Пример #1
 public function emailLink()
     $preference = $this->getPreferenceValueByKeyName('SHOW_EMAIL');
     if ($preference == 'yes') {
         return \HTML::mailto($this->email, $this->email);
     return null;
Пример #2
 public function getDetails()
     $str = '';
     if ($this->first_name || $this->last_name) {
         $str .= '<b>' . $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->last_name . '</b><br/>';
     if ($this->email) {
         $str .= '<i class="fa fa-envelope" style="width: 20px"></i>' . HTML::mailto($this->email, $this->email) . '<br/>';
     if ($this->phone) {
         $str .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-earphone" style="width: 20px"></i>' . $this->phone . '<br/>';
     if ($str) {
         $str = '<p>' . $str . '</p>';
     return $str;
Пример #3
 public function woody_at_wingsc()
     return HTML::mailto('*****@*****.**');
Пример #4

| Translations lines for spanish (sp)
| The following language lines are used by the web to build every entry on
| spanish. As this is meant to be outputted by a web browser there are some
| characters that has to be written in HTML. What follows are some of them:
| á: &aacute;
| é: &eacute;
| í: &iacute;
| ó: &oacute;
| ú: &uacute;
| &: &amp;
| -: &ndash;
| ": &ldquo;  (left double quotation mark)
| ": &rdquo;  (right double quotation mark)
| Feel free to modify or change this file with anything you want.
return array('name_acronym' => 'J&amp;B', 'name' => 'J&amp;B Grupo de Arte Abstracto', 'brouwer' => 'Juan L. Brouwer', 'brouwer_full' => 'Juan Leo Brouwer Pardo', 'jacas' => 'Oscar J. Jacas', 'jacas_full' => 'Oscar Javier Jacas Hern&aacute;ndez', 'phone_numbers' => '(537) 8 322929 <br /> (537) 8 325264', 'address_heading' => 'Direcci&oacute;n', 'address' => 'L&iacute;nea No 6 entre N y O. Piso 10, Apto 10A. Plaza. La Habana. Cuba.', 'header1' => '<span class="firstword">Quienes</span> Somos', 'comment1' => 'El grupo de arte abstracto J&amp;B contin&uacute;a motivado con la energ&iacute;a de esta forma pict&oacute;rica. La nueva generaci&oacute;n de artistas explora nuevas v&iacute;as de creaci&oacute;n. La abstracci&oacute;n para nosotros es una revelaci&oacute;n sin fin. Disfruten...', 'header2' => '<span class="firstword">Cont&aacute;ctenos</span>', 'comment2' => 'Nos gustar&iacute;a recibir sus preguntas, opiniones y comentarios. Gracias. Si usted est&aacute; interesado en nuestro trabajo puede <a href="' . URL::to_route('home.contact') . '">contactarnos</a>. Nosotros le contactaremos.', 'header3' => '<span class="firstword">Oscar</span> J. Jacas', 'comment3' => 'Yo soy pintor y artesano. Realizo obras en Papier Mach&eacute;. La t&eacute;cnica se usa para desarrollar ambientaciones. Mis obras y diseños se han empleado en diversos espacios de cafeter&iacute;as, hoteles, stands y otros. Si lo desea puede <a href="' . URL::to_route('home.contact') . '">contactarme</a>.', 'home' => 'Casa', 'work' => 'Trabajo', 'contact' => 'Contacto', 'contact1' => 'Contactar', 'about' => 'Acerca de', 'sign_in' => 'Entrar', 'motto' => '&ndash; Oscar J. Jacas &amp; Juan L. Brouwer &ndash;', 'all' => 'Todos', 'series' => 'Series', 'tags' => 'Etiquetas', 'dashboard' => 'Control', 'about_long' => '<p>El grupo de arte JB es fruto de la colaboraci&oacute;n entre dos j&oacute;venes artistas cubanos: Juan Leo Brouwer Pardo y Oscar J. Jacas Hern&aacute;ndez. De una amistad de m&aacute;s de diez años surge este proyecto matizado por la admiraci&oacute;n mutua que sienten estos artistas y su preferencia por la Pintura Abstracta.</p>' . '<p>Juan L. Brouwer escoge este camino desde los tiempos de estudiante en la Academia de San Alejandro donde tuvo su primera exposici&oacute;n. El trabajo que lleva a cabo desde entonces por la v&iacute;a de la experimentaci&oacute;n empleando recursos y herramientas extra art&iacute;sticas que visualmente nos remiten a añejas texturas y otros elementos constructivos, el uso del diseño en ocasiones se combina con estos mostrando una est&eacute;tica propia.</p>' . '<p>Esta impronta ha impulsado a Oscar Javier Jacas Hern&aacute;ndez pintor y artesano a incursionar en la pintura abstracta desde hace algunos años. Su obra lo acerca por la libertad expresiva en lo gestual a la Pintura de Acci&oacute;n (Action Painting).