function CreateAmzFBAOrder($order_id)
    AmzFBA_Woo_Log("DEBUG", "Order", __FUNCTION__, "Entering");
    $MissingConfig = CheckForMissingConfig();
    $level = "Good";
    $category = "Order";
    if ($MissingConfig == true) {
        $returnmessage = 'Failed sending order to Amazon FBA. Required configuration missing in settings.';
        $order->add_order_note($returnmessage, 0);
        //Add to Log
        $level = "Bad";
        $category = "Order";
        $title = "Failed - Order ID:" . $order_id;
        AmzFBA_Woo_Log($level, $category, $title, $returnmessage);
        return $returnmessage;
    $FBAOrderID = get_post_meta($order_id, "FBA_OrderId", TRUE);
    if (!empty($FBAOrderID) && $FBAOrderID != "") {
        $returnmessage = 'Create FBA Order: FBA Order id is already there: ' . $FBAOrderID;
        $order->add_order_note($returnmessage, 0);
        //Add to Log
        $level = "Bad";
        $title = "Create FBA Order - Order ID:" . $order_id;
        AmzFBA_Woo_Log($level, $category, $title, $returnmessage);
        return $returnmessage;
    $UserSettings = get_option('woocommerce_amazonfba_settings');
    $ChosenMarketplace = $UserSettings['AmzFBA_Marketplace'];
    $MWSEndpointURL = GetMWSEndpointURL('FulfillmentOutboundShipment', $ChosenMarketplace);
    $config = array('ServiceURL' => $MWSEndpointURL, 'ProxyHost' => null, 'ProxyPort' => -1, 'MaxErrorRetry' => 3);
    $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
    $dateObj = new DateTime($order->order_date, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
    $order_date_converted = $dateObj->format(DateTime::ISO8601);
    $datetimeasINT = date("YmdHis");
    $uniqueid_foramazon = "KINIVO-" . $datetimeasINT . "-" . $order_id;
    AmzFBA_Woo_Log($level, $category, $title, "FBA order id - " . $uniqueid_foramazon);
    //set Variables
    $shipping_name = $order->shipping_first_name . ' ' . $order->shipping_last_name;
    $shipping_address_line_1 = $order->shipping_address_1;
    $shipping_address_line_2 = $order->shipping_address_2;
    $shipping_city = $order->shipping_city;
    $shipping_state = $order->shipping_state;
    $shipping_postcode = $order->shipping_postcode;
    $shipping_country = $order->shipping_country;
    $shipping_speed = GetAmazonShippingSpeed($order);
    $UserSettings = get_option('woocommerce_amazonfba_settings');
    //Gets all settings from this App
    $FulfillmentPolicy = $UserSettings['AmzFBA_FulfillmentPolicy'];
    $OrderComment = $UserSettings['AmzFBA_OrderComment'];
    $EmailNotificationAddress = $UserSettings['AmzFBA_EmailNotifyAddress'];
    ////////////////////////////// //Standard Stuff
    $request = new FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderRequest();
    //     $request->setNotificationEmailList($EmailNotificationAddress);
    //Standard, Expedited, Priority
    //FillOrKill, FillAll, FillAllAvailable
    ////////////////////////////// //Address
    $requestaddress = new FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_Address();
    if ($shipping_state != '') {
    ////////////////////////////// //Order Item List
    $requestlist = new FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderItemList();
    ////////////////////////////// //Order Items
    $items = $order->get_items();
    $itemnumber = 0;
    $itemnumber_unful = 0;
    $UnfulfillableItems = '';
    $success = 0;
    $unsuccess = 0;
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        //Get the SKU of the Item
        $Quantity = $item['qty'];
        if ($item['variation_id'] == '' || $item['variation_id'] == NULL || $item['variation_id'] == '0') {
            $IDForSKU = $item['product_id'];
        } else {
            $IDForSKU = $item['variation_id'];
        $GetSKU = new WC_Product($IDForSKU);
        $SKU = $GetSKU->get_sku();
        //Check if available for Amazon Fulfilment
        $fulfillable = false;
        if (AmzFBA_is_sku_fulfillable($SKU) == NULL || AmzFBA_is_sku_fulfillable($SKU) == '') {
            $UnfulfillableItems[$itemnumber_unful]['SKU'] = $SKU;
            $UnfulfillableItems[$itemnumber_unful]['Quantity'] = $Quantity;
            $unsuccess = $unsuccess + $Quantity;
            $note = "SKU : IDForSKU = " . $IDForSKU . " SKU = " . $SKU . " is not fulfillable by Amazon. Please check product details";
            $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
        } else {
            $ItemArray[$itemnumber] = new FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderItem();
            $success = $success + $Quantity;
            $fulfillable = true;
        $level = "Neutral";
        $category = "Order";
        $title = "Item details for Order ID:" . $order_id;
        $info = "SKU details: IDForSKU = " . $IDForSKU . " SKU = " . $SKU . " Fulfillable = " . $fulfillable;
        AmzFBA_Woo_Log($level, $category, $title, $info);
    $percentfulfilled = round($success / ($success + $unsuccess) * 100, 2);
    //Load Array of Items into Order
    if ($percentfulfilled != 0) {
    //Check if we now need to fulfil them.
