Пример #1
	public static function setUpBeforeClass()

		// Load the config if available.
		@ include_once JPATH_TESTS . '/config.php';
		if (class_exists('JTestConfig')) {
			$config = new JTestConfig;

		if (!is_object(self :: $dbo)) {
			$options = array (
				'driver' => isset ($config) ? $config->dbtype : 'mysql',
				'host' => isset ($config) ? $config->host : '',
				'user' => isset ($config) ? $config->user : '******',
				'password' => isset ($config) ? $config->password : '******',
				'database' => isset ($config) ? $config->db : 'joomla_ut',
				'prefix' => isset ($config) ? $config->dbprefix : 'jos_'

			self :: $dbo = JDatabase :: getInstance($options);

			if (JError :: isError(self :: $dbo)) {
				//ignore errors
				define('DB_NOT_AVAILABLE', true);
		self :: $database = JFactory :: $database;
		JFactory :: $database = self :: $dbo;
  * удаление информации по бронированию с сайта, вубука и базы Визит-а
 public function removeBookings($order_id)
     $db_local = JDatabase::getInstance(VipLocalApi::getDbConnectOptions());
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $booking_info = $this->getBookingInfo($db, $order_id);
     if (!is_null($booking_info)) {
         if ($booking_info['k_zajav'] != 0) {
             // удаляем с локального сервера
             VipLocalApi::cancelReservation($db_local, $booking_info['k_zajav']);
         $reservation_code = $booking_info['reservation_code'];
         if ($reservation_code == 0) {
             $reservation_code = intval($booking_info['wubook_answer']);
         if ($reservation_code != 0) {
             //отменяем на вубуке
         //удаляем с сайта информацию о сроках бронирования
         $this->removeBookingInfo($db, $booking_info['id']);
     //$this->removeOrder($db, $order_id);
     //$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     //JError::raiseNotice(100, _JSHOP_ORDER_IS_CANCELED);
     //$mainframe->redirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=orders', 1, 1));
Пример #3
 function __construct()
     $params = $this->getParams();
     // bridge/phpbb path can be not set or doesn't exist, this would cause errors including configuration files
     if (!$params->get('bridge_path') || !JFolder::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . $params->get('bridge_path')) || !$params->get('phpbb3_path') || !JFolder::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . $params->get('phpbb3_path'))) {
     $this->phpbb_path = $params->get('phpbb3_path');
     $this->bridge_path = $params->get('bridge_path');
     $this->bridge_params = $params;
     $this->link_format = $params->get('link_format', 'bridged');
     if (!JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $this->phpbb_path . DS . 'config.php')) {
     //Include the phpBB3 configuration
     require JPATH_ROOT . DS . $this->phpbb_path . DS . 'config.php';
     // Config is incomplete
     if (!isset($dbms, $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname, $table_prefix)) {
     $options = array('driver' => $dbms, 'host' => $dbhost, 'user' => $dbuser, 'password' => $dbpasswd, 'database' => $dbname, 'prefix' => $table_prefix);
     $this->phpbb_db =& JDatabase::getInstance($options);
     if (JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $this->bridge_path . DS . 'configuration.php')) {
         //Include the bridge configuration
         require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . $this->bridge_path . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'helper.php';
         //load phpBB3 elements
         JForumHelper::loadPHPBB3(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $this->bridge_path);
Пример #4
 protected function getProfileFields()
     $settings = $this->loadSettings('facebook');
     $fields = array();
     $default = array((object) array('id' => 'xyz', 'name' => 'Configure DB Settings First'));
     if ($settings->get('db_table') == "") {
         return $default;
     } else {
         if ($settings->get('db_name') != "") {
             $options = array();
             $options['user'] = $settings->get('db_user');
             $options['password'] = $settings->get('db_password');
             $options['database'] = $settings->get('db_name');
             $dbo = JDatabase::getInstance($options);
         } else {
             $dbo = JFactory::getDBO();
         $columns = $dbo->getTableColumns($settings->get('db_table'));
         if (!$columns) {
             return $default;
         foreach ($columns as $key => $type) {
             $fields[] = (object) array('id' => $key, 'name' => $key);
         return $fields;
Пример #5
  * Return a middleware database object
  * @return     mixed
 public static function getMWDBO()
     static $instance;
     if (!is_object($instance)) {
         $config = Component::params('com_tools');
         $enabled = $config->get('mw_on');
         if (!$enabled && !App::isAdmin()) {
             return null;
         $options['driver'] = $config->get('mwDBDriver');
         $options['host'] = $config->get('mwDBHost');
         $options['port'] = $config->get('mwDBPort');
         $options['user'] = $config->get('mwDBUsername');
         $options['password'] = $config->get('mwDBPassword');
         $options['database'] = $config->get('mwDBDatabase');
         $options['prefix'] = $config->get('mwDBPrefix');
         if ((!isset($options['password']) || $options['password'] == '') && (!isset($options['user']) || $options['user'] == '') && (!isset($options['database']) || $options['database'] == '')) {
             $instance = \App::get('db');
         } else {
             $instance = \JDatabase::getInstance($options);
             if ($instance instanceof Exception) {
                 $instance = \App::get('db');
     if ($instance instanceof Exception) {
         return null;
     return $instance;
Пример #6
  * Get Database Default Settings
 static function getDBInstance($driver = null, $host = null, $user = null, $password = null, $dbname = null, $prefix = null)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_jmm');
     $dbsettings = $params->get('dbsettings');
     if ($dbsettings == 1) {
         $driver = $app->getCfg('dbtype');
         $host = $params->get('dbhost');
         $user = $params->get('dbusername');
         $password = $params->get('dbpass');
         if (isset($_REQUEST['dbname'])) {
             $dbname = JRequest::getVar('dbname');
         } else {
             $dbname = $params->get('dbname');
         $prefix = $params->get('dbprefix');
     } else {
         if (!isset($driver)) {
             $driver = $app->getCfg('dbtype');
         if (!isset($host)) {
             $host = $app->getCfg('host');
         if (!isset($user)) {
             $user = $app->getCfg('user');
         if (!isset($password)) {
             $password = $app->getCfg('password');
         if (!isset($dbname)) {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['dbname'])) {
                 $dbname = JRequest::getVar('dbname');
             } else {
                 $dbname = $app->getCfg('db');
         if (!isset($prefix)) {
             $prefix = $app->getCfg('dbprefix');
      * If User Use Custom DB Configuration
     $option = array();
     $option['driver'] = $driver;
     $option['host'] = $host;
     $option['user'] = $user;
     $option['password'] = $password;
     $option['database'] = $dbname;
     $option['prefix'] = $prefix;
     $db = JDatabase::getInstance($option);
     if ($dbname == '') {
         $dbLists = self::getDataBaseLists($db);
         if (count($dbLists) > 0) {
             JFactory::getApplication()->redirect('index.php?option=com_jmm&view=tables&dbname=' . $dbLists[0], 'DataBase Switched to ' . $dbLists[0]);
     return $db;
Пример #7
  * Class constructor.
  * This constructor invokes the parent JCli class constructor,
  * and then creates a connector to the database so that it is
  * always available to the application when needed.
  * @return  void
  * @since   11.3
  * @throws  JDatabaseException
 public function __construct()
     // Call the parent __construct method so it bootstraps the application class.
     // Note, this will throw an exception if there is an error
     // creating the database connection.
     $this->dbo = JDatabase::getInstance(array('driver' => $this->get('dbDriver'), 'host' => $this->get('dbHost'), 'user' => $this->get('dbUser'), 'password' => $this->get('dbPass'), 'database' => $this->get('dbName'), 'prefix' => $this->get('dbPrefix')));
  * отправляется запрос в базу локального сервера для окончательной проверки доступности для бронирования
 public function chekBookingBeforeSave(&$order, &$cart)
     $db_local = JDatabase::getInstance(VipLocalApi::getDbConnectOptions());
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $adv_user = JSFactory::getUser();
     $adv_user = JSFactory::getTable('usershop', 'jshop');
     $order->country = $adv_user->country;
     $order->f_name = $adv_user->f_name;
     $order->l_name = $adv_user->l_name;
     $order->email = $adv_user->email;
     $order->phone = $adv_user->phone;
     //		echo'<pre>';print_r($user);echo'</pre>';//die;
     //		echo'<pre>';print_r($adv_user);echo'</pre>';//die;
     //		echo'<pre>';print_r($order);echo'</pre>';die;
     $product_id_local = $cart->products[0]['ean'];
     $product_id = $cart->products[0]['product_id'];
     $category_id = $cart->products[0]['category_id'];
     $booking_date_info = $cart->products[0]['free_attributes_value'];
     //$date_from = '31-10-2015';
     $date_from = str_replace('/', '-', $booking_date_info[0]->value);
     $date_to = str_replace('/', '-', $booking_date_info[1]->value);
     //проверяем только локальный сервер, так как на WuBook-е установлена нотификация каждого нового бронирования.
     $object_is_free_on_local = $this->chekBookingOnLocal($db_local, $product_id_local, $date_from, $date_to);
     //$object_is_free_on_local = true;
     //повторно проверяем по базе сайта, чтобы никто не забронил номер пока пользователь "копается"
     $object_is_free_on_site = $this->chekBookingOnSite($db, $product_id, $date_from, $date_to);
     if ($object_is_free_on_local == true && $object_is_free_on_site == true) {
         //заменяем разделитеть даты
         $date_from = str_replace('/', '-', $date_from);
         $date_to = str_replace('/', '-', $date_to);
         //			echo'<pre>';print_r($product_id_local);echo'</pre>';//die;
         //			echo'<pre>';print_r($date_from);echo'</pre>';//die;
         //			echo'<pre>';print_r($date_to);echo'</pre>';//die;
         //			echo'<pre>';print_r($order);echo'</pre>';die;
         //			echo'<pre>';print_r($db_local);echo'</pre>';die;
         $k_zajav = VipLocalApi::addBookingOnLocalServer($db_local, $product_id_local, $date_from, $date_to, $order, VipLocalApi::ON_BOOKING_FROM_SITE_PRIM_PREFIX);
         $session = JFactory::getSession();
         $session->set("k_zajav", $k_zajav);
     } else {
         $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
         JError::raiseNotice(100, _JSHOP_OBJECT_IS_ALREADY_BOOKED);
         $contextfilter = "jshoping.list.front.product.cat." . $category_id;
         $date_from_ = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($contextfilter . 'dfrom', 'dfrom', date('d/m/Y'));
         $date_to_ = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($contextfilter . 'dto', 'dto', date('d/m/Y', time() + 60 * 60 * 24));
         if ($date_from_ == '') {
             $date_from_ = date('d/m/Y');
         if ($date_to_ == '') {
             $date_to_ = date('d/m/Y', time() + 60 * 60 * 24);
         $mainframe->redirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&view=category&layout=category&task=view&category_id=' . $category_id . '&dfrom=' . $date_from_ . '&dto=' . $date_to_, 1, 1));
Пример #9
	 * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
	 * This method is called before a test is executed.
	 * @return void
	protected function setUp()
		$this->db = JDatabase::getInstance(
				'driver' => 'nosql',
				'database' => 'europa',
				'prefix' => '&',
Пример #10
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
  * @return  void
  * @since   11.1
 protected function setUp()
     @(include_once JPATH_TESTS . '/config_mysql.php');
     if (class_exists('JMySQLTestConfig')) {
         $config = new JMySQLTestConfig();
     } else {
         $this->markTestSkipped('There is no mysql test config file present.');
     $this->object = JDatabase::getInstance(array('driver' => $config->dbtype, 'database' => $config->db, 'host' => $config->host, 'user' => $config->user, 'password' => $config->password));
Пример #11
  * Method to get a JDatabase object.
  * @param	string	$driver		The database driver to use.
  * @param	string	$host		The hostname to connect on.
  * @param	string	$user		The user name to connect with.
  * @param	string	$password	The password to use for connection authentication.
  * @param	string	$database	The database to use.
  * @param	string	$prefix		The table prefix to use.
  * @param	boolean $select		True if the database should be selected.
  * @return	JDatabase
  * @since	1.0
 public static function &getDBO($driver, $host, $user, $password, $database, $prefix, $select = true)
     static $db;
     if (!$db) {
         // Build the connection options array.
         $options = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'database' => $database, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'select' => $select);
         // Get a database object.
         $db = JDatabase::getInstance($options);
     return $db;
Пример #12
  * Determines if phpbb exists on the site
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function exists()
     $file = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $this->path . '/config.php';
     if (!JFile::exists($file)) {
         return false;
     require_once $file;
     $options = array('driver' => $dbms, 'host' => $dbhost, 'user' => $dbuser, 'password' => $dbpasswd, 'database' => $dbname, 'prefix' => $table_prefix);
     $this->db = JDatabase::getInstance($options);
     return true;
Пример #13
  * Return DB object
  * Returns the $database object to trinity 
 public static function getDB()
     if (!isset(self::$db)) {
         $db = JDatabase::getInstance(self::getDBOptions());
         if ($db instanceof Exception) {
             jexit('Database Error: ' . (string) $db);
         } else {
             self::$db = $db;
     return self::$db;
  * Up
 public function up()
     $rparams = $this->getParams('com_register');
     if (!empty($rparams)) {
         $values = $rparams->toArray();
         $this->db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `type`='component' AND `element`='com_members' LIMIT 1");
         if ($data = $this->db->loadAssoc()) {
             $component = new \JTableExtension($this->db);
             $mparams = new \Hubzero\Config\Registry($component->params);
             foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
                 $mparams->set($key, $value);
             $component->params = $mparams->toString();
     // Get the default menu identifier
     //$this->db->setQuery("SELECT menutype FROM `#__menu` WHERE home='1' LIMIT 1;");
     //$menutype = $this->db->loadResult();
     $this->db->setQuery("SELECT extension_id FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `type`='component' AND `element`='com_members'");
     $component = $this->db->loadResult();
     // Check if there's a menu item for com_register
     $this->db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM `#__menu` WHERE `alias`='register' AND `path`='register'");
     //" AND menutype=" . $this->db->quote($menutype));
     if ($id = $this->db->loadResult()) {
         // There is!
         // So, just update its link
         $this->db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__menu` SET `link`='index.php?option=com_members&view=register&layout=create', `component_id`=" . $this->db->quote($component) . " WHERE `id`=" . $this->db->quote($id));
     } else {
         $this->db->setQuery("SELECT menutype FROM `#__menu` WHERE `home`='1' LIMIT 1;");
         $menutype = $this->db->loadResult();
         $this->db->setQuery("SELECT ordering FROM `#__menu` WHERE `menutype`=" . $this->db->quote($menutype) . " ORDER BY ordering DESC LIMIT 1");
         $ordering = intval($this->db->loadResult());
         // No menu item for com_register so we need to create one for the new com_members controler
         $query = "INSERT INTO `#__menu` (`id`, `menutype`, `title`, `alias`, `note`, `path`, `link`, `type`, `published`, `parent_id`, `level`, `component_id`, `ordering`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `browserNav`, `access`, `img`, `template_style_id`, `params`, `lft`, `rgt`, `home`, `language`, `client_id`)\n";
         $query .= "VALUES ('', '{$menutype}', 'Register', 'register', '', 'register', 'index.php?option=com_members&view=register&layout=create', 'component', 1, 1, 1, {$component}, {$ordering}, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 1, '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '*', 0);";
         // If we have the nested set class available, use it to rebuild lft/rgt
