function index() { $this->load->model('User_Model', '', TRUE); $this->load->model('Usermodel', '', TRUE); $this->load->model('Userprofile', '', TRUE); if (isValidUser()) { $user = $this->User_Model->get_user_by_id(getUserProperty('id')); } else { redirect("", "location"); return; } // Process form if (!empty($_POST)) { $profile_data = array('notifications' => $this->input->post('notifications')); $user_data = array('user_name' => $this->input->post('phone')); if (!empty($_POST['password'])) { $user_data['password'] = $this->freakauth_light->_encode($this->input->post('password')); } $this->Userprofile->updateUserProfile(getUserProperty('id'), $profile_data); $this->User_Model->update_user_by_id(getUserProperty('id'), $user_data); $this->db_session->set_flashdata('success', 'You have updated your account information'); redirect('/profile'); } $this->load->view('templates/header', $user); $this->load->view('user/profile', $user); $this->load->view('templates/footer'); }
function displayMenu($config) { //Menu Items echo '<h2>Main Menu</h2>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" >Home</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="" target="_blank">County E-Mail</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="" target="_blank">Sheriff Training</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="" target="_blank">Technical Support</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="" target="_blank">Remote Support</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="" target="_blank">Agency View Website</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="" target="_blank">Lodge141 Website</a></li>'; echo '</ul>'; if (isValidUser($config)) { echo '<h2>User Menu</h2>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><a href="?updateProfile=true">Update Profile</a></li>'; if ($_SESSION['isLDAP'] == false) { echo '<li><a href="?usermenu=true&ChangeBtn=true">Change Your Password</a><br /><br />'; } echo '<li><a href="?secLog=true">Secondary Logs</a></li>'; //if($config->adminLvl >= 25) echo '<li><a href="?radioLog=true">Inventory Checkout Logs</a></li>'; //echo '<li><a href="?leave=true">Request Form</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="?isTimeRequestForm=true">Time Request Form</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="?myReq=true">My Submitted Requests</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="?myInv=true">My Inventory</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; displaySupv($config); displayAcct($config); displayAdmin($config); }
function myAlerts($config) { if (isValidUser($config)) { //popUpMessage('You have an Alert! <a href="?approve=true">Go To Request</a>'); } alert_VerifyUsers($config); alert_PostPayrollValidation($config); }
function main($itsp) { include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $valid = isValidUser(); if ($valid) { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/newedittask.tpl'); $this->dwoo = new Dwoo(); $jsfiles = array(); $jsfiles[] = array('jsfile' => 'js/newtask.js'); $jsfiles[] = array('jsfile' => 'js/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js'); $jsfiles[] = array('jsfile' => 'js/tinymce.js'); include_once "urls_backend.php"; $urls = new urls_backend(); $currenttask = $urls->getGP("__taskid"); include_once "tasks_backend.php"; $tasks = new tasks_backend(); $submiturl = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; $parent = $tasks->getParent($currenttask); while ($parent["id"] > 0) { $params = array(); $params["task"] = $parent["title"]; $params["__taskid"] = $parent["id"]; $breadcrumburl = $urls->newUrl("tasks", $params); $m_list[] = array('breadcrumburl' => '' . $breadcrumburl . '', 'breadcrumbitem' => '' . htmlentities($parent["title"]) . '', 'sepstart' => '» '); $parent = $tasks->getParent($parent["pid"]); } $params = array(); $breadcrumburl = $urls->newUrl("tasks", $params); $m_list[] = array('breadcrumburl' => '' . $breadcrumburl . '', 'breadcrumbitem' => 'Main'); $m_list = array_reverse($m_list); $markerArray = loggedInArray(); $markerArray["tasktitle"] = $tasks->getTaskInfo($currenttask, "title", 1); $markerArray["taskdescription"] = $tasks->getTaskInfo($currenttask, "description", 1); $markerArray["js_list"] = $jsfiles; $markerArray["taskid"] = $currenttask; $markerArray["submiturl"] = $submiturl; $markerArray["func"] = "update"; $progress = $tasks->getTaskInfo($currenttask, "progress"); $markerArray["p" . $progress] = "selected"; $markerArray["submitbtn"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.updatetask"); $markerArray["m_list"] = $m_list; $markerArray["headertitle"] = $tasks->getTaskInfo($currenttask, "title"); $markerArray["selectedtask"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.selectedtask"); $markerArray["tasktitletxt"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.tasktitle"); $markerArray["taskdescriptiontxt"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.description"); $markerArray["taskprogress"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.progress"); $markerArray["tasknotstarted"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.notstarted"); $markerArray["taskfinished"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("closed"); $output = $this->dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; } else { print "access denied"; } }
