public static function ReturnICal($Params) { $sectId = $Params['sectId']; $userId = intVal($Params['userId']); $sign = $Params['sign']; $type = strtolower($Params['type']); $ownerId = intVal($Params['ownerId']); $bCache = false; $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->RestartBuffer(); if (!self::CheckSign($sign, $userId, $sectId)) { return CCalendar::ThrowError(GetMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); } $arSections = CCalendarSect::GetList(array('arFilter' => array('ID' => $sectId), 'checkPermissions' => false)); if ($arSections && $arSections[0] && $arSections[0]['EXPORT'] && $arSections[0]['EXPORT']['ALLOW']) { $arSection = $arSections[0]; $arEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList(array('arFilter' => array('SECTION' => $arSection['ID']), 'getUserfields' => false, 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => false, 'fetchMeetings' => true, 'userId' => $userId)); $iCalEvents = self::FormatICal($arSection, $arEvents); } else { return CCalendar::ThrowError(GetMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); } self::ShowICalHeaders(); echo $iCalEvents; exit; }
public static function DoSaveToDav($Params = array(), &$arFields, $oCurEvent = false) { $sectionId = $Params['sectionId']; $bExchange = $Params['bExchange']; $bCalDav = $Params['bCalDav']; if (isset($oCurEvent['DAV_XML_ID'])) { $arFields['DAV_XML_ID'] = $oCurEvent['DAV_XML_ID']; } if (isset($oCurEvent['DAV_EXCH_LABEL'])) { $arFields['DAV_EXCH_LABEL'] = $oCurEvent['DAV_EXCH_LABEL']; } if (isset($oCurEvent['CAL_DAV_LABEL'])) { $arFields['CAL_DAV_LABEL'] = $oCurEvent['CAL_DAV_LABEL']; } $oSect = CCalendarSect::GetById($sectionId); if ($oCurEvent) { if ($oCurEvent['SECT_ID'] != $sectionId) { $bCalDav = CCalendar::IsCalDAVEnabled() && $oCurEvent['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && strlen($oCurEvent['CAL_DAV_LABEL']) > 0; $bExchangeEnabled = CCalendar::IsExchangeEnabled() && $oCurEvent['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user'; if ($bExchangeEnabled || $bCalDav) { $res = CCalendar::DoDeleteToDav(array('bCalDav' => $bCalDav, 'bExchangeEnabled' => $bExchangeEnabled, 'sectionId' => $oCurEvent['SECT_ID']), $oCurEvent); if ($res !== true) { return CCalendar::ThrowError($res); } } } } $fromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields['DT_FROM']); $toTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields['DT_TO']); if (!isset($arFields['DT_FROM_TS'])) { $arFields['DT_FROM_TS'] = $fromTs; } if (!isset($arFields['DT_TO_TS'])) { $arFields['DT_TO_TS'] = $toTs; } $arDavFields = $arFields; CCalendarEvent::CheckFields($arDavFields); if ($arDavFields['RRULE'] != '') { $arDavFields['RRULE'] = $arFields['RRULE']; } $arDavFields['DETAIL_TEXT'] = $arDavFields['DESCRIPTION']; $arDavFields['DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE'] = 'text'; $arDavFields['ACTIVE_FROM'] = $arDavFields['DT_FROM']; $arDavFields['ACTIVE_TO'] = $arDavFields['DT_TO']; $arDavFields['PROPERTY_LOCATION'] = $arDavFields['LOCATION']['NEW']; if ($arDavFields['PROPERTY_LOCATION'] !