public function getListAction() { $request = $_GET; $token = isset($request['TOKEN']) ? trim($request['TOKEN']) : null; $lastDate = isset($request['lastDate']) ? $request['lastDate'] : null; if (!$token) { return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token should not be blank')]; } if (!($userID = BuckysUsersToken::checkTokenValidity($token, "api"))) { return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token is not valid.')]; } $stream = BuckysPost::getUserPostsStream($userID, $lastDate); //Format Result Data $result = []; foreach ($stream as $post) { if ($post['pageID'] != BuckysPost::INDEPENDENT_POST_PAGE_ID) { $pageIns = new BuckysPage(); $pageData = $pageIns->getPageByID($post['pageID']); } $pagePostFlag = false; if (isset($pageData)) { $pagePostFlag = true; } $item = []; $item['articleId'] = $post['postID']; $item['posterId'] = $post['poster']; $item['articleImage'] = ""; $item['articleVideo'] = ""; $item['articleVideoId'] = ""; if ($pagePostFlag) { $item['posterName'] = $pageData['title']; $item['posterThumbnail'] = buckys_not_null($pageData['logo']) ? THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . DIR_WS_PHOTO . "users/" . $pageData['userID'] . "/resized/" . $pageData['logo'] : THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . DIR_WS_IMAGE . "newPagePlaceholder.jpg"; } else { $item['posterName'] = $post['posterFullName']; $item['posterThumbnail'] = THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . BuckysUser::getProfileIcon($post['poster']); } $item['postedDate'] = buckys_api_format_date($userID, $post['post_date']); $item['purePostedDate'] = $post['post_date']; $item['articleContent'] = $post['content']; if ($post['type'] == 'video') { $item['articleVideo'] = $post['youtube_url']; $item['articleVideoId'] = buckys_get_youtube_video_id($post['youtube_url']); } else { if ($post['type'] == 'image') { $item['articleImage'] = THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . DIR_WS_PHOTO . 'users/' . $post['poster'] . '/resized/' . $post['image']; } } $item['articleLikes'] = $post['likes']; $item['articleComments'] = $post['comments']; $item['isLiked'] = !$post['likeID'] ? "no" : "yes"; $result[] = $item; } return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_OK, 'DATA' => ["STATUS" => "SUCCESS", "RESULT" => $result]]; }
} if (!$showPagePhotoFlag) { //if logged user can see all resources of the current user $canViewPrivate = $userID == $profileID || BuckysFriend::isFriend($userID, $profileID) || BuckysFriend::isSentFriendRequest($profileID, $userID); $photos = BuckysPost::getPhotosByUserID($profileID, $userID, $paramPageID, $canViewPrivate, isset($_GET['post']) ? $_GET['post'] : null, isset($_GET['albumID']) ? $_GET['albumID'] : null, BuckysPost::$images_per_page); $albums = BuckysAlbum::getAlbumsByUserId($profileID); //Display $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['title'] = trim($userData['firstName'] . ' ' . $userData['lastName']) . "'s Photos - BuckysRoom"; $view['photo_type'] = 'profile'; buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('profile.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('posting.css'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('posts.js'); } else { //Show page photos //if logged user can see all resources of the current user $photos = BuckysPost::getPhotosByUserID($profileID, null, $paramPageID, false, isset($_GET['post']) ? $_GET['post'] : null, isset($_GET['albumID']) ? $_GET['albumID'] : null, BuckysPost::$images_per_page); //$albums = BuckysAlbum::getAlbumsByUserId($profileID); //Display $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['title'] = trim($pageData['title']) . "'s Photos - BuckysRoom"; $view['photo_type'] = 'page'; $view['pageData'] = $pageData; buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('account.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('stream.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('posting.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('uploadify.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('jquery.Jcrop.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('page.css'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('uploadify/jquery.uploadify.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('jquery.Jcrop.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('jquery.color.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('posts.js');
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/bootstrap.php'; if (!($userID = buckys_is_logged_in())) { buckys_redirect('/index.php', MSG_NOT_LOGGED_IN_USER, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } //Getting Activity Stream $stream = BuckysPost::getUserPostsStream($userID); //Get Activities $activities = BuckysActivity::getActivities($userID); if (!$activities) { $activities = []; } //Get Notifications $notifications = BuckysActivity::getNotifications($userID); //Mark the notifications to read BuckysActivity::markReadNotifications($userID); if (!$notifications) { $notifications = []; } buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('account.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('stream.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('posting.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('uploadify.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('jquery.Jcrop.css'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('uploadify/jquery.uploadify.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('jquery.Jcrop.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('jquery.color.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('posts.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('add_post.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('account.js');
