domid() публичный Метод

Set a DOM ID for the status block.
public domid ( string $id = null )
$id string The DOM ID to use.
Пример #1
  * Create the object used to display the message.
  * @return array  Array with the following keys:
  *   - atc: (object) Attachment information.
  *     - download: (string) The URL for the download all action.
  *     - label: (string) The attachment label.
  *     - list: (array) Attachment information.
  *   - md: (array) Metadata.
  *   - msgtext: (string) The text of the message.
  *   - onepart: (boolean) True if message only contains one part.
  * @throws IMP_Exception
 public function showMessage()
     global $prefs, $registry, $session;
     $result = array();
     // Create message text and attachment list.
     $result['msgtext'] = '';
     $show_parts = $prefs->getValue('parts_display');
     /* Do MDN processing now. */
     switch ($registry->getView()) {
         case $registry::VIEW_DYNAMIC:
             if ($this->_indices->mdnCheck($this->_loadHeaders())) {
                 $status = new IMP_Mime_Status(null, array(_("The sender of this message is requesting notification from you when you have read this message."), Horde::link('#', '', '', '', '', '', '', array('id' => 'send_mdn_link')) . _("Click to send the notification message.") . '</a>'));
                 $result['msgtext'] .= strval($status);
     /* Build body text. This needs to be done before we build the
      * attachment list. */
     $inlineout = $this->getInlineOutput();
     $result['md'] = $inlineout['metadata'];
     $result['msgtext'] .= $inlineout['msgtext'];
     if ($inlineout['one_part']) {
         $result['onepart'] = true;
     if (count($inlineout['atc_parts']) || $show_parts == 'all' && count($inlineout['display_ids']) > 2) {
         $result['atc']['label'] = $show_parts == 'all' ? _("Parts") : sprintf(ngettext("%d Attachment", "%d Attachments", count($inlineout['atc_parts'])), count($inlineout['atc_parts']));
         if (count($inlineout['atc_parts']) > 1) {
             $result['atc']['download'] = strval($this->contents->urlView($this->contents->getMIMEMessage(), 'download_all')->setRaw(true));
     /* Show attachment information in headers? */
     if (!empty($inlineout['atc_parts'])) {
         $partlist = array();
         $contents_mask = IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DESCRIP | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DESCRIP_LINK | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DOWNLOAD | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_ICON | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_SIZE;
         $part_info = array('icon', 'description', 'size', 'download', 'description_raw', 'download_url');
         if ($show_parts == 'all') {
             array_unshift($part_info, 'id');
         foreach ($inlineout['atc_parts'] as $id) {
             $summary = $this->contents->getSummary($id, $contents_mask);
             $tmp = array();
             foreach ($part_info as $val) {
                 if (isset($summary[$val])) {
                     $tmp[$val] = $summary[$val] instanceof Horde_Url ? strval($summary[$val]->setRaw(true)) : $summary[$val];
             $partlist[] = array_filter($tmp);
         $result['atc']['list'] = $partlist;
     return $result;
Пример #2
  * Create the object used to display the message.
  * @param array $args  Configuration parameters:
  *   - headers: (array) The headers desired in the returned headers array
  *              (only used with non-preview view).
  *   - preview: (boolean) Is this the preview view?
  * @return array  Array with the following keys:
  *   - atc_download: The download all link
  *   - atc_label: The label to use for Attachments
  *   - atc_list: The list (HTML code) of attachments
  *   - bcc (FULL): The Bcc addresses
  *   - cc: The CC addresses
  *   - fulldate (FULL): The full canonical date.
  *   - from: The From addresses
  *   - headers (FULL): An array of headers (not including basic headers)
  *   - js: Javascript code to run on display
  *   - list_info (FULL): List information.
  *   - localdate (PREVIEW): The date formatted to the user's timezone
  *   - md: Metadata
  *   - msgtext: The text of the message
  *   - onepart: True if message only contains one part.