</p>', 'about_small' => 'Somos un grupo de dos j&oacute;venes pintores cubanos que se especializan en el mundo abstracto.', 'our' => 'Nuestro', 'group' => 'Grupo', 'email_sent' => 'Correo enviado. Gracias por contactarnos. Nosotros le responderemos lo antes posible.', 'email_error' => 'Ocurrió un problema al enviar el correo. Es nuestra falta. Por favor, inténtelo más tarde.', 'lang' => 'Lenguaje', 'lang_en' => 'Ingl&eacute;s', 'lang_sp' => 'Español', 'switch_lang' => 'Cambiar a Ingl&eacute;s (Switch to English)', 'events' => 'Eventos', 'event' => 'Evento', 'manage_events' => 'Administrar Eventos', 'search_events' => 'Buscar Eventos', 'new_event' => 'Nuevo Evento', 'event_name' => 'Nombre del Evento', 'event_place' => 'Lugar del Evento', 'event_date' => 'Fecha del Evento', 'event_description' => 'Descripci&oacute;n del Evento', 'create_event' => 'Crear Evento', 'event_added' => 'Evento Agregado.', 'edit_event' => 'Editar Evento', 'event_save' => 'Guardar Evento', 'event_updated' => 'Evento Actualizado.', 'event_deleted' => 'Evento Eliminado.', 'brouwer_about' => '<p>Pintor nace en 1973 en la Habana. Desde temprana edad comienza a inclinarse hacia las artes pl&aacute;sticas. Cursa estudios de pintura y dibujo. Graduado de la Academia de Bellas Artes San Alejandro en el año 2001 y del Instituto Tecnol&oacute;gico Pablo de la Torriente Brau en la especialidad de Artesan&iacute;a. Trabaja profesionalmente desde el año 2001. Ha participado en numerosas exposiciones colectivas y tiene hasta el momento 5 exposiciones individuales, pertenece al Registro del Creador.</p>' . '<p>En el 2001 realiz&oacute; su primera expo individual, &ldquo;Mas all&aacute; de la identidad&rdquo; en la galer&iacute;a del centro de desarrollo de las artes pl&aacute;sticas de Luz y Oficios. En el año 2003 realiza la exposici&oacute;n &ldquo;De lo posible&rdquo; en la Casa Salvador Allende. En 2004 participa en el &ldquo;Evento Jojazz&rdquo; con una exposici&oacute;n de pintura y fotograf&iacute;a en el Lobby del Cine 23 y 12.</p>' . '<p>Su pintura y fotograf&iacute;as son puramente abstractas. Ha participado en m&aacute;s de 20 exposiciones colectivas. Su obra forma parte de colecciones privadas, en Cuba, Canad&aacute;, M&eacute;xico, Jap&oacute;n, y Estados Unidos.</p>', 'jacas_about' => '<p>Pintor y Artesano nace en 1980 en la Habana. Desde temprana edad comienza a inclinarse hacia las artes pl&aacute;sticas ganando concursos de pintura infantil. Cursa estudios elementales de pintura y cer&aacute;mica a los once años. Al terminar la enseñanza secundaria ingresa en el Instituto Tecnol&oacute;gico Pablo de la Torriente Brau en la especialidad de Artesan&iacute;a. En 1999 como parte de sus estudios trabaja en un Taller  de Artesan&iacute;as donde realiza trabajos de bisuter&iacute;a, talla, miniatura y marqueter&iacute;a, siendo esta &uacute;ltima la que escogi&oacute; para su trabajo de Tesis, &ldquo;Geometr&iacute;a para Caja de Tabacos&rdquo; la que qued&oacute; seleccionada entre las tres mejores del año por lo cual se expuso en la Feria internacional (FIART) 1999. Trabaja profesionalmente desde ese año.</p>' . '<p>Ha estado vinculado a Artistas participando en el diseño y desarrollo de obras en diversas t&eacute;cnicas que han sido expuestas en diferentes eventos nacionales e internacionales. Desde 2004 se desempeña de forma independiente. Es miembro de La Asociaci&oacute;n de Artesanos Artistas de Cuba (ACAA) y pertenece al Registro del Creador.</p>' . '<h3>Exposiciones</h3>' . '<ul>' . '  <li>FIART &ndash; 1999</li>' . '  <li>Galer&iacute;a Image &ndash; 2002</li>' . '  <li>Casa Salvador Allende &ndash; 2003</li>' . '  <li>Galer&iacute;a Fama &ndash; 2003</li>' . '  <li>Tercer Sal&oacute;n de Papier Mach&eacute; &ldquo;Antonia Eiriz&rdquo; &ndash; 2004</li>' . '  <li>Expocuba Jornada de la Cultura Africana &ndash; 2005</li>' . '  <li>Cuarto Sal&oacute;n de Papier Mach&eacute; &ldquo;Antonia Eiriz&rdquo; &ndash; 2006</li>' . '  <li>Expo &ldquo;Invitados de la ACAA&rdquo; &ndash; 2006</li>' . '  <li>Galer&iacute;a de la Casa de las FAR &ndash; 2006</li>' . '  <li>Jornada del Medio Ambiente Galer&iacute;a San Miguel del Padr&oacute;n &ndash; 2006</li>' . '  <li>Exposici&oacute;n personal &ldquo;Identidad y Sueños&rdquo; &ndash; 2006</li>' . '  <li>Galer&iacute;a Fernando Boada Mart&iacute;n &ndash; 2008</li>' . '  <li>Quinto Sal&oacute;n de Papier Mache &ldquo;Antonia Eiriz&rdquo; &ndash; 2008</li>' . '  <li>S&eacute;ptimo Sal&oacute;n de Papier Mach&eacute; &ldquo;Amor y Fantas&iacute;a&rdquo; &ndash; 2011</li>' . '  <li>Expo &ldquo;De Cuba mirando a M&eacute;xico&rdquo; &ndash; 2012</li>' . '  <li>Exposici&oacute;n de pintura Enlaces. Hotel Plaza &ndash; 2012</li>' . '</ul>' . '<p>Recibi&oacute; premios en el cuarto sal&oacute;n Nacional de Papier mach&eacute; &ldquo;Antonia Eiriz&rdquo;. Segundo Premio y Premio otorgado por el Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales y premio colateral por el Proyecto Virgen.</p>' . '<p>Ha realizado donaciones de sus obras artesanales a diferentes instituciones cubanas como la casa taller &ldquo;Antonia Eiriz&rdquo;, La ACLIFIM, Programas de televisi&oacute;n y Centro de Artes para Niños &ldquo;Jos&eacute; de la Luz y Caballero&rdquo;. Don&oacute; Pinturas a la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad y para el Consejo de Estado y de Ministros. La t&eacute;nica del Papier Mach&eacute; la emplea para desarrollar Ambientaciones, trabajos de jugueter&iacute;a y cin&eacute;ticos adem&aacute;s de una amplia gama de objetos utilitarios y decorativos. Su pintura es abstracta y de car&aacute;cter gestual.