$albumPhotos = BuckysAlbum::getPhotos($albumID); //Getting Album Photos if (isset($_POST['action'])) { //Create New Album if ($_POST['action'] == 'save-album') { //If the album title is empty, throw error //If the album title is empty, throw error if (trim($_POST['album_name']) == '') { buckys_redirect('/photo_album_edit.php?albumID=' . $_POST['albumID'], MSG_ALBUM_TITLE_EMPTY, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } BuckysAlbum::updateAlbum($_POST['albumID'], trim($_POST['album_name']), $_POST['visibility'], $_POST['photos']); buckys_redirect("/photo_album_edit.php?albumID=" . $_POST['albumID'], MSG_ALBUM_UPDATED); } else { if ($_POST['action'] == 'remove-from-album' || $_POST['action'] == 'add-to-album') { $photoID = $_POST['photoID']; $photo = BuckysPost::getPostById($photoID); //Check Photo Owner if ($photo['poster'] != $userID) { echo MSG_INVALID_REQUEST; exit; } if ($_POST['action'] == 'remove-from-album') { BuckysAlbum::removePhotoFromAlbum($albumID, $photoID); } else { BuckysAlbum::addPhotoToAlbum($albumID, $photoID); } //Add echo 'success'; exit; } }
if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'submit-post') { //Save Post BuckysPost::savePost($userID, $_POST); if (isset($_POST['pageID']) && is_numeric($_POST['pageID'])) { buckys_redirect('/page.php?pid=' . $_POST['pageID']); } else { buckys_redirect('/account.php'); } } else { if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'delete-post') { //Delete Post if ($userID != $_GET['userID'] || !BuckysPost::deletePost($userID, $_GET['postID'])) { echo 'Invalid Request'; } else { echo 'success'; } exit; } else { if (isset($_GET['action']) && ($_GET['action'] == 'unlikePost' || $_GET['action'] == 'likePost')) { $post = BuckysPost::getPostById($_GET['postID']); if ($post['post_status'] != 1) { render_result_xml(array('status' => 'error', 'message' => MSG_INVALID_REQUEST)); exit; } $r = BuckysPost::likePost($userID, $_GET['postID'], $_GET['action']); $likes = BuckysPost::getPostLikesCount($_GET['postID']); render_result_xml(array('status' => $r ? 'success' : 'error', 'message' => buckys_get_messages(), 'likes' => $likes . " like" . ($likes >= 2 ? "s" : ""), 'postID' => $_GET['postID'])); exit; } } }
if (!$profileID) { buckys_redirect('/index.php'); } //Getting UserData from Id $userData = BuckysUser::getUserData($profileID); //Goto Homepage if the userID is not correct if (!buckys_not_null($userData) || !BuckysUser::checkUserID($profileID, true)) { buckys_redirect('/index.php'); } $postType = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : 'all'; if (!in_array($postType, ['all', 'user', 'friends'])) { $postType = 'all'; } //if logged user can see all resources of the current user $canViewPrivate = $userID == $profileID || BuckysFriend::isFriend($userID, $profileID) || BuckysFriend::isSentFriendRequest($profileID, $userID); $posts = BuckysPost::getPostsByUserID($profileID, $userID, BuckysPost::INDEPENDENT_POST_PAGE_ID, $canViewPrivate, $postID, null, $postType); /*if( !buckys_not_null($posts) ) { //Goto Index Page buckys_redirect('/index.php', MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); }*/ //Mark the notifications to read if ($postID) { BuckysActivity::markReadNotifications($userID, $postID); } buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('profile.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('posting.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('uploadify.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('jquery.Jcrop.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('publisher.css'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('uploadify/jquery.uploadify.js');
/** * Like Post * * @param int $userID * @param int $postID * @param $action * @param bool $checkToken * @return bool|int|null|string */ public static function likePost($userID, $postID, $action, $checkToken = true) { global $db; $post = BuckysPost::getPostById($postID); if ($checkToken && !buckys_check_form_token('request')) { buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } if (!$post || $post['poster'] == $userID) { buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } if ($post['visibility'] == 0 && !BuckysFriend::isFriend($userID, $post['poster'])) { buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } if (!BuckysUsersDailyActivity::checkUserDailyLimit($userID, 'likes')) { buckys_add_message(sprintf(MSG_DAILY_LIKES_LIMIT_EXCEED_ERROR, USER_DAILY_LIMIT_LIKES), MSG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } //Check already like it or not $query = $db->prepare("SELECT likeID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=%s AND postID=%s", $userID, $postID); $likeId = $db->getVar($query); if ($action == 'likePost') { if ($likeId) { buckys_add_message(MSG_ALREADY_LIKED_POST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } BuckysUsersDailyActivity::addLikes($userID); //Like This post $rs = $db->insertFromArray(TABLE_POSTS_LIKES, ['userID' => $userID, 'postID' => $postID]); //Update likes on the posts table $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . TABLE_POSTS . ' SET `likes`=`likes` + 1 WHERE postID=%d', $postID); $db->query($query); //Add Activity $activityId = BuckysActivity::addActivity($userID, $postID, 'post', 'like', $rs); //Add Notification BuckysActivity::addNotification($post['poster'], $activityId, BuckysActivity::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_LIKE_POST); //Increase Hits BuckysHit::addHit($postID, $userID); //Update User Stats BuckysUser::updateStats($post['poster'], 'likes', 1); return $rs; } else { if ($action == 'unlikePost') { if (!$likeId) { buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } BuckysUsersDailyActivity::addLikes($userID); $query = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=%s AND postID=%s", $userID, $postID); $db->query($query); //Update likes on the posts table $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . TABLE_POSTS . ' SET `likes`=`likes` - 1 WHERE postID=%d', $postID); $db->query($query); //Increase Hits BuckysHit::removeHit($postID, $userID); //Update User Stats BuckysUser::updateStats($post['poster'], 'likes', -1); return true; } } }