         if (class_exists('JTableNested') && method_exists('JTableNested', 'rebuild')) {
             // Use the MySQL driver for this
             $config = \JFactory::getConfig();
             $database = \JDatabase::getInstance(array('driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => $config->getValue('host'), 'user' => $config->getValue('user'), 'password' => $config->getValue('password'), 'database' => $config->getValue('db')));
             $table = new \JTableMenu($database);
Пример #15
 function __construct($options = array(), $driver_options = null)
     //$this->adapter = \JFactory::getDBO();
     $params = array();
     $params['driver'] = $options['type'];
     $params['host'] = $options['host'];
     $params['user'] = $options['user'];
     $params['password'] = $options['pass'];
     $params['database'] = $options['name'];
     $params['prefix'] = $options['prefix'];
     $this->adapter = \JDatabase::getInstance($params);
Пример #16
 function getAllAmount(&$params)
     global $mainframe;
     $conf =& JFactory::getConfig();
     $host = $conf->getValue('config.host');
     $driver = $conf->getValue('config.dbtype');
     $options = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $params->get('dbhost'), 'user' => $params->get('dbuser'), 'password' => $params->get('dbpass'), 'database' => $params->get('dbname'), 'prefix' => "");
     $db =& JDatabase::getInstance($options);
     $query = "SELECT count(joborder.joborder_id) AS count FROM joborder,extra_field,user,company WHERE field_name LIKE('Job Orders') AND  extra_field.data_item_id = joborder.joborder_id AND joborder.status = 'active' AND joborder.entered_by = user.user_id  AND joborder.company_id = company.company_id AND joborder.public = '1'";
     $lists = $db->loadResult();
     return $lists;
Пример #17
 function __construct()
     //pull settings from admin
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $db->setQuery("SELECT * From #__catonesettings limit 1");
     $SETTINGS = $db->loadObject();
     $conf =& JFactory::getConfig();
     // TODO: Cache on the fingerprint of the arguments
     $driver = $conf->getValue('config.dbtype');
     $optionDb = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $SETTINGS->OC_Database_host, 'user' => $SETTINGS->OC_Database_Username, 'password' => $SETTINGS->OC_Database_password, 'database' => $SETTINGS->OC_Database_Name, 'prefix' => "");
     $this->CatsDb =& JDatabase::getInstance($optionDb);
Пример #18
  * Get database object
 public function getDatabase()
     $config = $this->getDBConfig();
     $database = null;
     if ($config) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $option['driver'] = $app->getCfg('dbtype');
         $option['host'] = $config['dbhost'];
         $option['user'] = $config['dbuser'];
         $option['password'] = $config['dbpasswd'];
         $option['database'] = $config['dbname'];
         $option['prefix'] = $config['table_prefix'];
         $database = JDatabase::getInstance($option);
     return $database;
Пример #19
  * Attempts to connect to a DB using provided info
  * Will often be extended
  * @return boolean if fail, JDatabase object if success 
 function _verifyDB()
     $state = $this->_getState();
     // verify connection
     $option = array();
     $option['driver'] = $state->driver;
     // Database driver name
     $option['host'] = $state->host;
     // Database host name
     if ($state->port != '3306') {
         $option['host'] .= ":" . $state->port;
         // alternative ports
     $option['user'] = $state->user;
     // User for database authentication
     $option['password'] = $state->password;
     // Password for database authentication
     $option['database'] = $state->database;
     // Database name
     $option['prefix'] = $state->prefix;
     // Database prefix (may be empty)
     if (!$option['host'] || !$option['database'] || !$option['user'] || !$option['password'] || !$option['driver']) {
         return false;
     $database = JDatabase::getInstance($option);
     // check that $newdatabase is_object and has method setQuery
     if (!is_object($database) || !method_exists($database, 'setQuery')) {
         return false;
     $database->setQuery(" SELECT NOW(); ");
     if (!($result = $database->loadResult())) {
         return false;
     if (!empty($option['prefix'])) {
         // Check that the prefix is valid by checking a table name on the target DB
         $tables = $database->getTableList();
         $table_name = $option['prefix'] . $this->_tablename;
         if (!in_array($table_name, $tables)) {
             return false;
     return $database;
Пример #20
 function _getPhpbbDBO()
     static $phpbbDB = null;
     if ($phpbbDB == null) {
         require $this->files;
         $host = $dbhost;
         $user = $dbuser;
         $password = $dbpasswd;
         $database = $dbname;
         $prefix = $table_prefix;
         $driver = $dbms;
         $debug = 0;
         $options = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'database' => $database, 'prefix' => $prefix);
         $phpbbDB = JDatabase::getInstance($options);
     return $phpbbDB;
 function getConnectToExternalDB()
     $this->_externalDB = JDatabase::getInstance($this->_config);
     //echo "hasUTF(): " . $this->_externalDB->hasUTF() . "<br>";
     //echo implode(", ", mb_detect_order());
     if ($this->_externalDB->message) {
         return false;
     $query = "SET NAMES `utf8`";
     $data = $this->_externalDB->query();
     return true;
Пример #22
 public function setVBConnection($data = '')
     if (empty(self::$extConn)) {
         if (empty($data)) {
             $config = DiscussHelper::getConfig();
             $driver = $config->get('migrator_vBulletin_driver');
             $host = $config->get('migrator_vBulletin_host');
             $user = $config->get('migrator_vBulletin_user');
             $password = $config->get('migrator_vBulletin_password');
             $database = $config->get('migrator_vBulletin_name');
             $prefix = $config->get('migrator_vBulletin_prefix');
             $data = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'database' => $database, 'prefix' => $prefix);
     self::$extConn = JDatabase::getInstance($data);
     return self::$extConn;
Пример #23
function testdatabase($host, $port, $user, $pass, $database)
    $JP_Error_Reporting = @error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
    $host = $host . ($port != '' ? ":{$port}" : '');
    $conf =& JFactory::getConfig();
    $driver = $conf->getValue('config.dbtype');
    $options = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $pass, 'database' => $database, 'prefix' => '');
    $database =& JDatabase::getInstance($options);
    $result = true;
    if (JError::isError($database)) {
        $result = false;
    //if ($database->getErrorNum() > 0) $result = false;
    return $result;
Пример #24
 function __construct(redMigratorStep $step = null)
     $class = !empty($step->class) ? $step->class : 'redMigrator';
     $name = !empty($step->name) ? $step->name : '';
     $xmlpath = !empty($step->xmlpath) ? $step->xmlpath : '';
     JLoader::import('helpers.redmigrator', JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR);
     redMigratorHelper::requireClass($name, $xmlpath, $class);
     // @@ Fix bug using PHP < 5.2.3 version
     $this->_conditions = call_user_func($class . '::getConditionsHook');
     $db_config = array();
     $db_config['driver'] = $this->params->old_dbtype;
     $db_config['host'] = $this->params->old_hostname;
     $db_config['user'] = $this->params->old_username;
     $db_config['password'] = $this->params->old_password;
     $db_config['database'] = $this->params->old_db;
     $db_config['prefix'] = $this->params->old_dbprefix;
     $this->_db_old = JDatabase::getInstance($db_config);
Пример #25
function dbObject()
    $option = array();
    //prevent problems
    $option['database'] = 'eyedock_data';
    $option['driver'] = 'mysql';
    // Database driver name
    //$option['host']     = 'localhost';    // Database host name
    //$option['user']     = '******';       // User for database authentication
    //$option['password'] = '******';   // Password for database authentication
    $option['host'] = 'mysql.eyedock.com';
    // Database host name
    $option['user'] = '******';
    // User for database authentication
    $option['password'] = '******';
    // Password for database authentication
    $db =& JDatabase::getInstance($option);
    return $db;
Пример #26
  * Class constructor.
  * This constructor invokes the parent JCli class constructor,
  * and then creates a connector to the database so that it is
  * always available to the application when needed.
  * @return  void
  * @since   11.3
  * @throws  JDatabaseException
 public function __construct()
     // Call the parent __construct method so it bootstraps the application class.
     // Prepare the logger.
     // Include the JLog class.
     // Get the date so that we can roll the logs over a time interval.
     $date = JFactory::getDate()->format('Y-m-d');
     // Add the logger.
     JLog::addLogger(array('text_file' => 'cron.' . $date . '.php', 'text_file_path' => __DIR__ . '/logs'));
     // Prepare the database connection.
     // Note, this will throw an exception if there is an error
     // creating the database connection.
     $this->dbo = JDatabase::getInstance(array('driver' => $this->get('dbDriver'), 'host' => $this->get('dbHost'), 'user' => $this->get('dbUser'), 'password' => $this->get('dbPass'), 'database' => $this->get('dbName'), 'prefix' => $this->get('dbPrefix')));
Пример #27
 function _createDBO()
     $JLMS_CONFIG =& JLMSFactory::GetConfig();
     //jimport( 'joomla.database.table' );
     $conf =& JFactory::getConfig();
     $driver = $conf->getValue('config.dbtype');
     $debug = $conf->getValue('config.debug');
     require $JLMS_CONFIG->get('forum_path') . '/Settings.php';
     $this->boardurl = $boardurl;
     $this->cookiename = $cookiename;
     $options = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $db_server, 'user' => $db_user, 'password' => $db_passwd, 'database' => $db_name, 'prefix' => $db_prefix);
     $this->smf_db =& JDatabase::getInstance($options);
     if (JError::isError($this->smf_db)) {
         jexit('Database Error: ' . $this->smf_db->toString());
     if ($this->smf_db->getErrorNum() > 0) {
         JError::raiseError(500, 'JDatabase::getInstance: Could not connect to database <br />' . 'joomla.library:' . $db->getErrorNum() . ' - ' . $this->smf_db->getErrorMsg());
Пример #28
 function __construct(JUpgradeproStep $step = null)
     $class = !empty($step->class) ? $step->class : 'JUpgradepro';
     $name = !empty($step->name) ? $step->name : '';
     $xmlpath = !empty($step->xmlpath) ? $step->xmlpath : '';
     JLoader::import('helpers.jupgradepro', JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR);
     JUpgradeproHelper::requireClass($name, $xmlpath, $class);
     // @@ Fix bug using PHP < 5.2.3 version
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.3', '<')) {
         $this->_conditions = call_user_func(array($class, 'getConditionsHook'));
     } else {
         $this->_conditions = $class::getConditionsHook();
     $db_config = array();
     $db_config['driver'] = $this->params->old_dbtype;
     $db_config['host'] = $this->params->old_hostname;
     $db_config['user'] = $this->params->old_username;
     $db_config['password'] = $this->params->old_password;
     $db_config['database'] = $this->params->old_db;
     $db_config['prefix'] = $this->params->old_dbprefix;
     $this->_db_old = JDatabase::getInstance($db_config);
Пример #29
 public static function createDbo()
     $conf = self::getConfig();
     $host = $conf->get('host');
     $user = $conf->get('user');
     $password = $conf->get('password');
     $database = $conf->get('db');
     $prefix = $conf->get('dbprefix');
     $driver = $conf->get('dbtype');
     $debug = $conf->get('debug');
     $options = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'database' => $database, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'reconnect' => true);
     $db = JDatabase::getInstance($options);
     if ($db instanceof Exception) {
         if (!headers_sent()) {
             header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
         jexit('Database Error: ' . (string) $db);
     if ($db->getErrorNum() > 0) {
         die(sprintf('Database connection error (%d): %s', $db->getErrorNum(), $db->getErrorMsg()));
     return $db;
Пример #30
    public static function defaultphp($row, $Itemid, $label_id, $label_type, $form_theme, $id, $ok)
        static $embedded;
        if (!$embedded) {
            $embedded = true;
        $input_get = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
        $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
        $old = false;
        if (isset($_SESSION['redirect_paypal' . $id])) {
            if ($_SESSION['redirect_paypal' . $id] == 1) {
                $_SESSION['redirect_paypal' . $id] = 0;
                $succes = $input_get->getString('succes');
                if (isset($succes)) {
                    if ($succes == 0) {
                        JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('WDF_MAIL_SEND_ERROR'));
                    } else {
        if (isset($_SESSION['show_submit_text' . $id])) {
            if ($_SESSION['show_submit_text' . $id] == 1) {
                $_SESSION['show_submit_text' . $id] = 0;
                echo $row->submit_text;
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        $db->setQuery("SELECT `views` FROM #__formmaker_views WHERE form_id=" . $db->escape((int) $id));
        $views = $db->loadResult();
        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
            echo $db->stderr();
            return false;
        if ($views == NULL) {
            $db->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__formmaker_views (form_id, views) VALUES('" . $id . "', 0)");
            if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                echo $db->stderr();
                return false;
        } else {
            $db->setQuery("UPDATE #__formmaker_views SET  views=" . ($views + 1) . " where form_id=" . $db->escape((int) $id));
            if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                echo $db->stderr();
                return false;
        $document = JFactory::getDocument();
        $cmpnt_js_path = JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_formmaker/views/formmaker/tmpl';
        $document->addStyleSheet($cmpnt_js_path . '/jquery-ui-spinner.css');
        $document->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_formmaker/views/formmaker/tmpl/wdform.js');
        $document->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_formmaker/views/formmaker/tmpl/jquery-ui.js');
        $document->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_formmaker/views/formmaker/tmpl/noconflict.js');
        $document->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_formmaker/views/formmaker/tmpl/if_gmap.js');
        $document->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_formmaker/views/formmaker/tmpl/min.js');
        $document->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_formmaker/views/formmaker/tmpl/file-upload.js');
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off') {
        } else {
        $is_editor = false;
        $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('editors', 'tinymce');
        if (isset($plugin->type)) {
            $editor = JFactory::getEditor('tinymce');
            $is_editor = true;
        $editor = JFactory::getEditor('tinymce');
        $document->addStyleSheet($cmpnt_js_path . '/jquery-ui-spinner.css');
        if (isset($row->form)) {
            $old = true;
        $article = $row->article_id;
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . str_replace('form_id_temp', $id, $row->javascript) . '</script>';
        $css_rep1 = array("[SITE_ROOT]", "}");
        $css_rep2 = array(JURI::root(true), "}#form" . $id . " ");
        $order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
        $form_theme = str_replace($order, '', $form_theme);
        $form_theme = str_replace($css_rep1, $css_rep2, $form_theme);
        $form_theme = "#form" . $id . ' ' . $form_theme;
        $form_currency = '$';
        $check_js = '';
        $onload_js = '';
        $onsubmit_js = '';
        $currency_code = array('USD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'JPY', 'CAD', 'MXN', 'HKD', 'HUF', 'NOK', 'NZD', 'SGD', 'SEK', 'PLN', 'AUD', 'DKK', 'CHF', 'CZK', 'ILS', 'BRL', 'TWD', 'MYR', 'PHP', 'THB');
        $currency_sign = array('$', '€', '£', '¥', 'C$', 'Mex$', 'HK$', 'Ft', 'kr', 'NZ$', 'S$', 'kr', 'zł', 'A$', 'kr', 'CHF', 'Kč', '₪', 'R$', 'NT$', 'RM', '₱', '฿');
        if ($row->payment_currency) {
            $form_currency = $currency_sign[array_search($row->payment_currency, $currency_code)];
        $form_paypal_tax = $row->tax;
        echo '<style>' . $form_theme . '

