Пример #1
  * Method to get the content types.
  * @return  array  An array of JContentType objects.
  * @since   12.1
  * @throws  RuntimeException
 public function getTypes()
     $types = array();
     // Get the cache store id.
     $storeId = $this->getStoreId('getTypes');
     // Attempt to retrieve the types from cache first.
     $cached = $this->retrieve($storeId);
     // Check if the cached value is usable.
     if (is_array($cached)) {
         return $cached;
     // Build the query to get the content types.
     $query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
     $query->from($query->qn('#__content_types') . ' AS a');
     // Get the content types.
     $results = $this->db->loadObjectList();
     // Reorganize the type information.
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         // Create a new JContentType object.
         $type = $this->factory->getType();
         // Bind the type data.
         // Add the type, keyed by alias.
         $types[$result->alias] = $type;
     // Store the types in cache.
     return $this->store($storeId, $types);
Пример #2
  * Constructor.
 public function __construct()
     if (!$this->table) {
         throw new DomainException('Table name missing from ' . get_class($this));
     $this->db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $this->query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
     $this->query->from($this->table . ' AS a');
Пример #3
  * Execute the application.
  * @return  void
 public function doExecute()
     // Get the query builder class from the database and set it up
     // to select everything in the 'db' table.
     $query = $this->dbo->getQuery(true)->select('*')->from($this->dbo->qn('db'));
     // Push the query builder object into the database connector.
     // Get all the returned rows from the query as an array of objects.
     $rows = $this->dbo->loadObjectList();
     // Just dump the value returned.
Пример #4
 public function cleanBeforeMigrate()
     $db = $this->dbo;
     $query = $this->dbo->getQuery(true);
     // now content items
     $query = $this->dbo->getQuery(true);
     $conditions = array($db->quoteName('id') . ' <> 1');
     // now categories
     $query = $this->dbo->getQuery(true);
     $conditions = array($db->quoteName('extension') . ' = ' . $db->quote('com_akrecipes'));
     // now categories
     $query = $this->dbo->getQuery(true);
     $conditions = array($db->quoteName('extension') . ' = ' . $db->quote('com_content'), '!(' . $db->quoteName('id') . ' = 2 OR ' . $db->quoteName('id') . ' = 26)');
Пример #5
  * Method to load an object by primary id.
  * @return  void
  * @since   12.1
  * @throws  RuntimeException
 protected function doLoad()
     // Get the primary key.
     $primaryKey = $this->getTableKey('primary', 'primary');
     $primaryTable = $this->getTableExpression('primary');
     // Build the query object.
     $query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
     $query->select($this->getTableKeyExpression('primary', '*'));
     $query->where($this->getTableKeyExpression('primary', 'primary') . ' = ' . (int) $this->{$primaryKey});
     // Get the subtables.
     $tables = $this->tables;
     // Add additional tables to the query.
     foreach ($tables as $alias => $table) {
         // Add the table select and join clauses.
         $query->select($this->getTableKeyExpression($alias, '*'));
         $query->join('INNER', $this->getTableExpression($alias));
     // Get the content data.
     $data = $this->db->loadObject();
     // Check the type data.
     if (empty($data)) {
         throw new RuntimeException(JText::sprintf('JDATABASEOBJECT_NOT_FOUND', $this->{$primaryKey}, $primaryTable));
     // Bind the data.
Пример #6
  * Generic check for whether dependencies exist for this object in the database schema
  * Can be overloaded/supplemented by the child class
  * @param   mixed  $pk     An optional primary key value check the row for.  If not
  * set the instance property value is used.
  * @param   array  $joins  An optional array to compiles standard joins formatted like:
  * [label => 'Label', name => 'table name' , idfield => 'field', joinfield => 'field']
  * @return  boolean  True on success.
  * @deprecated    12.1
  * @link    http://docs.joomla.org/JTable/canDelete
  * @since   11.1
 public function canDelete($pk = null, $joins = null)
     // Deprecation warning.
     JLog::add('JTable::canDelete() is deprecated.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated');
     // Initialise variables.
     $k = $this->_tbl_key;
     $pk = is_null($pk) ? $this->{$k} : $pk;
     // If no primary key is given, return false.
     if ($pk === null) {
         return false;
     if (is_array($joins)) {
         // Get a query object.
