function print_orders($sourceid)
    0 - no error
    1 - no orders to be printed
    2 - template parsing error
    3 - error setting orders printed
    other - mysql error number
    $sourceid = $_SESSION['sourceid'];
    debug_msg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "BEGIN PRINTING");
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `orders` WHERE `sourceid`='{$sourceid}' AND `printed` IS NULL AND `suspend`='0' ORDER BY dest_id ASC, priority ASC, associated_id ASC, id ASC";
    $res = common_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if (!$res) {
        return mysql_errno();
    if (!mysql_num_rows($res)) {
        return ERR_ORDER_NOT_FOUND;
    $newassociated_id = "";
    $tablenum = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'sources', "name", $sourceid);
    $tpl_print = new template();
    $output['orders'] = '';
    $msg = "";
    while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        $oldassociated_id = $newassociated_id;
        $newassociated_id = $arr['associated_id'];
        if (isset($priority)) {
            $oldpriority = $priority;
        } else {
            $oldpriority = 0;
        $priority = $arr['priority'];
        if ($oldassociated_id != "") {
            $olddestid = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dishes', "destid", get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'orders', 'dishid', $oldassociated_id));
            $olddest = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "dest", $olddestid);
            $olddestname = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "name", $olddestid);
        } else {
            $olddestid = 0;
        $destid = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dishes', "destid", get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'orders', 'dishid', $newassociated_id));
        $dest = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "dest", $destid);
        $destname = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "name", $destid);
        $dest_language = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "language", $destid);
        if ($destid != $olddestid || $priority != $oldpriority) {
            if ($destid != $olddestid && $olddestid != "") {
                $tpl_print->assign("date", printer_print_date());
                $tpl_print->assign("gonow", printer_print_gonow($oldpriority, $dest_language));
                $tpl_print->assign("page_cut", printer_print_cut());
                // strips the last newline that has been put
                $output['orders'] = substr($output['orders'], 0, strlen($output['orders']) - 1);
                if (table_is_takeaway($sourceid)) {
                    $print_tpl_file = 'ticket_takeaway';
                } else {
                    $print_tpl_file = 'ticket';
                if ($err = $tpl_print->set_print_template_file($olddestid, $print_tpl_file)) {
                    return $err;
                if ($err = $tpl_print->parse()) {
                    $msg = "Error in " . __FUNCTION__ . " - ";
                    $msg .= 'error: ' . $err . "\n";
                    echo nl2br($msg) . "\n";
                    error_msg(__FILE__, __LINE__, $msg);
                    return ERR_PARSING_TEMPLATE;
                $msg = $tpl_print->getOutput();
                $output['orders'] = '';
                $msg = str_replace("'", "", $msg);
                if ($outerr = print_line($olddestid, $msg)) {
                    return $outerr;
            } elseif ($priority != $oldpriority && $oldpriority != "") {
                $tpl_print->assign("date", printer_print_date());
                $tpl_print->assign("gonow", printer_print_gonow($oldpriority, $dest_language));
                $tpl_print->assign("page_cut", printer_print_cut());
                // strips the last newline that has been put
                $output['orders'] = substr($output['orders'], 0, strlen($output['orders']) - 1);
                if (table_is_takeaway($sourceid)) {
                    $print_tpl_file = 'ticket_takeaway';
                } else {
                    $print_tpl_file = 'ticket';
                if ($err = $tpl_print->set_print_template_file($destid, $print_tpl_file)) {
                    return $err;
                if ($err = $tpl_print->parse()) {
                    $msg = "Error in " . __FUNCTION__ . " - ";
                    $msg .= 'error: ' . $err . "\n";
                    error_msg(__FILE__, __LINE__, $msg);
                    echo nl2br($msg) . "\n";
                    return ERR_PARSING_TEMPLATE;
                $msg = $tpl_print->getOutput();
                $output['orders'] = '';
                $msg = str_replace("'", "", $msg);
                if ($outerr = print_line($destid, $msg)) {
                    return $outerr;
            if (table_is_takeaway($sourceid)) {
                $takeaway_data = takeaway_get_customer_data($sourceid);
                $output['takeaway'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_TAKEAWAY')) . " - ";
                $output['takeaway'] .= $takeaway_data['takeaway_hour'] . ":" . $takeaway_data['takeaway_minute'] . "\n";
                $output['takeaway'] .= $takeaway_data['takeaway_surname'] . "\n";
                $tpl_print->assign("takeaway", $output['takeaway']);
            $output['table'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_TABLE')) . ": " . $tablenum;
            $tpl_print->assign("table", $output['table']);
            $user = new user($_SESSION['userid']);
