function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { if (is_array($argstr)) { // can do with array also. $args =& $argstr; if (!isset($args['order'])) { $args['order'] = 'reverse'; } } else { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); } $user = $request->getUser(); if (empty($args['user'])) { if ($user->isAuthenticated()) { $args['user'] = $user->UserName(); } else { $args['user'] = ''; } } if (!$args['user'] or $args['user'] == ADMIN_USER) { if (BLOG_DEFAULT_EMPTY_PREFIX) { $args['user'] = ''; // "Blogs/day" pages } else { $args['user'] = ADMIN_USER; // "Admin/Blogs/day" pages } } $parent = empty($args['user']) ? '' : $args['user'] . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR; $sp = HTML::Raw('· '); $prefix = $base = $parent . $this->_blogPrefix('wikiblog'); if ($args['month']) { $prefix .= SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . $args['month']; } $pages = $dbi->titleSearch(new TextSearchQuery("^" . $prefix . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR, true, 'posix')); $html = HTML(); $i = 0; while ($page = $pages->next() and $i < $args['count']) { $rev = $page->getCurrentRevision(false); if ($rev->get('pagetype') != 'wikiblog') { continue; } $i++; $blog = $this->_blog($rev); //$html->pushContent(HTML::h3(WikiLink($page, 'known', $rev->get('summary')))); $html->pushContent($rev->getTransformedContent('wikiblog')); } if ($args['user'] == $user->UserName() or $args['user'] == '') { $html->pushContent(Button(array('action' => 'WikiBlog', 'mode' => 'add'), _("New entry"), $base)); } if (!$i) { return HTML(HTML::h3(_("No Blog Entries")), $html); } if (!$args['noheader']) { return HTML(HTML::h3(sprintf(_("Blog Entries for %s:"), $this->_monthTitle($args['month']))), $html); } else { return $html; } }
function box($args = false, $request = false, $basepage = false) { if (!$request) { $request =& $GLOBALS['request']; } $stats = $this->getStats($request->_dbi, $request, 'summary'); return $this->makeBox(_("Who is online"), HTML(HTML::Raw('· '), WikiLink(_("WhoIsOnline"), 'auto', fmt("%d online users", $stats['NUM_USERS'])))); }
function findTemplate($name) { // hack for navbar.tmpl to hide the buttonseparator if ($name == "navbar") { $this->setButtonSeparator(HTML::Raw("<br />\n · ")); } if ($name == "actionbar" || $name == "signin") { $this->setButtonSeparator(" "); } return parent::findTemplate($name); }
function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); if (empty($this->source)) { return ''; } include_once "lib/ASCIIMathPHP/ASCIIMathPHP.cfg.php"; $ascii_math = new ASCIIMathPHP($symbol_arr, $this->source); $ascii_math->genMathML(); return HTML::Raw($ascii_math->getMathML()); }
function showNotify(&$request, $messages, $page, $pagelist, $verified) { $isNecessary = !$this->contains($pagelist, $page); $form = HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), HiddenInputs(array('verify' => 1)), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), false, array('verify')), $messages, HTML::p(_("Your current watchlist: "), $this->showWatchList($pagelist))); if ($isNecessary) { $form->pushContent(HTML::p(_("New watchlist: "), $this->showWatchList($this->addpagelist($page, $pagelist))), HTML::p(sprintf(_("Do you %s want to add this page \"%s\" to your WatchList?"), $verified ? _("really") : "", $page)), HTML::p(Button('submit:add', _("Yes")), HTML::Raw(' '), Button('submit:cancel', _("Cancel")))); } else { $form->pushContent(HTML::p(fmt("The page %s is already watched!", $page)), HTML::p(Button('submit:edit', _("Edit")), HTML::Raw(' '), Button('submit:cancel', _("Cancel")))); } $fieldset = HTML::fieldset(HTML::legend("Watch Page"), $form); return $fieldset; }
function markup($match) { return HTML::Raw($match); }
/** * HTML widget display * * This needs to be put in the <body> section of the page. * * @param pagename Name of the page to rate * @param version Version of the page to rate (may be "" for current) * @param imgPrefix Prefix of the names of the images that display the rating * You can have two widgets for the same page displayed at * once iff the imgPrefix-s are different. * @param dimension Id of the dimension to rate * @param small Makes a smaller ratings widget if non-false * * Limitations: Currently this can only print the current users ratings. * And only the widget, but no value (for buddies) also. */ function RatingWidgetHtml($pagename, $version, $imgPrefix, $dimension, $small = false) { global $WikiTheme, $request; $imgId = MangleXmlIdentifier($pagename) . $imgPrefix; $actionImgName = $imgId . 'RateItAction'; $dbi =& $GLOBALS['request']->_dbi; $version = $dbi->_backend->get_latest_version($pagename); //$rdbi =& $this->_rdbi; $rdbi = RatingsDb::getTheRatingsDb(); // check if the imgPrefix icons exist. if (!$WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Nk0.png", true)) { $imgPrefix = ''; } // Protect against 's, though not \r or \n $reImgPrefix = $this->_javascript_quote_string($imgPrefix); $reActionImgName = $this->_javascript_quote_string($actionImgName); $rePagename = $this->_javascript_quote_string($pagename); //$dimension = $args['pagename'] . "rat"; $html = HTML::span(array("id" => $imgId)); for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $nk[$i] = $WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Nk" . $i . ".png"); $none[$i] = $WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Rk" . $i . ".png"); } $user = $request->getUser(); $userid = $user->getId(); //if (!isset($args['rating'])) $rating = $rdbi->getRating($userid, $pagename, $dimension); if (!