public static function GetList($Params = array()) { global $DB, $USER; $arFilter = $Params['arFilter']; $arOrder = isset($Params['arOrder']) ? $Params['arOrder'] : array('SORT' => 'asc'); $Params['joinTypeInfo'] = !!$Params['joinTypeInfo']; $checkPermissions = $Params['checkPermissions'] !== false; $bCache = CCalendar::CacheTime() > 0; if ($bCache) { $cache = new CPHPCache(); $cacheId = serialize(array('section_list', $arFilter, $arOrder, $Params['joinTypeInfo'], CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled())); $cachePath = CCalendar::CachePath() . 'section_list'; if ($cache->InitCache(CCalendar::CacheTime(), $cacheId, $cachePath)) { $res = $cache->GetVars(); $arResult = $res["arResult"]; $arSectionIds = $res["arSectionIds"]; } } if (!$bCache || !isset($arSectionIds)) { $arFields = self::GetFields(); $arSqlSearch = array(); if (is_array($arFilter)) { $filter_keys = array_keys($arFilter); for ($i = 0, $l = count($filter_keys); $i < $l; $i++) { $n = strtoupper($filter_keys[$i]); $val = $arFilter[$filter_keys[$i]]; if (is_string($val) && strlen($val) <= 0 || strval($val) == "NOT_REF") { continue; } if ($n == 'ID' || $n == 'XML_ID' || $n == 'OWNER_ID') { $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("CS." . $n, $val, 'N'); } elseif ($n == 'CAL_TYPE' && is_array($val)) { $strType = ""; foreach ($val as $type) { $strType .= ",'" . CDatabase::ForSql($type) . "'"; } $arSqlSearch[] = "CS.CAL_TYPE in (" . trim($strType, ", ") . ")"; $arSqlSearch[] = "CT.ACTIVE='Y'"; } elseif (isset($arFields[$n])) { $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery($arFields[$n]["FIELD_NAME"], $val, isset($arFields[$n]["PROCENT"]) && $arFields[$n]["PROCENT"] == "N" ? "N" : "Y"); } } } $strOrderBy = ''; foreach ($arOrder as $by => $order) { if (isset($arFields[strtoupper($by)])) { $strOrderBy .= $arFields[strtoupper($by)]["FIELD_NAME"] . ' ' . (strtolower($order) == 'desc' ? 'desc' . (strtoupper($DB->type) == "ORACLE" ? " NULLS LAST" : "") : 'asc' . (strtoupper($DB->type) == "ORACLE" ? " NULLS FIRST" : "")) . ','; } } if (strlen($strOrderBy) > 0) { $strOrderBy = "ORDER BY " . rtrim($strOrderBy, ","); } $strSqlSearch = GetFilterSqlSearch($arSqlSearch); if (isset($arFilter['ADDITIONAL_IDS']) && is_array($arFilter['ADDITIONAL_IDS']) && count($arFilter['ADDITIONAL_IDS']) > 0) { $strTypes = ""; foreach ($arFilter['ADDITIONAL_IDS'] as $adid) { $strTypes .= "," . IntVal($adid); } $strSqlSearch = '(' . $strSqlSearch . ') OR ID in(' . trim($strTypes, ', ') . ')'; } $select = 'CS.*'; $from = 'b_calendar_section CS'; // Fetch types info into selection if ($Params['joinTypeInfo']) { $select .= ", CT.NAME AS TYPE_NAME, CT.DESCRIPTION AS TYPE_DESC"; $from .= "\n INNER JOIN b_calendar_type CT ON (CS.CAL_TYPE=CT.XML_ID)"; } $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t{$select}\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t{$from}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t{$strSqlSearch}\n\t\t\t\t{$strOrderBy}"; $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); $arResult = array(); $arSectionIds = array(); $isExchangeEnabled = CCalendar::IsExchangeEnabled(); $isCalDAVEnabled = CCalendar::IsCalDAVEnabled(); while ($arRes = $res->Fetch()) { $arRes['COLOR'] = CCalendar::Color($arRes['COLOR'], true); $arSectionIds[] = $arRes['ID']; if (isset($arRes['EXPORT']) && $arRes['EXPORT'] != "") { $arRes['EXPORT'] = unserialize($arRes['EXPORT']); if (is_array($arRes['EXPORT']) && $arRes['EXPORT']['ALLOW']) { $arRes['EXPORT']['LINK'] = self::GetExportLink($arRes['ID'], $arRes['CAL_TYPE'], $arRes['OWNER_ID']); } } if (!is_array($arRes['EXPORT'])) { $arRes['EXPORT'] = array('ALLOW' => false, 'SET' => false, 'LINK' => false); } // Outlook js if (CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled()) { $arRes['OUTLOOK_JS'] = CCalendarSect::GetOutlookLink(array('ID' => intVal($arRes['ID']), 'XML_ID' => $arRes['XML_ID'], 'TYPE' => $arRes['CAL_TYPE'], 'NAME' => $arRes['NAME'], 'PREFIX' => CCalendar::GetOwnerName($arRes['CAL_TYPE'], $arRes['OWNER_ID']), 'LINK_URL' => CCalendar::GetOuterUrl())); } if ($arRes['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user') { $arRes['IS_EXCHANGE'] = strlen($arRes["DAV_EXCH_CAL"]) > 0 && $isExchangeEnabled; if ($arRes["CAL_DAV_CON"] && $isCalDAVEnabled) { $arRes["CAL_DAV_CON"] = intVal($arRes["CAL_DAV_CON"]); $resCon = CDavConnection::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("ID" => $arRes["CAL_DAV_CON"])); if ($con = $resCon->Fetch()) { $arRes['CAL_DAV_CON'] = $arRes["CAL_DAV_CON"]; } else { $arRes['CAL_DAV_CON'] = false; } } } else { $arRes['IS_EXCHANGE'] = false; $arRes['CAL_DAV_CON'] = false; } $arResult[] = $arRes; } if ($bCache) { $cache->StartDataCache(CCalendar::CacheTime(), $cacheId, $cachePath); $cache->EndDataCache(array("arResult" => $arResult, "arSectionIds" => $arSectionIds)); } } if ($checkPermissions && count($arSectionIds) > 0) { $userId = $Params['userId'] ? intVal($Params['userId']) : $USER->GetID(); $arPerm = CCalendarSect::GetArrayPermissions($arSectionIds); $res = array(); $arAccessCodes = array(); $settings = CCalendar::GetSettings(array('request' => false)); foreach ($arResult as $sect) { $sectId = $sect['ID']; $bOwner = $sect['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $sect['OWNER_ID'] == $userId; $bManager = false; if (CModule::IncludeModule('intranet') && $sect['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $settings['dep_manager_sub']) { if (!$userId) { $userId = CCalendar::GetUserId(); } $bManager = in_array($userId, CCalendar::GetUserManagers($sect['OWNER_ID'], true)); } if ($bOwner || $bManager || self::CanDo('calendar_view_time', $sectId)) { $sect['PERM'] = array('view_time' => $bManager || $bOwner || self::CanDo('calendar_view_time', $sectId, $userId), 'view_title' => $bManager || $bOwner || self::CanDo('calendar_view_title', $sectId, $userId), 'view_full' => $bManager || $bOwner || self::CanDo('calendar_view_full', $sectId, $userId), 'add' => $bOwner || self::CanDo('calendar_add', $sectId, $userId), 'edit' => $bOwner || self::CanDo('calendar_edit', $sectId, $userId), 'edit_section' => $bOwner || self::CanDo('calendar_edit_section', $sectId, $userId), 'access' => $bOwner || self::CanDo('calendar_edit_access', $sectId, $userId)); if ($bOwner || self::CanDo('calendar_edit_access', $sectId, $userId)) { $sect['ACCESS'] = array(); if (count($arPerm[$sectId]) > 0) { // Add codes to get they full names for interface $arAccessCodes = array_merge($arAccessCodes, array_keys($arPerm[$sectId])); $sect['ACCESS'] = $arPerm[$sectId]; } } $res[] = $sect; } } CCalendar::PushAccessNames($arAccessCodes); $arResult = $res; } return $arResult; }
public static function GetAbsent($users = false, $Params = array()) { global $DB; // Can be called from agent... So we have to create $USER if it is not exists $tempUser = CCalendar::TempUser(false, true); $curUserId = isset($Params['userId']) ? intVal($Params['userId']) : CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $arUsers = array(); if ($users !== false && is_array($users)) { foreach ($users as $id) { if ($id > 0) { $arUsers[] = intVal($id); } } } if (!count($arUsers)) { $users = false; } // Part 1: select ordinary events $arFilter = array('CAL_TYPE' => 'user', 'DELETED' => 'N', 'ACCESSIBILITY' => 'absent'); if (isset($Params['fromLimit'])) { $arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($Params['fromLimit'], false), true, false); } if (isset($Params['toLimit'])) { $arFilter['TO_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($Params['toLimit'], false), true, false); } $arEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList(array('arFilter' => $arFilter, 'getUserfields' => false, 'parseRecursion' => true, 'fetchAttendees' => false, 'fetchMeetings' => true, 'userId' => $curUserId, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'preciseLimits' => true)); // Part 2: select attendees CTimeZone::Disable(); if (count($arUsers) > 0) { $userQ = ' AND CA.USER_ID in (' . implode(',', $arUsers) . ')'; } else { $userQ = ''; } $strSql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tCA.EVENT_ID as