display: inline;

        //			echo '<h3>'.$row->title.'</h3><br />';
<form name="form<?php 
        echo $id;
" action="<?php 
        echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
" method="post" id="form<?php 
        echo $id;
" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="check_required<?php 
        echo $id;
('submit', '<?php 
        echo $id;
'); return false;">
<div id="<?php 
        echo $id;
pages" class="wdform_page_navigation" show_title="<?php 
        echo $row->show_title;
" show_numbers="<?php 
        echo $row->show_numbers;
" type="<?php 
        echo $row->pagination;
<input type="hidden" id="counter<?php 
        echo $id;
" value="<?php 
        echo $row->counter;
" name="counter<?php 
        echo $id;
" />
<input type="hidden" id="Itemid<?php 
        echo $id;
" value="<?php 
        echo $Itemid;
" name="Itemid<?php 
        echo $id;
" />

        if ($old == false || $old == true && $row->form == '') {
            $document->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_formmaker/views/formmaker/tmpl/main_div.js');
            $is_type = array();
            $id1s = array();
            $types = array();
            $labels = array();
            $paramss = array();
            $required_sym = $row->requiredmark;
            $fields = explode('*:*new_field*:*', $row->form_fields);
            $fields = array_slice($fields, 0, count($fields) - 1);
            foreach ($fields as $field) {
                $temp = explode('*:*id*:*', $field);
                array_push($id1s, $temp[0]);
                $temp = explode('*:*type*:*', $temp[1]);
                array_push($types, $temp[0]);
                $temp = explode('*:*w_field_label*:*', $temp[1]);
                array_push($labels, $temp[0]);
                array_push($paramss, $temp[1]);
            $form_id = $id;
            $show_hide = array();
            $field_label = array();
            $all_any = array();
            $condition_params = array();
            $type_and_id = array();
            $condition_js = '';
            if ($row->condition != "") {
                $conditions = explode('*:*new_condition*:*', $row->condition);
                $conditions = array_slice($conditions, 0, count($conditions) - 1);
                $count_of_conditions = count($conditions);
                foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
                    $temp = explode('*:*show_hide*:*', $condition);
                    array_push($show_hide, $temp[0]);
                    $temp = explode('*:*field_label*:*', $temp[1]);
                    array_push($field_label, $temp[0]);
                    $temp = explode('*:*all_any*:*', $temp[1]);
                    array_push($all_any, $temp[0]);
                    array_push($condition_params, $temp[1]);
                foreach ($id1s as $id1s_key => $id1) {
                    $type_and_id[$id1] = $types[$id1s_key];
                for ($k = 0; $k < $count_of_conditions; $k++) {
                    if ($show_hide[$k]) {
                        $display = 'removeAttr("style")';
                        $display_none = 'css("display", "none")';
                    } else {
                        $display = 'css("display", "none")';
                        $display_none = 'removeAttr("style")';
                    if ($all_any[$k] == "and") {
                        $or_and = '&&';
                    } else {
                        $or_and = '||';
                    if ($condition_params[$k]) {
                        $cond_params = explode('*:*next_condition*:*', $condition_params[$k]);
                        $cond_params = array_slice($cond_params, 0, count($cond_params) - 1);
                        for ($l = 0; $l < count($cond_params); $l++) {
                            $params_value = explode('***', $cond_params[$l]);
                            if (!isset($type_and_id[$params_value[0]])) {
                        $cond_params = array_values($cond_params);
                        $if = '';
                        $keyup = '';
                        $change = '';
                        $click = '';
                        for ($m = 0; $m < count($cond_params); $m++) {
                            $params_value = explode('***', $cond_params[$m]);
                            switch ($type_and_id[$params_value[0]]) {
                                case "type_text":
                                case "type_password":
                                case "type_textarea":
                                case "type_number":
                                case "type_submitter_mail":
                                case "type_spinner":
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "%" || $params_value[1] == "!%") {
                                        $like_or_not = $params_value[1] == "%" ? ">" : "==";
                                        $if .= ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $params_value[2] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($params_value[1] == "=" || $params_value[1] == "!") {
                                            $params_value[2] = "";
                                            $params_value[1] = $params_value[1] . "=";
                                        $if .= ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '" ';
                                    $keyup .= '#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . ', ';
                                    if ($type_and_id[$params_value[0]] == "type_spinner") {
                                        $click .= '#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . ' ~ a, ';
                                case "type_name":
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "%" || $params_value[1] == "!%") {
                                        $extended0 = '';
                                        $extended1 = '';
                                        $extended2 = '';
                                        $extended3 = '';
                                        $normal0 = '';
                                        $normal1 = '';
                                        $normal2 = '';
                                        $normal3 = '';
                                        $like_or_not = $params_value[1] == "%" ? ">" : "==";
                                        $name_fields = explode(' ', $params_value[2]);
                                        if ($name_fields[0] != '') {
                                            $extended0 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_title' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $name_fields[0] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                            $normal0 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $name_fields[0] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                        if (isset($name_fields[1]) && $name_fields[1] != '') {
                                            $extended1 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $name_fields[1] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                            $normal1 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $name_fields[1] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                        if (isset($name_fields[2]) && $name_fields[2] != '') {
                                            $extended2 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $name_fields[2] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                            $normal2 = '';
                                        if (isset($name_fields[3]) && $name_fields[3] != '') {
                                            $extended3 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_middle' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $name_fields[3] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                            $normal3 = '';
                                        if (isset($name_fields[3])) {
                                            $extended = '';
                                            $normal = '';
                                            if ($extended0) {
                                                $extended = $extended0;
                                                if ($extended1) {
                                                    $extended .= ' && ' . $extended1;
                                                    if ($extended2) {
                                                        $extended .= ' && ' . $extended2;
                                                    if ($extended3) {
                                                        $extended .= ' && ' . $extended3;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($extended2) {
                                                        $extended .= ' && ' . $extended2;
                                                    if ($extended3) {
                                                        $extended .= ' && ' . $extended3;
                                            } else {
                                                if ($extended1) {
                                                    $extended = $extended1;
                                                    if ($extended2) {
                                                        $extended .= ' && ' . $extended2;
                                                    if ($extended3) {
                                                        $extended .= ' && ' . $extended3;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($extended2) {
                                                        $extended = $extended2;
                                                        if ($extended3) {
                                                            $extended .= ' && ' . $extended3;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($extended3) {
                                                            $extended = $extended3;
                                            if ($normal0) {
                                                $normal = $normal0;
                                                if ($normal1) {
                                                    $normal .= ' && ' . $normal1;
                                            } else {
                                                if ($normal1) {
                                                    $normal = $normal1;
                                        } else {
                                            if (isset($name_fields[2])) {
                                                $extended = "";
                                                $normal = "";
                                                if ($extended0) {
                                                    $extended = $extended0;
                                                    if ($extended1) {
                                                        $extended .= ' && ' . $extended1;
                                                    if ($extended2) {
                                                        $extended .= ' && ' . $extended2;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($extended1) {
                                                        $extended = $extended1;
                                                        if ($extended2) {
                                                            $extended .= ' && ' . $extended2;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($extended2) {
                                                            $extended = $extended2;
                                                if ($normal0) {
                                                    $normal = $normal0;
                                                    if ($normal1) {
                                                        $normal .= ' && ' . $normal1;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($normal1) {
                                                        $normal = $normal1;
                                            } else {
                                                if (isset($name_fields[1])) {
                                                    $extended = '';
                                                    $normal = '';
                                                    if ($extended0) {
                                                        if ($extended1) {
                                                            $extended = $extended0 . ' && ' . $extended1;
                                                        } else {
                                                            $extended = $extended0;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($extended1) {
                                                            $extended = $extended1;
                                                    if ($normal0) {
                                                        if ($normal1) {
                                                            $normal = $normal0 . ' && ' . $normal1;
                                                        } else {
                                                            $normal = $normal0;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($normal1) {
                                                            $normal = $normal1;
                                                } else {
                                                    $extended = $extended0;
                                                    $normal = $normal0;
                                        if ($extended != "" && $normal != "") {
                                            $if .= ' ((wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_title' . $form_id . '").length != 0) ?  ' . $extended . ' : ' . $normal . ') ';
                                        } else {
                                            $if .= ' true';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($params_value[1] == "=" || $params_value[1] == "!") {
                                            $name_and_or = $params_value[1] == "=" ? "&&" : "||";
                                            $name_empty_or_not = $params_value[1] . "=";
                                            $extended = ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_title' . $form_id . '").val()' . $name_empty_or_not . '"" ' . $name_and_or . ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()' . $name_empty_or_not . '"" ' . $name_and_or . ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()' . $name_empty_or_not . '"" ' . $name_and_or . ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_middle' . $form_id . '").val()' . $name_empty_or_not . '"") ';
                                            $normal = ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()' . $name_empty_or_not . '"" ' . $name_and_or . ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()' . $name_empty_or_not . '"") ';
                                            $if .= ' ((wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_title' . $form_id . '").length != 0) ?  ' . $extended . ' : ' . $normal . ') ';
                                        } else {
                                            $extended0 = '';
                                            $extended1 = '';
                                            $extended2 = '';
                                            $extended3 = '';
                                            $normal0 = '';
                                            $normal1 = '';
                                            $normal2 = '';
                                            $normal3 = '';
                                            $name_fields = explode(' ', $params_value[2]);
                                            if ($name_fields[0] != '') {
                                                $extended0 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_title' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $name_fields[0] . '"';
                                                $normal0 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $name_fields[0] . '"';
                                            if (isset($name_fields[1]) && $name_fields[1] != '') {
                                                $extended1 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $name_fields[1] . '"';
                                                $normal1 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $name_fields[1] . '"';
                                            if (isset($name_fields[2]) && $name_fields[2] != '') {
                                                $extended2 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $name_fields[2] . '"';
                                                $normal2 = '';
                                            if (isset($name_fields[3]) && $name_fields[3] != '') {
                                                $extended3 = 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_middle' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $name_fields[3] . '"';
                                                $normal3 = '';
                                            if (isset($name_fields[3])) {
                                                $extended = '';
                                                $normal = '';
                                                if ($extended0) {
                                                    $extended = $extended0;
                                                    if ($extended1) {
                                                        $extended .= ' && ' . $extended1;
                                                        if ($extended2) {
                                                            $extended .= ' && ' . $extended2;
                                                        if ($extended3) {
                                                            $extended .= ' && ' . $extended3;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($extended2) {
                                                            $extended .= ' && ' . $extended2;
                                                        if ($extended3) {
                                                            $extended .= ' && ' . $extended3;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($extended1) {
                                                        $extended = $extended1;
                                                        if ($extended2) {
                                                            $extended .= ' && ' . $extended2;
                                                        if ($extended3) {
                                                            $extended .= ' && ' . $extended3;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($extended2) {
                                                            $extended = $extended2;
                                                            if ($extended3) {
                                                                $extended .= ' && ' . $extended3;
                                                        } else {
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                                                                $extended = $extended3;
                                                if ($normal0) {
                                                    $normal = $normal0;
                                                    if ($normal1) {
                                                        $normal .= ' && ' . $normal1;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($normal1) {
                                                        $normal = $normal1;
                                            } else {
                                                if (isset($name_fields[2])) {
                                                    $extended = "";
                                                    $normal = "";
                                                    if ($extended0) {
                                                        $extended = $extended0;
                                                        if ($extended1) {
                                                            $extended .= ' && ' . $extended1;
                                                        if ($extended2) {
                                                            $extended .= ' && ' . $extended2;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($extended1) {
                                                            $extended = $extended1;
                                                            if ($extended2) {
                                                                $extended .= ' && ' . $extended2;
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($extended2) {
                                                                $extended = $extended2;
                                                    if ($normal0) {
                                                        $normal = $normal0;
                                                        if ($normal1) {
                                                            $normal .= ' && ' . $normal1;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($normal1) {
                                                            $normal = $normal1;
                                                } else {
                                                    if (isset($name_fields[1])) {
                                                        $extended = '';
                                                        $normal = '';
                                                        if ($extended0) {
                                                            if ($extended1) {
                                                                $extended = $extended0 . ' && ' . $extended1;
                                                            } else {
                                                                $extended = $extended0;
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($extended1) {
                                                                $extended = $extended1;
                                                        if ($normal0) {
                                                            if ($normal1) {
                                                                $normal = $normal0 . ' && ' . $normal1;
                                                            } else {
                                                                $normal = $normal0;
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($normal1) {
                                                                $normal = $normal1;
                                                    } else {
                                                        $extended = $extended0;
                                                        $normal = $normal0;
                                            if ($extended != "" && $normal != "") {
                                                $if .= ' ((wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_title' . $form_id . '").length != 0) ?  ' . $extended . ' : ' . $normal . ') ';
                                            } else {
                                                $if .= ' true';
                                    $keyup .= '#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_title' . $form_id . ', #wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . ', #wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . ', #wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_middle' . $form_id . ', ';
                                case "type_phone":
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                                        $phone_fields = explode(' ', $params_value[2]);
                                        if (isset($phone_fields[1])) {
                                            if ($phone_fields[0] != '' && $phone_fields[1] != '') {
                                                $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $phone_fields[0] . '" && wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $phone_fields[1] . '") ';
                                            } else {
                                                if ($phone_fields[0] == '') {
                                                    $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $phone_fields[1] . '") ';
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($phone_fields[1] == '') {
                                                        $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $phone_fields[1] . '") ';
                                        } else {
                                            $if .= ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '" ';
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "%" || $params_value[1] == "!%") {
                                        $like_or_not = $params_value[1] == "%" ? ">" : "==";
                                        $phone_fields = explode(' ', $params_value[2]);
                                        if (isset($phone_fields[1])) {
                                            if ($phone_fields[0] != '' && $phone_fields[1] != '') {
                                                $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $phone_fields[0] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 && wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $phone_fields[1] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1)';
                                            } else {
                                                if ($phone_fields[0] == '') {
                                                    $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $phone_fields[1] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1) ';
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($phone_fields[1] == '') {
                                                        $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $phone_fields[0] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1) ';
                                        } else {
                                            $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $phone_fields[0] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1) ';
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "=" || $params_value[1] == "!") {
                                        $params_value[2] = "";
                                        $and_or_phone = $params_value[1] == "=" ? "&&" : "||";
                                        $params_value[1] = $params_value[1] . "=";
                                        $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '" ' . $and_or_phone . ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '") ';
                                    $keyup .= '#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_first' . $form_id . ', #wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_last' . $form_id . ', ';
                                case "type_paypal_price":
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "==" || $params_value[1] == "!=") {
                                        $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_td_name_cents").attr("style")=="display: none;" ? wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '" : parseFloat(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val()+"."+wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_cents' . $form_id . '").val())' . $params_value[1] . 'parseFloat("' . str_replace('.0', '.', $params_value[2]) . '"))';
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "%" || $params_value[1] == "!%") {
                                        $like_or_not = $params_value[1] == "%" ? ">" : "==";
                                        $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_td_name_cents").attr("style")=="display: none;" ? wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $params_value[2] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 : (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val()+"."+wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_cents' . $form_id . '").val()).indexOf("' . str_replace('.0', '.', $params_value[2]) . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1) ';
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "=" || $params_value[1] == "!") {
                                        $params_value[2] = "";
                                        $and_or_price = $params_value[1] == "=" ? "&&" : "||";
                                        $params_value[1] = $params_value[1] . "=";
                                        $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_td_name_cents").attr("style")=="display: none;" ? wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '" : (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '" ' . $and_or_price . ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_cents' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '"))';
                                    $keyup .= '#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . ', #wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element_cents' . $form_id . ', ';
                                case "type_own_select":
                                case "type_paypal_select":
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "%" || $params_value[1] == "!%") {
                                        $like_or_not = $params_value[1] == "%" ? ">" : "==";
                                        $if .= ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $params_value[2] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($params_value[1] == "=" || $params_value[1] == "!") {
                                            $params_value[2] = "";
                                            $params_value[1] = $params_value[1] . "=";
                                        $if .= ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '" ';
                                    $change .= '#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . ', ';
                                case "type_address":
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "%" || $params_value[1] == "!%") {
                                        $like_or_not = $params_value[1] == "%" ? ">" : "==";
                                        $if .= ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_country' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $params_value[2] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($params_value[1] == "=" || $params_value[1] == "!") {
                                            $params_value[2] = "";
                                            $params_value[1] = $params_value[1] . "=";
                                        $if .= ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_country' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '" ';
                                    $change .= '#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_country' . $form_id . ', ';
                                case "type_country":
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "%" || $params_value[1] == "!%") {
                                        $like_or_not = $params_value[1] == "%" ? ">" : "==";
                                        $if .= ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . '").val().indexOf("' . $params_value[2] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($params_value[1] == "=" || $params_value[1] == "!") {
                                            $params_value[2] = "";
                                            $params_value[1] = $params_value[1] . "=";
                                        $if .= ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '" ';
                                    $change .= '#wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . ', ';
                                case "type_radio":
                                case "type_paypal_radio":
                                case "type_paypal_shipping":
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "==" || $params_value[1] == "!=") {
                                        $if .= ' wdformjQuery("input[name^=\'wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . '\']:checked").val()' . $params_value[1] . '"' . $params_value[2] . '" ';
                                        $click .= 'div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . '] input[type=\'radio\'], ';
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "%" || $params_value[1] == "!%") {
                                        $click .= 'div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . '] input[type=\'radio\'], ';
                                        $like_or_not = $params_value[1] == "%" ? ">" : "==";
                                        $if .= ' (wdformjQuery("input[name^=\'wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . '\']:checked").val() ? (wdformjQuery("input[name^=\'wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . '\']:checked").attr("other") ? false  : (wdformjQuery("input[name^=\'wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . '\']:checked").val().indexOf("' . $params_value[2] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 )) : false) ';
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "=" || $params_value[1] == "!") {
                                        $ckecked_or_no = $params_value[1] == "=" ? "!" : "";
                                        $if .= ' ' . $ckecked_or_no . 'wdformjQuery("input[name^=\'wdform_' . $params_value[0] . '_element' . $form_id . '\']:checked").val()';
                                        $click .= 'div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . '] input[type=\'radio\'], ';
                                case "type_checkbox":
                                case "type_paypal_checkbox":
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "==" || $params_value[1] == "!=") {
                                        if ($params_value[2]) {
                                            $choises = explode('@@@', $params_value[2]);
                                            $choises = array_slice($choises, 0, count($choises) - 1);
                                            if ($params_value[1] == "!=") {
                                                $is = "!";
                                            } else {
                                                $is = "";
                                            foreach ($choises as $key1 => $choise) {
                                                if ($type_and_id[$params_value[0]] == "type_paypal_checkbox") {
                                                    $choise_and_value = explode("*:*value*:*", $choise);
                                                    $if .= ' ' . $is . '(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . '] input[value=\\"' . $choise_and_value[1] . '\\"]").is(":checked") && wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . '] input[title=\\"' . $choise_and_value[0] . '\\"]"))';
                                                } else {
                                                    $if .= ' ' . $is . 'wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . '] input[value=\\"' . $choise . '\\"]").is(":checked") ';
                                                if ($key1 != count($choises) - 1) {
                                                    $if .= '&&';
                                            $click .= 'div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . '] input[type=\'checkbox\'], ';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($or_and == '&&') {
                                                $if .= ' true';
                                            } else {
                                                $if .= ' false';
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "%" || $params_value[1] == "!%") {
                                        $like_or_not = $params_value[1] == "%" ? ">" : "==";
                                        if ($params_value[2]) {
                                            $choises = explode('@@@', $params_value[2]);
                                            $choises = array_slice($choises, 0, count($choises) - 1);
                                            if ($type_and_id[$params_value[0]] == "type_paypal_checkbox") {
                                                foreach ($choises as $key1 => $choise) {
                                                    $choise_and_value = explode("*:*value*:*", $choise);
                                                    $if .= ' wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . ']  input[type=\\"checkbox\\"]:checked").serialize().indexOf("' . $choise_and_value[1] . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                                    if ($key1 != count($choises) - 1) {
                                                        $if .= '&&';
                                            } else {
                                                foreach ($choises as $key1 => $choise) {
                                                    $if .= ' wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . ']  input[type=\\"checkbox\\"]:checked").serialize().indexOf("' . str_replace(" ", "+", $choise) . '")' . $like_or_not . '-1 ';
                                                    if ($key1 != count($choises) - 1) {
                                                        $if .= '&&';
                                            $click .= 'div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . '] input[type=\'checkbox\'], ';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($or_and == '&&') {
                                                $if .= ' true';
                                            } else {
                                                $if .= ' false';
                                    if ($params_value[1] == "=" || $params_value[1] == "!") {
                                        $ckecked_or_no = $params_value[1] == "=" ? "==" : ">";
                                        $if .= ' wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . '] input[type=\\"checkbox\\"]:checked").length' . $ckecked_or_no . '0 ';
                                        $click .= 'div[wdid=' . $params_value[0] . '] input[type=\'checkbox\'], ';
                            if ($m != count($cond_params) - 1) {
                                $params_value_next = explode('***', $cond_params[$m + 1]);
                                if (isset($type_and_id[$params_value_next[0]])) {
                                    $if .= $or_and;
                        if ($if) {
                            $condition_js .= '
							if(' . $if . ')
								wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $field_label[$k] . ']").' . $display . ';
								wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $field_label[$k] . ']").' . $display_none . ';';
                        if ($keyup) {
                            $condition_js .= '
							wdformjQuery("' . substr($keyup, 0, -2) . '").keyup(function() { 

