function fillDepartment(Department $department, array $people) { foreach ($people as $value) { for ($i = 0; $i < $value[0]; $i++) { $department->addEmployee(new $value[1]($value[2])); } } }
/** * [start_el description] * * @param string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content. * @param object $elem Department data object. * @param int $depth Depth of Department. Used for padding. * @param int $current_page Department ID. * @param array $args * * @return void */ public function start_el(&$output, $elem, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0) { static $alternate; $department = new Department($elem); $alternate = 'alternate' == $alternate ? 'even' : 'alternate'; $padding = str_repeat('— ', $depth); ?> <tr class="<?php echo $alternate; ?> " id="erp-dept-<?php echo $department->id; ?> "> <th scope="row" class="check-column"> <input id="cb-select-1" type="checkbox" name="dept[]" value="1"> </th> <td class="col-"> <strong><a href="#"><?php echo $padding . $department->name; ?> </a></strong> <div class="row-actions"> <span class="edit"><a href="#" data-id="<?php echo $department->id; ?> " title="Edit this item"><?php _e('Edit', 'wp-erp'); ?> </a> | </span> <span class="trash"><a class="submitdelete" data-id="<?php echo $department->id; ?> " title="Delete this item" href="#"><?php _e('Delete', 'wp-erp'); ?> </a></span> </div> </td> <td class="col-"> <?php if ($lead = $department->get_lead()) { echo $lead->get_link(); } else { echo '-'; } ?> </td> <td class="col-"><?php echo $department->num_of_employees(); ?> </td> </tr> <?php }
function installDepartments() { global $departmentsData, $departments; foreach ($departmentsData as $departmenName) { $department = new Department(); $department->setName($departmenName); // $em->persist($department); $departments[$departmenName] = $department; } }
function list_drop() { $dept = new Department(); $dept->get(); foreach ($dept as $row) { $data[''] = '[ Pilih Departement ]'; $data[$row->dept_name] = $row->dept_name; } return $data; }
function getDepartmentList($compCode) { App::import("Model", "Department"); $model = new Department(); $con2 = $model->find('list', array('fields' => array('Department.dept_code', 'Department.dept_name'), 'conditions' => array('Department.comp_code' => $compCode))); if (empty($con2)) { return 0; } else { return $con2; } }
private function fillTheDepartment(Department $department, $addToDepartment) { foreach ($addToDepartment as $item) { foreach ($item as $count => $employee) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $em = new $employee[0]($employee[1], $employee[2]); $department->addEmployee($em); } } } }
/** * Validate dep_uid * @var string $dep_uid. Uid for Departament * @var string $nameField. Name of field for message * * @access public * @author Brayan Pereyra (Cochalo) <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Colosa - Bolivia * * @return string */ public static function depUid($dep_uid, $nameField = 'dep_uid') { $dep_uid = trim($dep_uid); if ($dep_uid == '') { throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_DEPARTMENT_NOT_EXIST", array($nameField, ''))); } $oDepartment = new \Department(); if (!$oDepartment->existsDepartment($dep_uid)) { throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_DEPARTMENT_NOT_EXIST", array($nameField, $dep_uid))); } return $dep_uid; }
public function executeAdd(sfWebRequest $request) { if ($request->isMethod('Post')) { $department = new Department(); $department->setTitle($request->getParameter('title')); //$department->setDescription($request->getParameter('description')); $department->setStatus(Constant::RECORD_STATUS_ACTIVE); $department->save(); $this->getUser()->setFlash('SUCCESS_MESSAGE', Constant::RECORD_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY); $this->redirect('Department/list'); } //end if }
function department_list($id = null) { if ($id) { $dept = new Department($id); $list = new Department(); $list->where('parent_id', $id); $list->order_by('orders', 'asc'); $list->get(); child_personnel(0, $id, $dept->title); foreach ($list as $key_tmp => $tmp) { department_list($tmp->id); } } }
