function ProcessDir($Dir) { msg(" Process dir : " . $Dir, 'blue'); if ($Dh = opendir($Dir)) { while (($File = readdir($Dh)) !== false) { if ($File == '.' || $File == '..') { continue; } $Path = $Dir . '/' . $File; if (is_dir($Path)) { ProcessDir($Path); } else { ProcessFile($Path); } } closedir($Dh); } }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php // Needs to point out the web code... TODO: Avoid this config issue $sWebPath = "/var/www/html/includes/"; require_once $sWebPath . "/processing.php"; $iErr = 0; if ($argc < 2) { printf("Usage: add_database.php <PDF file>\n"); $iErr = 255; } else { if (($iErr = InitializeWork()) == 0) { if (($iErr = ProcessFile($argv[1], $argc == 3 ? $argv[2] : 0)) != 0) { printf("ProcessFile() failed with %d\n", $iErr); } if (($iErr = CleanupWork()) != 0) { printf("CleanupWork() failed with %d\n", $iErr); } } else { printf("InitializeWork() failed with %d\n", $iErr); } } exit($iErr);
function ProcessSubmissions($projectid) { $qs = "SELECT id, filename, filesize, filemd5sum, attempts FROM submission " . "WHERE projectid='" . $projectid . "' AND status=0 ORDER BY id LIMIT 1"; $query = pdo_query($qs); add_last_sql_error("ProcessSubmissions-1"); $iterations = 0; $mypid = getmypid(); @($sleep_in_loop = $_GET['sleep_in_loop']); @($intentional_nonreturning_submit = $_GET['intentional_nonreturning_submit']); $n = pdo_num_rows($query); while ($n > 0) { if ($sleep_in_loop) { sleep($sleep_in_loop); } $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query); add_last_sql_error("ProcessSubmissions-1.5"); pdo_free_result($query); // Verify that *this* process still owns the lock. // // If not, log a message and return, presuming that the process that took // the lock is now looping over pending submissions. // if (!ProcessOwnsLock($projectid, $mypid)) { add_log("pid '{$mypid}' does not own lock anymore: abandoning loop...", "ProcessSubmissions", LOG_INFO, $projectid); return false; } $submission_id = $query_array['id']; $filename = $query_array['filename']; $new_attempts = $query_array['attempts'] + 1; $md5 = $query_array['filemd5sum']; // Mark the submissionprocessing table each time through the loop so that // we do not become known as an "apparently stalled" processor... // SetLockLastUpdatedTime($projectid); global $CDASH_SUBMISSION_PROCESSING_MAX_ATTEMPTS; if ($new_attempts > $CDASH_SUBMISSION_PROCESSING_MAX_ATTEMPTS) { add_log("Too many attempts to process '" . $filename . "'", "ProcessSubmissions", LOG_ERR, $projectid); $new_status = 5; // done, called do_submit too many times already } else { // Mark it as status=1 (processing) and record started time: // $now_utc = gmdate(FMT_DATETIMESTD); pdo_query("UPDATE submission SET status=1, started='{$now_utc}', " . "lastupdated='{$now_utc}', attempts={$new_attempts} " . "WHERE id='" . $submission_id . "'"); add_last_sql_error("ProcessSubmissions-2"); // Record id in global so that we can mark it as "error status" if we // get thrown to the error handler... // global $PHP_ERROR_SUBMISSION_ID; $PHP_ERROR_SUBMISSION_ID = $submission_id; if ($intentional_nonreturning_submit) { // simulate "error occurred" during do_submit: status will be set // to 4 in error handler... trigger_error('ProcessFile: intentional_nonreturning_submit is on', E_USER_ERROR); } $new_status = ProcessFile($projectid, $filename, $md5); } $PHP_ERROR_SUBMISSION_ID = 0; // Mark it as done with $new_status and record finished time: // $now_utc = gmdate(FMT_DATETIMESTD); pdo_query("UPDATE submission SET status={$new_status}, finished='{$now_utc}', " . "lastupdated='{$now_utc}' WHERE id='" . $submission_id . "'"); add_last_sql_error("ProcessSubmissions-3"); // Query for more... Continue processing while there are records to // process: // $query = pdo_query($qs); add_last_sql_error("ProcessSubmissions-4"); $n = pdo_num_rows($query); $iterations = $iterations + 1; } return true; }