$rating) { $pred = $rdbi->getPrediction($userid, $pagename, $dimension); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $a1 = HTML::a(array('href' => 'javascript:click(\'' . $reActionImgName . '\',\'' . $rePagename . '\',\'' . $version . '\',\'' . $reImgPrefix . '\',\'' . $dimension . '\',' . $i / 2 . ')')); $img_attr = array(); $img_attr['src'] = $nk[$i % 2]; //if (!$rating and !$pred) // $img_attr['src'] = $none[$i%2]; $img_attr['name'] = $imgPrefix . $i; $img_attr['alt'] = $img_attr['name']; $img_attr['border'] = 0; $a1->pushContent(HTML::img($img_attr)); $a1->addToolTip(_("Rate the topic of this page")); $html->pushContent($a1); //This adds a space between the rating smilies: // if (($i%2) == 0) $html->pushContent(' '); } $html->pushContent(HTML::Raw(' ')); $a0 = HTML::a(array('href' => 'javascript:click(\'' . $reActionImgName . '\',\'' . $rePagename . '\',\'' . $version . '\',\'' . $reImgPrefix . '\',\'' . $dimension . '\',\'X\')')); $msg = _("Cancel rating"); $a0->pushContent(HTML::img(array('src' => $WikiTheme->getImageUrl("RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Cancel"), 'name' => $imgPrefix . 'Cancel', 'alt' => $msg))); $a0->addToolTip($msg); $html->pushContent($a0); /*} elseif ($pred) { $msg = _("No opinion"); $html->pushContent(HTML::img(array('src' => $WikiTheme->getImageUrl("RateItCancelN"), 'name'=> $imgPrefix.'Cancel', 'alt' => $msg))); //$a0->addToolTip($msg); //$html->pushContent($a0); }*/ $img_attr = array(); $img_attr['src'] = $WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateItAction.png"); $img_attr['name'] = $actionImgName; $img_attr['alt'] = $img_attr['name']; //$img_attr['class'] = 'k' . $i; $img_attr['border'] = 0; $html->pushContent(HTML::img($img_attr)); // Display the current rating if there is one if ($rating) { $html->pushContent(JavaScript('displayRating(\'' . $reImgPrefix . '\',' . $rating . ',0)')); } elseif ($pred) { $html->pushContent(JavaScript('displayRating(\'' . $reImgPrefix . '\',' . $pred . ',1)')); } else { $html->pushContent(JavaScript('displayRating(\'' . $reImgPrefix . '\',0,0)')); } return $html; }
/** * Glue icon in front of or after text. * Pref: 'noLinkIcons' - ignore icon if set * WikiTheme: 'LinkIcons' - 'yes' at front * - 'no' display no icon * - 'front' display at left * - 'after' display at right * * @param string $protocol_or_url Protocol or URL. Used to determine the * proper icon. * @param string $text The text. * @return XmlContent. */ function PossiblyGlueIconToText($proto_or_url, $text) { global $request, $WikiTheme; if ($request->getPref('noLinkIcons')) { return $text; } $icon = IconForLink($proto_or_url); if (!$icon) { return $text; } if ($where = $WikiTheme->getLinkIconAttr()) { if ($where == 'no') { return $text; } if ($where != 'after') { $where = 'front'; } } else { $where = 'front'; } if ($where == 'after') { // span the icon only to the last word (tie them together), // to let the previous words wrap on line breaks. if (!is_object($text)) { preg_match('/^(\\s*\\S*)(\\s*)$/', $text, $m); list(, $prefix, $last_word) = $m; } else { $last_word = $text; $prefix = false; } $text = HTML::span(array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), $last_word, HTML::Raw(' '), $icon); if ($prefix) { $text = HTML($prefix, $text); } return $text; } // span the icon only to the first word (tie them together), // to let the next words wrap on line breaks if (!is_object($text)) { preg_match('/^\\s*(\\S*)(.*?)\\s*$/', $text, $m); list(, $first_word, $tail) = $m; } else { $first_word = $text; $tail = false; } $text = HTML::span(array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), $icon, $first_word); if ($tail) { $text = HTML($text, $tail); } return $text; }
function _work($pagename, $args, $dbi, &$request) { if (empty($args['s'])) { if ($request->isPost()) { if ($pagename != _("AppendText")) { return HTML($request->redirect(WikiURL($pagename, false, 'absurl'), false)); } } return ''; } $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $message = HTML(); if (!$page->exists()) { // We might want to create it? $message->pushContent(sprintf(_("Page could not be updated. %s doesn't exist!