$flag = 'fail'; break; case -4: $msg = '手机号格式不对'; $flag = 'fail'; break; case -6: $msg = '定时发送时间不是有效的时间格式'; $flag = 'fail'; break; default: $msg = '系统错误'; $flag = 'fail'; break; } } //将要返回的提示信息 $arrs[$jsonIndex]['flag'] = $flag; $arrs[$jsonIndex]['tomobile'] = $toMobile; $arrs[$jsonIndex]['msg'] = $msg; $jsonIndex++; $sms = array('uid' => $MsgFromId, 'username' => $MsgFrom, 'tomobile' => M_encode($toMobile, $aeskeyMobile), 'mssage' => $Message, 'sendtime' => strtotime($sendTime), 'addtime' => time(), 'status' => $SendResult, 'num' => $num); //入库 inserttable('apisms', $sms, 0); } } //返回json信息 $result = json_encode($arrs); $result = preg_replace("#\\\\u([0-9a-f]{4})#ie", "iconv('UCS-2BE', 'UTF-8', pack('H4', '\\1'))", $result); echo $result; exit;
$where .= " and isdept = {$isdept}"; } if ($mobile != "0") { $tmobile = M_encode($mobile, $aeskeyMobile); $where .= " and mobile = '{$tmobile}'"; } if ($submit == '修改') { $pid = trim($_GET['pid']); $dept_uid = $_GET['dept_uid'] ? trim($_GET['dept_uid']) : ''; $department = $_GET['department'] ? trim($_GET['department']) : ''; $up_uid = $_GET['up_uid'] ? trim($_GET['up_uid']) : ''; $official = $_GET['official'] ? trim($_GET['official']) : ''; $isdept = $_GET['isdept'] ? trim($_GET['isdept']) : '0'; $mobile = $_GET['mobile'] ? trim($_GET['mobile']) : '0'; //加密手机号 $mobile = M_encode($mobile, $aeskeyMobile); $powerlevel = array('dept_uid' => $dept_uid, 'department' => $department, 'up_uid' => $up_uid, 'official' => $official, 'isdept' => $isdept, 'mobile' => $mobile); updatetable('powerlevel', $powerlevel, array('pid' => $pid)); //更新缓存中的powerlevel.php文件 updatePowerlevelFile(); header("Location:admincp.php?ac=complain&type=setting"); exit; } if ($op == 'edit') { $pid = $_GET['pid'] ? trim($_GET['pid']) : '0'; $dept_uid = $_GET['dept_uid'] ? trim($_GET['dept_uid']) : ''; $department = $_GET['department'] ? trim($_GET['department']) : ''; $up_uid = $_GET['up_uid'] ? trim($_GET['up_uid']) : ''; $official = $_GET['official'] ? trim($_GET['official']) : ''; $isdept = $_GET['isdept'] ? trim($_GET['isdept']) : '0'; $mobile = $_GET['mobile'] ? trim($_GET['mobile']) : '0';
//"UPDATE bind SET token1 = $token1 WHERE uid=$cur_uid"; $setarr = array('token1' => $token1); updatetable('bind', $setarr, array('uid' => $cur_uid)); $my_ssoname = $cur_uid; //生成key:20位用户名,通过AES128密钥A加密得到64位16进制大写字母表 $l = strlen($my_ssoname); if ($l < 20) { for ($i = 0; $i < 20 - $l; $i++) { $my_ssoname = ' ' . $my_ssoname; } } else { $my_ssoname = substr($my_ssoname, 0, 20); } $sso_name = "<@" . $my_ssoname . "@>"; $key = M_encode($sso_name, aeskeyA); $ctoken = M_encode($token1, aeskeyB); $g_t_url = "http://" . BTURL . "buaasso.aspx?m=create&key=" . $key . "&token=" . $ctoken; $rc_i = 0; $rc_s = 0; while ($rc_i < 5) { if ($fp = fopen($g_t_url, "r")) { $rc_s = 1; break; } $rc_i = $rc_i + 1; } if ($rc_s == 0) { echo "连接失败"; exit; } $c_token = fread($fp, 1000);
<?php include_once '../common.php'; include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_cp.php'; include_once S_ROOT . './buaasso.php'; //将加密后的身份证号存入baseprofile表中的identifierhash字段 $queryid = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT userid, identifier_not_use FROM " . tname('baseprofile') . " WHERE collegeid='10101006'"); echo "SELECT userid, identifier_not_use FROM " . tname('baseprofile') . " WHERE collegeid='10101006'"; // (identifier_not_use is not null and identifier_not_use!='') and identifier is null"); $valueid = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($queryid); while ($valueid = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($queryid)) { echo $valueid['userid'] . " 111 "; if (empty($valueid['identifier_not_use'])) { continue; } else { $idhash = M_encode($valueid['identifier_not_use'], aeskeyA); $insertinfo = array('identifier' => $idhash); updatetable('baseprofile', $insertinfo, array('userid' => $valueid['userid'])); } } echo '---baseprofile OK----<br />'; exit;