public static function createDirectory($original_path, $type, Environment $environment) { $paths = pathinfo($original_path); $dirname = realpath($paths['dirname']); if (!$dirname || !is_dir($dirname) || !is_readable($dirname)) { if (@mkdir($original_path, 0777, true) === true) { $realpath = $original_path; } else { return $environment->set_error(ucfirst($type) . " parent path '{$paths['dirname']}' does not exist. Please correct the path or create the directory."); } } $path = $dirname . '/' . $paths['basename']; $realpath = realpath($path); if ($realpath === false || !file_exists($realpath)) { if (@mkdir($path, 0777, true) === true) { $realpath = $path; } else { return $environment->set_error("Unable to create directory '{$path}'. Please make the directory manually or check the permissions of the parent directory."); } } elseif (!is_readable($realpath) || !is_writable($realpath)) { @chmod($realpath, 0777); } if (substr($realpath, -1) != '/') { $realpath .= '/'; } if (is_dir($realpath) && is_readable($realpath) && is_writable($realpath)) { return $realpath; } else { return $environment->set_error("Path to directory for {$type} is not valid. Please correct the path or create the directory and check that is readable and writable."); } }
public function setDefaultEnv($environment) { $env = new Environment(); if (is_object($env->add($environment))) { $this->currentEnviroment = $environment; } }
/** * Change the user's environment-level role. * * @param Environment $environment * @param string $newRole The new role ('admin', 'contributor', * or 'viewer'). */ public function changeEnvironmentRole(Environment $environment, $newRole) { if (!in_array($newRole, ['admin', 'contributor', 'viewer'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid role: {$newRole}"); } $this->sendRequest($environment->getUri() . '/access/' . $this->id, 'patch', ['json' => ['role' => $newRole]]); }
public function testGet() { $get = array('n' => 'v'); $env = new Environment($get, array(), array()); $this->assertEquals('v', $env->get('n')); $this->assertNull($env->get('not-existed-param')); }
/** * Proxy method that handles return of assets instead of instant output. * * @param Environment $env * @param string $method * @param string|null $options Assets CollectionName * @return string */ protected function getAssetsOutput(Environment $env, $method, $options = null) { $env->getDi()->get('assets')->useImplicitOutput(false); $result = $env->getDi()->get('assets')->{$method}($options); $env->getDi()->get('assets')->useImplicitOutput(true); return $result; }
function setEnvironment(Environment $env) { $this->environment = $env; $env->setLoader($this); Controller::setEnvironment($env); return $this; }
/** * Test that the parser gets its values from the $_SERVER and $_ENV environment variables */ public function testUsesEnvironmentVariables() { $_SERVER['foo'] = 'bar'; $_ENV['test'] = 'example'; $configuration = $this->parser->parse(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('foo', $configuration); $this->assertArrayHasKey('test', $configuration); }
public static function saveCachedEnvironmentObject() { if (!file_exists(DIR_FILES_CACHE . '/' . FILENAME_ENVIRONMENT_CACHE)) { $env = new Environment(); $env->getOverrides(); @file_put_contents(DIR_FILES_CACHE . '/' . FILENAME_ENVIRONMENT_CACHE, serialize($env)); } }
static function init($ApiKey, Environment $env) { if ($env->getBaseUrl() != Environment::PROD and $env->getBaseUrl() != Environment::TEST and $env->getBaseUrl() != Environment::DEV) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$env must be Apruve\\Environment::PROD or Apruve\\Environment::TEST to be valid.'); } ClientStorage::setEnvironment($env); ClientStorage::setApiKey($ApiKey); return new Client(); }
public function register(Environment $environment) { $env = $environment->getEnv(); foreach ($env['packages'] as $k => $e) { if ($k !== "Syph") { $this->app_container_config[$k] = array("app_path_conf" => $e . DS . "Config" . DS . "config.php"); } } }
/** * Create a normalized tree of UploadedFile instances from the Environment. * * @param Environment $env The environment * * @return array|null A normalized tree of UploadedFile instances or null if none are provided. */ public static function createFromEnvironment(Environment $env) { if (is_array($env['slim.files']) && $env->has('slim.files')) { return $env['slim.files']; } elseif (isset($_FILES)) { return static::parseUploadedFiles($_FILES); } return []; }
