public function __construct($identifier, $label = NULL) { parent::__construct($identifier); $this->setProperty("type", "checkbox"); $this->setProperty("class", ""); if (isset($label)) { $this->setLabel($label, false); } }
function __construct($name = "", $value = "", $p_id = "") { parent::__construct($name, $value, $p_id); $this->fct = 'update_value'; $this->dblclick = ''; $this->callback = 'null'; $this->javascript = ''; // the pa_id to filter $this->plan = 0; // or the container of the Plan Analytic which contains the pa_id $this->plan_ctl = ""; }
/** * Display the content of a profile menu for printing * @param type $resource * @param type $p_id */ function sub_menu($resource, $p_id) { if (Database::num_row($resource) != 0) { //// // If there are submenus $gDossier = dossier::id(); echo '<td>'; for ($e = 0; $e < Database::num_row($resource); $e++) { $menu = Database::fetch_array($resource, $e); $me_code = $menu['me_code']; $me_code_dep = $menu['me_code_dep']; $mp_type = $menu['p_type_display']; $me_menu = $menu['me_menu']; $me_desc = $menu['me_description']; $me_def = $menu['pm_default'] == '1' ? '<span class="notice" style="display:inline">Défaut</span>' : ''; ?> <li id="sub<?php echo $menu['pm_id']; ?> "> <?php echo $me_menu; ?> <?php echo $me_desc; ?> <?php echo $me_def; ?> <?php $ret2 = $this->cn->exec_sql("\n SELECT pm_id,\n pm.me_code,\n me_code_dep,\n p_id,\n p_order,\n p_type_display,\n pm_default,\n pm_desc,\n me_menu,\n me_description\n FROM profile_menu as pm\n join profile_menu_type on (p_type_display=pm_type)\n join menu_ref as mr on (mr.me_code=pm.me_code)\n where\n p_id=\$1 and me_code_dep=\$2\n order by p_order asc\n ", array($p_id, $me_code)); ?> <span> <?php echo HtmlInput::anchor(SMALLX, "", sprintf(" onclick = \"remove_sub_menu(%d,%d)\"", Dossier::id(), $menu['pm_id']), 'class="tinybutton"'); ?> </span> <?php echo "</li>"; } //end loop e echo '</ul>'; } // end if }
$op = HtmlInput::default_value_request("op", "list"); switch ($op) { case 'list': Anc_Key::display_list(); Anc_Key::key_add(); break; case 'consult': $id = HtmlInput::default_value_request("key", "0"); if (isNumber($id) == 0 || $id == 0) { die(_('Clef invalide')); } $key = new Anc_Key($id); if (isset($_POST['save_key'])) { try { $key->save($_POST); Anc_Key::display_list(); Anc_Key::key_add(); break; } catch (Exception $e) { echo span($e->getMessage(), ' class="notice"'); } } $key->input(); break; case 'delete_key': $id = HtmlInput::default_value_request("key", "0"); $key = new Anc_Key($id); $key->delete(); Anc_Key::display_list(); Anc_Key::key_add(); }
global $g_user; $retour = HtmlInput::button_anchor(_('Retour liste'), HtmlInput::request_to_string(array("closed_action", "remind_date_end", "remind_date", "sag_ref", "only_internal", "state", "ac", "gDossier", "qcode", "ag_dest_query", "action_query", "tdoc", "date_start", "date_end", "hsstate", "searchtag")), "", "", "smallbutton"); //----------------------------------------------------- // Follow_Up //----------------------------------------------------- require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_icard.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_ispan.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_ifile.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_itext.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_follow_up.php'; /*!\brief Show the list of action, this code should be common * to several webpage. But for the moment we keep like that * because it is used only by this file. *\param $cn database connection * \param $retour button for going back * \param $h_url calling url */ // We need a sub action (3rd level) // show a list of already taken action // propose to add one // permit also a search // show detail $sub_action = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : ""; /* if ag_id is set then we give it otherwise we have problem * with the generation of document */ $ag_id = isset($_REQUEST['ag_id']) ? $_REQUEST['ag_id'] : 0; $ac = $_REQUEST['ac']; $base = HtmlInput::request_to_string(array('ac', 'gDossier'), ""); require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/'; echo "</div>";