\n"), $pagename)); return $message; } $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $oldtext = $current->getPackedContent(); $text = $args['s']; // If a "before" or "after" is specified but not found, we simply append text to the end. if (!empty($args['before'])) { $before = preg_quote($args['before'], "/"); // Insert before $newtext = preg_match("/\n{$before}/", $oldtext) ? preg_replace("/(\n{$before})/", "\n" . preg_quote($text, "/") . "\\1", $oldtext) : $this->_fallback($text, $oldtext, $args['before'], $message); } elseif (!empty($args['after'])) { // Insert after $after = preg_quote($args['after'], "/"); $newtext = preg_match("/\n{$after}/", $oldtext) ? preg_replace("/(\n{$after})/", "\\1\n" . preg_quote($text, "/"), $oldtext) : $this->_fallback($text, $oldtext, $args['after'], $message); } else { // Append at the end $newtext = $oldtext . "\n" . $text; } require_once "lib/loadsave.php"; $meta = $current->_data; $meta['summary'] = sprintf(_("AppendText to %s"), $pagename); if ($page->save($newtext, $current->getVersion() + 1, $meta)) { $message->pushContent(_("Page successfully updated."), HTML::br()); } // AppendText has been called from the same page that got modified // so we directly show the page. if ($request->getArg($pagename) == $pagename) { // TODO: Just invalidate the cache, if AppendText didn't // change anything before. // return $request->redirect(WikiURL($pagename, false, 'absurl'), false); // The user asked to be redirected to the modified page } elseif ($args['redirect']) { return $request->redirect(WikiURL($pagename, false, 'absurl'), false); } else { $link = HTML::em(WikiLink($pagename)); $message->pushContent(HTML::Raw(sprintf(_("Go to %s."), $link->asXml()))); } return $message; }
function RelatedExternalLinksBox($title = false, $body = '', $limit = 20) { global $request; $this->title = $title ? $title : _("External Links"); $this->body = HTML($body); $page = $request->getPage($request->getArg('pagename')); $cache =& $page->_wikidb->_cache; $counter = 0; $sp = HTML::Raw('· '); foreach ($cache->getWikiPageLinks() as $link) { if ($link) { $this->body->pushContent($sp, WikiLink($link), HTML::br()); $counter++; if ($limit and $counter > $limit) { continue; } } } }
function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request)); if (empty($action)) { return $this->error(fmt("A required argument '%s' is missing.", "action")); } $form = HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => strtolower($method), 'class' => 'wikiaction', 'accept-charset' => $GLOBALS['charset']), HiddenInputs(array('action' => $action, 'group_id' => GROUP_ID))); $nbsp = HTML::Raw(' '); $already_submit = 0; foreach ($this->inputbox as $inputbox) { foreach ($inputbox as $inputtype => $input) { if ($inputtype == 'radiobutton') { $inputtype = 'radio'; } // convert from older versions $input['type'] = $inputtype; $text = ''; if ($inputtype != 'submit') { if (empty($input['name'])) { return $this->error(fmt("A required argument '%s' is missing.", $inputtype . "[][name]")); } if (!isset($input['text'])) { $input['text'] = gettext($input['name']); } $text = $input['text']; unset($input['text']); } switch ($inputtype) { case 'checkbox': case 'radio': if (empty($input['value'])) { $input['value'] = 1; } if (is_array($input['value'])) { $div = HTML::div(array('class' => $class)); $values = $input['value']; $name = $input['name']; $input['name'] = $inputtype == 'checkbox' ? $name . "[]" : $name; foreach ($values as $val) { $input['value'] = $val; if ($request->getArg($name)) { if ($request->getArg($name) == $val) { $input['checked'] = 'checked'; } else { unset($input['checked']); } } $div->pushContent(HTML::input($input), $nbsp, $val, $nbsp, "\n"); if (!$nobr) { $div->pushContent(HTML::br()); } } $form->pushContent($div); } else { if (empty($input['checked'])) { if ($request->getArg($input['name'])) { $input['checked'] = 'checked'; } } else { $input['checked'] = 'checked'; } if ($nobr) { $form->pushContent(HTML::input($input), $nbsp, $text, $nbsp); } else { $form->pushContent(HTML::div(array('class' => $class), HTML::input($input), $text)); } } break; case 'editbox': $input['type'] = 'text'; if (empty($input['value']) and $s = $request->getArg($input['name'])) { $input['value'] = $s; } if ($nobr) { $form->pushContent(HTML::input($input), $nbsp, $text, $nbsp); } else { $form->pushContent(HTML::div(array('class' => $class), HTML::input($input), $text)); } break; case 'combobox': // TODO: moACDROPDOWN $values = $input['value']; unset($input['value']); $input['type'] = 'text'; if (is_string($values)) { $values = explode(",", $values); } if (empty($values)) { if ($input['method']) { $input['value'] = xmlrequest($input['method']); } elseif ($s = $request->getArg($input['name'])) { $input['value'] = $s; } } elseif (is_array($values)) { $name = $input['name']; unset($input['name']); foreach ($values as $val) { $input = array('value' => $val); if ($request->getArg($name)) { if ($request->getArg($name) == $val) { $input['selected'] = 'selected'; } else { unset($input['selected']); } } //$select->pushContent(HTML::option($input, $val)); } } if ($nobr) { $form->pushContent(HTML::input($input), $nbsp, $text, $nbsp); } else { $form->pushContent(HTML::div(array('class' => $class), HTML::input($input), $text)); } break; case 'pulldown': $values = $input['value']; unset($input['value']); unset($input['type']); $select = HTML::select($input); if (is_string($values)) { $values = explode(",", $values); } if (empty($values) and $s = $request->getArg($input['name'])) { $select->pushContent(HTML::option(array('value' => $s), $s)); } elseif (is_array($values)) { $name = $input['name']; unset($input['name']); foreach ($values as $val) { $input = array('value' => $val); if ($request->getArg($name)) { if ($request->getArg($name) == $val) { $input['selected'] = 'selected'; } else { unset($input['selected']); } } $select->pushContent(HTML::option($input, $val)); } } $form->pushContent($text, $nbsp, $select); break; case 'reset': case 