/** * Tests if module was activated. * * @dataProvider providerModuleActivation * * @param array $aInstallModules * @param string $sModule * @param array $aResultToAsserts */ public function testModuleActivation($aInstallModules, $sModule, $aResultToAsserts) { $oEnvironment = new Environment(); $oEnvironment->prepare($aInstallModules); $oModule = oxNew('oxModule'); $oModule->load($sModule); $this->deactivateModule($oModule); $this->activateModule($oModule); $this->runAsserts($aResultToAsserts); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render(Request $request, Response $response) { if (!$this->environment->isSilent()) { header('HTTP/1.1 ' . $response->getStatusCode() . ' ' . $response->getStatusMessage()); foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $name => $value) { header($name . ': ' . $value); } } echo $this->createTemplate($response); }
/** * Checks the site's mode and suggests SFTP if it is not set. * * @param Environment $environment Environment object to check mode of * @return void */ protected function checkConnectionMode($environment) { if ($environment->getConnectionMode() != 'sftp') { $message = 'Note: This environment is in read-only Git mode. If you '; $message .= 'want to make changes to the codebase of this site '; $message .= '(e.g. updating modules or plugins), you will need to '; $message .= 'toggle into read/write SFTP mode first.'; $this->log()->warning($message); } }
public function testModulesWithoutMetadataShouldBeAddToCleanupAllModulesWithMetadata() { // modules to be activated during test preparation $aInstallModules = array('extending_1_class'); $oEnvironment = new Environment(); $oEnvironment->prepare($aInstallModules); $oModuleList = oxNew('oxModuleList'); $aGarbage = $oModuleList->getDeletedExtensions(); $this->assertSame(array(), $aGarbage); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws \Icicle\File\Exception\FileException * @throws \Icicle\Exception\InvalidArgumentError */ public function run(Environment $environment) { if ('f' === $this->operation[0]) { if ('fopen' === $this->operation) { $file = new File($this->args[0], $this->args[1]); $id = $file->getId(); $environment->set($this->makeId($id), $file); return [$id, $file->stat()['size'], $file->inAppendMode()]; } if (null === $this->id) { throw new FileException('No file ID provided.'); } if (!$environment->exists($this->id)) { throw new FileException('No file handle with the given ID has been opened on the worker.'); } if (!($file = $environment->get($this->id)) instanceof File) { throw new FileException('File storage found in inconsistent state.'); } switch ($this->operation) { case 'fread': case 'fwrite': case 'fseek': case 'fstat': case 'ftruncate': return [$file, substr($this->operation, 1)](...$this->args); case 'fclose': $environment->delete($this->id); return true; default: throw new InvalidArgumentError('Invalid operation.'); } } switch ($this->operation) { case 'stat': case 'unlink': case 'rename': case 'copy': case 'link': case 'symlink': case 'readlink': case 'isfile': case 'isdir': case 'mkdir': case 'lsdir': case 'rmdir': case 'chmod': case 'chown': case 'chgrp': return [$this, $this->operation](...$this->args); default: throw new InvalidArgumentError('Invalid operation.'); } }
static function compileTwigMoreHaml($hamlstr, $options, $moreOptions = null) { static $env; if (!is_null($options)) { $env = new Environment('twig_more', $options); } if ($env) { return $env->compileString($hamlstr, $moreOptions); } else { throw new Exception\MoreException('plz supply 2nd arg when calling this func first time'); } }
/** * For fetching body/params sent via PUT|DELETE|PATCH Http method. * * @param bool $asResource * * @return Param|resource|boolean */ public function streamInput($asResource = false) { if (0 === strpos($this->env->getRequestHeader('CONTENT_TYPE'), 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') && in_array($this->env->data()->get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET'), array('PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'))) { if ($asResource === true) { return $this->getContent($asResource); } $body = array(); parse_str($this->getContent(), $body); return new Param($body); } return false; }