function index() { log_message('error', 'test'); if (isValidUser()) { $this->load->view('templates/header'); $this->load->view('templates/welcome'); $this->load->view('templates/footer'); } else { redirect('', 'location'); } }
public function test() { $this->load->model('usermodel'); $this->load->model('budget'); if (isValidUser()) { $data['page'] = $this->load->view("dev/test", null, true); $this->load->view($this->container, $data); } else { $this->unAuthorizeduser(); } }
function main($itsp) { $itsp->bLang->setLanguage($_GET["lang"]); $valid = isValidUser(); if ($valid) { logoutUser(); include_once "urls_backend.php"; $urls = new urls_backend(); $params = array(); $logouturl = $urls->newUrl("frontpage", $params); print '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content = "0;URL=' . config::basehref . '">'; } else { print "access denied"; } }
function login() { if (isValidUser() == false) { $this->data['title'] = "Login"; //validate form input $this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == true) { //check to see if the user is logging in //check for "remember me" $remember = (bool) $this->input->post('remember'); if ($this->ion_auth->login($this->input->post('username'), $this->input->post('password'), $remember)) { //if the login is successful //redirect them back to the home page $this->session->set_flashdata('message', $this->ion_auth->messages()); redirect(base_url(), 'refresh'); } else { //if the login was un-successful //redirect them back to the login page $this->session->set_flashdata('message', $this->ion_auth->errors()); redirect(base_url() . 'auth/login', 'refresh'); //use redirects instead of loading views for compatibility with MY_Controller libraries } } else { //the user is not logging in so display the login page //set the flash data error message if there is one $this->data['message'] = validation_errors() ? validation_errors() : $this->session->flashdata('message'); /* $this->data['identity'] = array('name' => 'identity', 'id' => 'identity', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('username'), ); $this->data['password'] = array('name' => 'password', 'id' => 'password', 'type' => 'password', ); $this->_render_page('auth/login', $this->data); * */ $data['page'] = $this->load->view('login', $this->data, true); $this->load->view($this->container, $data); } } else { redirect(base_url(), 'location'); } }
function index() { $this->load->model('User_Model', '', TRUE); $this->load->model('Plan_Model', '', TRUE); $this->load->model('Gram_Model', '', TRUE); $this->load->model('Message_Model', '', TRUE); if (isValidUser()) { $user = $this->User_Model->get_user_by_id(getUserProperty('id')); } else { redirect("", "location"); return; } $messages = $this->Message_Model->get_messages_by_user_id($user["user_id"]); $this->load->view('templates/header', array("user" => $user)); $this->load->view('dashboard/stats', array("messages" => $messages)); $this->load->view('templates/footer'); }
function main($itsp) { $itsp->bLang->setLanguage($_GET["lang"]); include_once "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $valid = isValidUser(); if ($valid) { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/home.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = loggedInArray(); $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; } else { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/frontpage.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = templateArray(); $markerArray["loginerror"] = "Failed to login"; $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; } }
function main($itsp) { include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; if ($itsp->bUrl->getGP("s")) { user_backend::verifyUser($itsp->bUrl->getGP("s"), $itsp->bUrl->getGP("u"), 1); } $valid = isValidUser(); if ($valid) { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/verifieduser.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $params = array(); $homeurl = "/" . config::installpath . "" . $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("tasks", $params); $markerArray = loggedInArray(); $markerArray["pageVerifiedUserAccepted"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.verifieduser.useraccepted"); $markerArray["pageVerifiedUserHomeUrl"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.verifieduser.homeurl"); $markerArray["homeUrl"] = $homeurl; $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; } else { print "access denied"; } }
function index() { $this->load->model('User_Model', '', TRUE); $this->load->model('Plan_Model', '', TRUE); $this->load->model('Gram_Model', '', TRUE); if (!isValidUser()) { $data['fal'] = $this->fal_front->register(); $this->load->view('templates/header'); $this->load->view('templates/home', $data); } else { $first_use = false; $user = $this->User_Model->get_user_by_id(getUserProperty('id')); if ($user["welcome_message_seen"] == 0) { $first_use = true; } $this->load->view('templates/header', array("user" => $user)); $plan = $this->Plan_Model->get_plan_by_user_id(getUserProperty('id')); //echo "<pre>Plan: ".print_r($plan, true)."</pre>\n"; $grams = $this->Gram_Model->get_grams_by_plan_id($plan["plan_id"]); //echo "<pre>Grams: ".print_r($grams, true)."</pre>\n"; $this->load->view('dashboard/main', array("grams" => $grams, "first_use" => $first_use)); } $this->load->view('templates/footer'); }