								if(' . $if . ')
									wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $field_label[$k] . ']").' . $display . ';
									wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $field_label[$k] . ']").' . $display_none . '; });';
                        if ($change) {
                            $condition_js .= '
							wdformjQuery("' . substr($change, 0, -2) . '").change(function() { 
								if(' . $if . ')
									wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $field_label[$k] . ']").' . $display . ';
									wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $field_label[$k] . ']").' . $display_none . '; });';
                        if ($click) {
                            $condition_js .= '
							wdformjQuery("' . substr($click, 0, -2) . '").click(function() { 
								if(' . $if . ')
									wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $field_label[$k] . ']").' . $display . ';
									wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $field_label[$k] . ']").' . $display_none . '; });';
            if ($row->autogen_layout == 0) {
                $form = $row->custom_front;
            } else {
                $form = $row->form_front;
            foreach ($id1s as $id1s_key => $id1) {
                $label = $labels[$id1s_key];
                $type = $types[$id1s_key];
                $params = $paramss[$id1s_key];
                if (strpos($form, '%' . $id1 . ' - ' . $label . '%') || strpos($form, '%' . $id1 . ' -' . $label . '%')) {
                    $rep = '';
                    $required = false;
                    $param = array();
                    $param['attributes'] = '';
                    $is_type[$type] = true;
                    switch ($type) {
                        case 'type_section_break':
                            $params_names = array('w_editor');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            $rep = '<div type="type_section_break" class="wdform-field-section-break"><div class="wdform_section_break">' . $param['w_editor'] . '</div></div>';
                        case 'type_editor':
                            $params_names = array('w_editor');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            $rep = '<div type="type_editor" class="wdform-field">' . $param['w_editor'] . '</div>';
                        case 'type_send_copy':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_first_val', 'w_required');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == 'true' ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                            $post_value = $input_get->getString("counter" . $form_id);
                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                $post_temp = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id);
                                $input_active = isset($post_temp) ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $rep = '<div type="type_send_copy" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label"><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '">' . $label . '</label></span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div>
					<div class="wdform-element-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '" >
						<div class="checkbox-div" style="left:3px">
						<input type="checkbox" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" ' . $input_active . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '/>
						<label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '"></label>
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
					if(!wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").is(":checked"))
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_send_copy_' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"1\\" />").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] input:checked")).length == 0)
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								return false;
                        case 'type_text':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_required', 'w_unique');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_first_val'] = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id, $param['w_first_val']);
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                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;"><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . $param['w_first_val'] . '" title="' . $param['w_title'] . '"  style="width: 100%" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
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								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
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								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( wdformjQuery(this).val()!="" ) wdformjQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else wdformjQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
								return false;
                        case 'type_number':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_first_val'] = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id, $param['w_first_val']);
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                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
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                            $rep = '<div type="type_number" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section"  class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;"><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . $param['w_first_val'] . '" title="' . $param['w_title'] . '" style="width:100%;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
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								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
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								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
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								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( wdformjQuery(this).val()!="" ) wdformjQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else wdformjQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
								return false;
                        case 'type_password':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $wdformfieldsize = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? $param['w_field_label_size'] + $param['w_size'] : max($param['w_field_label_size'], $param['w_size']);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $rep = '<div type="type_password" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section"  class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;"><input type="password" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" style="width: 100%;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="")
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
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								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( wdformjQuery(this).val()!="" ) wdformjQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else wdformjQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
								return false;
                        case 'type_textarea':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size_w', 'w_size_h', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_first_val'] = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id, $param['w_first_val']);
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                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
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                            $rep = '<div type="type_textarea" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size_w'] . 'px"><textarea class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" title="' . $param['w_title'] . '"  style="width: 100%; height: ' . $param['w_size_h'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . $param['w_first_val'] . '</textarea></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $param['w_title'] . '" || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="")
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( wdformjQuery(this).val()!="" ) wdformjQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else wdformjQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
								return false;
                        case 'type_wdeditor':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size_w', 'w_size_h', 'w_title', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $wdformfieldsize = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? $param['w_field_label_size'] + $param['w_size_w'] + 10 : max($param['w_field_label_size'], $param['w_size_w']);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $rep = '<div type="type_wdeditor" class="wdform-field"  style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size_w'] . 'px">';
                            if ($is_editor) {
                                $wd_editor = $editor->display('wdform_' . $id1 . '_wd_editor' . $form_id, '', $param['w_size_w'], $param['w_size_h'], '40', '6');
                            } else {
                                $wd_editor = '
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                            $rep .= $wd_editor . '</div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(tinyMCE.get("wdform_' . $id1 . '_wd_editor' . $form_id . '").getContent()=="")
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_wd_editor' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_wd_editor' . $form_id . '").focus();
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_wd_editor' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( wdformjQuery(this).val()!="" ) wdformjQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else wdformjQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
								return false;
                            $onload_js .= 'tinyMCE.get("wdform_' . $id1 . '_wd_editor' . $form_id . '").setContent("' . $param['w_title'] . '");';
                        case 'type_phone':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_mini_labels', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $w_first_val = explode('***', $param['w_first_val']);
                            $w_title = explode('***', $param['w_title']);
                            $param['w_first_val'] = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id, $w_first_val[0]) . '***' . $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id, $w_first_val[1]);
                            $wdformfieldsize = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? $param['w_field_label_size'] + $param['w_size'] + 65 : max($param['w_field_label_size'], $param['w_size'] + 65);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $w_first_val = explode('***', $param['w_first_val']);
                            $w_title = explode('***', $param['w_title']);
                            $w_mini_labels = explode('***', $param['w_mini_labels']);
                            $rep = '<div type="type_phone" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label" >' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '
					<div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . ($param['w_size'] + 65) . 'px;">
						<div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;">
							<div><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '" value="' . $w_first_val[0] . '" title="' . $w_title[0] . '" style="width: 50px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div>
							<div><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[0] . '</label></div>
						<div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;">
							<div class="wdform_line" style="margin: 0px 4px 10px 4px; padding: 0px;">-</div>
						<div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle; width:100%; min-width: 100px;">
							<div><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '" value="' . $w_first_val[1] . '" title="' . $w_title[1] . '" style="width: 100%;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div>
							<div><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[1] . '</label></div>
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $w_title[0] . '" || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()=="" || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $w_title[1] . '" || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()=="")
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").focus();
								return false;
                        case 'type_name':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_mini_labels', 'w_size', 'w_name_format', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $w_first_val = explode('***', $param['w_first_val']);
                            $w_title = explode('***', $param['w_title']);
                            $w_mini_labels = explode('***', $param['w_mini_labels']);
                            $element_title = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_title' . $form_id);
                            $element_first = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id);
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                        case 'type_address':
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
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                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
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                                $w_state_options = '';
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                            $w_options = '';
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                                    $selected = '';
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                                $onload_js .= ' wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_country' . $form_id . '").change(function() { 
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								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_state' . $form_id . '").parent().append("<select type=\\"text\\" id=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_state' . $form_id . '\\" name=\\"wdform_' . ($id1 + 3) . '_state' . $form_id . '\\" style=\\"width: 100%;\\" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . addslashes($w_state_options) . '</select><label class=\\"mini_label\\" style=\\"display: block;\\" id=\\"' . $id1 . '_mini_label_state\\">' . $w_mini_labels[3] . '</label>");
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_state' . $form_id . '").parent().children("input:first, label:first").remove();
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                        case 'type_submitter_mail':
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                            $temp = $params;
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                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
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                            $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
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                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;"><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . $param['w_first_val'] . '" title="' . $param['w_title'] . '"  style="width: 100%;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $param['w_title'] . '" || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="")
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( wdformjQuery(this).val()!="" ) wdformjQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else wdformjQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
								return false;
                            $check_js .= '
					if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
					if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()!="" && wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val().search(/^\\w+((-\\w+)|(\\.\\w+))*\\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$/) == -1 )
							alert("' . JText::_("WDF_INVALID_EMAIL") . '");
							old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
							x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
							wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
							return false;
                        case 'type_checkbox':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_rowcol', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            if (strpos($temp, 'w_field_option_pos') > -1) {
                                $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_option_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_rowcol', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_value_disabled', 'w_choices_value', 'w_choices_params', 'w_class');
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            if (!isset($param['w_value_disabled'])) {
                                $param['w_value_disabled'] = 'no';
                            if (!isset($param['w_field_option_pos'])) {
                                $param['w_field_option_pos'] = 'left';
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $param['w_field_option_pos1'] = $param['w_field_option_pos'] == "right" ? "style='float: none !important;'" : "";
                            $param['w_field_option_pos2'] = $param['w_field_option_pos'] == "right" ? "style='float: left !important; margin-right: 8px !important; display: inline-block !important;'" : "";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $param['w_choices'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices']);
                            $param['w_choices_checked'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_checked']);
                            if (isset($param['w_choices_value'])) {
                                $param['w_choices_value'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_value']);
                                $param['w_choices_params'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_params']);
                            $post_value = $input_get->getString("counter" . $form_id);
                            $is_other = false;
                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                if ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes") {
                                    $is_other = false;
                                    $other_element = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_other_input" . $form_id);
                                    if (isset($other_element)) {
                                        $is_other = true;
                            } else {
                                $is_other = $param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_choices_checked'][$param['w_allow_other_num']] == 'true';
                            $rep = '<div type="type_checkbox" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';">';
                            $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . '; vertical-align:top">';
                            $total_queries = 0;
                            foreach ($param['w_choices'] as $key => $choice) {
                                $key1 = $key + $total_queries;
                                if (isset($param['w_choices_params']) && $param['w_choices_params'][$key]) {
                                    $choices_labels = array();
                                    $choices_values = array();
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[where_order_by]', $param['w_choices_params'][$key]);
                                    $where = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) ? ' WHERE ' . str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) : '';
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[db_info]', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $order_by = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]);
                                    $db_info = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
                                    if ($db_info) {
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfhostwdf@@@', $db_info);
                                        $host = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfportwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $port = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfusernamewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $username = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfpasswordwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $password = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfdatabasewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $database = $temp[0];
                                        $remote = array();
                                        $remote['driver'] = 'mysql';
                                        $remote['host'] = $host;
                                        $remote['user'] = $username;
                                        $remote['password'] = $password;
                                        $remote['database'] = $database;
                                        $remote['prefix'] = '';
                                        $db = JDatabase::getInstance($remote);
                                    $label_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $choice));
                                    $table = $label_table_and_column[0];
                                    $label_column = $label_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($label_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $label_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_labels = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $value_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $param['w_choices_value'][$key]));
                                    $value_column = $value_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($value_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $value_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_values = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $columns_count_checkbox = count($choices_labels) > 0 ? count($choices_labels) : count($choices_values);
                                    if (array_filter($choices_labels) || array_filter($choices_values)) {
                                        $total_queries = $total_queries + $columns_count_checkbox - 1;
                                        if (!isset($post_value)) {
                                            $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                        for ($k = 0; $k < $columns_count_checkbox; $k++) {
                                            $choice_label = isset($choices_labels[$k]) ? $choices_labels[$k] : '';
                                            $choice_value = isset($choices_values[$k]) ? $choices_values[$k] : $choice_label;
                                            if (($key1 + $k) % $param['w_rowcol'] == 0 && $key1 + $k > 0) {
                                                $rep .= '</div><div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';  vertical-align:top">';
                                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                                $post_valuetemp = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id . ($key1 + $k));
                                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = isset($post_valuetemp) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                            $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] != 'hor' ? 'table-cell' : 'table-row') . ';"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos1'] . '>' . $choice_label . '</label><div class="checkbox-div forlabs" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos2'] . '><input type="checkbox" ' . ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? 'other="1"' : '') . ' id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($choice_value) . '" ' . ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? 'onclick="if(set_checked(&quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . ($key1 + $k) . '&quot;,&quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;)) show_other_input(&quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;);"' : '') . ' ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '"></label></div></div>';
                                } else {
                                    if ($key1 % $param['w_rowcol'] == 0 && $key1 > 0) {
                                        $rep .= '</div><div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';  vertical-align:top">';
                                    if (!isset($post_value)) {
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                    } else {
                                        $post_valuetemp = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id . $key1);
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = isset($post_valuetemp) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                    $choice_value = isset($param['w_choices_value']) ? $param['w_choices_value'][$key] : $choice;
                                    $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] != 'hor' ? 'table-cell' : 'table-row') . ';"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos1'] . '>' . $choice . '</label><div class="checkbox-div forlabs" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos2'] . '><input type="checkbox" ' . ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? 'other="1"' : '') . ' id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($choice_value) . '" ' . ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? 'onclick="if(set_checked(&quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . $key1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;)) show_other_input(&quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;);"' : '') . ' ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '"></label></div></div>';
                                    $param['w_allow_other_num'] = $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? $key1 : $param['w_allow_other_num'];
                            $rep .= '</div>';
                            $rep .= '</div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] input:checked")).length == 0 ||   wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_other_input' . $form_id . '").val()=="")
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								return false;
                            if ($is_other) {
                                $onload_js .= 'show_other_input("wdform_' . $id1 . '","' . $form_id . '"); wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_other_input' . $form_id . '").val("' . $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_other_input" . $form_id, '') . '");';
                            if ($param['w_randomize'] == 'yes') {
                                $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] .wdform-element-section> div").shuffle();
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_allow_other' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . $param['w_allow_other'] . '\\" />").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_allow_other_num' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . $param['w_allow_other_num'] . '\\" />").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                        case 'type_radio':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_rowcol', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            if (strpos($temp, 'w_field_option_pos') > -1) {
                                $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_option_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_rowcol', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_value_disabled', 'w_choices_value', 'w_choices_params', 'w_class');
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            if (!isset($param['w_value_disabled'])) {
                                $param['w_value_disabled'] = 'no';
                            if (!isset($param['w_field_option_pos'])) {
                                $param['w_field_option_pos'] = 'left';
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $param['w_field_option_pos1'] = $param['w_field_option_pos'] == "right" ? "style='float: none !important;'" : "";
                            $param['w_field_option_pos2'] = $param['w_field_option_pos'] == "right" ? "style='float: left !important; margin-right: 8px !important; display: inline-block !important;'" : "";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $param['w_choices'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices']);
                            $param['w_choices_checked'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_checked']);
                            if (isset($param['w_choices_value'])) {
                                $param['w_choices_value'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_value']);
                                $param['w_choices_params'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_params']);
                            $post_value = $input_get->getString("counter" . $form_id);
                            $is_other = false;
                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                if ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes") {
                                    $is_other = false;
                                    $other_element = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_other_input" . $form_id);
                                    if (isset($other_element)) {
                                        $is_other = true;
                            } else {
                                $is_other = $param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_choices_checked'][$param['w_allow_other_num']] == 'true';
                            $rep = '<div type="type_radio" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';">';
                            $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . '; vertical-align:top">';
                            $total_queries = 0;
                            foreach ($param['w_choices'] as $key => $choice) {
                                $key1 = $key + $total_queries;
                                if (isset($param['w_choices_params']) && $param['w_choices_params'][$key]) {
                                    $choices_labels = array();
                                    $choices_values = array();
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[where_order_by]', $param['w_choices_params'][$key]);
                                    $where = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) ? ' WHERE ' . str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) : '';
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[db_info]', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $order_by = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]);
                                    $db_info = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
                                    if ($db_info) {
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfhostwdf@@@', $db_info);
                                        $host = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfportwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $port = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfusernamewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $username = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfpasswordwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $password = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfdatabasewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $database = $temp[0];
                                        $remote = array();
                                        $remote['driver'] = 'mysql';
                                        $remote['host'] = $host;
                                        $remote['user'] = $username;
                                        $remote['password'] = $password;
                                        $remote['database'] = $database;
                                        $remote['prefix'] = '';
                                        $db = JDatabase::getInstance($remote);
                                    $label_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $choice));
                                    $table = $label_table_and_column[0];
                                    $label_column = $label_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($label_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $label_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_labels = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $value_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $param['w_choices_value'][$key]));
                                    $value_column = $value_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($value_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $value_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_values = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $columns_count_radio = count($choices_labels) > 0 ? count($choices_labels) : count($choices_values);
                                    if (array_filter($choices_labels) || array_filter($choices_values)) {
                                        $total_queries = $total_queries + $columns_count_radio - 1;
                                        if (!isset($post_value)) {
                                            $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                        for ($k = 0; $k < $columns_count_radio; $k++) {
                                            $choice_label = isset($choices_labels[$k]) ? $choices_labels[$k] : '';
                                            $choice_value = isset($choices_values[$k]) ? $choices_values[$k] : $choice_label;
                                            if (($key1 + $k) % $param['w_rowcol'] == 0 && $key1 + $k > 0) {
                                                $rep .= '</div><div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';  vertical-align:top">';
                                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                                $post_valuetemp = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id);
                                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = isset($post_valuetemp) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                            $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] != 'hor' ? 'table-cell' : 'table-row') . ';"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos1'] . '>' . $choice_label . '</label><div class="radio-div forlabs" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos2'] . '><input type="radio" ' . ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? 'other="1"' : '') . ' id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($choice_value) . '" onclick="set_default(&quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . ($key1 + $k) . '&quot;,&quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;); ' . ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? 'show_other_input(&quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;);' : '') . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '"></label></div></div>';
                                } else {
                                    if ($key1 % $param['w_rowcol'] == 0 && $key1 > 0) {
                                        $rep .= '</div><div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';  vertical-align:top">';
                                    if (!isset($post_value)) {
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                    } else {
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = htmlspecialchars($choice) == htmlspecialchars($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id)) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                    $choice_value = isset($param['w_choices_value']) ? $param['w_choices_value'][$key] : $choice;
                                    $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] != 'hor' ? 'table-cell' : 'table-row') . ';"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos1'] . '>' . $choice . '</label><div class="radio-div forlabs" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos2'] . '><input type="radio" ' . ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? 'other="1"' : '') . ' id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($choice_value) . '" onclick="set_default(&quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . $key1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;); ' . ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? 'show_other_input(&quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;);' : '') . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '"></label></div></div>';
