Пример #1
  * Retrieves a user's questions
  * @param   string  $kind       The kind of results to retrieve
  * @param   array   $interests  Array of tags
  * @return  array   Database results
 private function _getQuestions($kind = 'open', $interests = array())
     // Get some classes we need
     require_once Component::path('com_answers') . DS . 'models' . DS . 'question.php';
     require_once Component::path('com_answers') . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php';
     $limit = intval($this->params->get('limit', 10));
     $tags = null;
     $records = \Components\Answers\Models\Question::all()->including(['responses', function ($response) {
     }])->whereEquals('state', 0);
     if ($kind == 'mine') {
         $records->whereEquals('created_by', User::get('id'));
     if ($kind == 'interest') {
         $tags = count($interests) <= 0 ? $this->_getInterests() : $interests;
     if ($kind == 'assigned') {
         require_once Component::path('com_tools') . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'author.php';
         $database = \App::get('db');
         $TA = new \Components\Tools\Tables\Author($database);
         $tools = $TA->getToolContributions(User::get('id'));
         if ($tools) {
             foreach ($tools as $tool) {
                 $tags .= 'tool' . $tool->toolname . ',';
             $tags = rtrim($tags, ',');
     if ($tags) {
         $cloud = new \Components\Answers\Models\Tags();
         $tags = $cloud->parse($tags);
         $records->select('#__answers_questions.*')->join('#__tags_object', '#__tags_object.objectid', '#__answers_questions.id')->join('#__tags', '#__tags.id', '#__tags_object.tagid')->whereEquals('#__tags_object.tbl', 'answers')->whereIn('#__tags.tag', $tags);
     $data = $records->limit($limit)->ordered()->rows();
     $results = array();
     foreach ($data as $datum) {
         $datum->set('rcount', $datum->responses->count());
         $results[] = $datum;
     if ($this->banking && $results) {
         $database = \App::get('db');
         $AE = new \Components\Answers\Helpers\Economy($database);
         $awards = array();
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             // Calculate max award
             $result->set('marketvalue', round($AE->calculate_marketvalue($result->get('id'), 'maxaward')));
             $result->set('maxaward', round(2 * ($result->get('marketvalue', 0) / 3)));
             if ($kind != 'mine') {
                 $result->set('maxaward', $result->get('maxaward') + $result->get('reward'));
             $awards[] = $result->get('maxaward', 0);
         // re-sort by max reponses
         array_multisort($awards, SORT_DESC, $results);
     return $results;
Пример #2
  * Retrieves a user's questions
  * @param   string  $kind       The kind of results to retrieve
  * @param   array   $interests  Array of tags
  * @return  array   Database results
 private function _getQuestions($kind = 'open', $interests = array())
     $database = \App::get('db');
     // Get some classes we need
     require_once Component::path('com_answers') . DS . 'models' . DS . 'question.php';
     require_once Component::path('com_answers') . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'response.php';
     require_once Component::path('com_answers') . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'log.php';
     require_once Component::path('com_answers') . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'questionslog.php';
     require_once Component::path('com_answers') . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php';
     $aq = new \Components\Answers\Tables\Question($database);
     if ($this->banking) {
         $AE = new \Components\Answers\Helpers\Economy($database);
         $BT = new \Hubzero\Bank\Transaction($database);
     $params =& $this->params;
     $moduleclass = $params->get('moduleclass');
     $limit = intval($params->get('limit', 10));
     $limit = $limit ? $limit : 10;
     $filters = array('limit' => $limit, 'start' => 0, 'tag' => '', 'filterby' => 'open', 'sortby' => 'date');
     switch ($kind) {
         case 'mine':
             $filters['mine'] = 1;
             $filters['sortby'] = 'responses';
         case 'assigned':
             $filters['mine'] = 0;
             require_once Component::path('com_tools') . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'author.php';
             $TA = new \Components\Tools\Tables\Author($database);
             $tools = $TA->getToolContributions(User::get('id'));
             if ($tools) {
                 foreach ($tools as $tool) {
                     $filters['tag'] .= 'tool' . $tool->toolname . ',';
             if (!$filters['tag']) {
                 $filters['filterby'] = 'none';
         case 'interest':
             $filters['mine'] = 0;
             $interests = count($interests) <= 0 ? $this->_getInterests() : $interests;
             $filters['filterby'] = !$interests ? 'none' : 'open';
             $filters['tag'] = $interests;
     $results = $aq->getResults($filters);
     if ($this->banking && $results) {
         $awards = array();
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             // Calculate max award
             $result->marketvalue = round($AE->calculate_marketvalue($result->id, 'maxaward'));
             $result->maxaward = round(2 * ($result->marketvalue / 3));
             if ($kind != 'mine') {
                 $result->maxaward = $result->maxaward + $result->reward;
             $awards[] = $result->maxaward ? $result->maxaward : 0;
         // re-sort by max reponses
         array_multisort($awards, SORT_DESC, $results);
     foreach ($results as $k => $result) {
         $results[$k] = new \Components\Answers\Models\Question($result);
     return $results;
Пример #3
  * Calculate royalties
  * @return     void
 public function royaltyTask()
     $auto = Request::getInt('auto', 0);
     $action = 'royalty';
     if (!$auto) {
         $who = User::get('id');
     } else {
         $who = 0;
     // What month/year is it now?