function buckys_get_single_post_html($post, $userID, $isPostPage = false, $pageData = null) { ob_start(); if ($post['pageID'] != BuckysPost::INDEPENDENT_POST_PAGE_ID) { $pageIns = new BuckysPage(); $pageData = $pageIns->getPageByID($post['pageID']); } $pagePostFlag = false; if (isset($pageData)) { $pagePostFlag = true; } ?> <div class="post-item" id=<?php echo $post['postID']; ?> > <?php if ($pagePostFlag) { ?> <?php render_pagethumb_link($pageData, 'postIcons'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <a href="/profile.php?user=<?php echo $post['poster']; ?> " class="poster-thumb"><img src="<?php echo BuckysUser::getProfileIcon($post['poster']); ?> " class="postIcons" /></a> <?php } ?> <div class="post-content"> <?php if ($pagePostFlag) { ?> <div class="post-author"><a href="page.php?pid=<?php echo $pageData['pageID']; ?> "><b><?php echo $pageData['title']; ?> </b></a></div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="post-author"><a href="profile.php?user=<?php echo $post['poster']; ?> "><b><?php echo $post['posterFullName']; ?> </b></a></div> <?php } ?> <?php echo buckys_process_post_content($post, $pageData); ?> <div class="post-date"> <span class="lft"> <?php if (buckys_not_null($userID) && $post['poster'] != $userID) { ?> <a href='/manage_post.php?action=<?php echo buckys_not_null($post['likeID']) ? 'unlikePost' : 'likePost'; ?> &postID=<?php echo $post['postID']; ?> ' class="like-post-link"><?php echo buckys_not_null($post['likeID']) ? 'Unlike' : 'Like'; ?> </a> · <?php } ?> <?php if (buckys_not_null($userID) && $post['poster'] == $userID) { ?> <a href='/manage_post.php?action=delete-post&userID=<?php echo $userID; ?> &postID=<?php echo $post['postID']; ?> ' class="remove-post-link">Delete</a> · <?php } ?> <span><?php echo buckys_format_date($post['post_date']); ?> </span> <?php if (buckys_not_null($userID) && $post['poster'] != $userID && !$post['reportID']) { ?> · <a href="/report_object.php" data-type="post" data-id="<?php echo $post['postID']; ?> " data-idHash="<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($post['postID']); ?> " class="report-link">Report</a> <?php } ?> </span> <span class="rgt"> <?php echo $post['visibility'] ? 'Public' : 'Private'; ?> </span> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="post-like-comment"> <?php if ($pagePostFlag) { ?> <a href="/page.php?pid=<?php echo $pageData['pageID']; ?> &post=<?php echo $post['postID']; ?> " class="usersThatLiked likes-link"><?php echo $post['likes'] > 1 ? $post['likes'] . " likes" : $post['likes'] . " like"; ?> </a> · <a href="/page.php?pid=<?php echo $pageData['pageID']; ?> &post=<?php echo $post['postID']; ?> " class="usersThatLiked"><?php echo $post['comments'] > 1 ? $post['comments'] . " comments" : $post['comments'] . " comment"; ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="/posts.php?user=<?php echo $post['poster']; ?> &post=<?php echo $post['postID']; ?> " class="usersThatLiked likes-link"><?php echo $post['likes'] > 1 ? $post['likes'] . " likes" : $post['likes'] . " like"; ?> </a> · <a href="/posts.php?user=<?php echo $post['poster']; ?> &post=<?php echo $post['postID']; ?> " class="usersThatLiked"><?php echo $post['comments'] > 1 ? $post['comments'] . " comments" : $post['comments'] . " comment"; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ($post['likes'] > 0) { $likedUsers = BuckysPost::getLikedUsers($post['postID']); ?> <div class="liked-users"> <ul> <?php foreach ($likedUsers as $l) { ?> <li><a href="/profile.php?user=<?php echo $l['userID']; ?> "><img src="<?php echo BuckysUser::getProfileIcon($l); ?> "> <span><?php echo $l['firstName'] . " " . $l['lastName']; ?> </span></a></li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($post['likes'] > 30) { ?> <li class="more-likes">+ <?php echo $post['likes'] - count($likedUsers); ?> more</li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (buckys_not_null($userID)) { ?> <div class="post-new-comment"> <a href="/profile.php?user=<?php echo $userID; ?> "><img src="<?php echo BuckysUser::getProfileIcon($userID); ?> " class="replyToPostIcons" /></a> <form method="post" class="postcommentform" name="postcommentform" action=""> <input type="text" class="input" name="comment" placeholder="Write a comment..."> <input type="hidden" name="postID" value="<?php echo $post['postID']; ?> " /> <input type="submit" value="Post Comment" id="submit_post_reply" class="redButton" /> <?php render_loading_wrapper(); ?> </form> </div> <?php } ?> <?php $comments = BuckysComment::getPostComments($post['postID']); echo render_post_comments($comments, $userID); if (count($comments) > 0 && BuckysComment::hasMoreComments($post['postID'], $comments[count($comments) - 1]['posted_date'])) { ?> <a href="#" class="show-more-comments" data-last-date="<?php echo $comments[count($comments) - 1]['posted_date']; ?> " data-post-id="<?php echo $post['postID']; ?> ">view more</a> <?php } ?> </div> <input type="hidden" class="post-created-date" value="<?php echo $post['post_date']; ?> " /> </div> <?php $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; }