ID, CA.USER_ID, CA.STATUS, CA.ACCESSIBILITY,\n\t\t\t\tCE.CAL_TYPE,CE.OWNER_ID,CE.NAME," . $DB->DateToCharFunction("CE.DT_FROM") . " as DT_FROM," . $DB->DateToCharFunction("CE.DT_TO") . " as DT_TO, CE.DT_LENGTH, CE.PRIVATE_EVENT, CE.ACCESSIBILITY, CE.IMPORTANCE, CE.IS_MEETING, CE.MEETING_HOST, CE.MEETING, CE.LOCATION, CE.RRULE, CE.EXRULE, CE.RDATE, CE.EXDATE,\n\t\t\t\tCES.SECT_ID\n\t\t\tFROM b_calendar_attendees CA\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\tb_calendar_event CE ON(CA.EVENT_ID=CE.ID)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\tb_calendar_event_sect CES ON (CA.EVENT_ID=CES.EVENT_ID)\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tCE.ID IS NOT NULL\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\tCE.DELETED='N'\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\tSTATUS='Y'\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\tCA.ACCESSIBILITY='absent'\n\t\t\t\t{$userQ}\n\t\t\t"; if (isset($arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'])) { $strSql .= "AND "; if (strtoupper($DB->type) == "MYSQL") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_TO>=FROM_UNIXTIME('" . MkDateTime(FmtDate($arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'], "D.M.Y"), "d.m.Y") . "')"; } elseif (strtoupper($DB->type) == "MSSQL") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_TO>=" . $DB->CharToDateFunction($arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'], "SHORT"); } elseif (strtoupper($DB->type) == "ORACLE") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_TO>=TO_DATE('" . FmtDate($arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'], "D.M.Y") . " 00:00:00',' hh24:mi:ss')"; } } if ($arFilter['TO_LIMIT']) { $strSql .= "AND "; if (strtoupper($DB->type) == "MYSQL") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_FROM<=FROM_UNIXTIME('" . MkDateTime(FmtDate($arFilter['TO_LIMIT'], "D.M.Y") . " 23:59:59", "d.m.Y H:i:s") . "')"; } elseif (strtoupper($DB->type) == "MSSQL") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_FROM<=dateadd(day, 1, " . $DB->CharToDateFunction($arFilter['TO_LIMIT'], "SHORT") . ")"; } elseif (strtoupper($DB->type) == "ORACLE") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_FROM<=TO_DATE('" . FmtDate($arFilter['TO_LIMIT'], "D.M.Y") . " 23:59:59',' hh24:mi:ss')"; } } $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); $arEvents2 = array(); while ($event = $res->Fetch()) { $event = self::PreHandleEvent($event); if ($event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $event['IS_MEETING'] && $event['OWNER_ID'] == $event['USER_ID']) { continue; } if (self::CheckRecurcion($event)) { self::ParseRecursion($arEvents2, $event, array('fromLimit' => $arFilter["FROM_LIMIT"], 'toLimit' => $arFilter["TO_LIMIT"])); } else { self::HandleEvent($arEvents2, $event); } } CTimeZone::Enable(); $arEvents = array_merge($arEvents, $arEvents2); $bSocNet = CModule::IncludeModule("socialnetwork"); $result = array(); $settings = CCalendar::GetSettings(array('request' => false)); foreach ($arEvents as $event) { $userId = isset($event['USER_ID']) ? $event['USER_ID'] : $event['OWNER_ID']; if ($users !== false && !in_array($userId, $arUsers)) { continue; } if ($bSocNet && !CSocNetFeatures::IsActiveFeature(SONET_ENTITY_USER, $userId, "calendar")) { continue; } if ((!$event['CAL_TYPE'] != 'user' || $curUserId != $event['OWNER_ID']) && $curUserId != $event['CREATED_BY'] && !isset($arUserMeeting[$event['ID']])) { $sectId = $event['SECT_ID']; if (!$event['ACCESSIBILITY']) { $event['ACCESSIBILITY'] = 'busy'; } $private = $event['PRIVATE_EVENT'] && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user'; $bManager = false; if (!$private && CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled() && CModule::IncludeModule('intranet') && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $settings['dep_manager_sub']) { $bManager = in_array($curUserId, CCalendar::GetUserManagers($event['OWNER_ID'], true)); } if ($private || !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_full', $sectId) && !