addMimeAction() публичный Метод

Adds a MIME Viewer action to the status text.
public addMimeAction ( string $action, string $text, array $attr = [] )
$action string Action ID.
$text string Action description.
$attr array Additional attributes.
Пример #1
  * Return the rendered information about the Horde_Mime_Part object.
  * URL parameters used by this function:
  *   - tgz_contents: (integer) If set, show contents of ZIP file.
  * @return array  See Horde_Mime_Viewer_Driver::render().
 protected function _renderInfo()
     global $injector;
     $vars = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Variables');
     if (!$this->getConfigParam('show_contents') && !isset($vars->tgz_contents)) {
         $status = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart, _("This is a compressed file."));
         $status->addMimeAction('tgzViewContents', _("Click to display the file contents."));
         return array($this->_mimepart->getMimeId() => array('data' => '', 'status' => $status, 'type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'));
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => IMP_TEMPLATES . '/mime'));
     $view->downloadclass = 'tgzdownload';
     $view->files = array();
     $view->tableclass = 'tgzcontents';
     $tgzInfo = $this->_getTgzInfo();
     foreach ($tgzInfo as $key => $val) {
         if (!strlen($val['data'])) {
         $file = new stdClass();
         $file->download = '';
         $file->name = $val['name'];
         $file->size = IMP::sizeFormat($val['size']);
         if (!empty($val['size'])) {
             $file->download = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->linkView($this->_mimepart, 'download_render', '', array('class' => 'iconImg downloadAtc', 'jstext' => _("Download"), 'params' => array('tgz_attachment' => $key)));
         $view->files[] = $file;
     return array($this->_mimepart->getMimeId() => array('data' => $view->render('compressed'), 'type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'));
Пример #2
  * Return the rendered information about the Horde_Mime_Part object.
  * URL parameters used by this function:
  *   - zip_contents: (integer) If set, show contents of ZIP file.
  * @return array  See Horde_Mime_Viewer_Driver::render().
 protected function _renderInfo()
     global $injector;
     $vars = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Variables');
     if (!$this->getConfigParam('show_contents') && !$vars->zip_contents) {
         $status = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart, _("This is a compressed file."));
         $status->addMimeAction('zipViewContents', _("Click to display the file contents."));
         return array($this->_mimepart->getMimeId() => array('data' => '', 'status' => $status, 'type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'));
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => IMP_TEMPLATES . '/mime'));
     $view->downloadclass = 'zipdownload';
     $view->files = array();
     $view->tableclass = 'zipcontents';
     $zlib = Horde_Util::extensionExists('zlib');
     foreach ($this->_getZipInfo() as $key => $val) {
         $file = new stdClass();
         $file->name = $val['name'];
         $file->size = IMP::sizeFormat($val['size']);
         /* TODO: Add ability to render in-browser for filetypes we can
          *       handle. */
         if (!empty($val['size']) && strstr($val['attr'], 'D') === false && ($zlib && $val['method'] == 0x8 || $val['method'] == 0x0)) {
             $file->download = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->linkView($this->_mimepart, 'download_render', '', array('class' => 'iconImg downloadAtc', 'jstext' => _("Download"), 'params' => array('zip_attachment' => $key)));
         } else {
             $file->download = '';
         $view->files[] = $file;
     return array($this->_mimepart->getMimeId() => array('data' => $view->render('compressed'), 'type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'));
Пример #3
  * Render out the currently set contents.
  * @param boolean $inline  Are we viewing inline?
  * @return array  Two elements: html and status.
 protected function _IMPrender($inline)
     global $injector, $registry;
     $data = $this->_mimepart->getContents();
     $view = $registry->getView();
     $contents = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents');
     $convert_text = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Variables')->convert_text;
     /* Don't do IMP DOM processing if converting to text. */
     $this->_imptmp = array();
     if ($inline && !$convert_text) {
         $this->_imptmp += array('cid' => null, 'cid_used' => array(), 'cssblock' => false, 'cssbroken' => false, 'imgblock' => false, 'imgbroken' => false, 'inline' => $inline, 'style' => array());
     /* Search for inlined data that we can display (multipart/related
      * parts) - see RFC 2392. */
     if ($related_part = $contents->findMimeType($this->_mimepart->getMimeId(), 'multipart/related')) {
         $this->_imptmp['cid'] = $related_part->getMetadata('related_ob');
     /* Sanitize the HTML. */
     $data = $this->_cleanHTML($data, array('noprefetch' => $inline, 'phishing' => $inline));
     if (!empty($this->_imptmp['style'])) {
     if ($inline) {
         $charset = 'UTF-8';
         $data = $data->returnHtml(array('charset' => $charset, 'metacharset' => true));
     } else {
         $charset = $this->_mimepart->getCharset();
         $data = $data->returnHtml();
     $status = array();
     if ($this->_phishWarn) {
         $tmp = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart, array(_("This message may not be from whom it claims to be."), _("Beware of following any links in it or of providing the sender with any personal information."), _("The links that caused this warning have this background color:") . ' <span style="' . $this->_phishCss . '">' . _("EXAMPLE LINK") . '</span>'));
         $status[] = $tmp;
     /* We are done processing if converting to text. */
     if ($convert_text) {
         $data = $this->_textFilter($data, 'Html2text', array('wrap' => false));
         // Filter bad language.