<?php /** * Page Left Sidebar */ if (!isset($TNB_GLOBALS)) { die("Invalid Request!"); } global $view; $userID = null; if (isset($TNB_GLOBALS['user'])) { $userID = $TNB_GLOBALS['user']['userID']; } $pageData = $view['pageData']; //Get Number of photos $postIns = new BuckysPost(); $numberOfPhotos = $postIns->getNumberOfPhotosByUserID($pageData['userID'], $pageData['pageID']); //follower $pageFollowerIns = new BuckysPageFollower(); $view['isMyPage'] = $pageData['userID'] == $userID; $view['isFollowed'] = $pageFollowerIns->hasRelationInFollow($pageData['pageID'], $userID); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var pageLinkList = <?php if ($pageData['links'] != '') { echo json_encode(unserialize($pageData['links'])); } else { echo json_encode([]); } ?>
if ($_POST['page'] == 'page-post') { $paramPageID = $_POST['pageID']; $pageIns = new BuckysPage(); $postIns = new BuckysPost(); $pageData = $pageIns->getPageByID($paramPageID); if ($pageData) { $posts = $postIns->getPostsByUserID($pageData['userID'], null, $paramPageID, false, isset($_GET['post']) ? $_GET['post'] : null, $_POST['lastDate']); foreach ($posts as $post) { echo buckys_get_single_post_html($post, $userID, false, $pageData); } } } else { if ($_POST['page'] == 'page-photo') { $paramPageID = $_POST['pageID']; $pageIns = new BuckysPage(); $postIns = new BuckysPost(); $pageData = $pageIns->getPageByID($paramPageID); if ($pageData) { $photos = $postIns->getPhotosByUserID($pageData['userID'], null, $paramPageID, false, null, null, 5, $_POST['lastDate']); foreach ($photos as $row) { ?> <a href="/page.php?pid=<?php echo $row['pageID']; ?> &post=<?php echo $row['postID']; ?> " class="photo"><img src="<?php echo DIR_WS_PHOTO; ?> users/<?php
public function likePostAction() { $data = $_POST; $token = isset($data['TOKEN']) ? trim($data['TOKEN']) : null; $postID = isset($data['postID']) ? $data['postID'] : null; $actionType = isset($data['actionType']) ? $data['actionType'] : null; if (!$token) { return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token should not be blank')]; } if (!($userID = BuckysUsersToken::checkTokenValidity($token, "api"))) { return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token is not valid.')]; } if (!$postID || !$actionType) { return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST)]; } $post = BuckysPost::getPostById($postID); if (!$post || $post['post_status'] != 1) { return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_OK, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST)]; exit; } $r = BuckysPost::likePost($userID, $postID, $actionType, false); $message = buckys_get_pure_messages(); if (!$r) { return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_OK, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result($message)]; exit; } else { $likes = BuckysPost::getPostLikesCount($postID); return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_OK, 'DATA' => ['STATUS' => 'SUCCESS', 'MESSAGE' => $message, 'LIKES' => $likes, 'isLiked' => $actionType == 'likePost' ? 'yes' : 'no']]; } }
/** * Show All Top Images, Videos or Text */ require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/bootstrap.php'; $userID = buckys_is_logged_in(); $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? strtolower($_GET['type']) : ''; //If the url param is not correct, go to index page if (!$type || !in_array($type, array('image', 'text', 'video'))) { buckys_redirect('/index.php'); } //Perios = Today, This Week, This Month, All Time $period = isset($_GET['period']) ? strtolower($_GET['period']) : 'all'; //Default all if (!in_array($period, array('today', 'this-week', 'this-month', 'all'))) { $period = 'all'; } $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $totalCount = BuckysPost::getNumberOfPosts(BuckysPost::INDEPENDENT_POST_PAGE_ID, $period, $type); //Init Pagination Class $pagination = new Pagination($totalCount, BuckysPost::${COUNT_PER_PAGE . strtoupper("_{$type}")}, $page); $page = $pagination->getCurrentPage(); //Getting Results $results = BuckysPost::getTopPosts(BuckysPost::INDEPENDENT_POST_PAGE_ID, $period, $type, $page); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('index.css'); $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['content'] = "tops"; $typeString = array('image' => 'Images ', 'video' => 'Videos ', 'text' => 'Posts '); $periodString = array('today' => 'Today ', 'this-month' => 'This Month ', 'all' => ''); //Page title $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['title'] = "Most Popular " . $typeString[$type] . $periodString[$period] . '- BuckysRoom'; require DIR_FS_TEMPLATE . $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['template'] . "/" . $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['layout'] . ".php";
