Пример #1
 public function getDetail($id)
     $_id = new MongoId($id);
     $history = History::where('historyObject._id', $_id)->where('historyObjectType', 'asset')->orderBy('historyTimestamp', 'desc')->orderBy('historySequence', 'desc')->get();
     $diffs = array();
     foreach ($history as $h) {
         $h->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $h->historyTimestamp->sec);
         $diffs[$h->date][$h->historySequence] = $h->historyObject;
     $history = History::where('historyObject._id', $_id)->where('historyObjectType', 'asset')->where('historySequence', 0)->orderBy('historyTimestamp', 'desc')->get();
     $tab_data = array();
     foreach ($history as $h) {
         $apv_status = Assets::getApprovalStatus($h->approvalTicket);
         if ($apv_status == 'pending') {
             $bt_apv = '<span class="btn btn-info change-approval ' . $h->approvalTicket . '" data-id="' . $h->approvalTicket . '" >' . $apv_status . '</span>';
         } else {
             if ($apv_status == 'verified') {
                 $bt_apv = '<span class="btn btn-success" >' . $apv_status . '</span>';
             } else {
                 $bt_apv = '';
         $d = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $h->historyTimestamp->sec);
         $tab_data[] = array($d, $h->historyAction, $h->historyObject['itemDescription'], $h->historyAction == 'new' ? 'NA' : $this->objdiff($diffs[$d]), $bt_apv);
     $header = array('Modified', 'Event', 'Name', 'Diff', 'Approval');
     $attr = array('class' => 'table', 'id' => 'transTab', 'style' => 'width:100%;', 'border' => '0');
     $t = new HtmlTable($tab_data, $attr, $header);
     $itemtable = $t->build();
     $asset = Asset::find($id);
     Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Ad Assets', URL::to(strtolower($this->controller_name)));
     Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Detail', URL::to(strtolower($this->controller_name) . '/detail/' . $asset->_id));
     Breadcrumbs::addCrumb($asset->SKU, URL::to(strtolower($this->controller_name)));
     return View::make('history.table')->with('a', $asset)->with('title', 'Asset Detail ' . $asset->itemDescription)->with('table', $itemtable);
Пример #2
 public function getIndex()
     $this->title = 'Manifest Pengiriman Harian - To Device / Logistic';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     $this->can_add = false;
     $this->is_report = true;
     Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Manifest', URL::to(strtolower($this->controller_name)));
     $this->additional_filter = View::make('shared.addfilter')->with('submit_url', 'devmanifest')->render();
     $db = Config::get('lundin.main_db');
     $company = Input::get('acc-company');
     $period_from = Input::get('date-from');
     $period_to = Input::get('acc-period-to');
     $device = Input::get('device');
     $courier = Input::get('courier');
     $logistic = Input::get('logistic');
     $status = Input::get('status');
     $courierstatus = Input::get('courier-status');
     if ($period_to == '' || is_null($period_to)) {
         $period_to = date('Y-m-d', time());
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $period_from = date('Y-m-d', time());
     $this->def_order_by = 'TRANS_DATETIME';
     $this->def_order_dir = 'DESC';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     /* Start custom queries */
     $model = $this->model;
     if ($status == '' || is_null($status)) {
         $status = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_status');
     } else {
         $status = explode(',', $status);
     if (empty($status)) {
         $exstatus = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_excl_status');
         if (!empty($exstatus)) {
             //$model = $model->whereNotIn('status', $exstatus);
     } else {
         //$model = $model->whereIn('status', $status);
     if($courierstatus == '' || is_null($courierstatus) ){
         $courierstatus = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_courier_status');
         $courierstatus = explode(',', $courierstatus);
         $excrstatus = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_excl_courier_status');
             $model = $model->whereNotIn('courier_status', $excrstatus);
         $model = $model->whereIn('courier_status', $courierstatus);
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($period_from));
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($period_to));
     } else {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($period_from));
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($period_to));
         $model = $model->where(function ($q) use($datefrom, $dateto) {
             $q->whereBetween('assignment_date', array($datefrom, $dateto));
     if ($device == '' || is_null($device)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('device_id', '=', $device);
     if ($courier == '' || is_null($courier)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('courier_id', '=', $courier);
     if ($logistic == '' || is_null($logistic)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('logistic', '=', $logistic);
             ->where('pending_count >', 0)
     $model = $model->where(function ($qr) {
         $qr->where('status', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_admin_courierassigned'))->orWhere('status', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_mobile_pickedup'))->orWhere('status', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_mobile_enroute'))->orWhere(function ($q) {
             $q->where('status', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_new'))->where('pending_count', '>', 0);
     $actualresult = $model->get();
     $tattrs = array('width' => '100%', 'class' => 'table table-bordered table-striped');
     $thead = array();
     $thead[] = array(array('value' => 'No.', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Zone', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'TOKO ONLINE', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Type', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Status', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'KEPADA', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Total Price', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Delivery Charge', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'COD Surcharge', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Total Charge', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'ALAMAT', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Phone', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'No Kode Penjualan Toko', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'PENERIMA PAKET', 'attr' => 'colspan="2"'));
     $thead[] = array(array('value' => 'Mohon tunjukkan kartu identitas untuk di foto sebagai bagian bukti penerimaan', 'attr' => 'style="text-align:center;" colspan="13"'), array('value' => 'TANDA TANGAN', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'NAMA', 'attr' => 'class="bold center" style="width:50px" '));
     $tabdata = array();
     $seq = 1;
     $total_billing = 0;
     $total_delivery = 0;
     $total_cod = 0;
     $d = 0;
     $gt = 0;
     $lastdate = '';
     $courier_name = '';
     $counts = array('Delivery Only' => 0, 'COD' => 0, 'CCOD' => 0, 'PS' => 0, 'pending' => 0);
     foreach ($actualresult as $r) {
         $counts[$r->delivery_type] += 1;
         if ($r->pending_count > 0) {
             $counts['pending'] += 1;
         $courier_name = $r->courier_name;
         //$total = str_replace(array(',','.'), '', $r->total_price);
         //$dsc = str_replace(array(',','.'), '', $r->total_discount);
         //$tax = str_replace(array(',','.'), '',$r->total_tax);
         //$dc = str_replace(array(',','.'), '',$r->delivery_cost);
         //$cod = str_replace(array(',','.'), '',$r->cod_cost);
         $total = $r->total_price;
         $dsc = $r->total_discount;
         $tax = $r->total_tax;
         $dc = $r->delivery_cost;
         $cod = $r->cod_cost;
         $total = is_nan((double) $total) ? 0 : (double) $total;
         $dsc = is_nan((double) $dsc) ? 0 : (double) $dsc;
         $tax = is_nan((double) $tax) ? 0 : (double) $tax;
         $dc = is_nan((double) $dc) ? 0 : (double) $dc;
         $cod = is_nan((double) $cod) ? 0 : (double) $cod;
         $payable = 0;
         //$details = $this->db->
         //$details = $details->result_array();
         $details = Deliverydetail::where('delivery_id', '=', $r->delivery_id)->orderBy('unit_sequence', 'asc')->get()->toArray();
         $d = 0;
         $gt = 0;
         foreach ($details as $value => $key) {
             $u_total = $key['unit_total'];
             $u_discount = $key['unit_discount'];
             $gt += is_nan((double) $u_total) ? 0 : (double) $u_total;
             $d += is_nan((double) $u_discount) ? 0 : (double) $u_discount;
         if ($gt == 0) {
             if ($total > 0 && $payable) {
                 $gt = $total;
         $payable = $gt;
         $total_delivery += (double) $dc;
         $total_cod += (double) $cod;
         $total_billing += (double) $payable;
         $db = '';
         if ($r->delivery_bearer == 'merchant') {
             $dc = 0;
             $db = 'M';
         } else {
             $db = 'B';
         //force all DO to zero
         $cb = '';
         if ($r->cod_bearer == 'merchant') {
             $cod = 0;
             $cb = 'M';
         } else {
             $cb = 'B';
         $codclass = '';
         if ($r->delivery_type == 'COD' || $r->delivery_type == 'CCOD') {
             $chg = $gt - $dsc + $tax + $dc + $cod;
             //$chg = $gt + $dc + $cod;
             $codclass = 'cod';
         } else {
             $dc = 0;
             $cod = 0;
             $chg = $dc;
         $fcode = $r->fulfillment_code == '' ? '' : '<hr />' . $r->fulfillment_code;
         $phone_dupe = $r->same_phone == 1 ? 'class="dupe"' : '';
         $email_dupe = $r->same_email == 1 ? 'class="dupe"' : '';
         $tabdata[] = array(array('value' => $seq, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->buyerdeliveryzone, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->merchant_name, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->delivery_type, 'attr' => 'class="currency ' . $codclass . '" '), array('value' => $r->status . '<br /><br />' . $r->pickup_status . '<br /><br />' . $r->warehouse_status, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->buyer_name, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $payable == 0 ? 0 : Ks::idr($payable), 'attr' => 'class="currency ' . $codclass . '" '), array('value' => $dc == 0 ? 0 : Ks::idr($dc), 'attr' => 'class="currency ' . $codclass . '" style="position:relative;"'), array('value' => $cod == 0 ? 0 : Ks::idr($cod), 'attr' => 'class="currency ' . $codclass . '" style="position:relative;"'), array('value' => $chg == 0 ? 0 : Ks::idr($chg), 'attr' => 'class="currency ' . $codclass . '" '), array('value' => $r->shipping_address, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '<span ' . $phone_dupe . ' >' . $this->split_phone($r->phone) . '<br />' . $this->split_phone($r->mobile1) . '<br />' . $this->split_phone($r->mobile2) . '</span>', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $this->hide_trx($r->merchant_trans_id) . $fcode . '<br/>' . $this->date_did($r->delivery_id), 'attr' => 'class="currency cod"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''));
     $mtable = new HtmlTable($tabdata, $tattrs, $thead);
     $tables[] = $mtable->build();
     $this->table_raw = $tables;
     if ($this->print == true || $this->pdf == true) {
         return $tables;
     } else {
         return parent::reportPageGenerator();
 public function getIndex()
     $this->heads = array(array('Period', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true, 'style' => 'min-width:90px;', 'daterange' => true)), array('Date', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true, 'style' => 'min-width:100px;', 'daterange' => true)), array('JV Ref', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true, 'style' => 'min-width:120px;')), array('Account', array('search' => true, 'style' => 'min-width:100px;', 'sort' => true)), array('Account Description', array('search' => true, 'style' => 'min-width:125px;', 'sort' => true)), array('Reference Doc.', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)), array('Orig. Currency', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)), array('Orig. Amount', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)), array('Conversion Rate', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)), array('Base Amount', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)), array('Transaction Description', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)));