                                    $param['w_allow_other_num'] = $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? $key1 : $param['w_allow_other_num'];
                            $rep .= '</div>';
                            $rep .= '</div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
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								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
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								return false;
                            if ($is_other) {
                                $onload_js .= 'show_other_input("wdform_' . $id1 . '","' . $form_id . '"); wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_other_input' . $form_id . '").val("' . $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_other_input" . $form_id, '') . '");';
                            if ($param['w_randomize'] == 'yes') {
                                $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] .wdform-element-section> div").shuffle();
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_allow_other' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . $param['w_allow_other'] . '\\" />").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_allow_other_num' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . $param['w_allow_other_num'] . '\\" />").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                        case 'type_own_select':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_choices_disabled', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            if (strpos($temp, 'w_choices_value') > -1) {
                                $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_choices_disabled', 'w_required', 'w_value_disabled', 'w_choices_value', 'w_choices_params', 'w_class');
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $wdformfieldsize = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? $param['w_field_label_size'] + $param['w_size'] : max($param['w_field_label_size'], $param['w_size']);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $param['w_choices'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices']);
                            $param['w_choices_checked'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_checked']);
                            $param['w_choices_disabled'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_disabled']);
                            if (isset($param['w_choices_value'])) {
                                $param['w_choices_value'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_value']);
                                $param['w_choices_params'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_params']);
                            if (!isset($param['w_value_disabled'])) {
                                $param['w_value_disabled'] = 'no';
                            $post_value = $input_get->getString("counter" . $form_id);
                            $rep = '<div type="type_own_select" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px; "><select id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" style="width: 100%;"  ' . $param['attributes'] . '>';
                            foreach ($param['w_choices'] as $key => $choice) {
                                if (isset($param['w_choices_params']) && $param['w_choices_params'][$key]) {
                                    $choices_labels = array();
                                    $choices_values = array();
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[where_order_by]', $param['w_choices_params'][$key]);
                                    $where = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) ? ' WHERE ' . str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) : '';
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[db_info]', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $order_by = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]);
                                    $db_info = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
                                    if ($db_info) {
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfhostwdf@@@', $db_info);
                                        $host = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfportwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $port = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfusernamewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $username = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfpasswordwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $password = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfdatabasewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $database = $temp[0];
                                        $remote = array();
                                        $remote['driver'] = 'mysql';
                                        $remote['host'] = $host;
                                        $remote['user'] = $username;
                                        $remote['password'] = $password;
                                        $remote['database'] = $database;
                                        $remote['prefix'] = '';
                                        $db = JDatabase::getInstance($remote);
                                    $label_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $choice));
                                    $table = $label_table_and_column[0];
                                    $label_column = $label_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($label_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $label_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_labels = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $value_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $param['w_choices_value'][$key]));
                                    $value_column = $param['w_choices_disabled'][$key] == "true" ? '' : $value_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($value_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $value_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_values = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $columns_count = count($choices_labels) > 0 ? count($choices_labels) : count($choices_values);
                                    if (array_filter($choices_labels) || array_filter($choices_values)) {
                                        for ($k = 0; $k < $columns_count; $k++) {
                                            $choice_label = isset($choices_labels[$k]) ? $choices_labels[$k] : '';
                                            $choice_value = isset($choices_values[$k]) ? $choices_values[$k] : ($param['w_choices_disabled'][$key] == "true" ? '' : $choice_label);
                                            if (!isset($post_value)) {
                                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' && $k == 0 ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                                            } else {
                                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $choice_value == htmlspecialchars($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id)) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                                            $rep .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($choice_value) . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . '>' . $choice_label . '</option>';
                                } else {
                                    if (!isset($post_value)) {
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                                    } else {
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = htmlspecialchars($choice) == htmlspecialchars($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id)) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                                    $choice_value = $param['w_choices_disabled'][$key] == "true" ? '' : (isset($param['w_choices_value']) ? $param['w_choices_value'][$key] : $choice);
                                    $rep .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($choice_value) . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . '>' . $choice . '</option>';
                            $rep .= '</select></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if( wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="")
									alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
									wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
									old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
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									return false;
                        case 'type_country':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_countries', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                            $wdformfieldsize = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? $param['w_field_label_size'] + $param['w_size'] : max($param['w_field_label_size'], $param['w_size']);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $param['w_countries'] = explode('***', $param['w_countries']);
                            $post_value = $input_get->getString("counter" . $form_id);
                            $selected = '';
                            $rep = '<div type="type_country" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;"><select id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" style="width: 100%;"  ' . $param['attributes'] . '>';
                            foreach ($param['w_countries'] as $key => $choice) {
                                if (isset($post_value)) {
                                    $selected = htmlspecialchars($choice) == htmlspecialchars($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id)) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                                $choice_value = $choice;
                                $rep .= '<option value="' . $choice_value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $choice . '</option>';
                            $rep .= '</select></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if( wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="")
									alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
									wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
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									wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
									wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( wdformjQuery(this).val()!="" ) wdformjQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else wdformjQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
									return false;
                        case 'type_time':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_time_type', 'w_am_pm', 'w_sec', 'w_hh', 'w_mm', 'w_ss', 'w_mini_labels', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $w_mini_labels = explode('***', $param['w_mini_labels']);
                            $w_sec = '';
                            $w_sec_label = '';
                            if ($param['w_sec'] == '1') {
                                $w_sec = '<div align="center" style="display: table-cell;"><span class="wdform_colon" style="vertical-align: middle;">&nbsp;:&nbsp;</span></div><div style="display: table-cell;"><input type="text" value="' . $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_ss" . $form_id, $param['w_ss']) . '" class="time_box" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_ss' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_ss' . $form_id . '" onkeypress="return check_second(event, &quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '_ss' . $form_id . '&quot;)" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div>';
                                $w_sec_label = '<div style="display: table-cell;"></div><div style="display: table-cell;"><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[2] . '</label></div>';
                            if ($param['w_time_type'] == '12') {
                                if ($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_am_pm" . $form_id, $param['w_am_pm']) == 'am') {
                                    $am_ = "selected=\"selected\"";
                                    $pm_ = "";
                                } else {
                                    $am_ = "";
                                    $pm_ = "selected=\"selected\"";
                                $w_time_type = '<div style="display: table-cell;"><select class="am_pm_select" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_am_pm' . $form_id . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_am_pm' . $form_id . '" style="width:50px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '><option value="am" ' . $am_ . '>AM</option><option value="pm" ' . $pm_ . '>PM</option></select></div>';
                                $w_time_type_label = '<div ><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[3] . '</label></div>';
                            } else {
                                $w_time_type = '';
                                $w_time_type_label = '';
                            $rep = '<div type="type_time" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';"><div style="display: table;"><div style="display: table-row;"><div style="display: table-cell;"><input type="text" value="' . $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_hh" . $form_id, $param['w_hh']) . '" class="time_box" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_hh' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_hh' . $form_id . '" onkeypress="return check_hour(event, &quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '_hh' . $form_id . '&quot;, &quot;23&quot;)" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div><div align="center" style="display: table-cell;"><span class="wdform_colon" style="vertical-align: middle;">&nbsp;:&nbsp;</span></div><div style="display: table-cell;"><input type="text" value="' . $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_mm" . $form_id, $param['w_mm']) . '" class="time_box" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_mm' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_mm' . $form_id . '" onkeypress="return check_minute(event, &quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '_mm' . $form_id . '&quot;)" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div>' . $w_sec . $w_time_type . '</div><div style="display: table-row;"><div style="display: table-cell;"><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[0] . '</label></div><div style="display: table-cell;"></div><div style="display: table-cell;"><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[1] . '</label></div>' . $w_sec_label . $w_time_type_label . '</div></div></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_mm' . $form_id . '").val()=="" || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_hh' . $form_id . '").val()=="" || (wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_ss' . $form_id . '").length != 0 ? wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_ss' . $form_id . '").val()=="" : false))
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_hh' . $form_id . '").focus();
								return false;
                        case 'type_date':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_date', 'w_required', 'w_class', 'w_format', 'w_but_val');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
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                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';"><input type="text" value="' . $param['w_date'] . '" class="wdform-date" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" maxlength="10" ' . $param['attributes'] . '><input id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_button' . $form_id . '" class="wdform-calendar-button" type="reset" value="' . $param['w_but_val'] . '" format="' . $param['w_format'] . '" alt="calendar" ' . $param['attributes'] . ' "></div></div>';
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                                $check_js .= '
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                        case 'type_date_fields':
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                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
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                            $param['w_day'] = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_day" . $form_id, $param['w_day']);
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                                for ($k = 1; $k <= 31; $k++) {
                                    if ($k < 10) {
                                        if ($param['w_day'] == '0' . $k) {
                                            $selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
                                        } else {
                                            $selected = "";
                                        $w_day_type .= '<option value="0' . $k . '" ' . $selected . '>0' . $k . '</option>';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($param['w_day'] == '' . $k) {
                                            $selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
                                        } else {
                                            $selected = "";
                                        $w_day_type .= '<option value="' . $k . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $k . '</option>';
                                $w_day_type .= '</select>';
                            } else {
                                $w_day_type = '<input type="text" value="' . $param['w_day'] . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_day' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_day' . $form_id . '" style="width: ' . $param['w_day_size'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>';
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                                $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_day' . $form_id . '").keypress(function() {return check_day(event, this)});';
                            if ($param['w_month_type'] == "SELECT") {
                                $w_month_type = '<select id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_month' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_month' . $form_id . '" style="width: ' . $param['w_month_size'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '><option value=""></option><option value="01" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "01" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . '  >' . JText::_("January") . '</option><option value="02" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "02" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . '>' . JText::_("February") . '</option><option value="03" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "03" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . '>' . JText::_("March") . '</option><option value="04" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "04" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ' >' . JText::_("April") . '</option><option value="05" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "05" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ' >' . JText::_("May") . '</option><option value="06" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "06" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ' >' . JText::_("June") . '</option><option value="07" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "07" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ' >' . JText::_("July") . '</option><option value="08" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "08" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ' >' . JText::_("August") . '</option><option value="09" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "09" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ' >' . JText::_("September") . '</option><option value="10" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "10" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ' >' . JText::_("October") . '</option><option value="11" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "11" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . '>' . JText::_("November") . '</option><option value="12" ' . ($param['w_month'] == "12" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ' >' . JText::_("December") . '</option></select>';
                            } else {
                                $w_month_type = '<input type="text" value="' . $param['w_month'] . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_month' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_month' . $form_id . '"  style="width: ' . $param['w_day_size'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>';
                                $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_month' . $form_id . '").blur(function() {if (wdformjQuery(this).val()=="0") wdformjQuery(this).val(""); else add_0(this)});';
                                $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_month' . $form_id . '").keypress(function() {return check_month(event, this)});';
                            if ($param['w_year_type'] == "SELECT") {
                                $w_year_type = '<select id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_year' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_year' . $form_id . '"  from="' . $param['w_from'] . '" to="' . $param['w_to'] . '" style="width: ' . $param['w_year_size'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '><option value=""></option>';
                                for ($k = $param['w_to']; $k >= $param['w_from']; $k--) {
                                    if ($param['w_year'] == $k) {
                                        $selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
                                    } else {
                                        $selected = "";
                                    $w_year_type .= '<option value="' . $k . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $k . '</option>';
                                $w_year_type .= '</select>';
                            } else {
                                $w_year_type = '<input type="text" value="' . $param['w_year'] . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_year' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_year' . $form_id . '" from="' . $param['w_from'] . '" to="' . $param['w_to'] . '" style="width: ' . $param['w_day_size'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>';
                                $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_year' . $form_id . '").keypress(function() {return check_year1(event, this)});';
                                $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_year' . $form_id . '").change(function() {change_year(this)});';
                            $rep = '<div type="type_date_fields" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';"><div style="display: table;"><div style="display: table-row;"><div style="display: table-cell;">' . $w_day_type . '</div><div style="display: table-cell;"><span class="wdform_separator">' . $param['w_divider'] . '</span></div><div style="display: table-cell;">' . $w_month_type . '</div><div style="display: table-cell;"><span class="wdform_separator">' . $param['w_divider'] . '</span></div><div style="display: table-cell;">' . $w_year_type . '</div></div><div style="display: table-row;"><div style="display: table-cell;"><label class="mini_label">' . $param['w_day_label'] . '</label></div><div style="display: table-cell;"></div><div style="display: table-cell;"><label class="mini_label" >' . $param['w_month_label'] . '</label></div><div style="display: table-cell;"></div><div style="display: table-cell;"><label class="mini_label">' . $param['w_year_label'] . '</label></div></div></div></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
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								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
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								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_day' . $form_id . '").focus();
								return false;
                        case 'type_file_upload':
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                            $temp = $params;
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                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
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                                $temp = $temp[1];
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
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                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
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                            $multiple = $param['w_multiple'] == "yes" ? "multiple='multiple'" : "";
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                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';"><label class="file-upload" style="display: inline-block;"><div class="file-picker"></div><input type="file" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_file' . $form_id . '[]" ' . $multiple . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '></label></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
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								return false;
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							alert("' . JText::_("WDF_FILE_TYPE_ERROR") . '");
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							return false;
                        case 'type_captcha':
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                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
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                                $temp = $temp[1];
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
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                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $rep = '<div type="type_captcha" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span></div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '"><div style="display: table;"><div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;"><div valign="middle" style="display: table-cell; text-align: center; vertical-align:top;"><img type="captcha" digit="' . $param['w_digit'] . '" src="index.php?option=com_formmaker&amp;view=wdcaptcha&amp;format=raw&amp;tmpl=component&amp;digit=' . $param['w_digit'] . '&amp;i=' . $form_id . '" id="wd_captcha' . $form_id . '" class="captcha_img" style="display:none" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div><div valign="middle" style="display: table-cell;"><div class="captcha_refresh" id="_element_refresh' . $form_id . '" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div></div><div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;"><div style="display: table-cell;"><input type="text" class="captcha_input" id="wd_captcha_input' . $form_id . '" name="captcha_input" style="width: ' . ($param['w_digit'] * 10 + 15) . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div></div></div></div>';
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                            $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#_element_refresh' . $form_id . '").click(function() {captcha_refresh("wd_captcha","' . $form_id . '")});';
                            $check_js .= '
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							return false;
                            $onload_js .= 'captcha_refresh("wd_captcha", "' . $form_id . '");';
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                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
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                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $publickey = $row->public_key ? $row->public_key : '0';
                            $error = null;
                            $rep = '<div type="type_recaptcha" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span></div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';">
					<div id="wd_recaptcha' . $form_id . '" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error) . '</div></div></div>';
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                        case 'type_hidden':
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                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $rep = '<div type="type_hidden" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="display: table-cell;"></div><div class="wdform-element-section" style="display: table-cell;"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_value'] . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="' . $param['w_name'] . '" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div>';
                        case 'type_mark_map':
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                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
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                            if ($temp) {
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
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                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
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                            $rep = '<div type="type_mark_map" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span></div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_width'] . 'px;"><input type="hidden" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_long' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_long' . $form_id . '" value="' . $param['w_long'] . '"><input type="hidden" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_lat' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_lat' . $form_id . '" value="' . $param['w_lat'] . '"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" long0="' . $param['w_long'] . '" lat0="' . $param['w_lat'] . '" zoom="' . $param['w_zoom'] . '" info0="' . $param['w_info'] . '" center_x="' . $param['w_center_x'] . '" center_y="' . $param['w_center_y'] . '" style="width: 100%; height: ' . $param['w_height'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div></div>	';
                            $onload_js .= 'if_gmap_init("wdform_' . $id1 . '", ' . $form_id . ');';
                            $onload_js .= 'add_marker_on_map("wdform_' . $id1 . '", 0, "' . $param['w_long'] . '", "' . $param['w_lat'] . '", "' . $param['w_info'] . '", ' . $form_id . ',true);';
                        case 'type_map':
                            $params_names = array('w_center_x', 'w_center_y', 'w_long', 'w_lat', 'w_zoom', 'w_width', 'w_height', 'w_info', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $marker = '';
                            $param['w_long'] = explode('***', $param['w_long']);
                            $param['w_lat'] = explode('***', $param['w_lat']);
                            $param['w_info'] = explode('***', $param['w_info']);
                            foreach ($param['w_long'] as $key => $w_long) {
                                $marker .= 'long' . $key . '="' . $w_long . '" lat' . $key . '="' . $param['w_lat'][$key] . '" info' . $key . '="' . $param['w_info'][$key] . '"';
                            $rep = '<div type="type_map" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $param['w_width'] . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="display: table-cell;"><span id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_label' . $form_id . '" style="display: none;">' . $label . '</span></div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="width: ' . $param['w_width'] . 'px;"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" zoom="' . $param['w_zoom'] . '" center_x="' . $param['w_center_x'] . '" center_y="' . $param['w_center_y'] . '" style="width: 100%; height: ' . $param['w_height'] . 'px;" ' . $marker . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div></div>';
                            $onload_js .= 'if_gmap_init("wdform_' . $id1 . '", ' . $form_id . ');';
                            foreach ($param['w_long'] as $key => $w_long) {
                                $onload_js .= 'add_marker_on_map("wdform_' . $id1 . '",' . $key . ', "' . $w_long . '", "' . $param['w_lat'][$key] . '", "' . $param['w_info'][$key] . '", ' . $form_id . ',false);';
                        case 'type_paypal_price':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_mini_labels', 'w_size', 'w_required', 'w_hide_cents', 'w_class', 'w_range_min', 'w_range_max');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $w_first_val = explode('***', $param['w_first_val']);
                            $w_title = explode('***', $param['w_title']);
                            $param['w_first_val'] = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id, $w_first_val[0]) . '***' . $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_cents' . $form_id, $w_first_val[1]);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $hide_cents = $param['w_hide_cents'] == "yes" ? "none;" : "table-cell;";
                            $w_first_val = explode('***', $param['w_first_val']);
                            $w_title = explode('***', $param['w_title']);
                            $w_mini_labels = explode('***', $param['w_mini_labels']);
                            $rep = '<div type="type_paypal_price" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_range_min'] . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_range_min' . $form_id . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_range_min' . $form_id . '"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_range_max'] . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_range_max' . $form_id . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_range_max' . $form_id . '"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_table_price" style="display: table;"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_tr_price1" style="display: table-row;"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_td_name_currency" style="display: table-cell;"><span class="wdform_colon" style="vertical-align: middle;"><!--repstart-->&nbsp;' . $form_currency . '&nbsp;<!--repend--></span></div><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_td_name_dollars" style="display: table-cell;"><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '" value="' . $w_first_val[0] . '" title="' . $w_title[0] . '" onkeypress="return check_isnum(event)" style="width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_td_name_divider" style="display: ' . $hide_cents . ';"><span class="wdform_colon" style="vertical-align: middle;">&nbsp;.&nbsp;</span></div><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_td_name_cents" style="display: ' . $hide_cents . '"><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_cents' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_cents' . $form_id . '" value="' . $w_first_val[1] . '" title="' . $w_title[1] . '" style="width: 30px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_tr_price2" style="display: table-row;"><div style="display: table-cell;"><label class="mini_label"></label></div><div align="left" style="display: table-cell;"><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[0] . '</label></div><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_td_name_label_divider" style="display: ' . $hide_cents . '"><label class="mini_label"></label></div><div align="left" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_td_name_label_cents" style="display: ' . $hide_cents . '"><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[1] . '</label></div></div></div></div></div>';
                            $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_cents' . $form_id . '").blur(function() {add_0(this)});';
                            $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_cents' . $form_id . '").keypress(function() {return check_isnum_interval(event,this,0,99)});';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $w_title[0] . '" || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val()=="")
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").focus();
								return false;
                            $check_js .= '
					if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
						if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val()!="' . $w_title[0] . '" || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val())
							dollars =wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val();
						if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_cents' . $form_id . '").val()!="' . $w_title[1] . '" || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_cents' . $form_id . '").val())
							cents =wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_cents' . $form_id . '").val();

