//---------------------------------------- // Correct the operations //---------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['correct'])) { $correct = 1; } //---------------------------------------- // Blank form //---------------------------------------- echo '<div style="position:absolute" class="content">'; echo '<p class="notice">' . $p_msg . '</p>'; echo '<form class="print" name="form_detail" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="print" METHOD="POST">'; echo HtmlInput::hidden('ledger_type', 'fin'); echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_REQUEST['ac']); $array = isset($correct) ? $_POST : null; // show select ledger try { echo $Ledger->input($array); echo HtmlInput::button('add_item', _('Ajout article'), ' onClick="ledger_fin_add_row()"'); echo HtmlInput::submit('save', _('Sauve')); echo HtmlInput::reset(_('Effacer')); if (!isset($_POST['e_date']) && $g_parameter->MY_DATE_SUGGEST == 'Y') { echo create_script(" get_last_date();ajax_saldo('first_sold');"); } else { echo create_script(" ajax_saldo('first_sold');"); } echo create_script(" update_name()"); } catch (Exception $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); } return;
} echo "<TD class=\"num\"> {$l_line['jrn_def_name']} </TD>"; $jrn_priv->name = 'jrn_act' . $l_line['jrn_def_id']; $jrn_priv->value = $array; if ($admin != 1) { $jrn_priv->selected = $sec_User->get_ledger_access($l_line['jrn_def_id']); } else { $jrn_priv->selected = 'W'; } echo '<td>'; echo $jrn_priv->input(); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '</fieldset>'; //********************************************************************** // Show Priv. for actions //********************************************************************** echo '<fieldset> <legend>Actions </legend>'; include 'template/security_list_action.php'; echo '</fieldset>'; echo HtmlInput::button('Imprime', 'imprime', "onclick=\"window.open('" . $sHref . "');\""); echo HtmlInput::submit('ok', 'Sauve'); echo HtmlInput::reset('Annule'); echo $return; echo '</form>'; } // end of the form echo "</DIV>"; html_page_stop();
} echo '<div class="u_content">'; $f_id = $_REQUEST['f_id']; echo '<div class="content" style="width:50%">'; if (isset($_POST['mod'])) { echo hb(_('Information sauvée')); } $supplier = new Fiche($cn, $f_id); $p_readonly = $g_user->check_action(FICADD) == 0 ? true : false; if (!$p_readonly) { echo '<form id="catergory_detail_frm" method="post">'; } echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('sb', 'detail'); echo HtmlInput::hidden('dc', 'cc'); echo $supplier->Display($p_readonly); $w = new IHidden(); $w->name = "p_action"; $w->value = "supplier"; echo $w->input(); $w->name = "f_id"; $w->value = $f_id; echo $w->input(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('action_fiche', ''); if (!$p_readonly) { echo HtmlInput::submit('mod', _('Sauver les modifications'), ' onclick="$(\'action_fiche\').value=\'mod\';"'); echo HtmlInput::reset(_("Annuler")); echo HtmlInput::submit('delete_card', _('Effacer cette fiche'), 'onclick="$(\'action_fiche\').value=\'delete_card\';return confirm_box(\'catergory_detail_frm\',\'' . 'Confirmer effacement ?' . '\');"'); echo '</form>'; } echo '</div>';