'hidden': $form->pushContent(HTML::input($input)); break; // change the order of inputs, by explicitly placing a submit button here. // change the order of inputs, by explicitly placing a submit button here. case 'submit': //$input['type'] = 'submit'; if (empty($input['value'])) { $input['value'] = $buttontext ? $buttontext : $action; } unset($input['text']); if (empty($input['class'])) { $input['class'] = $class; } if ($nobr) { $form->pushContent(HTML::input($input), $nbsp, $text, $nbsp); } else { $form->pushContent(HTML::div(array('class' => $class), HTML::input($input), $text)); } // unset the default submit button $already_submit = 1; break; } } } if ($request->getArg('start_debug')) { $form->pushContent(HTML::input(array('name' => 'start_debug', 'value' => $request->getArg('start_debug'), 'type' => 'hidden'))); } if (!USE_PATH_INFO) { $form->pushContent(HiddenInputs(array('pagename' => $basepage))); } if (!$already_submit) { if (empty($buttontext)) { $buttontext = $action; } $submit = Button('submit:', $buttontext, $class); if ($cancel) { $form->pushContent(HTML::span(array('class' => $class), $submit, Button('submit:cancel', _("Cancel"), $class))); } else { $form->pushContent(HTML::span(array('class' => $class), $submit)); } } return $form; }
* be omitted. */ $WikiTheme->addImageAlias('signature', WIKI_NAME . "Signature.png"); // Uncomment this next line to disable the signature. $WikiTheme->addImageAlias('signature', false); /* * Link icons. */ //$WikiTheme->setLinkIcon('http'); $WikiTheme->setLinkIcon('https'); $WikiTheme->setLinkIcon('ftp'); $WikiTheme->setLinkIcon('mailto'); //$WikiTheme->setLinkIcon('interwiki'); //$WikiTheme->setLinkIcon('wikiuser'); //$WikiTheme->setLinkIcon('*', 'url'); $WikiTheme->setButtonSeparator(HTML::Raw("<li>")); /** * WikiWords can automatically be split by inserting spaces between * the words. The default is to leave WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo. */ $WikiTheme->setAutosplitWikiWords(false); /** * Layout improvement with dangling links for mostly closed wiki's: * If false, only users with edit permissions will be presented the * special wikiunknown class with "?" and Tooltip. * If true (default), any user will see the ?, but will be presented * the PrintLoginForm on a click. */ $WikiTheme->setAnonEditUnknownLinks(false); /* * You may adjust the formats used for formatting dates and times
function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); $user =& $request->_user; if (isa($request, 'MockRequest')) { return ''; } if (!$request->isActionPage($request->getArg('pagename')) and (!isset($user->_prefs->_method) or !in_array($user->_prefs->_method, array('ADODB', 'SQL'))) or in_array($request->getArg('action'), array('zip', 'ziphtml', 'dumphtml')) or isa($user, '_ForbiddenUser')) { $no_args = $this->getDefaultArguments(); // ? // foreach ($no_args as $key => $value) { // $no_args[$value] = false; // } $no_args['errmsg'] = HTML(HTML::h2(_("Error: The user HomePage must be a valid WikiWord. Sorry, UserPreferences cannot be saved."), HTML::hr())); $no_args['isForm'] = false; return Template('userprefs', $no_args); } $userid = $user->UserName(); if ($user->isAuthenticated() and !empty($userid)) { $pref =& $request->_prefs; $args['isForm'] = true; //trigger_error("DEBUG: reading prefs from getPreferences".print_r($pref)); if ($request->isPost()) { $errmsg = ''; $delete = $request->getArg('delete'); if ($delete and $request->getArg('verify')) { // deleting prefs, verified $default_prefs = $pref->defaultPreferences(); $default_prefs['userid'] = $user->UserName(); $user->setPreferences($default_prefs); $request->_setUser($user); $request->setArg("verify", false); $request->setArg("delete", false); $alert = new Alert(_("Message"), _("Your UserPreferences have been successfully deleted.")); $alert->show(); return; } elseif ($delete and !$request->getArg('verify')) { return HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), HiddenInputs(array('verify' => 1)), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs()), HTML::p(_("Do you really want to delete all your UserPreferences?")), HTML::p(Button('submit:delete', _("Yes"), 'delete'), HTML::Raw(' '), Button('cancel', _("Cancel")))); } elseif ($rp = $request->getArg('pref')) { // replace only changed prefs in $pref with those from request if (!empty($rp['passwd']) and $rp['passwd2'] != $rp['passwd']) { $errmsg = _("Wrong password. Try again."); } else { //trigger_error("DEBUG: reading prefs from request".print_r($rp)); //trigger_error("DEBUG: writing prefs with setPreferences".print_r($pref)); if (empty($rp['passwd'])) { unset($rp['passwd']); } // fix to set system pulldown's. empty values don't get posted if (empty($rp['theme'])) { $rp['theme'] = ''; } if (empty($rp['lang'])) { $rp['lang'] = ''; } $num = $user->setPreferences($rp); if (!empty($rp['passwd'])) { $passchanged = false; if ($user->mayChangePass()) { if (method_exists($user, 'storePass')) { $passchanged = $user->storePass($rp['passwd']); } if (!$passchanged and method_exists($user, 'changePass')) { $passchanged = $user->changePass($rp['passwd']); } if ($passchanged) { $errmsg = _("Password updated."); } else { $errmsg = _("Password was not changed."); } } else { $errmsg = _("Password cannot be changed."); } } if (!$num) { $errmsg .= " " . _("No changes."); } else { $request->_setUser($user); $pref = $user->_prefs; $errmsg .= sprintf(_("%d UserPreferences fields successfully updated."), $num); } } $args['errmsg'] = HTML(HTML::h2($errmsg), HTML::hr()); } } $args['available_themes'] = listAvailableThemes(); $args['available_languages'] = listAvailableLanguages(); return Template('userprefs', $args); } else { // wrong or unauthenticated user return $request->_notAuthorized(WIKIAUTH_BOGO); //return $user->PrintLoginForm ($request, $args, false, false); } }
