Пример #1
function status_comment_submit($vars)
    global $db, $main_smarty;
    if (get_misc_data('status_switch') != '1') {
    $comment = $vars['comment'];
    if (!$comment->id) {
    $user = new User();
    $user->id = $comment->author;
    $linkres = new Link();
    $linkres->id = $comment->link;
    if ($user->read() && $linkres->read()) {
        if (!status_is_allowed($user) || !$user->extra_field['status_switch'] || !$user->extra_field['status_comment']) {
        $text = $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Status_Comment_Update');
        $limit = get_misc_data('status_max_chars');
        if ($limit > 0 && strlen($text) + strlen($user->username) + strlen($linkres->title) - 4 > $limit) {
            $linkres->title = substr($linkres->title, 0, max($limit + 4 - strlen($text) - strlen($user->username) - 3, 10)) . '...';
        $text = sprintf($text, $user->username, '<a href="' . $linkres->get_internal_url() . '">' . $linkres->title . '</a>');
        $db->query($sql = "INSERT INTO " . table_prefix . "updates SET update_time=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t    update_type='c',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t    update_user_id='{$comment->author}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t    update_link_id='{$comment->id}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t    update_text='{$text}'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t    ");
Пример #2
function related_stories($storyid, $related_tags, $category)
    // this returns similar stories based on tags in common and in the same category
    global $db;
    if (!is_numeric($storyid)) {
    $related_tags = "'" . preg_replace('/,\\s*/', "','", addslashes($related_tags)) . "'";
    // This gives us the proper string structure for IN SQL statement
    // Select 20 stories that share tags with the current story and order them by number of tags they share
    $sql = "SELECT tag_link_id, COUNT(tag_link_id) AS relevance\n\t\t\tFROM " . table_tags . "\n\t\t\tWHERE tag_words IN ({$related_tags}) AND tag_link_id!={$storyid}\n\t\t\tGROUP BY tag_link_id \n\t\t\tORDER BY relevance DESC \n\t\t\tLIMIT 20";
    $related_story = $db->get_results($sql);
    $related_story = object_2_array($related_story);
    $stories = array();
    foreach ($related_story as $id => $rs) {
        $rs2 = new Link();
        $rs2->id = $rs['tag_link_id'];
        if ($rs2->read() && ($rs2->status == 'new' || $rs2->status == 'published')) {
            $related_story[$id] = array_merge($related_story[$id], array('link_id' => $rs2->id, 'link_category' => $rs2->category, 'link_title' => $rs2->title, 'link_title_url' => $rs2->title_url));
            if ($rs2->title_url == "") {
                $related_story[$id]['url'] = getmyurl("story", $rs2->id);
            } else {
                $related_story[$id]['url'] = getmyurl("storyURL", $rs2->category_safe_names(), urlencode($rs2->title_url), $rs2->id);
            $stories[] = $related_story[$id];
    return $stories;
Пример #3
 function store()
     // save the comment to the database
     global $db, $current_user, $the_template;
     if (!$this->date) {
         $this->date = time();
     $comment_id = $this->id;
     if (!is_numeric($comment_id)) {
         return false;
     $comment_author = $this->author;
     $comment_link = $this->link;
     $comment_karma = $this->karma;
     $comment_date = $this->date;
     $comment_randkey = $this->randkey;
     $comment_content = $db->escape($this->content);
     $comment_votes = $this->votes;
     $comment_parent = $this->parent;
     if ($this->id === 0) {
         $this->canSave = true;
         // assume we can save
         $vars = array('comment' => &$this);
         check_actions('comment_save', $vars);
         if ($this->canSave == true) {
             // if this is a new comment
             $sql = "INSERT INTO " . table_comments . " (comment_parent, comment_user_id, comment_link_id, comment_karma, comment_date, comment_randkey, comment_content) VALUES ({$comment_parent}, {$comment_author}, {$comment_link}, {$comment_karma}, FROM_UNIXTIME({$comment_date}), {$comment_randkey}, '{$comment_content}')";
             $this->id = $db->insert_id;
             $link = new Link();
             $link->id = $this->link;
             $link = '';
             $vars = array('comment' => &$this);
             check_actions('comment_post_save', $vars);
     } else {
         // if we're editing an existing comment
         $sql = "UPDATE " . table_comments . " set comment_votes={$comment_votes}, comment_user_id={$comment_author}, comment_link_id={$comment_link}, comment_karma={$comment_karma}, comment_date=FROM_UNIXTIME({$comment_date}), comment_randkey={$comment_randkey}, comment_content='{$comment_content}' WHERE comment_id={$comment_id}";
     $vars = array('comment' => $this);
     check_actions('comment_store_post_sql', $vars);
Пример #4
function do_link_item($sql)
    global $db;
    $link = new Link();
    $links = $db->get_col($sql);
    if ($links) {
        foreach ($links as $link_id) {
            $link->id = $link_id;
            if ($_REQUEST['url'] == 'source') {
                $url = __($link->url);
            } else {
                $url = $link->get_permalink();
            echo '<DT><A HREF="' . $url . '" REL="nofollow">' . $link->title . '</A>' . "\n";
Пример #5
function insert_anonymous_comment(&$vars)
    global $db;
    $link_id = $vars['link_id'];
    $user_id = $vars['user_id'];
    $randkey = $vars['randkey'];
    $comment_content = $vars['comment_content'];
    $a_username = $vars['a_username'];
    $a_email = $vars['a_email'];
    $a_website = $vars['a_website'];
    $sql = "INSERT INTO " . table_comments . " (comment_user_id, comment_link_id, comment_date, comment_randkey, comment_content,`comment_anonymous_username`, `comment_anonymous_email`, `comment_anonymous_website` ) VALUES ({$user_id}, {$link_id}, NOW(), {$randkey}, '{$comment_content}', '{$a_username}','{$a_email}', '{$a_website}')";
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    // DB 12/17/08
    $link = new Link();
    $link->id = $link_id;
Пример #6
 function show()
     global $main_smarty, $db;
     include_once mnminclude . 'search.php';
     $search = new Search();
     $search->orderBy = $this->orderBy;
     $search->pagesize = $this->pagesize;
     $search->filterToStatus = $this->filterToStatus;
     $search->filterToTimeFrame = $this->filterToTimeFrame;
     $linksum_sql = $search->sql;
     $link = new Link();
     $links = $db->get_col($linksum_sql);
     if ($links) {
         foreach ($links as $link_id) {
             $link->id = $link_id;
             $main_smarty = $link->fill_smarty($main_smarty);
function delete_comment($key)
    global $db;
    if (!is_numeric($key)) {
    $link_id = $db->get_var("SELECT comment_link_id FROM `" . table_comments . "` WHERE `comment_id` = " . $key . ";");
    $vars = array('comment_id' => $key);
    check_actions('comment_deleted', $vars);
    $comments = $db->get_results($sql = "SELECT comment_id FROM " . table_comments . " WHERE `comment_parent` = '{$key}'");
    foreach ($comments as $comment) {
        $vars = array('comment_id' => $comment->comment_id);
        check_actions('comment_deleted', $vars);
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_comments . '` WHERE `comment_parent` = "' . $key . '"');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_comments . '` WHERE `comment_id` = "' . $key . '"');
    $link = new Link();
    $link->id = $link_id;
Пример #8
 function print_summary($link = 0, $length = 0, $single_link = true)
     global $current_user, $globals;
     if (!$this->read) {
     if (!$link && $this->link > 0) {
         $link = new Link();
         $link->id = $this->link;
         $this->link_object = $link;
     $this->link_permalink = $link->get_relative_permalink();
     if ($this->hidden) {
         $comment_meta_class = 'comment-meta-hidden';
         $comment_class = 'comment-body-hidden';
     } else {
         $comment_meta_class = 'comment-meta';
         $comment_class = 'comment-body';
         if ($this->karma > $globals['comment_highlight_karma']) {
             $comment_class .= ' high';