/** * index method * * @return void */ public function index() { $this->layout = 'ajax'; $limit = 5; $page = 2; $dept_id = null; // debug($page= $this->request); $page = $this->request->query['page']; $limit = $this->request->query['limit']; $this->Paginator->settings['page'] = $page; $this->Paginator->settings['limit'] = $limit; // $this->Paginator->settings =array('limit'=>$limit,'page'=>$page); if (isset($this->request->query['dept_number'])) { $dept_number = $this->request->query['dept_number']; App::import('Model', 'Department'); App::import('Controller', 'Departments'); $Department = new Department(); $dept_id = $Department->findByDept_number($dept_number)['Department']['id']; $DepartmentsController = new DepartmentsController(); $depts = $DepartmentsController->getChildren($dept_id); // debug($depts); $deptdata = array(); foreach ($depts as $dept) { $deptdata[] = $dept['dept_number']; } $logdept = array(); // debug(count($deptdata)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($deptdata); $i++) { $logdept[] = array('logdept like' => $deptdata[$i] . '%'); } if (count($depts) == 0) { $deptdata = $dept_number; $logdept = array('logdept like' => $deptdata . '%'); } // debug($deptdata); $conditions = array('or' => array('dept_number' => $deptdata, 'or' => $logdept)); // debug($conditions); $this->Paginator->settings = array('conditions' => $conditions); } if (isset($this->request->query['stu_name'])) { $qurey = $this->request->query['stu_name']; $conditions = array('or' => array('stu_name like' => '%' . $qurey . '%', 'stu_number like' => $qurey . '%', 'id_card_number like' => $qurey . '%', 'note like' => '%' . $qurey . '%')); $this->Paginator->settings = array('conditions' => $conditions); } $this->Paginator->settings['page'] = $page; $this->Paginator->settings['limit'] = $limit; $this->Student->recursive = 0; $this->set('students', $this->Paginator->paginate()); }
public function get_by_doctor($id) { $conn = $this->db->conn; try { $query = $conn->prepare("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT De.Acronim, De.ID, De.Image, C.Content as Name\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM Departments as De \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN DepartmentsDoctors as DD ON De.ID = DD.DepartmentID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN Doctors as D ON DD.DoctorID = D.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN Contents as C \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON De.NameContentID = C.ID \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE D.ID = ? AND C.Lang = ? AND De.Active = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); $query->execute(array($id, $this->db->lang)); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo "Error: " . $e; } while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $department = new Department($this->db); $department->update_class($row); array_push($this->departments, $department); } }
public function editAction() { if ($this->isAjax()) { $data = $this->request->getPost(); if (empty($data)) { $this->pageError('param'); } $modelForm = new DepartmentForm('edit'); if ($result = $modelForm->validate($data)) { if ($modelForm->edit()) { $this->success('操作成功'); } else { $this->error('操作失败'); } } $this->error($result); } $oid = $this->dispatcher->getParams()[0]; if (empty($oid)) { $this->pageError('param'); } $operator = Department::findById($oid); if (!$operator) { $this->pageError('param'); } $form = new DepartmentForm('edit', $operator); $this->view->setVars(['formparams' => ['event' => 'edit', 'action' => \Func\url('/department/edit')], 'data' => $operator]); $this->view->pick('department/add'); }
public function actionForm($id = null) { if (Yii::app()->session["username"] != null) { $this->layout = "main"; } else { $this->layout = "front"; } $model = new Department(); if (!empty($_POST["Department"])) { // 1.step new Department $model = new Department(); // 2.step edit Department if (!empty($id)) { $model = Department::model()->findByPk($id); } // 3. step merge data $model->_attributes = $_POST["Department"]; // 6. step save/update if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect("index.php?r=department"); } } if (!empty($id)) { $model = Department::model()->findByPk($id); } $this->render("//department/form", array("model" => $model)); }
