$edit = 1; } elseif (!$_COOKIE['ck_pflege_user' . $sid]) { //if($edit) {header('Location:'.$root_path.'language/'.$lang.'/lang_'.$lang.'_invalid-access-warning.php'); exit;}; } /* Load the visual signalling defined constants */ require_once $root_path . 'include/inc_visual_signalling_fx.php'; require_once $root_path . 'global_conf/inc_remoteservers_conf.php'; /* Retrieve the SIGNAL_COLOR_LEVEL_ZERO = for convenience purposes */ $z = SIGNAL_COLOR_LEVEL_ZERO; /* Retrieve the SIGNAL_COLOR_LEVEL_FULL = for convenience purposes */ $f = SIGNAL_COLOR_LEVEL_FULL; $_SESSION['sess_user_origin'] = 'nursing'; /* Create department object and load all medical depts */ require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); $medical_depts = $dept_obj->getAllMedical(); /* Create encounter object */ require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_encounter.php'; $enc_obj = new Encounter(); /* Load global configs */ include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_globalconfig.php'; $GLOBAL_CONFIG = array(); $glob_obj = new GlobalConfig($GLOBAL_CONFIG); $glob_obj->getConfig('patient_%'); $_SESSION['logID'] = $_SESSION['sess_user_name']; function Spacer() { /*?> <TR bgColor=#dddddd height=1> <TD colSpan=3><IMG height=1 src="../../gui/img/common/default/pixel.gif"
* CARE2X Integrated Hospital Information System Deployment 2.1 - 2004-10-02 * GNU General Public License * Copyright 2002,2003,2004,2005 Elpidio Latorilla * elpidio@care2x.org, * * See the file "copy_notice.txt" for the licence notice */ $lang_tables[] = 'prompt.php'; $lang_tables[] = 'departments.php'; define('LANG_FILE', 'nursing.php'); $local_user = '******'; require_once $root_path . 'include/inc_front_chain_lang.php'; require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; ## Load all wards info $dept_obj = new Department(); $allmed =& $dept_obj->getAllMedical(); $dept_count = $dept_obj->LastRecordCount(); # Start Smarty templating here /** * LOAD Smarty */ # Note: it is advisable to load this after the inc_front_chain_lang.php so # that the smarty script can use the user configured template theme require_once $root_path . 'gui/smarty_template/smarty_care.class.php'; $smarty = new smarty_care('nursing'); # Title in toolbar $smarty->assign('sToolbarTitle', $LDTransferPatient); # hide back button $smarty->assign('pbBack', FALSE); # href for help button $smarty->assign('pbHelp', "javascript:gethelp('outpatient_transfer.php','Outpatient Clinic :: Transfer')");
require_once $root_path . 'include/inc_front_chain_lang.php'; # Check for the department nr., else show department selector if (!isset($dept_nr) || !$dept_nr) { if ($cfg['thispc_dept_nr']) { $dept_nr = $cfg['thispc_dept_nr']; } else { header('Location:doctors-select-dept.php' . URL_REDIRECT_APPEND . '&target=plist&retpath=' . $retpath); exit; } } $thisfile = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); # Load the department list with oncall doctors require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); $dept_obj->preloadDept($dept_nr); $dept_list =& $dept_obj->getAllMedical(); # Load the dept doctors require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_personell.php'; $pers_obj = new Personell(); $doctors =& $pers_obj->getDoctorsOfDept($dept_nr); # Load global values $GLOBAL_CONFIG = array(); require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_globalconfig.php'; $glob_obj = new GlobalConfig($GLOBAL_CONFIG); $glob_obj->getConfig('personell_%'); # Set color values for the search mask $searchmask_bgcolor = '#f3f3f3'; $searchprompt = $LDEntryPrompt; $entry_block_bgcolor = '#fff3f3'; $entry_border_bgcolor = '#6666ee'; $entry_body_bgcolor = '#ffffff';
require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); $deptarray = $dept_obj->getAllMedical('name_formal'); # Set the break (return) file switch ($_SESSION['sess_user_origin']) { case 'amb': $breakfile = $root_path . 'modules/ambulatory/ambulatory.php' . URL_APPEND; break; default: $breakfile = $root_path . 'main/startframe.php' . URL_APPEND; } # Create department object require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); # Load all medical departments $med_arr =& $dept_obj->getAllMedical(); # Prepare the html select options $options = ''; while (list($x, $v) = each($med_arr)) { if ($x == 42) { continue; } $buffer = $v['LD_var']; if (isset(${$buffer}) && !empty(${$buffer})) { $buf2 = ${$buffer}; } else { $buf2 = $v['name_formal']; } $options .= ' <option value="' . $v['nr'] . '"'; if ($dept_nr == $v['nr']) {