     $this->txt_content = $this->to_html($this->content);
     if ($this->type == 'admin') {
         $author = '<strong>' . _('admin') . '</strong> ';
     } else {
         $author = '<a href="' . get_user_uri($this->username) . '" title="karma:&nbsp;' . $this->user_karma . '">' . $this->username . '</a> ';
     if ($this->media_size > 0) {
         $this->media_thumb_dir = Upload::get_cache_relative_dir($this->id);
     $vars = compact('comment_meta_class', 'comment_class', 'author');
     $vars['self'] = $this;
     return Haanga::Load('mobile/comment_summary.html', $vars);
Пример #9
function group_shared($requestID, $catId, $flag = 0)
    global $db, $main_smarty, $the_template, $page_size, $cached_links;
    if (!is_numeric($requestID)) {
    $link = new Link();
    $group_shared_display = "";
    if ($catId) {
        $child_cats = '';
        // do we also search the subcategories?
        if (Independent_Subcategories == true) {
            $child_array = '';
            // get a list of all children and put them in $child_array.
            children_id_to_array($child_array, table_categories, $catId);
            if ($child_array != '') {
                // build the sql
                foreach ($child_array as $child_cat_id) {
                    $child_cat_sql .= ' OR `link_category` = ' . $child_cat_id . ' ';
                    if (Multiple_Categories) {
                        $child_cat_sql .= ' OR ac_cat_id = ' . $child_cat_id . ' ';
        if (Multiple_Categories) {
            $child_cat_sql .= " OR ac_cat_id = {$catId} ";
        $from_where .= " AND (link_category={$catId} " . $child_cat_sql . ")";
    $offset = (get_current_page() - 1) * $page_size;
    if ($flag == 1) {
        $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS b.* FROM " . table_group_shared . " a\r\n\t\t\t\t    LEFT JOIN " . table_links . " b ON link_id=share_link_id\r\n\t\t\t\t    WHERE share_group_id = {$requestID} AND !ISNULL(link_id) {$from_where} \r\n\t\t\t\t    GROUP BY link_id\r\n\t\t\t\t    ORDER BY link_published_date DESC, link_date DESC ";
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS b.* FROM " . table_group_shared . " a\r\n\t\t\t\t    LEFT JOIN " . table_links . " b ON link_id=share_link_id\r\n\t\t\t\t    WHERE share_group_id = {$requestID} AND !ISNULL(link_id) {$from_where} \r\n\t\t\t\t    GROUP BY link_id\r\n\t\t\t\t    ORDER BY link_published_date DESC, link_date DESC  LIMIT {$offset}, {$page_size}";
    // Search on additional categories
    if ($catId && Multiple_Categories) {
        $sql = str_replace("WHERE", " LEFT JOIN " . table_additional_categories . " ON ac_link_id=link_id WHERE", $sql);
    $links = $db->get_results($sql);
    $rows = $db->get_var("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
    if ($flag == 1) {
        return $rows;
    if ($links) {
        foreach ($links as $dblink) {
            $link->id = $dblink->link_id;
            $cached_links[$dblink->link_id] = $dblink;
            $group_shared_display .= $link->print_summary('summary', true);
    $main_smarty->assign('group_shared_display', $group_shared_display);
    //for auto scrolling
    if (Auto_scroll == 2 || Auto_scroll == 3) {
        $main_smarty->assign("scrollpageSize", $page_size);
        $main_smarty->assign('total_row', $rows);
        if ($catId) {
            $main_smarty->assign('catID', $catId);
        $main_smarty->assign('total_row', $rows);
    } else {
        $main_smarty->assign('group_story_pagination', do_pages($rows, $page_size, 'group_story', true));
Пример #10
$tb_url = $_POST['url'];
$title = $_POST['title'];
$excerpt = $_POST['excerpt'];
$blog_name = $_POST['blog_name'];
$charset = $_POST['charset'];
if (!empty($charset)) {
    $title = @iconv($charset, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $title);
    $excerpt = @iconv($charset, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $excerpt);
    $blog_name = @iconv($charset, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $blog_name);
$tb_id = intval($_GET['id']);
$link = new Link();
$link->id = $tb_id;
if (!$tb_id > 0 || !$link->read()) {
    trackback_response(1, 'I really need an ID for this to work.');
if (empty($title) && empty($tb_url) && empty($blog_name)) {
    // If it doesn't look like a trackback at all...
    header('Location: ' . $link->get_permalink());
if (!empty($tb_url) && !empty($title) && !empty($excerpt)) {
    header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
    $title = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($title));
    $title = strlen($title) > 150 ? substr($title, 0, 150) . '...' : $title;
    $excerpt = strip_tags($excerpt);
    $excerpt = strlen($excerpt) > 200 ? substr($excerpt, 0, 200) . '...' : $excerpt;
    $trackres = new Trackback();
    $trackres->link = $tb_id;
Пример #11
 function insert_vote($user = 0, $value = 10)
     global $anon_karma;
     require_once mnminclude . 'votes.php';
     if (!is_numeric($this->id)) {
         return false;
     $vote = new Vote();
     $vote->type = 'comments';
     $vote->user = $user;
     $vote->link = $this->id;
     $vote->value = $value;
     if ($vote->insert()) {
         $vote = new Vote();
         $vote->type = 'comments';
         $vote->link = $this->id;
         $this->votes = $vote->count() - $vote->count('<0');
         if (comment_buries_spam > 0 && $vote->count_all("<0") >= comment_buries_spam) {
             $this->status = 'discard';
             $vars = array('comment_id' => $this->id);
             check_actions('comment_spam', $vars);
             require_once mnminclude . 'link.php';
             $link = new Link();
             $link->id = $this->link;
         $vars = array('vote' => $this);
         check_actions('comment_insert_vote_post', $vars);
         return $vote->sum();
     return false;
Пример #12
function do_best_queued()
    global $db, $globals, $dblang;
    if ($globals['mobile']) {
    $foo_link = new Link();
    $key = 'best_queued_' . $globals['css_main'] . '_' . $globals['meta_current'];
    if (memcache_mprint($key)) {
    if ($globals['meta_current'] && $globals['meta_categories']) {
        $category_list = 'and link_category in (' . $globals['meta_categories'] . ')';
        $title = sprintf(_('candidatas en «%s»'), $globals['meta_current_name']);
    } else {
        $category_list = '';
        $title = _('candidatas');
    $output = '<div class="sidebox"><div class="header"><h4><a href="' . $globals['base_url'] . 'promote.php">' . $title . '</a></h4></div>';
    $min_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:00", $globals['now'] - 86400 * 4);
    // 4 days
    // The order is not exactly the votes
    // but a time-decreasing function applied to the number of votes
    $res = $db->get_results("select link_id from links where link_status='queued' and link_date > '{$min_date}' {$category_list} order by link_karma desc limit 15");
    if ($res) {
        $link = new Link();
        foreach ($res as $l) {
            $output .= '<div class="cell">';
            $link->id = $l->link_id;
            $url = $link->get_relative_permalink();
            $output .= '<div class="votes queued">' . ($link->votes + $link->anonymous) . '</div>';
            if ($link->negatives >= $link->votes / 10) {
                // add the warn icon if it has 10% negatives
                $warn = 'style="padding-left:20px;background: url(../../img/common/error_s.png) no-repeat left center"';
            } else {
                $warn = '';
                // Show the thumbnail only if it has less than 10% negatives
                if ($thumb = $link->has_thumb()) {
                    $link->thumb_x = round($link->thumb_x / 2);
                    $link->thumb_y = round($link->thumb_y / 2);
                    $output .= "<img src='{$thumb}' width='{$link->thumb_x}' height='{$link->thumb_y}' alt='' class='thumbnail'/>";
            $output .= '<h5 ' . $warn . '><a href="' . $url . '">' . $link->title . '</a></h5>';
            $output .= '</div>';
            // class="cell";
        $output .= '</div>' . "\n";
        echo $output;
        memcache_madd($key, $output, 180);
Пример #13
	function print_summary($link = 0, $length = 0, $single_link=true, $no_padding = false) {
		global $current_user, $globals;