     //print $this->model->where('docFormat','picture')->get()->toJSON();
     $this->title = 'AFE Report - Lvl 3';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Cost Report', URL::to(strtolower($this->controller_name)));
     $this->additional_filter = View::make(strtolower($this->controller_name) . '.addfilter')->with('submit_url', 'afelvlthree')->render();
     $db = Config::get('lundin.main_db');
     $company = Input::get('acc-company');
     $period_from = Input::get('acc-period-from');
     $period_to = Input::get('acc-period-to');
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $period_from = date('Y0m', time());
     if ($period_to == '' || is_null($period_to)) {
         $period_to = date('Y0m', time());
     $company = strtolower($company);
     if ($company == '') {
         $company = Config::get('lundin.default_company');
     $afe = Input::get('acc-afe');
     if ($afe == '' || is_null($afe)) {
         $afes = Prefs::getAfe($company)->AfeToArray();
         $afe = $afes[0]->ANL_CODE;
     $company = strtolower($company);
     $this->def_order_by = 'TRANS_DATETIME';
     $this->def_order_dir = 'DESC';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     $this->sql_key = 'TRANS_DATETIME';
     $this->sql_table_name = $company . '_a_salfldg';
     $this->sql_connection = 'mysql2';
     /* Start custom queries */
     $model = DB::connection($this->sql_connection)->table($this->sql_table_name);
     $tables = array();
     $actualresult = $model->select(DB::raw($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE,' . $company . '_acnt.DESCR AS ADESCR,' . 'SUM(' . $company . '_a_salfldg.AMOUNT) as AMT'))->where($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', '2%')->where($company . '_a_salfldg.ANAL_T1', '=', $afe)->where($company . '_a_salfldg.PERIOD', '>=', $period_from)->where($company . '_a_salfldg.PERIOD', '<=', $period_to)->leftJoin($company . '_acnt', $company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', '=', $company . '_acnt.ACNT_CODE')->groupBy($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE')->get();
     $model = DB::connection($this->sql_connection)->table($company . '_a_salfldg');
     $prioritdresult = $model->select(DB::raw($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE,' . $company . '_acnt.DESCR AS ADESCR,' . 'SUM(' . $company . '_a_salfldg.AMOUNT) as AMT'))->where($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', '2%')->where($company . '_a_salfldg.ANAL_T1', '=', $afe)->where($company . '_a_salfldg.PERIOD', '<', $period_from)->leftJoin($company . '_acnt', $company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', '=', $company . '_acnt.ACNT_CODE')->groupBy($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE')->get();
     $model = DB::connection($this->sql_connection)->table($company . '_a_salfldg');
     $currentitdresult = $model->select(DB::raw($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE,' . $company . '_acnt.DESCR AS ADESCR,' . 'SUM(' . $company . '_a_salfldg.AMOUNT) as AMT'))->where($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', '2%')->where($company . '_a_salfldg.ANAL_T1', '=', $afe)->where($company . '_a_salfldg.PERIOD', '<=', $period_to)->leftJoin($company . '_acnt', $company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', '=', $company . '_acnt.ACNT_CODE')->groupBy($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE')->get();
     $model = DB::connection($this->sql_connection)->table($company . '_b_salfldg');
     $budgetresult = $model->select(DB::raw($company . '_b_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE,' . $company . '_acnt.DESCR AS ADESCR,' . 'SUM(' . $company . '_b_salfldg.AMOUNT) as AMT'))->where($company . '_b_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', '2%')->where($company . '_b_salfldg.ANAL_T1', '=', $afe)->where($company . '_b_salfldg.PERIOD', '>=', $period_from)->where($company . '_b_salfldg.PERIOD', '<=', $period_to)->leftJoin($company . '_acnt', $company . '_b_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', '=', $company . '_acnt.ACNT_CODE')->groupBy($company . '_b_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE')->get();
     $model = DB::connection($this->sql_connection)->table($company . '_d_salfldg');
     $revbudgetresult = $model->select(DB::raw($company . '_d_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE,' . $company . '_acnt.DESCR AS ADESCR,' . 'SUM(' . $company . '_d_salfldg.AMOUNT) as AMT'))->where($company . '_d_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', '2%')->where($company . '_d_salfldg.ANAL_T1', '=', $afe)->where($company . '_d_salfldg.PERIOD', '>=', $period_from)->where($company . '_d_salfldg.PERIOD', '<=', $period_to)->leftJoin($company . '_acnt', $company . '_d_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', '=', $company . '_acnt.ACNT_CODE')->groupBy($company . '_d_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE')->get();
     $tabdata = array();
     foreach ($actualresult as $a) {
         $tabdata[$a->ACCNT_CODE] = $a;
         $tabdata[$a->ACCNT_CODE]->BAMT = 0;
         $tabdata[$a->ACCNT_CODE]->DAMT = 0;
         $tabdata[$a->ACCNT_CODE]->PITDAMT = 0;
         $tabdata[$a->ACCNT_CODE]->CITDAMT = 0;
     foreach ($prioritdresult as $p) {
         if (isset($tabdata[$p->ACCNT_CODE])) {
             $tabdata[$p->ACCNT_CODE]->PITDAMT = $p->AMT;
     foreach ($currentitdresult as $c) {
         if (isset($tabdata[$c->ACCNT_CODE])) {
             $tabdata[$c->ACCNT_CODE]->CITDAMT = $c->AMT;
     foreach ($budgetresult as $b) {
         if (isset($tabdata[$b->ACCNT_CODE])) {
             $tabdata[$b->ACCNT_CODE]->BAMT = $b->AMT;
         } else {
             $tabdata[$b->ACCNT_CODE] = $b;
             $tabdata[$b->ACCNT_CODE]->BAMT = $b->AMT;
             $tabdata[$b->ACCNT_CODE]->AMT = 0;
             $tabdata[$b->ACCNT_CODE]->DAMT = 0;
             $tabdata[$b->ACCNT_CODE]->PITDAMT = 0;
             $tabdata[$b->ACCNT_CODE]->CITDAMT = 0;
     foreach ($revbudgetresult as $d) {
         if (isset($tabdata[$d->ACCNT_CODE])) {
             $tabdata[$d->ACCNT_CODE]->DAMT = $d->AMT;
         } else {
             $tabdata[$d->ACCNT_CODE] = $d;
             $tabdata[$d->ACCNT_CODE]->DAMT = $d->AMT;
             $tabdata[$d->ACCNT_CODE]->AMT = 0;
             $tabdata[$d->ACCNT_CODE]->BAMT = 0;
             $tabdata[$d->ACCNT_CODE]->PITDAMT = 0;
             $tabdata[$d->ACCNT_CODE]->CITDAMT = 0;
     $tattrs = array('width' => '100%', 'class' => 'table table-bordered');
     $thead = array();
     $tdataclr = array();
     $tdataexp = array();
     $thead[] = array(array('value' => '#', 'attr' => 'rowspan=2'), array('value' => 'Account', 'attr' => 'colspan=2 rowspan=2 class="center"'), array('value' => 'Budget', 'attr' => 'colspan=2'), array('value' => 'Actual', 'attr' => 'colspan=3'), array('value' => 'Variance', 'attr' => 'colspan=2'));
     $thead[] = array(array('value' => 'Original'), array('value' => 'Revised'), array('value' => 'Prior ITD'), array('value' => 'Current Month'), array('value' => 'Current Month ITD'), array('value' => '$'), array('value' => '%'));
     $seq = 1;
     $sumexp = new stdClass();
     $sumclr = new stdClass();
     $sumexp->BAMT = 0;
     $sumexp->DAMT = 0;
     $sumexp->BREV = 0;
     $sumexp->PITDAMT = 0;
     $sumexp->AMT = 0;
     $sumexp->CITDAMT = 0;
     $sumexp->VARIANCE = 0;
     $sumexp->PCT = 0;
     $sumclr->BAMT = 0;
     $sumclr->DAMT = 0;
     $sumclr->BREV = 0;
     $sumclr->PITDAMT = 0;
     $sumclr->AMT = 0;
     $sumclr->CITDAMT = 0;
     $sumclr->VARIANCE = 0;
     $sumclr->PCT = 0;
     foreach ($tabdata as $m) {
         if ($m->DAMT > 0) {
             $variance = $m->CITDAMT - $m->BAMT;
             $pct = $variance / $m->BAMT * 100;
             $brev = $m->DAMT - $m->BAMT;
         } else {
             $variance = 0;
             $pct = 0;
             $brev = 0;
         if (preg_match('/^2009.*/', $m->ACCNT_CODE)) {
             $tdataclr[] = array(array('value' => $seq), array('value' => $m->ACCNT_CODE), array('value' => $m->ADESCR), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $m->PITDAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $m->AMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $m->CITDAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'));
             $sumclr->BAMT = '';
             $sumclr->DAMT = '';
             $sumclr->BREV = '';
             $sumclr->PITDAMT += $m->PITDAMT;
             $sumclr->AMT += $m->AMT;
             $sumclr->CITDAMT += $m->CITDAMT;
             $sumclr->VARIANCE = '';
             $sumclr->PCT = '';
         } else {
             $tdataexp[] = array(array('value' => $seq), array('value' => $m->ACCNT_CODE), array('value' => $m->ADESCR), array('value' => $m->BAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $m->DAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $m->PITDAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $m->AMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $m->CITDAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $variance, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $pct, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'));
             $sumexp->BAMT += $m->BAMT;
             $sumexp->DAMT += $m->DAMT;
             $sumexp->BREV += $brev;
             $sumexp->PITDAMT += $m->PITDAMT;
             $sumexp->AMT += $m->AMT;
             $sumexp->CITDAMT += $m->CITDAMT;
             $sumexp->VARIANCE += $variance;
             $sumexp->PCT += $pct;
     $tdataclr[] = array(array('value' => 'Total After Clearing', 'attr' => 'colspan=3 style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;" '), array('value' => $sumclr->BAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumclr->DAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumclr->PITDAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumclr->AMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumclr->CITDAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumclr->VARIANCE, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumclr->PCT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'));
     $tdataexp[] = array(array('value' => 'Total Expenditure', 'attr' => 'colspan=3 style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;" '), array('value' => $sumexp->BAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumexp->DAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumexp->PITDAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumexp->AMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumexp->CITDAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumexp->VARIANCE, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $sumexp->PCT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'));
     $tdata = array_merge($tdataexp, $tdataclr);
     $mtable = new HtmlTable($tdata, $tattrs, $thead);
     $tables[] = $mtable->build();
     $this->sql_table_name = $company . '_b_salfldg';
     $model = DB::connection($this->sql_connection)->table($this->sql_table_name);
     $bresult = $model->where('ACCNT_CODE', 'like', '200%')->leftJoin($company . '_acnt', $company . '_b_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', '=', $company . '_acnt.ACNT_CODE')->groupBy('ACCNT_CODE')->get(array('ACCNT_CODE', DB::raw($company . '_acnt.DESCR AS ADESCR'), DB::raw('SUM(AMOUNT) as AMT')));
     $this->table_raw = $tables;
     if ($this->print == true) {
         return $tables;
     } else {
         return parent::reportPageGenerator();
 public function getIndex()
     $this->title = 'Manifest Pengiriman Harian - Retur';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     $this->can_add = false;
     $this->is_report = true;
     Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Manifest', URL::to(strtolower($this->controller_name)));
     $this->additional_filter = View::make(strtolower($this->controller_name) . '.addfilter')->with('submit_url', 'manifest')->render();