     $curmonth = Date::of('now')->format("F");
     $curyear = Date::of('now')->format("Y-m");
     $ref = strtotime($curyear);
     $this->_message = 'Royalties on Answers for ' . $curyear . ' were distributed successfully.';
     $rmsg = 'Royalties on Reviews for ' . $curyear . ' were distributed successfully.';
     $resmsg = 'Royalties on Resources for ' . $curyear . ' were distributed successfully.';
     // Make sure we distribute royalties only once/ month
     $MH = new MarketHistory($this->database);
     $royaltyAnswers = $MH->getRecord('', $action, 'answers', $curyear, $this->_message);
     $royaltyReviews = $MH->getRecord('', $action, 'reviews', $curyear, $rmsg);
     $royaltyResources = $MH->getRecord('', $action, 'resources', $curyear, $resmsg);
     // Include economy classes
     if (is_file(PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_answers' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php')) {
         require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_answers' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php';
     if (is_file(PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php')) {
         require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php';
     $AE = new \Components\Answers\Helpers\Economy($this->database);
     $accumulated = 0;
     // Get Royalties on Answers
     if (!$royaltyAnswers) {
         $rows = $AE->getQuestions();
         if ($rows) {
             foreach ($rows as $r) {
                 $AE->distribute_points($r->id, $r->q_owner, $r->a_owner, $action);
                 $accumulated = $accumulated + $AE->calculate_marketvalue($r->id, $action);
             // make a record of royalty payment
             if (intval($accumulated) > 0) {
                 $MH = new MarketHistory($this->database);
                 $data['itemid'] = $ref;
                 $data['date'] = Date::toSql();
                 $data['market_value'] = $accumulated;
                 $data['category'] = 'answers';
                 $data['action'] = $action;
                 $data['log'] = $this->_message;
                 if (!$MH->bind($data)) {
                     $err = $MH->getError();
                 if (!$MH->store()) {
                     $err = $MH->getError();
         } else {
             $this->_message = 'There were no questions eligible for royalty payment. ';
     } else {
         $this->_message = 'Royalties on Answers for ' . $curyear . ' were previously distributed. ';
     // Get Royalties on Resource Reviews
     if (!$royaltyReviews) {
         // get eligible
         $RE = new \Components\Resources\Helpers\Economy\Reviews($this->database);
         $reviews = $RE->getReviews();
         // do we have ratings on reviews enabled?
         $plparam = Plugin::params('resources', 'reviews');
         $voting = $plparam->get('voting');
         $accumulated = 0;
         if ($reviews && $voting) {
             foreach ($reviews as $r) {
                 $RE->distribute_points($r, $action);
                 $accumulated = $accumulated + $RE->calculate_marketvalue($r, $action);
             $this->_message .= $rmsg;
         } else {
             $this->_message .= 'There were no reviews eligible for royalty payment. ';
         // make a record of royalty payment
         if (intval($accumulated) > 0) {
             $MH = new MarketHistory($this->database);
             $data['itemid'] = $ref;
             $data['date'] = Date::toSql();
             $data['market_value'] = $accumulated;
             $data['category'] = 'reviews';
             $data['action'] = $action;
             $data['log'] = $rmsg;
             if (!$MH->bind($data)) {
                 $err = $MH->getError();
             if (!$MH->store()) {
                 $err = $MH->getError();
     } else {
         $this->_message .= 'Royalties on Reviews for ' . $curyear . ' were previously distributed. ';
     // Get Royalties on Resources
     if (!$royaltyResources) {
         // get eligible
         $ResE = new \Components\Resources\Helpers\Economy\Reviews($this->database);
         $cons = $ResE->getCons();
         $accumulated = 0;
         if ($cons) {
             foreach ($cons as $con) {
                 $ResE->distribute_points($con, $action);
                 $accumulated = $accumulated + $con->ranking;
             $this->_message .= $resmsg;
         } else {
             $this->_message .= 'There were no resources eligible for royalty payment.';
         // make a record of royalty payment
         if (intval($accumulated) > 0) {
             $MH = new MarketHistory($this->database);
             $data['itemid'] = $ref;
             $data['date'] = Date::toSql();
             $data['market_value'] = $accumulated;
             $data['category'] = 'resources';
             $data['action'] = $action;
             $data['log'] = $resmsg;
             if (!$MH->bind($data)) {
                 $err = $MH->getError();
             if (!$MH->store()) {
                 $err = $MH->getError();
     } else {
         $this->_message .= 'Royalties on Resources for ' . $curyear . ' were previously distributed.';
     if (!$auto) {
         // show output if run manually
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&controller=' . $this->_controller, false), Lang::txt($this->_message));
Пример #4
  * Calculate point royalties for members
  * @param   object   $job  \Components\Cron\Models\Job
  * @return  boolean
 public function onPointRoyalties(\Components\Cron\Models\Job $job)
     $this->database = App::get('db');
     $action = 'royalty';
     // What month/year is it now?