/** * Test check shop environment after activation of module with similar name as deactivated module * * @dataProvider providerModuleReactivation * * @param array $installModules * @param string $sReactivateModule * @param array $aResultToAssert */ public function testModuleActivateWithSimilarName($installModules, $sReactivateModule, $aResultToAssert) { $environment = new Environment(); $environment->prepare($installModules); foreach ($installModules as $sModule) { $oModule = oxNew('oxModule'); $this->deactivateModule($oModule, $sModule); } $oModule = oxNew('oxModule'); $this->activateModule($oModule, $sReactivateModule); $this->runAsserts($aResultToAssert); }
public function testModulesWithMissingFiles() { $this->markTestSkipped('Currently we are not checking module files.'); // modules to be activated during test preparation $aInstallModules = array('with_1_extension', 'with_2_files'); $oEnvironment = new Environment(); $oEnvironment->prepare($aInstallModules); $oModuleList = oxNew('oxModuleList'); $aGarbage = $oModuleList->getDeletedExtensions(); $aExpect = array('with_1_extension' => array('extensions' => array('oxarticle' => 'with_1_extension/mybaseclass')), 'with_2_files' => array('files' => array('myexception' => 'with_2_files/core/exception/myexception.php', 'myconnection' => 'with_2_files/core/exception/myconnection.php'))); $this->assertSame($aExpect, $aGarbage); }
/** * Test check shop environment after module deactivation in subshop. * * @dataProvider providerModuleDeactivation * * @param array $aInstallModules * @param string $sModuleId * @param array $aResultToAssert */ public function testModuleDeactivationInSubShop($aInstallModules, $sModuleId, $aResultToAssert) { if ($this->getTestConfig()->getShopEdition() != 'EE') { $this->markTestSkipped("This test case is only actual when SubShops are available."); } $oModule = oxNew('oxModule'); $oEnvironment = new Environment(); $oEnvironment->prepare($aInstallModules); $oEnvironment->setShopId(2); $oEnvironment->activateModules($aInstallModules); $this->deactivateModule($oModule, $sModuleId); $this->runAsserts($aResultToAssert); }
/** * Test check shop module deactivation */ public function testModuleDeactivate() { $oConfig = oxRegistry::getConfig(); $sState = $oConfig->getConfigParam('sTestDeactivateEvent'); $this->assertSame(null, $sState, 'No events should have been executed till now'); $oEnvironment = new Environment(); $oEnvironment->prepare(array('with_events')); $oModule = oxNew('oxModule'); $oModule->load('with_events'); $this->deactivateModule($oModule); $sState = $oConfig->getConfigParam('sTestDeactivateEvent'); $this->assertEquals("Deactivate", $sState, 'onDeactivate event was not called.'); }
/** * Tests if module was activated. */ public function testVersionNotify() { $oEnvironment = new Environment(); $oEnvironment->prepare(array('extending_1_class', 'extending_1_class_3_extensions', 'with_everything')); /** @var oxOnlineModuleVersionNotifierCaller|PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject $oCaller */ $oCaller = $this->getMock('oxOnlineModuleVersionNotifierCaller', array('doRequest'), array(), '', false); $oCaller->expects($this->any())->method('doRequest')->with($this->equalTo($this->getExpectedRequest())); $oModuleList = oxNew('oxModuleList'); $sModuleDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/testData/modules'; $oModuleList->getModulesFromDir($sModuleDir); $oNotifier = new oxOnlineModuleVersionNotifier($oCaller, $oModuleList); $oNotifier->versionNotify(); }
/** * merges config files of each module imported via config.ini[modules] to one file and loads it * considering current environment [dev, production, ...] - separate config file for each * uses Nette/Cache for invalidation when one (or more) of config files changed * * @param string|null filepath * @return Config */ public static function load($baseConfigFile = null) { if ($baseConfigFile === null) { $baseConfigFile = Environment::expand(Environment::getConfigurator()->defaultConfigFile); } $envName = Environment::getName(); Environment::setVariable('tempDir', VAR_DIR . '/cache'); $cache = Environment::getCache('config'); $key = "config[{$envName}]"; if (!isset($cache[$key])) { // najviac casu zabera load, tak az tu, ked ho je treba $appConfig = Environment::loadConfig($baseConfigFile); $configs = array(Config::fromFile($baseConfigFile, $envName)->toArray()); $configPaths = array($baseConfigFile); foreach ($appConfig->modules as $c) { $configPaths[] = $path = MODULES_DIR . "/{$c}Module/config.ini"; if (file_exists($path)) { $configs[] = Config::fromFile($path, $envName)->toArray(); } } $arrayConfig = call_user_func_array('array_merge_recursive', $configs); $cache->save($key, $arrayConfig, array('files' => $configPaths)); } return Environment::loadConfig(new Config($cache[$key])); }