function ProcessTVCommand($value, $name = '', $docid = '') { global $modx; $etomite =& $modx; $docid = intval($docid) ? intval($docid) : $modx->documentIdentifier; $nvalue = trim($value); if (substr($nvalue, 0, 1) != '@') { return $value; } else { list($cmd, $param) = ParseCommand($nvalue); $cmd = trim($cmd); switch ($cmd) { case "FILE": $output = ProcessFile(trim($param)); $output = str_replace('@FILE ' . $param, $output, $nvalue); break; case "CHUNK": // retrieve a chunk and process it's content $chunk = $modx->getChunk($param); $output = $chunk; break; case "DOCUMENT": // retrieve a document and process it's content $rs = $modx->getDocument($param); if (is_array($rs)) { $output = $rs['content']; } else { $output = "Unable to locate document {$param}"; } break; case "SELECT": // selects a record from the cms database $rt = array(); $replacementVars = array('DBASE' => $modx->db->config['dbase'], 'PREFIX' => $modx->db->config['table_prefix']); foreach ($replacementVars as $rvKey => $rvValue) { $modx->setPlaceholder($rvKey, $rvValue); } $param = $modx->mergePlaceholderContent($param); $rs = $modx->db->query("SELECT {$param};"); $output = $rs; break; case "EVAL": // evaluates text as php codes return the results $output = eval($param); break; case "INHERIT": $output = $param; // Default to param value if no content from parents $doc = $modx->getPageInfo($docid, 0, 'id,parent'); while ($doc['parent'] != 0) { $parent_id = $doc['parent']; // Grab document regardless of publish status $doc = $modx->getPageInfo($parent_id, 0, 'id,parent,published'); if ($doc['parent'] != 0 && !$doc['published']) { continue; } // hide unpublished docs if we're not at the top $tv = $modx->getTemplateVar($name, '*', $doc['id'], $doc['published']); // Modified @INHERIT binding to allow for @FILE bindings (and others) to be inherited, // as well as allowing content after the @INHERITed values if ((string) $tv['value'] !== '' && !preg_match('%^@INHERIT[\\s\\n\\r]*$%im', $tv['value'])) { $output = (string) $tv['value']; $output = str_replace('@INHERIT', $output, $nvalue); break 2; } } break; case 'DIRECTORY': $files = array(); $path = $modx->config['base_path'] . $param; if (substr($path, -1, 1) != '/') { $path .= '/'; } if (!is_dir($path)) { die($path); break; } $dir = dir($path); while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { if (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.') { $files[] = "{$file}=={$param}{$file}"; } } asort($files); $output = implode('||', $files); break; default: $output = $value; break; } // support for nested bindings return is_string($output) && $output != $value ? ProcessTVCommand($output, $name, $docid) : $output; } }
function ProcessSubmissions($projectid, $mypid, $multi = false) { $iterations = 0; @($sleep_in_loop = $_GET['sleep_in_loop']); @($intentional_nonreturning_submit = $_GET['intentional_nonreturning_submit']); $query_array = GetNextSubmission($projectid); if ($query_array === false) { return false; } $n = count($query_array); while ($n > 0) { if ($sleep_in_loop) { sleep($sleep_in_loop); } // Verify that *this* process still owns the lock. // // If not, log a message and return, presuming that the process // that took the lock is now looping over pending submissions. // if (!$multi && !ProcessOwnsLock($projectid, $mypid)) { add_log("pid '{$mypid}' does not own lock anymore: abandoning loop...", 'ProcessSubmissions', LOG_INFO, $projectid); return false; } $submission_id = $query_array['id']; $filename = $query_array['filename']; $new_attempts = $query_array['attempts'] + 1; $md5 = $query_array['filemd5sum']; // Mark the submissionprocessing table each time through the loop // so that we do not become known as an "apparently stalled" processor. SetLockLastUpdatedTime($projectid); global $CDASH_SUBMISSION_PROCESSING_MAX_ATTEMPTS; if ($new_attempts > $CDASH_SUBMISSION_PROCESSING_MAX_ATTEMPTS) { add_log("Too many attempts to