     $curmonth = Date::format("F");
     $curyear = Date::format("Y-m");
     $ref = strtotime($curyear);
     $this->_message = Lang::txt('PLG_CRON_MEMBERS_POINT_ROYALTIES_DISTRIBUTED_ANSWERS', $curyear);
     // Make sure we distribute royalties only once/ month
     $royaltyAnswers = \Hubzero\Bank\MarketHistory::getRecord('', $action, 'answers', $curyear, $this->_message);
     $royaltyReviews = \Hubzero\Bank\MarketHistory::getRecord('', $action, 'reviews', $curyear, $rmsg);
     $royaltyResources = \Hubzero\Bank\MarketHistory::getRecord('', $action, 'resources', $curyear, $resmsg);
     // Include economy classes
     if (is_file(PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_answers' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php')) {
         require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_answers' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php';
     if (is_file(PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php')) {
         require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php';
     $AE = new \Components\Answers\Helpers\Economy($this->database);
     $accumulated = 0;
     // Get Royalties on Answers
     if (!$royaltyAnswers) {
         $rows = $AE->getQuestions();
         if ($rows) {
             foreach ($rows as $r) {
                 $AE->distribute_points($r->id, $r->q_owner, $r->a_owner, $action);
                 $accumulated = $accumulated + $AE->calculate_marketvalue($r->id, $action);
             // make a record of royalty payment
             if (intval($accumulated) > 0) {
                 $MH = \Hubzero\Bank\MarketHistory::blank()->set(array('itemid' => $ref, 'date' => Date::toSql(), 'market_value' => $accumulated, 'category' => 'answers', 'action' => $action, 'log' => $this->_message));
                 if (!$MH->save()) {
                     $err = $MH->getError();
         } else {
             $this->_message = Lang::txt('PLG_CRON_MEMBERS_POINT_ROYALTIES_NO_QUESTIONS');
     } else {
         $this->_message = Lang::txt('PLG_CRON_MEMBERS_POINT_ROYALTIES_ALREADY_DISTRIBUTED_ANSWERS', $curyear);
     // Get Royalties on Resource Reviews
     if (!$royaltyReviews) {
         // get eligible
         $RE = new \Components\Resources\Helpers\Economy\Reviews($this->database);
         $reviews = $RE->getReviews();
         // do we have ratings on reviews enabled?
         $param = Plugin::byType('resources', 'reviews');
         $plparam = new \Hubzero\Config\Registry($param->params);
         $voting = $plparam->get('voting');
         $accumulated = 0;
         if ($reviews && $voting) {
             foreach ($reviews as $r) {
                 $RE->distribute_points($r, $action);
                 $accumulated = $accumulated + $RE->calculate_marketvalue($r, $action);
             $this->_message .= $rmsg;
         } else {
             $this->_message .= Lang::txt('PLG_CRON_MEMBERS_POINT_ROYALTIES_NO_REVIEWS');
         // make a record of royalty payment
         if (intval($accumulated) > 0) {
             $MH = \Hubzero\Bank\MarketHistory::blank()->set(array('itemid' => $ref, 'date' => Date::toSql(), 'market_value' => $accumulated, 'category' => 'reviews', 'action' => $action, 'log' => $rmsg));
             if (!$MH->save()) {
                 $err = $MH->getError();
     } else {
         $this->_message .= Lang::txt('PLG_CRON_MEMBERS_POINT_ROYALTIES_ALREADY_DISTRIBUTED_REVIEWS', $curyear);
     // Get Royalties on Resources
     if (!$royaltyResources) {
         // get eligible
         $ResE = new \Components\Resources\Helpers\Economy($this->database);
         $cons = $ResE->getCons();
         $accumulated = 0;
         if ($cons) {
             foreach ($cons as $con) {
                 $ResE->distribute_points($con, $action);
                 $accumulated = $accumulated + $con->ranking;
             $this->_message .= $resmsg;
         } else {
             $this->_message .= Lang::txt('PLG_CRON_MEMBERS_POINT_ROYALTIES_NO_RESOURCES');
         // make a record of royalty payment
         if (intval($accumulated) > 0) {
             $MH = \Hubzero\Bank\MarketHistory::blank()->set(array('itemid' => $ref, 'date' => Date::toSql(), 'market_value' => $accumulated, 'category' => 'resources', 'action' => $action, 'log' => $resmsg));
             if (!$MH->save()) {
                 $err = $MH->getError();
     } else {
         $this->_message .= Lang::txt('PLG_CRON_MEMBERS_POINT_ROYALTIES_ALREADY_DISTRIBUTED_RESOURCES', $curyear);
     return true;