    //If 0% fulfillled
    if ($percentfulfilled == '0') {
        $returnmessage = "Order not submitted. No SKUs in WooCommerce available on Amazon FBA";
        $note = "No SKUs in this order available for Amazon Fulfillment.";
        $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
        update_post_meta($order_id, 'PercentFulfilledByAmazon', $percentfulfilled);
        //Add to Log
        $level = "Neutral";
        $category = "Order";
        $title = "Unfulfillable - Order ID:" . $order_id;
        $info = "No SKUs in this order available for Amazon Fulfillment.";
        AmzFBA_Woo_Log($level, $category, $title, $info);
    } elseif ($percentfulfilled < '100' && $percentfulfilled > '0') {
        $returnmessage = "Order not submitted. Only " . $percentfulfilled . "% of the Order is available on Amazon. Did not send anything to Amazon.";
        $note = $returnmessage;
        $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
        //Add to Log
        $level = "Neutral";
        $category = "Order";
        $title = "Unfulfillable - Order ID:" . $order_id;
        $info = "Only some sku's were available for Amazon Fulfillment. Did not send anything to Amazon.";
        AmzFBA_Woo_Log($level, $category, $title, $info);
        $returnmessage = "Order submitted. Sent " . $percentfulfilled . "% of the Order to Amazon. For unfulfillable items, see order notes.";
        $note          = $percentfulfilled . "% of Order sent to Amazon for Fulfillment : FBA_OrderId " . $uniqueid_foramazon;
        $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
        foreach ($UnfulfillableItems as $UnfilItem) {
            $theitems .= $UnfilItem['Quantity'] . " X " . $UnfilItem['SKU'] . ".  ";
        $note = "Unfulfillable Items : " . $theitems;
        $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
        update_post_meta($order_id, 'PercentFulfilledByAmazon', $percentfulfilled);
        //Add meta data of Unique ID sent to Amazon
        update_post_meta($order_id, 'FBA_OrderId', $uniqueid_foramazon);
        //Send Order to Amazon
        invokeCreateFulfillmentOrder($service, $request, $order_id, $percentfulfilled);
    } elseif ($percentfulfilled == '100') {
        $returnmessage = "Order submitted. Sent" . $percentfulfilled . "% of Order to Amazon.";
        $note = "100% of Order sent to Amazon for Fulfillment: FBA_OrderId " . $uniqueid_foramazon;
        $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
        update_post_meta($order_id, 'PercentFulfilledByAmazon', $percentfulfilled);
        //Add meta data of Unique ID sent to Amazon
        update_post_meta($order_id, 'FBA_OrderId', $uniqueid_foramazon);
        //Send Order to amazon
        if (!invokeCreateFulfillmentOrder($service, $request, $order_id, $percentfulfilled)) {
            // It seems creating FBA order failed... Putting the order on hold
            $note = "FBA order failed. Check logs and sellercentral for order id - " . $uniqueid_foramazon;
            $returnmessage = $note;
            $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
            AmzFBA_Woo_Log("Bad", $category, "FBA order creation", "Failed - not sure what happened. Check sellercentral as well");
    AmzFBA_Woo_Log("DEBUG", "Order", __FUNCTION__, "Exiting");
    return $returnmessage;
 * Uncomment to try out Mock Service that simulates FBAOutboundServiceMWS
 * responses without calling FBAOutboundServiceMWS service.
 * Responses are loaded from local XML files. You can tweak XML files to
 * experiment with various outputs during development
 * XML files available under FBAOutboundServiceMWS/Mock tree
// $service = new FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Mock();
 * Setup request parameters and uncomment invoke to try out
 * sample for Create Fulfillment Order Action
// @TODO: set request. Action can be passed as FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrder
$request = new FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderRequest();
// object or array of parameters
invokeCreateFulfillmentOrder($service, $request);
 * Get Create Fulfillment Order Action Sample
 * Gets competitive pricing and related information for a product identified by
 * the MarketplaceId and ASIN.