     $db = Config::get('lundin.main_db');
     $company = Input::get('acc-company');
     $period_from = Input::get('date-from');
     $period_to = Input::get('date-to');
     $device = Input::get('device');
     $courier = Input::get('courier');
     $logistic = Input::get('logistic');
     $position = Input::get('position');
     $trip = Input::get('trip');
     $status = Input::get('status');
     $courierstatus = Input::get('courier-status');
     if ($period_to == '' || is_null($period_to)) {
         $period_to = date('Y0m', time());
     $this->def_order_by = 'TRANS_DATETIME';
     $this->def_order_dir = 'DESC';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     /* Start custom queries */
     $model = $this->model;
     if ($status == '' || is_null($status)) {
         $status = Config::get('jayon.manifest_default_status');
         $status[] = Config::get('jayon.trans_status_mobile_return');
     } else {
         $status = explode(',', $status);
     if (empty($status)) {
         $exstatus = Config::get('jayon.manifest_default_excl_status');
         if (!empty($exstatus)) {
             $model = $model->whereNotIn('status', $exstatus);
     } else {
         $model = $model->whereIn('status', $status);
     if ($courierstatus == '' || is_null($courierstatus)) {
         $courierstatus = Config::get('jayon.manifest_default_courier_status');
     } else {
         $courierstatus = explode(',', $courierstatus);
     if (empty($courierstatus)) {
         $excrstatus = Config::get('jayon.manifest_default_excl_courier_status');
         if (!empty($excrstatus)) {
             $model = $model->whereNotIn('courier_status', $excrstatus);
     } else {
         $model = $model->whereIn('courier_status', $courierstatus);
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $def_from = date('Y-m-d', time());
         $model = $model->where('pick_up_date', '=', new MongoDate(strtotime($def_from)));
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('pick_up_date', '=', new MongoDate(strtotime($period_from)));
     if ($device == '' || is_null($device)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('device_key', '=', $device);
     if ($courier == '' || is_null($courier)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('courier_id', '=', $courier);
     if ($logistic == '' || is_null($logistic)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('logistic', '=', $logistic);
     if ($position == '' || is_null($position)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('position', '=', $position);
     if ($trip == '' || is_null($trip)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where(function ($t) use($trip) {
             $t->where('trip', '=', intval($trip))->orWhere('trip', '=', strval($trip));
     $actualresult = $model->get();
     $tattrs = array('width' => '100%', 'class' => 'table table-bordered table-striped');
     $thead = array();
     //No. Kota Type Status  KEPADA  ALAMAT  Phone   Order ID Fulfillment ID Jumlah Box PENERIMA PAKET
     $thead[] = array(array('value' => '#', 'attr' => 'rowspan=2'), array('value' => 'Delivery Date', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" '), array('value' => 'Kota', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" class="center"'), array('value' => 'Type', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" '), array('value' => 'Logistic', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" '), array('value' => 'Device', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" '), array('value' => 'Status', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" '), array('value' => 'KEPADA / CUSTOMER', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" '), array('value' => 'ALAMAT', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" style="min-width:200px;"'), array('value' => 'Telepon', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" '), array('value' => 'Order ID', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" '), array('value' => 'Fulfillment ID', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" '), array('value' => 'Nilai COD', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" '), array('value' => 'Jumlah Paket', 'attr' => 'rowspan="2" '), array('value' => 'PENERIMA', 'attr' => 'colspan="4"'));
     $thead[] = array(array('value' => 'JUMLAH DITERIMA DI HUB', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'TANGGAL / JAM TERIMA', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'TANDA TANGAN', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'NAMA', 'attr' => 'class="bold center" style="width:50px" '));
     $seq = 1;
     $tabdata = array();
     foreach ($actualresult as $m) {
         if ($m->pick_up_date instanceof MongoDate) {
             $pick_up_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $m->pick_up_date->sec);
             $dattr = '';
         } else {
             $pick_up_date = $m->pick_up_date;
             $dattr = 'class="red"';
         $tabdata[] = array(array('value' => $seq, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $pick_up_date, 'attr' => $dattr), array('value' => $m->consignee_olshop_city, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $m->delivery_type, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $m->logistic, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $m->device_name, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => Prefs::translatestatus($m->status, 'delivery'), 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $m->consignee_olshop_name, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $m->consignee_olshop_addr, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $m->consignee_olshop_phone, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $m->no_sales_order, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $m->consignee_olshop_orderid, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => Ks::idr($m->cod), 'attr' => 'style="text-align:right;"'), array('value' => $m->number_of_package, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''));
     $mtable = new HtmlTable($tabdata, $tattrs, $thead);
     $tables[] = $mtable->build();
     $this->table_raw = $tables;
     if ($this->print == true || $this->pdf == true || $this->xls == true) {
         return $tables;
     } else {
         return parent::reportPageGenerator();
 public function getIndex()
     $this->title = 'Delivery Report';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     $this->can_add = false;
     $this->is_report = true;
     Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Manifest', URL::to(strtolower($this->controller_name)));
     $this->additional_filter = View::make('shared.addfilter')->with('submit_url', 'deliveryreport')->render();
     $period_from = Input::get('date-from');
     $period_to = Input::get('date-to');
     $device = Input::get('device');
     $courier = Input::get('courier');
     $merchant = Input::get('merchant');
     $logistic = Input::get('logistic');
     $status = Input::get('status');
     $courierstatus = Input::get('courier-status');
     if ($period_to == '' || is_null($period_to)) {
         $period_to = date('Y-m-d', time());
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $period_from = date('Y-m-d', time());
     $this->def_order_by = 'TRANS_DATETIME';
     $this->def_order_dir = 'DESC';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     $mtab = Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table');
     $model = new Shipment();
     $model = $model->select(DB::raw('count(*) as count, year(ordertime) as orderyear,weekofyear(ordertime) as orderweek, date(ordertime) as orderdate, m.merchantname as merchant_name, delivery_type'))->leftJoin('members as m', $mtab . '.merchant_id', '=', 'm.id')->orderBy('m.merchantname', 'asc');
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($period_from));
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($period_to));
     } else {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($period_from));
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($period_to));
         $model = $model->where(function ($q) use($datefrom, $dateto) {
             $q->whereBetween('ordertime', array($datefrom, $dateto));
     $model->orderBy('ordertime', 'asc')->groupBy('orderdate')->groupBy('orderyear')->groupBy('merchant_id')->groupBy('delivery_type');
     $actualresult = $model->get();
     /* Start custom queries */
     $tattrs = array('width' => '100%', 'class' => 'table table-bordered table-striped');
     $bymc = array();
     $effdates = array();
     foreach ($actualresult as $mc) {
         if (isset($bymc[$mc->delivery_type][$mc->merchant_name][$mc->orderyear][$mc->orderweek][$mc->orderdate])) {
             $bymc[$mc->delivery_type][$mc->merchant_name][$mc->orderyear][$mc->orderweek][$mc->orderdate] += $mc->count;
         } else {
             $bymc[$mc->delivery_type][$mc->merchant_name][$mc->orderyear][$mc->orderweek][$mc->orderdate] = $mc->count;
         $effdates[$mc->orderyear][$mc->orderweek][] = $mc->orderdate;
     $effdates2 = array();
     foreach ($effdates as $yr => $wk) {
         foreach ($wk as $k => $v) {
             $dts = array_unique($v);
             $effdates2[$yr][$k][] = array_shift($dts);
             $effdates2[$yr][$k][] = array_pop($dts);
     $bydc = array();
     $tpd = array();
     $bpd = array();
     $wpd = array();
     $dtotal = array();
     $btotal = array();
     $wtotal = array();
     $headvar1 = array(array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''));
     $headvar2 = array(array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''));
     $headvar3 = array(array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''));
     $headvar4 = array(array('value' => 'No.', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Merchant', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Total', 'attr' => ''));
     $weekspan = 0;
     foreach ($effdates2 as $y => $w) {
         $cy = '';
         foreach ($w as $wk => $v) {
             $headvar1[] = array('value' => '', 'attr' => '');
             if ($cy != $y) {
                 $headvar2[] = array('value' => $y, 'attr' => '');
             } else {
                 $headvar2[] = array('value' => '', 'attr' => '');
             $headvar3[] = array('value' => $wk, 'attr' => '');
             $headvar4[] = array('value' => $v[0] . ' - ' . $v[1], 'attr' => '');
             $cy = $y;
     //print $weekspan;
     $tabdata = array();
     $tarr = array();
     $tharr = array();
     $thval = array();
     foreach ($bymc as $t => $m) {
         //$weekspan += 1;
         //$tabdata[] = $head;
         $seq = 1;
         $totaltype = 0;
         foreach ($m as $mc => $yr) {
             $row = array();
             $row[] = array('value' => $seq, 'attr' => '');
             $row[] = array('value' => $mc, 'attr' => '');
             $valrows = array();
             $totalrows = 0;
             foreach ($effdates2 as $yr => $w) {
                 foreach ($w as $wk => $dt) {
                     $val = 0;
                     if (isset($bymc[$t][$mc][$yr][$wk])) {
                         $vr = $bymc[$t][$mc][$yr][$wk];
                         foreach ($vr as $k => $v) {
                             $val += $v;
                     } else {
                         $val = 0;
                     $valrows[] = array('value' => $val, 'attr' => '');
                     $totalrows += $val;
                 $totaltype += $totalrows;
             $row[] = array('value' => $totalrows, 'attr' => '');
             $mrow = array_merge($row, $valrows);
             $tarr[$t][] = $mrow;
         // subhead
         $head = array();
         $head[] = array('value' => '', 'attr' => '');
         $head[] = array('value' => strtoupper($t), 'attr' => 'style="text-align:right;"');
         $head[] = array('value' => $totaltype, 'attr' => '');
         for ($i = 1; $i < $weekspan; $i++) {
             $head[] = array('value' => '', 'attr' => '');
         $tharr[$t] = $head;
         $thval[$t] = $totaltype;
     $totalorder = 0;
     foreach ($tharr as $t => $v) {
         $tabdata[] = $tharr[$t];
         $totalorder += $thval[$t];
         foreach ($tarr[$t] as $tv) {
             $tabdata[] = $tv;
     $sumup[] = array('value' => '', 'attr' => '');
