/** * Create \Link. * @see Validates input using the Violin class. https://github.com/alexgarrett/violin */ private function create() { /** validate URL using Violin */ $v = new \Violin\Violin(); $v->validate(["url" => [$_POST["URL"], "required|url"]]); if ($v->passes()) { $url = $_POST["URL"]; /** Check if Link is already in DB */ $Link = Link::where("url", $url)->get(); if ($Link->count()) { /** If so, just apply the old link. */ $Link = $Link[0]; $Link = $Link->getAttributes(); $short = $Link["short"]; /** Else, create a new Link */ } else { $Link = new Link(); $Link->url = $url; $Link->save(); $short = $Link->short; } /** And shit it all out. */ $this->render("New", ["short" => $this->getShortURL($short)]); /** Validation failed. */ } else { $this->render("Home", ["error" => "Better check your URL!"]); } }
/** * Shorten a new URL * * @return Response */ public function postShorten() { // No big url if (!\Input::has('bigurl')) { return \Response::json(array('error' => array('code' => 'MISSING-PARAMETERS', 'http_code' => '400', 'message' => 'Bad Request')), 400); } $bigURL = \Input::get('bigurl'); $user = $this->apiKey->user; // No user linked to API key - SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN if (!isset($user)) { return \Response::json(array('error' => array('code' => 'NOT-AUTH', 'http_code' => '403', 'message' => 'Forbidden: SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN!')), 403); } // User has gone over quota so cant shorten if ($user->quota_max != 0 && $user->quota_used + 1 > $user->quota_max) { return \Response::json(array('error' => array('code' => 'QUOTA-USED', 'http_code' => '400', 'message' => 'Bad Request')), 403); } if (filter_var($bigURL, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) { return \Response::json(array('error' => array('code' => 'URL-INVALID', 'http_code' => '400', 'message' => 'Bad Request')), 400); } $dbLink = \Link::where('destination', '=', $bigURL)->first(); if (!isset($dbLink)) { $dbLink = new \Link(); $dbLink->user_id = $user->id; $dbLink->code = $dbLink->generateCode(); $dbLink->destination = $bigURL; $dbLink->clicks = "0"; $dbLink->save(); $user->quota_used += 1; $user->save(); } $linkCode = $dbLink->code; $linkURL = \Request::root() . '/' . $linkCode; return \Response::json(array('ok' => array('code' => 'LINK-SHORTENED', 'http_code' => '200', 'message' => 'OK', 'data' => array('url' => $linkURL, 'url_code' => $linkCode))), 200); }
public function addNew() { //verify the user input and create account $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array('Amount' => 'required|numeric')); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::route('withdraw-get')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } else { $amount = Input::get('Amount'); $todaysdate = date("Y-m-d"); $totalvisits = Link::where('username', '=', Auth::user()->username)->where('active', '=', TRUE)->sum('clicks'); $totalearned = $totalvisits * 0.1; $withdrawn = Payment::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->sum('amount'); $balance = $totalearned - $withdrawn; if ($amount <= $balance) { if ($amount >= 500) { //register the new user $newwithdrawal = Payment::create(array('user_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'amount' => $amount, 'withdrawal_date' => $todaysdate, 'paid' => FALSE)); if ($newwithdrawal) { return Redirect::route('withdraw-get')->with('global', 'Success! Your Withdrawal request is being processed.'); } } else { return Redirect::route('withdraw-get')->with('global', 'Failed!! You are allowed to withdraw a minimum of Ksh 500.')->withInput(); } } else { return Redirect::route('withdraw-get')->with('global', 'Failed!! The amount exceeds your balance.')->withInput(); } } }
/** * Delete links that have more reports then passed number. * * @return Response */ public function deleteAll() { if (Input::get('number') && Input::get('number') !== 0) { $this->model->where('reports', '>=', Input::get('number'))->delete(); //fire event manually so we can flush the cache on it Event::fire('eloquent.deleted: Link', array($this->model)); return Response::json(trans('stream::main.linkDelSuccess'), 200); } }