 * @param FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Interface $service instance of FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Interface
 * @param mixed $request FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrder or array of parameters
function invokeCreateFulfillmentOrder(FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Interface $service, $request)
    try {
        $response = $service->CreateFulfillmentOrder($request);
Пример #3
  * Create Fulfillment Order
  * The SellerFulfillmentOrderId must be unique for all fulfillment
  *   orders created by the seller. If your system already has a
  *   unique order identifier, then that may be a good value to put in
  *   this field.
  *   This DisplayableOrderDateTime will appear as the "order date" in
  *   recipient-facing materials such as the packing slip.  The format
  *   must be timestamp.
  *   The DisplayableOrderId will appear as the "order id" in those
  *   materials, and the DisplayableOrderComment will appear as well.
  *   ShippingSpeedCategory is the Service Level Agreement for how long it
  *   will take a shipment to be transported from the fulfillment center
  *   to the recipient, once shipped. no default.
  *   The following shipping speeds are available for US domestic:
  *    * Standard, 3-5 business days
  *    * Expedited, 2 business days
  *    * Priority, 1 business day
  *   Shipping speeds may vary elsewhere.  Please consult your manual for published SLAs.
  *   DestinationAddress is the address the items will be shipped to.
  *   FulfillmentPolicy indicates how unfulfillable items should be
  *   handled. default is FillOrKill.
  *    * FillOrKill if any item is determined to be unfulfillable
  *      before any items have started shipping, the entire order is
  *      considered unfulfillable.  Once any part of the order has
  *      started shipping, as much of the order as possible will be
  *      shipped.
  *    * FillAll never consider any item unfulfillable.  Items must
  *      either be fulfilled or merchant-cancelled.
  *    * FillAllAvailable fulfill as much of the order as possible.
  *   FulfillmentMethod indicates the intended recipient channel for the
  *   order whether it be a consumer order or inventory return.
  *   default is Consumer.
  *   The available methods to fulfill a given order:
  *    * Consumer indicates a customer order, this is the default.
  *    * Removal indicates that the inventory should be returned to the
  *      specified destination address.
  *   NotificationEmailList can be used to provide a list of e-mail
  *   addresses to receive ship-complete e-mail notifications. These
  *   e-mails are customer-facing e-mails sent by FBA on behalf of
  *   the seller.
  * @param mixed $request array of parameters for FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrder request or FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrder object itself
  * @see FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderRequest
  * @return FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderResponse
  * @throws FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Exception
 public function createFulfillmentOrder($request)
     if (!$request instanceof FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderRequest) {
         $request = new FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderRequest($request);
     $parameters = $request->toQueryParameterArray();
     $parameters['Action'] = 'CreateFulfillmentOrder';
     $httpResponse = $this->_invoke($parameters);
     $response = FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderResponse::fromXML($httpResponse['ResponseBody']);
     return $response;
function CreateAmzFBAOrder($order_id)
    if (CheckForMissingConfig() != '') {
        $returnmessage = 'Failed sending order to Amazon FBA. Required configuration missing in settings.';
        $note = "Failed sending order to Amazon FBA. Required configuration missing in settings.";
        $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
        //Add to Log
        $level = "Bad";
        $category = "Order";
        $title = "Failed - Order ID:" . $order_id;
        $info = "Failed sending order to Amazon FBA. Required configuration missing in settings..";
        AmzFBA_Woo_Log($level, $category, $title, $info);
        return $returnmessage;
    $UserSettings = get_option('woocommerce_amazonfba_settings');
    $ChosenMarketplace = $UserSettings['AmzFBA_Marketplace'];
    $MWSEndpointURL = GetMWSEndpointURL('FulfillmentOutboundShipment', $ChosenMarketplace);
    $config = array('ServiceURL' => $MWSEndpointURL, 'ProxyHost' => null, 'ProxyPort' => -1, 'MaxErrorRetry' => 3);
    $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
