public function loadPlugin($app, $folder, $optional = false) { if (!file_exists(Util::getRootPath() . "{$app}/{$folder}/plugin.xml") and !$optional) { throw new Exception("Required plugin {$app}/{$folder} not available (1)"); } if (!file_exists(Util::getRootPath() . "{$app}/{$folder}/plugin.xml")) { return false; } $xml = new XMLPlugin(Util::getRootPath() . "{$app}/{$folder}/plugin.xml"); $allowedPlugins = Environment::getS("allowedPlugins", false); $extraPlugins = Environment::getS("pluginsExtra", false); $allow = false; if ($allowedPlugins !== false and in_array($xml->registerClassName(), $allowedPlugins)) { $allow = true; } if ($extraPlugins !== false and in_array($xml->registerClassName(), $extraPlugins)) { $allow = true; } if ($allowedPlugins !== false and !$allow) { if (!$optional) { throw new Exception("Required plugin {$app}/{$folder} not available (2)"); } return false; } require_once Util::getRootPath() . "{$app}/{$folder}/" . $xml->registerClassName() . ".class.php"; $this->addClassPath(Util::getRootPath() . "{$app}/{$folder}"); return true; }
public function getOffice3aRSS() { if (Environment::getS("blogShow", "1") == "0") { return ""; } $data = file_get_contents(Environment::getS("blogRSSURL", "")); if ($data === false) { return ""; } $html = "\n\t\t\t<div style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #DDD;position:relative;\" class=\"desktopButton\" onclick=\"'" . Environment::getS("blogURL", "") . "', '_blank');\">\n\t\t\t\t<h1 style=\"font-size:2.0em;color:#999999;position:absolute;bottom:5px;\">" . Environment::getS("blogName", "office<span style=\"color:#A0C100;\">3a</span> blog") . "</h1>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div id=\"blogContainer\" style=\"padding-left:30px;padding-right:30px;overflow:auto;\">"; try { $XML = new SimpleXMLElement($data); $i = 0; foreach ($XML->channel->item as $item) { $html .= "<h2 style=\"color:#999999;" . ($i > 0 ? "margin-top:30px;" : "") . "margin-bottom:0px;\">" . $item->title . "</h2>"; $html .= "<p style=\"color:#999999;margin-top:10px;\">" . $item->description . "<br />\n\t\t\t\t\t<small style=\"color:#AAA;\">" . Util::CLFormatDate(strtotime($item->pubDate), true) . "</small> <a style=\"float:right;color:#444;\" href=\"{$item->link}\">mehr...</a></p>"; #print_r($item); $i++; if ($i == 4) { break; } } $html .= "</div>" . OnEvent::script("\$j('#blogContainer').css('height', contentManager.maxHeight() - \$j('.desktopButton').outerHeight() - 20)"); return $html; } catch (Exception $e) { return ""; } }
public function scanApplications() { $_SESSION["messages"]->startMessage("checking for directory ./applications/: "); if (is_dir(Util::getRootPath() . "applications/")) { $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage("found"); $apps = array(); $fp = opendir(Util::getRootPath() . "applications/"); while (($file = readdir($fp)) !== false) { if (strpos($file, "Application") === false) { continue; } $apps[] = $file; } sort($apps); $allowedApplications = Environment::getS("allowedApplications", null); foreach ($apps as $key => $file) { require Util::getRootPath() . "applications/{$file}"; $f = explode(".", $file); if ($f[0][0] == "-") { continue; } $_SESSION["messages"]->startMessage("trying to register application {$f['0']}: "); $f = $f[0]; $c = new $f(); if ($allowedApplications != null and !in_array($c->registerName(), $allowedApplications)) { continue; } $this->apps[$c->registerName()] = $c->registerFolder(); if (method_exists($c, "registerIcon")) { $this->icons[$c->registerName()] = $c->registerIcon(); } if (method_exists($c, "registerVersion")) { $this->versions[$c->registerName()] = $c->registerVersion(); } $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage("loaded"); unset($c); } } else { $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage("not found"); } foreach ($this->apps as $name => $folder) { $newName = Environment::getS("renameApplication:{$name}", $name); if ($name != $newName) { $this->apps[$newName] = $folder; unset($this->apps[$name]); if (isset($this->icons[$name])) { $this->icons[$newName] = $this->icons[$name]; unset($this->icons[$name]); } if (isset($this->versions[$name])) { $this->versions[$newName] = $this->versions[$name]; unset($this->versions[$name]); } } } }