		if(!$this->read) return;

		if (! $link && $this->link > 0) {
			$link = new Link;
			$link->id = $this->link;
			$this->link_object = $link;

		if ($single_link) $html_id = $this->order;
		else $html_id = $this->id;

    if ($this->nested_level == 1) 
      $no_padding = true;

    if ($no_padding) {
      $padding = 0;//(int)$this->level * 30;
    } else {
      $padding = 33;//(int)$this->level * 30;

		//echo '<div id="c-'.$html_id.'" class="'.(($this->nested_level>1)?'cmt':'cmt').'" style="margin-left:'.$padding.'px;" >';
    echo '<style>';
    echo '
div.cmt {
  border-width:0px 0px 0px 1px;
    echo '</style>';
		echo '<div id="c-'.$html_id.'" class="'.(($this->nested_level>1)?'cmt':'').'" style="margin-left:'.$padding.'px;" >';

		if ($this->type != 'admin' && $this->user_level != 'disabled') {
			// Print the votes info (left)

			if ($current_user->user_id > 0 
						&& $this->author != $current_user->user_id 
						&& $single_link
						&& $this->date > $globals['now'] - $globals['time_enabled_comments']
						&& $this->level != 'autodisabled') {
            } else {

                echo '<div style="float:left">';
                echo '<span id="c-votes-'.$this->id.'">';
                echo '<a href="javascript:menealo_comment('."$current_user->user_id,$this->id,1".')" title="'._('informativo, opinión razonada, buen humor...').'"><img src="'.$globals['base_static'].'img/common/vote-up02.png" width="18" height="16" alt="'._('voto positivo').'"/></a><br/>';
                echo '<a href="javascript:menealo_comment('."$current_user->user_id,$this->id,-1".')" title="'._('abuso, insulto, acoso, spam, magufo...').'"><img style="padding-top:5px;" src="'.$globals['base_static'].'img/common/vote-down02.png" width="18" height="16" alt="'._('voto negativo').'"/></a>&nbsp;';
                echo '</span>';
                echo '</div>';

		$this->ignored = ($current_user->user_id > 0 && $this->type != 'admin' && User::friend_exists($current_user->user_id, $this->author) < 0);
		$this->hidden = ($globals['comment_highlight_karma'] > 0 && $this->karma < -$globals['comment_highlight_karma'])
						|| ($this->user_level == 'disabled' && $this->type != 'admin');

		if ($this->hidden || $this->ignored)  {
			$comment_meta_class = 'comment-meta-hidden';
			$comment_class = 'comment-body-hidden';
		} else {
			$comment_meta_class = 'comment-meta';
			$comment_class = 'comment-body';
			if ($this->type == 'admin') {
				$comment_class .= ' admin';
			} elseif ($globals['comment_highlight_karma'] > 0 && $this->karma > $globals['comment_highlight_karma']) {
				$comment_class .= ' high';
		$this->link_permalink =  $link->get_relative_permalink();

    $bgcolor = Array("R"=>hexdec("C5"),"G"=>hexdec("E7"),"B"=>hexdec("A4"));
    $n = $this->nested_level - 1;
    $bgcolor["R"] = min($bgcolor["R"] + (((255 - $bgcolor["R"]) / 5) * $n), 255);
    $bgcolor["G"] = min($bgcolor["G"] + (((255 - $bgcolor["G"]) / 5) * $n), 255);
    $bgcolor["B"] = min($bgcolor["B"] + (((255 - $bgcolor["B"]) / 5) * $n), 255);
    $bgcolor = dechex($bgcolor["R"]) . dechex($bgcolor["G"]) . dechex($bgcolor["B"]); 
    $color_list = Array( '#C5E7A4',

    $bgcolor = $color_list[$this->nested_level];
    if (empty($bgcolor)) 
      $bgcolor = end($color_list);