public static function checkReadScope($uid, $data) { if ($data["deptid"] == "alldept") { return true; } if ($uid == $data["author"]) { return true; } if (empty($data["deptid"]) && empty($data["positionid"]) && empty($data["uid"])) { return true; } $user = User::model()->fetch(array("select" => array("deptid", "positionid"), "condition" => "uid=:uid", "params" => array(":uid" => $uid))); $childDeptid = Department::model()->fetchChildIdByDeptids($data["deptid"]); if (StringUtil::findIn($user["deptid"], $childDeptid . "," . $data["deptid"])) { return true; } $childCcDeptid = Department::model()->fetchChildIdByDeptids($data["ccdeptid"]); if (StringUtil::findIn($user["deptid"], $childCcDeptid . "," . $data["ccdeptid"])) { return true; } if (StringUtil::findIn($data["positionid"], $user["positionid"])) { return true; } if (StringUtil::findIn($data["uid"], $uid)) { return true; } if (StringUtil::findIn($data["ccpositionid"], $user["positionid"])) { return true; } if (StringUtil::findIn($data["ccuid"], $uid)) { return true; } return false; }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(1, 10) as $index) { Department::create([]); } }
/** * Determines ownership of the cabinet and returns the CSS class in case a * color unequal white is assigned to the owner * * @param Cabinet $cabinet * @param array &$deptswithcolor * @return string CSS class or empty string */ function get_cabinet_owner_color($cabinet, &$deptswithcolor) { $cab_color = ''; if ($cabinet->AssignedTo != 0) { $tempDept = new Department(); $tempDept->DeptID = $cabinet->AssignedTo; $deptid = $tempDept->DeptID; $tempDept->GetDeptByID(); if (strtoupper($tempDept->DeptColor) != "#FFFFFF") { $deptswithcolor[$cabinet->AssignedTo]["color"] = $tempDept->DeptColor; $deptswithcolor[$cabinet->AssignedTo]["name"] = $tempDept->Name; $cab_color = "class=\"dept{$deptid}\""; } } return $cab_color; }
public function loadModel($id) { if (($model = Department::model()->findByPk($id)) === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'Страница не найдена'); } return $model; }
/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::table('units', function (Blueprint $table) { // $departmentlist = Department::whereHas('programs', function ($q) { $q->whereNotIn('programid', array(62, 66, 38, 22)); $q->where('degreelevel', 'U'); })->get(); foreach ($departmentlist as $department) { $unitname = $department->unitname; if (strpos($unitname, 'Department of') !== false) { $unitname = str_replace("Department of ", "", $unitname); $unitname = substr_replace($unitname, " Department", strlen($unitname), 0); } $department->unitname = $unitname; $department->save(['timestamps' => false]); } foreach ($departmentlist as $department) { $unitname = $department->unitname; if (strpos($unitname, ' Department') !== false) { $unitname = str_replace(" Department", "", $unitname); $unitname = substr_replace($unitname, "Department of ", 0, 0); } $department->unitname = $unitname; $department->save(['timestamps' => false]); } }); }
public static function getShowData($data) { $data["subject"] = stripslashes($data["subject"]); if (!empty($data["author"])) { $data["authorDeptName"] = Department::model()->fetchDeptNameByUid($data["author"]); } if ($data["approver"] != 0) { $data["approver"] = User::model()->fetchRealNameByUid($data["approver"]); } else { $data["approver"] = Ibos::lang("None"); } $data["addtime"] = ConvertUtil::formatDate($data["addtime"], "u"); $data["uptime"] = empty($data["uptime"]) ? "" : ConvertUtil::formatDate($data["uptime"], "u"); $data["categoryName"] = ArticleCategory::model()->fetchCateNameByCatid($data["catid"]); if (empty($data["deptid"]) && empty($data["positionid"]) && empty($data["uid"])) { $data["departmentNames"] = Ibos::lang("All"); $data["positionNames"] = $data["uidNames"] = ""; } elseif ($data["deptid"] == "alldept") { $data["departmentNames"] = Ibos::lang("All"); $data["positionNames"] = $data["uidNames"] = ""; } else { $department = DepartmentUtil::loadDepartment(); $data["departmentNames"] = ArticleUtil::joinStringByArray($data["deptid"], $department, "deptname", "、"); $position = PositionUtil::loadPosition(); $data["positionNames"] = ArticleUtil::joinStringByArray($data["positionid"], $position, "posname", "、"); if (!empty($data["uid"])) { $users = User::model()->fetchAllByUids(explode(",", $data["uid"])); $data["uidNames"] = ArticleUtil::joinStringByArray($data["uid"], $users, "realname", "、"); } else { $data["uidNames"] = ""; } } return $data; }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $departmentlist = Department::whereHas('programs', function ($q) { $q->whereNotIn('programid', array(62, 66, 38)); $q->where('degreelevel', 'U'); })->get(); $collegelist = []; foreach ($departmentlist as $department) { array_push($collegelist, $department->college); } $collegelist = array_unique($collegelist); //Average students per program $collegeAveArray = []; foreach ($collegelist as $college) { $unitname = substr_replace($college->unitname, "\n", 11, 0); //if colllege of allied medical professsions if ($college->unitid === 9) { $unitname = substr_replace($college->unitname, "\n", 18, 0); } $collStudents = round($college->getAveStudents(), 2); $collegeAveArray[$unitname] = $collStudents; $collAttrition = $college->getAveAttrition(); $collegeAveAttritionArray[$unitname] = $collAttrition; } //return page return View::make('', ['collegelist' => $collegelist, 'collegeAveArray' => $collegeAveArray, 'collegeAveAttritionArray' => $collegeAveAttritionArray]); }