						var price=dollars+"."+cents;

							alert("Invalid value of number field");
							old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
							x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
							wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").focus();
							return false;
						var range_min=' . ($param['w_range_min'] ? $param['w_range_min'] : 0) . ';
						var range_max=' . ($param['w_range_max'] ? $param['w_range_max'] : -1) . ';

						if(' . ($required ? 'true' : 'false') . ' || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").val()!="' . $w_title[0] . '" || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_cents' . $form_id . '").val()!="' . $w_title[1] . '")
							if((range_max!=-1 && parseFloat(price)>range_max) || parseFloat(price)<range_min)
								alert("' . JText::sprintf('WDF_RANGE_FIELD', $label, $param['w_range_min'] ? $param['w_range_min'] : 0, $param['w_range_max'] ? $param['w_range_max'] : "any") . '");

								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_dollars' . $form_id . '").focus();
								return false;
                        case 'type_paypal_select':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_price', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_choices_disabled', 'w_required', 'w_quantity', 'w_quantity_value', 'w_class', 'w_property', 'w_property_values');
                            $temp = $params;
                            if (strpos($temp, 'w_choices_params') > -1) {
                                $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_price', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_choices_disabled', 'w_required', 'w_quantity', 'w_quantity_value', 'w_choices_params', 'w_class', 'w_property', 'w_property_values');
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $wdformfieldsize = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? $param['w_field_label_size'] + $param['w_size'] : max($param['w_field_label_size'], $param['w_size']);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $param['w_choices'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices']);
                            $param['w_choices_price'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_price']);
                            $param['w_choices_checked'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_checked']);
                            $param['w_choices_disabled'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_disabled']);
                            $param['w_property'] = explode('***', $param['w_property']);
                            $param['w_property_values'] = explode('***', $param['w_property_values']);
                            if (isset($param['w_choices_params'])) {
                                $param['w_choices_params'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_params']);
                            $post_value = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id);
                            $rep = '<div type="type_paypal_select" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;"><select id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" style="width:100%;"  ' . $param['attributes'] . '>';
                            foreach ($param['w_choices'] as $key => $choice) {
                                if (isset($param['w_choices_params']) && $param['w_choices_params'][$key]) {
                                    $choices_labels = array();
                                    $choices_values = array();
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[where_order_by]', $param['w_choices_params'][$key]);
                                    $where = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) ? ' WHERE ' . str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) : '';
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[db_info]', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $order_by = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]);
                                    $db_info = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
                                    if ($db_info) {
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfhostwdf@@@', $db_info);
                                        $host = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfportwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $port = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfusernamewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $username = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfpasswordwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $password = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfdatabasewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $database = $temp[0];
                                        $remote = array();
                                        $remote['driver'] = 'mysql';
                                        $remote['host'] = $host;
                                        $remote['user'] = $username;
                                        $remote['password'] = $password;
                                        $remote['database'] = $database;
                                        $remote['prefix'] = '';
                                        $db = JDatabase::getInstance($remote);
                                    $label_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $choice));
                                    $table = $label_table_and_column[0];
                                    $label_column = $label_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($label_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $label_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_labels = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $value_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $param['w_choices_price'][$key]));
                                    $value_column = $param['w_choices_disabled'][$key] == "true" ? '' : $value_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($value_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $value_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_values = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $columns_count = count($choices_labels) > 0 ? count($choices_labels) : count($choices_values);
                                    for ($k = 0; $k < $columns_count; $k++) {
                                        $choice_label = isset($choices_labels[$k]) ? $choices_labels[$k] : '';
                                        $choice_value = isset($choices_values[$k]) ? (double) $choices_values[$k] : '';
                                        if (isset($post_value)) {
                                            if ($post_value == $choice_value && $choice_label == $input_get->getString("wdform_" . $id1 . "_element_label" . $form_id)) {
                                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = 'selected="selected"';
                                            } else {
                                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = '';
                                        } else {
                                            $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' && $k == 0 ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                                        $rep .= '<option value="' . $choice_value . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . '>' . $choice_label . '</option>';
                                } else {
                                    $choice_value = $param['w_choices_disabled'][$key] == "true" ? '' : $param['w_choices_price'][$key];
                                    if (isset($post_value)) {
                                        if ($post_value == $choice_value && $choice == $input_get->getString("wdform_" . $id1 . "_element_label" . $form_id)) {
                                            $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = 'selected="selected"';
                                        } else {
                                            $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = '';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true') {
                                            $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = 'selected="selected"';
                                        } else {
                                            $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = '';
                                    $rep .= '<option value="' . $choice_value . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . '>' . $choice . '</option>';
                            $rep .= '</select><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_div' . $form_id . '">';
                            if ($param['w_quantity'] == "yes") {
                                $rep .= '<div class="paypal-property"><label class="mini_label" style="margin: 0px 5px;">' . JText::_("WDF_QUANTITY") . '</label><input type="text" value="' . $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element_quantity" . $form_id, $param['w_quantity_value']) . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_quantity' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_quantity' . $form_id . '" class="wdform-quantity"></div>';
                            if ($param['w_property'][0]) {
                                foreach ($param['w_property'] as $key => $property) {
                                    $rep .= '
					<div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_property_' . $key . '" class="paypal-property">
					<div style="width:150px; display:inline-block;">
					<label class="mini_label" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_property_label_' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" style="margin-right: 5px;">' . $property . '</label>
					<select id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_property' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_property' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" style="width: 100%; margin: 2px 0px;">';
                                    $param['w_property_values'][$key] = explode('###', $param['w_property_values'][$key]);
                                    $param['w_property_values'][$key] = array_slice($param['w_property_values'][$key], 1, count($param['w_property_values'][$key]));
                                    foreach ($param['w_property_values'][$key] as $subkey => $property_value) {
                                        $rep .= '<option id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_' . $key . '_option' . $subkey . '" value="' . $property_value . '" ' . ($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_property' . $form_id . '' . $key) == $property_value ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . '>' . $property_value . '</option>';
                                    $rep .= '</select></div></div>';
                            $rep .= '</div></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="")
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( wdformjQuery(this).val()!="" ) wdformjQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else wdformjQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
								return false;
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_label' . $form_id . '\\"  />").val(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . ' option:selected").text()).appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_quantity_label' . $form_id . '\\"  />").val("' . JText::_("WDF_QUANTITY") . '").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                            foreach ($param['w_property'] as $key => $property) {
                                $onsubmit_js .= '
							wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_property_label' . $form_id . $key . '\\"  />").val("' . $property . '").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                        case 'type_paypal_checkbox':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_price', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_class', 'w_property', 'w_property_values', 'w_quantity', 'w_quantity_value');
                            $temp = $params;
                            if (strpos($temp, 'w_field_option_pos') > -1) {
                                $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_option_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_price', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_choices_params', 'w_class', 'w_property', 'w_property_values', 'w_quantity', 'w_quantity_value');
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            if (!isset($param['w_field_option_pos'])) {
                                $param['w_field_option_pos'] = 'left';
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $param['w_field_option_pos1'] = $param['w_field_option_pos'] == "right" ? "style='float: none !important;'" : "";
                            $param['w_field_option_pos2'] = $param['w_field_option_pos'] == "right" ? "style='float: left !important; margin-right: 8px !important; display: inline-block !important;'" : "";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $param['w_choices'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices']);
                            $param['w_choices_price'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_price']);
                            $param['w_choices_checked'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_checked']);
                            $param['w_property'] = explode('***', $param['w_property']);
                            $param['w_property_values'] = explode('***', $param['w_property_values']);
                            if (isset($param['w_choices_params'])) {
                                $param['w_choices_params'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_params']);
                            $rep = '<div type="type_paypal_checkbox" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';">';
                            $post_value = $input_get->getString("counter" . $form_id);
                            $total_queries = 0;
                            foreach ($param['w_choices'] as $key => $choice) {
                                $key1 = $key + $total_queries;
                                if (isset($param['w_choices_params']) && $param['w_choices_params'][$key]) {
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[where_order_by]', $param['w_choices_params'][$key]);
                                    $where = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) ? ' WHERE ' . str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) : '';
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[db_info]', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $order_by = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]);
                                    $db_info = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
                                    if ($db_info) {
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfhostwdf@@@', $db_info);
                                        $host = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfportwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $port = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfusernamewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $username = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfpasswordwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $password = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfdatabasewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $database = $temp[0];
                                        $remote = array();
                                        $remote['driver'] = 'mysql';
                                        $remote['host'] = $host;
                                        $remote['user'] = $username;
                                        $remote['password'] = $password;
                                        $remote['database'] = $database;
                                        $remote['prefix'] = '';
                                        $db = JDatabase::getInstance($remote);
                                    $label_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $choice));
                                    $table = $label_table_and_column[0];
                                    $label_column = $label_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($label_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $label_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_labels = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $value_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $param['w_choices_price'][$key]));
                                    $value_column = $value_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($value_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $value_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_values = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $columns_count = count($choices_labels) > 0 ? count($choices_labels) : count($choices_values);
                                    if (array_filter($choices_labels) || array_filter($choices_values)) {
                                        $total_queries = $total_queries + $columns_count - 1;
                                        if (!isset($post_value)) {
                                            $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                        for ($k = 0; $k < $columns_count; $k++) {
                                            $choice_label = isset($choices_labels) ? $choices_labels[$k] : '';
                                            $choice_value = isset($choices_values) ? (double) $choices_values[$k] : '';
                                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = "";
                                                $checkedvalue = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id . ($key1 + $k));
                                                if (isset($checkedvalue)) {
                                                    $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = 'checked="checked"';
                                            $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos1'] . '>' . $choice_label . '</label><div class="checkbox-div forlabs" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos2'] . '><input type="checkbox" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" value="' . $choice_value . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($choice_label) . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '"></label></div><input type="hidden" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . ($key1 + $k) . '_label" value="' . htmlspecialchars($choice_label) . '" /></div>';
                                } else {
                                    if (isset($post_value)) {
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = "";
                                        $checkedvalue = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id . $key1);
                                        if (isset($checkedvalue)) {
                                            $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = 'checked="checked"';
                                    } else {
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                    $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos1'] . '>' . $choice . '</label><div class="checkbox-div forlabs" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos2'] . '><input type="checkbox" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" value="' . $param['w_choices_price'][$key] . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($choice) . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '"></label></div><input type="hidden" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . $key1 . '_label" value="' . htmlspecialchars($choice) . '" /></div>';
                            $rep .= '<div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_div' . $form_id . '">';
                            if ($param['w_quantity'] == "yes") {
                                $rep .= '<div class="paypal-property"><label class="mini_label" style="margin: 0px 5px;">' . JText::_("WDF_QUANTITY") . '</label><input type="text" value="' . $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element_quantity" . $form_id, $param['w_quantity_value']) . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_quantity' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_quantity' . $form_id . '" class="wdform-quantity"></div>';
                            if ($param['w_property'][0]) {
                                foreach ($param['w_property'] as $key => $property) {
                                    $rep .= '
					<div class="paypal-property">
					<div style="width:150px; display:inline-block;">
					<label class="mini_label" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_property_label_' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" style="margin-right: 5px;">' . $property . '</label>
					<select id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_property' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_property' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" style="width: 100%; margin: 2px 0px;">';
                                    $param['w_property_values'][$key] = explode('###', $param['w_property_values'][$key]);
                                    $param['w_property_values'][$key] = array_slice($param['w_property_values'][$key], 1, count($param['w_property_values'][$key]));
                                    foreach ($param['w_property_values'][$key] as $subkey => $property_value) {
                                        $rep .= '<option id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_' . $key . '_option' . $subkey . '" value="' . $property_value . '" ' . ($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_property' . $form_id . '' . $key) == $property_value ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . '>' . $property_value . '</option>';
                                    $rep .= '</select></div></div>';
                            $rep .= '</div></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] input:checked")).length == 0)
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								return false;
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_label' . $form_id . '\\"  />").val((x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] input:checked")).length != 0) ? wdformjQuery("#"+x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] input:checked")).prop("id").replace("element", "elementlabel_")) : "").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_quantity_label' . $form_id . '\\"  />").val("' . JText::_("WDF_QUANTITY") . '").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                            foreach ($param['w_property'] as $key => $property) {
                                $onsubmit_js .= '
							wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_property_label' . $form_id . $key . '\\"  />").val("' . $property . '").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                        case 'type_paypal_radio':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_price', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_class', 'w_property', 'w_property_values', 'w_quantity', 'w_quantity_value');
                            $temp = $params;
                            if (strpos($temp, 'w_field_option_pos') > -1) {
                                $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_option_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_price', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_choices_params', 'w_class', 'w_property', 'w_property_values', 'w_quantity', 'w_quantity_value');
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            if (!isset($param['w_field_option_pos'])) {
                                $param['w_field_option_pos'] = 'left';
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $param['w_field_option_pos1'] = $param['w_field_option_pos'] == "right" ? "style='float: none !important;'" : "";
                            $param['w_field_option_pos2'] = $param['w_field_option_pos'] == "right" ? "style='float: left !important; margin-right: 8px !important; display: inline-block !important;'" : "";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $param['w_choices'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices']);
                            $param['w_choices_price'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_price']);
                            $param['w_choices_checked'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_checked']);
                            $param['w_property'] = explode('***', $param['w_property']);
                            $param['w_property_values'] = explode('***', $param['w_property_values']);
                            if (isset($param['w_choices_params'])) {
                                $param['w_choices_params'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_params']);
                            $rep = '<div type="type_paypal_radio" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';">';
                            $post_value = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id);
                            $total_queries = 0;
                            foreach ($param['w_choices'] as $key => $choice) {
                                $key1 = $key + $total_queries;
                                if (isset($param['w_choices_params']) && $param['w_choices_params'][$key]) {
                                    $choices_labels = array();
                                    $choices_values = array();
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[where_order_by]', $param['w_choices_params'][$key]);
                                    $where = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) ? ' WHERE ' . str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) : '';
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[db_info]', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $order_by = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]);
                                    $db_info = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
                                    if ($db_info) {
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfhostwdf@@@', $db_info);
                                        $host = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfportwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $port = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfusernamewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $username = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfpasswordwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $password = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfdatabasewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $database = $temp[0];
                                        $remote = array();
                                        $remote['driver'] = 'mysql';
                                        $remote['host'] = $host;
                                        $remote['user'] = $username;
                                        $remote['password'] = $password;
                                        $remote['database'] = $database;
                                        $remote['prefix'] = '';
                                        $db = JDatabase::getInstance($remote);
                                    $label_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $choice));
                                    $table = $label_table_and_column[0];
                                    $label_column = $label_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($label_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $label_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_labels = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $value_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $param['w_choices_price'][$key]));
                                    $value_column = $value_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($value_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $value_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_values = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $columns_count_radio = count($choices_labels) > 0 ? count($choices_labels) : count($choices_values);
                                    if (array_filter($choices_labels) || array_filter($choices_values)) {
                                        $total_queries = $total_queries + $columns_count_radio - 1;
                                        for ($k = 0; $k < $columns_count_radio; $k++) {
                                            $choice_label = isset($choices_labels) ? $choices_labels[$k] : '';
                                            $choice_value = isset($choices_values) ? (double) $choices_values[$k] : '';
                                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $post_value == $choice_value && htmlspecialchars($choice_label) == htmlspecialchars($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element_label" . $form_id)) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                            } else {
                                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                            $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos1'] . '>' . $choice_label . '</label><div class="radio-div forlabs" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos2'] . '><input type="radio" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . $choice_value . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($choice_label) . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '"></label></div></div>';
                                } else {
                                    if (isset($post_value)) {
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $post_value == $param['w_choices_price'][$key] && htmlspecialchars($choice) == htmlspecialchars($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element_label" . $form_id)) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                    } else {
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                    $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos1'] . '>' . $choice . '</label><div class="radio-div forlabs" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos2'] . '><input type="radio" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . $param['w_choices_price'][$key] . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($choice) . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '"></label></div></div>';
                            $rep .= '<div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_div' . $form_id . '">';
                            if ($param['w_quantity'] == "yes") {
                                $rep .= '<div class="paypal-property"><label class="mini_label" style="margin: 0px 5px;">' . JText::_("WDF_QUANTITY") . '</label><input type="text" value="' . $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element_quantity" . $form_id, $param['w_quantity_value']) . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_quantity' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_quantity' . $form_id . '" class="wdform-quantity"></div>';
                            if ($param['w_property'][0]) {
                                foreach ($param['w_property'] as $key => $property) {
                                    $rep .= '
					<div class="paypal-property">
					<div style="width:150px; display:inline-block;">
					<label class="mini_label" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_property_label_' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" style="margin-right: 5px;">' . $property . '</label>
					<select id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_property' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_property' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" style="width: 100%; margin: 2px 0px;">';
                                    $param['w_property_values'][$key] = explode('###', $param['w_property_values'][$key]);
                                    $param['w_property_values'][$key] = array_slice($param['w_property_values'][$key], 1, count($param['w_property_values'][$key]));
                                    foreach ($param['w_property_values'][$key] as $subkey => $property_value) {
                                        $rep .= '<option id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_' . $key . '_option' . $subkey . '" value="' . $property_value . '" ' . ($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_property' . $form_id . '' . $key) == $property_value ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . '>' . $property_value . '</option>';
                                    $rep .= '</select></div></div>';
                            $rep .= '</div></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] input:checked")).length == 0)
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								return false;
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_label' . $form_id . '\\" />").val(
						wdformjQuery("label[for=\'"+wdformjQuery("input[name^=\'wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '\']:checked").prop("id")+"\']").eq(0).text()
						).appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");

                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_quantity_label' . $form_id . '\\"  />").val("' . JText::_("WDF_QUANTITY") . '").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                            foreach ($param['w_property'] as $key => $property) {
                                $onsubmit_js .= '
							wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_property_label' . $form_id . $key . '\\"  />").val("' . $property . '").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                        case 'type_paypal_shipping':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_price', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            if (strpos($temp, 'w_field_option_pos') > -1) {
                                $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_option_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_price', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_choices_params', 'w_class');
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            if (!isset($param['w_field_option_pos'])) {
                                $param['w_field_option_pos'] = 'left';
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $param['w_field_option_pos1'] = $param['w_field_option_pos'] == "right" ? "style='float: none !important;'" : "";
                            $param['w_field_option_pos2'] = $param['w_field_option_pos'] == "right" ? "style='float: left !important; margin-right: 8px !important; display: inline-block !important;'" : "";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $param['w_choices'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices']);
                            $param['w_choices_price'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_price']);
                            $param['w_choices_checked'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_checked']);
                            if (isset($param['w_choices_params'])) {
                                $param['w_choices_params'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_params']);
                            $rep = '<div type="type_paypal_shipping" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';">';
                            $post_value = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element" . $form_id);
                            $total_queries = 0;
                            foreach ($param['w_choices'] as $key => $choice) {
                                $key1 = $key + $total_queries;
                                if (isset($param['w_choices_params']) && $param['w_choices_params'][$key]) {
                                    $choices_labels = array();
                                    $choices_values = array();
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[where_order_by]', $param['w_choices_params'][$key]);
                                    $where = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) ? ' WHERE ' . str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]) : '';
                                    $w_choices_params = explode('[db_info]', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $order_by = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[0]);
                                    $db_info = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $w_choices_params[1]);
                                    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
                                    if ($db_info) {
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfhostwdf@@@', $db_info);
                                        $host = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfportwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $port = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfusernamewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $username = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfpasswordwdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $password = $temp[0];
                                        $temp = explode('@@@wdfdatabasewdf@@@', $temp[1]);
                                        $database = $temp[0];
                                        $remote = array();
                                        $remote['driver'] = 'mysql';
                                        $remote['host'] = $host;
                                        $remote['user'] = $username;
                                        $remote['password'] = $password;
                                        $remote['database'] = $database;
                                        $remote['prefix'] = '';
                                        $db = JDatabase::getInstance($remote);
                                    $label_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $choice));
                                    $table = $label_table_and_column[0];
                                    $label_column = $label_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($label_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $label_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_labels = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $value_table_and_column = explode(':', str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $param['w_choices_price'][$key]));
                                    $value_column = $value_table_and_column[1];
                                    if ($value_column) {
                                        $db->setQuery("SELECT `" . $value_column . "` FROM " . $table . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order_by);
                                        $choices_values = $db->loadColumn();
                                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                                            echo $db->stderr();
                                            return false;
                                    $columns_count_shipping = count($choices_labels) > 0 ? count($choices_labels) : count($choices_values);
                                    if (array_filter($choices_labels) || array_filter($choices_values)) {
                                        $total_queries = $total_queries + $columns_count_shipping - 1;
                                        for ($k = 0; $k < $columns_count_shipping; $k++) {
                                            $choice_label = isset($choices_labels) ? $choices_labels[$k] : '';
                                            $choice_value = isset($choices_values) ? (double) $choices_values[$k] : '';
                                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $post_value == $choice_value && htmlspecialchars($choice_label) == htmlspecialchars($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element_label" . $form_id)) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                            } else {
                                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                            $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos1'] . '>' . $choice_label . '</label><div class="radio-div forlabs" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos2'] . '><input type="radio" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . $choice_value . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($choice_label) . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . ($key1 + $k) . '"></label></div></div>';
                                } else {
                                    if (isset($post_value)) {
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $post_value == $param['w_choices_price'][$key] && htmlspecialchars($choice) == htmlspecialchars($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . "_element_label" . $form_id)) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                    } else {
                                        $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                    $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos1'] . '>' . $choice . '</label><div class="radio-div forlabs" ' . $param['w_field_option_pos2'] . '><input type="radio" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . $param['w_choices_price'][$key] . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($choice) . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key1 . '"></label></div></div>';
                            $rep .= '</div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] input:checked")).length == 0)
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								return false;
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_label' . $form_id . '\\" />").val(
						wdformjQuery("label[for=\'"+wdformjQuery("input[name^=\'wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '\']:checked").prop("id")+"\']").eq(0).text()
						).appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");