		//echo '<div class="'.$comment_class.'" style="margin-bottom:10px;padding-bottom:5px;background-color:'.$bgcolor.' !important;">';
		echo '<div class="'.$comment_class.'" style="margin-bottom:10px;padding-bottom:5px;background-color:white;min-width:600px;">';
		//echo '<a href="'.$this->link_permalink.'/000'.$this->order.'"><strong>#'.$this->order.'</strong></a>';
    echo '<a href="#" class="f-'.$this->id.' fold" style="font-family:verdana;font-size:x-small;" ></strong>(-)</strong></a>';

		//echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span  id="cid-'.$this->id.'">';
		echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span  id="cid-'.$this->id.'">';

		if ($this->ignored || ($this->hidden && ($current_user->user_comment_pref & 1) == 0)) {
			echo '&#187;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:get_votes(\'get_comment.php\',\'comment\',\'cid-'.$this->id.'\',0,'.$this->id.')" title="'._('ver comentario').'">'._('ver comentario').'</a>';
		echo '</span>';
		} else {
			$this->print_text($length, $html_id);
			echo '</span>';
		//echo '</div>';

		// The comments info bar
		echo '<div class="'.$comment_meta_class.' comment_mc" >';
		// Check that the user can vote
		echo '<div class="comment-votes-info">';

    echo '<a class="comment_vi" href="#c-'.$this->c_order.'" >#'.$this->c_order.'</a> ';

		if ($this->type != 'admin' && $this->user_level != 'disabled') {
			// Print the votes info (left)

			if ($current_user->user_id > 0 
						&& $this->author != $current_user->user_id 
						&& $single_link
						&& $this->date > $globals['now'] - $globals['time_enabled_comments']
						&& $this->level != 'autodisabled') {

			echo _('votos').': <span id="vc-'.$this->id.'">'.$this->votes.'</span>, '._('karma').': <span id="vk-'.$this->id.'">'.$this->karma.'</span>&nbsp;';
			// Add the icon to show votes
			if ($this->votes > 0 && $this->date > $globals['now'] - 30*86400) { // Show votes if newer than 30 days
				echo '<a href="javascript:modal_from_ajax(\''.$globals['base_url'].'backend/get_c_v.php?id='.$this->id.'\')">';
				echo '<img src="'.$globals['base_static'].'img/common/vote-info02.png" width="18" height="16" alt="+ info" title="'._('¿quién ha votado?').'"/>';
				echo '</a>';

		// Comment reply
		if ($current_user->user_id > 0 && $globals['link'] && $globals['link']->date > $globals['now'] - $globals['time_enabled_comments']) {
			echo '<a href="javascript:comment_reply('.$this->order.','.$this->id.')" title="'._('responder').'"><img src="'.$globals['base_static'].'img/common/reply02.png" width="18" height="16"/></a>';
		// Comment permalink
		echo '<a href="'.$this->get_relative_individual_permalink().'" title="permalink"><img class="link-icon" src="'.$globals['base_static'].'img/common/link-02.png" width="18" height="16" alt="link" title="'._('enlace permanente').'"/></a>';

		// If the user is authenticated, show favorite box
		if ($current_user->user_id > 0)  {
			echo '<a id="fav-'.$this->id.'" href="javascript:get_votes(\'get_favorite_comment.php\',\''.$current_user->user_id.'\',\'fav-'.$this->id.'\',0,\''.$this->id.'\')">'.favorite_teaser($current_user->user_id, $this, 'comment').'</a>';

		echo '</div>';

		// Print comment info (right)
		echo '<div class="comment-info">';

		if ($this->type == 'admin') {
			$author = '<strong>'._('admin').'</strong> ';
			if ($current_user->admin) {
				$author .= ' ('.$this->username.')';
		} elseif ($single_link) {
			$author = '<a href="'.get_user_uri($this->username).'" title="karma:&nbsp;'.$this->user_karma.'" id="cauthor-'.$this->order.'">'.$this->username.'</a>';
		} else {
			$author = '<a href="'.get_user_uri($this->username).'" title="karma:&nbsp;'.$this->user_karma.'">'.$this->username.'</a>';

		// Print dates
		if ($this->modified > $this->date + 1) {
			$edited = sprintf('<strong title="'. _('editado %s después').'">*&nbsp;</strong>', txt_time_diff($this->date, $this->modified));
		} else $edited = '';

		if (!$this->hidden && $this->type != 'admin' && $this->avatar) {
			$avatar = get_avatar_url($this->author, $this->avatar, 20);
		} else {
			$avatar = get_no_avatar_url(20);

		if ($globals['now'] - $this->date > 604800) { // 7 days
			printf(_('el %s %s por %s'), get_date_time($this->date), $edited, $author);
		} else {
			printf(_('fai %s %s por %s'), txt_time_diff($this->date), $edited, $author);
		echo '<img src="'.$avatar.'" width="20" height="20" alt="" title="'.$this->username.',&nbsp;karma:&nbsp;'.$this->user_karma.'" />';

		echo '</div>';
		echo '</div></div>';
Пример #14
function do_submit3() {
	global $db, $current_user;

	$linkres=new Link;

	$linkres->id=$link_id = intval($_POST['id']);
	// Check it is not in the queue already
	if($linkres->votes == 0 && $linkres->status != 'queued') {
		$db->query("delete from links where link_author = $linkres->author and link_status='discard' and link_votes=0");
		if(!empty($_POST['trackback'])) {
			$trackres = new Trackback;
			$trackres->url=preg_replace('/ /', '+', trim($_POST['trackback']));
			$res = $trackres->send();