// Count nb of line $max_line = $cn->count_sql($sql); list($count, $a) = $ledger->list_operation($sql, $offset, 0); $bar = navigation_bar($offset, $max_line, $step, $page); echo $bar; echo $a; echo $bar; /* * Export to csv */ $r = HtmlInput::get_to_hidden(array('l', 'date_start', 'date_end', 'desc', 'amount_min', 'amount_max', 'qcode', 'accounting', 'unpaid', 'gDossier', 'ledger_type')); if (isset($_GET['r_jrn'])) { foreach ($_GET['r_jrn'] as $k => $v) { $r .= HtmlInput::hidden('r_jrn[' . $k . ']', $v); } } echo '<form action="export.php" method="get">'; echo $r; echo HtmlInput::hidden('act', 'CSV:histo'); echo HtmlInput::submit('viewsearch', _('Export vers CSV')); echo HtmlInput::hidden('p_action', 'ALL'); ?> <input type="button" class="smallbutton" onclick="window.close()" value="<?php echo _('Fermer'); ?> "> <?php echo '</form>'; } echo '</div>';
</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php echo _("Montant inférieur ou égal à"); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $wamount_end->input(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php echo _("Direction"); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $wdirection->input(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php echo HtmlInput::submit("search_histo_b", _("Recherche")); ?> </form> </div>
$last--; } } echo $last; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php echo _("Redémarrer la séquence (laisser à 0 pour ne pas changer)"); ?> </td> <td> <?php $pj = new INum('seq'); $pj->value = 0; echo $pj->input(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php echo HtmlInput::hidden('p_action', 'document'); echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('sa', 'mod_template'); echo HtmlInput::hidden('id', $doc->md_id); echo HtmlInput::submit("mod", _('Sauver')); ?> </form>
$sub_action = "list"; $cn->commit(); Follow_Up::show_action_list($cn, $base); if (isset($act->ag_ref)) { echo hb(_('Action ') . $act->ag_ref . _(' effacée')); } return; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Show a list of the action if ($sub_action == "list") { // Add a button to export to Csv echo '<form method="GET" style="display:inline;" ACTION="export.php">'; echo HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array("closed_action", "remind_date_end", "remind_date", "sag_ref", "remind_date", "only_internal", "state", "gDossier", "qcode", "start_date", "end_date", "ag_id", "ag_dest_query", "tdoc", "action_query", "date_start", "date_end", "hsstate", "searchtag")); echo HtmlInput::hidden("act", "CSV:ActionGestion"); echo HtmlInput::submit("follow_up_csv", "Export CSV", '', 'smallbutton'); echo "</form>"; Follow_Up::show_action_list($cn, $base); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Save Follow_Up // Stage 2 : Save a NEW action + Files and generate eventually a document //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($sub_action == "save_action_st2") { $act = new Follow_Up($cn); $act->fromArray($_POST); try { $act->d_id = 0; $act->md_id = isset($_POST['gen_doc']) ? $_POST['gen_doc'] : 0; $act->verify(); // insert into action_gestion
