public static function hSet($key, $field, $value) { if (is_array($value) || is_Object($value)) { $value = json_encode($value); } return self::connection()->hset($key, $field, $value); }
public function hSet($key, $field, $value) { if (is_array($value) || is_Object($value)) { $value = json_encode($value); } return $this->connection->hset($key, $field, $value); }
function print_ro($object, $alsoIgnore = array(), $tab = 0) { // prints an object/array, but removes the $parent, and anything inside alsoIgnore $pad = ""; if (!in_array('parent', $alsoIgnore)) { $alsoIgnore[] = "parent"; } for ($c = 0; $c < $tab; $c++) { $pad .= "\t"; } foreach ($object as $key => $value) { if (!is_numeric($key) && in_array($key, $alsoIgnore)) { echo $pad . $key . " => *HIDDEN*\n"; } else { if (is_Array($value) || is_Object($value)) { if (is_Array($value)) { echo "{$pad}{$key} => Array (\n"; } else { echo "{$pad}{$key} => Object (\n"; } print_ro($value, $alsoIgnore, $tab + 1); echo $pad . ")\n"; } else { echo $pad . $key . " => " . $value . "\n"; } } } }
public function getUserId($username = '') { if ($username == '') { $userRecord = UserRecord::finder()->find('user_username = ?', $this->Name); } else { $userRecord = UserRecord::finder()->find('user_username = ?', $username); } if (is_Object($userRecord)) { return $userRecord->idtm_user; } else { return 0; } }
function debugObject($obj, $indent = 0) { if (is_Array($obj) || is_Object($obj)) { $return = ''; while (list($k, $v) = each($obj)) { for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++) { $return .= ' '; } $return .= $k . "->{$v}\n"; $return .= $this->debugObject($v, $indent + 1); } return $return; } }
public static function register($ClassName) { $Obj = self::singleton(); $ClassName = strtolower($ClassName); if ($Obj->getObject($ClassName) != NULL) { return $Obj->getObject($ClassName); } $Class = $ClassName; $Obj->setObject($ClassName, new $Class()); $Object = $Obj->getObject($ClassName); if (is_Object($Object)) { return $Object; } }
/** * Populates the datagrid with user lists. * This method is invoked by the framework when initializing the page * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onInit($param) { parent::onInit($param); if (!$this->IsPostBack) { // get the total number of posts available $criteria = new TActiveRecordCriteria(); $criteria->Condition = 'idtm_user = :idtm_user'; $criteria->Parameters[':idtm_user'] = $this->User->getUserId($this->User->Name); if (is_Object(ParteiRecord::finder()->find($criteria))) { $this->Repeater->VirtualItemCount = ParteiRecord::finder()->find($criteria)->count(); } // populates post data into the repeater $this->populateData(); } }
public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event) { $route = $event->getRequest()->attributes->get('_route'); if ($route == 'livraison' || $route == 'validation') { if ($this->session->has('panier')) { if (count($this->session->get('panier')) == 0) { $event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('panier'))); } } if (!is_Object($this->securityContext->getToken()->getUser())) { $this->session->getFlashBag()->add('notification', 'Vous devez vous identifier'); $event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('fos_user_security_login'))); } } }
public function setValue($request, $response) { $id = $request->id; $vars['type'] = $request->type; $vars['status'] = $request->status; $vars['comment'] = $request->getRequest('comment'); $admin = UserClient::getInstance()->getCurrentUser(); $id = UserClient::getInstance()->modifyUserAdvice($id, $vars, $admin); $userAdvice = DAL::get()->find('UserAdvice', $id); if (is_Object($userAdvice) && $userAdvice->source == '管理员发起的认证任务' && $vars['status'] == -1) { $predoctor = DAL::get()->find_by_userid('predoctor', $userAdvice->user->id); $inspector = DAL::get()->find_by_userid('inspector', $admin->id); if (false == $predoctor->isNull() && false == $inspector->isNull()) { PreDoctorClient::getInstance()->setResultNo($predoctor->id, $inspector->id); } } return self::DIRECT_OUTPUT; }
public function saveStrukturBericht($sender, $param) { $mySession = ""; $mySession = UserFelderRecord::finder()->findAllBy_user_id($this->User->getUserId($this->User->Name)); foreach ($mySession as $myFieldRecord) { $arr_newValues = array(); //very important!!! otherwise we have values which dont exist $arr_MyFields = array(); $uniqueID = $myFieldRecord->tuf_feldname; //lets start the saving //$UniqueID = 'xxx'.$inp_per_year.'xxx'.$inp_per_month.'xxx'.$inp_idta_struktur_type.'xxx'.$inp_idta_feldfunktion.'xxx'.$inp_idtm_struktur.'xxx'.$inp_idta_variante.'xxx'; //$SaveString = $jahr."xxx".$monat."xxx".$local_ff."xxx".$local_id; definition of the string to pass $arr_MyFields = preg_split("/xxx/", $uniqueID); $tt_per_year = $arr_MyFields[1]; $tt_per_month = $arr_MyFields[2]; $tt_idta_struktur_type = $arr_MyFields[3]; $tt_idta_feldfunktion = $arr_MyFields[4]; $tt_idtm_struktur = $arr_MyFields[5]; $tt_idta_variante = $arr_MyFields[6]; //abrufen des aktuellen DB-Wertes $ExistingValue = WerteRecord::finder()->findBySql("SELECT w_wert FROM tt_werte WHERE idtm_struktur = '" . $tt_idtm_struktur . "' AND idta_feldfunktion = '" . $tt_idta_feldfunktion . "' AND w_jahr = '" . $tt_per_year . "' AND w_monat = '" . $tt_per_month . "' AND w_id_variante = '" . $tt_idta_variante . "' LIMIT 1"); //formatieren, damit es mit dem inhalt aus der zelle vergleichbar wird //CHECKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK if (is_Object($ExistingValue)) { $CompareValue = number_format($ExistingValue->w_wert, 2, '.', ''); } else { $CompareValue = "0.00"; } //here I start the magic server calculation;) if ($CompareValue === $this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($uniqueID)->Text) { } else { $ObjSaver = new PFBackCalculator(); $ObjSaver->setVariante($tt_idta_variante); $ObjSaver->setStartPeriod($tt_per_month); $ObjSaver->setStartNode($tt_idtm_struktur); //$SaveString = $tt_per_year."xxx".$tt_per_month."xxx".$tt_idta_feldfunktion."xxx".$tt_idtm_struktur; //$NEWWerteRecord = WerteRecord::finder()->findBySql("SELECT * FROM tt_werte WHERE idtm_struktur = '".$tt_idtm_struktur."' AND idta_feldfunktion = '".$tt_idta_feldfunktion."' AND w_jahr = '".$tt_per_year."' AND w_monat = '".$tt_per_month."' AND w_id_variante = '".$tt_idta_variante."' LIMIT 1"); $arr_newValues[$tt_idta_feldfunktion] = $this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($uniqueID)->Text; $ObjSaver->setNewValues($arr_newValues); $ObjSaver->run(); unset($ObjSaver); } } $sender->Text = "Saved"; }