function displayUsers() { /* * Shows all users and gives the option to edit any fields */ $admin = $_SESSION['admin']; if ($admin >= 50 && isValidUser()) { $mysqli = connectToSQL(); $myq = "SELECT *\r\n FROM EMPLOYEE"; $result = $mysqli->query($myq); if (!$result) { throw new Exception("Database Error [{$mysqli->errno}] {$mysqli->error}"); } //build table resultTable($mysqli, $result); //write any updates to DB when Save is pressed if (isset($_POST['saveBtn'])) { //saveBtn created in resultTable() $result = $mysqli->query($myq); $i = 0; $fieldNameArray = array(); $values = array(); while ($finfo = mysqli_fetch_field($result)) { $tableName = $finfo->orgtable; $fieldNameArray[$i] = $finfo->orgname; $values["{$fieldNameArray[$i]}"] = $fieldNameArray[$i] . "=" . "'" . $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST["{$fieldNameArray[$i]}"]) . "'"; $i++; } //turn the array into comma seperated values $csvValues = implode(',', $values); $updateQuery = "UPDATE " . $tableName . " SET " . $csvValues . " \r\n WHERE " . $values['ID']; echo "<br>" . $updateQuery; $updateResult = $mysqli->query($updateQuery); if (!$updateResult) { throw new Exception("Database Error [{$mysqli->errno}] {$mysqli->error}"); } } } }
function displayRequestLookup($config) { $totalRows = isset($_POST['totalRows']) ? $_POST['totalRows'] : ''; $foundUserFNAME = ''; $foundUserLNAME = ''; $foundUserName = ''; $foundUserID = ''; if ($totalRows > 0) { //get post info providied from search results for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalRows; $i++) { if (isset($_POST['foundUser' . $i])) { $foundUserFNAME = $_POST['foundUserFNAME' . $i]; $foundUserLNAME = $_POST['foundUserLNAME' . $i]; $foundUserName = $_POST['foundUserName' . $i]; $foundUserID = $_POST['foundUserID' . $i]; if (isset($_POST['isReserve' . $i])) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="isReserve" value="true" />'; } break; } //end if } //end for } if (isValidUser($config) && (isset($_POST['lname']) || isset($_POST['editBtn']))) { if (isset($_POST['lname'])) { $lname = $_SESSION['lname'] = strtoupper($_POST['lname']); $startDate = $_SESSION['start'] = new DateTime($_POST['start']); $endDate = $_SESSION['end'] = new DateTime($_POST['end']); } else { $lname = $_SESSION['lname']; $startDate = $_SESSION['start']; $endDate = $_SESSION['end']; } $mysqli = $config->mysqli; //query for all time requests if no date selected if (!empty($_POST['start']) && !empty($_POST['end'])) { $myq = "SELECT DISTINCT REFER 'RefNo', CONCAT_WS(', ', REQ.LNAME, REQ.FNAME) 'Employee', DATE_FORMAT(REQDATE,'%a %b %d %Y') 'Requested',\r\n DATE_FORMAT(USEDATE,'%a %b %d %Y') 'Used', BEGTIME 'Start',\r\n ENDTIME 'End', HOURS 'Hrs',\r\n T.DESCR 'Type', SUBTYPE 'Subtype', CALLOFF 'Calloff', NOTE 'Comment', STATUS 'Status', \r\n APR.LNAME 'ApprovedBy', REASON 'Reason' \r\n FROM REQUEST R\r\n INNER JOIN TIMETYPE AS T ON R.TIMETYPEID=T.TIMETYPEID\r\n LEFT JOIN EMPLOYEE AS REQ ON REQ.IDNUM=R.IDNUM\r\n LEFT JOIN EMPLOYEE AS APR ON APR.IDNUM=R.APPROVEDBY\r\n WHERE USEDATE BETWEEN '" . $config->mysqli->real_escape_string($startDate->format('Y-m-d')) . "' \r\n AND '" . $config->mysqli->real_escape_string($endDate->format('Y-m-d')) . "' \r\n AND REQ.LNAME LIKE '%" . $config->mysqli->real_escape_string($lname) . "%'"; } else { $myq = "SELECT DISTINCT REFER 'RefNo', CONCAT_WS(', ', REQ.LNAME, REQ.FNAME) 'Employee', DATE_FORMAT(REQDATE,'%a %b %d %Y') 'Requested',\r\n DATE_FORMAT(USEDATE,'%a %b %d %Y') 'Used', BEGTIME 'Start',\r\n ENDTIME 'End', HOURS 'Hrs',\r\n T.DESCR 'Type', SUBTYPE 'Subtype', CALLOFF 'Calloff', NOTE 'Comment', STATUS 'Status', \r\n APR.LNAME 'ApprovedBy', REASON 'Reason' \r\n FROM REQUEST R\r\n INNER JOIN TIMETYPE AS T ON R.TIMETYPEID=T.TIMETYPEID\r\n LEFT JOIN EMPLOYEE AS REQ ON REQ.IDNUM=R.IDNUM\r\n LEFT JOIN EMPLOYEE AS APR ON APR.IDNUM=R.APPROVEDBY \r\n WHERE REQ.LNAME LIKE '%" . $config->mysqli->real_escape_string($lname) . "%'"; } //popUpMessage($myq); //DEBUG $result = $mysqli->query($myq); SQLerrorCatch($mysqli, $result); resultTable($mysqli, $result); echo "<a href='" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "'>Back to Search</a>"; } else { ?> <form name="lookup" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="formName" value="lookup" /> <input type="hidden" name="searchReserves" value="false" /> <h1>Lookup Requests by Employee</h1> <p>Search by last name: <input type="text" name="lname" value="<?php echo $foundUserLNAME; ?> " /> or <?php displayUserLookup($config); ?> </p> <p>Date range: From <?php displayDateSelect('start', 'date_1'); ?> to <?php displayDateSelect('end', 'date_2'); ?> </p> <p>(Leave date range blank to show requests for all time.)</p> <p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Search"></p> </form> <?php } }