$msg = '<span class="notice">' . _("Attention : effacera les données qui y sont liées") . ' </span>'; $r .= td($remove->input() . $msg); } else { $select_type->readOnly = true; $desc->readOnly = true; $size->readOnly = true; $extra->readOnly = true; $r .= td($desc->input() . HtmlInput::hidden('type[]', '')); $r .= td($select_type->input()); $r .= td($size->input()); $r .= td($extra->input()); $r .= td(""); } echo tr($r); } $desc->readOnly = false; $select_type->readOnly = false; $size->readOnly = false; $extra->readOnly = false; $desc->value = ''; $select_type->selected = -1; $r = td(HtmlInput::hidden('ad_id[]', '0')); $r .= td($desc->input()); $r .= td($select_type->input()); $r .= td($size->input()); $r .= td($extra->input()); echo tr($r); echo '</table>'; echo HtmlInput::submit('save', _('Sauver')); echo '</form>'; echo '</div>';
static function test_me() { if (isset($_GET['result'])) { ob_start(); $cn = new Database(dossier::id()); $a = new Acc_Bilan($cn); $a->get_request_get(); $a->load(); $form = $a->file_open_form(); $a->compute_formula($form); fclose($form); // open the form $templ = $a->file_open_template(); $r = $a->generate_odt($templ); fclose($templ); ob_end_clean(); $a->send($r); } else { $cn = new Database(dossier::id()); $a = new Acc_Bilan($cn); $a->get_request_get(); echo '<form method="get">'; echo $a->display_form(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('test_select', $_GET['test_select']) . dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::submit('result', 'Sauve'); echo '</form>'; } }
function __construct($name = '', $value = '', $p_id = "") { parent::__construct($name, $value, $p_id); $this->style = ' class="input_text" '; }
function show_button($p_string = "") { $r = ""; $r .= '<form method="GET" action="export.php" style="display:inline">'; $r .= $p_string; $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("to", $this->to); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("act", "PDF:AncBalDouble"); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("from", $this->from); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id", $this->pa_id); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste", $this->from_poste); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste", $this->to_poste); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id2", $this->pa_id2); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste2", $this->from_poste2); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste2", $this->to_poste2); $r .= dossier::hidden(); $r .= HtmlInput::submit('bt_pdf', "Export en PDF"); $r .= '</form>'; $r .= '<form method="GET" action="export.php" style="display:inline">'; $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("to", $this->to); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("act", "CSV:AncBalDouble"); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("from", $this->from); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id", $this->pa_id); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste", $this->from_poste); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste", $this->to_poste); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id2", $this->pa_id2); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste2", $this->from_poste2); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste2", $this->to_poste2); $r .= $p_string; $r .= dossier::hidden(); $r .= HtmlInput::submit('bt_csv', "Export en CSV"); $r .= '</form>'; return $r; }