/** * Load article list of this product and store in private class variable * * @return array Article uids */ public function loadArticles() { if ($this->articlesLoaded == FALSE) { $uidToLoadFrom = $this->uid; if ($this->getT3verOid() > 0 && $this->getT3verOid() != $this->uid && (is_Object($GLOBALS['TSFE']) && $GLOBALS['TSFE']->beUserLogin)) { $uidToLoadFrom = $this->getT3verOid(); } if ($this->articles_uids = $this->databaseConnection->getArticles($uidToLoadFrom)) { foreach ($this->articles_uids as $articleUid) { /** * Article * * @var Tx_Commerce_Domain_Model_Article $article */ $article = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('Tx_Commerce_Domain_Model_Article', $articleUid, $this->lang_uid); $article->loadData(); $this->articles[$articleUid] = $article; } $this->articlesLoaded = TRUE; return $this->articles_uids; } else { return FALSE; } } return $this->articles_uids; }
/** * 获取当前堆栈. */ function getBacktrace() { $traces = debug_backTrace (); $str = "\n\nback trace:"; for($i = 1; $i < count ( $traces ); $i ++) { $trace = $traces [$i]; $class = @$trace ['class'] ? @$trace ['class'] . @$trace ['type'] : ''; $str .= "\n##$i " . @$trace ['file'] . " (" . @$trace ['line'] . "), call function $class" . @$trace ['function'] . "("; if ($i > 1) { foreach ( @$trace ['args'] as $arg ) { if (is_array ( $arg )) { $str .= "Array, "; } else if (is_Object ( $arg )) { $str .= "Object, "; } else if (is_bool ( $arg )) { $str .= $arg ? 'true, ' : 'false, '; } else { $str .= "$arg, "; } } } $str .= ");"; } return $str; }
/** * Load article list of this product and store in private class variable. * * @return array Article uids */ public function loadArticles() { if (!is_array($this->articles)) { $uidToLoadFrom = $this->uid; if ($this->getT3verOid() > 0 && $this->getT3verOid() != $this->uid && (is_Object($this->getFrontendController()) && $this->getFrontendController()->beUserLogin)) { $uidToLoadFrom = $this->getT3verOid(); } $this->articles = array(); if ($this->articles_uids = $this->databaseConnection->getArticles($uidToLoadFrom)) { foreach ($this->articles_uids as $articleUid) { /** * Article. * * @var \CommerceTeam\Commerce\Domain\Model\Article $article */ $article = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('CommerceTeam\\Commerce\\Domain\\Model\\Article', $articleUid, $this->lang_uid); $article->loadData(); $this->articles[$articleUid] = $article; } return $this->articles_uids; } else { return false; } } return $this->articles_uids; }
/** * * @author Max Milbers * @param unknown_type $currency * @param unknown_type $price * @param unknown_type $shop */ function convertCurrencyTo($currency, $price, $shop = true) { if (empty($currency)) { // vmdebug('empty $currency ',$price); return $price; } // If both currency codes match, do nothing if (is_Object($currency) and $currency->_currency_id == $this->_vendorCurrency or !is_Object($currency) and $currency == $this->_vendorCurrency) { // vmdebug(' $currency == $this->_vendorCurrency ',$price); return $price; } /* if($shop){ // TODO optimize this... the exchangeRate cant be cached, there are more than one currency possible // $exchangeRate = &$this->exchangeRateVendor; $exchangeRate = 0; } else { //caches the exchangeRate between shopper and vendor $exchangeRate = &$this->exchangeRateShopper; } */ // if(empty($exchangeRate)){ if (is_Object($currency)) { $exchangeRate = $currency->exchangeRateShopper; vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo OBJECT ' . $exchangeRate); } else { // $this->_db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'SELECT `currency_exchange_rate` FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `virtuemart_currency_id` ="' . (int) $currency . '" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $exch = $this->_db->loadResult(); // vmdebug('begin convertCurrencyTo '.$exch); if (!empty($exch) and $exch !== '0.00000') { $exchangeRate = $exch; } else { $exchangeRate = FALSE; } } // } $this->exchangeRateShopper = $exchangeRate; // vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo my currency ',$exchangeRate,$currency); if (!empty($exchangeRate) && $exchangeRate != FALSE) { //vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo Use custom rate'); if ($shop) { $price = $price / $exchangeRate; } else { $price = $price * $exchangeRate; } // vmdebug('!empty($exchangeRate) && $exchangeRate!=FALSE '.$price.' '.$exchangeRate); } else { $currencyCode = self::ensureUsingCurrencyCode($currency); $vendorCurrencyCode = self::ensureUsingCurrencyCode($this->_vendorCurrency); $globalCurrencyConverter = JRequest::getVar('globalCurrencyConverter'); if ($shop) { //$oldprice = $price; $price = $this->_currencyConverter->convert($price, $currencyCode, $vendorCurrencyCode); //vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo Use dynamic rate in shop '.$oldprice .' => '.$price); } else { //vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo Use dynamic rate to shopper currency '.$price); $price = $this->_currencyConverter->convert($price, $vendorCurrencyCode, $currencyCode); } // vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo my currency ',$this->exchangeRateShopper); } return $price; }
/** * Synchronize the object with the UF Match entry. Can be called stand-alone from * the drupalUsers script * * @param Object $user the drupal user object * @param string $userKey the id of the user from the uf object * @param string $uniqId the OpenID of the user * @param string $uf the name of the user framework * @param integer $status returns the status if user created or already exits (used for CMS sync) * * @return the ufmatch object that was found or created * @access public * @static */ static function &synchronizeUFMatch(&$user, $userKey, $uniqId, $uf, $status = null, $ctype = null) { // validate that uniqId is a valid url. it will either be // an OpenID (which should always be a valid url) or a // http://uf_username/ construction (so that it can // be used as an OpenID in the future) require_once 'CRM/Utils/Rule.php'; if ($uf == 'Standalone') { if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::url($uniqId)) { return $status ? null : false; } } else { if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::email($uniqId)) { return $status ? null : false; } } $newContact = false; // make sure that a contact id exists for this user id $ufmatch =& new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); if (CRM_Core_DAO::checkFieldExists('civicrm_uf_match', 'domain_id')) { // FIXME: if() condition check was required especially for upgrade cases (2.2.x -> 3.0.x), // where folks if happen to logout, would encounter a column not found fatal error $ufmatch->domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); } $ufmatch->uf_id = $userKey; if (!