Пример #1
  * Return size of path directory using recursive trace 
  * @param string $directory
  * @param boolean $format
 function directory_size($directory, $format = false)
     $size = 0;
     // if the path has a slash at the end we remove it here
     if (substr($directory, -1) == '/') {
         $directory = substr($directory, 0, -1);
     // if the path is not valid or is not a directory ...
     if (!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory) || !is_readable($directory)) {
         return -1;
     // we open the directory
     if ($handle = opendir($directory)) {
         // and scan through the items inside
         while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
             // we build the new path
             $path = $directory . '/' . $file;
             // if the filepointer is not the current directory
             // or the parent directory
             if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                 // if the new path is a file, add the filesize to the total size
                 if (is_file($path)) {
                     $size += filesize($path);
                 } elseif (is_dir($path)) {
                     // we call this function with the new path
                     $handlesize = directory_size($path);
                     // if the function returns more than zero, we add the result to the total size
                     if ($handlesize >= 0) {
                         $size += $handlesize;
                     } else {
                         //else we return -1 and exit the function
                         return -1;
         // close the directory
     // if the format is set to human readable
     if ($format == true) {
         if ($size / 1048576 > 1) {
             return round($size / 1048576, 1) . ' MB';
         } elseif ($size / 1024 > 1) {
             return round($size / 1024, 1) . ' KB';
         } else {
             return round($size, 1) . ' bytes';
     } else {
         return $size;
Пример #2
function getUserSize($username, $basedir, $justsize = false)
    global $mysqlpre;
    $sizequery = "SELECT quota FROM " . $mysqlpre . "_users WHERE username = '******'";
    $sizeresult = mysql_query($sizequery);
    $totalsize = mysql_fetch_row($sizeresult);
    if (!$justsize) {
        $returndata = round(directory_size($basedir . $username) / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "MB of " . $totalsize[0] . "MB";
        return $returndata;
    } else {
        $returndata[] = round(directory_size($basedir . $username) / 1024 / 1024, 2);
        $returndata[] = $totalsize[0];
        return $returndata;
Пример #3
function directory_size($directory)
    $directorySize = 0;
    if ($dh = @opendir($directory)) {
        while ($filename = readdir($dh)) {
            if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") {
                if (is_file($directory . "/" . $filename)) {
                    $directorySize += filesize($directory . "/" . $filename);
                if (is_dir($directory . "/" . $filename)) {
                    $directorySize += directory_size($directory . "/" . $filename);
    return $directorySize;
Пример #4
 function directory_size($dir)
     $byte_size = 0;
     $dir_array = scandir($dir);
     foreach ($dir_array as $key => $filename) {
         if ($filename != ".." && $filename != ".") {
             if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $filename)) {
                 $new_foldersize = directory_size($dir . "/" . $filename);
                 $byte_size = $byte_size + $new_foldersize;
             } else {
                 if (is_file($dir . "/" . $filename)) {
                     $byte_size = $byte_size + filesize($dir . "/" . $filename);
     return $byte_size;