public function deleteLink() { $linkId = Input::get('memberID'); $link_delete = Link::where('id', '=', $linkId)->first(); $link_delete->active = FALSE; $link_delete = $link_delete->save(); if ($link_delete) { return Redirect::route('viewlink-get')->with('global', 'Success! Link information has been deleted successfully.'); } }
public function getRedirect($username, $id) { $link = Link::where('id', '=', $id)->first(); /*Get user ip address*/ $ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $device = Device::where('ip', '=', $ip_address); if (!$device->count()) { //record the device $user = Device::create(array('ip' => $ip_address)); $link->clicks = $link->clicks + 1; $link_save = $link->save(); } return Redirect::away($link->link_name); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { try { $log = new Process(); $log->name = "get-shares"; $log->status = "running"; $log->save(); $filterDate = new DateTime('now'); $filterDate->sub(new DateInterval('P1D')); //Load shares Link::where('date', '>', $filterDate)->chunk(100, function ($links) { foreach ($links as $value) { $shares = $this->getSharesCount($value->final_url); $ref = Stats::where('id_link', $value->id)->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->first(); if (!$ref) { $ref = new stdClass(); $ref->total = 0; } $stat = new Stats(); $stat->id_link = $value->id; $stat->facebook = $shares['facebook'] != null ? $shares['facebook'] : $value->facebook; $stat->twitter = $shares['twitter'] != null ? $shares['twitter'] : $value->twitter; $stat->linkedin = $shares['linkedin'] != null ? $shares['linkedin'] : $value->linkedin; $stat->googleplus = $shares['googleplus'] != null ? $shares['googleplus'] : $value->googleplus; $stat->total = $stat->facebook + $stat->twitter + $stat->linkedin + $stat->googleplus; $stat->dif_total = $stat->total - $ref->total; $stat->save(); $value->facebook = $stat->facebook; $value->twitter = $stat->twitter; $value->linkedin = $stat->linkedin; $value->googleplus = $stat->googleplus; $value->total = $stat->total; $value->save(); } }); $log->status = "finished"; $log->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->info($url); $this->info($e->getMessage()); } }
private function loadRss($rss) { try { $feed = FeedReader::read($rss->url); $data = array(); foreach ($feed->get_items() as $key => $value) { //Fallback bad url $url = $value->get_id(); $url = filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === FALSE ? $value->get_permalink() : $url; $link = Link::where('url', $url)->get()->first(); if (is_null($link)) { $htmlParts = $this->getFinalURL($url); $final_url = $htmlParts['final_url']; $this->info($final_url); if (strpos($final_url, "/") == 0) { $orig = parse_url($url); $final_url = $orig['scheme'] . '://' . $orig['host'] . $final_url; $this->info($final_url); } //'Y-m-d H:i:s' $date = strtotime($value->get_date()); //Fallback bad dates if (strpos($date, '1969') == 0) { $date = new DateTime(); } else { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date); } $image = $this->getImage($value, $htmlParts['og_image']); $data[] = array('url' => $url, 'final_url' => $final_url, 'title' => html_entity_decode($value->get_title()), 'image' => $image, 'id_rss' => $rss->id, 'id_tag' => $rss->id_tag, 'id_newspaper' => $rss->id_newspaper, 'date' => $date, 'facebook' => 0, 'twitter' => 0, 'linkedin' => 0, 'googleplus' => 0, 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } else { $link->touch(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->info($rss->url); $this->info($e->getTraceAsString()); } if (count($data)) { Link::insert($data); } }