/** * Delete Objects * * @param Array $ids */ public static function deleteObjects($ids) { global $db; if (!is_array($ids)) { $ids = [$ids]; } $ids = $db->escapeInput($ids); $query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE reportID IN (" . implode(", ", $ids) . ")"); $rows = $db->getResultsArray($query); foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row['objectType'] == 'post') { $post = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_POSTS . " WHERE postID=" . $row['objectID']); BuckysPost::deletePost($post['poster'], $post['postID']); } else { if ($row['objectType'] == 'comment') { //Getting Data $comment = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_COMMENTS . " WHERE commentID=" . $row['objectID']); BuckysComment::deleteComment($comment['commenter'], $comment['commentID']); } else { if ($row['objectType'] == 'video_comment') { //Getting Data $comment = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_VIDEO_COMMENTS . " WHERE commentID=" . $row['objectID']); BuckysVideo::deleteVideoComment($comment['commentID']); } else { if ($row['objectType'] == 'message') { //Delete Message $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_MESSAGES . " WHERE messageID=" . $row['objectID']); } else { if ($row['objectType'] == 'topic') { //Delete Topic BuckysForumTopic::deleteTopic($row['objectID']); } else { if ($row['objectType'] == 'reply') { //Delete Topic BuckysForumReply::deleteReply($row['objectID']); } else { if ($row['objectType'] == 'shop_item') { //Delete Shop Product $shopProdIns = new BuckysShopProduct(); $shopProdIns->removeProductByUserID($row['objectID'], $row['reportedID']); } else { if ($row['objectType'] == 'trade_item') { //Delete Trade Item $tradeItemIns = new BuckysTradeItem(); $tradeItemIns->removeItemByUserID($row['objectID'], $row['reportedID']); } } } } } } } } //Delete the row on the report table $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE reportID=" . $row['reportID']); } return; }
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/bootstrap.php'; $periods = array('today', 'this-week', 'this-month', 'all'); $types = array('image', 'text', 'video'); $counts = array('image' => 12, 'text' => 10, 'video' => 8); foreach ($types as $type) { $result = array(); foreach ($periods as $period) { $tResult = BuckysPost::getTopPosts(BuckysPost::INDEPENDENT_POST_PAGE_ID, $period, $type, 1, $counts[$type] - count($result)); $result = array_merge($result, $tResult); if (count($result) >= $counts[$type]) { break; } } //Delete Old Data From DB $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_STATS_POST . " WHERE postType='" . $type . "'"); //Insert New Data To DB foreach ($result as $idx => $row) { $db->insertFromArray(TABLE_STATS_POST, array('postID' => $row['postID'], 'postType' => $type, 'sortOrder' => $idx + 1, 'createdDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } } //Send Email for Testing //buckys_sendmail('*****@*****.**', 'Eric So', 'cronjob test', 'cronjob test');
/** * Like Post * * * @param int $userID * @param int $postID */ public function likePost($userID, $postID, $action) { global $db; $post = BuckysPost::getPostById($postID); if (!$post || $post['poster'] == $userID) { buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } if ($post['visibility'] == 0 && !BuckysFriend::isFriend($userID, $post['poster'])) { buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } //Check already like it or not $query = $db->prepare("SELECT likeID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=%s AND postID=%s", $userID, $postID); $likeId = $db->getVar($query); if ($action == 'likePost') { if ($likeId) { buckys_add_message(MSG_ALREADY_LIKED_POST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } //Like This post $rs = $db->insertFromArray(TABLE_POSTS_LIKES, array('userID' => $userID, 'postID' => $postID)); //Update likes on the posts table $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . TABLE_POSTS . ' SET `likes`=`likes` + 1 WHERE postID=%d', $postID); $db->query($query); //Add Activity BuckysActivity::addActivity($userID, $postID, 'post', 'like', $rs); //Increase Hits BuckysHit::addHit($postID, $userID); return $rs; } else { if ($action == 'unlikePost') { if (!$likeId) { buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } $query = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=%s AND postID=%s", $userID, $postID); $db->query($query); //Update likes on the posts table $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . TABLE_POSTS . ' SET `likes`=`likes` - 1 WHERE postID=%d', $postID); $db->query($query); //Increase Hits BuckysHit::removeHit($postID, $userID); return true; } } }
buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('publisher.css'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('uploadify/jquery.uploadify.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('jquery.Jcrop.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('jquery.color.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('posts.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('add_post.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('page.js'); //Get Page Data $pageData = $pageIns->getPageByID($paramPageID, false); $view['pageData'] = $pageData; if (!isset($pageData) || $pageData['userID'] != $userID && $pageData['status'] == BuckysPage::STATUS_INACTIVE) { //This page doesn't exist or inactive buckys_redirect('/index.php', MSG_NO_SUCH_PAGE, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } //Get Posts Belonged to this page $postIns = new BuckysPost(); if (!$paramPostID) { $view['posts'] = $postIns->getPostsByUserID($pageData['userID'], $userID, $pageData['pageID']); $view['show_only_post'] = false; } else { $onePostData = $postIns->getPostById($paramPostID, $paramPageID); if (!buckys_not_null($onePostData)) { buckys_redirect('/index.php'); } $view['posts'][] = $onePostData; $view['show_only_post'] = true; } //Get followers $pageFollowerIns = new BuckysPageFollower(); $view['followers'] = $pageFollowerIns->getFollowers($pageData['pageID'], 1, 18, true); //Is this my page?