function main($itsp) { include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $valid = isValidUser(); if ($valid) { include_once "urls_backend.php"; $urls = new urls_backend(); include_once "tasks_backend.php"; $tasks = new tasks_backend(); $this_url = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; if ($_POST["func"] == "create") { $_pid = $urls->getGP("__taskid"); $_title = $_POST["tasktitle"]; $_description = $_POST["taskdescription"]; $tasks->createNewTask($_pid, $_title, $_description); header("Location: {$this_url}#", TRUE, 302); exit; } if ($_POST["func"] == "update" && !isset($_POST["delete"])) { $_id = $_POST["taskid"]; $_title = $_POST["tasktitle"]; $_description = $_POST["taskdescription"]; $tasks->updateTask($_id, $_title, $_description); $tasks->setField($_id, "progress", $_POST["taskprogress"]); header("Location: {$this_url}#", TRUE, 302); exit; } if (isset($_POST["delete"])) { $_id = $_POST["taskid"]; $tasks->setField($_id, "deleted", 1); header("Location: {$this_url}#", TRUE, 302); exit; } $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/tasks.tpl'); $this->dwoo = new Dwoo(); $currenttask = $urls->getGP("__taskid"); $currenttitle = $urls->getGP("task"); $jsfiles = array(); $jsfiles[] = array('jsfile' => 'js/jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.min.js'); $jsfiles[] = array('jsfile' => 'js/tasklist.php?t=' . $currenttask); $jsfiles[] = array('jsfile' => 'js/widgetTreeList.js'); $tasklist = $this->getSubTasks(0, 0); $markerArray = array(); $markerArray["ulid"] = ""; $markerArray["ulclass"] = "newul"; $markerArray = loggedInArray(); $markerArray["js_list"] = $jsfiles; $_tasks = $this->getSubTasks($currenttask ? $currenttask : 0, 0, 99); $_closedtasks = $this->getSubTasks($currenttask ? $currenttask : 0, 0, 100, "="); $m_list = array(); $getParent = 1; $parent = $tasks->getParent($currenttask); while ($parent["id"] > 0) { $params = array(); $params["task"] = $parent["title"]; $params["__taskid"] = $parent["id"]; $breadcrumburl = $urls->newUrl("tasks", $params); $m_list[] = array('breadcrumburl' => '' . $breadcrumburl . '', 'breadcrumbitem' => '' . $parent["title"] . '', 'sepstart' => '» '); $parent = $tasks->getParent($parent["pid"]); } $params = array(); $breadcrumburl = $urls->newUrl("tasks", $params); $m_list[] = array('breadcrumburl' => '' . $breadcrumburl . '', 'breadcrumbitem' => 'Main'); $m_list = array_reverse($m_list); $p_list = array(); $openmsg = $itsp->bLang->getLL("open"); $closedmsg = $itsp->bLang->getLL("closed"); $toggleinfomsg = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.toggleinfo"); $movethismsg = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.movethis"); $dontmovethismsg = stripslashes($itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.dontmovethis")); $user = new user_backend(); $moveableTasks = unserialize($user->getUserSetting("movingTasks")); $moveherevisible = "show"; if ($moveableTasks == "") { $moveherevisible = "hide"; } if (count($moveableTasks) < 1) { $moveherevisible = "hide"; } foreach ($_tasks as $key => $value) { $params = array(); $params["task"] = $currenttitle . "/" . $value["title"]; $params["__taskid"] = $value["id"]; $taskurl = $urls->newUrl("tasks", $params); $edittaskurl = $urls->newUrl("edittask", $params); $subtasks = $tasks->getNumberOfSubTasks($value["id"]); $opensubtasks = $tasks->getNumberOfSubTasks($value["id"], 100); $status = $tasks->getTaskInfo($value["id"], "progress"); if ($status < 100) { $status = $openmsg; } else { $status = $closedmsg; } $created = $tasks->getTaskInfo($value["id"], "crdate"); if ($created > 0) { $created = date("d.m.Y", $created); } else { $created = "N/A"; } $toggleonoff = "strike nolink"; if ($value["description"] != "") { $toggleonoff = ""; } $p_list[] = array('liid' => "liid_" . $value["id"], 'liclass' => 'taskframe', 'licontent' => '' . $value["title"], 'taskurl' => '' . $taskurl . '', 'edittaskurl' => '' . $edittaskurl . '', 'subtasks' => '' . $subtasks . '', 'opensubtasks' => '' . $opensubtasks . '', 'toggleinfomsg' => '' . $toggleinfomsg . '', 'moveablemsg' => $moveableTasks[$value["id"]] ? $dontmovethismsg : $movethismsg, 'toggleonoff' => '' . $toggleonoff . '', 'created' => '' . $created . '', 'status' => '' . $status . '', 'statustxt' => $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.statustxt"), 'createdtxt' => $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.createdtxt"), 'opensubtaskstxt' => $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.opensubtaskstxt"), 'subtaskstxt' => $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.subtasks"), 'edittask' => $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.edittask"), 'state' => 'open', 'id' => $value["id"], 'taskdescription' => '' . $value["description"] . ''); } foreach ($_closedtasks as $key => $value) { $params = array(); $params["task"] = $currenttitle . "/" . $value["title"]; $params["__taskid"] = $value["id"]; $taskurl = $urls->newUrl("tasks", $params); $edittaskurl = $urls->newUrl("edittask", $params); $subtasks = $tasks->getNumberOfSubTasks($value["id"]); $opensubtasks = $tasks->getNumberOfSubTasks($value["id"], 100); $status = $tasks->getTaskInfo($value["id"], "progress"); if ($status < 100) { $status = $openmsg; } else { $status = $closedmsg; } $created = $tasks->getTaskInfo($value["id"], "crdate"); if ($created > 0) { $created = date("d.m.Y", $created); } else { $created = "N/A"; } $p_list[] = array('liid' => "liid_" . $value["id"], 'liclass' => 'taskframe', 'licontent' => '' . $value["title"], 'taskurl' => '' . $taskurl . '', 'edittaskurl' => '' . $edittaskurl . '', 