         $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
         // Setup the basic query.
         $query->where($this->_db->quoteName($this->_tbl_key) . ' = ' . $this->_db->quote($this->{$k}));
         // For each join add the select and join clauses to the query object.
         foreach ($joins as $table) {
             $query->select('COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $table['idfield'] . ') AS ' . $table['idfield']);
             $query->join('LEFT', $table['name'] . ' ON ' . $table['joinfield'] . ' = ' . $k);
         // Get the row object from the query.
         $this->_db->setQuery((string) $query, 0, 1);
         $row = $this->_db->loadObject();
         // Check for a database error.
         if ($this->_db->getErrorNum()) {
             return false;
         $msg = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($joins as $table) {
             $k = $table['idfield'] . $i;
             if ($row->{$k}) {
                 $msg[] = JText::_($table['label']);
         if (count($msg)) {
             $this->setError("noDeleteRecord" . ": " . implode(', ', $msg));
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     return true;
Пример #7
function jotcache_upgrade(JDatabase $db)
    $message = '';
    $query = $db->getQuery(true);
    $tplex_count = $db->setQuery($query)->loadResult();
    if ($tplex_count == 0) {
        return false;
    $count = $db->setQuery($query)->loadResult();
    if ($count == 0) {
        $query->select($db->quoteName('value'))->from($db->quoteName('#__template_styles', 's'))->where('name=s.id')->where('type=1')->order('s.home');
        $defs = $db->setQuery($query)->loadResultArray();
        $positions = array();
        foreach ($defs as $def) {
            $def_array = unserialize($def);
            $positions = array_merge($positions, $def_array);
        $query->select('position')->from('#__modules')->where('client_id = 0')->where('published = 1')->where('position <>' . $db->quote(''))->group('position')->order('position');
        $items = $db->loadResultArray();
        $cleaned_positions = array();
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            if (array_key_exists($item, $positions)) {
                $cleaned_positions[$item] = $positions[$item];
        $defs = serialize($cleaned_positions);
        $query->insert('#__jotcache_exclude')->columns('name,value,type')->values('1,' . $db->quote($defs) . ',4');
        if ($db->setQuery($query)->query()) {
            $message = "TABLE #__jotcache_exclude has been upgraded. Check JotCache TPL exclude definitions for correct values.";
        } else {
            JError::raiseNotice(100, $db->getErrorMsg());
        return $message;
Пример #8
  * Description
  * @access public
  * @param $oid
  * @param $log
 function hit()
     if (!in_array('hits', array_keys($this->getProperties()))) {
     $k = $this->_tbl_key;
     $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
     $query->set(' hits = ( hits + 1 ) ');
     // check whether all fields are filled and build where statement
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($k); $i++) {
         if ($this->{$k}[$i] === null) {
             return false;
         } else {
             $query->where(' ' . $this->_db->quoteName($k[$i]) . ' = ' . $this->_db->Quote($this->{$k}[$i]) . ' ');
Пример #9
  * Custom doExecute method.
  * This method loads a list of the published plugins from the 'cron' group,
  * then loads the plugins and registers them against the 'doCron' event.
  * The event is then triggered and results logged.
  * Any configuration for the cron plugins is done via the Joomla CMS
  * administrator interface and plugin parameters.
  * @return  void
  * @since   11.3
 public function doExecute()
     // Check we have some critical information.
     if (!defined('JPATH_PLUGINS') || !is_dir(JPATH_PLUGINS)) {
         throw new Exception('JPATH_PLUGINS not defined');
     // Add a start message.
     JLog::add('Starting cron run.');
     // Prepare the plugins
     // Get the quey builder class from the database.
     $query = $this->dbo->getQuery(true);
     // Get a list of the plugins from the database.
     $query->select('p.*')->from('#__extensions AS p')->where('p.enabled = 1')->where('p.type = ' . $this->dbo->quote('plugin'))->where('p.folder = ' . $this->dbo->quote('cron'))->order('p.ordering');
     // Push the query builder object into the database connector.
     // Get all the returned rows from the query as an array of objects.