public function show($series, $seasonNum, $episodeNum) { $title = Title::byId($series); foreach ($title->season as $value) { if ($value->number == $seasonNum) { $season = $value; } } if (isset($season)) { foreach ($season->episode as $value) { if ($value->episode_number == $episodeNum) { $episode = $value; } } } if (!isset($episode)) { App::abort(404); } $links = Link::where('title_id', $title->id)->where('season', $season->number)->where('episode', $episode->episode_number)->get(); return View::make('Titles.Episodes.Show')->with('title', $title)->with('episode', $episode)->with('season', $season)->with('links', $links); }
public function getIndex($slug = '', $link_id = 0) { $debug = ''; $bmStart = microtime(true); $perpage = intval(AppConfig::get('articles_per_page', 50)); $branch_prefixes = explode(',', AppConfig::get('branch_prefixes')); $virtualPerpage = intval(AppConfig::get('virtual_per_page', 20)); $page = Page::where('slug', '=', $slug)->cacheTags('pages')->remember(1440)->first(); //$page = Page::where('slug', '=', Str::slug($slug))->first(); if (count($page) > 0) { if ($filter_return = $this->authFilter($page->level)) { return $filter_return; } if ($page->redirect) { if (substr($page->redirect, 0, 1) == '{') { $redir_arr = json_decode($page->redirect, true); foreach ($redir_arr as $rlvl => $rslug) { if (strpos($this->auth_lvl, $rlvl) !== false) { return Redirect::to($rslug); } } if (isset($redir_arr['def'])) { return Redirect::to($redir_arr['def']); } } else { return Redirect::to($page->redirect); } } // get parameters from URL $page->category = Input::has('category') ? Input::get('category') : ($page->default_category ? $page->default_category : false); $page->section = Input::has('section') ? Input::get('section') : false; $page->keywordInput = $page->ddkeycol ? Input::get('keyword') : ''; $page_vars = new stdClass(); // separate slug into branch and section, if applicable $branch = $slug; if ($page->link_slug) { $branch = $page->link_slug; } $els = explode('/', $branch); if (in_array($els[0], $branch_prefixes) && count($els) > 1) { $branch = $els[0]; if (!$page->section) { $page->section = $els[1]; } } $dta = normal::getTypes(); // get list of categories, if there is a "ddlist" $categories = false; $normalized = false; if ($page->ddlist) { $fld = $page->ddlist; $catq = Link::where('branch', '=', $branch); if ($page->section) { $catq->where('section', '=', $page->section); } if ($dtp = array_search($fld, $dta)) { $catq->join('data', 'data.rec_id', '=', 'links.id')->where('data.table_name', '=', 'links')->where('data.type', '=', $dtp)->whereNull('data.deleted_at'); $fld = 'data_body'; $normalized = true; } $category_model = $catq->groupBy($fld)->whereRaw('trim(`' . $fld . '`) != ""')->cacheTags('links')->remember(1440)->get(array($fld)); $categories = array('' => 'All'); foreach ($category_model as $category_item) { $categories[$category_item->{$fld}] = $category_item->{$fld}; } } $links = false; $columns = false; // get list of links, specified by branch, section, category, state, and/or keyword if ($page->linkdef || $link_id && $page->detaildef) { // get column layout $columns = Listcolumns::where('def', '=', $link_id ? $page->detaildef : $page->linkdef)->cacheTags('links')->remember(1440)->orderBy('listorder')->get(); $perlinkpage = intval(AppConfig::get('links_per_page', 50)); $query = new Link(); if ($link_id) { $query = $query->where('id', '=', $link_id); } else { if ($page->section) { $query = $query->where('section', '=', $page->section); } if ($page->category) { if ($normalized) { $query = $query->join('data AS d', 'd.rec_id', '=', 'links.id')->where('d.table_name', '=', 'links')->where('d.type', '=', $dtp)->whereNull('d.deleted_at'); } $query = $query->where(isset($fld) ? $fld : ($page->section ? 'category' : 'section'), '=', $page->category); } if ($page->state) { $query = $query->where('state', '=', $page->state); } if ($page->keywordInput) { if ($page->keywordInput == "by_date") { $query = $query->join('data AS d', 'd.rec_id', '=', 'links.id')->where('d.table_name', '=', 'links')->where('d.type', '=', 7)->whereNull('d.deleted_at'); $month = Input::get('themonth'); $year = Input::get('theyear'); $pfx = $year . '-' . $month; $start_date = $pfx . '-01'; $end_date = $pfx . '-' . cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year); $query = $query->whereRaw('d.