     $sumup[] = array('value' => '<b>TOTAL</b>', 'attr' => 'style="text-align:right;"');
     $sumup[] = array('value' => $totalorder, 'attr' => 'style="text-align:right;"');
     for ($i = 1; $i < $weekspan; $i++) {
         $sumup[] = array('value' => '', 'attr' => '');
     $tabdata[] = $sumup;
     $thead = array();
     //$thead[] = $headvar1;
     $thead[] = $headvar2;
     $thead[] = $headvar3;
     $thead[] = $headvar4;
     $seq = 1;
     $total_billing = 0;
     $total_delivery = 0;
     $total_cod = 0;
     $d = 0;
     $gt = 0;
     $lastdate = '';
     $courier_name = '';
     $csv_data = array();
     $dids = array();
     $cntcod = 0;
     $cntccod = 0;
     $cntdo = 0;
     $cntps = 0;
     $cntreturn = 0;
     $box_count = 0;
     $weight_sum = 0;
     //total per columns
     $tcod = 0;
     $tccod = 0;
     $tdo = 0;
     $tps = 0;
     $treturn = 0;
     $tbox = 0;
     $tweight = 0;
     $totalrow = array();
     $mname = '';
     $cd = '';
     $mtable = new HtmlTable($tabdata, $tattrs, $thead);
     $tables[] = $mtable->build();
     $this->table_raw = $tables;
     $report_header_data = array('cod' => $cntcod, 'ccod' => $cntccod, 'do' => $cntdo, 'ps' => $cntps, 'return' => $cntreturn, 'avg' => 0);
     if ($this->print == true || $this->pdf == true) {
         return array('tables' => $tables, 'report_header_data' => $report_header_data);
     } else {
         return parent::reportPageGenerator();
Пример #6
 public function getPrint($session_id)
     $trx = Transaction::where('sessionId', $session_id)->get()->toArray();
     $pay = Payment::where('sessionId', $session_id)->get()->toArray();
     $tab = array();
     foreach ($trx as $t) {
         $tab[$t['SKU']]['description'] = $t['productDetail']['itemDescription'];
         $tab[$t['SKU']]['qty'] = isset($tab[$t['SKU']]['qty']) ? $tab[$t['SKU']]['qty'] + 1 : 1;
         $tab[$t['SKU']]['tagprice'] = $t['productDetail']['priceRegular'];
         $tab[$t['SKU']]['total'] = isset($tab[$t['SKU']]['total']) ? $tab[$t['SKU']]['total'] + $t['productDetail']['priceRegular'] : $t['productDetail']['priceRegular'];
     $tab_data = array();
     $gt = 0;
     foreach ($tab as $k => $v) {
         $tab_data[] = array(array('value' => $v['description'], 'attr' => 'class="left"'), array('value' => $v['qty'], 'attr' => 'class="center"'), array('value' => Ks::idr($v['tagprice']), 'attr' => 'class="right"'), array('value' => Ks::idr($v['total']), 'attr' => 'class="right"'));
         $gt += $v['tagprice'];
     $tab_data[] = array('', '', '', Ks::idr($gt));
     $header = array('things to buy', 'unit', 'tagprice', array('value' => 'price to pay', 'attr' => 'style="text-align:right"'));
     $attr = array('class' => 'table', 'id' => 'transTab', 'style' => 'width:100%;', 'border' => '0');
     $t = new HtmlTable($tab_data, $attr, $header);
     $tr_tab = $t->build();
     $viewmodel = Template::where('type', 'invoice')->where('status', 'active')->first();
     return DbView::make($viewmodel)->field('body')->with('transtab', $tr_tab)->with('trx', $trx)->with('pay', $pay);
 public function getIndex()
     $this->title = 'Delivery Time';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     $this->can_add = false;
     $this->is_report = true;
     Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Manifest', URL::to(strtolower($this->controller_name)));
     $this->additional_filter = View::make('shared.addfilter')->with('submit_url', 'deliverybydate')->render();
     $db = Config::get('lundin.main_db');
     $company = Input::get('acc-company');
     $period_from = Input::get('date-from');
     $period_to = Input::get('date-to');
     $device = Input::get('device');
     $courier = Input::get('courier');
     $merchant = Input::get('merchant');
     $logistic = Input::get('logistic');
     $status = Input::get('status');
     $courierstatus = Input::get('courier-status');
     if ($period_to == '' || is_null($period_to)) {
         $period_to = date('Y-m-d', time());
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $period_from = date('Y-m-d', time());
     $this->def_order_by = 'TRANS_DATETIME';
     $this->def_order_dir = 'DESC';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     /* Start custom queries */
     $mtab = Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table');
     $model = $this->model;
     $model = $model->select('assignment_date', 'ordertime', 'deliverytime', 'delivery_note', 'pending_count', 'recipient_name', 'delivery_id', $mtab . '.merchant_id as merchant_id', 'cod_bearer', 'delivery_bearer', 'buyer_name', 'buyerdeliverycity', 'buyerdeliveryzone', 'c.fullname as courier_name', 'd.identifier as device_name', $mtab . '.phone', $mtab . '.mobile1', $mtab . '.mobile2', 'application_id', 'weight', 'merchant_trans_id', 'm.merchantname as merchant_name', 'm.fullname as fullname', 'a.application_name as app_name', 'a.domain as domain ', 'delivery_type', 'shipping_address', 'status', 'pickup_status', 'warehouse_status', 'cod_cost', 'delivery_cost', 'total_price', 'total_tax', 'total_discount', 'box_count')->leftJoin('members as m', Config::get('jayon.incoming_delivery_table') . '.merchant_id', '=', 'm.id')->leftJoin('applications as a', Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table') . '.application_id', '=', 'a.id')->leftJoin('devices as d', Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table') . '.device_id', '=', 'd.id')->leftJoin('couriers as c', Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table') . '.courier_id', '=', 'c.id');
     $model = $model
             $query->where('status','=', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_admin_courierassigned') )
                 ->orWhere('status','=', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_mobile_pickedup') )
                 ->orWhere('status','=', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_mobile_enroute') )
                         $q->where('status', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_new'))
                             ->where(Config::get('jayon.incoming_delivery_table').'.pending_count', '>', 0);
     if ($status == '' || is_null($status)) {
         $status = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_status');
     } else {
         $status = explode(',', $status);
     if (empty($status)) {
         $exstatus = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_excl_status');
         if (!empty($exstatus)) {
             //$model = $model->whereNotIn('status', $exstatus);
     } else {
         //$model = $model->whereIn('status', $status);
     if($courierstatus == '' || is_null($courierstatus) ){
         $courierstatus = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_courier_status');
         $courierstatus = explode(',', $courierstatus);
         $excrstatus = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_excl_courier_status');
             $model = $model->whereNotIn('courier_status', $excrstatus);
         $model = $model->whereIn('courier_status', $courierstatus);
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($period_from));
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($period_to));
     } else {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($period_from));
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($period_to));
         $model = $model->where(function ($q) use($datefrom, $dateto) {
             $q->whereBetween('assignment_date', array($datefrom, $dateto));
     if ($merchant == '' || is_null($merchant)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where(Config::get('jayon.incoming_delivery_table') . '.merchant_id', '=', $merchant);
     if ($device == '' || is_null($device)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('device_id', '=', $device);
     if ($courier == '' || is_null($courier)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('courier_id', '=', $courier);
     if ($logistic == '' || is_null($logistic)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('logistic', '=', $logistic);
     $model = $model->where(function ($qr) {
         $qr->where('status', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_admin_courierassigned'))->orWhere('status', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_mobile_pickedup'))->orWhere('status', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_mobile_enroute'))->orWhere(function ($q) {
             $q->where('status', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_new'))->where('pending_count', '>', 0);
     $model->orderBy('device_name', 'asc')->orderBy('buyerdeliverycity', 'asc')->orderBy('buyerdeliveryzone', 'asc')->orderBy('merchant_name', 'asc');
     $actualresult = $model->get();
     $tattrs = array('width' => '100%', 'class' => 'table table-bordered table-striped');
     $bymc = array();
     foreach ($actualresult as $mc) {
         $bymc[$mc->merchant_name][] = $mc;
     $bydc = array();
     $tpd = array();
     $bpd = array();
     $wpd = array();
     foreach ($actualresult as $dc) {
         $bydc[$dc->device_name][$dc->buyerdeliverycity][$dc->buyerdeliveryzone][] = $dc;
         if (is_null($dc->actual_weight) || $dc->actual_weight == '') {
             $actual_weight = Prefs::getWeightNominal($dc->weight, $dc->application_id);
         } else {
             $actual_weight = $dc->actual_weight;
         //print $dc->weight."\r\n";
         //print $dc->application_id."\r\n";
         //print $actual_weight."\r\n";
         if (isset($tpd[$dc->device_name])) {
             $tpd[$dc->device_name] += 1;
             $bpd[$dc->device_name] += $dc->box_count;
             $wpd[$dc->device_name] += $actual_weight;
         } else {
             $tpd[$dc->device_name] = 1;
             $bpd[$dc->device_name] = $dc->box_count;
             $wpd[$dc->device_name] = $actual_weight;
     $dtotal = array();
     $btotal = array();
     $wtotal = array();
     foreach ($tpd as $dk => $dv) {
         $dtotal[] = $dv;
     foreach ($bpd as $dk => $dv) {
         $btotal[] = $dv;
     foreach ($wpd as $dk => $dv) {
         $wtotal[] = $dv;
     if (count($dtotal) > 0) {
         $dmax = max($dtotal);
     } else {
         $dmax = 1;
     if (count($btotal) > 0) {
         $bmax = max($btotal);
     } else {
         $bmax = 1;
     if (count($wtotal) > 0) {
         $wmax = max($wtotal);
     } else {
         $wmax = 1;
     $headvar1 = array(array('value' => 'No.', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Device', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Total per Device', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Jumlah Box', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Berat', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Kota', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Kecamatan', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Total', 'attr' => ''));
     $headvar2 = array(array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''));
     foreach (array_keys($bymc) as $mctitle) {
         $headvar1[] = array('value' => $mctitle, 'attr' => 'colspan="3" class="vtext" style="min-height:100px;"');
         $headvar2[] = array('value' => 'COD', 'attr' => '');
         $headvar2[] = array('value' => 'DO', 'attr' => '');
         $headvar2[] = array('value' => 'P', 'attr' => '');
     $thead = array();
     $thead[] = $headvar1;
     $thead[] = $headvar2;
     $seq = 1;
     $total_billing = 0;
     $total_delivery = 0;
     $total_cod = 0;
     $d = 0;
     $gt = 0;
     $lastdate = '';
     $courier_name = '';
     $order2assigndays = 0;
     $assign2deliverydays = 0;
     $order2deliverydays = 0;
     $csv_data = array();
     $dids = array();
     foreach ($actualresult as $ar) {
         $dids[] = $ar->delivery_id;
     $details = Deliverylog::whereIn('delivery_id',$dids)
     $dlist = array();
     foreach ($details as $dt) {
         $dlist[$dt['delivery_id']][] = $dt;
     $tabdata = array();
     $cntcod = 0;
     $cntccod = 0;
     $cntdo = 0;
     $cntps = 0;
     $cntreturn = 0;
     $box_count = 0;
     $weight_sum = 0;
     //total per columns
     $tcod = 0;
     $tccod = 0;
     $tdo = 0;
     $tps = 0;
     $treturn = 0;
     $tbox = 0;
     $tweight = 0;
     $totalrow = array();
     $mname = '';
     $cd = '';
     foreach ($bydc as $d => $c) {
         foreach ($c as $ct => $zn) {