public function getHTML($id) { $allowedUsers = Environment::getS("allowedUsers", null); $this->addOrderV3("name"); if ($this->A == null) { $this->lCV3($id); } $up = new anyC(); $up->setCollectionOf("User"); $up->addAssocV3("password", "!=", ";;;-1;;;"); $up->lCV3(); if ($up->numLoaded() > 0 and $id == -1) { return "\n\t\t<table>\n\t\t\t<colgroup>\n\t\t\t\t<col class=\"backgroundColor3\" />\n\t\t\t</colgroup>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td><input onclick=\"rme('Users','','convertPasswords','','contentManager.reloadFrameRight();');\" type=\"button\" style=\"float:right;background-image:url(./images/navi/keys.png);\" class=\"bigButton backgroundColor2\" value=\"Passwörter\nkonvertieren\" />In Ihrer Datenbank befinden sich noch unkonvertierte Passwörter.</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>"; } $T = new HTMLTable(1, "Application Server"); $I = new HTMLInput("AppServer", "text", mUserdata::getGlobalSettingValue("AppServer", "")); $I->onEnter("contentManager.rmePCR('Users', '-1', 'saveAppServer', [this.value], ' ');"); if ($allowedUsers === null) { $T->addRow($I . "<br /><small>Wenn Sie einen Application Server bertreiben, tragen Sie hier bitte die URL ein, um die Benutzer mit diesem Server zu authorisieren.</small>"); } $gui = new HTMLGUI(); $gui->setObject($this); $gui->setName("Benutzer"); $gui->setCollectionOf($this->collectionOf, "Benutzer"); #$gui->setObject($this); $gui->setParser("isAdmin", "UsersGUI::isAdminParser"); $gui->setColWidth("isAdmin", "20px"); #$gui->hideAttribute("password"); #$gui->hideAttribute("SHApassword"); #$gui->hideAttribute("language"); $gui->setShowAttributes(array("name", "username", "isAdmin")); $g = ""; if (strstr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], "demo")) { $UA = $_SESSION["S"]->getCurrentUser()->getA(); if ($UA->name != "Installations-Benutzer") { $g = "In der Demo können keine Benutzer geändert werden!"; $gui->setIsDisplayMode(true); } } $TR = new HTMLTable(1); if ($allowedUsers !== null and $id == -1) { $B = new Button("", "notice", "icon"); $B->style("float:left;margin-right:10px;"); $TR->addRow(array($B . "Bitte beachten Sie: Sie können insgesamt {$allowedUsers} Benutzer ohne Admin-Rechte anlegen.")); } $gui->customize($this->customizer); return $TR . $g . $gui->getBrowserHTML($id) . ($id == -1 ? $T : ""); }
function newMe($checkUserData = true, $output = false) { $allowedUsers = Environment::getS("allowedUsers", null); if ($allowedUsers !== null and $this->A("isAdmin") == "0") { $AC = anyC::get("User", "isAdmin", "0"); $AC->lCV3(); if ($AC->numLoaded() >= $allowedUsers) { Red::errorD("Sie können keine weiteren Benutzer ohne Admin-Rechte anlegen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Support."); } } if (mUserdata::getGlobalSettingValue("encryptionKey") == null and Session::isUserAdminS()) { mUserdata::setUserdataS("encryptionKey", Util::getEncryptionKey(), "eK", -1); } $this->A->SHApassword = sha1($this->A->SHApassword); return parent::newMe($checkUserData, $output); }