                        case 'type_submit_reset':
                            $params_names = array('w_submit_title', 'w_reset_title', 'w_class', 'w_act');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_act'] = $param['w_act'] == "false" ? 'style="display: none;"' : "";
                            $rep = '<div type="type_submit_reset" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="display: table-cell;"></div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="display: table-cell;"><button type="button" class="button-submit" onclick="check_required' . $form_id . '(&quot;submit&quot;, &quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;);" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . $param['w_submit_title'] . '</button><button type="button" class="button-reset" onclick="check_required' . $form_id . '(&quot;reset&quot;);" ' . $param['w_act'] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . $param['w_reset_title'] . '</button></div></div>';
                        case 'type_button':
                            $params_names = array('w_title', 'w_func', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_title'] = explode('***', $param['w_title']);
                            $param['w_func'] = explode('***', $param['w_func']);
                            $rep .= '<div type="type_button" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="display: table-cell;"><span style="display: none;">button_' . $id1 . '</span></div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="display: table-cell;">';
                            foreach ($param['w_title'] as $key => $title) {
                                $rep .= '<button type="button" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" onclick="' . $param['w_func'][$key] . '" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . $title . '</button>';
                            $rep .= '</div></div>';
                        case 'type_star_rating':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_label_col', 'w_star_amount', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $images = '';
                            for ($i = 0; $i < $param['w_star_amount']; $i++) {
                                $images .= '<img id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_star_' . $i . '_' . $form_id . '" src="components/com_formmaker/images/star.png" >';
                                $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_star_' . $i . '_' . $form_id . '").mouseover(function() {change_src(' . $i . ',"wdform_' . $id1 . '", ' . $form_id . ', "' . $param['w_field_label_col'] . '");});';
                                $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_star_' . $i . '_' . $form_id . '").mouseout(function() {reset_src(' . $i . ',"wdform_' . $id1 . '", ' . $form_id . ');});';
                                $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_star_' . $i . '_' . $form_id . '").click(function() {select_star_rating(' . $i . ',"wdform_' . $id1 . '", ' . $form_id . ',"' . $param['w_field_label_col'] . '", "' . $param['w_star_amount'] . '");});';
                            $rep = '<div type="type_star_rating" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '"  style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . $images . '</div><input type="hidden" value="" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_selected_star_amount' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_selected_star_amount' . $form_id . '"></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_selected_star_amount' . $form_id . '").val()=="")
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								return false;
                            $post = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_selected_star_amount' . $form_id);
                            if (isset($post)) {
                                $onload_js .= ' select_star_rating(' . ($post - 1) . ',"wdform_' . $id1 . '", ' . $form_id . ',"' . $param['w_field_label_col'] . '", "' . $param['w_star_amount'] . '");';
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_star_amount' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . $param['w_star_amount'] . '\\" />").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                        case 'type_scale_rating':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_mini_labels', 'w_scale_amount', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $w_mini_labels = explode('***', $param['w_mini_labels']);
                            $numbers = '';
                            $radio_buttons = '';
                            $to_check = 0;
                            $post_value = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_scale_radio' . $form_id);
                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                $to_check = $post_value;
                            for ($i = 1; $i <= $param['w_scale_amount']; $i++) {
                                $numbers .= '<div  style="text-align: center; display: table-cell;"><span>' . $i . '</span></div>';
                                $radio_buttons .= '<div style="text-align: center; display: table-cell;"><div class="radio-div"><input id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_scale_radio' . $form_id . '_' . $i . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_scale_radio' . $form_id . '" value="' . $i . '" type="radio" ' . ($to_check == $i ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_scale_radio' . $form_id . '_' . $i . '"></label></div></div>';
                            $rep = '<div type="type_scale_rating" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '"  style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" style="float: left;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[0] . '</label><div  style="display: inline-table; vertical-align: middle;border-spacing: 7px;"><div style="display: table-row;">' . $numbers . '</div><div style="display: table-row;">' . $radio_buttons . '</div></div><label class="mini_label" >' . $w_mini_labels[1] . '</label></div></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] input:checked")).length == 0)
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								return false;
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_scale_amount' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . $param['w_scale_amount'] . '\\" />").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                        case 'type_spinner':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_width', 'w_field_min_value', 'w_field_max_value', 'w_field_step', 'w_field_value', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $param['w_field_value'] = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id, $param['w_field_value']);
                            $rep = '<div type="type_spinner" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '"  style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '"><input type="text" value="' . ($param['w_field_value'] != 'null' ? $param['w_field_value'] : '') . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" style="width: ' . $param['w_field_width'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div>';
                            $onload_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' #wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '")[0].spin = null;
						spinner = wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' #wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").spinner();
						spinner.spinner( "value", "' . ($param['w_field_value'] != 'null' ? $param['w_field_value'] : '') . '");
						wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' #wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").spinner({ min: "' . $param['w_field_min_value'] . '"});    
						wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' #wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").spinner({ max: "' . $param['w_field_max_value'] . '"});
						wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' #wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").spinner({ step: "' . $param['w_field_step'] . '"});
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="")
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( wdformjQuery(this).val()!="" ) wdformjQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else wdformjQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
								return false;
                        case 'type_slider':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_width', 'w_field_min_value', 'w_field_max_value', 'w_field_value', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $param['w_field_value'] = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_slider_value' . $form_id, $param['w_field_value']);
                            $rep = '<div type="type_slider" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '"  style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_field_value'] . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_slider_value' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_slider_value' . $form_id . '"><div name="' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" style="width: ' . $param['w_field_width'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '"></div><div align="left" style="display: inline-block; width: 33.3%; text-align:left;"><span id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_min' . $form_id . '" class="wdform-label">' . $param['w_field_min_value'] . '</span></div><div align="right" style="display: inline-block; width: 33.3%; text-align: center;"><span id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_value' . $form_id . '" class="wdform-label">' . $param['w_field_value'] . '</span></div><div align="right" style="display: inline-block; width: 33.3%; text-align:right;"><span id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_max' . $form_id . '" class="wdform-label">' . $param['w_field_max_value'] . '</span></div></div></div>';
                            $onload_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '")[0].slide = null;
						wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").slider({
							range: "min",
							value: eval(' . $param['w_field_value'] . '),
							min: eval(' . $param['w_field_min_value'] . '),
							max: eval(' . $param['w_field_max_value'] . '),
							slide: function( event, ui ) {	
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_value' . $form_id . '").html("" + ui.value)
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_slider_value' . $form_id . '").val("" + ui.value)

                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_slider_value' . $form_id . '").val()==' . $param['w_field_min_value'] . ')
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								return false;
                        case 'type_range':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_range_width', 'w_field_range_step', 'w_field_value1', 'w_field_value2', 'w_mini_labels', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $param['w_field_value1'] = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '0', $param['w_field_value1']);
                            $param['w_field_value2'] = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '1', $param['w_field_value2']);
                            $w_mini_labels = explode('***', $param['w_mini_labels']);
                            $rep = '<div type="type_range" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '"  style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '"><div style="display: table;"><div style="display: table-row;"><div valign="middle" align="left" style="display: table-cell;"><input type="text" value="' . ($param['w_field_value1'] != 'null' ? $param['w_field_value1'] : '') . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '0" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '0" style="width: ' . $param['w_field_range_width'] . 'px;"  ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div><div valign="middle" align="left" style="display: table-cell; padding-left: 4px;"><input type="text" value="' . ($param['w_field_value2'] != 'null' ? $param['w_field_value2'] : '') . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '1" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '1" style="width: ' . $param['w_field_range_width'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div><div style="display: table-row;"><div valign="top" align="left" style="display: table-cell;"><label class="mini_label" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_mini_label_from">' . $w_mini_labels[0] . '</label></div><div valign="top" align="left" style="display: table-cell;"><label class="mini_label" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_mini_label_to">' . $w_mini_labels[1] . '</label></div></div></div></div></div>';
                            $onload_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' #wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '0")[0].spin = null;
						wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' #wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '1")[0].spin = null;
						spinner0 = wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' #wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '0").spinner();
						spinner0.spinner( "value", "' . ($param['w_field_value1'] != 'null' ? $param['w_field_value1'] : '') . '");
						wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' #wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").spinner({ step: ' . $param['w_field_range_step'] . '});
						spinner1 = wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' #wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '1").spinner();
						spinner1.spinner( "value", "' . ($param['w_field_value2'] != 'null' ? $param['w_field_value2'] : '') . '");
						wdformjQuery("#form' . $form_id . ' #wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").spinner({ step: ' . $param['w_field_range_step'] . '});
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '0").val()=="" || wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '1").val()=="")
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '0").focus();
								return false;
                        case 'type_grading':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_items', 'w_total', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $w_items = explode('***', $param['w_items']);
                            $required_check = 'true';
                            $w_items_labels = implode(':', $w_items);
                            $grading_items = '';
                            for ($i = 0; $i < count($w_items); $i++) {
                                $value = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '_' . $i, '');
                                $grading_items .= '<div class="wdform_grading"><input type="text" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '_' . $i . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '_' . $i . '"  value="' . $value . '" ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '_' . $i . '">' . $w_items[$i] . '</label></div>';
                                $required_check .= ' && wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '_' . $i . '").val()==""';
                            $rep = '<div type="type_grading" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '"  style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_total'] . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_grading_total' . $form_id . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_grading_total' . $form_id . '"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '">' . $grading_items . '<div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_total_div' . $form_id . '" class="grading_div">Total: <span id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_sum_element' . $form_id . '">0</span>/<span id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_total_element' . $form_id . '">' . $param['w_total'] . '</span><span id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_text_element' . $form_id . '"></span></div></div></div></div>';
                            $onload_js .= '
					wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . ' input").change(function() {sum_grading_values("wdform_' . $id1 . '",' . $form_id . ');});';
                            $onload_js .= '
					wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . ' input").keyup(function() {sum_grading_values("wdform_' . $id1 . '",' . $form_id . ');});';
                            $onload_js .= '
					sum_grading_values("wdform_' . $id1 . '",' . $form_id . ');';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(' . $required_check . ')
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
								old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
								x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
								wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '0").focus();
								return false;

                            $check_js .= '
						if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
							if(parseInt(wdformjQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_sum_element' . $form_id . '").html()) > ' . $param['w_total'] . ')
								alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_INVALID_GRADING', '"' . $label . '"', $param['w_total'])) . '");
								return false;
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_hidden_item' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . $w_items_labels . ':' . $param['w_total'] . '\\" />").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                        case 'type_matrix':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_input_type', 'w_rows', 'w_columns', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? true : false;
                            $w_rows = explode('***', $param['w_rows']);
                            $w_columns = explode('***', $param['w_columns']);
                            $column_labels = '';
                            for ($i = 1; $i < count($w_columns); $i++) {
                                $column_labels .= '<div><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label">' . $w_columns[$i] . '</label></div>';
                            $rows_columns = '';
                            for ($i = 1; $i < count($w_rows); $i++) {
                                $rows_columns .= '<div class="wdform-matrix-row' . $i % 2 . '" row="' . $i . '"><div class="wdform-matrix-column"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" >' . $w_rows[$i] . '</label></div>';
                                for ($k = 1; $k < count($w_columns); $k++) {
                                    $rows_columns .= '<div class="wdform-matrix-cell">';
                                    if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'radio') {
                                        $to_check = 0;
                                        $post_value = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_element' . $form_id . '' . $i);
                                        if (isset($post_value)) {
                                            $to_check = $post_value;
                                        $rows_columns .= '<div class="radio-div"><input id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_element' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k . '"  type="radio" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_element' . $form_id . '' . $i . '" value="' . $i . '_' . $k . '" ' . ($to_check == $i . '_' . $k ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_element' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k . '"></label></div>';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'checkbox') {
                                            $to_check = 0;
                                            $post_value = $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_element' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k);
                                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                                $to_check = $post_value;
                                            $rows_columns .= '<div class="checkbox-div"><input id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_element' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k . '" type="checkbox" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_element' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k . '" value="1" ' . ($to_check == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_element' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k . '"></label></div>';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'text') {
                                                $rows_columns .= '<input id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_element' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k . '" type="text" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_element' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k . '" value="' . $input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_element' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k) . '">';
                                            } else {
                                                if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'select') {
                                                    $rows_columns .= '<select id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_select_yes_no' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_select_yes_no' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k . '" ><option value="" ' . ($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_select_yes_no' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k) == "" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . '> </option><option value="yes" ' . ($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_select_yes_no' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k) == "yes" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . '>Yes</option><option value="no" ' . ($input_get->getString('wdform_' . $id1 . '_select_yes_no' . $form_id . '' . $i . '_' . $k) == "no" ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . '>No</option></select>';
                                    $rows_columns .= '</div>';
                                $rows_columns .= '</div>';
                            $rep = '<div type="type_matrix" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '"  style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" class="wdform-matrix-table" ' . $param['attributes'] . '><div style="display: table-row-group;"><div class="wdform-matrix-head"><div style="display: table-cell;"></div>' . $column_labels . '</div>' . $rows_columns . '</div></div></div></div>';
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
						wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_input_type' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . $param['w_field_input_type'] . '\\" /><input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_hidden_row' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . addslashes($param['w_rows']) . '\\" /><input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_hidden_column' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . addslashes($param['w_columns']) . '\\" />").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
                            if ($required) {
                                if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'radio') {
                                    $check_js .= '
							if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
								var radio_checked=true;
								for(var k=1; k<' . count($w_rows) . ';k++)
									if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).find(wdformjQuery("div[row="+k+"]")).find(wdformjQuery("input[type=\'radio\']:checked")).length == 0)
									alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
									old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
									x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
									return false;
                                if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'checkbox') {
                                    $check_js .= '
							if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
								if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).find(wdformjQuery("input[type=\'checkbox\']:checked")).length == 0)
									alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
									old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
									x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
									return false;
                                if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'text') {
                                    $check_js .= '
							if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
								if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).find(wdformjQuery("input[type=\'text\']")).filter(function() {return this.value.length !== 0;}).length == 0)
									alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
									old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
									x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
									return false;
                                if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'select') {
                                    $check_js .= '
							if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0 && x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("display") != "none")
								if(x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).find(wdformjQuery("select")).filter(function() {return this.value.length !== 0;}).length == 0)
									alert("' . addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '"' . $label . '"')) . '");
									old_bg=x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
									x.find(wdformjQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
									return false;
                        case 'type_paypal_total':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $rep = '<div type="type_paypal_total" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '"  style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . 'paypal_total' . $form_id . '" class="wdform_paypal_total paypal_total' . $form_id . '"><input type="hidden" value="" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_paypal_total' . $form_id . '" class="input_paypal_total' . $form_id . '"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . 'div_total' . $form_id . '" class="div_total' . $form_id . '" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"></div><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . 'paypal_products' . $form_id . '" class="paypal_products' . $form_id . '" style="border-spacing: 2px;"><div style="border-spacing: 2px;"></div><div style="border-spacing: 2px;"></div></div><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . 'paypal_tax' . $form_id . '" class="paypal_tax' . $form_id . '" style="border-spacing: 2px; margin-top: 7px;"></div></div></div></div>';
                            $onload_js .= 'set_total_value(' . $form_id . ');';
                    $form = str_replace('%' . $id1 . ' - ' . $labels[$id1s_key] . '%', $rep, $form);
                    $form = str_replace('%' . $id1 . ' -' . $labels[$id1s_key] . '%', $rep, $form);
            $onload_js .= 'wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"hidden_field_for_validation' . $form_id . '\\" value =\\"\\" />").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '")';
            $onsubmit_js .= '
	var disabled_fields ="";	
	wdformjQuery("div[wdid]").each(function() {
			disabled_fields += wdformjQuery(this).attr("wdid");
			disabled_fields += ",";

			wdformjQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"disabled_fields' . $form_id . '\\" value =\\""+disabled_fields+"\\" />").appendTo("#form' . $form_id . '");
            $rep1 = array('form_id_temp');
            $rep2 = array($id);
            $form = str_replace($rep1, $rep2, $form);
            echo $form;

<div class="wdform_preload"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
JURI_ROOT				='<?php 
            echo JURI::root(true);
            echo JText::_("WDF_GRADING_TEXT");
            echo JText::sprintf('WDF_INVALID_GRADING', '`grading_label`', '`grading_total`');
FormCurrency				='<?php 
            echo $form_currency;
FormPaypalTax				='<?php 
            echo $form_paypal_tax;

function formOnload<?php 
            echo $id;
	if (wdformjQuery.browser.msie  && parseInt(wdformjQuery.browser.version, 10) === 8) 
            echo $id;
").find(wdformjQuery("input[type='radio']")).click(function() {wdformjQuery("input[type='radio']+label").removeClass('if-ie-div-label'); wdformjQuery("input[type='radio']:checked+label").addClass('if-ie-div-label')});	
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
").find(wdformjQuery("input[type='checkbox']")).click(function() {wdformjQuery("input[type='checkbox']+label").removeClass('if-ie-div-label'); wdformjQuery("input[type='checkbox']:checked+label").addClass('if-ie-div-label')});	
            echo $id;

