public function menuAction(Request $request, Application $app) { // get reference to our Menu category repository $menuCategoryRepository = new MenuCategoryRepository(); // build arrgs array $argsArray = array('categories' => $menuCategoryRepository->getAllMenuCategories()); //render template $templateName = 'menu'; return $app['twig']->render($templateName . '.html.twig', $argsArray); }
/** * Action for the menu page of the website. This action makes a new * MenuCategoryRepository and gets all the data from the database. * * Action for route: /menu * * @param Request $request * @param Application $app * @return mixed */ public function menuAction(Request $request, Application $app) { //check if username is stored in session $username = getAuthenticatedUsername($app); // get reference to our Menu category repository $menuCategoryRepository = new MenuCategoryRepository(); // build args array $argsArray = array('username' => $username, 'categories' => $menuCategoryRepository->getAllMenuCategories()); //render template $templateName = 'menu'; return $app['twig']->render($templateName . '.html.twig', $argsArray); }
public function testGetAllMenuCategories() { // Arrange $repository = new MenuCategoryRepository(); $category = new MenuCategory(1); $expectedResult = new MenuCategory(2); $expectedResult->setMenuCategoryTitle("Salads"); $expectedResult->setMenuCategoryImage("salad.png"); $expectedResult->setMenuCategorySummary("A healthy menu item that can be enjoyed in any season and has the benefit of low calories and a good source of energy. Our range of salads are carefully prepared from fresh leaves on the day it is served."); // Act $repository->getAllMenuCategories(); $result = $repository->getOneMenuCategoryItem(2); // Assert $this->assertEquals($result, $expectedResult); }
/** * Action for changing a product's properties. This action handles the category * selection part of the process * * Action for route: /adminChangeProductSelectCategory * * @param Request $request * @param Application $app * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse */ public function changeProductSelectCategoryAction(Request $request, Application $app) { // test if 'username' stored in session ... $username = getAuthenticatedUserName($app); // check we are authenticated -------- $isAuthenticated = null != $username; if (!$isAuthenticated) { // not authenticated, so redirect to LOGIN page return $app->redirect('/login'); } $menuCategoryRepository = new MenuCategoryRepository(); // store username into args array $argsArray = array('title' => "Admin Change Products - pick a category", 'categories' => $menuCategoryRepository->getAllMenuCategories(), 'username' => $username); // render (draw) template // ------------ $templateName = 'admin/changeProductSelectCategory'; return $app['twig']->render($templateName . '.html.twig', $argsArray); }