} } elseif ($mode == 'appt_cancel' && !empty($nr)) { $_POST['history'] = $obj->ConcatHistory("Cancel: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " : " . $_SESSION['sess_user_name'] . "\n"); $_POST['appt_status'] = 'cancelled'; $_POST['cancel_reason'] = $reason; $_POST['modify_id'] = $_SESSION['sess_user_name']; $_POST['modify_time'] = date('YmdHis'); $mode = 'update'; include './include/save_admission_data.inc.php'; } } $lang_tables = array('prompt.php', 'departments.php'); require './include/init_show.php'; if ($result =& $obj->getPersonsAppointmentsObj($pid)) { $rows = $result->RecordCount(); } # Load the encounter classes require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_encounter.php'; $enc_obj = new Encounter(); /* Get all encounter classes */ $encounter_classes =& $enc_obj->AllEncounterClassesObject(); $subtitle = $LDAppointments; $_SESSION['sess_file_return'] = $thisfile; /* Load departments */ require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); $deptarray = $dept_obj->getAllMedical('name_formal'); $buffer = str_replace('~tag~', $title . ' ' . $name_last, $LDNoRecordYet); $norecordyet = str_replace('~obj~', strtolower($subtitle), $buffer); /* Load GUI page */ require './gui_bridge/default/gui_show.php';
$_SESSION['sess_pid'] = $pid; } if (!isset($user_id) || !$user_id) { $user_id = $local_user . $sid; $user_id = ${$user_id}; } if (isset($pid) && $pid != '') { $person_obj = new Person($pid); if ($data_obj =& $person_obj->getAllInfoObject()) { $zeile = $data_obj->FetchRow(); //while(list($x,$v)=each($zeile)) $$x=$v; extract($zeile); } } require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_globalconfig.php'; $glob_obj = new GlobalConfig($GLOBAL_CONFIG); $subtitle = $LDSickReport; $buffer = str_replace('~tag~', $title . ' ' . $name_last, $LDNoRecordFor); $norecordyet = str_replace('~obj~', strtolower($subtitle), $buffer); $_SESSION['sess_file_return'] = $thisfile; /* Load all medical depts info */ require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); $dept_med = $dept_obj->getAllMedical(); if (isset($deptnr) && !empty($deptnr)) { $encounter['current_dept_nr'] = $deptnr; } $dept_address = $dept_obj->Address($encounter['current_dept_nr']); $dept_sigstamp = $dept_obj->SignatureStamp($encounter['current_dept_nr']); /* Load GUI page */ require './gui_bridge/default/gui_print_sick_confirm.php';
if (empty($pday)) { $pday = date('j'); } if (empty($pmonth)) { $pmonth = date('n'); } if (empty($pyear)) { $pyear = date('Y'); } $abtarr = array(); $abtname = array(); $datum = date('d.m.Y'); # Load the medical department list require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); $dept = $dept_obj->getAllMedical(); $title = $LDSelectDept; # Set forward file switch ($target) { case 'catalog': $fileforward = $root_path . "modules/products/products-bestellkatalog-edit.php" . URL_APPEND . "&cat={$cat}"; break; default: $fileforward = $root_path . "modules/products/products-bestellung.php" . URL_APPEND . "&cat={$cat}"; } # Start Smarty templating here /** * LOAD Smarty */ # Note: it is advisable to load this after the inc_front_chain_lang.php so # that the smarty script can use the user configured template theme
header("location:nursing-station-new-createbeds.php?sid={$sid}&lang={$lang}&ward_nr={$ward_nr}"); exit; } else { echo "{$sql}<br>{$LDDbNoSave}"; } } else { $ward_exists = true; } break; } // end of switch } else { echo "{$LDDbNoLink}<br>"; } } else { $depts =& $dept->getAllMedical(); } # Start the smarty templating /** * LOAD Smarty */ # Note: it is advisable to load this after the inc_front_chain_lang.php so # that the smarty script can use the user configured template theme require_once $root_path . 'gui/smarty_template/smarty_care.class.php'; $smarty = new smarty_care('nursing'); # Added for the common header top block $smarty->assign('sToolbarTitle', "{$LDCreate}::{$LDNewStation}"); $smarty->assign('pbHelp', "javascript:gethelp('nursing_ward_mng.php','new')"); # href for close button $smarty->assign('breakfile', $breakfile); # Window bar title