 'href' => 1); } if (!count($postArr['user'])) { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '至少要有一个投票用户', 'href' => 1); } $addArr = array(); $addArr['conf_name'] = $postArr['conf_name']; $addArr['description'] = $postArr['description']; $addArr['is_open'] = $postArr['is_open']; $addArr['content'] = serialize($postArr['option']); $addArr['vote_user'] = serialize($postArr['user']); if (parent::add($addArr)) { return array('status' => 1, 'msg' => "增加 [{$postArr['conf_name']}] 配置成功", 'href' => Tools::url(CONTROL, ACTION, array('doaction' => 'conf'))); } else { return array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '添加配置失败', 'href' => 1); } }
public function add($keyValue, $table = null) { if ($this->_hasValue($keyValue['game_type_id'], $keyValue['operator_id'])) { return false; } else { return parent::add($keyValue, $table); } }
public function add($keyValue, $table = null) { if ($this->_hasValue($keyValue['value'])) { return false; } else { return parent::add($keyValue); } }
public function add() { $where = array("price_left='{$this->R['price_left']}'", "price_right='{$this->R['price_right']}'"); if (!$this->check->checkAdd($this, $where)) { $this->check->showError(); } $addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->fields); return parent::add($addData); }
public function add() { //$_where = array("name='{$this->_R['name']}'"); //if (!$this->_check->addCheck($this, $_where)) $this->_check->error(); $_addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->_fields); $_addData['user'] = $_COOKIE['user']; $_addData['date'] = Tool::getDate(); return parent::add($_addData); }
/** User specific random password handling */ public function add($data) { if (empty($data['set']['password'])) { $data['set']['password'] = dechex(mt_rand(1000000, mt_getrandmax())); } /** @TODO Send email notification of password */ $data['password'] = md5($data['set']['password']); return parent::add($data); }
/** * 添加反馈 * * @param int $type 反馈的类型 * @param string $content 反馈的内容 * @param int $uid 反馈的UID,默认为0,兼容某些地方,可以匿名反馈 * @return bool * @author Medz Seven <*****@*****.**> **/ public function add($type, $content, $uid = 0) { /* # 验证类型 */ if (!($type = $this->selectAddType($type))) { return flase; } /* # 添加数据 */ return parent::add(array('content' => $content, 'cTime' => time(), 'type' => $type, 'uid' => intval($uid))); }
public function addClicked(SubmitButton $button) { $array = $button->getForm()->getValues(); $array = $this->convertNumberToClass($array); $array['authorUrl'] = Model::createAuthorUri($array['name'], $array['surname'], $array['class']); Model::add($array, 'authors'); $this->flashMessage($array['name'] . " " . $array['surname'] . ' byl přidán.'); $this->redirect("this"); }
public function add() { $where = array('where' => "name='{$this->R['name']}'"); if (!$this->check->checkAdd($this, $where)) { $this->check->showError(); } $addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->fields); $addData['nav'] = implode(',', $addData['nav']); return parent::add($addData); }
public function add() { $_where = array("user='******'user']}'"); if (!$this->_check->addCheck($this, $_where)) { $this->_check->error(); } $_addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->_fields); $_addData['user'] = $_COOKIE['user']; return parent::add($_addData); }
public function add() { $_where = array("name='{$this->_R['name']}'"); if (!$this->_check->addCheck($this, $_where)) { $this->_check->error(); } $_addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->_fields); $_addData['reg_time'] = Tool::getDate(); return parent::add($_addData); }
public function add() { $where = array("name='{$this->R['name']}'"); if (!$this->check->checkAdd($this, $where)) { $this->check->showError(); } $addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->fields); $addData['reg_time'] = Tool::getDate(); return parent::add($addData); }
function add() { $user = new Model('user'); $_GET['password'] = md5($_GET['password']); if ($list = $user->add($_GET)) { $this->success('添加成功'); } else { $this->error('添加失败'); } }
public function frontReg() { $_where = array("user='******'user']}'"); if (!$this->_check->regCheck($this, $_where)) { $this->_check->error(); } $_addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->_fields); $_addData['pass'] = sha1($_addData['pass']); $_addData['date'] = Tool::getDate(); return parent::add($_addData); }
public function add($postArr) { $this->_utilRbac = $this->_getGlobalData('Util_Rbac', 'object'); $userClass = $this->_utilRbac->getUserClass(); $addArr = array('user_id' => $userClass['_id'], 'create_time' => CURRENT_TIME, 'content' => $postArr['content']); if (parent::add($addArr)) { return array('status' => 1, 'msg' => false, 'href' => Tools::url(CONTROL, 'BugBack')); } else { return array('status' => -2, 'msg' => '添加bug失败', 'href' => Tools::url(CONTROL, 'BugBack')); } }
public function insert() { $Demo = new Model('Demo'); // 实例化模型类 $Demo->Create(); // 创建数据对象 $result = $Demo->add(); // 写入数据库 $this->redirect('index'); // 成功后重定向到index操作页面 }
public function addLog($returnData, $subData) { $data = array(); $this->_utilRbac = $this->_getGlobalData('Util_Rbac', 'object'); $userClass = $this->_utilRbac->getUserClass(); $data["acuser"] = $userClass['_id'] ? $userClass['_id'] : 0; $data["returnData"] = base64_encode($returnData); $data["subData"] = base64_encode($subData); $data["actime"] = CURRENT_TIME; parent::add($data); }
public function add() { $_where = array("price_left='{$this->_R['price_left']}' AND price_right='{$this->_R['price_right']}'"); if (!$this->_check->addCheck($this, $_where)) { $this->_check->error(); } $_addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->_fields); if (isset($_addData['nav'])) { $_addData['nav'] = implode(',', $_addData['nav']); } return parent::add($_addData); }
public function insert() { //定义方法 $ins = new Model('user'); // 实例化模型类,传递参数为没有前缀的数据表名称 $ins->Create(); // 创建数据对象 $result = $ins->add(); // 写入数据库 $this->redirect('Index/index', '', 5, '页面跳转中'); //页面重定向 }
public function runAdd() { $where = array("goods_id='{$this->R['id']}'", "user='******'user']}'"); if (!$this->check->checkAdd($this, $where)) { $this->check->showError(); } $addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->fields); $addData['user'] = $_COOKIE['user']; $addData['goods_id'] = $this->R['id']; $addData['date'] = Tool::getDate(); return parent::add($addData); }
public function add() { $where = array("order_id='{$this->R['order_id']}'"); if (!$this->check->checkAdd($this, $where)) { $this->check->showError(); } $addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->fields); $addData['date'] = Tool::getDate(); $addData['attr'] = mb_substr($_POST['attr'], 0, -1, 'utf-8'); $addData['user'] = $_COOKIE['user']; return parent::add($addData); }
public function add() { $where = array("name='{$this->R['name']}'"); if (!$this->check->checkAdd($this, $where)) { $this->check->showError(); } if ($this->R['first'] == 1) { parent::update(array("first=1"), array('first' => 0)); } $addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->fields); return parent::add($addData); }
public function add() { $where = array("name='{$this->R['name']}'", "user='******'user']}'"); if (!$this->check->checkAdd($this, $where)) { $this->check->showError(); } $addData = $this->getRequest()->filter($this->fields); $addData['user'] = $_COOKIE['user']; $addData['selected'] = 1; parent::update(array("user='******'user']}'"), array('selected' => 0)); return parent::add($addData); }