'subtasks' => '' . $subtasks . '', 'opensubtasks' => '' . $opensubtasks . '', 'created' => '' . $created . '', 'status' => '' . $status . '', 'state' => 'closed', 'toggleinfomsg' => '' . $toggleinfomsg . '', 'moveablemsg' => $moveableTasks[$value["id"]] ? $dontmovethismsg : $movethismsg, 'statustxt' => $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.statustxt"), 'createdtxt' => $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.createdtxt"), 'opensubtaskstxt' => $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.opensubtaskstxt"), 'subtaskstxt' => $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.subtasks"), 'edittask' => $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.edittask"), 'id' => $value["id"], 'taskdescription' => '' . $value["description"] . ''); } $p_list[] = array('liid' => "liid_newtask", 'liclass' => 'liid_newtask', 'licontent' => '', 'taskurl' => '', 'taskdescription' => ''); $markerArray["p_list"] = $p_list; $markerArray["m_list"] = $m_list; $thistask = $urls->getGP("__taskid"); $params = array(); $params["task"] = $currenttitle; $params["__taskid"] = $currenttask; $newtask = $urls->newUrl("newtask", $params); $checkedall = ""; $showclosed = ""; if ($user->getUserSetting("showAllField") == "on") { $checkedall = " checked=checked "; } if ($user->getUserSetting("showClosedTasks") == "on") { $showclosed = " checked=checked "; } if ($user->getUserSetting("showCompactMode") == "on") { $showcompact = " checked=checked "; } $_title = $tasks->getTaskInfo($thistask, "title"); $markerArray["taskdescription"] = $tasks->getTaskInfo($thistask, "description"); $markerArray["taskname"] = $_title; $markerArray["headertitle"] = $_title ? $_title : $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.maintitle"); $markerArray["newtaskurl"] = $newtask; $markerArray["showallinfochecked"] = $checkedall; $markerArray["showclosedchecked"] = $showclosed; $markerArray["showcompactmodechecked"] = $showcompact; $markerArray["movetaskshere"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.movetaskshere_1") . " <span class=\"movecount\">" . count($moveableTasks) . "</span>" . $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.movetaskshere_2"); $markerArray["moveherevisible"] = $moveherevisible; $markerArray["selectedtask"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.selectedtask"); $markerArray["task"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.task"); $markerArray["description"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.description"); $markerArray["subtasks"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.subtasks"); $markerArray["showallinfo"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.options.showallinfo"); $markerArray["showclosedtasks"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.options.showclosedtasks"); $markerArray["showcompactmode"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.options.compactmode"); $markerArray["options"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.options"); $markerArray["newtask"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.tasks.newtask"); $settings = $this->dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $settings; } else { print "access denied"; } }
function main($itsp) { $itsp->bLang->setLanguage($_GET["lang"]); include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $displayNewUserForm = 1; $errormsg = ""; if ($_POST["username"] && $_POST["password"]) { include_once "user_backend.php"; $bUser = new user_backend("newuser"); try { $errormsg = ""; $errors = 0; $passwordok = 0; if ($_POST["username"]) { include_once "user_backend.php"; if (!$bUser->isUsernameAvail($_POST["username"])) { if ($errormsg != "") { $errormsg .= "<br />"; } $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.usernamenotavailable"); $errors++; } } if ($_POST["password"] != $_POST["repeatpassword"]) { if ($errormsg != "") { $errormsg .= "<br />"; } $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.notidenticalpasswords"); $errors++; } else { if ($_POST["password"] != "itsplanned") { $passwordok = 1; } } if (!preg_match('/^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+$/', $_POST["email"])) { if ($errormsg != "") { $errormsg .= "<br />"; } $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.novalidemail"); $errors++; } if ($errors == 0) { $bUser->createNew($_POST["username"], $_POST["password"]); isValidUser("create"); $bUser->setUserInfo("realname", $_POST["realname"]); $bUser->setUserInfo("email", $_POST["email"]); $bUser->setUserInfo("verified", '0'); $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/newuseremail.