             foreach ($zn as $z => $o) {
                 if ($d == $cd) {
                     $currddev = '';
                     $currdtotal = '';
                     $box_count = '';
                     $weight_sum = '';
                 } else {
                     $currddev = $d;
                     $currdtotal = $tpd[$d];
                     $box_count = $bpd[$d];
                     $weight_sum = $wpd[$d];
                 $tbox += $box_count;
                 $tweight += $weight_sum;
                 $cd = $d;
                 $row = array(array('value' => $seq, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $currddev, 'attr' => ''));
                 $maxattr = $dmax == $currdtotal ? 'style="background-color:red;"' : '';
                 $row[] = array('value' => $currdtotal, 'attr' => $maxattr);
                 $maxattr = $bmax == $box_count ? 'style="background-color:red;"' : '';
                 $row[] = array('value' => $box_count, 'attr' => $maxattr);
                 $maxattr = $wmax == $weight_sum ? 'style="background-color:red;"' : '';
                 $row[] = array('value' => $weight_sum, 'attr' => $maxattr);
                 $row[] = array('value' => $ct, 'attr' => '');
                 $row[] = array('value' => $z, 'attr' => '');
                 $row[] = array('value' => count($o), 'attr' => '');
                 if (isset($bydc[$d][$ct][$z])) {
                     $mv = $bydc[$d][$ct][$z];
                     foreach ($bymc as $mcx => $mcv) {
                         $cod = 0;
                         $do = 0;
                         $p = 0;
                         foreach ($mv as $mo) {
                             //print $mo->merchant_name.' '.$mcx."/r/n";
                             if ($mo->merchant_name == $mcx) {
                                 if ($mo->delivery_type == 'COD' || $mo->delivery_type == 'CCOD') {
                                 if ($mo->delivery_type == 'Delivery Only' || $mo->delivery_type == 'DO') {
                                 if ($mo->status == 'pending') {
                         $row[] = array('value' => $cod, 'attr' => '');
                         $row[] = array('value' => $do, 'attr' => '');
                         $row[] = array('value' => $p, 'attr' => '');
                 $tabdata[] = $row;
     $totalrow = array(array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $tbox, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $tweight, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''));
     $coloffset = 6;
     $colc = 0;
     foreach ($tabdata as $td) {
         for ($ci = 0; $ci < count($td) - $coloffset; $ci++) {
             if (isset($totalrow[$coloffset + $ci])) {
                 $totalrow[$coloffset + $ci] += $td[$coloffset + $ci]['value'];
             } else {
                 $totalrow[$coloffset + $ci] = $td[$coloffset + $ci]['value'];
     array_unshift($tabdata, $totalrow);
     $avgdata = array(array('value' => 'Rata-rata<br />( dlm satuan hari )', 'attr' => 'colspan="6"'), array('value' => number_format($assign2deliverydays / $seq, 2, ',', '.'), 'attr' => 'style="font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'colspan="7"'));
     //array_unshift($tabdata, $avgdata);
     //array_push($tabdata, $avgdata);
     $mtable = new HtmlTable($tabdata, $tattrs, $thead);
     $tables[] = $mtable->build();
     $this->table_raw = $tables;
     $report_header_data = array('cod' => $cntcod, 'ccod' => $cntccod, 'do' => $cntdo, 'ps' => $cntps, 'return' => $cntreturn, 'avg' => number_format($assign2deliverydays / $seq, 2, ',', '.'));
     if ($this->print == true || $this->pdf == true) {
         return array('tables' => $tables, 'report_header_data' => $report_header_data);
     } else {
         return parent::reportPageGenerator();
Пример #8
 public function getIndex()
     $this->heads = array(array('Period', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true, 'style' => 'min-width:90px;', 'daterange' => true)), array('Date', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true, 'style' => 'min-width:100px;', 'daterange' => true)), array('JV Ref', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true, 'style' => 'min-width:120px;')), array('Account', array('search' => true, 'style' => 'min-width:100px;', 'sort' => true)), array('Account Description', array('search' => true, 'style' => 'min-width:125px;', 'sort' => true)), array('Reference Doc.', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)), array('Orig. Currency', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)), array('Orig. Amount', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)), array('Conversion Rate', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)), array('Base Amount', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)), array('Transaction Description', array('search' => true, 'sort' => true)));
     //print $this->model->where('docFormat','picture')->get()->toJSON();
     $this->title = 'Statement of Operation Account Balance';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->can_add = false;
     $this->show_select = false;
     Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Cost Report', URL::to(strtolower($this->controller_name)));
     $db = Config::get('lundin.main_db');
     $company = Input::get('acc-company');
     //print $prior_year;
     $company = strtolower($company);
     if ($company == '') {
         $company = Config::get('lundin.default_company');
     $companylist = Prefs::getCompany(array('key' => 'DB_CODE', 'sign' => '=', 'value' => $company))->CompanyToArray()->toArray();
     if (count($companylist) > 0) {
         $companyname = $companylist[0]['DESCR'];
     } else {
         $companyname = '';
     $afe = Input::get('acc-afe');
     if ($afe == '' || is_null($afe)) {
         $afes = Prefs::getAfe($company)->AfeToArray();
         $afe = $afes[0]->ANL_CODE;
     $company = strtolower($company);
     $maxperiod = Prefs::latestPeriod($company . '_a_salfldg');
     $period_from = Input::get('acc-period-from');
     $period_to = Input::get('acc-period-to');
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $period_from = $maxperiod;
     // test value
     //$period_from = '2015001';
     if ($period_to == '' || is_null($period_to)) {
         $period_to = date('Y0m', time());
     $prior_year = substr($period_from, 0, 4);
     $prior_year = $prior_year - 1;
     $prior_year .= '012';
     $this->additional_filter = View::make(strtolower($this->controller_name) . '.addfilter')->with('maxperiod', $period_from)->with('submit_url', 'jvsoab')->render();
     $this->def_order_by = 'TRANS_DATETIME';
     $this->def_order_dir = 'DESC';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     $this->sql_key = 'TRANS_DATETIME';
     $this->sql_table_name = $company . '_a_salfldg';
     $this->sql_connection = 'mysql2';
     /* Start custom queries */
     $model = DB::connection($this->sql_connection)->table($this->sql_table_name);
     $tables = array();
     //current month
     $currentmonthset = array();
     $titlekeys = array();
     $sectiontitle = array();
     foreach (Config::get('accgroup.jvsoab') as $sec => $data) {
         $sectiontitle[$data['key']] = $sec;
         $section = $data['key'];
         foreach ($data['data'] as $h => $v) {
             if ($v['is_head']) {
             } else {
                 $titlekeys[$section][$v['key']] = $h;
         foreach ($data['data'] as $h => $v) {
             if ($v['is_head']) {
             } else {
                 $model = DB::connection($this->sql_connection)->table($this->sql_table_name);
                 $model = $model->select(DB::raw($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE,' . $company . '_acnt.DESCR AS ADESCR,' . 'SUM(' . $company . '_a_salfldg.AMOUNT) as AMT'));
                 if ($v['sql'] == 'in') {
                     $model = $model->whereIn($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', explode(',', $v['val']));
                 } elseif ($v['sql'] == 'like') {
                     if (is_array($v['val'])) {
                         $vals = $v['val'];
                         $model = $model->where(function ($q) use($vals, $company) {
                             foreach ($vals as $nval) {
                                 $q = $q->whereOr($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', $nval);
                     } else {
                         $model = $model->where($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', $v['val']);
                 $res = $model->where($company . '_a_salfldg.PERIOD', '=', $period_from)->leftJoin($company . '_acnt', $company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', '=', $company . '_acnt.ACNT_CODE')->groupBy($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE')->get();
                 $currentmonthset[$section][$v['key']] = $res;
         //priormonth ITD
         $priormonthset = array();
         foreach ($data['data'] as $h => $v) {
             if ($v['is_head']) {
             } else {
                 $model = DB::connection($this->sql_connection)->table($this->sql_table_name);
                 $model = $model->select(DB::raw($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE,' . $company . '_acnt.DESCR AS ADESCR,' . 'SUM(' . $company . '_a_salfldg.AMOUNT) as AMT'));
                 if ($v['sql'] == 'in') {
                     $model = $model->whereIn($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', explode(',', $v['val']));
                 } elseif ($v['sql'] == 'like') {
                     if (is_array($v['val'])) {
                         $vals = $v['val'];
                         $model = $model->where(function ($q) use($vals, $company) {
                             foreach ($vals as $nval) {
                                 $q = $q->whereOr($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', $nval);
                     } else {
                         $model = $model->where($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', $v['val']);
                 $res = $model->where($company . '_a_salfldg.PERIOD', '<', $period_from)->leftJoin($company . '_acnt', $company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', '=', $company . '_acnt.ACNT_CODE')->groupBy($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE')->get();
                 $priormonthset[$section][$v['key']] = $res;
         //currentmonth ITD
         $currentmonthitdset = array();
         foreach ($data['data'] as $h => $v) {
             if ($v['is_head']) {
             } else {
                 $model = DB::connection($this->sql_connection)->table($this->sql_table_name);
                 $model = $model->select(DB::raw($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE,' . $company . '_acnt.DESCR AS ADESCR,' . 'SUM(' . $company . '_a_salfldg.AMOUNT) as AMT'));
                 if ($v['sql'] == 'in') {
                     $model = $model->whereIn($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', explode(',', $v['val']));
                 } elseif ($v['sql'] == 'like') {
                     if (is_array($v['val'])) {
                         $vals = $v['val'];
                         $model = $model->where(function ($q) use($vals, $company) {
                             foreach ($vals as $nval) {
                                 $q = $q->whereOr($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', $nval);
                     } else {
                         $model = $model->where($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', $v['val']);
                 $res = $model->where($company . '_a_salfldg.PERIOD', '<=', $period_from)->leftJoin($company . '_acnt', $company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', '=', $company . '_acnt.ACNT_CODE')->groupBy($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE')->get();
                 $currentmonthitdset[$section][$v['key']] = $res;
         //prioryear ITD
         $prioryearset = array();
         foreach ($data['data'] as $h => $v) {
             if ($v['is_head']) {
             } else {
                 $model = DB::connection($this->sql_connection)->table($this->sql_table_name);
                 $model = $model->select(DB::raw($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE,' . $company . '_acnt.DESCR AS ADESCR,' . 'SUM(' . $company . '_a_salfldg.AMOUNT) as AMT'));