</p>' . '<p>Realiz&oacute; ambientaciones en B&eacute;lgica con el tour operador Montana en la Feria de Turismo del 2007. Diseñ&oacute; conjuntos de columnas y capiteles para la agencia Aventoura Raisen en la Feria de Turismo (ITB) Berl&iacute;n 2008. Diseños y obras suyas se han empleado para decorar espacios de cafeter&iacute;as, Hoteles, Agencias y en otros interiores. Algunas de sus obras se exhiben en colecciones privadas e instituciones de diversos pa&iacute;ses tales como Cuba Finlandia, Dinamarca, Suiza, Alemania, Holanda, B&eacute;lgica, Inglaterra, Italia, España, Estados Unidos, Argentina y M&eacute;xico.</p>', 'faq' => 'FAQ', 'faq_large' => 'Preguntas Frecuentes', 'faq1' => '¿Por qu&eacute; grupo de arte abstracto J&amp;B?', 'faq1_answer' => 'Es porque el arte abstracto nos cautiva y fue lo que dio  sentido a esta uni&oacute;n. Jacas y Brouwer son nuestros apellidos y el nombre bajo el cual est&aacute;n  nuestras obras.', 'faq2' => '¿Qu&eacute; pintores les han influenciado?', 'faq2_answer' => '<strong><a href="' . URL::to_route('home.contact') . '">Jacas</a>: </strong>En mi caso la pintura de los años 50 a la d&eacute;cada del 70. Pintores de la talla de Jackson Pollock de la llamada &ldquo;beat generation&rdquo; generaci&oacute;n quemada. Pintores cubanos como Ra&uacute;l Mart&iacute;nez  con sus etapas Pop y Abstracta, Carlos Garc&iacute;a, Glexys Novoa. For&aacute;neos como Franz Kline,  Gerard Richter, Tapies influyeron a la hora de valorar la concepci&oacute;n y est&eacute;tica de una obra abstracta.<br /><br /><strong><a href="' . URL::to_route('home.contact') . '">Brouwer</a>: </strong>Mis influencias abarcan el periodo de los 50 a los 70 y entre los principales pintores est&aacute;n Guido Llinas,  Cabrera Moreno en su etapa abstracta y m&aacute;s recientemente en los 80 Carlos Garc&iacute;a de la nuez, por la parte for&aacute;nea me siento influenciado por pintores como Gerard Richter, Antoni Tapies, Brice Marden, Callum Innes, Barnett Newman, Cy Twombly, y otros del expresionismo abstracto.', 'faq3' => '¿Tienen obras a la venta?', 'faq3_answer' => 'Usted puede que se interese en alguna de nuestras obras. Para poder informarle e interactuar debe usar <a href="' . URL::to_route('home.contact') . '"> nuestros contactos</a> y emplear Serie  y (#) o T&iacute;tulo de la pintura. Responderemos a su solicitud.', 'faq4' => '¿Qu&eacute; proyectos tienen?', 'faq4_answer' => 'Estamos pintando lienzos de gran formato los cuales incluiremos en un Dossier que desarrollamos y estar&aacute; listo pr&oacute;ximamente. Planeamos la pr&oacute;xima exposici&oacute;n del grupo en la Habana. Contamos con la colaboraci&oacute;n de un pintor canadiense para participar en una muestra colectiva en la ciudad de Toronto 2013.', 'phones' => 'Tel&eacute;fonos', 'first_name' => 'Nombre', 'email_address' => 'Direcci&oacute;n de Correo', 'last_name' => 'Appellidos', 'subject' => 'Sujeto', 'message' => 'Mensaje', 'send' => 'Enviar', 'work' => 'Trabajo', 'painting_about' => 'Acerca de', 'no_paintings' => 'No hay cuadros que mostrar.', 'view_gallery' => 'Ver Galer&iacute;a', 'all' => 'Todos', 'search_results' => 'Resultados de B&uacute;squeda', 'navigation' => 'Navegaci&oacute;n', 'links' => 'Enlaces de Inter&eacute;s', 'mails' => 'Correos', 'group_mails' => HTML::mailto('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**') . '<br />' . HTML::mailto('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'), 'who' => 'Quienes Somos', 'social' => 'Encu&eacute;ntranos, con&eacute;ctate y collabora.', 'quote' => '¿Qu&eacute; reemplazar&iacute;a al objeto?<br />Seg&uacute;n Vasily Kandinsky, ten&iacute;a que ser una cosa espiritual.', 'quote_author' => 'Vasily Kandinsky &ndash; <strong>Painter</strong>', 'author' => 'Diseñado y Construido con todo el amor del mundo por ' . HTML::mailto('*****@*****.**', 'Julio C. Villasante') . ' &ndash; Copyright &copy; ' . date('Y'), 'photographer' => 'Luis Mario Gell &ndash; Fot&oacute;grafo', 'note' => 'Mejor visto en Chrome4+, Firefox3.6+, Opera8+, IE9+', 'log_in' => 'Entrar', 'logout' => 'Salir', 'email' => 'Direcci&oacute;n de Correo', 'password' => 'Contraseña', 'new_password' => 'Nueva Contraseña', 'new_password_confirm' => 'Confirmar Nueva Contraseña', 'remember_me' => 'Recordarme', 'forgot_password' => '¿Olvid&oacute; su Contraseña?', 'reset_password' => 'Restaurar su Contraseña', 'reset_confirm_header' => 'Usted est&aacute; restaurando su contraseña.', 'reset_confirm_link' => 'Aseg&uacute;rese de confirmar la restauraci&oacute;n de su contraseña visitando', 'reset_invalid_header' => 'LLave de