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $params = array(); $params["s"] = session_id(); $params["u"] = $_POST["username"]; $verifyuserUrl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("verifyuser", $params, 1); $rejectuserUrl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("rejectuser", $params, 1); $markerArray = array(); $markerArray["emailNewuserHello"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.hello"); $markerArray["username"] = $_POST["username"]; $markerArray["emailNewuserHostname"] = config::hostname; $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg1"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg1"); $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg2"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg2"); $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg3"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg3"); $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg4"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg4"); $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg5"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg5"); $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg6"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg6"); $markerArray["emailNewuserVerifyURL"] = $verifyuserUrl; $markerArray["emailNewuserRejectURL"] = $rejectuserUrl; $markerArray["emailNewuserSignature"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.signature"); $newuseremail = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); $emailto = $_POST["email"]; $emailsubject = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.subject"); $emailheaders = "From: " . config::newuserFromEmail . "\r\n"; mail($emailto, $emailsubject, $newuseremail, $emailheaders); $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/userverification.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = templateArray(); $markerArray["pageUserverificationMsg1"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.userverification.msg1"); $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $output; exit; } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() == "UserExist") { $errormsg = "Username is already taken"; } } } if ($displayNewUserForm) { $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/myinfonew.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $markerArray = templateArray(); $markerArray["url"] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $markerArray["pageMyinfoErrorMsg"] = $errormsg; $markerArray["username"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("username"); $markerArray["password"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("password"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoUsername"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.username"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoNewPassword"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.newpassword"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoNewPasswordRepeat"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.newpasswordrepeat"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoRealname"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.realname"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoEmail"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL(""); $markerArray["pageMyinfoUpdate"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.create"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoLayoutLanguage"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.layoutlanguage"); $markerArray["usernamefield"] = $_POST["username"]; $markerArray["email"] = $_POST["email"]; $markerArray["realname"] = $_POST["realname"]; $markerArray["headertitle"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.newusertitle"); $markerArray["loginbtn"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("login"); $createnewuser = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $createnewuser; } }
function validateUser() { if (isValidUser()) { logVerify(getCookie('ID'), "OK"); changeCookie(); } else { logVerify(getCookie('ID'), "INVALID"); header("Location: logout.php"); } }
function displayLogin($config) { if (!isValidUser($config)) { $error = '0'; $noPass = false; $noUser = false; $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : ''; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; if (isset($_POST['submitBtn'])) { $domain = isset($_POST['domainOPT']) ? $_POST['domainOPT'] : 'SHERIFF'; if (empty($username)) { $noUser = true; } if (empty($password)) { $noPass = true; } // Try to login the user if ($noUser && $noPass) { $error = 'Please Provide a Username and Password'; } else { //$error = loginUser($username,$password); $error = loginLDAPUser($username, $password, $config, $domain); } } if ($error != '') { //First time seeing this screen or Invalid User Input ?> <div class="thumbnail"><img src="style/icon4.gif" alt="" /></div> <h3><?php echo $config->getTitle(); ?> </h3> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " method="post" name="loginform"> <table width="50%"> <tr><td>Username:</td><td> <input class="text" name="username" type="text" <?php echo "value='" . $username . "'"; if ($noUser) { echo "style='background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #FF0000'"; } ?> /></td></tr> <tr><td>Password:</td><td> <input class="text" name="password" type="password" <?php if (isset($_POST['submitBtn'])) { echo "style=\"background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #FF0000;\""; } ?> /></td></tr> <tr><td>Domain:</td><td> <select name="domainOPT"> <option value="MAHONINGCO">MAHONING COUNTY</option> </select> </td></tr> <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr> <tr><td></td><td align="center"><input style="font-size: 20px;" class="text" type="submit" name="submitBtn" value="Login" /></td></tr> </table> <div class="post_footer"> <div align="center"></div> </div> </form> <?php //User had input but had an error. Display the error if (isset($_POST['submitBtn'])) { ?> <div class="thumbnail"><img src="/style/icon2.gif" alt="" /></div> <h3>Error Message:</h3> <p><?php echo $error; ?> </p> <?php } } } else { displayLogout(); } }