`data_body` BETWEEN ? AND ?', array($start_date, $end_date)); unset($page->keywordInput); $page_vars->month = $month; $page_vars->year = $year; } else { $query = $query->whereRaw('`' . $page->ddkeycol . '` RLIKE ?', array($page->keywordInput)); } } if (!$page->allowBroken) { $query = $query->join('link_check', 'links.id', '=', 'link_check.id'); $query = $query->whereBetween('link_check.last_result', array('200', '399')); } } $order = 'name'; $orderdir = 'asc'; if ($page->linkorder) { $ordera = explode(',', $page->linkorder); $order = $ordera[0]; if (count($ordera) > 1) { $orderdir = $ordera[1]; } if ($dtp = array_search($order, $dta)) { $query = $query->join('data AS d2', 'd2.rec_id', '=', 'links.id')->where('d2.table_name', '=', 'links')->where('d2.type', '=', $dtp)->whereNull('d2.deleted_at'); $order = 'd2.data_body'; } } if ($page->where) { $query = $query->whereRaw($page->where); } if ($page->remove_dupes) { $query = $query->groupBy('name', 'url'); } $links = $query->where('branch', '=', $branch)->select(array('links.*'))->orderBy($order, $orderdir)->cacheTags('links')->remember(1440)->paginate($perlinkpage); $ids = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { $ids[] = $link->id; } $xda = count($ids) ? Cache::tags('links')->remember('linkData|' . implode('-', $ids), 1440, function () use($ids) { $xdata = Data::where('table_name', '=', 'links')->join('data_types', 'data_types.id', '=', 'data.type')->whereIn('rec_id', $ids)->whereNull('data_types.deleted_at')->cacheTags('data')->remember(10080)->get(); $xdda = array(); foreach ($xdata as $xrec) { $xdda[$xrec->rec_id][$xrec->label] = $xrec->data_body; } return $xdda; }) : array(); foreach ($links as $lid => $link) { $id = $link->id; if (isset($xda[$id])) { foreach ($xda[$id] as $xid => $xdt) { $links[$lid]->{$xid} = $xdt; } } } } $thumbs = false; if ($page->virtual_type) { $thumbs = Ad::where('type', '=', $page->virtual_type)->where('category', '=', $page->category)->orderBy('vorder', 'desc')->cacheTags('ads')->remember(1440)->paginate($virtualPerpage); foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) { Ads::track($thumb, 3, $page->id); } // get list of categories $category_model = Ad::groupBy('category')->where('type', '=', $page->virtual_type)->cacheTags('ads')->remember(1440)->get(array('category')); $categories = array(); foreach ($category_model as $category_item) { $categories[$category_item->category] = $category_item->category; } // $page->dname = 'Category'; } // benchmarking the database access $bmEnd = microtime(true); $page->elapsed = $bmEnd - $bmStart; $page_vars->qstring = ''; if ($page->pass_query == 'Y') { $qry = Input::query(); $qry['mc_rnm'] = substr(time(), 2); if (count($qry)) { $page_vars->qstring = '?' . http_build_query($qry); } } if ($page->randomize) { foreach (explode(',', $page->randomize) as $random_tag) { $page_vars->{$random_tag} = mt_rand(10000, 99999); } } foreach (AppConfig::getAll() as $cfi => $cfd) { $page_vars->{$cfi} = $cfd; } $page_vars->nocache = NOCACHE_CODE; if (!$page->layout) { // if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') { // $page->layout = 'template.layout2'; // } else { $page->layout = 'template.layout'; // } } // get data on child and parent pages $childpages = new Page(); $P = clone $childpages->getConnection()->getPaginator(); $P->setPageName('article'); $childpages->getConnection()->setPaginator($P); $childpages = $childpages->join('article_pages', 'pages.id', '=', 'article_pages.page_id'); $childpages = $childpages->where('article_pages.parent_id', '=', $page->id); $childpages = $childpages->whereNull('article_pages.deleted_at'); $childpages = $childpages->orderBy('pageOrder'); $childpages = $childpages->cacheTags('pages')->remember(1440); $childpages = $childpages->paginate($perpage); // pass ALL the data to the view return