Пример #1
//If photo id is not correct or the owner is not the current user, goto photo management page
if (!$photo || $photo['poster'] != $userID) {
    buckys_redirect('/photo_manage.php', MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
    //Create New Album
    if ($_POST['action'] == 'save-photo') {
        if ($photo['poster'] != $userID) {
            buckys_redirect('/photo_manage.php', MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
        //Update Photo Caption and Privacy
        BuckysPost::updatePhoto($userID, $_POST);
        //Change user profile image
        if ($_POST['photo_visibility'] == 2) {
            if (!$photo['is_profile']) {
                BuckysPost::createProfileImage($photo, $_POST);
            //Update profile image with old one
            BuckysUser::updateUserFields($userID, array('thumbnail' => $photo['image']));
        } else {
            if ($userData['thumbnail'] == $photo['image']) {
                //If it was a profile image and now it is not, remove it from the profile image
                BuckysUser::updateUserFields($userID, array('thumbnail' => ''));
        //Save Album
        if (isset($_POST['album']) && $_POST['album'] != '' && isset($albums[$_POST['album']])) {
            BuckysAlbum::addPhotoToAlbum($_POST['album'], $photo['postID']);
        buckys_redirect('/photo_edit.php?photoID=' . $photo['postID'], MSG_PHOTO_UPDATED, MSG_TYPE_SUCCESS);