process '{$filename}'", 'ProcessSubmissions', LOG_ERR, $projectid); $new_status = 5; // done, called do_submit too many times already } else { // Record id in global so that we can mark it as "error status" // if we get thrown to the error handler. global $PHP_ERROR_SUBMISSION_ID; $PHP_ERROR_SUBMISSION_ID = $submission_id; if ($intentional_nonreturning_submit) { // simulate "error occurred" during do_submit: // status will be set to 4 in error handler. trigger_error('ProcessFile: intentional_nonreturning_submit is on', E_USER_ERROR); } $new_status = ProcessFile($projectid, $filename, $md5); } $PHP_ERROR_SUBMISSION_ID = 0; global $CDASH_ASYNC_EXPIRATION_TIME; if ($CDASH_ASYNC_EXPIRATION_TIME === 0 && ($new_status > 1 && $new_status < 6)) { // If our expiration time is set to 0 we delete finished // submissions rather than marking them as done in the database. pdo_query("DELETE FROM submission WHERE id='{$submission_id}'"); add_last_sql_error('ProcessSubmissions-3'); pdo_query("DELETE FROM submission2ip WHERE submissionid='{$submission_id}'"); add_last_sql_error('ProcessSubmissions-3'); } else { // Mark it as done with $new_status and record finished time: // $now_utc = gmdate(FMT_DATETIMESTD); pdo_query("UPDATE submission SET status={$new_status}, finished='{$now_utc}',\n lastupdated='{$now_utc}' WHERE id='{$submission_id}'"); add_last_sql_error('ProcessSubmissions-3'); } // Query for more... Continue processing while there are records to // process: // $query_array = GetNextSubmission($projectid); if ($query_array === false) { return false; } $n = count($query_array); $iterations = $iterations + 1; } return true; }
require_once "cdash/pdo.php"; ob_start(); set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(TRUE); @($projectid = $_REQUEST['projectid']); @($filename = $_REQUEST['filename']); @($callit = $_REQUEST['callit']); if (!is_numeric($projectid) || $projectid == 0) { trigger_error('processfile.php: projectid no good', E_USER_ERROR); } $projectid = pdo_real_escape_numeric($projectid); if (!$filename) { trigger_error('processfile.php: filename no good', E_USER_ERROR); } $filename = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($filename)); if (!isset($callit)) { $callit = 1; } register_shutdown_function('PHPErrorHandler', $projectid); echo "<pre>\n"; if ($callit) { echo "before ProcessFile call\n"; $status = ProcessFile($projectid, $filename); echo "after ProcessFile call\n"; echo "status = {$status}\n"; } else { echo "no ProcessFile call\n"; echo "callit = {$callit}\n"; } echo "</pre>\n"; ob_end_flush();
require_once ''; require_once ''; require_once ''; require_once 'video/'; set_time_limit(0); if (count($argv) > 1 && strlen($argv[1])) { $benchmark = trim($argv[1]); echo "Reprocessing benchmark '{$benchmark}'\r\n"; if ($lock = Lock("reprocess-{$benchmark}")) { if (is_file("./log/reprocess-{$benchmark}.log")) { unlink("./log/reprocess-{$benchmark}.log"); } $files = LoadStatus(); foreach ($files as &$entry) { if (!$entry['processed']) { ProcessFile($entry['file']); $entry['processed'] = true; SaveStatus($files); } } echo "Done\n"; logMsg("Done", "./log/reprocess-{$benchmark}.log", true); Unlock($lock); } } else { echo "Usage: php reprocess.php <benchmark ID>\r\n\r\n"; } function LoadStatus() { global $benchmark; if (is_file("./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/reprocess.json")) {
foreach ($regions as $region) { // echo $region; if (stripos($filename, $region) !== false) { $file_region = $region; break; } } if ($file_region == '') { die('Region Not Recognised. Try again.'); } echo "File: " . $filename; echo '<br>'; echo "Region: " . ucwords($file_region); echo '<br>'; echo '<br>'; ProcessFile($_FILES['csv_file']['tmp_name'], $file_region); echo '<br><br>'; // foreach (scandir('.') as $file) { // if ($dot = strrpos($file,'.')) { // if (strtoupper(substr($file,$dot+1))=='CSV') { // ProcessFile($file); // } // } // } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style>