public function getMenuEntries() { $entries = $this->menuEntries; $hidden = Environment::getS("hiddenPlugins", array()); foreach ($entries as $key => $value) { #print_r($this->menuEntries); if (in_array($value, $hidden)) { unset($entries[$key]); } if (isset($this->blacklist[$value])) { unset($entries[$key]); } #$t = ((!isset($this->classes[$key]) OR !isset($this->isAdminOnlyByPlugin[$this->classes[$key]])) ? # 0 : $this->isAdminOnlyByPlugin[$this->classes[$key]]); $t = 0; if (isset($this->classes[$key]) and isset($this->isAdminOnlyByPlugin[$this->classes[$key]])) { $t = 1; } if (isset($this->isAdminOnlyByPlugin[$key])) { $t = 1; } if (isset($this->isAdminOnlyByPlugin[$value])) { $t = 1; } if ($t != $_SESSION["S"]->isUserAdmin()) { unset($entries[$key]); } } return $entries; }
<?php if (!$updateTitle) { echo "\n\t\t\t\tcontentManager.updateTitle = false;"; } echo "contentManager.init('" . (isset($_COOKIE["phynx_layout"]) ? $_COOKIE["phynx_layout"] : "horizontal") . "');"; ?> $j('#altLogins').hover(function(){ $j(this).fadeTo('fast', 1); }, function(){ $j(this).fadeTo('slow', 0.3); }); <?php if (Environment::getS("showApplicationsList", "1") == "0" or count($_SESSION["applications"]->getApplicationsList()) <= 1) { echo "\$j('#loginOptions, #altLogins').hide();"; } ?> /*setTimeout(function(){ if($j.jStorage.get('phynxUserCert', null) == null && $j('#buttonCertificateLogin').length > 0) $j('#buttonCertificateLogin').css('opacity', '0.2'); else userControl.autoCertificateLogin(); } , 500); */ }); </script> <div style="display:none;" id="messageSetup" title="Ersteinrichtung"> <?php
public function doLogin($ps) { $validUntil = Environment::getS("validUntil", null); if ($validUntil != null and $validUntil < time()) { Red::errorD("Diese Version ist abgelaufen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Support."); } if (!is_array($ps)) { parse_str($ps, $p); } else { $p = $ps; } #if($p["loginPassword"] == ";;;-1;;;") return 0; $this->doLogout(); $_SESSION["DBData"] = $_SESSION["S"]->getDBData(); try { $U = $this->getUser($p["loginUsername"], $p["loginSHAPassword"], $p["loginPWEncrypted"]); if ($U === null) { return 0; } if (get_class($U) == "phynxAltLogin") { $p["anwendung"] = $U->A("UserApplication"); } if ($U->A("allowedApplications") != null and is_array($U->A("allowedApplications")) and !in_array($p["anwendung"], $U->A("allowedApplications"))) { return 0; } $AC = anyC::get("Userdata", "name", "loginTo" . ((isset($p["isCustomerPage"]) and $p["isCustomerPage"]) ? "customerPage" : $p["anwendung"])); $AC->addAssocV3("UserID", "=", $U->getID()); $UD = $AC->n(); if ($UD != null and $UD->A("wert") == "0") { return 0; } /*$AC = anyC::get("Userdata", "name", "loginToApplication"); $AC->addAssocV3("UserID", "=", $U->getID()); $UD = $AC->n(); if($UD != null AND $UD->A("wert") == "0") return 0;*/ $UA = $U->getA(); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($p["loginUsername"] == "Admin" and $p["loginSHAPassword"] == "4e7afebcfbae000b22c7c85e5560f89a2a0280b4") { #"Admin"){ $tu = new User(-1); $UA = $tu->newAttributes(); $UA->name = "Installations-Benutzer"; $UA->username = "******"; $UA->password = "******"; if ($p["loginSprache"] != "default") { $UA->language = $p["loginSprache"]; } $UA->isAdmin = 1; $U = new User(-1); $U->setA($UA); } else { return -2; } } if ($p["loginSprache"] != "default") { $U->changeA("language", $p["loginSprache"]); } if (strtolower($U->getA()->username) != strtolower($p["loginUsername"])) { return 0; } $_SESSION["S"]->setLoggedInUser($U); $_SESSION["S"]->initApp($p["anwendung"]); if (isset($_COOKIE["phynx_customer"])) { $_SESSION["phynx_customer"] = $_COOKIE["phynx_customer"]; } #if($_SESSION["S"]->checkIfUserLoggedIn()) die("Beim Einloggen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\nBitte drücken Sie F5 (aktualisieren) und melden Sie sich erneut an."); return 1; }