public function loadPlugin($app, $folder, $optional = false) { if (!file_exists(Util::getRootPath() . "{$app}/{$folder}/plugin.xml") and !$optional) { throw new Exception("Required plugin {$app}/{$folder} not available (1)"); } if (!file_exists(Util::getRootPath() . "{$app}/{$folder}/plugin.xml")) { return false; } $xml = new XMLPlugin(Util::getRootPath() . "{$app}/{$folder}/plugin.xml"); $allowedPlugins = Environment::getS("allowedPlugins", false); $extraPlugins = Environment::getS("pluginsExtra", false); $allow = false; if ($allowedPlugins !== false and in_array($xml->registerClassName(), $allowedPlugins)) { $allow = true; } if ($extraPlugins !== false and in_array($xml->registerClassName(), $extraPlugins)) { $allow = true; } if ($allowedPlugins !== false and !$allow) { if (!$optional) { throw new Exception("Required plugin {$app}/{$folder} not available (2)"); } return false; } require_once Util::getRootPath() . "{$app}/{$folder}/" . $xml->registerClassName() . ".class.php"; $this->addClassPath(Util::getRootPath() . "{$app}/{$folder}"); return true; }
/** * Generate the module * * @return string */ public function run() { /** @var BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_maintenance_mode'); $objTemplate->action = ampersand(\Environment::get('request')); $objTemplate->headline = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['maintenanceMode']; $objTemplate->isActive = $this->isActive(); try { $driver = \System::getContainer()->get('lexik_maintenance.driver.factory')->getDriver(); $isLocked = $driver->isExists(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return ''; } // Toggle the maintenance mode if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == 'tl_maintenance_mode') { if ($isLocked) { $driver->unlock(); } else { $driver->lock(); } $this->reload(); } if ($isLocked) { $objTemplate->class = 'tl_confirm'; $objTemplate->explain = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['maintenanceEnabled']; $objTemplate->submit = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['maintenanceDisable']; } else { $objTemplate->class = 'tl_info'; $objTemplate->explain = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['maintenanceDisabled']; $objTemplate->submit = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['maintenanceEnable']; } return $objTemplate->parse(); }
/** * Do not show the module if no calendar has been selected * * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { /** @var \BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['calendar'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } $this->cal_calendar = $this->sortOutProtected(deserialize($this->cal_calendar, true)); // Return if there are no calendars if (!is_array($this->cal_calendar) || empty($this->cal_calendar)) { return ''; } $this->strUrl = preg_replace('/\\?.*$/', '', \Environment::get('request')); $this->strLink = $this->strUrl; if ($this->jumpTo && ($objTarget = $this->objModel->getRelated('jumpTo')) !== null) { /** @var \PageModel $objTarget */ $this->strLink = $objTarget->getFrontendUrl(); } return parent::generate(); }
/** * Generate the module * * @return string */ public function run() { /** @var \BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_live_update'); $objTemplate->updateClass = 'tl_confirm'; $objTemplate->updateHeadline = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['liveUpdate']; $objTemplate->isActive = $this->isActive(); $strMessage = ' <a href="contao/changelog.php" onclick="Backend.openModalIframe({\'width\':860,\'title\':\'CHANGELOG\',\'url\':this.href});return false" title="' . specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['changelog']) . '"><img src="' . TL_FILES_URL . 'system/themes/' . \Backend::getTheme() . '/images/changelog.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="" style="vertical-align:text-bottom;padding-left:3px"></a>'; // Newer version available if (\Config::get('latestVersion') && version_compare(VERSION . '.' . BUILD, \Config::get('latestVersion'), '<')) { $objTemplate->updateClass = 'tl_info'; $objTemplate->updateMessage = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['newVersion'], \Config::get('latestVersion')) . $strMessage; } else { $objTemplate->updateClass = 'tl_confirm'; $objTemplate->updateMessage = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['upToDate'], VERSION . '.' . BUILD) . $strMessage; } // Automatically switch to SSL if (\Environment::get('ssl')) { \Config::set('liveUpdateBase', str_replace('http://', 'https://', \Config::get('liveUpdateBase'))); } $objTemplate->uid = \Config::get('liveUpdateId'); $objTemplate->updateServer = \Config::get('liveUpdateBase') . 