                 if ($v['sql'] == 'in') {
                     $model = $model->whereIn($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', explode(',', $v['val']));
                 } elseif ($v['sql'] == 'like') {
                     if (is_array($v['val'])) {
                         $vals = $v['val'];
                         $model = $model->where(function ($q) use($vals, $company) {
                             foreach ($vals as $nval) {
                                 $q = $q->whereOr($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', $nval);
                     } else {
                         $model = $model->where($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', 'like', $v['val']);
                 $res = $model->where($company . '_a_salfldg.PERIOD', '<', $period_from)->leftJoin($company . '_acnt', $company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE', '=', $company . '_acnt.ACNT_CODE')->groupBy($company . '_a_salfldg.ACCNT_CODE')->get();
                 $prioryearset[$section][$v['key']] = $res;
     $tabdata = array();
     foreach (Config::get('accgroup.jvsoab') as $sec => $data) {
         $section = $data['key'];
         foreach ($data['data'] as $h => $v) {
             $key = $v['key'];
             $dt = array();
             foreach ($currentmonthset[$section][$key] as $data) {
                 $data->PMAMT = 0;
                 $data->CMITDAMT = 0;
                 $data->PYAMT = 0;
                 $tabdata[$section][$key][$data->ACCNT_CODE] = $data;
             //$tabdata[$section] = $dt;
             if (isset($priormonthset[$section][$key])) {
                 foreach ($priormonthset[$section][$key] as $data) {
                     if (isset($tabdata[$section][$key][$data->ACCNT_CODE])) {
                         $tabdata[$section][$key][$data->ACCNT_CODE]->PMAMT = $data->AMT;
                     } else {
                         $ndt = new stdClass();
                         $ndt->ADESCR = $data->ADESCR;
                         $ndt->AMT = 0;
                         $ndt->PMAMT = $data->AMT;
                         $ndt->CMITDAMT = 0;
                         $ndt->PYAMT = 0;
                         $tabdata[$section][$key][$data->ACCNT_CODE] = $ndt;
             if (isset($currentmonthitdset[$section][$key])) {
                 foreach ($currentmonthitdset[$section][$key] as $data) {
                     if (isset($tabdata[$section][$key][$data->ACCNT_CODE])) {
                         $tabdata[$section][$key][$data->ACCNT_CODE]->CMITDAMT = $data->AMT;
                     } else {
                         $ndt = new stdClass();
                         $ndt->ADESCR = $data->ADESCR;
                         $ndt->AMT = 0;
                         $ndt->PMAMT = 0;
                         $ndt->CMITDAMT = $data->AMT;
                         $ndt->PYAMT = 0;
                         $tabdata[$section][$key][$data->ACCNT_CODE] = $ndt;
             if (isset($prioryearset[$section][$key])) {
                 foreach ($prioryearset[$section][$key] as $data) {
                     if (isset($tabdata[$section][$key][$data->ACCNT_CODE])) {
                         $tabdata[$section][$key][$data->ACCNT_CODE]->PYAMT = $data->AMT;
                     } else {
                         $ndt = new stdClass();
                         $ndt->ADESCR = $data->ADESCR;
                         $ndt->AMT = 0;
                         $ndt->PMAMT = 0;
                         $ndt->CMITDAMT = $data->AMT;
                         $ndt->PYAMT = 0;
                         $tabdata[$section][$key][$data->ACCNT_CODE] = $ndt;
     $period_year = substr($period_from, 0, 4);
     $period_month = substr($period_from, 5, 2);
     $period_month = date('F', strtotime($period_year . '-' . $period_month));
     $tattrs = array('width' => '100%', 'class' => 'table table-bordered');
     $thead = array();
     $thead[] = array(array('value' => '<h2>' . $companyname . '<h2>', 'attr' => 'colspan="9"'));
     $thead[] = array(array('value' => '<h2>' . $this->title . '<h2>', 'attr' => 'colspan="9"'));
     $thead[] = array(array('value' => '<h2>' . $period_month . ' ' . $period_year . '<h2>', 'attr' => 'colspan="9"'));
     $thead[] = array(array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'colspan=4'), array('value' => 'Prior Month ITD'), array('value' => 'Current Month'), array('value' => 'Current Month ITD'), array('value' => 'Prior Year ITD'), array('value' => 'Current YTD'));
     $thead[] = array(
     $seq = 1;
     $tdata = array();
     $ck = '';
     foreach ($tabdata as $k => $dm) {
         //print $k;
         //if($ck != $k){
         $tdata[] = array(array('value' => '<h2>' . $sectiontitle[$k] . '</h2>', 'attr' => 'colspan="4"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'));
         foreach ($dm as $ac => $md) {
             $tdata[] = array(array('value' => '&nbsp;'), array('value' => '<h3>' . $titlekeys[$k][$ac] . '</h3>', 'attr' => 'colspan="3"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'));
             $tdata[] = array(
                     array('value'=> $titlekeys[$k][$dm['key']], 'attr'=>'colspan="3"'),
                     array('value'=>'', 'attr'=>'class="column-amt"' ),
                     array('value'=>'', 'attr'=>'class="column-amt"' ),
                     array('value'=>'', 'attr'=>'class="column-amt"' ),
                     array('value'=>'', 'attr'=>'class="column-amt"' ),
                     array('value'=>'', 'attr'=>'class="column-amt"' )
             $sum = new stdClass();
             $sum->PMAMT = 0;
             $sum->AMT = 0;
             $sum->CMITDAMT = 0;
             $sum->PYAMT = 0;
             $sum->movement = 0;
             foreach ($md as $mk => $m) {
                 $movement = $m->CMITDAMT - $m->PYAMT;
                 $sum->PMAMT += (double) $m->PMAMT;
                 $sum->AMT += (double) $m->AMT;
                 $sum->CMITDAMT += (double) $m->CMITDAMT;
                 $sum->PYAMT += (double) $m->PYAMT;
                 $sum->movement += (double) $movement;
                 $movement = 0;
                 $tdata[] = array(array('value' => '&nbsp;'), array('value' => '&nbsp;'), array('value' => $mk), array('value' => $m->ADESCR), array('value' => $m->PMAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $m->AMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $m->CMITDAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $m->PYAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'), array('value' => $movement, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt"'));
         $tdata[] = array(array('value' => '<h3> TOTAL ' . $sectiontitle[$k] . '</h3>', 'attr' => 'colspan="4"'), array('value' => $sum->PMAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt total"'), array('value' => floatval($sum->AMT), 'attr' => 'class="column-amt total"'), array('value' => $sum->CMITDAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt total"'), array('value' => $sum->PYAMT, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt total"'), array('value' => $sum->movement, 'attr' => 'class="column-amt total"'));
         $tdata[] = array(array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'colspan="4"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt total"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt total"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt total"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt total"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'class="column-amt total"'));
     $mtable = new HtmlTable($tdata, $tattrs, $thead);
     $tables[] = $mtable->build();
     $this->table_raw = $tables;
     if ($this->print == true) {
         return $tables;
     } else {
         return parent::reportPageGenerator();
Пример #9
 public function getIndex()
     $this->title = 'Data Tool';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     $this->can_add = false;
     $this->is_report = true;
     Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Data Tool', URL::to(strtolower($this->controller_name)));
     $this->additional_filter = View::make(strtolower($this->controller_name) . '.addfilter')->with('submit_url', 'datatool')->render();
     $db = Config::get('lundin.main_db');
     if (is_null($this->report_filter_input)) {
         $in = Input::all();
     } else {
         $in = $this->report_filter_input;
     //$company = $in['acc-company'];
     $period_from = isset($in['date-from']) ? $in['date-from'] : '';
     $period_to = isset($in['date-to']) ? $in['date-to'] : '';
     $device = isset($in['device']) ? $in['device'] : '';
     $courier = isset($in['courier']) ? $in['courier'] : '';
     $merchant = isset($in['merchant']) ? $in['merchant'] : '';
     $logistic = isset($in['logistic']) ? $in['logistic'] : '';
     $city = isset($in['city']) ? $in['city'] : '';
     $zone = isset($in['zone']) ? $in['zone'] : '';
     $pendingcount = isset($in['pending-count']) ? $in['pending-count'] : '';
     $timebase = isset($in['time-base']) ? $in['time-base'] : 'delivery_order_active.created';
     $status = isset($in['status']) ? $in['status'] : '';
     $courierstatus = isset($in['courier-status']) ? $in['courier-status'] : '';
     $pickupstatus = isset($in['pickup-status']) ? $in['pickup-status'] : '';
     if ($period_to == '' || is_null($period_to)) {
         $period_to = date('Y-m-d', time());
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $period_from = date('Y-m-d', time());
     $this->def_order_by = 'TRANS_DATETIME';
     $this->def_order_dir = 'DESC';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     /* Start custom queries */
     $mtab = Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table');
     $model = $this->model;
     $model = $model->select('assignment_date', 'ordertime', 'pickuptime', 'deliverytime', 'delivery_note', 'pending_count', 'recipient_name', 'delivery_id', $mtab . '.merchant_id as merchant_id', 'cod_bearer', 'delivery_bearer', 'buyer_name', 'buyerdeliveryzone', 'buyerdeliverycity', 'c.fullname as courier_name', $mtab . '.phone', $mtab . '.mobile1', $mtab . '.mobile2', 'merchant_trans_id', 'fulfillment_code', 'm.merchantname as merchant_name', 'm.fullname as fullname', 'a.application_name as app_name', 'a.domain as domain ', 'delivery_type', 'shipping_address', 'status', 'pickup_status', 'warehouse_status', 'cod_cost', 'delivery_cost', 'total_price', 'total_tax', 'total_discount')->leftJoin('members as m', Config::get('jayon.incoming_delivery_table') . '.merchant_id', '=', 'm.id')->leftJoin('applications as a', Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table') . '.application_id', '=', 'a.id')->leftJoin('devices as d', Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table') . '.device_id', '=', 'd.id')->leftJoin('couriers as c', Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table') . '.courier_id', '=', 'c.id');
     $model = $model
     if ($pendingcount == '' || is_null($pendingcount)) {
     } else {
         if ($pendingcount == 4) {
             $model = $model->where('pending_count', '>', $pendingcount);
         } else {
             $model = $model->where('pending_count', '=', $pendingcount);
     if ($status == '' || is_null($status)) {
         //$status = Config::get('jex.data_tool_default_status');
     } else {
         $status = explode(',', $status);
         $model = $model->where(function ($qs) use($status) {
             $qs->whereIn('status', $status);
     if ($courierstatus == '' || is_null($courierstatus)) {
     } else {
         $courierstatus = explode(',', $courierstatus);
         $model = $model->whereIn('courier_status', $courierstatus);
     if ($pickupstatus == '' || is_null($pickupstatus)) {
     } else {
         $pickupstatus = explode(',', $pickupstatus);
         $model = $model->whereIn('pickup_status', $pickupstatus);
         $exstatus = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_excl_status');
             $model = $model->whereNotIn('status', $exstatus);
         $model = $model->whereIn('status', $status);
         $excrstatus = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_excl_courier_status');
             $model = $model->whereNotIn('courier_status', $excrstatus);
         $model = $model->whereIn('courier_status', $courierstatus);