Confirmaci&oacute;n Inv&aacute;lida', 'reset_invalid_body' => 'Aseg&uacute;rese de confirmar visitando el enlace que le mandamos.', 'dashboard' => 'Panel de Control', 'profile' => 'Perfil', 'manage_users' => 'Administrar Usuarios', 'manage_paintings' => 'Administrar Cuadros', 'manage_slideshow' => 'Administrar Carousel', 'logout' => 'Salir', 'username' => 'Nombre de Usuario', 'full_name' => 'Nombre Completo', 'email_footer' => 'Su direcci&oacute;n de correo es para entrar al sistema y no puede ser cambiada.', 'first_name' => 'Nombre', 'last_name' => 'Apellidos', 'save_profile' => 'Guardar Perfil', 'profile_updated' => 'Usted ha actualizado su perfil', 'new_user' => 'Nuevo Usuario', 'add_painting' => 'Agregar Cuadro', 'painting_name' => 'Nombre del Cuadro', 'painting_dimensions' => 'Dimensiones del Cuadro', 'painting_type' => 'Tipo de Pintura (Tempera sobre Lienzo)', 'painting_painter' => 'Nombre del Pintor', 'painting_year' => 'Año de Creaci&oacute;n (2012)', 'painting_comment' => 'Comentario del Cuadro', 'painting_tags' => 'Etiquetas del Cuadro', 'painting_tags_explanation' => 'Escriba algunas etiquetas en el cuadro de di&aacute;logo, sep&aacute;relas con comma (o tab).', 'edit_painting' => 'Editar Cuadro', 'painting_save' => 'Guardar Cambios', 'select_option' => '&mdash;Seleccione una Opci&oacute;n&mdash;', 'new_painting' => 'Nuevo Cuadro', 'painting' => 'Cuadro', 'change_password' => 'Cambiar Contraseña', 'change_password_header' => 'Cambie su Contraseña', 'current_password' => 'Contraseña Actual', 'new_password' => 'Nueva Contraseña', 'new_password_confirm' => 'Confirme Contraseña', 'new_user' => 'Nuevo Usuario', 'create_user' => 'Crear Usuario', 'img1' => 'Imagen 1', 'img2' => 'Imagen 2', 'img3' => 'Imagen 3', 'img4' => 'Imagen 4', 'img5' => 'Imagen 5', 'img6' => 'Imagen 6', 'select_image' => 'Seleccione Imagen', 'change_image' => 'Cambiar', 'remove_image' => 'Eliminar', 'search' => 'Buscar', 'search_users' => 'Buscar Usuarios', 'search_paintings' => 'Buscar Cuadros', 'remove' => 'Eliminar', 'edit' => 'Editar', 'save' => 'Salvar', 'error_header' => 'Oh Snap! Existen errores en la forma que nos ha enviado.', 'generic_error' => 'Algo sali&oacute; mal. Es nuestra falta. Lo sentimos por las inconveniencias.', 'pass_changed' => 'Usted ha cambiado su contraseña exitosamente.', 'user_added' => 'Usuario Agregado exitosamente.', 'remove_yourself' => 'Usten no puede eliminarse a usted mismo.', 'user_deleted' => 'Usuario Eliminado.', 'painting_added' => 'Cuadro Agregado.', 'painting_updated' => 'Cuadro Actualizado.', 'painting_deleted' => 'Cuadro Eliminado', 'slideshow_added' => 'Cuadro de Carousel Agregado', 'slideshow_deleted' => 'Cuadro de Carousel Eliminado.', 'upload_error' => 'Ocurri&oacute; un error subiendo la im&aacute;gen. Lo sentimos por las inconveniencias.', 'invalid_login' => 'Entrada Inv&aacute;lida', 'resset_error' => 'Ocurri&oacute; un problema restaurando su contraseña. Lo sentimos por las inconveniencias.', 'resset_ok' => 'Usted ha restaurado su contraseña.', '404_message1' => 'Necesitamos un mapa.', '404_message2' => 'Creo que estamos perdidos.', '404_message3' => 'Hemos cogido el camino equivocado.', '404_h2' => 'Error del Servidor: 404 (Recurso no Encontrado)', '404_h3' => '¿Qu&eacute; significa este error?', '404_p1' => 'No podemos encontrar el recurso que usted ha solicitado en nuestros servidores. Realmente sentimos las inconveniencias que esto le pueda ocacionar. Es nuestra falta, no suya. Trabajaremos duro para conseguir este recurso de vuelta lo antes posible.', '404_p2' => 'Quizas usted quisiera ir a nuestra ' . HTML::link('/', 'p&aacute;gina de inicio') . '?');
    $option_count = count($info['options']);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $option_count; $i++) {
        echo '<li>' . $info['options'][$i] . '</li>';
if ($info['status'] == 'A') {
	<dt class="petfinderBioLabel">Contact</dt>
    $name_contact = $info['contact_name'] != '' ? $info['contact_name'] : 'Contact us';
    if ($info['contact_email'] != '') {
        $contact_method = HTML::mailto($info['contact_email'] . '?subject=Petfinder: ' . $info['name'], $name_contact);
    } else {
        $contact_method = HTML::anchor('http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/' . $info['id'], 'See contact details on Petfinder');
	<dd class="petfinderBioData"><?php 
    echo $contact_method;
	<dt class="petfinderBioLabel">Shelter Contact</dt>
	<dd class="petfinderBioData">Address: <?php 
echo $info['contact_address1'];
Пример #6
  * Email link for team@kohanaframework.org
  * @return  string
 public function team_at_kohanaframework()
     return HTML::mailto('*****@*****.**');
Пример #7
  * preg_replace callback to make links out of e-mail addresses.
 protected static function _parse_email_links($match)
     // The $i:th parenthesis in the regexp contains the URL.