'index.php'; // Run the update if (\Input::get('token') != '') { $this->runLiveUpdate($objTemplate); } $objTemplate->version = VERSION . '.' . BUILD; $objTemplate->liveUpdateId = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['liveUpdateId']; $objTemplate->runLiveUpdate = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['runLiveUpdate']); $objTemplate->referer = base64_encode(\Environment::get('base') . \Environment::get('request') . '|' . \Environment::get('server')); $objTemplate->updateHelp = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['updateHelp'], '<a href="" target="_blank">Live Update ID</a>'); $objTemplate->phar = file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/contao/update.phar.php'); $objTemplate->toLiveUpdate = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['toLiveUpdate']; return $objTemplate->parse(); }
/** * Run the controller and parse the template */ public function run() { $this->Template = new BackendTemplate('be_picker'); $this->Template->main = ''; // Ajax request if ($_POST && Environment::get('isAjaxRequest')) { $this->objAjax = new Ajax(Input::post('action')); $this->objAjax->executePreActions(); } $strTable = Input::get('table'); $strField = Input::get('field'); $this->loadDataContainer($strTable); $objDca = new DC_Table($strTable); // AJAX request if ($_POST && Environment::get('isAjaxRequest')) { $this->objAjax->executePostActions($objDca); } $objFileTree = new $GLOBALS['BE_FFL']['fileSelector'](array('strId' => $strField, 'strTable' => $strTable, 'strField' => $strField, 'strName' => $strField, 'varValue' => explode(',', Input::get('value'))), $objDca); $this->Template->main = $objFileTree->generate(); $this->Template->theme = $this->getTheme(); $this->Template->base = Environment::get('base'); $this->Template->language = $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE']; $this->Template->title = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['filepicker']); $this->Template->headline = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['ppHeadline']; $this->Template->charset = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet']; $this->Template->options = $this->createPageList(); $this->Template->expandNode = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['expandNode']; $this->Template->collapseNode = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['collapseNode']; $this->Template->loadingData = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['loadingData']; $this->Template->search = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['search']; $this->Template->action = ampersand(Environment::get('request')); $this->Template->value = $this->Session->get('file_selector_search'); $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['debugMode'] = false; $this->Template->output(); }
/** * Constructs a Drush alias for an environment. Used to supply * organizational Drush aliases not provided by the API. * * @param Environment $environment Environment to create an alias for * @return string * @throws TerminusException */ private function constructAlias($environment) { $site_name = $environment->site->get('name'); $site_id = $environment->site->get('id'); $env_id = $environment->get('id'); $db_bindings = $environment->bindings->getByType('dbserver'); $hostnames = array_keys((array) $environment->getHostnames()); if (empty($hostnames) || empty($db_bindings)) { throw new TerminusException('No hostname entry for {site}.{env}', ['site' => $site_name, 'env' => $env_id], 1); } $db_binding = array_shift($db_bindings); $uri = array_shift($hostnames); $db_pass = $db_binding->get('password'); $db_port = $db_binding->get('port'); if (strpos(TERMINUS_HOST, 'onebox') !== false) { $remote_user = "******"; $remote_host = TERMINUS_HOST; $db_url = "mysql://*****:*****@{$remote_host}:{$db_port}"; $db_url .= '/pantheon'; } else { $remote_user = "******"; $remote_host = "appserver.{$env_id}.{$site_id}"; $db_url = "mysql://*****:*****@dbserver.{$environment}.{$site_id}"; $db_url .= "{$db_port}/pantheon"; } $output = "array(\n 'uri' => {$uri},\n 'db-url' => {$db_url},\n 'db-allows-remote' => true,\n 'remote-host' => {$remote_host},\n 'remote-user' => {$remote_user},\n 'ssh-options' => '-p 2222 -o \"AddressFamily inet\"',\n 'path-aliases' => array(\n '%files' => 'code/sites/default/files',\n '%drush-script' => 'drush',\n ),\n );"; return $output; }