public static function getDepartmentPermissions($department_id) { $department = Department::find($department_id); $permissions_keys = explode(",", $department->permissions); $permissions = Permissions::whereIn('key', $permissions_keys)->get(); return $permissions; }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * GET /users/create * * @return Response */ public function create() { $pagetitle = 'Create User'; $departments = Department::orderBy('department')->lists('department', 'id'); $roles = Role::orderBy('name')->lists('name', 'id'); return View::make('user.create', compact('pagetitle', 'departments', 'roles')); }
public function getMyprofile() { $id = Auth::user()->id; $alumni_id = null; $sql = "SELECT * FROM alumni WHERE account_id = ?"; $prof = DB::select($sql, array($id)); if ($prof != null) { $alumni_id = $prof[0]->id; } $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM degree WHERE alumni_id = ?"; $deg = DB::select($sql2, array($alumni_id)); $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM work_experience WHERE alumni_id = ?"; $wrk_exp = DB::select($sql3, array($alumni_id)); $sql4 = "SELECT * FROM certificate WHERE alumni_id = ?"; $certificate = DB::select($sql4, array($alumni_id)); // $sql5 = "SELECT * FROM alumni_tracer WHERE alumni_id = ?"; $sql5 = "SELECT at.*, sq.question, sc.choice\n\t\t\t\tFROM alumni_tracer AS at\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN survey_questions AS sq\n\t\t\t\tON = at.question_id\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN survey_choices AS sc\n\t\t\t\tON = at.choice_id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE at.alumni_id = ?\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY at.question_id"; $a_tracer = DB::select($sql5, array($alumni_id)); $dept = Department::all(); $region = Region::all(); $province = Province::all(); $occupation = Occupation::all(); $company = Company::all(); $deg_title = DegreeTitle::all(); $school = School::all(); $jobs = Job::all(); $field = Field::all(); $questions = DB::select("SELECT * FROM survey_questions"); $civil_status = DB::select("SELECT * FROM civil_status"); return View::make('user.profile')->with('company', $company)->with('field', $field)->with('occupation', $occupation)->with('work_exp', $wrk_exp)->with('degree', $deg)->with('a_tracer', $a_tracer)->with('certificate', $certificate)->with('school', $school)->with('deg_title', $deg_title)->with('profile', $prof)->with('dept', $dept)->with('region', $region)->with('province', $province)->with('civil_status', $civil_status)->with('questions', $questions)->with('jobs', $jobs); }
public function indexAction() { $departments = Department::find(); $this->view->departments = $departments; $employees = Employee::find(); $this->view->employees = $employees; }
/** * Start test */ public function startIndexAction() { Assets::reset()->add('main'); $token = $this->getToken(); if (!$token) { return Redirect::route('info')->with('message', 'Токен не найден'); } if ($token->status == Token::TOKEN_STATUS_EMPTY) { /** * вывести форму где пользователь введёт свои данные */ $departments = Department::all(); $groups = Group::all(); $selectedDepartments = array(); $selectGroups = array(); $selectedDepartments[] = 'Не выбран'; $selectGroups[] = 'Не выбран'; foreach ($departments as $department) { $selectedDepartments[$department->id] = $department->name; } foreach ($groups as $group) { $selectGroups[$group->id] = $group->name; } return View::make('test.start', ['token' => $token, 'departments' => $selectedDepartments, 'groups' => $selectGroups]); } elseif ($token->status == Token::TOKEN_STATUS_STARTED) { if ($this->isTokenValid($token)) { return Redirect::route('test.index'); } else { Session::forget('token_string'); $token->status = Token::TOKEN_STATUS_EXPIRED; $token->save(); return Redirect::route('info')->with('message', 'Время теста истекло'); } } }