/** * Show All Top Images, Videos or Text */ require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/bootstrap.php'; $userID = buckys_is_logged_in(); $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? strtolower($_GET['type']) : ''; //If the url param is not correct, go to index page if (!$type || !in_array($type, ['image', 'text', 'video'])) { buckys_redirect('/index.php'); } //Perios = Today, This Week, This Month, All Time $period = isset($_GET['period']) ? strtolower($_GET['period']) : 'all'; //Default all if (!in_array($period, ['today', 'this-week', 'this-month', 'all'])) { $period = 'all'; } $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $totalCount = BuckysPost::getNumberOfPosts($period, $type); $pageLimit = "COUNT_PER_PAGE_" . strtoupper($type); //Init Pagination Class $pagination = new Pagination($totalCount, BuckysPost::${$pageLimit}, $page); $page = $pagination->getCurrentPage(); //Getting Results $results = BuckysPost::getTopPosts($period, $type, $page, BuckysPost::${$pageLimit}); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('index.css'); $TNB_GLOBALS['content'] = "tops"; $typeString = ['image' => 'Images ', 'video' => 'Videos ', 'text' => 'Posts ']; $periodString = ['today' => 'Today ', 'this-week' => 'This Week ', 'this-month' => 'This Month ', 'all' => '']; //Page title $TNB_GLOBALS['title'] = "Most Popular " . $typeString[$type] . $periodString[$period] . '- ' . TNB_SITE_NAME; require DIR_FS_TEMPLATE . $TNB_GLOBALS['template'] . "/" . $TNB_GLOBALS['layout'] . ".php";
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/bootstrap.php'; //Getting Current User ID if (!($userID = buckys_is_logged_in())) { buckys_redirect('/index.php', MSG_NOT_LOGGED_IN_USER, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'create-photo') { //Add Photo if ($newID = BuckysPost::savePhoto($userID, $_POST)) { buckys_redirect('/photo_edit.php?photoID=' . $newID); } else { buckys_redirect('/photo_add.php'); } } //Getting UserData from Id $userData = BuckysUser::getUserData($userID); //Getting User Albums $albums = BuckysAlbum::getAlbumsByUserId($userID); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('account.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('posting.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('uploadify.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('jquery.Jcrop.css'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('uploadify/jquery.uploadify.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('jquery.Jcrop.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('jquery.color.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('add_photo.js'); $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['content'] = 'photo_add'; $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['title'] = "Add Photo - BuckysRoom"; require DIR_FS_TEMPLATE . $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['template'] . "/" . $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['layout'] . ".php";
} if (!$showPagePhotoFlag) { //if logged user can see all resources of the current user $canViewPrivate = $userID == $profileID || BuckysFriend::isFriend($userID, $profileID) || BuckysFriend::isSentFriendRequest($profileID, $userID); $photos = BuckysPost::getPhotosByUserID($profileID, $userID, $paramPageID, $canViewPrivate, $postID, $albumID, BuckysPost::$images_per_page); $albums = BuckysAlbum::getAlbumsByUserId($profileID); //Display $TNB_GLOBALS['title'] = trim($userData['firstName'] . ' ' . $userData['lastName']) . "'s Photos - " . TNB_SITE_NAME; $view['photo_type'] = 'profile'; buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('profile.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('posting.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('publisher.css'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('posts.js'); } else { //Show page photos if logged user can see all resources of the current user $photos = BuckysPost::getPhotosByUserID($profileID, null, $paramPageID, false, $postID, $albumID, BuckysPost::$images_per_page); //Display $TNB_GLOBALS['title'] = trim($pageData['title']) . "'s Photos - " . TNB_SITE_NAME; $view['photo_type'] = 'page'; $view['pageData'] = $pageData; buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('account.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('stream.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('posting.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('uploadify.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('jquery.Jcrop.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('page.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('publisher.css'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('uploadify/jquery.uploadify.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('jquery.Jcrop.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('jquery.color.js'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('posts.js');
buckys_redirect('/photo_manage.php'); } else { if ($action == 'delete-photo') { if (!BuckysPost::deletePost($userID, $_REQUEST['photoID'])) { buckys_redirect('/photo_manage.php', MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } else { buckys_redirect('/photo_manage.php', MSG_PHOTO_REMOVED, MSG_TYPE_SUCCESS); } } else { if ($action == 'remove-profile-photo') { BuckysUser::updateUserFields($userID, ['thumbnail' => '']); buckys_redirect('/photo_manage.php'); } } } } //Getting Album ID $albumID = isset($_REQUEST['albumID']) ? $_REQUEST['albumID'] : null; //Getting Current Page $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $totalCount = BuckysPost::getNumberOfPhotosByUserID($userID, BuckysPost::INDEPENDENT_POST_PAGE_ID, $albumID); $pagination = new Pagination($totalCount, BuckysPost::$IMAGES_PER_PAGE_FOR_MANAGE_PHOTOS_PAGE, $page); $page = $pagination->getCurrentPage(); $photos = BuckysPost::getPhotosByUserID($userID, $userID, BuckysPost::INDEPENDENT_POST_PAGE_ID, true, null, $albumID, BuckysPost::$IMAGES_PER_PAGE_FOR_MANAGE_PHOTOS_PAGE); $albums = BuckysAlbum::getAlbumsByUserId($userID); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('account.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('posting.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('info.css'); $TNB_GLOBALS['content'] = 'photo_manage'; $TNB_GLOBALS['title'] = "Manage Photos - " . TNB_SITE_NAME; require DIR_FS_TEMPLATE . $TNB_GLOBALS['template'] . "/" . $TNB_GLOBALS['layout'] . ".php";