//echo $w->input($sa,'sa'); echo "</form>"; echo "</TD>"; echo '</TR>'; } echo "</table>"; // modify input if (isset($_POST['mod'])) { extract($_POST); echo '<div style="float:left;padding:2%">'; echo _("Voulez-vous modifier ?"); echo "<br><font color=\"red\"> "; echo _("Attention, ne changer pas la signification de ce poste."); echo hi(_("par exemple ne pas changer Client par fournisseur")) . "<br>"; echo _("sinon le programme fonctionnera mal, " . "utiliser uniquement des chiffres pour la classe de base ou rien") . "</font>"; $mod = new Fiche_Def_Ref($cn); $mod->frd_id = $idx; $mod->Get(); echo '<form method="post">'; echo '<ul style="list-style-type:none"'; echo $mod->Input(); echo "</ul>"; $w = new IHidden(); echo $w->input('ac', $_REQUEST['ac']); // echo $w->input('sa',$sa); echo HtmlInput::submit('confirm_mod', 'Confirme'); echo HtmlInput::submit('no', 'Cancel'); echo '</form>'; echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>';
<form method="post"> <?php $wDate = new IDate('p_date_todo'); $wDate->id = 'p_date_todo'; $wTitle = new IText('p_title'); $wDesc = new ITextArea('p_desc'); $wDesc->heigh = 5; $wDesc->width = 40; echo HtmlInput::title_box("Note", "add_todo_list", "hide"); echo _("Date") . " " . $wDate->input() . '<br>'; echo _("Titre") . " " . $wTitle->input() . '<br>'; echo _("Description") . "<br>" . $wDesc->input() . '<br>'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('tl_id', 0); echo HtmlInput::submit('save_todo_list', _('Sauve'), 'onClick="Effect.Fold(\'add_todo_list\');return true;"'); echo HtmlInput::button('hide', _('Annuler'), 'onClick="Effect.Fold(\'add_todo_list\');return true;"'); ?> </form> </div> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" charset="utf-8"> function display_detail(div) { $(div).style.display="block"; // $(div)'150')+'px'; //Effect.Grow(div,{}); } try { var array=Array('customer_now_div','customer_late_div','supplier_now_div','supplier_late_div','action_now_div','action_late_div'); var i=0; for (i=0;i < array.length;i++) { new Draggable(array[i],{});
echo "Nom =" . $name->input(); $opd_description = new ITextarea('od_description'); $opd_description->style = ' class="itextarea" style="width:30em;height:4em;vertical-align:top"'; $opd_description->value = $op->od_description; echo '<p>'; echo _("Description (max 50 car.)"); echo $opd_description->input(); echo '</p>'; echo dossier::hidden() . HtmlInput::hidden('od_id', $_GET['id']); echo "<hr>"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Detail operation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// echo $op->display(); echo HtmlInput::submit('save', _('Sauve')); echo HtmlInput::button('close', _('Annuler'), 'onclick="removeDiv(\'mod_predf_op\')"'); echo '</form>'; $html1 = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $html = escape_xml($html1); if (headers_sent()) { echo $html1; } else { header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); } echo <<<EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data> <ctl>mod_predf_op</ctl> <code>{$html}</code> </data>
function test_me() { $cn = new Database(dossier::id()); $anco = new Anc_Operation($cn); $j_id = 200; $anco->j_id = $j_id; $array = $anco->get_by_jid($j_id); $a = $anco->to_request($array, 1); echo '<form>'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('j_id', $j_id); echo HtmlInput::hidden('test_select', $_REQUEST['test_select']); echo $anco->display_table(1, 15002, 0); echo '<input type="submit" name="save">'; echo '</form>'; if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) { echo "to_save"; var_dump($_REQUEST); } var_dump($a); }
function show_button($p_url) { $value = $this->db->get_array("select od_id,od_name,od_description from op_predef " . " where jrn_def_id=\$1" . " and od_direct =\$2" . " order by od_name", array($this->jrn_def_id, $this->od_direct)); if ($this->jrn_def_id == '') { $value = array(); } $r = ""; $r .= '<h2>' . _("Choisissez un modèle") . '</h2>'; $r .= _('Filtrer') . ' ' . HtmlInput::filter_table('modele_op_tab', '0', '0'); $r .= '<table style="width:100%" id="modele_op_tab">'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) { $r .= '<tr class="' . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd") . '">'; $r .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;vertical-align:top;text-decoration:underline">'; $r .= sprintf('<a href="%s&pre_def=%s" onclick="waiting_box()">%s</a> ', $p_url, $value[$i]['od_id'], $value[$i]['od_name']); $r .= '</td>'; $r .= '<td>' . h($value[$i]['od_description']) . '</td>'; $r .= '</tr>'; } $r .= '</table>'; return $r; }