$ufmatch->find(true)) { require_once 'CRM/Core/Transaction.php'; $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); if (!empty($_POST)) { $params = $_POST; $params['email'] = $uniqId; require_once 'CRM/Dedupe/Finder.php'; $dedupeParams = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::formatParams($params, 'Individual'); $ids = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::dupesByParams($dedupeParams, 'Individual'); if (!empty($ids)) { $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); $dao->contact_id = $ids[0]; } } else { require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/Contact.php'; if ($uf == 'Standalone') { $dao =& CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::matchContactOnOpenId($uniqId, $ctype); } else { $dao =& CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::matchContactOnEmail($uniqId, $ctype); } } if ($dao) { //print "Found contact with uniqId $uniqId<br/>"; $ufmatch->contact_id = $dao->contact_id; $ufmatch->uf_name = $uniqId; } else { if ($uf == 'Drupal') { $mail = 'mail'; } else { $mail = 'email'; } if (is_Object($user)) { $params = array('email-Primary' => $user->{$mail}); } if ($ctype == 'Organization') { $params['organization_name'] = $uniqId; } else { if ($ctype == 'Household') { $params['household_name'] = $uniqId; } } if (!$ctype) { $ctype = "Individual"; } $params['contact_type'] = $ctype; // extract first / middle / last name // for joomla if ($uf == 'Joomla' && $user->name) { require_once 'CRM/Utils/String.php'; CRM_Utils_String::extractName($user->name, $params); } if ($uf == 'Standalone') { $params['openid-Primary'] = $uniqId; //need to delete below code once profile is //exposed on signup page if (!empty($user->first_name) || !empty($user->last_name)) { $params['first_name'] = $user->first_name; $params['last_name'] = $user->last_name; } elseif (!empty($user->name)) { require_once 'CRM/Utils/String.php'; CRM_Utils_String::extractName($user->name, $params); } } $contactId = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::createProfileContact($params, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray); $ufmatch->contact_id = $contactId; $ufmatch->uf_name = $uniqId; } $ufmatch->save(); $ufmatch->free(); $newContact = true; $transaction->commit(); } if ($status) { return $newContact; } else { return $ufmatch; } }
public function view_Organisation($idtm_organisation) { $myitem = OrganisationRecord::finder()->findByPK($idtm_organisation); $tempus = 'RCed' . $this->RCprimarykey; $monus = $this->RCprimarykey; $this->{$tempus}->Text = $myitem->{$monus}; $this->bindListAdress(); $this->bindListKom(); $this->viewMainAdress($idtm_organisation); //HIDDEN foreach ($this->RChiddenfields as $recordfield) { $edrecordfield = 'RCed' . $recordfield; $this->{$edrecordfield}->setText($myitem->{$recordfield}); } //DATUM foreach ($this->RCdatfields as $recordfield) { $edrecordfield = 'RCed' . $recordfield; $this->{$edrecordfield}->setDate($myitem->{$recordfield}); } //BOOL foreach ($this->RCboolfields as $recordfield) { $edrecordfield = 'RCed' . $recordfield; $this->{$edrecordfield}->setChecked($myitem->{$recordfield}); } //TIME foreach ($this->RCtimefields as $recordfield) { $edrecordfield = 'RCed' . $recordfield; $my_time = explode(':', $myitem->{$recordfield}); $my_time_text = $my_time[0] . ':' . $my_time[1]; $this->{$edrecordfield}->Text = $my_time_text; } //NON DATUM foreach ($this->RCfields as $recordfield) { $edrecordfield = 'RCed' . $recordfield; $this->{$edrecordfield}->Text = $myitem->{$recordfield}; } $this->RCedorganisation_edit_status->Text = 1; $ActualUser = UserRecord::finder()->findByidtm_user($this->RCedidtm_user->Text); if (is_Object($ActualUser)) { $this->suggest_idtm_user->Text = $ActualUser->user_username; } else { $this->suggest_idtm_user->Text = 0; } $this->loadBankkonto($this->{$tempus}->Text); $this->loadObjekt($this->{$tempus}->Text); $this->laborg_name->Text = $myitem->org_name; $ParentOrga = OrganisationRecord::finder()->findByidtm_organisation($myitem->parent_idtm_organisation); if (is_Object($ParentOrga)) { $this->labparentorg_name->Text = $ParentOrga->org_name . ', ' . $ParentOrga->org_vorname; } $this->labparentorg_name->CommandParameter = $myitem->parent_idtm_organisation; //Rechnungen //$this->Teddeb_id->Text = $myitem->$monus; //$this->Teddeb_tabelle->Text = 'tm_zeiterfassung'; //$this->RechnungContainer->initParameters(); $this->RechnungContainer->bindRechnungListe(); //TASKPART $this->Tedsend_id->Text = $myitem->{$monus}; $this->Tedauf_id->Text = $myitem->{$monus}; $this->AufgabenContainerOrganisation->initParameters(); $this->AufgabenContainerOrganisation->initYearPullDown(); $this->AufgabenContainerOrganisation->bindListTAValue(); $this->setPDFSteckbrief($myitem->{$monus}); $this->bindListChildOrgListe(); }
/** * Synchronize the object with the UF Match entry. Can be called stand-alone from * the drupalUsers script * * @param Object $user the drupal user object * @param string $userKey the id of the user from the uf object * @param string $uniqId the OpenID of the user * @param string $uf the name of the user framework * @param integer $status returns the status if user created or already exits (used for CMS sync) * * @return the ufmatch object that was found or created * @access public * @static */ static function &synchronizeUFMatch(&$user, $userKey, $uniqId, $uf, $status = null, $ctype = null, $isLogin = false) { // validate that uniqId is a valid url. it will either be // an OpenID (which should always be a valid url) or a // http://uf_username/ construction (so that it can // be used as an OpenID in the future) require_once 'CRM/Utils/Rule.php'; if ($uf == 'Standalone') { if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::url($uniqId)) { return $status ? null : false; } } else { if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::email($uniqId)) { return $status ? null : false; } } $newContact = false; // make sure that a contact id exists for this user id $ufmatch =& new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); if (CRM_Core_DAO::checkFieldExists('civicrm_uf_match', 'domain_id')) { // FIXME: if() condition check was required especially for upgrade cases (2.2.x -> 3.0.x), // where folks if happen to logout, would encounter a column not found fatal error $ufmatch->domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); } $ufmatch->uf_id = $userKey; if (!$ufmatch->find(true)) { require_once 'CRM/Core/Transaction.php'; $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); if (!empty($_POST) && !