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', time());
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', time());
     } else {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($period_from));
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($period_to));
         $model = $model->where(function ($q) use($datefrom, $dateto, $timebase) {
             $q->whereBetween($timebase, array($datefrom, $dateto));
     if ($merchant == '' || is_null($merchant)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where(Config::get('jayon.incoming_delivery_table') . '.merchant_id', '=', $merchant);
     if ($device == '' || is_null($device)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('device_id', '=', $device);
     if ($courier == '' || is_null($courier)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('courier_id', '=', $courier);
     if ($logistic == '' || is_null($logistic)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('logistic', '=', $logistic);
     if ($city == '' || is_null($city)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('buyerdeliverycity', 'like', '%' . $city . '%');
     if ($zone == '' || is_null($zone)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('buyerdeliveryzone', 'like', '%' . $zone . '%');
     $actualresult = $model->orderBy($timebase, 'desc')->get();
     $tattrs = array('width' => '100%', 'class' => 'table table-bordered table-striped');
     $thead = array();
     $thead[] = array(array('value' => 'No.', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'TOKO ONLINE', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Type', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Tgl Upload', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Tgl Pick Up', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Tgl Penugasan Terakhir <br />( Last Assignment Date )', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Tgl Kirim', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Pick Up -> Diterima', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Kirim -> Diterima', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Tgl Diterima', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Status', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Pending', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Catatan', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'ALAMAT', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Kecamatan', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Kota', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Delivery ID', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'No Kode Penjualan Toko', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Fulfillment ID', 'attr' => ''));
     $thead[] = array(
             array('value'=>'Mohon tunjukkan kartu identitas untuk di foto sebagai bagian bukti penerimaan','attr'=>'style="text-align:center;" colspan="13"'),
             array('value'=>'TANDA TANGAN','attr'=>''),
             array('value'=>'NAMA','attr'=>'class="bold center" style="width:50px" '),
     $seq = 1;
     $total_billing = 0;
     $total_delivery = 0;
     $total_cod = 0;
     $d = 0;
     $gt = 0;
     $lastdate = '';
     $courier_name = '';
     $order2assigndays = 0;
     $assign2deliverydays = 0;
     $order2deliverydays = 0;
     $pickup2deliverydays = 0;
     $csv_data = array();
     $dids = array();
     foreach ($actualresult as $ar) {
         $dids[] = $ar->delivery_id;
     $details = Deliverylog::whereIn('delivery_id', $dids)->where(function ($q) {
         $q->where('notes', '!=', '')->orWhere('req_note', '!=', '');
     })->orderBy('timestamp', 'desc')->get()->toArray();
     $dlist = array();
     foreach ($details as $dt) {
         $dlist[$dt['delivery_id']][] = $dt;
     $denotes = Deliverynote::whereIn('deliveryId', $dids)->orderBy('mtimestamp', 'desc')->get()->toArray();
     foreach ($denotes as $dt) {
         $dlist[$dt['deliveryId']][] = $dt;
     $tabdata = array();
     $cntcod = 0;
     $cntccod = 0;
     $cntdo = 0;
     $cntps = 0;
     $return = 0;
     $valid_pickups = 0;
     foreach ($actualresult as $r) {
         $details = isset($dlist[$r->delivery_id]) ? $dlist[$r->delivery_id] : array();
         $courier_name = $r->courier_name;
         $total = str_replace(array(',', '.'), '', $r->total_price);
         $dsc = str_replace(array(',', '.'), '', $r->total_discount);
         $tax = str_replace(array(',', '.'), '', $r->total_tax);
         $dc = str_replace(array(',', '.'), '', $r->delivery_cost);
         $cod = str_replace(array(',', '.'), '', $r->cod_cost);
         $total = (int) $total;
         $dsc = (int) $dsc;
         $tax = (int) $tax;
         $dc = (int) $dc;
         $cod = (int) $cod;
         $payable = 0;
         $otime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($r->ordertime));
         $ptime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($r->pickuptime));
         $dtime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($r->deliverytime));
         $ordertime = new DateTime($otime);
         $notes = '';
         $event_seq = 0;
         $first_assignment = false;
         foreach ($details as $d) {
             $n = '';
             if (isset($d['api_event'])) {
                 if ($d['api_event'] == 'admin_change_status') {
                     $n = $d['req_note'];
                 } else {
                     if ($d['notes'] != '') {
                         $n = $d['notes'];
                 if ($n != '' && $d['status'] != 'syncnote') {
                     $notes .= $d['timestamp'] . '<br />';
                     $notes .= '<b>' . $d['status'] . '</b><br />';
                     $notes .= $n . '<br /><br />';
                 if ($d['status'] == Config::get('jayon.trans_status_admin_courierassigned')) {
                     if ($event_seq > 0) {
                         $first_assignment = $d;
             } else {
                 if ($d['note'] != '') {
                     $n = $d['note'];
                 if ($n != '') {
                     $notes .= $d['datetimestamp'] . '<br />';
                     $notes .= '<b>' . $d['status'] . '</b><br />';
                     $notes .= $n . '<br /><br />';
         if ($first_assignment) {
             $assignment_date = new DateTime($first_assignment['timestamp']);
             $assignment_date->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
         } else {
             $assignment_date = new DateTime($r->assignment_date);
         $deliverytime = new DateTime($dtime);
         $pickuptime = new DateTime($ptime);
         $order2assign = $ordertime->diff($assignment_date);
         $assign2delivery = $assignment_date->diff($deliverytime);
         $pickup2delivery = $pickuptime->diff($deliverytime);
         $order2delivery = $ordertime->diff($deliverytime);
         if (is_null($r->deliverytime) || $r->deliverytime == '' || $r->deliverytime == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $assign2delivery->d = 0;
             $order2delivery->d = 0;
             $pickup2delivery->d = 0;
             $order2assigndays += (int) $order2assign->d;
         } else {
             $order2assigndays += (int) $order2assign->d;
             $assign2deliverydays += (int) $assign2delivery->d;
             $order2deliverydays += (int) $order2delivery->d;
         if (is_null($pickuptime) || $pickuptime == '' || $r->pickuptime == '' || $r->pickuptime == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             //$r->pickuptime = $assignment_date->add(new DateInterval('P1D'))->format('Y-m-d');
             //$pickuptime = new DateTime($r->pickuptime);
             //$pickup2delivery = $pickuptime->diff($deliverytime);
             $pickup2delivery->d = 0;
             $pickup2deliverydays += (int) $pickup2delivery->d;
         } else {
             $pickup2deliverydays += (int) $pickup2delivery->d;
         $d = 0;
         $gt = 0;
         $cntcod = $r->delivery_type == 'COD' ? $cntcod + 1 : $cntcod;
         $cntccod = $r->delivery_type == 'CCOD' ? $cntccod + 1 : $cntccod;
         $cntdo = $r->delivery_type == 'Delivery Only' ? $cntdo + 1 : $cntdo;
         $cntps = $r->delivery_type == 'PS' ? $cntps + 1 : $cntps;
         $cntreturn = $r->status == 'returned' ? $return + 1 : $return;
         $notes = '';
         foreach($details as $d )
             $n = '';
             $admin = true;
             if($d['api_event'] == 'admin_change_status'){
                 $n = $d['req_note'];
                 if($d['notes'] != ''){
                     $n = $d['notes'];
                 $admin = false;
             $isadmin = ($admin)?' [admin]':'';
             if($n != '' && $d['status'] != 'syncnote'){
                 $notes .= $d['timestamp'].$isadmin.'<br />';
                 $notes .= '<b>'.$d['status'].'</b><br />';
                 $notes .= $n.'<br />';
         if($gt == 0 ){
             if($total > 0 && $payable)
             $gt = $total;
         $payable = $gt;
         $total_delivery += (double)$dc;
         $total_cod += (double)$cod;
         $total_billing += (double)$payable;
         $db = '';
         if($r->delivery_bearer == 'merchant'){
             $dc = 0;
             $db = 'M';
             $db = 'B';
         //force all DO to zero
         $cb = '';
         if($r->cod_bearer == 'merchant'){
             $cod = 0;
             $cb = 'M';
             $cb = 'B';
         $codclass = '';
         if($r->delivery_type == 'COD' || $r->delivery_type == 'CCOD'){
             $chg = ($gt - $dsc) + $tax + $dc + $cod;
             //$chg = $gt + $dc + $cod;
             $codclass = 'cod';
             $dc = 0;
             $cod = 0;
             $chg = $dc;
         $fcode = ($r->fulfillment_code == '')?'':'<hr />'.$r->fulfillment_code;
         $phone_dupe = ($r->same_phone == 1)?'class="dupe"':'';
         $email_dupe = ($r->same_email == 1)?'class="dupe"':'';
         $tabdata[] = array(array('value' => $seq, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->merchant_name, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->delivery_type, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->ordertime, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->pickuptime, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->assignment_date, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $assignment_date->format('Y-m-d'), 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $pickup2delivery->d, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $assign2delivery->d, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->deliverytime, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->status, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->pending_count, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $notes, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->recipient_name . ' | ' . str_replace(array(",", '"', "\n", "\r"), '', $r->shipping_address) . ' ' . $this->split_phone($r->phone) . ' ' . $this->split_phone($r->mobile1) . ' ' . $this->split_phone($r->mobile2), 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->buyerdeliveryzone, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->buyerdeliverycity, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->delivery_id, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $this->hide_trx($r->merchant_trans_id), 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $r->fulfillment_code, 'attr' => ''));
     $valid_pickups = $valid_pickups > 0 ? $valid_pickups : 1;
     $avgdata = array(array('value' => 'Rata-rata<br />( dlm satuan hari )', 'attr' => 'colspan="7"'), array('value' => number_format($pickup2deliverydays / $valid_pickups, 2, ',', '.'), 'attr' => 'style="font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;"'), array('value' => number_format($assign2deliverydays / $seq, 2, ',', '.'), 'attr' => 'style="font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => 'colspan="11"'));
     array_unshift($tabdata, $avgdata);
     array_push($tabdata, $avgdata);
     $mtable = new HtmlTable($tabdata, $tattrs, $thead);
     $tables[] = $mtable->build();
     $this->table_raw = $tables;
     $report_header_data = array('cod' => $cntcod, 'ccod' => $cntccod, 'do' => $cntdo, 'ps' => $cntps, 'return' => $return, 'avg' => number_format($assign2deliverydays / $seq, 2, ',', '.'));
