Пример #1
 public function index()
     $parm = array();
     //$Map  = ' b.borrow_status = 2 and b.is_show=1 and b.transfer_total > b.transfer_out';
     $Map = 'b.is_show=1 ';
     $parm['map'] = $Map;
     $parm['orderby'] = "b.is_show desc,b.id DESC";
     $parm['pagesize'] = 8;
     $listTBorrow = getTBorrowList($parm);
     if ($this->isAjax()) {
         $string = '';
         foreach ($listTBorrow['list'] as $vb) {
             $string .= '<a href="' . getInvestUrl($vb['id']) . '">
                     <div class="biao_box">
                      <h4><div class="title_img" style="float:left;margin-top:4px">' . getIco($vb) . '</div>
                         <div style="float:left;text-align:left">' . cnsubstr($vb['borrow_name'], 5) . '</div></h4><table>
                             <td>融资金额:' . MFormt($vb['borrow_money']) . '元</td>
                             <td>融资期限:' . $vb['borrow_duration'];
             $string .= $vb['repayment_type'] == 1 ? '天' : '个月';
             $string .= '</tr><tr><td>年化利率:' . $vb['borrow_interest_rate'] . '%/';
             $string .= $vb['repayment_type'] == 1 ? '天' : '年';
             $string .= '</td><td><span class="progress"> <span class="precent" style="width":' . $vb['progress'] . '></span></span>
              </td></tr></table> </div> </a>';
         echo $string;
     } else {
         $this->assign("listTBorrow", $listTBorrow);
Пример #2
 public function index()
     $maprow = array();
     $searchMap['borrow_status'] = array("in", '2,4,6,7');
     $parm['map'] = $searchMap;
     $parm['pagesize'] = 5;
     $sort = "desc";
     $parm['orderby'] = "b.borrow_status ASC,b.id DESC";
     $list = getBorrowList($parm);
     $Bconfig = (require C("APP_ROOT") . "Conf/borrow_config.php");
     if ($this->isAjax()) {
         $string = '';
         foreach ($list['list'] as $vb) {
             $string .= '
                     <div class="main_box">
                       <div class="title">
                         <div class="title_img">' . getIco($vb) . '</div>
                         <a href="' . getInvestUrl($vb['id']) . '" >' . cnsubstr($vb['borrow_name'], 17) . '</a>
                       <div class="box_ner">
                        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                          <td align="left">
                              <div class="box_ner_nn">
                              <li>金额:<span class="col">' . MFormt($vb['borrow_money']) . '元</span></li>
                              <li>期限:' . $vb['borrow_duration'];
             $string .= $vb['repayment_type'] == 1 ? '天' : '个月';
             $string .= '</li>
                              <li>利率:' . $vb['borrow_interest_rate'] . '%/';
             $string .= $vb['repayment_type'] == 1 ? '天' : '年';
             $string .= '</li>
                              <li><span class="jd">进度:</span>
                              <span class="progress">
                              <span class="precent" style="width:' . $vb['progress'] . '%;"></span></span></li>
                          <td align="center">' . borrow_status($vb['id'], $vb['borrow_status']) . '</td>
         echo $string;
     } else {
         ///////////////企业直投列表开始 /////////////
         $parm = array();
         $Map = ' b.borrow_status = 2 and b.is_show=1 and b.transfer_total > b.transfer_out';
         $parm['map'] = $Map;
         $parm['orderby'] = "b.is_show desc,b.id DESC";
         $listTBorrow = getTBorrowList($parm);
         $this->assign("listTBorrow", $listTBorrow);
         ///////////////企业直投列表结束 /////////////
         $this->assign('list', $list);
         $this->assign('Bconfig', $Bconfig);