         return array('data' => IMP::filterText($data), 'type' => 'text/plain; charset=' . $charset);
     if ($inline) {
         switch ($view) {
             case $registry::VIEW_SMARTMOBILE:
                 if ($this->_imptmp['imgblock']) {
                     $tmp_txt = _("Show images...");
                 } elseif ($this->_imptmp['cssblock']) {
                     $tmp_txt = _("Load message styling...");
                 } else {
                     $tmp_txt = null;
                 if (!is_null($tmp_txt)) {
                     $tmp = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart, array('<a href="#unblock-image" data-role="button" data-theme="e">' . $tmp_txt . '</a>'));
                     $tmp->views = array($view);
                     $status[] = $tmp;
                 $attr = array('muid' => strval($contents->getIndicesOb()));
                 if (!$injector->getInstance('IMP_Prefs_Special_ImageReplacement')->canAddToSafeAddrList() || ($from = $contents->getHeader()->getHeader('from')) && $injector->getInstance('IMP_Identity')->hasAddress($from->getAddressList(true))) {
                     $attr['noUnblockImageAdd'] = 1;
                 $link = $text = null;
                 if ($this->_imptmp['imgblock']) {
                     $text = _("Images have been blocked in this message part.");
                     $link = _("Show Images?");
                 } elseif ($this->_imptmp['cssblock']) {
                     $text = _("Message styling has been suppressed in this message part since the style data lives on a remote server.");
                     $link = _("Load Styling?");
                 if (!is_null($link)) {
                     $tmp = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart, $text);
                     $tmp->addMimeAction('unblockImageLink', $link, $attr);
                     $status[] = $tmp;
                 if ($this->_imptmp['cssbroken']) {
                     $tmp = new IMP_Mime_Status_RenderIssue($this->_mimepart, array(_("This message contains corrupt styling data so the message contents may not appear correctly below."), $contents->linkViewJS($this->_mimepart, 'view_attach', _("Click to view HTML data in new window; it is possible this will allow you to view the message correctly."))));
                     $status[] = $tmp;
                 if ($this->_imptmp['imgbroken']) {
                     $tmp = new IMP_Mime_Status_RenderIssue($this->_mimepart, array(_("This message contains images that cannot be loaded.")));
                     $status[] = $tmp;
     /* Add used CID information. */
     if ($inline && !empty($this->_imptmp['cid'])) {
         $related_part->setMetadata('related_cids_used', $this->_imptmp['cid_used']);
     return array('data' => $data, 'status' => $status, 'type' => 'text/html; charset=' . $charset);
Пример #4
  * Generates HTML output for 'multipart/signed' MIME parts.
  * @return string  The HTML output.
 protected function _outputPGPSigned()
     global $injector, $prefs, $session;
     $iterator = $this->_mimepart->partIterator();
     $base_id = $iterator->current()->getMimeId();
     $signed_id = $iterator->current()->getMimeId();
     $id_ob = new Horde_Mime_Id($signed_id);
     $sig_id = $id_ob->idArithmetic($id_ob::ID_NEXT);
     if (!IMP_Pgp::enabled()) {
         return array($sig_id => null);
     $status = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart);
     $status->addText(_("The data in this part has been digitally signed via PGP."));
     $status->icon('mime/encryption.png', 'PGP');
     $ret = array($base_id => array('data' => '', 'nosummary' => true, 'status' => array($status), 'type' => 'text/html; charset=' . $this->getConfigParam('charset'), 'wrap' => 'mimePartWrap'), $sig_id => null);
     if ($prefs->getValue('pgp_verify') || $injector->getInstance('Horde_Variables')->pgp_verify_msg) {
         $imp_contents = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents');
         $sig_part = $imp_contents->getMimePart($sig_id);
         $status2 = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart);
         if (!$sig_part) {
             $sig_text = _("This digitally signed message is broken.");
             $ret[$base_id]['wrap'] = 'mimePartWrapInvalid';
         } else {
             /* Close session, since this may be a long-running
              * operation. */
             try {
                 $imp_pgp = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Pgp');
                 if ($sig_raw = $sig_part->getMetadata(Horde_Crypt_Pgp_Parse::SIG_RAW)) {
                     $sig_result = $imp_pgp->verifySignature($sig_raw, $this->_getSender()->bare_address, null, $sig_part->getMetadata(Horde_Crypt_Pgp_Parse::SIG_CHARSET));
                 } else {
                     $stream = $imp_contents->isEmbedded($signed_id) ? $this->_mimepart->getMetadata(self::PGP_SIGN_ENC) : $imp_contents->getBodyPart($signed_id, array('mimeheaders' => true, 'stream' => true))->data;
                     stream_filter_register('horde_eol', 'Horde_Stream_Filter_Eol');
                     $filter = stream_filter_append($stream, 'horde_eol', STREAM_FILTER_READ, array('eol' => Horde_Mime_Part::RFC_EOL));
                     $sig_result = $imp_pgp->verifySignature(stream_get_contents($stream), $this->_getSender()->bare_address, $sig_part->getContents());
                 $sig_text = $sig_result->message;
                 $ret[$base_id]['wrap'] = 'mimePartWrapValid';
             } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                 $sig_text = $e->getMessage();
                 $ret[$base_id]['wrap'] = 'mimePartWrapInvalid';
         $status2->addText($this->_textFilter($sig_text, 'text2html', array('parselevel' => Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::NOHTML)));
         $ret[$base_id]['status'][] = $status2;
     } else {
         $status->addMimeAction('pgpVerifyMsg', _("Click to verify the message."));
     return $ret;
Пример #5
  * Parse signed data.