$isLogin) { $params = $_POST; $params['email'] = $uniqId; require_once 'CRM/Dedupe/Finder.php'; $dedupeParams = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::formatParams($params, 'Individual'); $ids = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::dupesByParams($dedupeParams, 'Individual'); if (!empty($ids) && defined('CIVICRM_UNIQ_EMAIL_PER_SITE') && CIVICRM_UNIQ_EMAIL_PER_SITE) { // restrict dupeIds to ones that belong to current domain/site. require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/Domain.php'; $siteContacts = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getContactList(); foreach ($ids as $index => $dupeId) { if (!in_array($dupeId, $siteContacts)) { unset($ids[$index]); } } $ids = array_values($ids); //re-index the array } if (!empty($ids)) { $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); $dao->contact_id = $ids[0]; } } else { require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/Contact.php'; if ($uf == 'Standalone') { $dao =& CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::matchContactOnOpenId($uniqId, $ctype); } else { $dao =& CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::matchContactOnEmail($uniqId, $ctype); } } if ($dao) { //print "Found contact with uniqId $uniqId<br/>"; $ufmatch->contact_id = $dao->contact_id; $ufmatch->uf_name = $uniqId; } else { if ($uf == 'Drupal') { $mail = 'mail'; } else { $mail = 'email'; } if (is_Object($user)) { $params = array('email-Primary' => $user->{$mail}); } if ($ctype == 'Organization') { $params['organization_name'] = $uniqId; } else { if ($ctype == 'Household') { $params['household_name'] = $uniqId; } } if (!$ctype) { $ctype = "Individual"; } $params['contact_type'] = $ctype; // extract first / middle / last name // for joomla if ($uf == 'Joomla' && $user->name) { require_once 'CRM/Utils/String.php'; CRM_Utils_String::extractName($user->name, $params); } if ($uf == 'Standalone') { $params['openid-Primary'] = $uniqId; //need to delete below code once profile is //exposed on signup page if (!empty($user->first_name) || !empty($user->last_name)) { $params['first_name'] = $user->first_name; $params['last_name'] = $user->last_name; } elseif (!empty($user->name)) { require_once 'CRM/Utils/String.php'; CRM_Utils_String::extractName($user->name, $params); } } $contactId = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::createProfileContact($params, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray); $ufmatch->contact_id = $contactId; $ufmatch->uf_name = $uniqId; } // check that there are not two CMS IDs matching the same CiviCRM contact - this happens when a civicrm // user has two e-mails and there is a cms match for each of them // the gets rid of the nasty fata error but still reports the error $sql = "\nSELECT uf_id\nFROM civicrm_uf_match\nWHERE ( contact_id = %1\nOR uf_name = %2\nOR uf_id = %3 )\nAND domain_id = %4\n"; $params = array(1 => array($ufmatch->contact_id, 'Integer'), 2 => array($ufmatch->uf_name, 'String'), 3 => array($ufmatch->uf_id, 'Integer'), 4 => array($ufmatch->domain_id, 'Integer')); require_once 'CRM/Core/DAO.php'; $conflict = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql, $params); if (!$conflict) { $ufmatch->save(); $ufmatch->free(); $newContact = true; $transaction->commit(); } else { $msg = ts("Contact ID %1 is a match for %2 user %3 but has already been matched to %4", array(1 => $ufmatch->contact_id, 2 => $uf, 3 => $ufmatch->uf_id, 4 => $conflict)); unset($conflict); } } if ($status) { return $newContact; } else { return $ufmatch; } }
/** * Method to check needed tables columns * * @param object $checkTable object of table, that must be installed * * @return boolean true if all is ok * * @since 1.0.1 */ public function checkTableColumns($checkTable) { if (!is_object($checkTable)) { return 0; } $_db = JFactory::getDbo(); $neededColumns = array(); $installedColumns = array(); foreach ($checkTable->columns as $col) { if (is_Object($col)) { $neededColumns[] = JArrayHelper::fromObject($col, true); } else { $neededColumns[] = $col; } } foreach ($_db->getTableColumns($checkTable->name, false) as $col) { $installedColumns[] = JArrayHelper::fromObject($col, true); } // prepare check for col names $search_cols_1 = array(); $search_cols_2 = array(); foreach ($installedColumns as $col) { $search_cols_1[] = $col['Field']; } foreach ($neededColumns as $col) { $search_cols_2[] = $col['Column']; } // check for col names for ($i = 0; $i < count($neededColumns); $i++) { // check for needed col names if (array_search($neededColumns[$i]['Column'], $search_cols_1) === false) { $neededColumns[$i]['Null'] == 'NO' ? $null = ' NOT NULL' : ($null = ''); isset($neededColumns[$i]['Default']) ? $default = ' DEFAULT ' . $_db->Quote($neededColumns[$i]['Default']) : ($default = ''); echo '<p class="bw_tablecheck_warn">' . JText::sprintf('COM_BWPOSTMAN_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TABLES_COMPARE_DIFF_COLS', $neededColumns[$i]['Column'], $checkTable->name) . '</p>'; $query = "ALTER TABLE " . $_db->quoteName($checkTable->name) . " ADD " . $_db->quoteName($neededColumns[$i]['Column']) . ' ' . $neededColumns[$i]['Type'] . $null . $default . " AFTER " . $_db->quoteName($neededColumns[$i - 1]['Column']); $_db->setQuery($query); $insertCol = $_db->Execute($query); if (!$insertCol) { echo '<p class="bw_tablecheck_error">' . JText::sprintf('COM_BWPOSTMAN_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TABLES_COMPARE_DIFF_COL_CREATE_ERROR', $neededColumns[$i]['Column'], $checkTable->name) . '</p>'; return 0; } else { echo str_pad('<p class="bw_tablecheck_ok">' . JText::sprintf('COM_BWPOSTMAN_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TABLES_COMPARE_DIFF_COL_CREATE_SUCCESS', $neededColumns[$i]['Column'], $checkTable->name) . '</p>', 4096); return 2; // Durchlauf zurücksetzen } } // check for obsolete col names if (array_search($installedColumns[$i]['Field'], $search_cols_2) === false) { echo '<p class="bw_tablecheck_warn">' . JText::sprintf('COM_BWPOSTMAN_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TABLES_COMPARE_DIFF2_COLS', $installedColumns[$i]['Field'], $checkTable->name) . '</p>'; $query = "ALTER TABLE " . $_db->quoteName($checkTable->name) . " DROP " . $_db->quoteName($installedColumns[$i]['Field']); $_db->setQuery($query); $deleteCol = $_db->Execute($query); if (!$deleteCol) { echo '<p class="bw_tablecheck_error">' . JText::sprintf('COM_BWPOSTMAN_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TABLES_COMPARE_DIFF2_COL_CREATE_ERROR', $installedColumns[$i]['Field'], $checkTable->name) . '</p>'; return 0; } else { echo str_pad('<p class="bw_tablecheck_ok">' . JText::sprintf('COM_BWPOSTMAN_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TABLES_COMPARE_DIFF2_COL_CREATE_SUCCESS', $installedColumns[$i]['Field'], $checkTable->name) . '</p>', 4096); return 2; // Durchlauf zurücksetzen } } } echo str_pad('<p class="bw_tablecheck_ok">' . JText::sprintf('COM_BWPOSTMAN_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TABLES_COMPARE_COLS_OK', $checkTable->name) . '</p>', 4096); for ($i = 0; $i < count($neededColumns); $i++) { $diff = array_udiff($neededColumns[$i], $installedColumns[$i], 'strcasecmp'); if (!empty($diff)) { echo '<p class="bw_tablecheck_warn">' . JText::sprintf('COM_BWPOSTMAN_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TABLES_COMPARE_DIFF_COL_ATTRIBUTES', implode(',', array_keys($diff)), $neededColumns[$i]['Column'], $checkTable->name) . '</p>'; // install missing columns foreach (array_keys($diff) as $missingCol) { $neededColumns[$i]['Null'] == 'NO' ? $null = ' NOT NULL' : ($null = ''); isset($neededColumns[$i]['Default']) ? $default = ' DEFAULT ' . $_db->Quote($neededColumns[$i]['Default']) : ($default = ''); $query = "ALTER TABLE " . $_db->quoteName($checkTable->name); $query .