== '') { $arDavFields['PROPERTY_LOCATION'] = CCalendar::GetTextLocation($arDavFields['PROPERTY_LOCATION']); } $arDavFields['PROPERTY_IMPORTANCE'] = $arDavFields['IMPORTANCE']; $arDavFields['REMIND_SETTINGS'] = ''; if ($arFields['REMIND'] && is_array($arFields['REMIND']) && is_array($arFields['REMIND'][0])) { $arDavFields['REMIND_SETTINGS'] = floatVal($arFields['REMIND'][0]['count']) . '_' . $arFields['REMIND'][0]['type']; } // RRULE $arDavFields['PROPERTY_PERIOD_TYPE'] = 'NONE'; if (is_array($arFields['RRULE']) && isset($arFields['RRULE']['FREQ']) && in_array($arFields['RRULE']['FREQ'], array('HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY', 'WEEKLY'))) { $arDavFields['PROPERTY_PERIOD_TYPE'] = $arFields['RRULE']['FREQ']; // Interval $arDavFields['PROPERTY_PERIOD_COUNT'] = isset($arFields['RRULE']['INTERVAL']) && intVal($arFields['RRULE']['INTERVAL']) > 1 ? intVal($arFields['RRULE']['INTERVAL']) : 1; if ($arFields['RRULE']['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY' && isset($arFields['RRULE']['BYDAY'])) { //PROPERTY_PERIOD_ADDITIONAL $BYDAYS = array(); $days = array('SU' => 0, 'MO' => 1, 'TU' => 2, 'WE' => 3, 'TH' => 4, 'FR' => 5, 'SA' => 6); $bydays = explode(',', $arFields['RRULE']['BYDAY']); foreach ($bydays as $day) { $BYDAYS[] = $days[$day]; } $arDavFields['PROPERTY_PERIOD_ADDITIONAL'] = implode(',', $BYDAYS); } $h24 = 60 * 60 * 24; if ($fromTs == $toTs) { $arDavFields['PROPERTY_EVENT_LENGTH'] = $h24; } else { $arDavFields['PROPERTY_EVENT_LENGTH'] = intVal($toTs - $fromTs); if ($arDavFields['PROPERTY_EVENT_LENGTH'] % $h24 == 0) { // We have dates without times $arDavFields['PROPERTY_EVENT_LENGTH'] += $h24; } } // Until date if (isset($arFields['RRULE']['UNTIL'])) { $periodTs = $arFields['RRULE']['UNTIL']; } else { $periodTs = CCalendar::GetMaxTimestamp(); } $arDavFields['ACTIVE_TO'] = CCalendar::Date($periodTs); } // **** Synchronize with CalDav **** if ($bCalDav && $oSect['CAL_DAV_CON'] > 0) { // New event or move existent event to DAV calendar if ($arFields['ID'] <= 0 || $oCurEvent && !$oCurEvent['CAL_DAV_LABEL']) { $DAVRes = CDavGroupdavClientCalendar::DoAddItem($oSect['CAL_DAV_CON'], $oSect['CAL_DAV_CAL'], $arDavFields); } else { // Edit existent event $DAVRes = CDavGroupdavClientCalendar::DoUpdateItem($oSect['CAL_DAV_CON'], $oSect['CAL_DAV_CAL'], $oCurEvent['DAV_XML_ID'], $oCurEvent['CAL_DAV_LABEL'], $arDavFields); } if (!is_array($DAVRes) || !array_key_exists("XML_ID", $DAVRes)) { return CCalendar::CollectCalDAVErros($DAVRes); } // // It's ok, we successfuly save event to caldav calendar - and save it to DB $arFields['DAV_XML_ID'] = $DAVRes['XML_ID']; $arFields['CAL_DAV_LABEL'] = $DAVRes['MODIFICATION_LABEL']; } elseif ($bExchange && $oSect['IS_EXCHANGE'] && strlen($oSect['DAV_EXCH_CAL']) > 0 && $oSect['DAV_EXCH_CAL'] !== 0) { $ownerId = $arFields['OWNER_ID']; // New event or move existent event to Exchange calendar if ($arFields['ID'] <= 0 || $oCurEvent && !$oCurEvent['DAV_EXCH_LABEL']) { $exchRes = CDavExchangeCalendar::DoAddItem($ownerId, $oSect['DAV_EXCH_CAL'], $arDavFields); } else { $exchRes = CDavExchangeCalendar::DoUpdateItem($ownerId, $oCurEvent['DAV_XML_ID'], $oCurEvent['DAV_EXCH_LABEL'], $arDavFields); } if (!is_array($exchRes) || !array_key_exists("XML_ID", $exchRes)) { return CCalendar::CollectExchangeErrors($exchRes); } // It's ok, we successfuly save event to exchange calendar - and save it to DB $arFields['DAV_XML_ID'] = $exchRes['XML_ID']; $arFields['DAV_EXCH_LABEL'] = $exchRes['MODIFICATION_LABEL']; } return true; }