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				wdformjQuery(".calendar").each(function (){
				if(wdformjQuery(this).css("display") == "block"){
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	wdformjQuery("div[type='type_text'] input, div[type='type_number'] input, div[type='type_phone'] input, div[type='type_name'] input, div[type='type_submitter_mail'] input, div[type='type_paypal_price'] input, div[type='type_textarea'] textarea").focus(function() {delete_value(this)}).blur(function() {return_value(this)});
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	wdformjQuery("div[type='type_grading'] input").keypress(function() {return check_isnum_or_minus(event)});
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            echo $form_id;
	wdformjQuery("div[type='type_paypal_select'] select, div[type='type_paypal_price'] input").change(function() {set_total_value(<?php 
            echo $form_id;
	wdformjQuery(".wdform-quantity").change(function() {set_total_value(<?php 
            echo $form_id;

	wdformjQuery("div[type='type_time'] input").blur(function() {add_0(this)});

	wdformjQuery('.wdform-element-section').each(function() {
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					wdformjQuery(this).parent().css('width', (parseInt(wdformjQuery(this).parent().find(wdformjQuery(".captcha_input"))[0].style.width)*2+50) + parseInt(wdformjQuery(this).parent().find(wdformjQuery(".wdform-label-section"))[0].style.width)+15);
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			wdformjQuery(this).css('min-width', parseInt(wdformjQuery(this)[0].style.width.replace('px', ''))-10);
	wdformjQuery('.wdform-label').each(function() {
		if(parseInt(wdformjQuery(this).height()) >= 2*parseInt(wdformjQuery(this).css('line-height').replace('px', '')))
		wdformjQuery.fn.shuffle = function() {
			var allElems = this.get(),
				getRandom = function(max) {
					return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
				shuffled = wdformjQuery.map(allElems, function(){
					var random = getRandom(allElems.length),
						randEl = wdformjQuery(allElems[random]).clone(true)[0];
					allElems.splice(random, 1);
					return randEl;
			return wdformjQuery(shuffled);
            echo $onload_js;
            echo $condition_js;





function formAddToOnload<?php 
            echo $id;

            echo $id;
){ formOldFunctionOnLoad<?php 
            echo $id;
(); }
            echo $id;

function formLoadBody<?php 
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
 = window.onload;
	window.onload = formAddToOnload<?php 
            echo $id;

var formOldFunctionOnLoad<?php 
            echo $id;
 = null;
            echo $id;

            echo $id;
	for(i=1; i<=30; i++)
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
            echo $id;


            echo $id;
		for(i=1; i<=form_view_max<?php 
            echo $id;
; i++)
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
, '<?php 
            echo $id;
', form_view_count<?php 
            echo $id;
, form_view_max<?php 
            echo $id;

	function check_required<?php 
            echo $form_id;
            echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];


            echo $form_id;
            echo $check_js;

            echo $form_id;
            echo $onsubmit_js;
            echo $form_id;
            echo $form_id;

	function check<?php 
            echo $form_id;
            echo $form_id;
            echo $check_js;
		return true;
//	wdformjQuery('.wdform-element-section select').each(function() { reselect(this,''); })

        } else {
            //inch@ petq chi raplace minchev form@ tpi
            $rep1 = array("<!--repstart-->Title<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->First<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->Last<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->Middle<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->January<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->February<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->March<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->April<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->May<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->June<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->July<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->August<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->September<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->October<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->November<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->December<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->Street Address<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->Street Address Line 2<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->City<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->State / Province / Region<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->Postal / Zip Code<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->Country<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->Area Code<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->Phone Number<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->Dollars<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->Cents<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->&nbsp;\$&nbsp;<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->Quantity<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->From<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->To<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->\$300<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->product 1 \$100<!--repend-->", "<!--repstart-->product 2 \$200<!--repend-->", 'class="captcha_img"', 'form_id_temp', '../index.php?option=com_formmaker&amp;view=wdcaptcha', 'style="padding-right:170px"');
            $rep2 = array(JText::_("WDF_NAME_TITLE_LABEL"), JText::_("WDF_FIRST_NAME_LABEL"), JText::_("WDF_LAST_NAME_LABEL"), JText::_("WDF_MIDDLE_NAME_LABEL"), JText::_("January"), JText::_("February"), JText::_("March"), JText::_("April"), JText::_("May"), JText::_("June"), JText::_("July"), JText::_("August"), JText::_("September"), JText::_("October"), JText::_("November"), JText::_("December"), JText::_("WDF_STREET_ADDRESS"), JText::_("WDF_STREET_ADDRESS2"), JText::_("WDF_CITY"), JText::_("WDF_STATE"), JText::_("WDF_POSTAL"), JText::_("WDF_COUNTRY"), JText::_("WDF_AREA_CODE"), JText::_("WDF_PHONE_NUMBER"), JText::_("WDF_DOLLARS"), JText::_("WDF_CENTS"), '&nbsp;' . $form_currency . '&nbsp;', JText::_("WDF_QUANTITY"), JText::_("WDF_FROM"), JText::_("WDF_TO"), '', '', '', 'class="captcha_img" style="display:none"', $id, 'index.php?option=com_formmaker&amp;view=wdcaptcha', '');
            $untilupload = str_replace($rep1, $rep2, $row->form_front);
            while (strpos($untilupload, "***destinationskizb") > 0) {
                $pos1 = strpos($untilupload, "***destinationskizb");
                $pos2 = strpos($untilupload, "***destinationverj");
                $untilupload = str_replace(substr($untilupload, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1 + 22), "", $untilupload);
            echo $untilupload;
            $is_recaptcha = false;
<script src="<?php 
            echo $cmpnt_js_path;
/main.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
            echo JText::_("WDF_FILE_TYPE_ERROR");
            echo JText::_("WDF_INVALID_EMAIL");
WDF_GRADING_TEXT 		= '<?php 
            echo JText::_("WDF_GRADING_TEXT");
            echo JText::sprintf('WDF_INVALID_GRADING', '`grading_label`', '`grading_total`');
REQUEST_URI				= "<?php 
            echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
ReqFieldMsg				='<?php 
            echo addslashes(JText::sprintf('WDF_REQUIRED_FIELD', '`FIELDNAME`'));
RangeFieldMsg			='<?php 
            echo JText::sprintf('WDF_RANGE_FIELD', '`FIELDNAME`', '`FROM`', '`TO`');
JURI_ROOT				='<?php 
            echo JURI::root(true);
FormCurrency				='<?php 
            echo $form_currency;
FormPaypalTax				='<?php 
            echo $form_paypal_tax;

function formOnload<?php 
            echo $id;
	//enable maps and refresh captcha
            foreach ($label_type as $key => $type) {
                switch ($type) {
                    case 'type_map':
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
, <?php 
                        echo $id;
			for(q=0; q<20; q++)
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
,q, w_long, w_lat, w_info, <?php 
                        echo $id;
                    case 'type_mark_map':
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
		var longit = document.createElement('input');
         	longit.setAttribute("type", 'hidden');
         	longit.setAttribute("id", '<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
         	longit.setAttribute("name", '<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;

		var latit = document.createElement('input');
         	latit.setAttribute("type", 'hidden');
         	latit.setAttribute("id", '<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
         	latit.setAttribute("name", '<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;

                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
, <?php 
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
,0, w_long, w_lat, w_info, <?php 
                        echo $id;
, true);
                    case 'type_date':
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
						inputField: "<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
						ifFormat: document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
						button: "<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
						align: "Tl",
						singleClick: true,
						firstDay: 0
                    case 'type_captcha':
                        echo $id;
		captcha_refresh('_wd_captcha', '<?php 
                        echo $id;
                    case 'type_recaptcha':
                        $is_recaptcha = true;
                    case 'type_radio':
                    case 'type_checkbox':
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
', '<?php 
                        echo $id;
                    case 'type_spinner':
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	var spinner_value = document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
").get( "aria-valuenow" );		
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	var spinner_min_value = document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	var spinner_max_value = document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;

                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
    var spinner_step = document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;

	jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
" ).removeClass( "ui-spinner-input" )		
	.prop( "disabled", false )	
	.removeAttr( "autocomplete" )		
	.removeAttr( "role" )		
	.removeAttr( "aria-valuemin" )	
	.removeAttr( "aria-valuemax" )		
	.removeAttr( "aria-valuenow" );		
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
		span_ui= document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
")[0].spin = null;		
	spinner = jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
" ).spinner();	
	spinner.spinner( "value", spinner_value );		
		jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
" ).spinner({ min: spinner_min_value});       
		jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
" ).spinner({ max: spinner_max_value});     
		jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
" ).spinner({ step: spinner_step});		
                    case 'type_slider':
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	var slider_value = document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	var slider_min_value = document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	var slider_max_value = document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	var slider_element_value = document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
" );	
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	var slider_value_save = document.getElementById( "<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
" );	

                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
").innerHTML = "";		
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
").removeAttribute( "class" );	
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
").removeAttribute( "aria-disabled" );	
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
")[0].slide = null;			
	jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	range: "min",				value: eval(slider_value),	
	min: eval(slider_min_value),	
	max: eval(slider_max_value),		
	slide: function( event, ui ) 
	slider_element_value.innerHTML = "" + ui.value ;		
	slider_value_save.value = "" + ui.value; 			
                    case 'type_range':
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	var spinner_value0 = document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
0").getAttribute( "aria-valuenow" );		

                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	var spinner_value1 = document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
1").getAttribute( "aria-valuenow" );	

                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
	var spinner_step = document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;

	jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
0" ).removeClass( "ui-spinner-input" )		
	.prop( "disabled", false )	
	.removeAttr( "autocomplete" )		
	.removeAttr( "role" )			
	.removeAttr( "aria-valuenow" );		
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
		span_ui= document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
0")[0].spin = null;			
		spinner0 = jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
0" ).spinner();		
		spinner0.spinner( "value", spinner_value0 );	
	jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
0" ).spinner({ step: spinner_step});
	jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
1" ).removeClass( "ui-spinner-input" )			
	.prop( "disabled", false )		
	.removeAttr( "autocomplete" )		
	.removeAttr( "role" )				
	.removeAttr( "aria-valuenow" );			
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
		span_ui1= document.getElementById("<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
1")[0].spin = null;		
		spinner1 = jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
1" ).spinner();		
		spinner1.spinner( "value", spinner_value1 );     
		jQuery( "#<?php 
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;
1" ).spinner({ step: spinner_step});	
                    case 'type_paypal_total':
                        echo $label_id[$key];
                        echo $id;

function formAddToOnload<?php 
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
){ formOldFunctionOnLoad<?php 
            echo $id;
(); }
            echo $id;

function formLoadBody<?php 
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
 = window.onload;
	window.onload = formAddToOnload<?php 
            echo $id;

var formOldFunctionOnLoad<?php 
            echo $id;
 = null;
            echo $id;

            $captcha_input = $input_get->getString("captcha_input");
            $recaptcha_response_field = $input_get->getString("recaptcha_response_field");
            $counter = $input_get->getString("counter" . $id);
            $old_key = -1;
            if (isset($counter)) {
                foreach ($label_type as $key => $type) {
                    switch ($type) {
                        case "type_text":
                        case "type_number":
                        case "type_submitter_mail":
                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'))\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "').title!='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id)) . "')\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id)) . "';\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\t\t}\n\t";
                        case "type_textarea":
                            $order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'))\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "').title!='" . str_replace($order, '\\n', addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id))) . "')\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "').innerHTML='" . str_replace($order, '\\n', addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id))) . "';\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\t\t}\n\t";
                        case "type_name":
                            $element_title = $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_title" . $id);
                            if (isset($element_title)) {
                                echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "'))\n\t{\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_title" . $id . "').title!='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_title" . $id)) . "')\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_title" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_title" . $id)) . "';\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_title" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "').title!='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id)) . "')\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id)) . "';\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id . "').title!='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id)) . "')\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id)) . "';\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_middle" . $id . "').title!='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_middle" . $id)) . "')\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_middle" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_middle" . $id)) . "';\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_middle" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t}";
                            } else {
                                echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "'))\n\t{\n\t\t\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "').title!='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id)) . "')\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id)) . "';\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id . "').title!='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id)) . "')\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id)) . "';\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t}";
                        case "type_phone":
                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "'))\n\t{\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "').title!='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id)) . "')\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id)) . "';\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_first" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id . "').title!='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id)) . "')\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id)) . "';\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_last" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\t\t}\n\t}";
                        case "type_paypal_price":
                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_dollars" . $id . "'))\n\n\t{\n\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_dollars" . $id . "').title!='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_dollars" . $id)) . "')\n\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_dollars" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_dollars" . $id)) . "';\n\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_dollars" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_cents" . $id . "').title!='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_cents" . $id)) . "')\n\n\t\t{\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_cents" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_cents" . $id)) . "';\n\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_cents" . $id . "').className='input_active';\n\n\t\t}\n\n\t}";
                        case "type_paypal_select":
                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "')){\n\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id)) . "';\n\n\t\n\n\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_quantity" . $id . "'))\n\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_quantity" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_quantity" . $id)) . "';\n\n\t\t";
                            for ($j = 0; $j < 100; $j++) {
                                $element = $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_property" . $id . $j);
                                if (isset($element)) {
                                    echo "document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_property" . $id . $j . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_property" . $id . $j)) . "';\n\n\t";
                            echo "\n\n\t\t}";
                        case "type_paypal_checkbox":
                            echo "\n\n\tfor(k=0; k<30; k++)\n\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k))\n\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k).removeAttribute('checked');\n\n\t\telse break;\n\n\t";
                            for ($j = 0; $j < 100; $j++) {
                                $element = $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . $j);
                                if (isset($element)) {
                                    echo "document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . $j . "').setAttribute('checked', 'checked');\n\n\t";
                            echo "\n\n\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_quantity" . $id . "'))\n\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_quantity" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_quantity" . $id)) . "';\n\n\t\t";
                            for ($j = 0; $j < 100; $j++) {
                                $element = $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_property" . $id . $j);
                                if (isset($element)) {
                                    echo "document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_property" . $id . $j . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_property" . $id . $j)) . "';\n\n\t";
                        case "type_paypal_radio":
                            echo "\n\n\tfor(k=0; k<50; k++)\n\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k))\n\n\t\t{\n\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k).removeAttribute('checked');\n\n\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k).value=='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id)) . "')\n\n\t\t\t{\n\n\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k).setAttribute('checked', 'checked');\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_quantity" . $id . "'))\n\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_quantity" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element_quantity" . $id)) . "';\n\n\t\t";
                            for ($j = 0; $j < 100; $j++) {
                                $element = $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_property" . $id . $j);
                                if (isset($element)) {
                                    echo "document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_property" . $id . $j . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_property" . $id . $j)) . "';\n\n\t";
                        case "type_paypal_shipping":
                            echo "\n\n\tfor(k=0; k<50; k++)\n\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k))\n\n\t\t{\n\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k).removeAttribute('checked');\n\n\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k).value=='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id)) . "')\n\n\t\t\t{\n\n\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k).setAttribute('checked', 'checked');\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t}\n\n\t\n\n\t";
                        case "type_star_rating":
                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_selected_star_amount" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_selected_star_amount" . $id)) . "';\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_selected_star_amount" . $id . "').value)\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tselect_star_rating((document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_selected_star_amount" . $id . "').value-1)," . $label_id[$key] . "," . $id . ");\t\n\t\t\t\t\t}\t\n\t\t\t\t\t";
                        case "type_scale_rating":
                            echo "for(k=0; k<100; k++)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_scale_radio" . $id . "_'+k))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_scale_radio" . $id . "_'+k).removeAttribute('checked');\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_scale_radio" . $id . "_'+k).value=='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_scale_radio" . $id) . "')\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_scale_radio" . $id . "_'+k).setAttribute('checked', 'checked');\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t}";
                        case "type_spinner":
                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'))\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "').setAttribute('aria-valuenow','" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id) . "');\t\n\t\t\t\t\t";
                        case "type_slider":
                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'))\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "').setAttribute('aria-valuenow','" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_slider_value" . $id) . "');\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_slider_value" . $id . "'))\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_slider_value" . $id . "').value='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_slider_value" . $id) . "';\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_value" . $id . "'))\t\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element_value" . $id . "').innerHTML='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_slider_value" . $id) . "';\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t";
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                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "0'))\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "0').setAttribute('aria-valuenow','" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "0") . "');\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "1'))\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "1').setAttribute('aria-valuenow','" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "1") . "');\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                        case "type_grading":
                            for ($k = 0; $k < 100; $k++) {
                                echo "\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . $k . "')){\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . $k . "').value='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . $k) . "';\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}";
                            echo "sum_grading_values(" . $label_id[$key] . "," . $id . ");";
                        case "type_matrix":
                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_type" . $id . "').value=='radio')\t\n\t\t\t\t\t{";
                            for ($k = 1; $k < 40; $k++) {
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                                    echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l . "'))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l . "').removeAttribute('checked');\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l . "').value=='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k) . "')\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l . "').setAttribute('checked', 'checked');\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}";
                            echo "}\t\n\t\t\t\t\telse\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_type" . $id . "').value=='checkbox')\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t{";
                            for ($k = 1; $k < 40; $k++) {
                                for ($l = 1; $l < 40; $l++) {
                                    echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l . "'))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l . "').removeAttribute('checked');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l . "').value=='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l) . "')\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l . "').setAttribute('checked', 'checked');\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}";
                            echo "}\t\n\t\t\t\t\telse\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_type" . $id . "').value=='text')\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t{\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                            for ($k = 1; $k < 40; $k++) {
                                for ($l = 1; $l < 40; $l++) {
                                    echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l . "'))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l . "').value='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_input_element" . $id . $k . "_" . $l) . "';\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                            echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t}\t\n\t\t\t\t\telse\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_input_type" . $id . "').value=='select')\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
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                                $old_key = $key + 5;
                        case "type_checkbox":
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                                if (isset($element)) {
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                            if ($is_other) {
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                        case "type_radio":
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                                if (isset($other_element)) {
                                    $is_other = true;
                            echo "\n\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_other_input" . $id . "'))\n\t{\n\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_other_input" . $id . "').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_other_br" . $id . "'));\n\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_other_input" . $id . "').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_other_input" . $id . "'));\n\t}\n\t\n\tfor(k=0; k<50; k++)\n\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k))\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k).removeAttribute('checked');\n\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k).value=='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id)) . "')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'+k).setAttribute('checked', 'checked');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse break;\n\t";
                            if ($is_other) {
                                echo "\n\t\tshow_other_input('" . $label_id[$key] . "','" . $id . "');\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_other_input" . $id . "').value='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_other_input" . $id) . "';\n\t";
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                                echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_hh" . $id . "'))\n\t{\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_hh" . $id . "').value='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_hh" . $id) . "';\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_mm" . $id . "').value='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_mm" . $id) . "';\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_ss" . $id . "').value='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_ss" . $id) . "';\n\t}";
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                            $am_pm = $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_am_pm" . $id);
                            if (isset($am_pm)) {
                                echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_am_pm" . $id . "'))\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_am_pm" . $id . "').value='" . $input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_am_pm" . $id) . "';\n\t";
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                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_day" . $id . "'))\n\t{\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_day" . $id . "').value='" . $date_fields[0] . "';\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_month" . $id . "').value='" . $date_fields[1] . "';\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_year" . $id . "').value='" . $date_fields[2] . "';\n\t}";
                        case "type_date":
                        case "type_own_select":
                        case "type_country":
                            echo "if(document.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "'))\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id . "').value='" . addslashes($input_get->getString($label_id[$key] . "_element" . $id)) . "';\n\t";

            echo $id;
	for(i=1; i<=30; i++)
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            echo $id;
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
		for(i=1; i<=form_view_max<?php 
            echo $id;
; i++)
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
            echo $id;
, '<?php 
            echo $id;
', form_view_count<?php 
            echo $id;
, form_view_max<?php 
            echo $id;
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theme: "' . $row->recaptcha_theme . '"

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