= " MODIFY " . $_db->quoteName($neededColumns[$i]['Column']) . ' ' . $neededColumns[$i]['Type'] . $null . $default; if (array_key_exists('Extra', $neededColumns[$i])) { $query .= " " . $neededColumns[$i]['Extra']; } $_db->setQuery($query); $alterCol = $_db->Execute($query); if (!$alterCol) { echo '<p class="bw_tablecheck_error">' . JText::sprintf('COM_BWPOSTMAN_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TABLES_COMPARE_DIFF_COL_ATTRIBUTES_ERROR', $missingCol, $neededColumns[$i]['Column'], $checkTable->name) . '</p>'; } else { echo str_pad('<p class="bw_tablecheck_ok">' . JText::sprintf('COM_BWPOSTMAN_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TABLES_COMPARE_DIFF_COL_ATTRIBUTES_SUCCESS', $missingCol, $neededColumns[$i]['Column'], $checkTable->name) . '</p>', 4096); } } } } echo str_pad('<p class="bw_tablecheck_ok">' . JText::sprintf('COM_BWPOSTMAN_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TABLES_COMPARE_COLS_ATTRIBUTES_OK', $checkTable->name) . '</p>', 4096); return 1; }
function draw() { $r = new request(); if ($r->cancel) { return ""; } $object = new $this->callbackobject(); if ($r->step == "") { $r->step = 1; $this->step = 1; } else { $step = $object->parsePage($r->step); // El proximo paso viene dado por el objeto $this->step = $step; } $out = "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $this->controller . "\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"" . ($this->step + 1) . "\">"; foreach ($r as $k => $v) { if (strpos($k, "__") === false && $k != "step" && $k != "next") { $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $k . "\" value=\"" . $v . "\">"; } } if (is_Object($this->pages[$this->step])) { $out .= $this->pages[$this->step]->draw(); } if ($this->pages[$r->step]->isfinish) { $object = new $this->callbackobject(); $object->drop(new request()); } return $out; }
public function __construct($template, $CSS_filename, $user_name, $course_title, $node_title = "", $meta_keywords = "", $author = "", $meta_refresh_time = "", $meta_refresh_url = "", $onload_func = "", $layoutObj = NULL) { $HTTP_USER_AGENT = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $root_dir = $GLOBALS['root_dir']; $http_root_dir = $GLOBALS['http_root_dir']; $keywords = "ADA, Lynx, "; $keywords .= ADA_METAKEYWORDS; // from config file $description = ADA_METADESCRIPTION; // from config file //$layoutObj = $GLOBALS['layoutObj']; if (!is_Object($layoutObj)) { // we use function parameters $this->template = $template; $this->CSS_filename = $CSS_filename; $this->JS_filename = $JS_filename; $this->family = ""; $this->module_dir = ""; } else { // we use data from LayOut object $this->template = $layoutObj->template; $this->CSS_filename = $layoutObj->CSS_filename; $this->family = $layoutObj->family; $this->JS_filename = $layoutObj->JS_filename; $this->module_dir = $layoutObj->module_dir; $this->external_module = $layoutObj->external_module; } $template_name = basename($template); $widget_filename = !is_null($layoutObj) ? basename($layoutObj->WIDGET_filename) : ''; $family_name = $this->family; $module_dir = $this->module_dir; $static_filename = $this->static_filename; $this->htmlheader = "\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . ADA_CHARSET . "\">"; //this is useful for all those html pages that need a refresh time // if the refresh time & url are set, this tag is added into the header part of the html page if (!empty($meta_refresh_time)) { $this->htmlheader .= "\n <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"{$meta_refresh_time}; url={$meta_refresh_url}\">"; } $this->htmlheader .= "\n<meta name=\"powered_by\" content=\"ADA v." . ADA_VERSION . "\">\n <meta name=\"address\" content=\"{$http_root_dir}\">\n <meta name=\"author\" content=\"{$author}\">\n <meta name=\"template\" content=\"{$template_name}\">\n <meta name=\"family\" content=\"{$family_name}\">\n <meta name=\"module\" content=\"{$module_dir}\">\n <meta name=\"widgets\" content=\"{$widget_filename}\">"; if (isset($layoutObj->menu)) { $this->htmlheader .= "\n <meta name=\"menu\" content=\"" . $layoutObj->menu->getId() . "\""; if (!is_null($layoutObj->menu->getLinkedFromId())) { $this->htmlheader .= " linked-from=\"" . $layoutObj->menu->getLinkedFromId() . "\""; } $this->htmlheader .= ">"; } $this->htmlheader .= "\n <meta name=\"class\" content=\"HTML\">\n <meta name=\"outputClasses\" content=\"NEW\">\n <meta name=\"description\" content=\"{$description}\">\n <meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"{$keywords},{$meta_keywords}\">\n <meta name=\"cachefile\" content=\"{$static_filename}\">\n <!-- Stile -->\n <!-- Javascript -->\n"; if (isset($course_title) && !empty($course_title) && isset($node_title) && !empty($node_title)) { $this->htmlheader .= "<title>" . PORTAL_NAME . " > {$course_title} > {$node_title}</title>\n\n"; } else { $this->htmlheader .= "<title>" . PORTAL_NAME . "</title>\n\n"; } $this->replace_field_code = $GLOBALS['replace_field_code']; $this->replace_microtemplate_field_code = $GLOBALS['replace_microtemplate_field_code']; $this->htmlheader .= "</head>\n"; if (isset($onload_func) && !empty($onload_func)) { $this->htmlbody = "<body onload=\"{$onload_func}\">\n"; } else { $this->htmlbody = "<body>\n"; } $this->htmlfooter = "</body>\n</html>"; }
<?php $pathTpl = $modx->getOption('pathTpl', $scriptProperties, ''); $docid = $modx->getOption('docid', $scriptProperties, ''); $createfolder = $modx->getOption('creatFolder', $scriptProperties, false); $createpath = false; if (empty($docid) && $modx->getPlaceholder('docid')) { // placeholder was set by some script $docid = $modx->getPlaceholder('docid'); } if (empty($docid)) { if (is_Object($modx->resource)) { //on frontend $docid = $modx->resource->get('id'); } else { //on backend $createpath = $createfolder; $parsedUrl = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); parse_str($parsedUrl['query'], $parsedQuery); if (isset($parsedQuery['amp;id'])) { $docid = $parsedQuery['amp;id']; } elseif (isset($parsedQuery['id'])) { $docid = $parsedQuery['id']; } } } $path = str_replace('{id}', $docid, $pathTpl); $fullpath = $modx->getOption('base_path') . $path; if ($createpath && !file_exists($fullpath)) { mkdir($fullpath, 0755, true); }
