function sync_user() { $rb_mod_list = !($this->users_opt & 524288) && ($is_mod = q_singleval("SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_mod WHERE user_id={$this->id}")) && q_singleval("SELECT alias FROM phpgw_fud_users WHERE id={$this->id}") == $this->alias; q("UPDATE phpgw_fud_users SET " . $passwd . "\n\t\t\ticq=" . in($this->icq) . ",\n\t\t\taim=" . ssn(urlencode($this->aim)) . ",\n\t\t\tyahoo=" . ssn(urlencode($this->yahoo)) . ",\n\t\t\tmsnm=" . ssn(urlencode($this->msnm)) . ",\n\t\t\tjabber=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->jabber)) . ",\n\t\t\taffero=" . ssn(urlencode($this->affero)) . ",\n\t\t\tposts_ppg='" . iz($this->posts_ppg) . "',\n\t\t\ttime_zone='" . addslashes($this->time_zone) . "',\n\t\t\tbday=" . iz($this->bday) . ",\n\t\t\tuser_image=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->user_image)) . ",\n\t\t\tlocation=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->location)) . ",\n\t\t\toccupation=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->occupation)) . ",\n\t\t\tinterests=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->interests)) . ",\n\t\t\tavatar=" . iz($this->avatar) . ",\n\t\t\ttheme=" . iz($this->theme) . ",\n\t\t\tavatar_loc=" . ssn($this->avatar_loc) . ",\n\t\t\tsig=" . ssn($this->sig) . ",\n\t\t\thome_page=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->home_page)) . ",\n\t\t\tbio=" . ssn($this->bio) . ",\n\t\t\tusers_opt=" . $this->users_opt . "\n\t\tWHERE id=" . $this->id); if ($rb_mod_list) { rebuildmodlist(); } }
if ($GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_' . $i] != $GLOBALS['NEW_FUD_OPT_' . $i]) { $ch_list['FUD_OPT_' . $i] = $GLOBALS['NEW_FUD_OPT_' . $i]; } } if (isset($ch_list)) { change_global_settings($ch_list); /* some fields require us to make special changes */ if (isset($ch_list['SHOW_N_MODS'])) { $GLOBALS['SHOW_N_MODS'] = $ch_list['SHOW_N_MODS']; fud_use(''); rebuildmodlist(); } /* Handle disabling of aliases */ if (($FUD_OPT_2 ^ $NEW_FUD_OPT_2) & 128 && !($NEW_FUD_OPT_2 & 128)) { q('UPDATE ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'users SET alias=login'); rebuildmodlist(); } /* Topic/Message tree view disabling code */ $o = 0; if (($FUD_OPT_2 ^ $NEW_FUD_OPT_2) & 512 && !($NEW_FUD_OPT_2 & 512)) { $o |= 128; } if (($FUD_OPT_3 ^ $NEW_FUD_OPT_3) & 2 && !($NEW_FUD_OPT_3 & 2)) { $o |= 256; } if ($o) { q('UPDATE ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'users SET users_opt=users_opt|' . $o . ' WHERE (users_opt & ' . $o . ')=0'); } $q_data = array(); if (isset($ch_list['POSTS_PER_PAGE'])) { $q_data[] = 'posts_ppg=' . (int) $ch_list['POSTS_PER_PAGE'];