    $dateObj = new DateTime($order->order_date, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
    $order_date_converted = $dateObj->format(DateTime::ISO8601);
    $datetimeasINT = date("YmdHis");
    $uniqueid_foramazon = $datetimeasINT . $order_id;
    //set Variables
    $shipping_name = $order->shipping_first_name . ' ' . $order->shipping_last_name;
    $shipping_address_line_1 = $order->shipping_address_1;
    $shipping_address_line_2 = $order->shipping_address_2;
    $shipping_city = $order->shipping_city;
    $shipping_state = $order->shipping_state;
    $shipping_postcode = $order->shipping_postcode;
    $shipping_country = $order->shipping_country;
    $FulfillmentPolicy = get_option('AmzFBA_FulfillmentPolicy');
    $OrderComment = get_option('AmzFBA_OrderComment');
    $EmailNotificationAddress = get_option('AmzFBA_EmailNotifyAddress');
    ////////////////////////////// //Standard Stuff
    $request = new FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderRequest();
    //     $request->setNotificationEmailList('');
    //Standard, Expedited, Priority
    //FillOrKill, FillAll, FillAllAvailable
    ////////////////////////////// //Address
    $requestaddress = new FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_Address();
    if ($shipping_state != '') {
    ////////////////////////////// //Order Item List
    $requestlist = new FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderItemList();
    ////////////////////////////// //Order Items
    $items = $order->get_items();
    $itemnumber = 0;
    $UnfulfillableItems = '';
    $success = 0;
    $unsuccess = 0;
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        //Get the SKU of the Item
        $Quantity = $item['qty'];
        if ($item['variation_id'] == '') {
            $IDForSKU = $item['product_id'];
        } else {
            $IDForSKU = $item['variation_id'];
        $GetSKU = new WC_Product($IDForSKU);
        $SKU = $GetSKU->get_sku();
        //Check if available for Amazon Fulfilment
        if (AmzFBA_is_sku_fulfillable($SKU) == NULL) {
            $UnfulfillableItems[$itemnumber]['SKU'] = $SKU;
            $UnfulfillableItems[$itemnumber]['Quantity'] = $Quantity;
            $unsuccess = $unsuccess + $Quantity;
        } else {
            $ItemArray[$itemnumber] = new FBAOutboundServiceMWS_Model_CreateFulfillmentOrderItem();
            $success = $success + $Quantity;
    $percentfulfilled = round($success / ($success + $unsuccess) * 100, 2);
    //Load Array of Items into Order
    if ($percentfulfilled != 0) {
    //Check if we now need to fulfil them.
    //If 0% fulfillled
    if ($percentfulfilled == '0') {
        $returnmessage = "Order not submitted. No SKUs in WooCommerce available on Amazon FBA";
        $note = "No SKUs in this order available for Amazon Fulfillment.";
        $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
        update_post_meta($order_id, 'PercentFulfilledByAmazon', $percentfulfilled);
        //Add to Log
        $level = "Neutral";
        $category = "Order";
        $title = "Unfulfillable - Order ID:" . $order_id;
        $info = "No SKUs in this order available for Amazon Fulfillment.";
        AmzFBA_Woo_Log($level, $category, $title, $info);
    } elseif ($percentfulfilled < '100' && $percentfulfilled > '0') {
        $returnmessage = "Order submitted. Sent " . $percentfulfilled . "% of the Order to Amazon. For unfulfillable items, see order notes.";
        $note = $percentfulfilled . "% of Order sent to Amazon for Fulfillment";
        $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
        foreach ($UnfulfillableItems as $UnfilItem) {
            $theitems .= $UnfilItem['Quantity'] . " X " . $UnfilItem['SKU'] . ".  ";
        $note = "Unfulfillable Items : " . $theitems;
        $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
        update_post_meta($order_id, 'PercentFulfilledByAmazon', $percentfulfilled);
        //Add meta data of Unique ID sent to Amazon
        update_post_meta($order_id, 'FBA_OrderId', $uniqueid_foramazon);
        //Send Order to Amazon
        invokeCreateFulfillmentOrder($service, $request, $order_id, $percentfulfilled);
    } elseif ($percentfulfilled == '100') {
        $returnmessage = "Order submitted. Sent" . $percentfulfilled . "% of Order to Amazon.";
        $note = "100% of Order sent to Amazon for Fulfillment";
        $order->add_order_note($note, 0);
        update_post_meta($order_id, 'PercentFulfilledByAmazon', $percentfulfilled);
        //Add meta data of Unique ID sent to Amazon
        update_post_meta($order_id, 'FBA_OrderId', $uniqueid_foramazon);
        //Send Order to amazon
        invokeCreateFulfillmentOrder($service, $request, $order_id, $percentfulfilled);
    return $returnmessage;