public static function DoSaveToDav($Params = array(), &$arFields, $oCurEvent = false) { $sectionId = $Params['sectionId']; $bExchange = $Params['bExchange']; $bCalDav = $Params['bCalDav']; if (isset($oCurEvent['DAV_XML_ID'])) { $arFields['DAV_XML_ID'] = $oCurEvent['DAV_XML_ID']; } if (isset($oCurEvent['DAV_EXCH_LABEL'])) { $arFields['DAV_EXCH_LABEL'] = $oCurEvent['DAV_EXCH_LABEL']; } if (isset($oCurEvent['CAL_DAV_LABEL'])) { $arFields['CAL_DAV_LABEL'] = $oCurEvent['CAL_DAV_LABEL']; } $oSect = CCalendarSect::GetById($sectionId); if ($oCurEvent) { if ($oCurEvent['SECT_ID'] != $sectionId) { $bCalDavCur = CCalendar::IsCalDAVEnabled() && $oCurEvent['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && strlen($oCurEvent['CAL_DAV_LABEL']) > 0; $bExchangeEnabledCur = CCalendar::IsExchangeEnabled() && $oCurEvent['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user'; if ($bExchangeEnabledCur || $bCalDavCur) { $res = CCalendar::DoDeleteToDav(array('bCalDav' => $bCalDavCur, 'bExchangeEnabled' => $bExchangeEnabledCur, 'sectionId' => $oCurEvent['SECT_ID']), $oCurEvent); if ($oCurEvent['DAV_EXCH_LABEL']) { $oCurEvent['DAV_EXCH_LABEL'] = ''; } if ($res !== true) { return CCalendar::ThrowError($res); } } } } $arDavFields = $arFields; CCalendarEvent::CheckFields($arDavFields); if ($arDavFields['RRULE'] != '') { $arDavFields['RRULE'] = $arFields['RRULE']; } $arDavFields['PROPERTY_LOCATION'] = $arDavFields['LOCATION']['NEW']; if ($arDavFields['PROPERTY_LOCATION'] !== '') { $arDavFields['PROPERTY_LOCATION'] = CCalendar::GetTextLocation($arDavFields['PROPERTY_LOCATION']); } $arDavFields['PROPERTY_IMPORTANCE'] = $arDavFields['IMPORTANCE']; $arDavFields['REMIND_SETTINGS'] = ''; if ($arFields['REMIND'] && is_array($arFields['REMIND']) && is_array($arFields['REMIND'][0])) { $arDavFields['REMIND_SETTINGS'] = floatVal($arFields['REMIND'][0]['count']) . '_' . $arFields['REMIND'][0]['type']; } // **** Synchronize with CalDav **** if ($bCalDav && $oSect['CAL_DAV_CON'] > 0) { // New event or move existent event to DAV calendar if ($arFields['ID'] <= 0 || $oCurEvent && !$oCurEvent['CAL_DAV_LABEL']) { $DAVRes = CDavGroupdavClientCalendar::DoAddItem($oSect['CAL_DAV_CON'], $oSect['CAL_DAV_CAL'], $arDavFields); } else { // Edit existent event $DAVRes = CDavGroupdavClientCalendar::DoUpdateItem($oSect['CAL_DAV_CON'], $oSect['CAL_DAV_CAL'], $oCurEvent['DAV_XML_ID'], $oCurEvent['CAL_DAV_LABEL'], $arDavFields); } if (!is_array($DAVRes) || !array_key_exists("XML_ID", $DAVRes)) { return CCalendar::CollectCalDAVErros($DAVRes); } // // It's ok, we successfuly save event to caldav calendar - and save it to DB $arFields['DAV_XML_ID'] = $DAVRes['XML_ID']; $arFields['CAL_DAV_LABEL'] = $DAVRes['MODIFICATION_LABEL']; } elseif ($bExchange && $oSect['IS_EXCHANGE'] && strlen($oSect['DAV_EXCH_CAL']) > 0 && $oSect['DAV_EXCH_CAL'] !== 0) { $ownerId = $arFields['OWNER_ID']; $fromTo = CCalendarEvent::GetEventFromToForUser($arDavFields, $ownerId); $arDavFields["DATE_FROM"] = $fromTo['DATE_FROM']; $arDavFields["DATE_TO"] = $fromTo['DATE_TO']; // Convert BBcode to HTML for exchange $arDavFields["DESCRIPTION"] = CCalendarEvent::ParseText($arDavFields['DESCRIPTION']); // New event or move existent event to Exchange calendar if ($arFields['ID'] <= 0 || $oCurEvent && !$oCurEvent['DAV_EXCH_LABEL']) { $exchRes = CDavExchangeCalendar::DoAddItem($ownerId, $oSect['DAV_EXCH_CAL'], $arDavFields); } else { $exchRes = CDavExchangeCalendar::DoUpdateItem($ownerId, $oCurEvent['DAV_XML_ID'], $oCurEvent['DAV_EXCH_LABEL'], $arDavFields); } if (!is_array($exchRes) || !array_key_exists("XML_ID", $exchRes)) { return CCalendar::CollectExchangeErrors($exchRes); } // It's ok, we successfuly save event to exchange calendar - and save it to DB $arFields['DAV_XML_ID'] = $exchRes['XML_ID']; $arFields['DAV_EXCH_LABEL'] = $exchRes['MODIFICATION_LABEL']; } return true; }