</td> <td> <span class="noprint" id="input_desc<?php echo $aAttachedFile[$i]['d_id']; ?> " style="display:none" > <input type="input" class="input_text" id="input_desc_txt<?php echo $aAttachedFile[$i]['d_id']; ?> " value="<?php echo h($aAttachedFile[$i]['d_description']); ?> "> <?php $js = sprintf("update_document('%s','%s')", dossier::id(), $aAttachedFile[$i]['d_id']); echo HtmlInput::button('save_desc' . $aAttachedFile[$i]['d_id'], _('Sauve'), 'onclick="' . $js . '"', 'smallbutton'); ?> </span> <?php } else { ?> </span> <?php } $rmDoc = sprintf("return confirm_box(null,'" . _('Voulez-vous effacer le document') . " %s' , function(){remove_document('%s','%s');});", $aAttachedFile[$i]['d_filename'], dossier::id(), $aAttachedFile[$i]['d_id']); ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($p_view != 'READ') { ?>
function display_row($p_odd, $with_tag = 'Y') { $r = ""; $highlight = $this->get_class(); $p_odd = $highlight == "" ? $p_odd : $highlight; if ($with_tag == 'Y') { $r = '<tr id="tr' . $this->tl_id . '" class="' . $p_odd . '">'; } $r .= '<td sorttable_customkey="' . format_date($this->tl_date, 'DD.MM.YYYY', 'YYYYMMDD') . '">' . $this->tl_date . '</td>' . '<td>' . '<a class="line" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="todo_list_show(\'' . $this->tl_id . '\')">' . htmlspecialchars($this->tl_title) . '</a>' . '</td>'; if ($this->is_public == 'Y' && $this->use_login != $_SESSION['g_user']) { // This is a public note, cannot be removed $r .= '<td></td>'; } elseif ($this->use_login == $_SESSION['g_user']) { // This a note the user owns $r .= '<td>' . HtmlInput::button('del', 'X', 'onClick="todo_list_remove(' . $this->tl_id . ')"', 'smallbutton') . '</td>'; } else { // this is a note shared by someone else $r .= '<td>' . HtmlInput::button('del', 'X', 'onClick="todo_list_remove_share(' . $this->tl_id . ',\'' . $this->use_login . '\',' . Dossier::id() . ')"', 'smallbutton') . '</td>'; } if ($with_tag == 'Y') { $r .= '</tr>'; } return $r; }
echo '<th>' . $header->get_header(3) . '</th>'; echo "<th>" . _('Type') . "</th>"; echo '<th>' . $header->get_header(2) . '</th>'; echo '</tr>'; foreach ($a_user as $r_user) { $compteur++; $class = $compteur % 2 == 0 ? "odd" : "even"; echo "<tr class=\"{$class}\">"; if ($r_user['use_active'] == 0) { $Active = $g_failed; } else { $Active = $g_succeed; } $det_url = $url . "&det&use_id=" . $r_user['use_id']; echo "<td>"; echo HtmlInput::anchor($r_user['use_login'], $det_url); echo "</td>"; echo td($r_user['use_name']); echo td($r_user['use_first_name']); echo td($Active); $type = $r_user['use_admin'] == 1 ? _("Administrateur") : _("Utilisateur"); echo "<td>" . $type . "</td>"; echo td($r_user['ag_dossier']); echo '</tr>'; } // foreach echo '</table>'; } // $cn != null ?>
echo '</form>'; echo '</div>'; } } /* * ******************************************************************** * Display menu * * * ******************************************************************** */ // display button add and list of forecast to display if ($sa == 'list') { $aForecast = Forecast::load_all($cn); $menu = array(); $get_dossier = dossier::get(); echo '<div class="content">'; echo _('Filtre') . " " . HtmlInput::filter_table("forecast_table_id", '0', 1); echo '<TABLE id="forecast_table_id" class="vert_mtitle">'; $href = "?ac=" . $_REQUEST['ac'] . "&sa=new&" . $get_dossier; echo '<TR><TD class="first"><A HREF="' . $href . '">' . _("Ajout d'une prévision") . '</A></TD></TR>'; $def = isset($_REQUEST['f_id']) ? $_REQUEST['f_id'] : -1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($aForecast); $i++) { $href = "?ac=" . $_REQUEST['ac'] . "&sa=vw&" . $get_dossier . '&f_id=' . $aForecast[$i]['f_id']; $name = h($aForecast[$i]['f_name']); $menu[] = array($href, $name, $name, $aForecast[$i]['f_id']); echo '<TR><TD><A HREF="' . $href . '">' . h($name) . '</A></TD></TR>'; } echo "</TABLE>"; echo '</div>'; return; } ?>
static function test_me() { $cn = new Database(dossier::id()); $a = new Acc_Report($cn); print_r($a->get_list()); $array = array("text0" => "test1", "form0" => "7%", "text1" => "test2", "form1" => "6%", "fr_id" => 110, "form_nom" => "Tableau"); $a->from_array($array); print_r($a); echo '<form method="post">'; echo $a->form(10); echo HtmlInput::submit('update', 'Enregistre'); /* Add a line should be a javascript see comptanalytic */ // $r.= '<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Ajoute une ligne" name="add_line">'; echo HtmlInput::submit('del_form', 'Efface ce rapport'); echo HtmlInput::hidden('test_select', $_REQUEST['test_select']); echo "</FORM>"; if (isset($_POST['update'])) { $b = new Acc_Report($cn); $b->from_array($_POST); echo '<hr>'; print_r($b); } }
public function show_letter($p_jid) { $j_debit = $this->db->get_value('select j_Debit from jrnx where j_id=$1', array($p_jid)); $amount_init = $this->db->get_value('select j_montant from jrnx where j_id=$1', array($p_jid)); $this->get_filter($p_jid); // retrieve $sql = "select distinct(jl_id) from jnt_letter left outer join letter_deb using (jl_id) left outer join letter_cred using (jl_id)\n where letter_deb.j_id = \$1 or letter_cred.j_id=\$2"; $a_jnt_id = $this->db->get_array($sql, array($p_jid, $p_jid)); if (count($a_jnt_id) == 0) { $jnt_id = -2; } else { $jnt_id = $a_jnt_id[0]['jl_id']; } $this->get_linked($jnt_id); ob_start(); require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/template/letter_prop.php'; $r = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden('j_id', $p_jid); $r .= HtmlInput::hidden('jnt_id', $jnt_id); return $r; }
$per = new Periode($cn, $obj->det->jr_tech_per); if ($per->is_closed() == 0 && $owner->MY_STRICT == 'N' && $g_user->check_action(RMOPER) == 1) { $remove = new IButton('Effacer'); $remove->label = _('Effacer'); $remove->javascript = "return confirm_box(null,'Vous confirmez effacement ?',function () {removeOperation('" . $obj->det->jr_id . "'," . dossier::id() . ",'" . $div . "')})"; echo $remove->input(); } $reverse = new IButton('bext' . $div); $reverse->label = _('Extourner'); $reverse->javascript = "g('ext" . $div . "').style.display='block'"; echo $reverse->input(); echo '</p>'; echo '</form>'; echo '<div id="ext' . $div . '" class="inner_box" style="position:relative;top:-150px;display:none">'; $date = new IDate('ext_date'); $r = "<form id=\"form_" . $div . "\" onsubmit=\"return false;\">"; $r .= HtmlInput::hidden('jr_id', $_REQUEST['jr_id']) . HtmlInput::hidden('div', $div) . dossier::hidden() . HtmlInput::hidden('act', 'reverseop'); $r .= HtmlInput::title_box(_('Extourner'), 'ext' . $div, 'hide'); $r .= "<p>"; $r .= _("Extourner une opération vous permet de l'annuler par son écriture inverse"); $r .= "</p>"; $r .= _("entrez une date") . " :" . $date->input(); $r .= '<p style="text-align:center">'; $r .= HtmlInput::submit('x', 'accepter', 'onclick="confirm_box($(\'form_' . $div . '\'),\'Vous confirmez ? \',function () {$(\'form_' . $div . '\').divname=\'' . $div . '\';reverseOperation($(\'form_' . $div . '\'))}); return false"'); $r .= "</p>"; $r .= '</form>'; echo $r; echo '</div>'; } else { echo '</p>'; }