View::make('page.page')->with('dyn_layout', $page->layout)->with('page', $page)->with('childpages', $childpages)->with('categories', $categories)->with('links', $links)->with('link_id', $link_id)->with('thumbs', $thumbs)->with('columns', $columns)->with('top_banner', empty($slug))->with('debug', $debug)->with('parse_body', Display::format($page->body, $page_vars, false, false)); } else { if (substr($slug, -5) == '.html') { $new_slug = substr($slug, 0, -5); $new_page = Page::where('slug', '=', $new_slug)->cacheTags('pages')->remember(1440)->first(); if (count($new_page) > 0) { return Redirect::to('/' . $new_slug, 301); } } $missing = new Missing(); $missing->slug = $slug; $missing->referrer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : "[none]"; $missing->save(); AppLog::alert('Page Not Found', 404, json_encode(array('slug' => $slug))); return Response::view('page.notfound', array('slug' => $slug), 404); } }
public function del_link($slug) { $link = Link::where(['id' => $slug])->firstOrFail(); $link->delete(); View::success('彻底删除成功', 'http://' . __HOST__ . '/admin/link/'); die; }
public function getSiteIndexs($char) { $check = false; $disablechar = []; $thaichar = array('ก', 'ข', 'ค', 'ง', 'จ', 'ฉ', 'ช', 'ซ', 'ฌ', 'ญ', 'ฐ', 'ฑ', 'ฒ', 'ณ', 'ด', 'ต', 'ถ', 'ท', 'ธ', 'น', 'บ', 'ป', 'ผ', 'ฝ', 'พ', 'ฟ', 'ภ', 'ม', 'ย', 'ร', 'ล', 'ว', 'ศ', 'ษ', 'ส', 'ห', 'ฬ', 'อ', 'ฮ'); $thaivowel = array('เ', 'แ', 'ใ', 'ไ', 'โ'); if (!isset($char)) { $char = "ก"; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($thaichar); $i++) { if ($char == $thaichar[$i]) { $check = true; } } if (!$check) { App::abort(404); } $links = Link::where('name', 'LIKE', $char . '%')->get(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($thaivowel); $i++) { $links = $links->merge(Link::where('name', 'LIKE', $thaivowel[$i] . $char . '%')->get()); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($thaichar); $i++) { $checkChar = Link::where('name', 'LIKE', $thaichar[$i] . '%')->get(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($thaivowel); $j++) { $checkChar = $checkChar->merge(Link::where('name', 'LIKE', $thaivowel[$j] . $thaichar[$i] . '%')->get()); } if (count($checkChar) == 0) { $disablechar[] = $thaichar[$i]; } } $this->breadcrumbs->push('Site Index', URL::to('/site-index')); $this->breadcrumbs->generate(); return View::make('home.site-index')->with('thaiChar', $thaichar)->with('char', $char)->with('links', $links)->with('disablechar', $disablechar); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $dbLink = \Link::where('code', '=', $id)->first(); if (!isset($dbLink)) { Response::make("Link not found, please try again!", 404); } $dbLink->clicks = bcadd($dbLink->clicks, "1"); $dbLink->save(); return \Redirect::away($dbLink->destination); }
public function run() { $link = Link::where('url', '=', 'Link')->take(1)->get(); var_dump($link); exit(); }
/** * [artice 文章内容] * @return [type] [description] */ public function artice($slug) { $webSite = Website::find(1)->toArray(); $arcData = Article::with('belongsToCategory')->find($slug)->toArray(); //print_r($arcData); $hotArcData = Article::with('belongsToCategory')->where(['is_del' => 0])->get()->toArray(); $linkData = Link::where(['is_look' => 1])->get()->toArray(); //print_r($linkData); $cateData = Category::where(['is_del' => 0])->get()->toArray(); //print_r($cateData); $item = []; foreach ($cateData as $k => $v) { if (!isset($item[$v['id']])) { $item[$v['id']] = $v; } else { $item[$v['id']] = $v; } } //上一篇 $pre = Article::get_pre($slug); //print_r($pre); //下一篇 $next = Article::get_next($slug); //print_r($next); //相关文章 $this->smarty->assign('pre', $pre); $this->smarty->assign('next', $next); $this->smarty->assign('webSite', $webSite); $this->smarty->assign('hotArcData', $hotArcData); $this->smarty->assign('cateData', $item); $this->smarty->assign('slug', $slug); $this->smarty->assign('linkData', $linkData); $this->smarty->assign('article', $arcData); $this->smarty->display('Index/article.html'); }