            $output['waiter'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_WAITER')) . ": " . $user->data['name'];
            $tpl_print->assign("waiter", $output['waiter']);
            $output['priority'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_PRIORITY')) . ": " . $priority . "\n";
            $tpl_print->assign("priority", $output['priority']);
            $output['people'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_PEOPLE')) . ": " . table_people_number($sourceid) . "\n";
            $tpl_print->assign("people", $output['people']);
            $table = new table($sourceid);
            if ($cust_id = $table->data['customer']) {
                $cust = new customer($cust_id);
                $output['customer'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'CUSTOMER')) . ": " . $cust->data['surname'] . ' ' . $cust->data['name'];
                $tpl_print->assign("customer_name", $output['customer']);
                $output['customer'] = $cust->data['address'];
                $tpl_print->assign("customer_address", $output['customer']);
                $output['customer'] = $cust->data['zip'];
                $tpl_print->assign("customer_zip_code", $output['customer']);
                $output['customer'] = $cust->data['city'];
                $tpl_print->assign("customer_city", $output['customer']);
                $output['customer'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'VAT_ACCOUNT')) . ": " . $cust->data['vat_account'];
                $tpl_print->assign("customer_vat_account", $output['customer']);
        $output['orders'] .= printer_print_row($arr, $destid);
        $printed_orders[] = $arr['id'];
        if ($newassociated_id != $oldassociated_id) {
            // if we're in this function, it means that we changed associated_id id
            // and also that mods have been printed on the same sheet
            if (CONF_PRINT_BARCODES && $arr['dishid'] != MOD_ID) {
                $output['orders'] .= print_barcode($newassociated_id);
        if (CONF_PRINT_BARCODES && $arr['dishid'] != MOD_ID) {
            $output['orders'] .= print_barcode($newassociated_id);
        $tpl_print->assign("orders", $output['orders']);
    $destid = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dishes', "destid", get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'orders', 'dishid', $newassociated_id));
    $dest = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "dest", $destid);
    $destname = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "name", $destid);
    $dest_language = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "language", $destid);
        $tpl_print->assign("barcode", print_barcode($newassociated_id));
    $tpl_print->assign("date", printer_print_date());
    $tpl_print->assign("gonow", printer_print_gonow($priority, $dest_language));
    $tpl_print->assign("page_cut", printer_print_cut());
    // strips the last newline that has been put
    $output['orders'] = substr($output['orders'], 0, strlen($output['orders']) - 1);
    if (table_is_takeaway($sourceid)) {
        $print_tpl_file = 'ticket_takeaway';
    } else {
        $print_tpl_file = 'ticket';
    if ($err = $tpl_print->set_print_template_file($destid, $print_tpl_file)) {
        return $err;
    if ($err = $tpl_print->parse()) {
        $err_msg = "Error in " . __FUNCTION__ . " - ";
        $err_msg .= 'error: ' . $err . "\n";
        error_msg(__FILE__, __LINE__, $err_msg);
        echo nl2br($err_msg) . "\n";
        return ERR_PARSING_TEMPLATE;
    $msg = $tpl_print->getOutput();
    $output['orders'] = '';
    $msg = str_replace("'", "", $msg);
    if ($outerr = print_line($destid, $msg)) {
        return $outerr;
    foreach ($printed_orders as $val) {
        if ($err = print_set_printed($val)) {
            return $err;
    // there was an error setting orders as printed
    if ($err) {
    return 0;
Пример #2
* Creates the top line (table - people)
* First the table name is taken out from source table,
* then it looks for the service fee orders associated to the table and sums them.
* This second step is active only if the conf value service_fee_use is not zero
* Returns the line formatted like: Table TABLE [- NUMBER people]
* @param integer $sourceid
* @return string top_line_string
function table_people_number_line($sourceid)
    $output = '';
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `sources` WHERE `id`='" . $sourceid . "'";
    $res = common_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if (!$res) {
        return '';
    if ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        $_SESSION['tablenum'] = $arr['name'];
        if (categories_orders_present($sourceid, 2) && !categories_printed($sourceid, 2)) {
            $toprint_2 = true;
        if (categories_orders_present($sourceid, 3) && !categories_printed($sourceid, 3)) {
            $toprint_3 = true;
        if ($toprint_2) {
            $output .= '<td align="left" width="10" bgcolor="' . COLOR_ORDER_PRIORITY_2 . '">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
        $output .= '<span id="tableName">';
        $output .= ucfirst(phr('TABLE')) . " " . $_SESSION['tablenum'];
        if ($sourceid && get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'service_fee_use')) {
            $service_quantity = table_people_number($sourceid);
            $output .= " - {$service_quantity} " . ucfirst(phr('PEOPLE'));
        $output .= '</span>';
        //if($toprint_3) $output .= '<td align="right" width="10" bgcolor="'.COLOR_ORDER_PRIORITY_3.'">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
    return $output;