public function tip() { if (Environment::getS("hideTooltips", "0") == "1") { return ""; } $targetClass = $this->object->getClearClass(); $this->tip = self::tipJS($targetClass); }
public function getHTML($id, $page) { $entries = $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]->getMenuEntries(); $icons = $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]->getIcons(); $targets = $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]->getMenuTargets(); $appMenuDisplayed = MenuGUI::getAppMenuOrder("appMenuDisplayed"); if ($appMenuDisplayed != "") { $appMenuDisplayed = explode(";", $appMenuDisplayed); } else { $appMenuDisplayed = $entries; } ksort($entries); $request = array_values($entries); $xml = self::getSpell($request); #$AP3 = new AppPlugins("customer"); #$plugins = array_merge($plugins, $AP3->getAllPlugins()); #$menu = array_merge($menu, array_flip($AP3->getAllMenuEntries())); #$icons = array_merge($icons, $AP3->getIcons()); #$plugins3 = array_flip($AP3->getAllPlugins()); #print_r($plugins3); $AP = new AppPlugins(Applications::activeApplication()); $plugins = array_flip($AP->getAllPlugins()); $html = ""; $html .= "<div style=\"float:right;width:160px;padding-top:20px;\" id=\"containerSortTabs\">" . $this->getSortable(false) . "</div>\n\t\t\t<div style=\"margin-right:160px;\">"; $U = new mUserdata(); $U->addAssocV3("typ", "=", "TTP"); $collapsedTabs = Environment::getS("collapsedTabs", "0") == "1"; foreach ($entries as $key => $value) { $text = ""; if ($xml !== false) { foreach ($xml->plugin as $xmlp) { if ($xmlp->name == $value) { $text = $xmlp->description; } } } if (isset($plugins[$value])) { unset($plugins[$value]); } $BG = new Button("Plugin {$key} öffnen", "navigation", "icon"); $BG->onclick("contentManager.loadPlugin('" . (isset($targets[$value]) ? $targets[$value] : "contentRight") . "', '{$value}', '{$value}GUI;-');"); $BG->style("float:right;margin-top:-7px;"); $B = new Button($key, $icons[$value], "icon"); $B->style("float:left;margin-right:10px;margin-top:-7px;margin-left:-5px;"); $I = new HTMLInput("usePlugin{$value}", "checkbox", in_array($value, $appMenuDisplayed) ? "1" : "0"); $I->id("usePlugin{$value}"); $I->onchange("if(this.checked) { Menu.showTab('{$value}'); \$j('#minPlugin{$value}').prop('disabled', ''); } else { Menu.hideTab('{$value}'); \$j('#minPlugin{$value}').prop('disabled', 'disabled'); }"); $t = !$_SESSION["S"]->isUserAdmin() ? $U->getUDValueCached("ToggleTab{$value}") : "big"; if ($t == null and $collapsedTabs) { $t = "small"; } if ($t == null) { $t = "big"; } $IM = new HTMLInput("minPlugin{$value}", "checkbox", $t == "big" ? "0" : "1"); $IM->id("minPlugin{$value}"); $IM->onchange("toggleTab('{$value}');"); if (isset($_COOKIE["phynx_layout"]) and ($_COOKIE["phynx_layout"] == "vertical" or $_COOKIE["phynx_layout"] == "desktop")) { $IM->isDisabled(true); } if (!in_array($value, $appMenuDisplayed)) { $IM->isDisabled(true); } #border-width:1px;border-style:solid; $html .= "\n\t\t\t<div style=\"width:33%;float:left;\">\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"margin:10px;\" class=\"borderColor1 spell\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"backgroundColor2\" style=\"padding:10px;padding-bottom:5px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$BG}{$B}<h2 style=\"margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;\">{$key}</h2>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div style=\"padding:7px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$I}<label style=\"float:none;width:200px;text-align:left;display:inline;margin-left:10px;font-wight:normal;\" for=\"usePlugin{$value}\">Plugin verwenden</label>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div style=\"padding:7px;padding-top:0px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$IM}<label style=\"float:none;width:200px;text-align:left;display:inline;margin-left:10px;font-wight:normal;\" for=\"minPlugin{$value}\">Reiter minimiert</label>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($xml !