  *   - replyTo (FULL): The Reply-to addresses
  *   - save_as: The save link
  *   - subject: The subject
  *   - subjectlink: The subject with linked URLs/email addresses (defaults
  *                  to 'subject')
  *   - title (FULL): The title of the page
  *   - to: The To addresses
  * @throws IMP_Exception
 public function showMessage($args)
     global $injector, $page_output, $prefs, $registry, $session;
     $preview = !empty($args['preview']);
     $result = array();
     $mime_headers = $this->_peek ? $this->_contents->getHeader() : $this->_contents->getHeaderAndMarkAsSeen();
     $headers = array();
     $imp_ui = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message_Ui');
     /* Develop the list of Headers to display now. Deal with the 'basic'
      * header information first since there are various manipulations
      * done to them. */
     $basic_headers = $imp_ui->basicHeaders();
     if (empty($args['headers'])) {
         $args['headers'] = array('from', 'date', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc');
     $headers_list = array_intersect_key($basic_headers, array_flip($args['headers']));
     /* Build From/To/Cc/Bcc/Reply-To links. */
     foreach (array('from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'reply-to') as $val) {
         if (isset($headers_list[$val]) && (!$preview || $val != 'reply-to')) {
             if ($tmp = $this->getAddressHeader($val)) {
                 $result[$val] = $tmp;
             if ($preview) {
     /* Build the rest of the headers. */
     foreach ($headers_list as $head => $str) {
         if ($val = $mime_headers->getValue($head)) {
             if ($head == 'date') {
                 /* Add local time to date header. */
                 $date_ob = new IMP_Message_Date($this->_envelope->date);
                 $val = htmlspecialchars($date_ob->format($date_ob::DATE_LOCAL));
                 if ($preview) {
                     $result['localdate'] = $val;
                 } else {
                     $result['fulldate'] = $date_ob->format($date_ob::DATE_FORCE);
             } elseif (!$preview) {
                 $val = htmlspecialchars($val);
             if (!$preview) {
                 $headers[$head] = array('id' => Horde_String::ucfirst($head), 'name' => $str, 'value' => $val);
     if (empty($result['reply-to']) || $result['from']['addr'][0]->b == $result['reply-to']['addr'][0]->b) {
         unset($result['reply-to'], $headers['reply-to']);
     /* JS requires camelized name for reply-to. */
     if (!$preview && isset($headers['reply-to'])) {
         $result['replyTo'] = $result['reply-to'];
         $headers['reply-to']['id'] = 'ReplyTo';
     /* Maillog information. */
     $ajax_queue = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Ajax_Queue');
     if (!$preview) {
         /* Display the user-specified headers for the current identity. */
         $user_hdrs = $imp_ui->getUserHeaders();
         foreach ($user_hdrs as $user_hdr) {
             $user_val = $mime_headers->getValue($user_hdr);
             if (!empty($user_val)) {
                 if (!is_array($user_val)) {
                     $user_val = array($user_val);
                 foreach ($user_val as $val) {
                     $headers[] = array('name' => $user_hdr, 'value' => htmlspecialchars($val));
         $result['headers'] = array_values($headers);
     /* Process the subject. */
     $subject = $mime_headers->getValue('subject');
     if ($subject) {
         $text_filter = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_TextFilter');
         $filtered_subject = preg_replace("/\\b\\s+\\b/", ' ', IMP::filterText($subject));
         $result['subject'] = $text_filter->filter($filtered_subject, 'text2html', array('parselevel' => Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::NOHTML));
         $subjectlink = $text_filter->filter($filtered_subject, 'text2html', array('parselevel' => Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::MICRO));
         if ($subjectlink != $result['subject']) {
             $result['subjectlink'] = $subjectlink;
         if (!$preview) {
             $result['title'] = $subject;
     } else {
         $result['subject'] = _("[No Subject]");
         if (!$preview) {
             $result['title'] = _("[No Subject]");
     // Create message text and attachment list.