  * @param boolean $sig_only  Only do signature checking?
  * @return mixed  See self::_getEmbeddedMimeParts().
 protected function _parseSignedData($sig_only = false)
     $iterator = $this->_mimepart->partIterator();
     if (!($curr = $iterator->current())) {
         return null;
     $base_id = $curr->getMimeId();
     if (!($curr = $iterator->current())) {
         // application/pkcs-7-mime might be the base part.
         // See RFC 5751 3.4.2
         $data_id = $base_id;
     } else {
         $data_id = $curr->getMimeId();
     $id_ob = new Horde_Mime_Id($data_id);
     $sig_id = $id_ob->idArithmetic($id_ob::ID_NEXT);
     /* Initialize inline data. */
     $status = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart, _("The data in this part has been digitally signed via S/MIME."));
     $status->icon('mime/encryption.png', 'S/MIME');
     $cache = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->getViewCache();
     $cache->smime[$base_id] = array('sig' => $sig_id, 'status' => $status, 'wrap' => 'mimePartWrap');
     if (!IMP_Smime::enabled()) {
         $status->addText(_("S/MIME support is not enabled so the digital signature is unable to be verified."));
         return null;
     $imp_contents = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents');
     $stream = $imp_contents->isEmbedded($base_id) ? $this->_mimepart->getMetadata('imp-smime-decrypt')->stream : $this->_getPartStream($base_id);
     $raw_text = $this->_mimepart->replaceEOL($stream, Horde_Mime_Part::RFC_EOL);
     $sig_result = null;
     if ($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('smime_verify') || $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Variables')->smime_verify_msg) {
         try {
             $sig_result = $this->_impsmime->verifySignature($raw_text);
             if ($sig_result->verify) {
             } else {
             if (!is_array($sig_result->email)) {
                 $sig_result->email = array($sig_result->email);
             $email = implode(', ', $sig_result->email);
             $cache->smime[$base_id]['wrap'] = 'mimePartWrapValid';
             if (!empty($sig_result->cert)) {
                 $cert = $this->_impsmime->parseCert($sig_result->cert);
                 if (isset($cert['certificate']['subject']['CommonName']) && strcasecmp($email, $cert['certificate']['subject']['CommonName']) !== 0) {
                     $email = $cert['certificate']['subject']['CommonName'] . ' (' . trim($email) . ')';
             if (!empty($sig_result->cert) && isset($sig_result->email) && $GLOBALS['registry']->hasMethod('contacts/addField') && $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('add_source')) {
                 $status->addText(sprintf(_("Sender: %s"), $imp_contents->linkViewJS($this->_mimepart, 'view_attach', htmlspecialchars($email), array('jstext' => _("View certificate details"), 'params' => array('mode' => IMP_Contents::RENDER_INLINE, 'view_smime_key' => 1)))));
                 foreach ($sig_result->email as $single_email) {
                     try {
                     } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                         $imple = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Imple')->create('IMP_Ajax_Imple_ImportEncryptKey', array('mime_id' => $base_id, 'muid' => strval($imp_contents->getIndicesOb()), 'type' => 'smime'));
                         $status->addText(Horde::link('#', '', '', '', '', '', '', array('id' => $imple->getDomId())) . _("Save the certificate to your Address Book.") . '</a>');
             } elseif (strlen($email)) {
                 $status->addText(sprintf(_("Sender: %s"), htmlspecialchars($email)));
         } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
             $cache->smime[$base_id]['wrap'] = 'mimePartWrapInvalid';
     } else {
         $status->addMimeAction('smimeVerifyMsg', _("Click to verify the data."));
     if ($sig_only) {
     if (!($subpart = $imp_contents->getMimePart($sig_id))) {
         try {
             $msg_data = $this->_impsmime->extractSignedContents($raw_text);
             $subpart = Horde_Mime_Part::parseMessage($msg_data, array('forcemime' => true));
         } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
             return null;
     return $subpart;