echo $base_url; ?> sessions/logout" class="CronosProBold">Log out</a><br /> Notifications: <a href="<?php echo $base_url; ?> profile"><? echo ($user["notifications"] == 1 ? "on" : "off"); ?></a> <? } ?> </div> </div> <!-- HEADER, LOGIN, and REGISTRATION --> <!-- NAVIGATION --> <div id="nav"> <ul class="CronosProBold wrapper"> <? if (!isValidUser()) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $base_url; ?> ">Home</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo $base_url; ?> features">Features</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo $base_url; ?> about">About</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo $base_url; ?>
function main($itsp) { include_once "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php"; $valid = isValidUser(); if ($valid) { include_once "user_backend.php"; $userb = new user_backend(); if ($_POST) { $errormsg = ""; $errors = 0; $passwordok = 0; if ($_POST["username"]) { include_once "user_backend.php"; $userb = new user_backend(); if (!$userb->isUsernameAvail($_POST["username"])) { if ($errormsg != "") { $errormsg .= "<br />"; } $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.usernamenotavailable"); $errors++; } } if ($_POST["password"] != $_POST["repeatpassword"]) { if ($errormsg != "") { $errormsg .= "<br />"; } $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.notidenticalpasswords"); $errors++; } else { if ($_POST["password"] != "itsplanned") { $passwordok = 1; } } if (!preg_match('/^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+$/', $_POST["email"])) { if ($errormsg != "") { $errormsg .= "<br />"; } $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.novalidemail"); $errors++; } if ($errors == 0) { $userb->setUserInfo("realname", $_POST["realname"]); $userb->setUserInfo("username", $_POST["username"]); $userb->setUserInfo("email", $_POST["email"]); if ($passwordok) { $userb->setUserInfo("password", md5($_POST["password"])); } $userb->setUserSetting("layoutlanguage", $_POST["language"]); $itsp->bLang->setLanguage($_POST["language"]); } } $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/myinfo.tpl'); $dwoo = new Dwoo(); $language = $userb->getUserSetting("layoutlanguage"); $markerArray = loggedInArray(); $markerArray["pageMyinfoUsername"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.username"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoNewPassword"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.newpassword"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoNewPasswordRepeat"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.newpasswordrepeat"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoRealname"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.realname"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoEmail"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL(""); $markerArray["pageMyinfoUpdate"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.update"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoLayoutLanguage"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.layoutlanguage"); $markerArray["pageMyinfoErrorMsg"] = $errormsg; $markerArray["password"] = "******"; $markerArray["email"] = $userb->getUserInfo("email"); $markerArray["realname"] = $userb->getUserInfo("realname"); $markerArray["languageset" . $language] = " selected=selected "; $markerArray["headertitle"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.title"); $page = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray); print $page; } else { print "access denied"; } }
<? $base_url = base_url(); ?> <? if (isValidUser()) { ?> <div id="menubar" class="box"> <div class="box-right"><div class="box-left"> <div class="box-top"> <div class="right"><div class="left"><span></span></div></div> </div> <div class="box-content"> <ul class="menu"><? foreach($views as $view) { $selected = ""; if ($view["selected"]) { $selected = " class=\"selected\""; } echo "<li><a href=\"/dashboard/{$view['name']}\"$selected>{$view['display']}</a></li>"; } $selected = ""; if ($method == "settings") { $selected = " class=\"selected\""; } echo "<li><a href=\"/dashboard/settings\"$selected>Settings</a></li>";
function loginAnchor($logout_attributes = null, $login_attributes = null) { $obj =& get_instance(); $obj->lang->load('sentry'); return isValidUser() ? anchor('auth/logout', $obj->lang->line('auth_logout_label'), $logout_attributes) : anchor('auth/index', $obj->lang->line('sentry_login_label'), $login_attributes); }
<body style="text-align: center;"> <h2>Welcome to Online Address Book!</h2> <p>Please enter your login information</p> <?php require_once './Templates/session-start.req-inc.php'; $submitButtonValue = 'Login'; require_once './Templates/loginform.html.php'; ?> <p>Not a member? Sign up <a href="Templates/Signup.html.php">here</a></p> <?php require './Functions/utils-function.php'; require './Functions/dbconnect.php'; require './Functions/login-function.php'; if (isPostRequest()) { $email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email'); $pass = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'pass'); $_SESSION['isValidUser'] = isValidUser($email, $pass); } ?> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['isValidUser']) && $_SESSION['isValidUser'] === true) { header('Location: ./Site/index.php'); } ?> </body> </html>