$bManager) { if ($private) { $event['NAME'] = '[' . GetMessage('EC_ACCESSIBILITY_' . strtoupper($event['ACCESSIBILITY'])) . ']'; } else { if (!CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_title', $sectId)) { $event['NAME'] = '[' . GetMessage('EC_ACCESSIBILITY_' . strtoupper($event['ACCESSIBILITY'])) . ']'; } else { $event['NAME'] = $event['NAME'] . ' [' . GetMessage('EC_ACCESSIBILITY_' . strtoupper($event['ACCESSIBILITY'])) . ']'; } } } } $result[] = array('ID' => $event['ID'], 'NAME' => $event['NAME'], 'DATE_FROM' => $event['DT_FROM'], 'DATE_TO' => $event['DT_TO'], 'DT_FROM_TS' => $event['DT_FROM_TS'], 'DT_TO_TS' => $event['DT_TO_TS'], 'CREATED_BY' => $userId, 'DETAIL_TEXT' => '', 'USER_ID' => $userId); } // Sort by DT_FROM_TS usort($result, array('CCalendar', '_NearestSort')); CCalendar::TempUser($tempUser, false); return $result; }
public static function GetAbsent($users = false, $Params = array()) { // Can be called from agent... So we have to create $USER if it is not exists $tempUser = CCalendar::TempUser(false, true); $curUserId = isset($Params['userId']) ? intVal($Params['userId']) : CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $arUsers = array(); if ($users !== false && is_array($users)) { foreach ($users as $id) { if ($id > 0) { $arUsers[] = intVal($id); } } } if (!count($arUsers)) { $users = false; } $arFilter = array('DELETED' => 'N', 'ACCESSIBILITY' => 'absent'); if ($users) { $arFilter['CREATED_BY'] = $users; } if (isset($Params['fromLimit'])) { $arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($Params['fromLimit'], false), true, false); } if (isset($Params['toLimit'])) { $arFilter['TO_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($Params['toLimit'], false), true, false); } $arEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList(array('arFilter' => $arFilter, 'parseRecursion' => true, 'getUserfields' => false, 'userId' => $curUserId, 'preciseLimits' => true, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'skipDeclined' => true)); $bSocNet = CModule::IncludeModule("socialnetwork"); $result = array(); $settings = CCalendar::GetSettings(array('request' => false)); foreach ($arEvents as $event) { $userId = isset($event['USER_ID']) ? $event['USER_ID'] : $event['CREATED_BY']; if ($users !== false && !in_array($userId, $arUsers)) { continue; } if ($bSocNet && !CSocNetFeatures::IsActiveFeature(SONET_ENTITY_USER, $userId, "calendar")) { continue; } if ((!$event['CAL_TYPE'] != 'user' || $curUserId != $event['OWNER_ID']) && $curUserId != $event['CREATED_BY'] && !isset($arUserMeeting[$event['ID']])) { $sectId = $event['SECT_ID']; if (!$event['ACCESSIBILITY']) { $event['ACCESSIBILITY'] = 'busy'; } $private = $event['PRIVATE_EVENT'] && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user'; $bManager = false; if (!$private && CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled() && CModule::IncludeModule('intranet') && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $settings['dep_manager_sub']) { $bManager = in_array($curUserId, CCalendar::GetUserManagers($event['OWNER_ID'], true)); } if ($private || !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_full', $sectId) && !$bManager) { $event = self::ApplyAccessRestrictions($event, $userId); } } $skipTime = $event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] === 'Y'; $fromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_FROM'], false, !$skipTime); $toTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_TO'], false, !$skipTime); if ($event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] !== 'Y') { $fromTs -= $event['~USER_OFFSET_FROM']; $toTs -= $event['~USER_OFFSET_TO']; } $result[] = array('ID' => $event['ID'], 'NAME' => $event['NAME'], 'DATE_FROM' => CCalendar::Date($fromTs, !$skipTime, false), 'DATE_TO' => CCalendar::Date($toTs, !$skipTime, false), 'DT_FROM_TS' => $fromTs, 'DT_TO_TS' => $toTs, 'CREATED_BY' => $userId, 'DETAIL_TEXT' => '', 'USER_ID' => $userId); } // Sort by DATE_FROM_TS_UTC usort($result, array('CCalendar', '_NearestSort')); CCalendar::TempUser($tempUser, false); return $result; }