echo HtmlInput::infobulle(207); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $smulti->input(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr id="div_db" style="visibility:hidden"> <td> Nom base de donnée </td> <td> <?php echo $icdbname->input(); echo HtmlInput::infobulle(206); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="notice"> <?php if ($os == 1) { ?> Attention : si vous installez sous windows n'utilisez pas le \ mais plutôt le / dans les nom de répertoire (càd les chemins ou path) <?php } ?> </div>
* */ require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_tag.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_tool_uos.php'; $tag = new Tag($cn); $uos = new Tool_Uos('tag'); if (isset($_POST['save_tag_sb'])) { if (!isset($_POST['remove'])) { try { $uos->check(); $tag->save($_POST); $uos->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { alert("déjà sauvé"); } } else { $tag->remove($_POST); } } ?> <div style="margin-left:10%;width:80%"> <p class="notice"> <?php echo _("Vous pouvez utiliser ceci comme des étiquettes pour marquer des documents ou \n comme des dossiers pour rassembler des documents. Un document peut appartenir\n à plusieurs dossiers ou avoir plusieurs étiquettes."); ?> </p> <?php $tag->show_list(); $js = sprintf("onclick=\"show_tag('%s','%s','%s','p')\"", Dossier::id(), $_REQUEST['ac'], '-1'); echo HtmlInput::button("tag_add", "Ajout d'un tag", $js);
$a->get_from_array($_POST); $a->save(); echo $a->show(); echo '</div>'; return; } if (isset($_GET['new'])) { //show the form for entering a new Anc_Operation //------------------------------------------ $a = new Anc_Group_Operation($cn); $wSubmit = new IHidden("p_action", "ca_od"); $wSubmit->table = 0; echo '<div class="redcontent" >'; echo '<form method="post">'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo $wSubmit->input(); echo $a->form(); echo HtmlInput::submit("save", _("Sauver")); echo '</form>'; echo '<div class="info">'; echo _('Débit') . ' = <span id="totalDeb"></span>'; echo _('Crédit') . ' = <span id="totalCred"></span>'; echo _('Difference') . ' = <span id="totalDiff"></span> </div> '; echo '</div>'; return; } ?> <div class="redcontent">
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_pdf.php'; $gDossier = dossier::id(); $cn = new Database($gDossier); extract($_GET); $ret = ""; $Form = new Acc_Report($cn, $form_id); $Libelle = sprintf("%s ", $Form->get_name()); $pdf = new PDF($cn); $pdf->setDossierInfo($Libelle); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetAuthor('NOALYSS'); $pdf->setTitle("Rapport " . $Libelle, true); // Step ?? //-- $step = HtmlInput::default_value_get("p_step", 0); if ($step == 0) { // No step asked //-- if ($_GET['type_periode'] == 0) { $array = $Form->get_row($_GET['from_periode'], $_GET['to_periode'], $_GET['type_periode']); } else { $array = $Form->get_row($_GET['from_date'], $_GET['to_date'], $_GET['type_periode']); } } else { // yes with step //-- for ($e = $_GET['from_periode']; $e <= $_GET['to_periode']; $e += $_GET['p_step']) { $periode = getPeriodeName($cn, $e); if ($periode == null) { continue;
<h2 class="info"> <?php echo _("Total lettré"); ?> </h2> <span style="display:block;font-size:14px"><?php echo _('Total Debit'); ?> <?php echo $amount_deb; ?> </span> <span style="display:block;font-size:14px"><?php echo _('Total Credit'); ?> <?php echo $amount_cred; ?> </span> <span style="display:block;font-size:14px"><?php echo _('Total') . " " . $side; ?> <?php echo $delta; ?> </span> <?php } echo HtmlInput::button('check_all', _('Sélectionner tout'), ' onclick="select_checkbox(\'letter_form\')"'); echo HtmlInput::button('check_none', _('Tout Désélectionner'), ' onclick="unselect_checkbox(\'letter_form\')"');