== false ? "<div style=\"padding:7px;height:115px;overflow:auto;\">{$text}</div>" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</div>"; } $html .= "</div><h2 style=\"clear:both;padding-top:50px;\">Admin-Plugins und Plugins ohne eigenen Reiter</h2><div style=\"margin-right:160px;\">"; $icons = $AP->getIcons(); $plugins = array_flip($plugins); $menu = array_flip($AP->getAllMenuEntries()); $AP2 = new AppPlugins("plugins"); $plugins = array_merge($plugins, $AP2->getAllPlugins()); $menu = array_merge($menu, array_flip($AP2->getAllMenuEntries())); $icons = array_merge($icons, $AP2->getIcons()); $plugins2 = array_flip($AP2->getAllPlugins()); $request = array_values($plugins); $xml = self::getSpell($request); ksort($plugins); foreach ($plugins as $key => $value) { if (isset($menu[$value])) { $key = $menu[$value]; } $text = ""; if ($xml !== false) { foreach ($xml->plugin as $xmlp) { if ($xmlp->name == $value) { $text = $xmlp->description; } } } if ($text == "" or $text == "-") { continue; } if (!isset($plugins2[$value]) and substr($AP->getFolderOfPlugin($value), 0, 3) == "../") { continue; } if (isset($plugins2[$value]) and substr($AP2->getFolderOfPlugin($value), 0, 3) == "../") { continue; } if (!isset($plugins2[$value])) { $isAdmin = $AP->getIsAdminOnly($value); } if (isset($plugins2[$value])) { $isAdmin = $AP2->getIsAdminOnly($value); } $B = new Button($key, $icons[$value], "icon"); $B->style("float:left;margin-right:10px;margin-top:-7px;margin-left:-5px;"); #border-width:1px;border-style:solid; $html .= "\n\t\t\t<div style=\"width:33%;float:left;\">\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"margin:10px;border-radius:5px;\" class=\"borderColor1 spell\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"backgroundColor2\" style=\"padding:10px;padding-bottom:5px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$B}<span style=\"float:right;margin-top:7px;\">" . ($isAdmin ? "Admin!" : "") . "</span><h2 style=\"margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;\">{$key}</h2>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($xml !== false ? "<div style=\"padding:7px;height:115px;overflow:auto;\">{$text}</div>" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</div>"; } $html .= "</div>"; #echo "<pre>"; #print_r($menu); #echo "</pre>"; return $html; }
public function switchApplication($application) { $allowedApplications = Environment::getS("allowedApplications", null); if ($allowedApplications != null and !in_array($application, $allowedApplications)) { Red::errorD("Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Support, wenn Sie {$application} verwenden möchten"); } ob_start(); $U = new UsersGUI(); $c = $this->getCurrentUser(); $d = array(); $d["loginUsername"] = $c->getA()->username; $d["loginSHAPassword"] = $c->getA()->SHApassword; $d["loginSprache"] = $c->getA()->language; $d["anwendung"] = $application; $U->doLogin($d); ob_end_clean(); }
alt="Hilfe" src="./images/navi/hilfe.png" /> <?php } ?> <!--<xsl:if test="options/showDesktopButton/@value='true'"> <img onclick="DesktopLink.toggle();" style="float:right;margin-left:8px;margin-right:5px;" class="mouseoverFade" title="Desktop" alt="Desktop"><xsl:attribute name="src"><xsl:value-of select="iconDesktop" /></xsl:attribute></img> </xsl:if>--> <?php if (Environment::getS("showCopyright", "1") == "1") { echo 'Copyright (C) 2007 - 2012 by <a href="http://www.Furtmeier.IT">Furtmeier Hard- und Software</a>. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; this is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see <a href="gpl.txt">gpl.txt</a> for details.<br />Thanks to the authors of the libraries and icons used by this program. <a href="javascript:contentManager.loadFrame(\'contentRight\',\'Credits\');">View credits.</a>'; } ?> </p> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $j(document).ready(function() { Ajax.physion = '<?php echo $physion; ?> ' contentManager.init();