	header("Location: ./shakeit.php");
Пример #15
function do_shaken()
    global $db, $rows, $user, $offset, $page_size, $globals;
    if ($globals['bot']) {
    do_user_subheader(array(_('envíos propios') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'history'), _('votados') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'shaken'), _('favoritos') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'favorites'), _('votados por amigos') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'friends_shaken')), 1, 'rss2.php?voted_by=' . $user->id, _('votadas en rss2'));
    $link = new Link();
    $rows = -1;
    //$db->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM votes WHERE vote_type='links' and vote_user_id=$user->id");
    $links = $db->get_results("SELECT vote_link_id as id, vote_value FROM votes WHERE vote_type='links' and vote_user_id={$user->id} ORDER BY vote_date DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$page_size}");
    if ($links) {
        foreach ($links as $linkdb) {
            $link->id = $linkdb->id;
            if ($link->author == $user->id) {
            echo '<div style="max-width: 60em">';
            $link->print_summary('short', 0, false);
            if ($linkdb->vote_value < 0) {
                echo '<div class="box" style="z-index:1;margin:0 0 -5x 0;background:#FF3333;position:relative;top:-5px;left:85px;width:8em;padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px;border-color:#f00;opacity:0.9;text-align:center;font-size:0.9em;color:#fff;text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #000">';
                echo get_negative_vote($linkdb->vote_value);
                echo "</div>\n";
            echo "</div>\n";
        echo '<br/><span style="color: #FF6400;"><strong>' . _('Nota') . '</strong>: ' . _('sólo se visualizan los votos de los últimos meses') . '</span><br />';
Пример #16
function group_shared($requestID)
    global $db, $main_smarty, $the_template, $page_size, $cached_links;
    if (!is_numeric($requestID)) {
    $link = new Link();
    $group_shared_display = "";
    //$group_shared_display .= "SELECT link_id FROM " . table_links . " WHERE link_group_id=$requestID";
    //$links = $db->get_col("SELECT link_id FROM " . table_links . " WHERE link_share_id = $requestID");
    $rows = $db->get_var("SELECT COUNT(share_link_id) FROM " . table_group_shared . " WHERE share_group_id = {$requestID}");
    $links = $db->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . table_group_shared . " WHERE share_group_id = {$requestID}");
    if ($links) {
        foreach ($links as $dblink) {
            $link->id = $dblink->link_id;
            $cached_links[$dblink->link_id] = $dblink;
            $group_shared_display .= $link->print_summary('summary', true);
    $main_smarty->assign('group_shared_display', $group_shared_display);
    $main_smarty->assign('group_story_pagination', do_pages($rows, $page_size, 'group_story', true));
Пример #17
function do_submit3()
    global $db;
    $linkres = new Link();
    $linkres->id = sanitize($_POST['id'], 3);
    if (!is_numeric($linkres->id)) {
    if (!Submit_Complete_Step2 && $_SESSION['step'] != 2) {
        die('Wrong step');
    totals_adjust_count($linkres->status, -1);
    totals_adjust_count('queued', 1);
    $linkres->status = 'queued';
    $vars = array('linkres' => &$linkres);
    check_actions('do_submit3', $vars);
    if ($vars['linkres']->status == 'discard') {
        $vars = array('link_id' => $linkres->id);
        check_actions('story_discard', $vars);
    } elseif ($vars['linkres']->status == 'spam') {
        $vars = array('link_id' => $linkres->id);
        check_actions('story_spam', $vars);
    if (isset($_POST['trackback']) && sanitize($_POST['trackback'], 3) != '') {
        require_once mnminclude . 'trackback.php';
        $trackres = new Trackback();
        $trackres->url = sanitize($_POST['trackback'], 3);
        $trackres->link = $linkres->id;
        $trackres->title = $linkres->title;
        $trackres->author = $linkres->author;
        $trackres->content = $linkres->content;
        $res = $trackres->send();
    $vars = array('linkres' => $linkres);
    check_actions('submit_pre_redirect', $vars);
    if ($vars['redirect']) {
        header('Location: ' . $vars['redirect']);
    } elseif ($linkres->link_group_id == 0) {
        header("Location: " . getmyurl('upcoming'));
    } else {
        $redirect = getmyurl("group_story", $linkres->link_group_id);
        header("Location: {$redirect}");
Пример #18
function akismet_showpage()
    global $main_smarty, $the_template, $current_user, $db;
    $canIhaveAccess = 0;
    $canIhaveAccess = $canIhaveAccess + checklevel('god');
    if ($canIhaveAccess == 1) {
        if (phpnum() >= 5) {
            include_once akismet_lib_path . 'Akismet.class_5.php';
        } else {
            include_once akismet_lib_path . 'Akismet.class_4.php';
        $navwhere['text1'] = 'Akismet';
        $navwhere['link1'] = URL_akismet;
        define('pagename', 'akismet');
        $main_smarty->assign('pagename', pagename);
        define('modulename', 'akismet');
        $main_smarty->assign('modulename', modulename);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['view'])) {
            $view = sanitize($_REQUEST['view'], 3);
        } else {
            $view = '';
        if ($view == '') {
            $wordpress_key = get_misc_data('wordpress_key');
            if ($wordpress_key == '') {
                header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageKey');
            $spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
            if ($spam_links != '') {
                $spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
            } else {
                $spam_links = array();
            $main_smarty->assign('spam_links', $spam_links);
            $main_smarty->assign('spam_links_count', count($spam_links));
            $spam_comments = get_misc_data('spam_comments');
            if ($spam_comments != '') {
                $spam_comments = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_comments'));
            } else {
                $spam_comments = array();
            $main_smarty->assign('spam_comments', $spam_comments);
            $main_smarty->assign('spam_comments_count', count($spam_comments));
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'main');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if ($view == 'manageKey') {
            $wordpress_key = get_misc_data('wordpress_key');
            $main_smarty->assign('wordpress_key', $wordpress_key);
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageKey');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if ($view == 'updateKey') {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['key'])) {
                $wordpress_key = sanitize($_REQUEST['key'], 3);
            } else {
                $wordpress_key = '';
            misc_data_update('wordpress_key', $wordpress_key);
            header('Location: ' . URL_akismet);
        if ($view == 'manageSpam') {
            $spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
            if ($spam_links != '') {
                $spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
            } else {
                $spam_links = array();
            if (count($spam_links) > 0) {
                $sql = "SELECT " . table_links . ".* FROM " . table_links . " WHERE ";
                $sql .= 'link_id IN (' . implode(',', $spam_links) . ')';
