function OnGridCellLeftClick($event) { if ($event->GetCol() == 4) { wxMessageBox("Row: " . $event->GetRow()); } $event->Skip(); }
protected function checkFolderExists() { $path = $this->getWatchFolder(); if (!is_dir($path)) { $ok = mkdir($path); if (!$ok) { wxMessageBox("Unable to create folder to watch:" . $path); } } if (is_dir($path)) { $this->logger("Created watch folder OK"); } }
public function onButtonClick($event) { $buttonCtrl = wxDynamicCast($event->GetEventObject(), "wxButton"); // We use the element names to recognise them - easier than using IDs $message = null; if ($buttonCtrl->GetName() === self::ELMT_CANCEL) { $message = "Clicked cancel: this would normally close the dialogue without taking any action"; } elseif ($buttonCtrl->GetName() === self::ELMT_OK) { $message = "Clicked OK: this would normally close the dialogue and take the usual action (e.g. creating a diary entry)"; } // If we have a message, let's see it if ($message) { wxMessageBox($message); } }
function OnInit() { global $mf; $mf = new mainFrame(); $value = wxMessageBox("Show the frame?", "", wxYES_NO, $mf); if ($value == wxYES) { $mf->Show(); $mf->Centre(); //Static Method Call Test $window = wxWindow::FindWindowById(10); //Dynamic cast test $window = wxDynamicCast($window, "wxFrame"); print $window->GetTitle() . "\n"; } else { $mf->Close(); } return 0; }
function NotificationsCheckout($event) { foreach ($this->messages as $message) { $client_position = $message[0]; $action = $message[1]; $data = $message[2]; switch ($action) { case "file_transfer": if (wxMessageBox("Accept {$data}?", "File Transfer", wxYES_NO) == wxYES) { $fileDialog = new wxFileDialog($this, "Select output file", "", "", "All Files(*.*)|*.*", wxFD_SAVE); $fileDialog->SetFilename($data); $fileDialog->ShowModal(); $this->files_to_store[$client_position] = $fileDialog->GetPath(); $message = "accept_file,"; socket_write($this->m_user_sockets[$client_position], $message, strlen($message)); } else { $message = "cancel_file,"; socket_write($this->m_user_sockets[$client_position], $message, strlen($message)); } break; } } $this->messages = array(); }
function onAbout() { wxMessageBox("Welcome to wxPHP!!\nBased on wxWidgets " . WXWIDGETS_LIBRARY_VERSION . "\n\nThis is a minimal wxPHP sample!", "About box..."); }
function onConvertClick($event) { if ($this->m_pdfList->GetCount() == 0) { wxMessageBox("You need to add some files first"); } else { $this->fileNavigator->Disable(); $this->m_clear->Disable(); $this->m_convert->Disable(); $this->m_outpurDir->Disable(); $total = $this->m_pdfList->GetCount(); $documents = array(); $output_dir = $this->m_outpurDir->GetPath(); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $documents[] = $this->m_pdfList->GetString($i); } $this->converting = true; $this->m_timer->Start(500); $this->document_converter->SetDocuments($documents, $output_dir); $this->document_converter->Create(); $this->document_converter->Run(); } }
function confirm($message, $title = 'Confirm') { $answer = \wxMessageBox($message, $title, wxYES_NO); return $answer === wxYES; }
function onBackupCompany($event) { $fileDialog = new \wxFileDialog($this, _("Backup to output file"), "", "", "Xiaris Company File|*.xia", wxFD_SAVE); if ($fileDialog->ShowModal() != wxID_CANCEL) { $path = str_ireplace(".xia", "", $fileDialog->GetPath()); $fileDialog->Destroy(); $path .= ".xia"; if (file_exists($path)) { if (wxMessageBox(_("The file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"), _("Warning!"), wxYES_NO) != wxYES) { print "test"; return; } } copy($this->company->GetFilePath(), $path); } }
function OnMenuStub($event) { $editor = new FileViewer($this); $stub = ""; try { $stub .= $this->phar_file->phar->getStub(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $stub = "#!/usr/bin/php\n" . "<?php\n\n" . "//Insert your code here\n\n" . "__HALT_COMPILER();\n" . "?>\n"; } $stub_md5 = md5($stub); $editor->AddText($stub); $editor->editor->SetReadOnly(false); $editor->SetMode(FileViewer::MODE_PHP); $title = $this->phar_file->name . " stub"; if (!$this->phar_file->phar->canWrite()) { $title .= " (read only)"; } $editor->SetTitle($title); $editor->ShowModal(); if ($this->phar_file->phar->canWrite()) { $new_stub_md5 = md5($editor->editor->GetText()); if ($stub_md5 != $new_stub_md5) { $result = wxMessageBox("Do you want to save the changes?", "Stub Changes", wxYES_NO, $this); if ($result == wxYES) { try { $this->phar_file->phar->setStub($editor->editor->GetText()); } catch (Exception $ex) { wxMessageBox($ex->getMessage()); } } } } }