<body> <form action="#" method="post"> <label>Enter your Email Address</label> <input type="text" name="Email" placeholder="Email" value=""> <!-- form for the user to enter there login credentials--> <label>Enter your password</label> <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password"> <input type="submit" name="subLogin" value="Login"> </form> <?php if (isPostRequest()) { $result = isValidEmail(); if ($result === TRUE) { //validate the credentials $result2 = doesExistInDB(); if ($result2 === TRUE) { $results3 = isValidUser(); if ($results3 === true) { echo 'Successfully loged-in'; session_starter(); ?> <form action="./index.php" method="GET"> <input type="submit" name="view" value="View-all"> <!-- link to view all--> </form> <?php } else { echo 'incorrect email and password combination'; //echo errors } } else { echo "That email is not currently in our database."; }
public function update_word() { $this->load->model('langdb_model'); $id = $this->input->post('id'); if (isValidUser()) { $data = array('word' => $this->input->post('word'), 'meaning' => $this->input->post('meaning'), 'sample_sent' => $this->input->post('sample_sent'), 'english_equiv' => $this->input->post('english_equiv'), 'isloan_word' => $this->input->post('isloan_word'), 'isdisplay' => $this->input->post('isdisplay'), 'std_spelling' => $this->input->post('std_spelling'), 'pri_pos_id' => $this->input->post('pri_pos_id'), 'sec_pos_id' => $this->input->post('sec_pos_id') == "0" ? null : $this->input->post('sec_pos_id'), 'domain_id' => $this->input->post('domain_id')); $this->langdb_model->update_entry('ldb_word', 'id', $id, $data); } else { $this->unAuthorizeduser(); } }
<?php include_once "../init_backend.php"; $init = new init_backend(); $valid = isValidUser(); if (!$valid) { print "no access"; exit; } include_once "../tasks_backend.php"; $task = new tasks_backend(); $task->setField($_POST["task"], "progress", $_POST["progress"]);
<?php //Runs the database functions and verifies user. if ($user != -1 && $password != -1) { dbconnect(); if (isValidUser($user, $password) === FALSE) { $_SESSION['message'] = "Login Failed"; } else { $_SESSION['login'] = true; $_SESSION['id'] = isValidUser($user, $password); header('Location: index.php'); } }
<!-- Optional theme --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-fLW2N01lMqjakBkx3l/M9EahuwpSfeNvV63J5ezn3uZzapT0u7EYsXMjQV+0En5r" crossorigin="anonymous"> </head> <body> <?php include_once '../Includes/session-start.req-inc.php'; include_once '../Functions/dbconnect.php'; include_once '../Functions/login-function.php'; include_once '../Functions/utils-function.php'; if (isPostRequest()) { // User Inputs the Email & Password $email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email'); $pass = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'password'); // User Validation if (isValidUser($email, $pass)) { $_SESSION['isValidUser'] = true; } else { $results = 'Sorry please try again'; } } // Adds to the Session Created by the Particular User if (isset($_SESSION['isValidUser']) && $_SESSION['isValidUser'] === true) { include '../Includes/add-view.html.php'; } ?> <!-- Provides the Results of the Login Succession & the Login Form --> <?php include '../Includes/results.html.php';
</head> <body> <center> <?php require_once '/includes/session-start.req-inc'; include_once '/functions/dbconnect.php'; include_once '/functions/login-function.php'; include_once '/functions/signupFunction.php'; include_once '/functions/newContact-function.php'; include_once '/functions/update.php'; include_once '/functions/until.php'; $view = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'view'); if (isPostRequest()) { $email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email'); $password = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'pass'); if (isValidUser($email, $password)) { $_SESSION['isValidUser'] = true; header('Location: index.php?view=userdefault'); } else { if (!isset($_SESSION['isValidUser']) || $_SESSION['isValidUser'] !== true) { $results = 'Invalid Login. Sorry, please try again'; } } } ?> <nav> <ul> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['isValidUser']) && $_SESSION['isValidUser'] === true) {
if ($act == "logout") { $_SESSION['user'] = ""; unset($_SESSION); unset($_SESSION["user"]); $error_msg = "Signed off."; } if (!isLogged()) { yourls_html_head('login'); mu_html_menu(); // Login form switch ($act) { case "login": $username = yourls_escape($_POST['username']); $password = $_POST['password']; if (!empty($username) && !empty($password)) { if (isValidUser($username, $password)) { $token = getUserTokenByEmail($username); $id = getUserIdByToken($token); $_SESSION['user'] = array("id" => $id, "user" => $username, "token" => $token); yourls_redirect("index.php"); } else { $error_msg = "Problems to login."; require_once 'form.php'; } } break; case "joinform": require_once 'formjoin.php'; break; case "join": $username = yourls_escape($_POST['username']);