public function postGeneral($id) { $id = Crypt::decrypt($id); $request = RRequest::find($id); if (Input::has('save')) { if (Input::get('employee') == 0 || Input::get('organization') == 0 || Input::get('r_plan') == 0 || Input::get('specialist') == 0 || strlen(Input::get('title')) < 2 || strlen(Input::get('description')) < 2) { Session::flash('sms_warn', trans('sta.require_field')); } else { $request->request_by_id = Input::get('employee'); $request->for_organization_id = Input::get('organization'); $request->for_planning_id = Input::get('r_plan'); $request->to_department_id = Input::get('specialist'); $request->request_title = Input::get('title'); $request->description = Input::get('description'); $request->request_date = date('Y-m-d'); $request->created_by = Auth::user()->employee_id; if ($request->save()) { Session::flash('sms_success', trans('sta.save_data_success')); //return Redirect::to('branch_request/general/' . Crypt::encrypt($request->id)); } } } $organizations = $this->array_list(Organization::list_item()); $employees = $this->array_list(Employee::list_item()); $department = $this->array_list(Department::list_item()); $r_plans = $this->array_list(Rplan::list_item()); return View::make('branch_request.edit_general', array('id' => $id, 'organizations' => $organizations, 'employees' => $employees, 'specialist' => $department, 'r_plans' => $r_plans, 'request' => $request)); }
public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
public function all() { if (\KodeInfo\Utilities\Utils::isDepartmentAdmin(Auth::user()->id)) { $department_admin = DepartmentAdmins::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first(); $department = Department::where('id', $department_admin->department_id)->first(); $company = Company::where('id', $department->company_id)->first(); $messages = CannedMessages::where('company_id', $company->id)->where('department_id', $department->id)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(); } elseif (\KodeInfo\Utilities\Utils::isOperator(Auth::user()->id)) { $department_admin = OperatorsDepartment::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first(); $department = Department::where('id', $department_admin->department_id)->first(); $company = Company::where('id', $department->company_id)->first(); $messages = CannedMessages::where('company_id', $company->id)->where('department_id', $department->id)->where('operator_id', Auth::user()->id)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(); } else { $messages = CannedMessages::orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(); } foreach ($messages as $message) { $operator = User::find($message->operator_id); $department = Department::find($message->department_id); $company = Company::find($message->company_id); $message->operator = $operator; $message->department = $department; $message->company = $company; } $this->data['messages'] = $messages; return View::make('canned_messages.all', $this->data); }
public function detail() { $department = Department::find(Input::get('department_id')); if ($department) { $this->set_template('hospital.department.detail'); $this->set_data(array('name' => $department->name, 'photo' => $department->photo, 'content' => $department->description)); // Json response: // Remove html tags $this->set_postprocess_function('json', function ($result, $status) { if ($status) { $result['content'] = strip_tags($result['content']); } return $result; }); // Html response: // add some information $this->set_postprocess_function('html', function ($result, $status) use($department) { if ($status) { $chief_doctor = $department->doctors()->where('is_chief', true)->first(); $hospital_name = $department->hospital()->first()->name; $result['photo'] = $department->photo; $result['hospital_name'] = $hospital_name; if (isset($chief_doctor)) { $result['doctor'] = array('photo' => $chief_doctor->photo, 'description' => $chief_doctor->description, 'specialty' => $chief_doctor->specialty); } } return $result; }); } else { $this->set_error_code($this->not_found_error_code); } return $this->response(); }
public function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Departments', GridField::create('Department', 'Departments', Department::get()->sort('Title'), GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create())); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Roles', GridField::create('Role', 'Roles', Role::get()->sort('Title'), GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create())); return $fields; }