function load() { $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript("var ta;\nvar skin = '" . $this->_name . "';\n")); $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => $this->_findData("wikibits.js")))); if (isBrowserIE()) { $ver = browserVersion(); if ($ver > 5.1 and $ver < 5.9) { $this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('IE55Fixes.css'), 'all')); } elseif ($ver > 5.5 and $ver < 7.0) { $this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('IE60Fixes.css'), 'all')); } elseif ($ver >= 7.0) { $this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('IE70Fixes.css'), 'all')); } else { $this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('IE50Fixes.css'), 'all')); } unset($ver); $this->addMoreHeaders("\n"); $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => $this->_findData("IEFixes.js")))); $this->addMoreHeaders("\n"); $this->addMoreHeaders(HTML::Raw('<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />')); } $this->addMoreAttr('body', "class-ns-0", HTML::Raw('class="ns-0"')); // CSS file defines fonts, colors and background images for this // style. The companion '*-heavy.css' file isn't defined, it's just // expected to be in the same directory that the base style is in. // This should result in phpwiki-printer.css being used when // printing or print-previewing with style "PhpWiki" or "MacOSX" selected. $this->setDefaultCSS('PhpWiki', array('' => 'monobook.css', 'print' => 'commonPrint.css')); // This allows one to manually select "Printer" style (when browsing page) // to see what the printer style looks like. $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Printer"), 'commonPrint.css', 'print, screen'); $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Top & bottom toolbars"), 'phpwiki-topbottombars.css'); $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Modern"), 'phpwiki-modern.css'); /** * The logo image appears on every page and links to the HomePage. */ $this->addImageAlias('logo', 'MonoBook-Logo.png'); //$this->addImageAlias('logo', WIKI_NAME . 'Logo.png'); /** * The Signature image is shown after saving an edited page. If this * is set to false then the "Thank you for editing..." screen will * be omitted. */ $this->addImageAlias('signature', "Signature.png"); // Uncomment this next line to disable the signature. $this->addImageAlias('signature', false); /* * Link icons. */ /* $this->setLinkIcon('http'); $this->setLinkIcon('https'); $this->setLinkIcon('ftp'); $this->setLinkIcon('mailto'); //$this->setLinkIcon('interwiki'); */ $this->setLinkIcon('wikiuser'); //$this->setLinkIcon('*', 'url'); // front or after //$this->setLinkIconAttr('after'); //$this->setButtonSeparator("\n | "); /** * WikiWords can automatically be split by inserting spaces between * the words. The default is to leave WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo. */ //$this->setAutosplitWikiWords(false); /** * Layout improvement with dangling links for mostly closed wiki's: * If false, only users with edit permissions will be presented the * special wikiunknown class with "?" and Tooltip. * If true (default), any user will see the ?, but will be presented * the PrintLoginForm on a click. */ $this->setAnonEditUnknownLinks(false); /* * You may adjust the formats used for formatting dates and times * below. (These examples give the default formats.) * Formats are given as format strings to PHP strftime() function See * for details. * Do not include the server's zone (%Z), times are converted to the * user's time zone. */ $this->setDateFormat("%B %d, %Y"); $this->setTimeFormat("%H:%M"); /* * To suppress times in the "Last edited on" messages, give a * give a second argument of false: */ //$this->setDateFormat("%B %d, %Y", false); }
function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { if (is_array($argstr)) { // can do with array also. $args =& $argstr; if (!isset($args['order'])) { $args['order'] = 'reverse'; } } else { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); } if (empty($args['user'])) { $user = $request->getUser(); if ($user->isAuthenticated()) { $args['user'] = $user->UserName(); } else { $args['user'] = ''; } } if (!$args['user'] or $args['user'] == ADMIN_USER) { if (BLOG_EMPTY_DEFAULT_PREFIX) { $args['user'] = ''; } else { $args['user'] = ADMIN_USER; } // "Admin/Blogs/day" pages } $parent = empty($args['user']) ? '' : $args['user'] . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR; //$info = explode(',', $args['info']); //$pagelist = new PageList($args['info'], $args['exclude'], $args); //if (!is_array('pagename'), explode(',', $info)) // unset($pagelist->_columns['pagename']); $sp = HTML::Raw('· '); if (!empty($args['month'])) { $prefix = $parent . $this->_blogPrefix('wikiblog') . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . $args['month']; $pages = $dbi->titleSearch(new TextSearchQuery("^" . $prefix, true, 'posix')); $html = HTML::ul(); while ($page = $pages->next()) { $rev = $page->getCurrentRevision(false); if ($rev->get('pagetype') != 'wikiblog') { continue; } $blog = $this->_blog($rev); $html->pushContent(HTML::li(WikiLink($page, 'known', $rev->get('summary')))); } if (!$args['noheader']) { return HTML(HTML::h3(sprintf(_("Blog Entries for %s:"), $this->_monthTitle($args['month']))), $html); } else { return $html; } } $blogs = $this->findBlogs($dbi, $args['user'], 'wikiblog'); if ($blogs) { if (!$basepage) { $basepage = _("BlogArchives"); } $html = HTML::ul(); usort($blogs, array("WikiPlugin_WikiBlog", "cmp")); if ($args['order'] == 'reverse') { $blogs = array_reverse($blogs); } // collapse pagenames by month $months = array(); foreach ($blogs as $rev) { $blog = $this->_blog($rev); $mon = $blog['month']; if (empty($months[$mon])) { $months[$mon] = array('title' => $this->_monthTitle($mon), 'num' => 1, 'month' => $mon, 'link' => WikiURL($basepage, $this->_nonDefaultArgs(array('month' => $mon)))); } else { $months[$mon]['num']++; } } foreach ($months as $m) { $html->pushContent(HTML::li(HTML::a(array('href' => $m['link'], 'class' => 'named-wiki'), $m['title'] . " (" . $m['num'] . ")"))); } if (!$args['noheader']) { return HTML(HTML::h3(_("Blog Archives:")), $html); } else { return $html; } } else { return ''; } }
function _do_email_verification(&$request, &$args) { $dbi = $request->getDbh(); $pagelist = new PageList('pagename', 0, $args); //$args['return_url'] = 'action=email-verification-verified'; $email = new _PageList_Column_email('email', _("E-Mail"), 'left'); $emailVerified = new _PageList_Column_emailVerified('emailVerified', _("Verification Status"), 'center'); $pagelist->_columns[] = $email; $pagelist->_columns[] = $emailVerified; //This is the best method to find all users (Db and PersonalPage) $current_user = $request->_user; if (empty($args['verify'])) { $group = $request->getGroup(); $allusers = $group->_allUsers(); } else { $allusers = array_keys($args['user']); } foreach ($allusers as $username) { if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) { $user = WikiUser($username); } else { $user = new WikiUser($request, $username); } $prefs = $user->getPreferences(); if ($prefs->get('email')) { if (!$prefs->get('userid')) { $prefs->set('userid', $username); } if (!empty($pagelist->_rows)) { $group = (int) (count($pagelist->_rows) / $pagelist->_group_rows); } else { $group = 0; } $class = $group % 2 ? 'oddrow' : 'evenrow'; $row = HTML::tr(array('class' => $class)); $page_handle = $dbi->getPage($username); $row->pushContent($pagelist->_columns[0]->format($pagelist, $page_handle, $page_handle)); $row->pushContent($email->format($pagelist, $prefs, $page_handle)); if (!empty($args['verify'])) { $prefs->_prefs['email']->set('emailVerified', empty($args['verified'][$username]) ? 0 : 2); $user->setPreferences($prefs); } $row->pushContent($emailVerified->format($pagelist, $prefs, $args['verify'])); $pagelist->_rows[] = $row; } } $request->_user = $current_user; if (!empty($args['verify'])) { return HTML($pagelist->_generateTable(false)); } else { $args['verify'] = 1; $args['return_url'] = $request->getURLtoSelf(); return HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), HiddenInputs($args, 'wikiadminutils'), HiddenInputs(array('require_authority_for_post' => WIKIAUTH_ADMIN)), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs()), $pagelist->_generateTable(false), HTML::p(Button('submit:', _("Change Verification Status"), 'wikiadmin'), HTML::Raw(' '), Button('cancel', _("Cancel")))); } }
function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); if (isa($request, 'MockRequest')) { return ''; } $user =& $request->_user; $post_args = $request->getArg('admin_reset'); $userid = $request->getArg('user'); $isadmin = $user->isAdmin(); if ($request->isPost()) { if (!$userid) { $alert = new Alert(_("Warning:"), _("You need to specify the userid!")); $alert->show(); return $this->doForm($request); } @($reset = $post_args['reset']); if ($reset and $userid and !empty($post_args['verify'])) { if ($user->isAdmin()) { return $this->doReset($userid); } else { return $this->doEmail($request, $userid); } } elseif ($reset and empty($post_args['verify'])) { $buttons = HTML::p(Button('submit:admin_reset[reset]', $isadmin ? _("Yes") : _("Send email"), $isadmin ? 'wikiadmin' : 'button'), HTML::Raw(' '), Button('submit:admin_reset[cancel]', _("Cancel"), 'button')); $header = HTML::strong("Verify"); if (!$user->isAdmin()) { // check for email if ($userid == $user->UserName() and $user->isAuthenticated()) { $alert = new Alert(_("Already logged in"), HTML(fmt("Changing passwords is done at "), WikiLink(_("UserPreferences")))); $alert->show(); return; } $thisuser = WikiUser($userid); $prefs = $thisuser->getPreferences(); $email = $prefs->get('email'); if (!$email) { $alert = new Alert(_("Error"), HTML(fmt("No email stored for user %s.", $userid), HTML::br(), fmt("You need to ask an Administrator to reset this password. See below: "), HTML::br(), WikiLink(ADMIN_USER))); $alert->show(); return; } $verified = $thisuser->_prefs->_prefs['email']->getraw('emailVerified'); if (!$verified) { $header->pushContent(HTML::br(), "Warning: This users email address is unverified!"); } } return $this->doForm($request, $header, HTML(HTML::hr(), fmt("Do you really want to reset the password of user %s?", $userid), $isadmin ? '' : _("An email will be sent."), HiddenInputs(array('admin_reset[verify]' => 1, 'user' => $userid)), $buttons)); } else { return $this->doForm($request); } } else { return $this->doForm($request); } }
