Пример #1
<div class="divider"></div>
webyep_shortText(sWYLS('Veranstaltungstitel', 'EventTitle'), false);
echo sLS('Wann', 'When');
:</strong><br /><?php 
webyep_shortText(sWYLS('Wann', 'When'), false);
echo sLS('Wo', 'Where');
:</strong><br /><?php 
webyep_shortText(sWYLS('Wo', 'Where'), false);
<h2>„Tag der offenen Tür“</h2>
<p><strong>Wann: </strong>15.10.2010, 14.00–20.00 Uhr</p>
<p><strong>Wo: </strong>Therapiezentrum „Leben in Balance“</p>
<div class="divider"></div>
<a href="events.php">»»» <?php 
echo sLS('Weitere Termine', 'More events');
Пример #2
<td valign="top" style="padding-right: 20px" width="1%">
    webyep_image(sWYLS("Logo", "Logo"), false, 'class="bordered"', "", "", 120, 0, false);
<td valign="top">
    <div class="loopControls"><?php 
    webyep_shortText(sWYLS("Titel", "Title"), false);
    webyep_longText(sWYLS("Beschreibung", "Description"), false, "", true);
<td valign="top" colspan=2>
    <div style="height: 1px; padding-top: 20px; margin-top:20px; border-top: 1px solid #C0D445"></div>
Пример #3
echo sLS("Kontakt", "Contact");

webyep_longText(sWYLS(sLS("Adresse DE", "Adresse EN"), sLS("Address DE", "Address EN")), true, "", true);

<p>»»» <?php 
echo sLS("Plan zum Vergrößern anklicken:", "Click the plan to zoom:");
<br />
webyep_image(sWYLS("Plan", "Plan"), false, 'class="bordered"', "", "", 220, 0, true);

<p>»»» <?php 
echo sLS("Anfahrtsplan und Beschreibung als PDF herunterladen:", "Download map and directions:");
webyep_attachment(sWYLS("Anfahrtsplan", "Directions"));


include_once "../footer.inc.php";
Пример #4

webyep_menu(sWYLS("Beratungen", "Counselings"), false, "counseling.php", "", "", "");
Пример #5

webyep_menu(sWYLS("Therapien", "Therapies"), false, "therapies.php", "", "", "");
Пример #6
    <td class="fieldLabel"><?php 
echo sLS("Lebenslauf", "Curriculum Vitae");
webyep_attachment(sWYLS("Lebenslauf", "CV"));
echo sLS("zum Herunterladen anlicken", "click to download");
    <td class="fieldLabel"><?php 
echo sLS("Kontakt", "Contact");
webyep_longText(sWYLS("Kontakt", "Contact"), false, "", true);

include_once "../footer.inc.php";
Пример #7

include_once "../main.inc.php";
$sPageTitle = sLS("Leben in Balance", "Life in Balance");
include_once "../header.inc.php";

<div id="mainContent">
webyep_richText("Text", false, "../tinymce.css");
<div style="height: 100px"></div>

<div id="sidebarRight">
webyep_image(sWYLS("Bild", "Image"), false, '', "", "", 192, 0, false);
    <div class="imageCaption"><?php 
webyep_longText(sWYLS("Bildtext", "Caption"), false, "", true);

include_once "../footer.inc.php";
Пример #8
foreach (WYLoopElement::aLoopIDs(sWYLS("Termine", "Events")) as $webyep_oCurrentLoop->iLoopID) {
<td valign="top" colspan=2>
    <div style="height: 1px; padding-top: 20px; margin-top:20px; border-top: 1px solid #C0D445"></div>
<td valign="top">
    <div class="loopControls"><?php 
    webyep_shortText(sWYLS("Titel", "Title"), false);
    webyep_gallery("PhotoGallery", false, 70, 70, 4, 800, 600, 130);
    // WebYepV1

Пример #9

include_once "../main.inc.php";
$sPageTitle = sLS("Leben in Balance", "Life in Balance");
include_once "../header.inc.php";

<div id="mainContent" class="noSubMenu">
echo sLS("Impressum", "Legal Notice");

webyep_longText(sWYLS(sLS("Adresse DE", "Adresse EN"), sLS("Address DE", "Address EN")), true, "", true);

if ($gsLang == "de") {

<p>Konzept und Grafik: Hilde Matouschek | <a href="http://www.officina.at" target="_blank">www.officina.at</a></p>
<p>Bilder: Hilde Matouschek (officina); Robert P. Mobley Jr., Alfred Wekelo, Pippa West, Vitalii Gubin, Yuri Arcurs, Mitarart, Dmitry Koksharov (alle: Fotolia.de)</p>
<p><strong>Hinweis:</strong> „Leben in Balance“ ist ein fiktives Projekt zur Demonstration des webbasierenden Content-Management-Systems WebYep! der Objective Development Software GmbH.</p>

} else {
Пример #10

webyep_menu(sLS(sWYLS("Terminkategorien DE", "Event Categories DE"), sWYLS("Terminkategorien EN", "Event Categories EN")), true, "events_category.php", "", "", "");