     $i = 0;
     $match[$i] = HTML::entities($match[$i]);
     $caption = Text::plain(Autolink::_url_trim($match[$i]));
     $match[$i] = Text::plain($match[$i]);
     return '<a href="mailto:' . $match[$i] . '">' . $caption . '</a>';
     return HTML::mailto($match[0]);
Пример #8
 public function getJoinsData()
     $posts = DB::table('posts')->join('users', 'posts.user_id', '=', 'users.id')->select(['posts.id', 'posts.title', 'users.name', 'users.email', 'posts.created_at', 'posts.updated_at']);
     return Datatables::of($posts)->editColumn('title', '{!! str_limit($title, 60) !!}')->editColumn('name', function ($model) {
         return \HTML::mailto($model->email, $model->name);
Пример #9
foreach ($users as $user) {
			<tr class="item">
				<td class="name">
    echo $user->gravatar(20, NULL, array('class' => 'img-circle'));
    echo HTML::anchor(Route::get('backend')->uri(array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'profile', 'id' => $user->id)), $user->username);
				<td class="email hidden-xs"><?php 
    echo UI::label(HTML::mailto($user->email));
				<td class="roles hidden-xs">
    $roles = explode(',', $user->roles);
    foreach ($roles as $role) {
        echo UI::label($role, 'default');
Пример #10
    if ($i == 0) {
        echo "";
    } elseif ($i == 1) {
        echo $service_name;
    } else {
        echo '<a href="#service-' . $q->id . '" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#service-' . $q->id . '">Много сервисов (' . $i . ')</a>';
        echo '<div id="service-' . $q->id . '" class="collapse">' . nl2br($service_name) . '</div>';
    echo $q->carbrand->name . ' ' . $q->model->name;
    echo $q->contact . ' / ' . HTML::mailto($q->email);
    echo MyDate::show($q->date, TRUE);
    echo HTML::activate_checker($q->id, $q->active, 'admin/service/qa');
    echo HTML::edit_button($q->id, 'admin/service/qa') . HTML::delete_button($q->id, 'admin/service/qa');
Пример #11
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            $active = $user->active();
            echo date('Y-m-d', $user->created) . " " . date('H:i:s', $user->created);
            echo $user->username;
            echo HTML::mailto($user->email);
            echo $user->first_name;
            echo $user->last_name;
	<td class="text-center"><?php 
            echo Arr::path($statuses, array($user->status, $active));
Пример #12
<div class="mail-info">
echo $from_user->gravatar(40, NULL, array('class' => 'avatar'));
	<div class="from">
		<div class="name">
			<span class="text-muted"><?php 
echo __('From user:'******'backend')->uri(array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'profile', 'id' => $message->from_user_id)), $message->author, array('class' => 'btn btn-outline btn-xs btn-rounded'));

		<div class="email"><?php 
echo HTML::mailto($from_user->email);

	<div class="date"><?php 
echo Date::format($message->created_on, 'j F Y H:i:s');
<div class="mail-message-body" style="border-bottom: 5px solid whitesmoke;">
echo $message->text;
	<div align="center" >
		<div align="left" class="ui-corner-all ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content">
if (Session::has('uma_error')) {
					<strong>Error:  </strong><?php 
    echo Session::get('uma_error');
} else {
				<div>You have tried to login to this patient's personal electronic health record but you do not have sufficient priviledges to access it.<br>
					There are several reasons for this.<br>
						<li>You were not given an invitation by this patient for access.</li>
						<li>Your invitation has expired.  If so, please contact <?php 
    echo HTML::mailto($email, 'the patient directly.', array('target' => '_blank'));
						<li>If you previously had access, your acesss has been revoked by the patient.</li>
Пример #14

return array('name_acronym' => 'J&amp;B', 'name' => 'J&amp;B Abstract Art Group', 'brouwer' => 'Juan L. Brouwer', 'brouwer_full' => 'Juan Leo Brouwer Pardo', 'jacas' => 'Oscar J. Jacas', 'jacas_full' => 'Oscar Javier Jacas Hern&aacute;ndez', 'phone_numbers' => '(537) 8 322929 <br /> (537) 8 325264', 'address_heading' => 'Address', 'address' => 'Línea No 6 entre N y O. Piso 10, Apto 10A. Plaza. La Habana. Cuba.', 'header1' => '<span class="firstword">Who</span> We Are', 'comment1' => 'J&amp;B Abstract Art Group continues motivated by the energy of this pictorial form. New artist generations explore new ways. The abstraction for us are revelations without end. Enjoy...', 'header2' => '<span class="firstword">Get</span> in Touch', 'comment2' => 'We would like to receive yours questions, opinions and comments. Thanks. If you are to interest some of our works you may <a href="' . URL::to_route('home.contact') . '">contact us</a>. We\'ll keep in touch.', 'header3' => '<span class="firstword">Oscar</span> J. Jacas', 'comment3' => 'I\'m a painter and artisan. Make Paper Marché. The technique is being used to develop environments. My designs and works have been used to decorate empty spaces of cafeteria, hotels, stand\'s and other inner spaces. You may <a href="' . URL::to_route('home.contact') . '">contact me</a>.', 'home' => 'Home', 'work' => 'Work', 'pricing' => 'Pricing', 'contact' => 'Contact', 'contact1' => 'Contact', 'about' => 'About', 'sign_in' => 'Sign In', 'motto' => '&ndash; Oscar J. Jacas &amp; Juan L. Brouwer &ndash;', 'all' => 'All', 'series' => 'Series', 'tags' => 'Tags', 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'about_long' => "<p>The J&amp;B Abstract Art Group is the fruit of collaboration between two young Cuban artists: Juan Leo Brouwer Pardo and Oscar Javier Jacas Hernandez. From a friendship of more than 10 years emerge this project blended by the self admirations that feel these artists and their preference by Abstract Painting.