public function getActiveApplicationName() { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Aspect:jP"> try { $MArgs = func_get_args(); return Aspect::joinPoint("around", $this, __METHOD__, $MArgs); } catch (AOPNoAdviceException $e) { } Aspect::joinPoint("before", $this, __METHOD__, $MArgs); // </editor-fold> $name = Applications::activeApplication(); echo Environment::getS("renameApplication:{$name}", $name); }
function authenticationPopup() { $allowedUsers = Environment::getS("allowedUsers", null); if ($allowedUsers !== null) { return; } $F = new HTMLForm("appserver", array("appServer"), "Application Server"); $F->useRecentlyChanged(); $F->setLabel("appServer", "App-Server"); if (function_exists("ldap_connect")) { $F->getTable()->setTableStyle("margin-bottom:30px;"); } $F->getTable()->setColWidth(1, 120); $F->setValue("appServer", mUserdata::getGlobalSettingValue("AppServer", "")); $F->setDescriptionField("appServer", "Wenn Sie einen Application Server betreiben, tragen Sie hier bitte die URL ein, um die Benutzer mit diesem Server zu authentifizieren."); $F->setSaveRMEPCR("Speichern", "", "Users", "", "saveAppServer", OnEvent::closePopup("Users")); echo $F; if (!function_exists("ldap_connect")) { return; } echo "<span></span><div class=\"backgroundColor1 Tab\"><p>Active Directory</p></div>"; $LD = LoginData::get("ADServerUserPass"); BPS::setProperty("LoginDataGUI", "preset", "adServer"); $gui = new LoginDataGUI($LD == null ? -1 : $LD->getID()); $gui->loadMeOrEmpty(); if ($LD != null) { $gui->setA($LD->getA()); } $gui->getPopup(); }
public function scanPlugins($appFolder = null) { #file_put_contents(Util::getRootPath()."debug.txt", print_r(debug_backtrace(), true)); #echo "<pre>"; #print_r(); #echo "</pre>"; foreach ($this->appFolder as $key => $value) { if ($value == "plugins") { continue; } unset($this->menuEntries[array_search($key, $this->menuEntries)]); } #echo "scanning for plugins...<br />"; if ($appFolder == null) { $folder = "plugins"; if ($_SESSION["applications"]->getActiveApplication() != "nil") { $folder = $_SESSION["applications"]->getActiveApplication(); } } else { $folder = $appFolder; } #$allowedPlugins = "noSaaS"; $allowedPlugins = Environment::getS("allowedPlugins", array()); #print_r($allowedPlugins); /*if($folder != "plugins" AND $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] != "dev.furtmeier.lan"){ try { $saas = new SaaS(-1); $sa = $saas->getCurrent(); if($sa != null){ $allowedPlugins = array_map("trim",explode("\n",$sa->getA()->SaaSPlugins)); } else $allowedPlugins = array(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException $e){ } }*/ #$p = ".".(is_dir("./$folder/") ? "" : "."); $p = Util::getRootPath(); if ($p[strlen($p) - 1] == "/") { $p[strlen($p) - 1] = " "; } $p = trim($p); $_SESSION["messages"]->startMessage("checking for directory {$p}/{$folder}/: "); if (is_dir("{$p}/{$folder}/")) { $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage("found"); $plugins = array(); $fp = opendir("{$p}/{$folder}/"); while (($file = readdir($fp)) !