/** * * @author Max Milbers * @param unknown_type $currency * @param unknown_type $price * @param unknown_type $shop */ function convertCurrencyTo($currency, $price, $shop = true) { if (empty($currency)) { return $price; } // If both currency codes match, do nothing if (is_Object($currency) and $currency->_currency_id == $this->_vendorCurrency or !is_Object($currency) and $currency == $this->_vendorCurrency) { return $price; } if (is_Object($currency)) { $exchangeRate = (double) $currency->exchangeRateShopper; } else { static $currency_exchange_rate = array(); if (!isset($currency_exchange_rate[$currency])) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'SELECT `currency_exchange_rate` FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `virtuemart_currency_id` ="' . (int) $currency . '" '; $db->setQuery($q); $currency_exchange_rate[$currency] = (double) $db->loadResult(); } if (!empty($currency_exchange_rate[$currency])) { $exchangeRate = $currency_exchange_rate[$currency]; } else { $exchangeRate = 0; } } if (!empty($exchangeRate)) { if ($shop) { $price = $price / $exchangeRate; } else { $price = $price * $exchangeRate; } } else { $currencyCode = self::ensureUsingCurrencyCode($currency); $vendorCurrencyCode = self::ensureUsingCurrencyCode($this->_vendorCurrency); if ($shop) { $price = $this->_currencyConverter->convert($price, $currencyCode, $vendorCurrencyCode); } else { $price = $this->_currencyConverter->convert($price, $vendorCurrencyCode, $currencyCode); } } return $price; }
function loadConfigs($grid = true, $other = true, $properties = array(), $sender = '') { $winbuttons = array(); $gridactionbuttons = array(); $gridcolumnbuttons = array(); $gridcontextmenus = array(); $gridfunctions = array(); $winfunctions = array(); $renderer = array(); $editors = array(); $gridfilters = array(); $configs = array('migx_default'); //$configs = array(); if (isset($properties['configs']) && !empty($properties['configs'])) { $configs = explode(',', $properties['configs']); } elseif (isset($this->config['configs']) && !empty($this->config['configs'])) { $configs = explode(',', $this->config['configs']); } if (!empty($configs)) { //$configs = (isset($this->config['configs'])) ? explode(',', $this->config['configs']) : array(); //$configs = array_merge( array ('master'), $configs); if ($grid) { $configFile = $this->config['corePath'] . 'configs/grid/'; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } //custom collection of grid-functions...... - deprecated $configFile = $this->config['corePath'] . 'configs/grid/'; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } } //get migxconfig-specific grid-configs $req_configs = $this->modx->getOption('configs', $_REQUEST, ''); $preloadGridConfigs = false; if ($sender == 'mgr/fields' && ($req_configs == 'migxcolumns' || $req_configs == 'migxdbfilters')) { $preloadGridConfigs = true; $configs_id = $this->modx->getOption('co_id', $_REQUEST, ''); $this->configsObject = $this->modx->getObject('migxConfig', $configs_id); } if ($sender == 'migxconfigs/fields') { $preloadGridConfigs = true; } if ($preloadGridConfigs && is_Object($this->configsObject)) { $config = $this->configsObject->get('name'); $configFile = $this->config['corePath'] . 'configs/grid/grid.' . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } //package-specific $extended = $this->configsObject->get('extended'); $packageName = $this->modx->getOption('packageName', $extended, ''); if (!empty($packageName)) { $configFile = $this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/' . $packageName . '/migxconfigs/grid/grid.' . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } $configFile = $this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/' . $packageName . '/migxconfigs/grid/'; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } } } foreach ($configs as $config) { $parts = explode(':', $config); $cfObject = false; if (isset($parts[1])) { $config = $parts[0]; $packageName = $parts[1]; } elseif ($cfObject = $this->modx->getObject('migxConfig', array('name' => $config, 'deleted' => '0'))) { $extended = $cfObject->get('extended'); $packageName = $this->modx->getOption('packageName', $extended, ''); } if (isset($packageName)) { $packagepath = $this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/' . $packageName . '/'; $configpath = $packagepath . 'migxconfigs/'; } if ($grid) { //first try to find custom-grid-configurations (buttons,context-menus,functions) $configFile = $this->config['corePath'] . 'configs/grid/grid.' . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } if (!empty($packageName)) { $configFile = $configpath . 'grid/grid.' . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } $configFile = $configpath . 'grid/'; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } } } if ($other) { //second try to find config-object if (isset($configpath) && !$cfObject && file_exists($configpath . $config . '.config.js')) { $filecontent = @file_get_contents($configpath . $config . '.config.js'); $objectarray = $this->importconfig($this->modx->fromJson($filecontent)); $this->prepareConfigsArray($objectarray, $gridactionbuttons, $gridcontextmenus, $gridcolumnbuttons, $winbuttons); } if ($cfObject) { $objectarray = $cfObject->toArray(); $this->prepareConfigsArray($objectarray, $gridactionbuttons, $gridcontextmenus, $gridcolumnbuttons, $winbuttons); } //third add configs from file, if exists $configFile = $this->config['corePath'] . 'configs/' . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } if (!empty($packageName)) { $configFile = $configpath . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } } } } } if (isset($this->customconfigs['filters']) && is_array($this->customconfigs['filters']) && count($this->customconfigs['filters']) > 0) { foreach ($this->customconfigs['filters'] as $filter) { if (isset($gridfilters[$filter['type']]) && is_array($gridfilters[$filter['type']])) { $this->customconfigs['gridfilters'][$filter['name']] = array_merge($filter, $gridfilters[$filter['type']]); } } } $this->customconfigs['gridactionbuttons'] = $gridactionbuttons; $this->customconfigs['gridcontextmenus'] = $gridcontextmenus; $this->customconfigs['gridcolumnbuttons'] = $gridcolumnbuttons; $this->customconfigs['gridfunctions'] = array_merge($gridfunctions, $renderer, $editors); $this->customconfigs['winfunctions'] = $winfunctions; $this->customconfigs['windowbuttons'] = $winbuttons; //$defaulttask = empty($this->customconfigs['join_alias']) ? 'default' : 'default_join'; $defaulttask = 'default'; $this->customconfigs['task'] = empty($this->customconfigs['task']) ? $defaulttask : $this->customconfigs['task']; }
public function getYearByMonth($periode_intern) { $Result = PeriodenRecord::finder()->findByper_Intern($periode_intern); if (is_Object($Result)) { if ($Result->parent_idta_perioden != 0) { $Result2 = PeriodenRecord::finder()->findByidta_perioden($Result->parent_idta_perioden); return $Result2->per_intern; } else { return $periode_intern; } } else { return $periode_intern; } }