     $plugins = $this->dbo->loadObjectList();
     // Log how many plugins were loaded from the database.
     JLog::add(sprintf('.loaded %d plugin(s).', count($plugins)));
     // Loop through each of the results from the database query.
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         // Build the class name of the plugin.
         $className = 'plg' . ucfirst($plugin->folder) . ucfirst($plugin->element);
         $element = preg_replace('#[^A-Z0-9-~_]#i', '', $plugin->element);
         // If the class doesn't already exist, try to load it.
         if (!class_exists($className)) {
             // Compute the path to the plugin file.
             $path = sprintf(rtrim(JPATH_PLUGINS, '\\/') . '/cron/%s/%s.php', $element, $element);
             // Check if the file exists.
             if (is_file($path)) {
                 // Include the file.
                 include $path;
                 // Double check if we have a valid class.
                 if (!class_exists($className)) {
                     // Log a warning and contine to the next record.
                     JLog::add(sprintf('..plugin class for `%s` not found in file.', $element), JLog::WARNING);
             } else {
                 // Log a warning and contine to the next record.
                 JLog::add(sprintf('..plugin file for `%s` not found.', $element), JLog::WARNING);
         JLog::add(sprintf('..registering `%s` plugin.', $element));
         // Register the event.
         $this->registerEvent('doCron', new $className($this->dispatcher, array('params' => new JRegistry($plugin->params))));
     // Run the cron plugins.
     // Each plugin should have been installed in the Joomla CMS site
     // and must include a 'doCron' method. Configuration of the plugin
     // is done via plugin parameters.
     JLog::add('.triggering `doCron` event.');
     // Trigger the event and let the Joomla plugins do all the work.
     $results = $this->triggerEvent('doCron');
     // Log the results.
     foreach ($this->triggerEvent('doCron') as $result) {
         JLog::add(sprintf('..plugin returned `%s`.', var_export($result, true)));
     JLog::add('Finished cron run.');
Пример #10
  * @return string The current value of the internal SQL vairable
 public function getQuery()
     return $this->_db->getQuery();
Пример #11
function sortearEliminatoria(array $equipos, $numRows_eq, JDatabase $db_ins_part, $id_grupo, JDatabase $db_ins_jor)
    $cantidad_equipos = $numRows_eq;
    $cantidad_partidos = $cantidad_equipos - 1;
    $cantidad_jornadas = ceil(log($cantidad_equipos, 2));
    $preliminares = $cantidad_equipos - pow(2, floor(log($cantidad_equipos, 2)));
    $standby = $cantidad_equipos - $preliminares * 2;
    $partidos_potencia2 = $cantidad_equipos / 2;
    $partidos_ronda2 = ($standby + $preliminares) / 2;
    // echo "Equipos:".$cantidad_equipos."<br>";
    // echo "Partidos:".$cantidad_partidos."<br>";
    // echo "Jornadas:".$cantidad_jornadas."<br>";
    // echo "Preliminares:".$preliminares."<br>";
    // echo "Espera:".$standby."<br>";
    // echo "Partidos potencia 2: ".$partidos_potencia2."<br>";
    // echo "Partidos ronda 2: ".$partidos_ronda2."<br>";
    $partidos = array();
    $equipos_partido = array();
    $nombre_jornadas = array('Final', 'Semifinal', 'Cuartos de Final', 'Octavos de Final', 'Primera Ronda', 'Preliminares');
    $x = 0;
    // $y=0;
    // $y=$cantidad_equipos-1;
    $y = $preliminares * 2 - 1;
    //Insertar primer jornada
    for ($i = 0; $i < $cantidad_jornadas; $i++) {
        if ($preliminares == 0) {
            switch ($i) {
                case 0:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
                case 1:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
                case 2:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
                case 3:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
                case 4:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
                case 5:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
        } else {
            switch ($i) {
                case 0:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
                case 1:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
                case 2:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
                case 3:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
                case 4:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
                case 5:
                    $descr_jor = $nombre_jornadas[$i];
        try {
            $query_ins_jor = $db_ins_jor->getQuery(true);
            $columns = array('descripcion', 'id_grupo', 'numero');
            $values = array($db_ins_jor->quote($descr_jor), $id_grupo, $i + 1);
            $query_ins_jor->insert($db_ins_jor->quoteName('jornada'))->columns($db_ins_jor->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
            $id_jornada = $db_ins_jor->insertid();
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo $e;
        if ($preliminares != 0) {
            $partidos_ronda = pow(2, $i);
            if ($i == $cantidad_jornadas - 1) {
                $partidos_ronda = $preliminares;
            for ($j = 0; $j < $partidos_ronda; $j++) {
                if ($i == $cantidad_jornadas - 1) {
                    $equipos_partido[0] = $equipos[$x];
                    $equipos_partido[1] = $equipos[$x + 1];
                    $partidos[$j] = $equipos_partido;
                    try {
                        $query_ins_part = $db_ins_part->getQuery(true);
                        // Insert columns.