     if ($this->print == true || $this->pdf == true) {
         return array('tables' => $tables, 'report_header_data' => $report_header_data);
     } else {
         return parent::reportPageGenerator();
Пример #10
        $ctr = 0;
    $tab_data[] = array(array('value' => $data['labels'][$i], 'attr' => 'class="left"'), array('value' => $data['series01']['data'][$i], 'attr' => 'class="right"'), array('value' => $data['series02']['data'][$i], 'attr' => 'class="right"'), array('value' => number_format($ctr, 2), 'attr' => 'class="left"'));
    $tclicks += $data['series02']['data'][$i];
    $tviews += $data['series01']['data'][$i];
if ($tviews > 0) {
    $tctr = $tclicks / $tviews * 100;
} else {
    $tctr = 0;
$tab_data[] = array(array('value' => 'Total', 'attr' => 'class="left"'), array('value' => $tviews, 'attr' => 'class="left"'), array('value' => $tclicks, 'attr' => 'class="left"'), array('value' => number_format($tctr, 2), 'attr' => 'class="left"'));
$header = array('Date', 'Views', 'Clicks', 'CTR (%)');
$attr = array('class' => 'table', 'id' => 'transTab', 'style' => 'width:100%;', 'border' => '0');
$t = new HtmlTable($tab_data, $attr, $header);
$summarytable = $t->build();
print $summarytable;

<div id="blueimp-gallery" class="blueimp-gallery blueimp-gallery-controls">
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 public function getIndex()
     $this->title = 'Delivery Time';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     $this->can_add = false;
     $this->is_report = true;
     Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Manifest', URL::to(strtolower($this->controller_name)));
     $this->additional_filter = View::make('shared.addfilter')->with('submit_url', 'deliveryreport')->render();
     $db = Config::get('lundin.main_db');
     $company = Input::get('acc-company');
     $period_from = Input::get('date-from');
     $period_to = Input::get('date-to');
     $device = Input::get('device');
     $courier = Input::get('courier');
     $merchant = Input::get('merchant');
     $logistic = Input::get('logistic');
     $status = Input::get('status');
     $courierstatus = Input::get('courier-status');
     if ($period_to == '' || is_null($period_to)) {
         $period_to = date('Y-m-d', time());
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $period_from = date('Y-m-d', time());
     $this->def_order_by = 'TRANS_DATETIME';
     $this->def_order_dir = 'DESC';
     $this->place_action = 'none';
     $this->show_select = false;
     /* Start custom queries */
     $mtab = Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table');
     $model = $this->model;
     $model = $model->select(DB::raw('count(*) as count'),DB::raw('date(ordertime) as orderdate'),DB::raw('weekofyear(ordertime) as week'),DB::raw('month(ordertime) as month'),DB::raw('year(ordertime) as year'),'assignment_date','ordertime','delivery_type','deliverytime','delivery_note','pending_count','recipient_name','delivery_id',$mtab.'.merchant_id as merchant_id','cod_bearer','delivery_bearer','buyer_name','buyerdeliverycity','buyerdeliveryzone','c.fullname as courier_name','d.identifier as device_name', $mtab.'.phone', $mtab.'.mobile1',$mtab.'.mobile2','merchant_trans_id','m.merchantname as merchant_name','m.fullname as fullname','a.application_name as app_name','a.domain as domain ','delivery_type','shipping_address','status','pickup_status','warehouse_status','cod_cost','delivery_cost','total_price','total_tax','total_discount','box_count')
         ->leftJoin('members as m',Config::get('jayon.incoming_delivery_table').'.merchant_id','=','m.id')
         ->leftJoin('applications as a',Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table').'.application_id','=','a.id')
         ->leftJoin('devices as d',Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table').'.device_id','=','d.id')
         ->leftJoin('couriers as c',Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table').'.courier_id','=','c.id');
     $model = $model->select('assignment_date','ordertime','deliverytime','delivery_note','pending_count','recipient_name','delivery_id',$mtab.'.merchant_id as merchant_id','cod_bearer','delivery_bearer','buyer_name','buyerdeliverycity','buyerdeliveryzone','c.fullname as courier_name','d.identifier as device_name', $mtab.'.phone', $mtab.'.mobile1',$mtab.'.mobile2','application_id','weight','merchant_trans_id','m.merchantname as merchant_name','m.fullname as fullname','a.application_name as app_name','a.domain as domain ','delivery_type','shipping_address','status','pickup_status','warehouse_status','cod_cost','delivery_cost','total_price','total_tax','total_discount','box_count')
         ->leftJoin('members as m',Config::get('jayon.incoming_delivery_table').'.merchant_id','=','m.id')
         ->leftJoin('applications as a',Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table').'.application_id','=','a.id')
         ->leftJoin('devices as d',Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table').'.device_id','=','d.id')
         ->leftJoin('couriers as c',Config::get('jayon.assigned_delivery_table').'.courier_id','=','c.id');
     $model = $model
             $query->where('status','=', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_admin_courierassigned') )
                 ->orWhere('status','=', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_mobile_pickedup') )
                 ->orWhere('status','=', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_mobile_enroute') )
                         $q->where('status', Config::get('jayon.trans_status_new'))
                             ->where(Config::get('jayon.incoming_delivery_table').'.pending_count', '>', 0);
     if ($status == '' || is_null($status)) {
         //$status = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_status');
     } else {
         $status = explode(',', $status);
     if (empty($status)) {
         //$exstatus = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_excl_status');
         if (!empty($exstatus)) {
             //$model = $model->whereNotIn('status', $exstatus);
     } else {
         //$model = $model->whereIn('status', $status);
     if($courierstatus == '' || is_null($courierstatus) ){
         $courierstatus = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_courier_status');
         $courierstatus = explode(',', $courierstatus);
         $excrstatus = Config::get('jayon.devmanifest_default_excl_courier_status');
             $model = $model->whereNotIn('courier_status', $excrstatus);
         $model = $model->whereIn('courier_status', $courierstatus);
     if ($period_from == '' || is_null($period_from)) {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($period_from));
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($period_to));
     } else {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($period_from));
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($period_to));
         $model = $model->where(function ($q) use($datefrom, $dateto) {
             $q->whereBetween('ordertime', array($datefrom, $dateto));
     if ($merchant == '' || is_null($merchant)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where(Config::get('jayon.incoming_delivery_table') . '.merchant_id', '=', $merchant);
     if ($device == '' || is_null($device)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('device_id', '=', $device);
     if ($courier == '' || is_null($courier)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('courier_id', '=', $courier);
     if ($logistic == '' || is_null($logistic)) {
     } else {
         $model = $model->where('logistic', '=', $logistic);
     $model = $model->where(function($qr){
               ->where('pending_count','>', 0);
     $model->orderBy('delivery_type', 'asc')->orderBy('merchant_id', 'asc');
     //->orderBy('year', 'asc')
     //->orderBy('week', 'asc');
     //    ->groupBy('merchant_id');
     $actualresult = $model->get();
     $tattrs = array('width' => '100%', 'class' => 'table table-bordered table-striped');
     $bymc = array();
     $years = array();
     $weeks = array();
     $months = array();
     $effdates = array();
     $effweeks = array();
     foreach ($actualresult as $mc) {
         $weeks[] = $mc->week;
         $months[] = $mc->month;
         $years[] = $mc->year;
         $effweeks[$mc->year][$mc->week] = $mc->week;
         //    $bymc[$mc->delivery_type][$mc->merchant_name][$mc->month][$mc->week] += $mc->count ;
         $bymc[$mc->delivery_type][$mc->merchant_name][$mc->year][$mc->week] = $mc->count;
         if (isset($effdates[$mc->year][$mc->week][0])) {
             if (isset($effdates[$mc->year][$mc->week][1])) {
                 $effdates[$mc->year][$mc->week][1] = $mc->orderdate;
             } else {
                 $effdates[$mc->year][$mc->week][] = $mc->orderdate;
         } else {
             $effdates[$mc->year][$mc->week][] = $mc->orderdate;
     $weeks = array_unique($weeks);
     $months = array_unique($months);
     $years = array_unique($years);
     foreach($effweeks as $yr=>$wr){
         foreach($wr as $ir){
             $effdates[$yr][$ir] = $this->getEffDates($yr, $ir);
     $headvar0 = array(array('value' => 'No.', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Merchant', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Total', 'attr' => ''));
     $headvar1 = array(array('value' => 'No.', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Merchant', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => 'Total', 'attr' => ''));
     $headvar2 = array(array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''));
     foreach ($effdates as $yk => $wk) {
         $span = 0;
         foreach ($wk as $wt => $dt) {
             $headvar1[] = array('value' => 'Week ' . $effweeks[$yk][$wt], 'attr' => '');
             $headvar2[] = array('value' => $dt[0] . ' to ' . $dt[1], 'attr' => '');
         $headvar0[] = array('value' => $yk, 'attr' => 'colspan="' . $span . '"');
     $thead = array();
     $thead[] = $headvar0;
     $thead[] = $headvar1;
     $thead[] = $headvar2;
     $seq = 1;
     $total_billing = 0;
     $total_delivery = 0;
     $total_cod = 0;
     $d = 0;
     $gt = 0;
     $lastdate = '';
     $courier_name = '';
     $order2assigndays = 0;
     $assign2deliverydays = 0;
     $order2deliverydays = 0;
     $csv_data = array();
     $dids = array();
     foreach ($actualresult as $ar) {
         $dids[] = $ar->delivery_id;
     $tabdata = array();
     $cntcod = 0;
     $cntccod = 0;
     $cntdo = 0;
     $cntps = 0;
     $cntreturn = 0;
     $box_count = 0;
     //total per columns
     $tcod = 0;
     $tccod = 0;
     $tdo = 0;
     $tps = 0;
     $treturn = 0;
     $totalrow = array();
     $mname = '';
     $cd = '';
     $effweeks = array_keys($effdates);
     foreach ($bymc as $t => $m) {
         $pre = array();
         $pre = array(array('value' => strtoupper($t), 'attr' => 'colspan="2"'), array('value' => '', 'attr' => ''));
         $blanks = array();
         foreach ($effweeks as $wk) {
             $blanks[] = array('value' => '', 'attr' => '');
         $tabdata[] = array_merge($pre, $blanks);
         $seq = 1;
         foreach ($m as $mn => $dt) {
             $drow = array();
             $tpm = 0;
             foreach ($years as $y) {
             foreach ($effweeks as $wk) {
                 foreach ($dt as $md) {
                     if (isset($md[$wk])) {
                         $drow[] = array('value' => $md[$wk], 'attr' => '');
                         $tpm += $md[$wk];
                     } else {
                         $drow[] = array('value' => 0, 'attr' => '');
             $pre = array(array('value' => $seq, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $mn, 'attr' => ''), array('value' => $tpm, 'attr' => ''));
             $tabdata[] = array_merge($pre, $drow);
     $mtable = new HtmlTable($tabdata, $tattrs, $thead);
     $tables[] = $mtable->build();
     $this->table_raw = $tables;
     $report_header_data = array('cod' => $cntcod, 'ccod' => $cntccod, 'do' => $cntdo, 'ps' => $cntps, 'return' => $cntreturn, 'avg' => number_format($assign2deliverydays / $seq, 2, ',', '.'));
     if ($this->print == true || $this->pdf == true) {
         return array('tables' => $tables, 'report_header_data' => $report_header_data);
     } else {
         return parent::reportPageGenerator();