</p>" . "<p>Juan L. Brouwer chooses this way since the time when he was a student at the Academy of San Alejandro where he had his first Exposition. The work he has been doing since then by experimentation using extra artistic resources and tools which visually send us to old textures and other constructive elements, the use of design in occasions combines with those showing a self aesthetics.</p>" . "<p>All these facts have encouraged Oscar Javier Jacas Hernández painter and artisan to wander in abstract painting some years ago. His work approach him to Action Painting for the use of expressive freedom in gestures.</p>", 'about_small' => 'We are a youg group of cuban painters specializing in the abstract world.', 'our' => 'Our', 'group' => 'Group', 'perks' => 'Perks', 'email_sent' => 'Message sent. Thanks for contacting us. We\'ll write back soon.', 'email_error' => 'There was a problem sending the email. It is our fault. Try again later.', 'events' => 'Events', 'event' => 'Event', 'manage_events' => 'Manage Events', 'search_events' => 'Search Events', 'new_event' => 'New Event', 'event_name' => 'Event Name', 'event_place' => 'Event Place', 'event_date' => 'Event Date', 'event_description' => 'Event Description', 'create_event' => 'Create Event', 'event_added' => 'Event Added.', 'edit_event' => 'Edit Event', 'event_save' => 'Save Event', 'event_updated' => 'Event Updated.', 'event_deleted' => 'Event Deleted.', 'brouwer_about' => "<p>This painter was born in Havana in 1973. Since early age he tends to plastic arts. He develops studies of Painting and Drawing. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts San Alejandro in 2001 and from the Technological Institute Pablo de la Torriente Brau specialty craftsmanship. He works professionally since 2001.</p>" . "<p>He has participated in many massive expositions and has 5 expositions of his own; he belongs to the Register of the Creator. In 2001 he performed his first personal exposition \"Beyond Identity\" in the gallery of the Center of development of Fine Arts on Luz and Oficios.st. In 2003 he performed \"From the possible\" at Salvador Allende's House. In 2004 he participated in the \"Event Jojazz\" with an exposition of paintings and photographs at the lobby of the theatre on 23 and 12 st.</p>" . "<p>His paintings and photographs are purely abstract. He has worked in more than 20 collective expositions. His works are part of private collections in Cuba, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Italy and U.S.A.</p>", 'jacas_about' => "<p>This painter and artisan was born in Havana in 1980. Since early age he tends to plastic arts winning contests of children's painting. He performs elementary studies in Painting and Ceramics at 11 years old. When finishing the secondary school he enters the Technological Institute Pablo de la Torriente Brau specialty Craftsmanship. In 1999 as part of his studies he performs works of imitation jewelry, engraving, miniature and marquetry in a Work Shop, being this the one he has chosen for his thesis \"Geometry for the box of cigars\", which was chosen among the best three works of the year, therefore it was shown at the International Fair (FIART) in 1999. He works professionally since then.</p>" . "<p>He has been linked to Artists participating in the design and development of works using different techniques which have been shown in national and international events. Since 2004 he works independently, he is a member of the Association of Artisans Artists of Cuba (ACAA) and also of the Register of the Creator.</p>" . "<h3>Expositions</h3>" . "<ul>" . "<li>FIART - 1999</li>" . "<li>Imago Gallery\t- 2002</li>" . "<li>Salvador Allende's House - 2003</li>" . "<li>Third Hall of Paper Marché \"Antonia Eiriz\" - 2004</li>" . "<li>Expocuba Journey of the African Culture - 2005</li>" . "<li>Fourth Hall of Paper Marché \"Antonia Eiriz\" - 2006</li>" . "<li>Exposition \"Guess of the ACAA\" - 2006</li>" . "<li>Casa de las FAR Gallery - 2006</li>" . "<li>Journey of the environment San Miguel del Padrón Gallery - 2006</li>" . "<li>Personal Exposition \"Identity and dreams\" - 2006</li>" . "<li>Fernando Boada Martin Gallery - 2008</li>" . "<li>Fifth Hall of Paper Marché \"Antonia Eiriz\" - 2008</li>" . "<li>Seventh Hall of Paper Marché \"Love and Fantasy\" - 2011</li>" . "<li>Exposition \"Looking Mexico from Cuba\" (Special Prize) - 2012</li>" . "<li>Exposition \"Connections\" Hotel Plaza Lobby - 2012</li>" . "</ul>" . "<p>He received awards at the Fourth National Hall of Paper Marché \"Antonia Eiriz\". Second award and award given by the Center of Development of Visual Arts and Special Prize for the Project Virgin.</p>" . "<p>He has made donations of his works to different Cuban organizations as the Work Shop \"Antonia Eiriz\", ACLIFIM, television programs and The Art Center for children \"José de la Luz y Caballero\". He donated paintings to The Office of the Historian of the City, to The State Council and Ministers. Paper Marché technique is being used to develop environments works of toys and kinetics besides a wide range of useful and decorative objects. His painting is abstract and it has a gesture character.</p>" . "<p>He performed environments in Belgium with the tour operator Montana at the 2007 Fair of Tourism. He designed sets of columns and capitals for The Aventoura Raisen Agency at the Fair of Tourism (ITB) Berlin 2008. Designs and works of his own have been used to decorate empty spaces of cafeterias, hotels, and other inner spaces. Some of his works are shown in private collections and institutions of different countries such as Cuba, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, England, Italy, Spain, USA, Argentina and Mexico.