                $link_data = $db->get_results($sql);
                $main_smarty->assign('link_data', object_2_array($link_data));
            } else {
                header('Location: ' . URL_akismet);
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageSpam');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if ($view == 'manageSettings') {
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageSettings');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if($view == 'isSpam'){
        	if(isset($_REQUEST['link_id'])){$link_id = sanitize($_REQUEST['link_id'], 3);}else{$link_id='';}
        	$spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
        	$spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
        	misc_data_update('spam_links', serialize($spam_links));
        	$link = new Link;
        	$link->id = $link_id;
        	$link->status = 'discard';
        	header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpam');
        if($view == 'isNotSpam'){
        	if(isset($_REQUEST['link_id'])){$link_id = sanitize($_REQUEST['link_id'], 3);}else{$link_id='';}
        	$spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
        	$spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
        	misc_data_update('spam_links', serialize($spam_links));
        	$link = new Link;
        	$link->id = $link_id;
        	$link->status = 'queued';
        	header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpam');
        if($view == 'addSpam'){
        	$spam_links[1] = 1;
        	misc_data_update('spam_links', serialize($spam_links));
        	header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpam');
        if ($view == 'manageSpamcomments') {
            $spam_comments = get_misc_data('spam_comments');
            if ($spam_comments != '') {
                $spam_comments = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_comments'));
            } else {
                $spam_comments = array();
            if (count($spam_comments) > 0) {
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . table_prefix . "spam_comments WHERE ";
                $sql .= 'linkid IN (' . implode(',', $spam_comments) . ')';
                $link_data = $db->get_results($sql);
                $user_cmt = new User();
                $user_cmt_link = new Link();
                $spam_output .= ' <form name="bulk_moderate" action="' . URL_akismet_isSpamcomment . '&action=bulkmod" method="post">';
                $spam_output .= "<table>";
                $spam_output .= "<tr><th>Author</th><th>Body</th><th>this is spam</th><th>this is NOT spam</th></tr>";
                if ($link_data) {
                    foreach ($link_data as $spam_cmts) {
                        $user_cmt->id = $spam_cmts->userid;
                        $user_name = $user_cmt->username;
                        $user_cmt_link->id = $spam_cmts->linkid;
                        $spam_output .= "<tr>";
                        $spam_output .= "<td>" . $user_name . "</td>";
                        $spam_output .= "<td>" . save_text_to_html($spam_cmts->cmt_content) . "</td>";
                        $spam_output .= '<td><center><input type="radio" name="spamcomment[' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . ']" id="spamcomment-' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . '" value="spamcomment"></center></td>';
                        $spam_output .= '<td><center><input type="radio" name="spamcomment[' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . ']" id="spamcomment-' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . '" value="notspamcomment"></center></td>';
                        $spam_output .= "</tr>";
                $spam_output .= "</table>";
                $spam_output .= '<p align="right"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Change Status" class="log2" /></p>';
                $spam_output .= "</form>";
                $main_smarty->assign('spam_output', $spam_output);
                $main_smarty->assign('link_data', object_2_array($link_data));
            } else {
                header('Location: ' . URL_akismet);
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageSpamcomments');
            $main_smarty->display($the_template . '/pligg.tpl');
        if ($view == 'isSpam') {
            if ($_GET['action'] == "bulkmod") {
                if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                    $spam = array();
                    foreach ($_POST["spam"] as $k => $v) {
                        $spam[intval($k)] = $v;
                    foreach ($spam as $key => $value) {
                        if ($value == "spam") {
                            if (isset($key)) {
                                $link_id = sanitize($key, 3);
                            } else {
                                $link_id = '';
                            $spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
                            $spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
                            $key = array_search($link_id, $spam_links);
                            misc_data_update('spam_links', serialize($spam_links));
                            $link = new Link();
                            $link->id = $link_id;
                            $link->status = 'discard';
                            $user = new User();
                            $user->id = $link->author;
                            $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'));
                            $akismet->setPermalink(getmyurl('story', $link->id));
                        } elseif ($value == "notspam") {
                            if (isset($key)) {
                                $link_id = sanitize($key, 3);
                            } else {
                                $link_id = '';
                            $spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
                            $spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
                            $key = array_search($link_id, $spam_links);
                            misc_data_update('spam_links', serialize($spam_links));
                            $link = new Link();
                            $link->id = $link_id;
                            $link->status = 'queued';
                            $user = new User();
                            $user->id = $link->author;
                            $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'));
                            $akismet->setPermalink(getmyurl('story', $link->id));
            header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpam');
        if ($view == 'isSpamcomment') {
            if ($_GET['action'] == "bulkmod") {
                if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                    $spamcomment = array();
                    foreach ($_POST["spamcomment"] as $k => $v) {
                        $spamcomment[intval($k)] = $v;
                    foreach ($spamcomment as $key => $value) {
                        if ($value == "spamcomment") {
                            if (isset($key)) {
                                $link_id = sanitize($key, 3);
                            } else {
                                $link_id = '';
                            global $db;
                            $spam_comments = get_misc_data('spam_comments');
                            $spam_comments = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_comments'));