border: 1px solid; } </style> </head> <body> <?php if ($iSplit != 0) { ?> <h1>Split document into multiple documents</h1> Please wait, working... <pre> <?php // This is complicated, essentially we rescan the document and then afterwards we delete the original $iErr = 0; if (($iErr = InitializeWork()) == 0) { if (($iErr = ProcessFile($aRes["filename"], $iSplit)) != 0) { printf("ProcessFile() failed with %d\n", $iErr); } else { // Success! Remove original document $objDb->Delete($id); } if (($iErr = CleanupWork()) != 0) { printf("CleanupWork() failed with %d\n", $iErr); } } else { printf("InitializeWork() failed with %d\n", $iErr); } ?> </pre> <a href="index.php">Done</a> <?php
function ProcessTVCommand($value, $name = '', $docid = '', $src = 'docform') { global $modx; $etomite =& $modx; $docid = intval($docid) ? intval($docid) : $modx->documentIdentifier; $nvalue = trim($value); if (substr($nvalue, 0, 1) != '@') { return $value; } elseif ($modx->config['enable_bindings'] != 1 && $src === 'docform') { return '@Bindings is disabled.'; } else { list($cmd, $param) = ParseCommand($nvalue); $cmd = trim($cmd); $param = trim($param); switch ($cmd) { case "FILE": $output = ProcessFile(trim($param)); $output = str_replace('@FILE ' . $param, $output, $nvalue); break; case "CHUNK": // retrieve a chunk and process it's content $chunk = $modx->getChunk($param); $output = $chunk; break; case "DOCUMENT": // retrieve a document and process it's content $rs = $modx->getDocument($param); if (is_array($rs)) { $output = $rs['content']; } else { $output = "Unable to locate document {$param}"; } break; case "SELECT": // selects a record from the cms database $rt = array(); $replacementVars = array('dbase' => $modx->db->config['dbase'], 'DBASE' => $modx->db->config['dbase'], 'prefix' => $modx->db->config['table_prefix'], 'PREFIX' => $modx->db->config['table_prefix']); foreach ($replacementVars as $rvKey => $rvValue) { $modx->setPlaceholder($rvKey, $rvValue); } $param = $modx->mergePlaceholderContent($param); $rs = $modx->db->query("SELECT {$param}"); $output = $rs; break; case "EVAL": // evaluates text as php codes return the results $output = eval($param); break; case "INHERIT": $output = $param; // Default to param value if no content from parents if (empty($docid) && isset($_REQUEST['pid'])) { $doc['parent'] = $_REQUEST['pid']; } else { $doc = $modx->getPageInfo($docid, 0, 'id,parent'); } while ($doc['parent'] != 0) { $parent_id = $doc['parent']; // Grab document regardless of publish status $doc = $modx->getPageInfo($parent_id, 0, 'id,parent'); $tv = $modx->getTemplateVar($name, '*', $doc['id'], null); // inheritance allows other @ bindings to be inherited // if no value is inherited and there is content following the @INHERIT binding, // that content will be used as the output // @todo consider reimplementing *appending* the output the follows an @INHERIT as opposed // to using it as a default/fallback value; perhaps allow choice in behavior with // system setting if ((string) $tv['value'] !== '' && !preg_match('%^@INHERIT[\\s\\n\\r]*$%im', $tv['value'])) { $output = (string) $tv['value']; //$output = str_replace('@INHERIT', $output, $nvalue); break 2; } } break; case 'DIRECTORY': $files = array(); $path = $modx->config['base_path'] . $param; if (substr($path, -1, 1) != '/') { $path .= '/'; } if (!is_dir($path)) { die($path); break; } $dir = dir($path); while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { if (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.') { $files[] = "{$file}=={$param}{$file}"; } } asort($files); $output = implode('||', $files); break; case 'NULL': case 'NONE': $output = ''; break; default: $output = $value; break; } // support for nested bindings return is_string($output) && $output != $value ? ProcessTVCommand($output, $name, $docid, $src) : $output; } }