</p>", 'faq' => 'FAQ', 'faq_large' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'faq1' => 'Why J&B Abstrac Art Group?', 'faq1_answer' => 'It\'s because abstract art enthrall us and give meaning to our union. Jacas and Brouwer are our last names and the name under our work lives.', 'faq2' => 'Which painters has influenced us?', 'faq2_answer' => '<strong><a href="' . URL::to_route('home.contact') . '">Jacas</a>: </strong>On my case painters from the 50s and 70s. Painters of the height of Jackson Pollock of the so called "Beat Generation". Cuban painters also as Raúl Martínez with his phase Pop and Abstract, Carlos García, Glexys Novoa. Foreigns like Franz Kline, Gerard Richter, Tapies had also mark me on my conception and aesthetics of any given abstract work.<br /><br /><strong><a href="' . URL::to_route('home.contact') . '">Brouwer</a>: </strong> My influences extend across the 50s up until the 70s of the past century, and, among the prime painters, I have been influenced by Guido Llinas, Cabrera Moreno in his abstract stage and more recently from the 80s Carlos García de la Nuez. Foreign painters had also mark me in some way, they are Gerard Richter, Antoni Tapies, Brice Marden, Callum Innes, Barnett Newman, Cy Twombly and others from the abstract expressionism.', 'faq3' => 'Do you have paintings for sale?', 'faq3_answer' => 'You can become interested on some of our work and, for us to be able to inform and interact, you must use <a href="' . URL::to_route('home.contact') . '">our contacts</a> and employ Serie and (#) or Title of the painting you are interested in. We promise you that we will answer your requests as soon as possible.', 'faq4' => 'What projects do you have?', 'faq4_answer' => 'We are currently painting canvas of great format which we will include on a Dossier we are working on and that will soon be ready. We are planning the next Group exhibition on Havana. We also are counting with the collaboration of a canadian painter for us to participate on a collective display on Toronto in 2013.', 'lang' => 'Language', 'lang_en' => 'English', 'lang_sp' => 'Spanish', 'switch_lang' => 'Switch to Spanish (Cambiar a Español)', 'phones' => 'Phones', 'first_name' => 'First Name', 'email_address' => 'Email Address', 'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'subject' => 'Subject', 'message' => 'Message', 'send' => 'Send', 'work' => 'Work', 'painting_about' => 'About', 'no_paintings' => 'There are no paintings to show', 'view_gallery' => 'View Gallery', 'all' => 'All', 'search_results' => 'Search Results', 'navigation' => 'Navigation', 'links' => 'Usefull Links', 'mails' => 'Mails', 'group_mails' => HTML::mailto('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**') . '<br />' . HTML::mailto('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'), 'who' => 'Who We Are', 'social' => 'Find us, connect &amp; collaborate.', 'quote' => 'What would replace the object?<br />According to Vasily Kandinsky it had to be a spiritual thing.', 'quote_author' => 'Vasily Kandinsky &ndash; <strong>Pintor</strong>', 'author' => 'Designed and built with all the love in the world by ' . HTML::mailto('*****@*****.**', 'Julio C. Villasante') . ' &ndash; Copyright &copy; ' . date('Y'), 'photographer' => 'Luis Mario Gell &ndash; Photographer', 'note' => 'Best seen on Chrome4+, Firefox3.6+, Opera8+, IE9+', 'phones' => 'Phones', 'first_name' => 'First Name', 'email_address' => 'Email Address', 'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'subject' => 'Subject', 'message' => 'Message', 'send' => 'Send', 'work' => 'Work', 'painting_about' => 'About', 'no_paintings' => 'There are no paintings to show', 'view_gallery' => 'View Gallery', 'all' => 'All', 'search_results' => 'Search Results', 'navigation' => 'Navigation', 'links' => 'Usefull Links', 'mails' => 'Mails', 'who' => 'Who We Are', 'social' => 'Find us, connect &amp; collaborate.', 'quote' => 'What would replace the object?<br />According to Vasily Kandinsky it had to be a spiritual thing.', 'log_in' => 'Sign In', 'logout' => 'Log Out', 'email' => 'Email Address', 'password' => 'Password', 'new_password' => 'New Password', 'new_password_confirm' => 'Confirm New Password', 'remember_me' => 'Remember Me', 'forgot_password' => 'Forgot Your Password?', 'reset_password' => 'Reset Your Password', 'reset_confirm_header' => 'You are reseting your password.', 'reset_confirm_link' => 'Be sure to confirm the reseting by visiting', 'reset_invalid_header' => 'Invalid Confirmation Key', 'reset_invalid_body' => 'Make sure to confirm your password reset by visiting the link we send you.', 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'profile' => 'Profile', 'manage_users' => 'Manage Users', 'manage_paintings' => 'Manage Paintings', 'manage_slideshow' => 'Manage Slideshow', 'logout' => 'Log Out', 'username' => 'Username', 'full_name' => 'Full Name', 'email_footer' => 'Your email is for logging in and cannot be changed.', 'first_name' => 'First Name', 'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'save_profile' => 'Save Profile', 'profile_updated' => 'You have updated your profile', 'new_user' => 'New User', 'add_painting' => 'Add Painting', 'painting_name' => 'Name of the Painting', 'painting_dimensions' => 'Painting Dimensions', 'painting_type' => 'Painting Type (Tempera sobre Lienzo)', 'painting_painter' => 'Painter Name', 'painting_year' => 'Painting Creation Year (2012)', 'painting_comment' => 'Painting Comment', 'painting_tags' => 'Painting Tags', 'painting_tags_explanation' => 'Type some tags in the input