function loadConfigs($grid = true, $other = true, $properties = array(), $sender = '') { $gridactionbuttons = array(); $gridcolumnbuttons = array(); $gridcontextmenus = array(); $gridfunctions = array(); $renderer = array(); $gridfilters = array(); $configs = array(); if (isset($properties['configs'])) { $configs = explode(',', $properties['configs']); } elseif (isset($this->config['configs'])) { $configs = explode(',', $this->config['configs']); } if (!empty($configs)) { //$configs = (isset($this->config['configs'])) ? explode(',', $this->config['configs']) : array(); //$configs = array_merge( array ('master'), $configs); if ($grid) { $configFile = $this->config['migxCorePath'] . 'configs/grid/'; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } //custom collection of grid-functions...... - deprecated $configFile = $this->config['migxCorePath'] . 'configs/grid/'; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } } //get migxconfig-specific grid-configs $req_configs = $this->modx->getOption('configs', $_REQUEST, ''); $preloadGridConfigs = false; if ($sender == 'mgr/fields' && $req_configs == 'migxcolumns') { $preloadGridConfigs = true; $configs_id = $this->modx->getOption('co_id', $_REQUEST, ''); $this->configsObject = $this->modx->getObject('migxConfig', $configs_id); } if ($sender == 'migxconfigs/fields') { $preloadGridConfigs = true; } if ($preloadGridConfigs && is_Object($this->configsObject)) { $config = $this->configsObject->get('name'); $configFile = $this->config['migxCorePath'] . 'configs/grid/grid.' . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } //package-specific $extended = $this->configsObject->get('extended'); $packageName = $this->modx->getOption('packageName', $extended, ''); if (!empty($packageName)) { $configFile = $this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/' . $packageName . '/migxconfigs/grid/grid.' . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } $configFile = $this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/' . $packageName . '/migxconfigs/grid/'; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } } } foreach ($configs as $config) { if ($cfObject = $this->modx->getObject('migxConfig', array('name' => $config, 'deleted' => '0'))) { $extended = $cfObject->get('extended'); $packageName = $this->modx->getOption('packageName', $extended, ''); } if ($grid) { //first try to find custom-grid-configurations (buttons,context-menus,functions) $configFile = $this->config['migxCorePath'] . 'configs/grid/grid.' . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } if (!empty($packageName)) { $configFile = $this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/' . $packageName . '/migxconfigs/grid/grid.' . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } $configFile = $this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/' . $packageName . '/migxconfigs/grid/'; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } } } if ($other) { //second try to find config-object if ($cfObject) { $objectarray = $cfObject->toArray(); if (is_array($objectarray['extended'])) { foreach ($objectarray['extended'] as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $this->customconfigs[$key] = $value; } } } unset($objectarray['extended']); if (isset($this->customconfigs)) { $this->customconfigs = is_array($this->customconfigs) ? array_merge($this->customconfigs, $objectarray) : $objectarray; $this->customconfigs['tabs'] = $this->modx->fromJson($cfObject->get('formtabs')); $this->customconfigs['filters'] = $this->modx->fromJson($cfObject->get('filters')); //$this->customconfigs['tabs'] = stripslashes($cfObject->get('formtabs')); //$this->customconfigs['columns'] = $this->modx->fromJson(stripslashes($cfObject->get('columns'))); $this->customconfigs['columns'] = $this->modx->fromJson($cfObject->get('columns')); } $menus = $cfObject->get('contextmenus'); if (!empty($menus)) { $menus = explode('||', $menus); foreach ($menus as $menu) { $gridcontextmenus[$menu]['active'] = 1; } } $columnbuttons = $cfObject->get('columnbuttons'); if (!empty($columnbuttons)) { $columnbuttons = explode('||', $columnbuttons); foreach ($columnbuttons as $button) { if (isset($gridcontextmenus[$button])) { $gridcolumnbuttons[$button] = $gridcontextmenus[$button]; $gridcolumnbuttons[$button]['active'] = 1; } } } $actionbuttons = $cfObject->get('actionbuttons'); if (!empty($actionbuttons)) { $actionbuttons = explode('||', $actionbuttons); foreach ($actionbuttons as $button) { $gridactionbuttons[$button]['active'] = 1; } } } //third add configs from file, if exists $configFile = $this->config['migxCorePath'] . 'configs/' . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } if (!empty($packageName)) { $configFile = $this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/' . $packageName . '/migxconfigs/' . $config . ''; // [ file ] if (file_exists($configFile)) { include $configFile; } } } } } if (isset($this->customconfigs['filters']) && is_array($this->customconfigs['filters']) && count($this->customconfigs['filters']) > 0) { foreach ($this->customconfigs['filters'] as $filter) { if (isset($gridfilters[$filter['type']]) && is_array($gridfilters[$filter['type']])) { $this->customconfigs['gridfilters'][$filter['name']] = array_merge($filter, $gridfilters[$filter['type']]); } } } $this->customconfigs['gridactionbuttons'] = $gridactionbuttons; $this->customconfigs['gridcontextmenus'] = $gridcontextmenus; $this->customconfigs['gridcolumnbuttons'] = $gridcolumnbuttons; $this->customconfigs['gridfunctions'] = array_merge($gridfunctions, $renderer); //$defaulttask = empty($this->customconfigs['join_alias']) ? 'default' : 'default_join'; $defaulttask = 'default'; $this->customconfigs['task'] = empty($this->customconfigs['task']) ? $defaulttask : $this->customconfigs['task']; }