                            $key = array_search($link_id, $spam_comments);
                            $sql_result = "Select * from " . table_prefix . "spam_comments where auto_id=" . $link_id;
                            $result_arr = $db->get_results($sql_result);
                            if ($result_arr) {
                                foreach ($result_arr as $result_arr_comments) {
                                    $link = new Link();
                                    $link->id = $result_arr_comments->linkid;
                                    $user = new User();
                                    $user->id = $result_arr_comments->userid;
                                    $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'));
                                    $akismet->setPermalink(getmyurl('story', $link->id));
                            misc_data_update('spam_comments', serialize($spam_comments));
                            $db->query(' Delete from ' . table_prefix . 'spam_comments where auto_id=' . $link_id);
                        } elseif ($value == "notspamcomment") {
                            if (isset($key)) {
                                $link_id = sanitize($key, 3);
                            } else {
                                $link_id = '';
                            global $db;
                            $spam_comments = get_misc_data('spam_comments');
                            $spam_comments = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_comments'));
                            $key = array_search($link_id, $spam_comments);
                            $sql_result = " Select * from " . table_prefix . "spam_comments where auto_id={$link_id}";
                            $result_arr = $db->get_results($sql_result);
                            if ($result_arr) {
                                foreach ($result_arr as $result_arr_comments) {
                                    $link = new Link();
                                    $link->id = $result_arr_comments->linkid;
                                    $user = new User();
                                    $user->id = $result_arr_comments->userid;
                                    $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'));
                                    $akismet->setPermalink(getmyurl('story', $link->id));
                                    $sql = "INSERT INTO " . table_comments . " (comment_parent, comment_user_id, comment_link_id , comment_date, comment_randkey, comment_content) VALUES ({$result_arr_comments->cmt_parent}, {$result_arr_comments->userid}, {$result_arr_comments->linkid}, now(), '{$result_arr_comments->cmt_rand}', '{$result_arr_comments->cmt_content}')";
                            misc_data_update('spam_comments', serialize($spam_comments));
                            $sql_delete = ' Delete from ' . table_prefix . 'spam_comments where auto_id=' . $link_id;
                header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpamcomments');
Пример #19
// The source code packaged with this file is Free Software, Copyright (C) 2005 by
// Ricardo Galli <gallir at uib dot es>.
// It's licensed under the AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE unless stated otherwise.
// You can get copies of the licenses here:
// 		http://www.affero.org/oagpl.html
// AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE is also included in the file called "COPYING".
include 'config.php';
include mnminclude . 'link.php';
include mnminclude . 'html1.php';
$link = new Link();
if (!defined($_REQUEST['id']) && !empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
    $url_args = preg_split('/\\/+/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']);
    // The first element is always a "/"
    $link->uri = $db->escape($url_args[0]);
    if (!$link->read('uri')) {
} else {
    $url_args = preg_split('/\\/+/', $_REQUEST['id']);
    $link->id = intval($url_args[0]);
    if (is_numeric($url_args[0]) && $link->read('id')) {
        // Redirect to the right URL if the link has a "semantic" uri
        if (!empty($link->uri) && !empty($globals['base_story_url'])) {
            if (!empty($url_args[1])) {
                $extra_url = '/' . urlencode($url_args[1]);
            header('Location: ' . $link->get_permalink() . $extra_url);
    } else {
Пример #20
 function show($fetch = false)
     global $main_smarty, $db, $cached_links, $current_user;
     include_once mnminclude . 'search.php';
     $search = new Search();
     $search->orderBy = $this->orderBy;
     $search->pagesize = $this->pagesize;
     $search->filterToStatus = $this->filterToStatus;
     $search->filterToTimeFrame = $this->filterToTimeFrame;
     if ($this->category) {
         $thecat = get_cached_category_data('category_safe_name', $this->category);
         $search->category = $thecat->category_id;
     $linksum_sql = $search->sql;
     $link = new Link();
     $links = $db->get_col($linksum_sql);
     $the_results = $links;
     if ($the_results) {
         // find out if the logged in user voted / reported each of
         // the stories that the search found and cache the results
         require_once mnminclude . 'votes.php';
         // DB 03/02/09
         //			$vote = new Vote;
         //			$vote->type='links';
         //			$vote->user=$current_user->user_id;
         //			$vote->link=$the_results;
         //			$results = $vote->user_list_all_votes();
         $vote = '';
         $results = '';
         // we don't actually need the results
         // we're just calling this to cache the results
         // so when we foreach the links we don't have to
         // run 1 extra query for each story to determine
         // current user votes
         // setup the link cache
         $i = 0;
         // if this query changes also change it in the read() function in /libs/link.php
         $sql = "SELECT " . table_links . ".* FROM " . table_links . " WHERE ";
         foreach ($the_results as $link_id) {
             // first make sure we don't already have it cached
             if (!isset($cached_links[$link_id])) {
                 if ($i > 0) {
                     $sql .= ' OR ';
                 $sql .= " link_id = {$link_id} ";
                 $i = $i + 1;
         // if $i = 0 then all the links are already cached
         // so don't touch the db
         // if $i > 0 then there is at least 1 link to get
         // so get the SQL and add results to the cache
         if ($i > 0) {
             $results = $db->get_results($sql);
             // add the results to the cache
             foreach ($results as $row) {
                 $cached_links[$row->link_id] = $row;
         // end link cache setup
     $ssLinks = '';
     if ($links) {
         foreach ($links as $link_id) {
             $link->id = $link_id;
             $link->check_saved = false;
             $link->get_author_info = false;
             $link->check_friends = false;
             if (is_numeric($this->TitleLengthLimit) && strlen($link->title) > $this->TitleLengthLimit) {
                 $link->title = utf8_substr($link->title, 0, $this->TitleLengthLimit) . '...';
             $main_smarty = $link->fill_smarty($main_smarty);
             $ssLinks .= $main_smarty->fetch($this->template);
     if ($fetch == true) {
         return $ssLinks;
     } else {
         echo $ssLinks;
Пример #21
function print_comment_list($comments, $user) {
	global $globals, $current_user;

