Пример #1
 protected function build(PageBody &$body, SubMenu &$submenu)
     $this->pageName = "Event List";
     $submenu->addLink("Add new Event", "#");
     $submenu->addLink("Show Event", "#");
     $submenu->addLink("Edit", "#");
     $submenu->addLink("Delete", "#");
     // show a list of events on a table
     $events = Database::get("Event");
     if (isset($events)) {
         $table = new HtmlTable();
         $table->setHead(["#", "Name", "Info"]);
         foreach ($events as $id => $event) {
             $table->addRow([$id, '<a href="?page=Event&event=' . $id . '">' . $event->name . '</a>', $event->address]);
     } else {
         $body->addToCenter(new Message("There is no event to show", Message::INFO));
Пример #2
            $arrValidColumns[] = $columnHeader;
        } elseif ($getMode === 'html' || $getMode === 'print') {
            $columnValues[] = $columnHeader;
// End-For
if ($getMode === 'csv') {
    $str_csv = $str_csv . "\n";
} elseif ($getMode === 'html' || $getMode === 'print') {
} elseif ($getMode === 'pdf') {
    $table->addAttribute('align', 'center');
    $table->addColumn($headline, array('colspan' => count($arrValidColumns)));
    // Write valid column headings
    for ($column = 0; $column < count($arrValidColumns); ++$column) {
        $table->addColumn($arrValidColumns[$column], array('style' => 'text-align: ' . $columnAlign[$column] . ';font-size:14;background-color:#C7C7C7;'), 'th');
} else {
$lastGroupHead = -1;
// Mark for change between leader and member
$listRowNumber = 1;
foreach ($membersList as $member) {
    if ($getMode !== 'csv') {
Пример #3
$categoryId = 0;
$userField = new TableUserField($gDb);
// Intialize variables
$description = '';
$hidden = '';
$disable = '';
$mandatory = '';
$usfSystem = '';
while ($row = $statement->fetch()) {
    if ($categoryId != $userField->getValue('cat_id')) {
        $block_id = 'admCategory' . $userField->getValue('usf_cat_id');
        $table->addRow('', array('class' => 'admidio-group-heading'));
        $table->addColumn('<span id="caret_' . $block_id . '" class="caret"></span>' . $userField->getValue('cat_name'), array('id' => 'group_' . $block_id, 'colspan' => '8'), 'td');
        $table->addTableBody('id', $block_id);
        $categoryId = $userField->getValue('usf_cat_id');
    // cut long text strings and provide tooltip
    if (strlen($userField->getValue('usf_description')) > 22) {
        $description = substr($userField->getValue('usf_description', 'database'), 0, 22) . '
            <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#admidio_modal"
                href="' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/system/msg_window.php?message_id=user_field_description&amp;message_var1=' . $userField->getValue('usf_name_intern') . '&amp;inline=true"><span  data-html="true" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="' . str_replace('"', '\'', $userField->getValue('usf_description')) . '">[..]</span></a>';
    } elseif ($userField->getValue('usf_description') === '') {
        $description = '&nbsp;';
    } else {
        $description = $userField->getValue('usf_description');
    if ($userField->getValue('usf_hidden') == 1) {
Пример #4
     $memberDisabled = ' disabled="disabled" ';
 // if user is flagged as leader than check the ckeckbox ;)
 if ($row['mem_leader'] > 0) {
     $leaderChecked = ' checked="checked" ';
 // the leader of webmaster role can only be set by a webmaster
 if ($role->getValue('rol_webmaster') == 1 && !$gCurrentUser->isWebmaster()) {
     $leaderDisabled = ' disabled="disabled" ';
 $columnValues = array('<input type="checkbox" id="role-' . $role->getValue('rol_id') . '" name="role-' . $role->getValue('rol_id') . '" ' . $memberChecked . $memberDisabled . ' onclick="javascript:profileJS.unMarkLeader(this);" value="1" />', '<label for="role-' . $role->getValue('rol_id') . '">' . $role->getValue('rol_name') . '</label>', $role->getValue('rol_description'));
 // if new category than display a category header
 if ($category != $role->getValue('cat_id')) {
     $block_id = 'admCategory' . $role->getValue('cat_id');
     $table->addRow('', array('class' => 'admidio-group-heading', 'id' => 'group_' . $block_id));
     $table->addAttribute('colspan', '4', 'td');
     $table->addData('<span id="caret_' . $block_id . '" class="caret"></span>' . $role->getValue('cat_name'));
     $table->addTableBody('id', $block_id);
     $category = $role->getValue('cat_id');
 $leaderRights = '<input type="checkbox" id="leader-' . $role->getValue('rol_id') . '" name="leader-' . $role->getValue('rol_id') . '" ' . $leaderChecked . $leaderDisabled . ' onclick="javascript:profileJS.markLeader(this);" value="1" />';
 // show icon that leaders have no additional rights
 if ($role->getValue('rol_leader_rights') == ROLE_LEADER_NO_RIGHTS) {
     $leaderRights .= '<img class="admidio-icon-info" src="' . THEME_PATH . '/icons/info.png"
                          alt="' . $gL10n->get('ROL_LEADER_NO_ADDITIONAL_RIGHTS') . '" title="' . $gL10n->get('ROL_LEADER_NO_ADDITIONAL_RIGHTS') . '" />
                              <img class="admidio-icon-link" src="' . THEME_PATH . '/icons/dummy.png" alt="dummy" />';
 // show icon with edit user right if leader has this right
 if ($role->getValue('rol_leader_rights') == ROLE_LEADER_MEMBERS_EDIT || $role->getValue('rol_leader_rights') == ROLE_LEADER_MEMBERS_ASSIGN_EDIT) {