//If photo id is not correct or the owner is not the current user, goto photo management page if (!$photo || $photo['poster'] != $userID) { buckys_redirect('/photo_manage.php', MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } if (isset($_POST['action'])) { //Create New Album if ($_POST['action'] == 'save-photo') { if ($photo['poster'] != $userID) { buckys_redirect('/photo_manage.php', MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } //Update Photo Caption and Privacy BuckysPost::updatePhoto($userID, $_POST); //Change user profile image if ($_POST['photo_visibility'] == 2) { if (!$photo['is_profile']) { BuckysPost::createProfileImage($photo, $_POST); } //Update profile image with old one BuckysUser::updateUserFields($userID, array('thumbnail' => $photo['image'])); } else { if ($userData['thumbnail'] == $photo['image']) { //If it was a profile image and now it is not, remove it from the profile image BuckysUser::updateUserFields($userID, array('thumbnail' => '')); } } //Save Album if (isset($_POST['album']) && $_POST['album'] != '' && isset($albums[$_POST['album']])) { BuckysAlbum::addPhotoToAlbum($_POST['album'], $photo['postID']); } buckys_redirect('/photo_edit.php?photoID=' . $photo['postID'], MSG_PHOTO_UPDATED, MSG_TYPE_SUCCESS); exit;
/** * Delete Objects * * @param Array $ids * @param String $objectType * @param String $modeartorType */ public function deleteObjects($ids, $objectType, $moderatorType) { global $db; if (!is_array($ids)) { $ids = array($ids); } $ids = $db->escapeInput($ids); $query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE objectType=%s AND reportID in (" . implode(", ", $ids) . ")", $objectType); $rows = $db->getResultsArray($query); foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row['objectType'] == 'post') { $post = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_POSTS . " WHERE postID=" . $row['objectID']); BuckysPost::deletePost($post['poster'], $post['postID']); } else { if ($row['objectType'] == 'comment') { //Getting Data $comment = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_COMMENTS . " WHERE commentID=" . $row['objectID']); BuckysComment::deleteComment($comment['commenter'], $comment['commentID']); } else { if ($row['objectType'] == 'message') { //Delete Message $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_MESSAGES . " WHERE messageID=" . $row['objectID']); } else { if ($row['objectType'] == 'topic') { //Delete Topic BuckysForumTopic::deleteTopic($row['objectID']); } else { if ($row['objectType'] == 'reply') { //Delete Topic BuckysForumReply::deleteReply($row['objectID']); } } } } } //Delete the row on the report table $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE reportID=" . $row['reportID']); } return; }
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/bootstrap.php'; $periods = ['today', 'this-week', 'this-month', 'all']; $types = ['image', 'text', 'video']; $counts = ['image' => 12, 'text' => 10, 'video' => 8]; $base_values = ['image' => 1.01, 'text' => 1.01, 'video' => 1.01]; foreach ($types as $type) { $result = []; foreach ($periods as $period) { $tResult = BuckysPost::getTopPostsForHomepage($period, $type, $base_values[$type], 1, $counts[$type] - count($result)); $result = array_merge($result, $tResult); if (count($result) >= $counts[$type]) { break; } } //Delete Old Data From DB $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_STATS_POST . " WHERE postType='" . $type . "'"); //Insert New Data To DB foreach ($result as $idx => $row) { $db->insertFromArray(TABLE_STATS_POST, ['postID' => $row['postID'], 'postType' => $type, 'sortOrder' => $idx + 1, 'createdDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); } }
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/bootstrap.php'; //Getting Current User ID $userID = buckys_is_logged_in(); //Getting User ID from Parameter $profileID = isset($_GET['user']) ? $_GET['user'] : 0; //If the parameter is null, goto homepage if (!$profileID) { buckys_redirect('/index.php'); } //Getting UserData from Id $userData = BuckysUser::getUserData($profileID); //Goto Homepage if the userID is not correct if (!buckys_not_null($userData) || !BuckysUser::checkUserID($profileID, true)) { buckys_redirect('/index.php'); } //if logged user can see all resources of the current user $canViewPrivate = $userID == $profileID || BuckysFriend::isFriend($userID, $profileID) || BuckysFriend::isSentFriendRequest($profileID, $userID); $posts = BuckysPost::getPostsByUserID($profileID, $userID, BuckysPost::INDEPENDENT_POST_PAGE_ID, $canViewPrivate, isset($_GET['post']) ? $_GET['post'] : null); /*if( !buckys_not_null($posts) ) { //Goto Index Page buckys_redirect('/index.php', MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); }*/ buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('profile.css'); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('posting.css'); buckys_enqueue_javascript('posts.js'); $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['content'] = 'posts'; if ($userData) { $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['title'] = trim($userData['firstName'] . ' ' . $userData['lastName']) . "'s Posts - BuckysRoom"; } require DIR_FS_TEMPLATE . $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['template'] . "/" . $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['layout'] . ".php";