function RevertPage(&$request) { $mesg = HTML::dd(); $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); $version = $request->getArg('version'); if (!$version) { PrintXML(HTML::dt(fmt("Revert"), " ", WikiLink($pagename)), HTML::dd(_("missing required version argument"))); return; } $dbi =& $request->_dbi; $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $currversion = $current->getVersion(); if ($currversion == 0) { $mesg->pushContent(' ', _("no page content")); PrintXML(HTML::dt(fmt("Revert"), " ", WikiLink($pagename)), $mesg); flush(); return; } if ($currversion == $version) { $mesg->pushContent(' ', _("same version page")); PrintXML(HTML::dt(fmt("Revert"), " ", WikiLink($pagename)), $mesg); flush(); return; } if ($request->getArg('cancel')) { $mesg->pushContent(' ', _("Cancelled")); PrintXML(HTML::dt(fmt("Revert"), " ", WikiLink($pagename)), $mesg); flush(); return; } if (!$request->getArg('verify')) { $mesg->pushContent(HTML::br(), _("Are you sure?"), HTML::br(), HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), false, array('verify')), HiddenInputs(array('verify' => 1)), Button('submit:verify', _("Yes"), 'button'), HTML::Raw(' '), Button('submit:cancel', _("Cancel"), 'button'))); $rev = $page->getRevision($version); $html = HTML(HTML::dt(fmt("Revert %s to version {$version}", WikiLink($pagename))), $mesg, $rev->getTransformedContent()); $template = Template('browse', array('CONTENT' => $html)); GeneratePage($template, $pagename, $rev); $request->checkValidators(); flush(); return; } $rev = $page->getRevision($version); $content = $rev->getPackedContent(); $versiondata = $rev->_data; $versiondata['summary'] = sprintf(_("revert to version %d"), $version); $new = $page->save($content, $currversion + 1, $versiondata); $dbi->touch(); $pagelink = WikiLink($pagename); $mesg->pushContent(fmt("Revert: %s", $pagelink), fmt("- version %d saved to database as version %d", $version, $new->getVersion())); // Force browse of current page version. $request->setArg('version', false); $template = Template('savepage', array()); $template->replace('CONTENT', $new->getTransformedContent()); GeneratePage($template, $mesg, $new); flush(); }
/** * HTML widget display * * This needs to be put in the <body> section of the page. * * @param pagename Name of the page to rate * @param version Version of the page to rate (may be "" for current) * @param imgPrefix Prefix of the names of the images that display the rating * You can have two widgets for the same page displayed at * once iff the imgPrefix-s are different. * @param dimension Id of the dimension to rate * @param small Makes a smaller ratings widget if non-false * * Limitations: Currently this can only print the current users ratings. * And only the widget, but no value (for buddies) also. */ function RatingWidgetHtml($pagename, $version, $imgPrefix, $dimension, $small = false) { global $WikiTheme, $request; $dbi =& $request->_dbi; $version = $dbi->_backend->get_latest_version($pagename); $pageid = sprintf("%u", crc32($pagename)); // MangleXmlIdentifier($pagename) $imgId = 'RateIt' . $pageid; $actionImgName = 'RateIt' . $pageid . 'Action'; //$rdbi =& $this->_rdbi; $rdbi = RatingsDb::getTheRatingsDb(); // check if the imgPrefix icons exist. if (!$WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Nk0.png", true)) { $imgPrefix = ''; } // Protect against \'s, though not \r or \n $reImgPrefix = $this->_javascript_quote_string($imgPrefix); $reImgId = $this->_javascript_quote_string($imgId); $reActionImgName = $this->_javascript_quote_string($actionImgName); $rePagename = $this->_javascript_quote_string($pagename); //$dimension = $args['pagename'] . "rat"; $html = HTML::span(array("class" => "rateit-widget", "id" => $imgId)); for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $ok[$i] = $WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Ok" . $i . ".png"); // empty $nk[$i] = $WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Nk" . $i . ".png"); // rated $rk[$i] = $WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Rk" . $i . ".png"); // pred } if (empty($this->userid)) { $user = $request->getUser(); $this->userid = $user->getId(); } if (empty($this->rating)) { $this->rating = $rdbi->getRating($this->userid, $pagename, $dimension); if (!$this->rating and empty($this->pred)) { $this->pred = $rdbi->getPrediction($this->userid, $pagename, $dimension); } } for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $j = $i / 2; $a1 = HTML::a(array('href' => "javascript:clickRating('{$reImgPrefix}','{$rePagename}','{$version}'," . "'{$reImgId}','{$dimension}',{$j})")); $img_attr = array(); $img_attr['src'] = $nk[$i % 2]; if ($this->rating) { $img_attr['src'] = $ok[$i % 2]; $img_attr['onmouseover'] = "displayRating('{$reImgId}','{$reImgPrefix}',{$j},0,1)"; $img_attr['onmouseout'] = "displayRating('{$reImgId}','{$reImgPrefix}',{$this->rating},0,1)"; } else { if (!