     $result['msgtext'] = '';
     $show_parts = $prefs->getValue('parts_display');
     switch ($registry->getView()) {
         case $registry::VIEW_SMARTMOBILE:
             $contents_mask = 0;
             $contents_mask = IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_BYTES | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_SIZE | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_ICON | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DESCRIP_LINK | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DOWNLOAD | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DOWNLOAD_ZIP | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_PRINT_STUB;
     $part_info = $part_info_display = array('icon', 'description', 'size', 'download', 'download_zip');
     $part_info_display[] = 'print';
     list($mbox, $uid) = $this->_indices->getSingle();
     /* Do MDN processing now. */
     switch ($registry->getView()) {
         case $registry::VIEW_DYNAMIC:
             if ($imp_ui->MDNCheck(new IMP_Indices($mbox, $uid), $mime_headers)) {
                 $status = new IMP_Mime_Status(array(_("The sender of this message is requesting notification from you when you have read this message."), sprintf(_("Click %s to send the notification message."), Horde::link('#', '', '', '', '', '', '', array('id' => 'send_mdn_link')) . _("HERE") . '</a>')));
                 $result['msgtext'] .= strval($status);
     /* Build body text. This needs to be done before we build the
      * attachment list. */
     $inlineout = $this->_contents->getInlineOutput(array('mask' => $contents_mask, 'part_info_display' => $part_info_display, 'show_parts' => $show_parts));
     $result['md'] = $inlineout['metadata'];
     $result['msgtext'] .= $inlineout['msgtext'];
     if ($inlineout['one_part']) {
         $result['onepart'] = true;
     if (count($inlineout['atc_parts']) || $show_parts == 'all' && count($inlineout['display_ids']) > 2) {
         $result['atc_label'] = $show_parts == 'all' ? _("Parts") : sprintf(ngettext("%d Attachment", "%d Attachments", count($inlineout['atc_parts'])), count($inlineout['atc_parts']));
         if (count($inlineout['atc_parts']) > 2) {
             $result['atc_download'] = Horde::link($this->_contents->urlView($this->_contents->getMIMEMessage(), 'download_all')) . '[' . _("Save All") . ']</a>';
     /* Show attachment information in headers? */
     if (!empty($inlineout['atc_parts'])) {
         $partlist = array();
         if ($show_parts == 'all') {
             array_unshift($part_info, 'id');
         foreach ($inlineout['atc_parts'] as $id) {
             $contents_mask |= IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DESCRIP | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DOWNLOAD | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_ICON | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_SIZE;
             $part_info[] = 'description_raw';
             $part_info[] = 'download_url';
             $summary = $this->_contents->getSummary($id, $contents_mask);
             $tmp = array();
             foreach ($part_info as $val) {
                 if (isset($summary[$val])) {
                     $tmp[$val] = $summary[$val] instanceof Horde_Url ? strval($summary[$val]->setRaw(true)) : $summary[$val];
             $partlist[] = array_filter($tmp);
         $result['atc_list'] = $partlist;
     $result['save_as'] = IMP_Contents_View::downloadUrl(htmlspecialchars_decode($result['subject']), array_merge(array('actionID' => 'save_message'), $mbox->urlParams($uid)));
     if ($preview) {
         /* Need to grab cached inline scripts. */
         if ($js_inline = Horde::endBuffer()) {
             $result['js'] = array($js_inline);
         $result['save_as'] = strval($result['save_as']->setRaw(true));
     } else {
         $list_info = $imp_ui->getListInformation($mime_headers);
         if (!empty($list_info['exists'])) {
             $result['list_info'] = $list_info;
     /* Add changed flag information. */
     if (!$this->_peek && $mbox->is_imap) {
         $status = $mbox->imp_imap->status($mbox, Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_PERMFLAGS);
         if (in_array(Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_SEEN, $status['permflags'])) {
             $ajax_queue->flag(array(Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_SEEN), true, $this->_indices);
     return array_filter($result);