                        $columns = array('id_torneo', 'id_jornada');
                        // Insert values.
                        $values = array($_SESSION['id_torneo'], $id_jornada);
                        // Prepare the insert query.
                        $query_ins_part->insert($db_ins_part->quoteName('partido'))->columns($db_ins_part->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
                        // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
                        $id_partido = $db_ins_part->insertid();
                        $equipos_p = $partidos[$j];
                        $query_ins_part = $db_ins_part->getQuery(true);
                        // Insert columns.
                        $columns = array('id_equipo1', 'id_equipo2', 'id_partido');
                        // Insert values.
                        $values = array($equipos_p[0]->id_eq, $equipos_p[1]->id_eq, $id_partido);
                        // Prepare the insert query.
                        $query_ins_part->insert($db_ins_part->quoteName('partido_equipos'))->columns($db_ins_part->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
                        // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        echo $e;
                } elseif ($i == $cantidad_jornadas - 2) {
                    $dividido = ceil($preliminares / 2);
                    $equipos_partido[0] = $equipos[$y];
                    if (isset($equipos[$y + 1])) {
                        $equipos_partido[1] = $equipos[$y + 1];
                    $partidos[$j] = $equipos_partido;
                    if ($preliminares % 2 == 0) {
                        if ($j < $dividido) {
                            $equipos_partido[0] = 26;
                            $equipos_partido[1] = 26;
                            $partidos[$j] = $equipos_partido;
                    } else {
                        if ($j < $dividido) {
                            if ($j == $dividido - 1) {
                                $equipos_partido[0] = 26;
                                $equipos_partido[1] = $equipos[$y + 1];
                                $partidos[$j] = $equipos_partido;
                            } elseif ($j < $dividido - 1) {
                                $equipos_partido[0] = 26;
                                $equipos_partido[1] = 26;
                                $partidos[$j] = $equipos_partido;
                    try {
                        $query_ins_part = $db_ins_part->getQuery(true);
                        // Insert columns.
                        $columns = array('id_torneo', 'id_jornada');
                        // Insert values.
                        $values = array($_SESSION['id_torneo'], $id_jornada);
                        // Prepare the insert query.
                        $query_ins_part->insert($db_ins_part->quoteName('partido'))->columns($db_ins_part->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
                        // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
                        $id_partido = $db_ins_part->insertid();
                        $equipos_p = $partidos[$j];
                        $query_ins_part = $db_ins_part->getQuery(true);
                        // Insert columns.
                        $columns = array('id_equipo1', 'id_equipo2', 'id_partido');
                        // Insert values.
                        if ($j < $dividido) {
                            if ($preliminares % 2 == 0) {
                                $values = array($equipos_p[0], $equipos_p[1], $id_partido);
                            } else {
                                if ($j == $dividido - 1) {
                                    $values = array($equipos_p[0], $equipos_p[1]->id_eq, $id_partido);
                                } else {
                                    $values = array($equipos_p[0], $equipos_p[1], $id_partido);
                        } elseif ($j >= $dividido) {
                            $values = array($equipos_p[0]->id_eq, $equipos_p[1]->id_eq, $id_partido);
                        // Prepare the insert query.
                        $query_ins_part->insert($db_ins_part->quoteName('partido_equipos'))->columns($db_ins_part->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
                        // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        echo $e;
                } else {
                    try {
                        $query_ins_part = $db_ins_part->getQuery(true);
                        // Insert columns.