	$link = new Link;
	$comment = new Comment;

	foreach ($comments as $dbcomment) {
		if ($dbcomment->comment_type == 'admin' && ! $current_user->admin) continue;
		$comment->id = $dbcomment->comment_id;
		if ($last_link != $link->id) {
			echo '<h4>';
			echo '<a href="'.$link->get_permalink().'">'. $link->title. '</a>';
			echo ' ['.$link->comments.']';
			echo '</h4>';
			$last_link = $link->id;
		echo '<ol class="comments-list">';
		echo '<li>';
		$comment->print_summary($link, 2000, false);
		echo '</li>';
		echo "</ol>\n";
Пример #22
function report_dupe($url) {
	global $globals;

	$link = new Link;
	if(($found = $link->duplicates($url))) {
		$dupe = new Link;
		$dupe->id = $found;
		echo '<p class="error"><strong>'._('noticia repetida').'</strong></p> ';
		echo '<p class="error-text">'._('disculpas').'</p>';
		echo '<br style="clear: both;" /><br/>' . "\n";
		echo '<form class="genericform" action="">';
		echo '<input class="button" type="button" onclick="window.history.go(-1)" value="&#171; '._('retroceder').'" />';
		echo '</form>'. "\n";
		echo '</div>'. "\n";
		return true;
	return false;
Пример #23
// The source code packaged with this file is Free Software, Copyright (C) 2009 by
// Ricardo Galli <gallir at gallir dot com>.
// It's licensed under the AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE unless stated otherwise.
// You can get copies of the licenses here:
//		http://www.affero.org/oagpl.html
// AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE is also included in the file called "COPYING".
include '../config.php';
$colors = array('negatives' => '#CB4B4B', 'positives' => '#4DA74D', 'anonymous' => '#AFD8F8', 'karma' => '#FF6400');
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$link = new Link();
$link->id = $id;
if (!$link->read) {
if (($array = $link->read_annotation("link-karma")) != false) {
    $data['anonymous'] = array();
    $data['positives'] = array();
    $data['negatives'] = array();
    $data['karma'] = array();
    $data['clicks'] = array();
    $array = array_reverse($array);
    foreach ($array as $log) {
        foreach (array_keys($data) as $key) {
            $item = array($log['time'] * 1000, $log[$key]);
            array_push($data[$key], $item);
Пример #24
function spam_trigger_killspam($id)
    global $db, $current_user;
    #	include_once(mnminclude.'link.php');
    #	include_once(mnminclude.'votes.php');
    $oldlevel = $current_user->user_level;
    $current_user->user_level = 'admin';
    $current_user->user_level = $oldlevel;
    $db->query('UPDATE `' . table_users . "` SET user_enabled=0, `user_pass` = '63205e60098a9758101eeff9df0912ccaaca6fca3e50cdce3', user_level='Spammer' WHERE `user_id` = {$id}");
    $db->query('UPDATE `' . table_links . '` SET `link_status` = "discard" WHERE `link_author` = "' . $id . '"');
    $results = $db->get_results("SELECT comment_id, comment_link_id FROM `" . table_comments . "` WHERE `comment_user_id` = {$id}");
    if ($results) {
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $comment_id = $result->comment_id;
            $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_comments . '` WHERE `comment_id` = "' . $comment_id . '"');
            $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_comments . '` WHERE `comment_parent` = "' . $comment_id . '"');
            $link = new Link();
            $link->id = $result->comment_link_id;
    $results = $db->get_results("SELECT vote_id,vote_link_id FROM `" . table_votes . "` WHERE `vote_user_id` = {$id}");
    if ($results) {
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_votes . '` WHERE `vote_id` = "' . $result->vote_id . '"');
            $link = new Link();
            $link->id = $result->vote_link_id;
            $vote = new Vote();
            $vote->type = 'links';
            $vote->link = $result->vote_link_id;
            if (Voting_Method == 1) {
                $link->votes = $vote->count();
                $link->reports = $link->count_all_votes("<0");
            } elseif (Voting_Method == 2) {
                $link->votes = $vote->rating();
                $link->votecount = $vote->count();
                $link->reports = $link->count_all_votes("<0");
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_saved_links . '` WHERE `saved_user_id` = "' . $id . '"');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_trackbacks . '` WHERE `trackback_user_id` = "' . $id . '"');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_friends . '` WHERE `friend_id` = "' . $id . '"');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_messages . "` WHERE `sender`={$id} OR `receiver`={$id}");
Пример #25
include mnminclude . 'geo.php';
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
if (!($id = intval($_REQUEST['id']))) {
    error(_('falta el id') . " {$link}");
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
if ($type == 'user') {
    if ($id != $current_user->user_id) {
        error(_('usuario incorrecto'));
} elseif ($type == 'link') {
    require_once mnminclude . 'link.php';
    $link = new Link();
    $link->id = $id;
    if (!$link->read()) {
        error(_('Artículo inexistente'));
    if (!$link->is_map_editable()) {
        error(_("noticia no modificable"));
} else {
    error(_('tipo incorrecto'));
$lat = (double) $_REQUEST['lat'];
$lng = (double) $_REQUEST['lng'];
$text = clean_text($_REQUEST['text'], 0, true, 75);
if (geo_insert($type, $id, $lat, $lng, $text)) {
    echo "OK";
    if ($type == 'link') {
        require_once mnminclude . 'log.php';
Пример #26
function akismet_link_to_spam($link_id)
    global $db;
    $link = new Link();
    $link->id = $link_id;
    $link->status = 'spam';
    $db->query("INSERT INTO " . table_prefix . "spam_links (`auto_id` , `userid` , `linkid`) VALUES (NULL, {$link->author}, {$link_id})");
Пример #27
// pagename
define('pagename', 'delete');
$main_smarty->assign('pagename', pagename);
if (isset($_REQUEST['link_id'])) {
    global $db;
    $link_id = $_REQUEST['link_id'];
    if (!is_numeric($link_id)) {
    $linkres = new Link();
    $linkres->id = $link_id;
    //echo $linkres->status;
    totals_adjust_count($linkres->status, -1);
    // module system hook
    $vars = array('link_id' => $linkres->id);
    check_actions('admin_story_delete', $vars);
    /*********find out the page slug dynamically ***********/
    $linkslugvalue = $db->get_results("SELECT " . table_links . ".link_category, " . table_categories . ".category_safe_name FROM " . table_categories . " LEFT JOIN " . table_links . " ON " . table_links . ".link_category = " . table_categories . ".category__auto_id WHERE " . table_links . ".link_id = '" . $link_id . "' LIMIT 0,1");
    $linkslug = '';
    foreach ($linkslugvalue as $slug) {
        $linkslug = $slug->category_safe_name;
    if ($linkslug != '') {
        $redirectUrl = $linkslug;
Пример #28
function do_commented()
    global $db, $main_smarty, $rows, $user, $offset, $page_size, $cached_links;
    $output = '';
    $link = new Link();
    $rows = $db->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . table_links . ", " . table_comments . " WHERE comment_status='published' AND comment_user_id={$user->id} AND comment_link_id=link_id");
    $links = $db->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM " . table_links . ", " . table_comments . " WHERE comment_status='published' AND comment_user_id={$user->id} AND comment_link_id=link_id AND (link_status='published' OR link_status='queued')  ORDER BY link_date DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$page_size}");
    if ($links) {
        foreach ($links as $dblink) {
            $link->id = $dblink->link_id;
            $cached_links[$dblink->link_id] = $dblink;
            $output .= $link->print_summary('summary', true);
    $main_smarty->assign('user_page', $output);
Пример #29
    Header("Location: " . $url);
// if we're using "Friendly URL's for stories"
if (isset($requestTitle)) {
    $requestID = $db->get_var($sql = "SELECT link_id FROM " . table_links . " WHERE `link_title_url` = '" . $db->escape(sanitize($requestTitle, 4)) . "';");
    // Search in old urls if not found
    if (!is_numeric($requestID)) {
        $requestID = $db->get_var($sql = "SELECT old_link_id FROM " . table_old_urls . " WHERE `old_title_url` = '" . $db->escape(sanitize($requestTitle, 4)) . "';");
if (is_numeric($requestID)) {
    $id = $requestID;
    $link = new Link();
    $link->id = $requestID;
    if ($link->read() == false || sizeof($thecat) > 0 && (array_diff($thecat, $link->additional_cats, array($link->category)) || sizeof($thecat) != sizeof($link->additional_cats) + 1) || ($link->status == 'spam' || $link->status == 'discard') && !checklevel('admin') && !checklevel('moderator')) {
        // check for redirects
        include mnminclude . 'redirector.php';
        $x = new redirector($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        header("Location: {$my_pligg_base}/error_404.php");
    // Hide private group stories
    if ($link->link_group_id) {
        $privacy = $db->get_var("SELECT group_privacy FROM " . table_groups . " WHERE group_id = {$link->link_group_id}");
        if ($privacy == 'private' && !isMember($link->link_group_id)) {
            die('Access denied');
    if (isset($_POST['process']) && sanitize($_POST['process'], 3) != '') {
        if (sanitize($_POST['process'], 3) == 'newcomment') {
Пример #30
function do_submit3()
    global $db, $current_user;
    $linkres = new Link();
    $linkres->id = $link_id = intval($_POST['id']);
    // Check it is not in the queue already
    if ($linkres->votes == 0 && $linkres->status != 'queued') {
        $linkres->status = 'queued';
        $linkres->date = time();
        $linkres->insert_vote($current_user->user_id, $current_user->user_karma);
        // Add the new link log/event
        require_once mnminclude . 'log.php';
        log_conditional_insert('link_new', $linkres->id, $linkres->author);
        $db->query("delete from links where link_author = {$linkres->author} and link_status='discard' and link_votes=0");
        if (!empty($_POST['trackback'])) {
            require_once mnminclude . 'trackback.php';
            $trackres = new Trackback();
            $trackres->url = clean_input_url($_POST['trackback']);
            $trackres->link = $linkres->id;
            $trackres->title = $linkres->title;
            $trackres->author = $linkres->author;
            $trackres->content = $linkres->content;
            $res = $trackres->send($linkres);
    header("Location: shakeit.php");