/** * Delete page by PageID * * @param integer $userID * @param integer $pageID */ public function deletePageByID($pageID, $userID = null) { global $db; $postIns = new BuckysPost(); $pageFollowerIns = new BuckysPageFollower(); //Get Page info & related posts belonged to this page. $pageData = $this->getPageByID($pageID); if (!$pageData) { return false; } if (!empty($userID) && $pageData['userID'] != $userID) { return false; // You don't have permission to delete this page } $postList = $postIns->getPostsByPageID($pageData['pageID']); //Delete related posts if (is_array($postList) && count($postList) > 0) { foreach ($postList as $postData) { $postIns->deletePost($pageData['userID'], $postData['postID']); } } //Delete page $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE pageID=%d", TABLE_PAGES, $pageID); $db->query($query); //Delete followers $pageFollowerIns->removeAllFollowersByPageID($pageID); return true; }
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/bootstrap.php'; $userID = buckys_is_logged_in(); $popularImages = BuckysPost::getPostsFromStats('image'); $popularPosts = BuckysPost::getPostsFromStats('text'); $popularVideos = BuckysPost::getPostsFromStats('video'); $popularPages = BuckysPage::getPopularPagesForHomepage(); $recentTopics = BuckysForumTopic::getTopics(1, 'publish', null, 'lastReplyDate DESC, t.createdDate DESC', 5); $recentTradeItems = BuckysTradeItem::getRecentItems(3); buckys_enqueue_stylesheet('index.css'); $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['content'] = "home"; $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['title'] = "BuckysRoom - The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Social Network"; require DIR_FS_TEMPLATE . $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['template'] . "/" . $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['layout'] . ".php";
$totalFriendsCount = BuckysFriend::getNumberOfFriends($profileID); ?> <aside id="main_aside" style="overflow:visible;"> <!-- 241px --> <span class="titles"><?php echo $userData['firstName'] . " " . $userData['lastName']; ?> </span> <br/> <?php render_profile_link($userData, 'mainProfilePic'); ?> <br/> <a href="/photos.php?user=<?php echo $userData['userID']; ?> ">View All Photos (<?php echo BuckysPost::getNumberOfPhotosByUserID($userData['userID']); ?> )</a> <br/> <!-- Friend Links --> <?php if (buckys_not_null($userID) && $userID != $profileID) { //If this is not current logged user, Show Friends, Message Links //Show Friend Links if ($fid = BuckysFriend::isFriend($userID, $profileID)) { ?> <a href="/myfriends.php?action=unfriend&friendID=<?php echo $profileID; echo buckys_get_token_param(); ?>
//If comment is empty, show error if (trim($comment) == '') { echo MSG_COMMENT_EMPTY; exit; } //if Post Id was not set, show error if (!$postID) { echo MSG_INVALID_REQUEST; exit; } //Check the post id is correct if (!BuckysPost::checkPostID($postID)) { echo MSG_POST_NOT_EXIST; exit; } $post = BuckysPost::getPostById($postID); if ($post['visibility'] == 0 && $userID != $post['poster'] && !BuckysFriend::isFriend($userID, $post['poster'])) { //Only Friends can leave comments to private post echo MSG_INVALID_REQUEST; exit; } //If error, show it if (!($commentID = BuckysComment::saveComments($userID, $postID, $comment))) { echo $db->getLastError(); exit; } else { //Show Results header('Content-type: application/xml'); $newComment = BuckysComment::getComment($commentID); $newCount = BuckysComment::getPostCommentsCount($postID); render_result_xml(array('newcomment' => render_single_comment($newComment, $userID, true), 'count' => $newCount > 1 ? $newCount . " comments" : $newCount . " comment"));
/** * @param $userID * @param $commentID * @return bool */ public static function deleteComment($userID, $commentID) { global $db; $query = $db->prepare("SELECT c.commentID, c.postID FROM " . TABLE_COMMENTS . " AS c LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_POSTS . " AS p ON p.postID=c.postID WHERE c.commentID=%s AND (c.commenter=%s OR p.poster=%s)", $commentID, $userID, $userID); $row = $db->getRow($query); if (!$row) { return false; } else { $cID = $row['commentID']; $postID = $row['postID']; $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_COMMENTS . " WHERE commentID=" . $cID); //Remove Activity $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_MAIN_ACTIVITIES . " WHERE actionID=" . $cID); //Remove From Report $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE objectType='comment' AND objectID=" . $cID); //Update comments on the posts table $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . TABLE_POSTS . ' SET `comments`=`comments` - 1 WHERE postID=%d', $postID); $db->query($query); $postData = BuckysPost::getPostById($postID); //Update User Stats BuckysUser::updateStats($postData['poster'], 'comments', -1); return true; } }
public function getPhotosAction() { $data = $_POST; $token = isset($data['TOKEN']) ? trim($data['TOKEN']) : null; $lastDate = isset($data['lastDate']) ? $data['lastDate'] : null; $profileID = isset($data['profileId']) ? $data['profileId'] : null; if (!$token) { return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token should not be blank')]; } if (!($userID = BuckysUsersToken::checkTokenValidity($token, "api"))) { return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token is not valid.')]; } $userData = BuckysUser::getUserData($profileID); if (!buckys_not_null($profileID) || !buckys_not_null($userData) || !BuckysUser::checkUserID($profileID, true)) { return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_OK, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST)]; } $canViewPrivate = $userID == $profileID || BuckysFriend::isFriend($userID, $profileID) || BuckysFriend::isSentFriendRequest($profileID, $userID); //Getting Photos $photos = BuckysPost::getPhotosByUserID($profileID, $userID, BuckysPost::INDEPENDENT_POST_PAGE_ID, $canViewPrivate, null, null, 18, $lastDate); $resultPhotos = []; foreach ($photos as $row) { $resultPhotos[] = ["posted_date" => $row['post_date'], "thumbnail" => THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . DIR_WS_PHOTO . 'users/' . $row['poster'] . '/resized/' . $row['image'], "original" => THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . DIR_WS_PHOTO . 'users/' . $row['poster'] . '/original/' . $row['image']]; } return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_OK, 'DATA' => ["STATUS" => "SUCCESS", "PHOTOS" => $resultPhotos]]; }