                        $columns = array('id_torneo', 'id_jornada');
                        // Insert values.
                        $values = array($_SESSION['id_torneo'], $id_jornada);
                        // Prepare the insert query.
                        $query_ins_part->insert($db_ins_part->quoteName('partido'))->columns($db_ins_part->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
                        // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
                        $id_partido = $db_ins_part->insertid();
                        // $equipos_p = $partidos[$j];
                        $query_ins_part = $db_ins_part->getQuery(true);
                        // Insert columns.
                        $columns = array('id_equipo1', 'id_equipo2', 'id_partido');
                        // Insert values.
                        $values = array(26, 26, $id_partido);
                        // Prepare the insert query.
                        $query_ins_part->insert($db_ins_part->quoteName('partido_equipos'))->columns($db_ins_part->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
                        // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        echo $e;
        } else {
            $partidos_ronda = pow(2, $i);
            for ($j = 0; $j < $partidos_ronda; $j++) {
                if ($i == $cantidad_jornadas - 1) {
                    $equipos_partido[0] = $equipos[$x];
                    $equipos_partido[1] = $equipos[$x + 1];
                    $partidos[$j] = $equipos_partido;
                    try {
                        $query_ins_part = $db_ins_part->getQuery(true);
                        // Insert columns.
                        $columns = array('id_torneo', 'id_jornada');
                        // Insert values.
                        $values = array($_SESSION['id_torneo'], $id_jornada);
                        // Prepare the insert query.
                        $query_ins_part->insert($db_ins_part->quoteName('partido'))->columns($db_ins_part->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
                        // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
                        $id_partido = $db_ins_part->insertid();
                        $equipos_p = $partidos[$j];
                        $query_ins_part = $db_ins_part->getQuery(true);
                        // Insert columns.
                        $columns = array('id_equipo1', 'id_equipo2', 'id_partido');
                        // Insert values.
                        $values = array($equipos_p[0]->id_eq, $equipos_p[1]->id_eq, $id_partido);
                        // Prepare the insert query.
                        $query_ins_part->insert($db_ins_part->quoteName('partido_equipos'))->columns($db_ins_part->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
                        // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        echo $e;
                } else {
                    try {
                        $query_ins_part = $db_ins_part->getQuery(true);
                        // Insert columns.
                        $columns = array('id_torneo', 'id_jornada');
                        // Insert values.
                        $values = array($_SESSION['id_torneo'], $id_jornada);
                        // Prepare the insert query.
                        $query_ins_part->insert($db_ins_part->quoteName('partido'))->columns($db_ins_part->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
                        // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
                        $id_partido = $db_ins_part->insertid();
                        // $equipos_p = $partidos[$j];
                        $query_ins_part = $db_ins_part->getQuery(true);
                        // Insert columns.
                        $columns = array('id_equipo1', 'id_equipo2', 'id_partido');
                        // Insert values.
                        $values = array(26, 26, $id_partido);
                        // Prepare the insert query.
                        $query_ins_part->insert($db_ins_part->quoteName('partido_equipos'))->columns($db_ins_part->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
                        // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        echo $e;
Пример #12
	 * Returns a new configuration registry from a source configuration
	 * SQL table. This method uses the JDatabase object.
	 * @param   JDatabase  $handler  Connected and active JDatabase object.
	 * @param   string     $table    Database table to use.
	 * @return  JRegistry  Registry of configuration.
	 * @since   2.0
	protected static function createDBConfig(JDatabase $handler, $table)
		// Create the registry with a default namespace of config
		$registry = new JRegistry;

		$query = $handler->getQuery(true);

		// Do the SQL query ensuring only platform specific entries are returned


		// Load the SQL query into an associative array
		$array = $handler->loadAssocList('name', 'value');

		if (!is_null($array))
			foreach ($array as $key => $value)
				// Ensure compatibility between group.config and group:config
				$registry->set(str_replace(':', '.', $key), $value);
				$registry->set(str_replace('.', ':', $key), $value);

		return $registry;
 public function __construct()
     $this->db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $this->query = $this->db->getQuery(true);