public function onPreInit($param) { //parent::onPreInit($param); if (isset($_GET['idta_stammdatensicht'])) { $openItem = $_GET['idta_stammdatensicht']; } else { $openItem = 1; } $this->setUserStartId($this->user->getStartNode($this->user->getUserId($this->user->Name), "tm_struktur", $openItem)); $res = mysql_connect($this->Application->Parameters['Host'], $this->Application->getModule('db1')->database->getUsername(), $this->Application->getModule('db1')->database->getPassword()); mysql_select_db($this->Application->Parameters['Database']); //$tree = new TreeConnector($this->DBConnection); $tree = new TreeConnector($res); $tree->set_encoding("UTF-8"); $tree->enable_log("temp.log", false); $mySQL = "SELECT idtm_struktur,parent_idtm_struktur,struktur_name,idta_struktur_type,(struktur_rgt - struktur_lft) AS struktur_rgt FROM vv_struktur"; $mySQLOrderBy = " ORDER BY idta_struktur_type, struktur_name"; $mySQLcond1 = ""; //the start ID $numberofstructureelements = StrukturRecord::finder()->count(); if ($numberofstructureelements > 1) { $MaxRecord = StrukturRecord::finder()->findBySql('SELECT MAX(struktur_rgt) AS struktur_rgt FROM tm_struktur'); if (is_Object($MaxRecord)) { $maxrgtvalue = $MaxRecord->struktur_rgt; } else { $maxrgtvalue = 0; } if ($numberofstructureelements * 2 <= $maxrgtvalue) { $StrStartRecord = StrukturRecord::finder()->findByidtm_struktur($this->UserStartId); $mySQLcond1 = "(struktur_lft BETWEEN " . $StrStartRecord->struktur_lft . " AND " . $StrStartRecord->struktur_rgt . ")"; $mySQLcond1 .= " OR idtm_struktur IN ( " . $this->parentCategory_list_Nested($this->UserStartId) . ")"; } else { $this->load_all_cats($mySQL . $mySQLOrderBy); $mySQLcond1 = "idtm_struktur IN (" . $this->subCategory_list($this->subcats, $this->UserStartId) . "," . $this->parentCategory_list($this->parentcats, $this->UserStartId) . ")"; } $tmp_Strukturfilter = $this->user->getStartNode($this->user->getUserId($this->user->Name), "ta_stammdaten_group"); if ($tmp_Strukturfilter > 0 and $tmp_Strukturfilter != StammdatenGroupRecord::finder()->findByparent_idta_stammdaten_group(0)->idta_stammdaten_group) { $tsgroup = ""; $loopcounter = 0; while ($this->checkMyParent($tmp_Strukturfilter) > 0) { if ($loopcounter == 0) { $tsgroup .= $tmp_Strukturfilter; } else { $tsgroup .= "," . $tmp_Strukturfilter; } $loopcounter++; $tmp_Strukturfilter = $this->checkMyParent($tmp_Strukturfilter); } $mySQLcond1 .= " AND idta_stammdaten_group IN (" . $tsgroup . ", " . StammdatenGroupRecord::finder()->findByparent_idta_stammdaten_group(0)->idta_stammdaten_group . ")"; } } function custom_format($item) { $item->set_image("s" . $item->get_value("idta_struktur_type") . ".gif"); if ($item->get_value("struktur_rgt") > 1) { $item->set_kids(true); } else { $item->set_kids(false); } } $tree->event->attach("beforeRender", 'custom_format'); $SQLComp = $mySQL; if ($mySQLcond1 != '') { $SQLComp .= " WHERE (" . $mySQLcond1 . ") AND idta_stammdatensicht = " . $openItem; //.$mySQLOrderBy } else { $SQLComp .= " WHERE idta_stammdatensicht = " . $openItem; } $tree->dynamic_loading(true); //$tree->render_table("tm_struktur", "idtm_struktur", "struktur_name", "parent_idtm_struktur"); $tree->render_sql($SQLComp, "idtm_struktur", "struktur_name,idta_struktur_type", "", "parent_idtm_struktur"); }
/** * * @author Max Milbers * @param unknown_type $currency * @param unknown_type $price * @param unknown_type $shop */ function convertCurrencyTo($currency, $price, $shop = true) { if (empty($currency)) { // vmdebug('empty $currency ',$price); return $price; } // If both currency codes match, do nothing if (is_Object($currency) and $currency->_currency_id == $this->_vendorCurrency or !is_Object($currency) and $currency == $this->_vendorCurrency) { // vmdebug(' $currency == $this->_vendorCurrency ',$price); return $price; } if (is_Object($currency)) { $exchangeRate = (double) $currency->exchangeRateShopper; vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo OBJECT ' . $exchangeRate); } else { static $currency_exchange_rate = array(); if (!isset($currency_exchange_rate[$currency])) { $q = 'SELECT `currency_exchange_rate` FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `virtuemart_currency_id` ="' . (int) $currency . '" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $currency_exchange_rate[$currency] = (double) $this->_db->loadResult(); } if (!empty($currency_exchange_rate[$currency])) { $exchangeRate = $currency_exchange_rate[$currency]; } else { $exchangeRate = 0; } } if (!empty($exchangeRate)) { if ($shop) { $price = $price / $exchangeRate; } else { $price = $price * $exchangeRate; } } else { $currencyCode = self::ensureUsingCurrencyCode($currency); $vendorCurrencyCode = self::ensureUsingCurrencyCode($this->_vendorCurrency); $globalCurrencyConverter = vRequest::getVar('globalCurrencyConverter'); if ($shop) { $price = $this->_currencyConverter->convert($price, $currencyCode, $vendorCurrencyCode); //vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo Use dynamic rate in shop '.$oldprice .' => '.$price); } else { //vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo Use dynamic rate to shopper currency '.$price); $price = $this->_currencyConverter->convert($price, $vendorCurrencyCode, $currencyCode); } // vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo my currency ',$this->exchangeRateShopper); } return $price; }
function ProcessTQ(){ global $g_DBData, $sTable; $sRegistros = ''; //establezco conección con la DB $oDB = ADONewConnection('oci8'); $oDB->Connect( $g_DBData['Host'], $g_DBData['User'], $g_DBData['Pass'], $g_DBData['DB'] ); $oDB->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $oDB->debug=true; //*** Estructura de la Tabla $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$sTable' "; $oRS=$oDB->Execute($sSQL); if ($oRS===false){ echo "La instruccion SQL:<br><b>$sSQL</b><br>no se ejecuto correctamente."; }else{ echo "Estructura de la Tabla: <b>$sTable</b>."; $sRegistros = '('. $oRS->RecordCount(). ' registros)'; if (is_Object($oRS)){ rs2html($oRS); } echo "La instruccion SQL:<br><b>$sSQL</b><br>se ejecuto correctamente. $sRegistros"; } //*** Indices de la Tabla $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM ALL_IND_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$sTable' "; $oRS=$oDB->Execute($sSQL); if ($oRS===false){ echo "La instruccion SQL:<br><b>$sSQL</b><br>no se ejecuto correctamente."; }else{ echo "Indices de la Tabla: <b>$sTable</b>."; $sRegistros = '('. $oRS->RecordCount(). ' registros)'; if (is_Object($oRS)){ rs2html($oRS); } echo "La instruccion SQL:<br><b>$sSQL</b><br>se ejecuto correctamente. $sRegistros"; } //*** Constraints de la Tabla $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM ALL_CONSTRAINTS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$sTable' "; $oRS=$oDB->Execute($sSQL); if ($oRS===false){ echo "La instruccion SQL:<br><b>$sSQL</b><br>no se ejecuto correctamente."; }else{ echo "Constraints de la Tabla: <b>$sTable</b>."; $sRegistros = '('. $oRS->RecordCount(). ' registros)'; if (is_Object($oRS)){ rs2html($oRS); } echo "La instruccion SQL:<br><b>$sSQL</b><br>se ejecuto correctamente. $sRegistros"; } if (is_Object($oRS)){ $oRS->Close(); } }
public function testInstance() { $this->assertTrue(is_Object($this->obj)); }
public function buildFieldList($idta_stammdaten_group) { $Result = StammdatenGroupRecord::finder()->findBy_idta_stammdaten_group($idta_stammdaten_group); if (is_Object($Result)) { $this->RCTedidta_feldfunktion->DataSource = PFH::build_SQLPullDown(FeldfunktionRecord::finder(), "ta_feldfunktion", array("idta_feldfunktion", "ff_name"), "idta_struktur_type = '" . $Result->idta_struktur_type . "' AND ff_type = 1"); $this->RCTedidta_feldfunktion->dataBind(); } }