== false) { if ($file == "." or $file == "..") { continue; } if (is_dir("{$p}/{$folder}/{$file}")) { if (file_exists("{$p}/{$folder}/{$file}/plugin.xml")) { $file = "{$file}/plugin.xml"; } else { continue; } } if (stripos($file, "plugin") === false) { continue; } $plugins[] = $file; } sort($plugins); foreach ($plugins as $key => $file) { $f = explode(".", $file); if ($f[0][0] == "-") { continue; } if ($f[1] == "xml") { $c = new XMLPlugin("{$p}/{$folder}/{$file}", $allowedPlugins); } else { require_once "{$p}/{$folder}/{$file}"; $f = $f[0]; $c = new $f(); } $_SESSION["messages"]->startMessage("trying to register " . $c->registerName() . ": "); if (count($allowedPlugins) > 0 and !in_array($c->registerClassName(), $allowedPlugins)) { $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage(" not allowed"); continue; } $pFolder = $c->registerFolder(); if (!is_array($pFolder)) { $this->folders[] = $pFolder; } else { foreach ($pFolder as $k => $v) { $this->folders[] = $v; } } $this->pluginToFolder[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerFolder(); if ($c->registerMenuEntry() != "") { $this->menuEntries[$c->registerMenuEntry()] = $c->registerClassName(); } $this->appFolder[$c->registerClassName()] = $folder; if ($c->registerName() != "noName") { $this->classes[$c->registerName()] = $c->registerClassName(); } if ($c->registerName() != "noName" and $c->registerMenuEntryTarget() != "contentRight") { $this->targets[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerMenuEntryTarget(); } $this->icons[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerIcon(); if ($c->registerPluginIsAdminOnly()) { $this->isAdminOnlyByPlugin[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerPluginIsAdminOnly(); } elseif (!$c->registerPluginIsAdminOnly() and isset($this->isAdminOnlyByPlugin[$c->registerClassName()])) { unset($this->isAdminOnlyByPlugin[$c->registerClassName()]); } if ($c->registerDependencies() != "none") { $this->deps[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerDependencies(); } $this->versions[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerVersion(); if ($c->registerJavascriptFile() != "" and isset($_SESSION["JS"])) { if (is_array($c->registerJavascriptFile())) { foreach ($c->registerJavascriptFile() as $v) { JSLoader::addScriptS($v, $c->registerFolder(), $c->registerClassName(), $folder); } } else { JSLoader::addScriptS($c->registerJavascriptFile(), $c->registerFolder(), $c->registerClassName(), $folder); } } #if(method_exists($c, "registerUseGenericClasses")) # $this->isGeneric[$c->registerName()] = $c->registerUseGenericClasses(); #if(isset($this->isGeneric[$c->registerName()]) AND $this->isGeneric[$c->registerName()]){ # $this->collectors[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerName(); # $this->genericPlugins[$c->registerName()] = $c; #} $n = $c->registerClassName(); if ($n != "" and $appFolder == null) { try { $nc = new $n(); if (method_exists($nc, 'getCollectionOf')) { if (!isset($this->collectors[$c->registerClassName()])) { $this->collectors[$c->registerClassName()] = $nc->getCollectionOf(); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e) { if ($n != "") { try { $n = $n . "GUI"; $nc = new $n(); if (method_exists($nc, 'getCollectionOf')) { if (!isset($this->collectors[$c->registerClassName()])) { $this->collectors[$c->registerClassName()] = $nc->getCollectionOf(); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e2) { } } } } if ($f[1] == "xml") { $path = "./{$folder}/" . $c->registerFolder() . "/" . $c->registerClassName() . ".class.php"; if (file_exists($path)) { require_once $path; } elseif (file_exists("." . $path)) { require_once "." . $path; } } if ($appFolder == null) { $c->doSomethingElse(); } $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage(" successful"); unset($c); } } else { $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage("not found"); } }