$this->rating and $this->pred) { $img_attr['src'] = $rk[$i % 2]; $img_attr['onmouseover'] = "displayRating('{$reImgId}','{$reImgPrefix}',{$j},1,1)"; $img_attr['onmouseout'] = "displayRating('{$reImgId}','{$reImgPrefix}',{$this->pred},1,1)"; } else { $img_attr['onmouseover'] = "displayRating('{$reImgId}','{$reImgPrefix}',{$j},0,1)"; $img_attr['onmouseout'] = "displayRating('{$reImgId}','{$reImgPrefix}',0,0,1)"; } } //$imgName = 'RateIt'.$reImgId.$i; $img_attr['id'] = $imgId . $i; $img_attr['alt'] = $img_attr['id']; $a1->pushContent(HTML::img($img_attr)); //$a1->addToolTip(_("Rate the topic of this page")); $html->pushContent($a1); //This adds a space between the rating smilies: //if (($i%2) == 0) $html->pushContent("\n"); } $html->pushContent(HTML::Raw(" ")); $a0 = HTML::a(array('href' => "javascript:clickRating('{$reImgPrefix}','{$rePagename}','{$version}'," . "'{$reImgId}','{$dimension}','X')")); $msg = _("Cancel your rating"); $imgprops = array('src' => $WikiTheme->getImageUrl("RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Cancel"), 'id' => $imgId . $imgPrefix . 'Cancel', 'alt' => $msg, 'title' => $msg); if (!$this->rating) { $imgprops['style'] = 'display:none'; } $a0->pushContent(HTML::img($imgprops)); $a0->addToolTip($msg); $html->pushContent($a0); /*} elseif ($pred) { $msg = _("No opinion"); $html->pushContent(HTML::img(array('src' => $WikiTheme->getImageUrl("RateItCancelN"), 'id' => $imgPrefix.'Cancel', 'alt' => $msg))); //$a0->addToolTip($msg); //$html->pushContent($a0); }*/ $img_attr = array(); $img_attr['src'] = $WikiTheme->_findData("images/spacer.png"); $img_attr['id'] = $actionImgName; $img_attr['alt'] = $img_attr['id']; $img_attr['height'] = 15; $img_attr['width'] = 20; $html->pushContent(HTML::img($img_attr)); // Display your current rating if there is one, or the current prediction // or the empty widget. $pred = empty($this->pred) ? 0 : $this->pred; $js = ''; if (!empty($this->avg)) { $js .= "avg['{$reImgId}']={$this->avg}; numusers['{$reImgId}']={$this->numusers};\n"; } if ($this->rating) { $js .= "rating['{$reImgId}']={$this->rating}; prediction['{$reImgId}']={$pred};\n"; $html->pushContent(JavaScript($js . "displayRating('{$reImgId}','{$reImgPrefix}',{$this->rating},0,1);")); } elseif (!empty($this->pred)) { $js .= "rating['{$reImgId}']=0; prediction['{$reImgId}']={$this->pred};\n"; $html->pushContent(JavaScript($js . "displayRating('{$reImgId}','{$reImgPrefix}',{$this->pred},1,1);")); } else { $js .= "rating['{$reImgId}']=0; prediction['{$reImgId}']=0;\n"; $html->pushContent(JavaScript($js . "displayRating('{$reImgId}','{$reImgPrefix}',0,0,1);")); } return $html; }
function format($changes) { include_once 'lib/InlineParser.php'; $last_date = ''; $first = true; $html = HTML(); $counter = 1; $sp = HTML::Raw("\n · "); while ($rev = $changes->next()) { // enforce view permission if (mayAccessPage('view', $rev->_pagename)) { if ($link = $this->pageLink($rev)) { // some entries may be empty // (/Blog/.. interim pages) $html->pushContent($sp, $link, HTML::br()); } if ($first) { $this->setValidators($rev); } $first = false; } } if ($first) { $html->pushContent(HTML::p(array('class' => 'rc-empty'), $this->empty_message())); } return $html; }
if ($action == 'browse') { unset($attr['action']); } return $this->makeButton($label, WikiURL($pagename, $attr), $class); } } $WikiTheme = new Theme_MonoBook('MonoBook'); $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => $WikiTheme->_findData("wikibits.js")))); if (isBrowserIE()) { $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders($WikiTheme->_CSSlink(0, $WikiTheme->_findFile('IEFixes.css'), 'all')); $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders("\n"); $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => $WikiTheme->_findData("IEFixes.js")))); $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders("\n"); $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders(HTML::Raw('<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />')); } $WikiTheme->addMoreAttr('body', "class-ns-0", HTML::Raw('class="ns-0"')); // CSS file defines fonts, colors and background images for this // style. The companion '*-heavy.css' file isn't defined, it's just // expected to be in the same directory that the base style is in. // This should result in phpwiki-printer.css being used when // printing or print-previewing with style "PhpWiki" or "MacOSX" selected. $WikiTheme->setDefaultCSS('PhpWiki', array('' => 'monobook.css', 'print' => 'commonPrint.css')); // This allows one to manually select "Printer" style (when browsing page) // to see what the printer style looks like. $WikiTheme->addAlternateCSS(_("Printer"), 'commonPrint.css', 'print, screen'); $WikiTheme->addAlternateCSS(_("Top & bottom toolbars"), 'phpwiki-topbottombars.css'); $WikiTheme->addAlternateCSS(_("Modern"), 'phpwiki-modern.css'); /** * The logo image appears on every page and links to the HomePage. */ $WikiTheme->addImageAlias('logo', 'MonoBook-Logo.png');