field, separate them with comma (or tab).', 'edit_painting' => 'Edit Painting', 'painting_save' => 'Save Changes', 'select_option' => '--Select Your Option--', 'new_painting' => 'New Painting', 'painting' => 'Painting', 'change_password' => 'Change Password', 'change_password_header' => 'Change your Password', 'current_password' => 'Current Password', 'new_password' => 'New Password', 'new_password_confirm' => 'Confirm New Password', 'new_user' => 'New User', 'create_user' => 'Create User', 'img1' => 'Image 1', 'img2' => 'Image 2', 'img3' => 'Image 3', 'img4' => 'Image 4', 'img5' => 'Image 5', 'img6' => 'Image 6', 'select_image' => 'Select Image', 'change_image' => 'Change', 'remove_image' => 'Remove', 'search' => 'Search', 'search_users' => 'Search Users', 'search_paintings' => 'Search Paintings', 'remove' => 'Remove', 'edit' => 'Edit', 'save' => 'Save', 'error_header' => 'Oh Snap! There are errors in the form you send.', 'generic_error' => 'Something went wrong. It is our fault. We are sorry for that.', 'pass_changed' => 'You have changed your password.', 'user_added' => 'User Added susscesfully', 'remove_yourself' => 'You can\'t remove yourself.', 'user_deleted' => 'User deleted.', 'painting_added' => 'Painting Added.', 'painting_updated' => 'Painting Updated.', 'painting_deleted' => 'Painting Deleted.', 'slideshow_added' => 'Slideshow Painting Added.', 'slideshow_deleted' => 'Slideshow Painting Deleted.', 'upload_error' => 'There was an error uploading the image. Sorry for that.', 'invalid_login' => 'Invalid Login', 'resset_error' => 'There was in issue when resseting your password.', 'resset_ok' => 'You have resseted your password', '404_message1' => 'We need a map.', '404_message2' => 'I think we\'re lost.', '404_message3' => 'We took a wrong turn.', '404_h2' => 'Server Error: 404 (Not Found)', '404_h3' => 'What does this mean?', '404_p1' => 'We couldn\'t find the page you requested on our servers. We\'re really sorry about that. It\'s our fault, not yours. We\'ll work hard to get this page back online as soon as possible.', '404_p2' => 'Perhaps you would like to go to our ' . HTML::link('/', 'home page') . '?');
Пример #15
    echo $days . ' ' . $this->plural($days, 'день', 'дня', 'дней');
, </strong> с <strong><?php 
    echo Date::formatted_time($reg_date, 'd.m.Y');
						<div class="right line" style="width:310px;">
    if ($this->user->show_email) {
							<div class="unit size1of2">
								<div class="meedlegray">E-mail:</div>
        echo HTML::mailto($this->user->user_email);

    if ($this->user->user_from or $this->user->user_birthday) {
        $date = $this->user->user_birthday;
        $date = preg_replace('/[^-\\d\\.\\/]/', '', $date);
        $data = array(Helper::escape($this->user->user_from), Date::formatted_time($date, 'd M Y'), __(Helper::get_horo($date)));
        $data = array_filter($data);
        $data = implode('; ', $data);
Пример #16
 protected static function _auto_link_emails_callback($matches)
     return HTML::mailto($matches[0]);
Пример #17
 public static function render_mails()
     $html = array();
     $links = Config::get('app.mails');
     foreach ($links as $link) {
         foreach ($link as $key => $value) {
             $html[] = HTML::mailto($key, $value);
             $html[] = '<br />';
     array_splice($html, count($html) - 1);
     return implode("\r\n", $html);
Пример #18
 protected function _callback_external($matches)
     return HTML::mailto($matches[0]);
Пример #19
  * Converts text email addresses into links.
  * @param   string   text to auto link
  * @return  string
 public static function auto_link_emails($text)
     // Finds all email addresses that are not part of an existing html mailto anchor
     // Note: The "58;" negative lookbehind prevents matching of existing encoded html mailto anchors
     //       The html entity for a colon (:) is &#58; or &#058; or &#0058; etc.
     if (preg_match_all('~\\b(?<!href="mailto:|">|58;)(?!\\.)[-+_a-z0-9.]++(?<!\\.)@(?![-.])[-a-z0-9.]+(?<!\\.)\\.[a-z]{2,6}\\b~i', $text, $matches)) {
         foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
             // Replace each email with an encoded mailto
             $text = str_replace($match, HTML::mailto($match), $text);
     return $text;
Пример #20

							<tr class="divider">
								<td colspan="2"></td>
echo $amount;
							A copy of this transaction was sent to your email. If you have any questions or need any further assistance,
							please contact us at:
echo HTML::mailto("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**");
				<!-- ./Completed-message -->
				<br clear="all"/>
			<!-- ./Left Side Padding -->
		<!-- ./Left Side -->
Пример #21
<div id="payment">

	<h1 class="intro">Want to make a payment on an invoice? You can pay with Google Checkout or PayPal right here.<br/>
		For other payment options, please <?php 
echo HTML::mailto('*****@*****.**', 'email me');

echo form::open(NULL);

include Kohana::find_file('views', 'template/errors');

		<p>I would like to pay
echo form::input('amount', $post['amount']);
 on invoice
echo Form::input('invoice', $post['invoice']);

		<ul class="gateway">
echo Form::radio('gateway', 'paypal', $post['gateway'] === 'paypal');
Пример #22
	<div class="ten columns">
		<ul class="top-bar-menu">
if (!empty($data['phone'])) {
				<li><i class="fa fa-phone"></i> <?php 
    if (!empty($data['phone_number'])) {
        echo '<a href="tel:' . $data['phone_number'] . '">' . $data['phone'] . '</a>';
    } else {
        echo $data['phone'];
    if (!empty($data['email'])) {
				<li><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i> <?php 
    echo HTML::mailto($data['email'], $data['email']);