<?php include_once "modules/tournament2/class_tournament.php"; $tfunc = new tfunc(); $tournamentid = $_GET["tournamentid"]; $fullscreen = $_SESSION['lansuite']['fullscreen']; if ($_GET['group'] == '') { $_GET['group'] = 1; } $t = $db->qry_first('SELECT tournamentid, name, mode, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starttime) AS starttime, break_duration, game_duration, max_games, status, mapcycle FROM %prefix%tournament_tournaments WHERE tournamentid = %int%', $tournamentid); $team_anz = $tfunc->GetTeamAnz($tournamentid, $t["mode"], $_GET["group"]); /* // Calculate TeamCount if (($t['mode'] == "groups") && ($_GET['group'] > 0)) { $games = $db->qry_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS anz FROM %prefix%t2_games WHERE (tournamentid = %int%) AND (round = 0) AND (group_nr = %string%) AND (leaderid != 0) GROUP BY round ", $tournamentid, $_GET['group']); $team_anz = $games['anz']; } elseif (($t['mode'] == "groups") && ($_GET['group'] == 0)) { $game = $db->qry("SELECT gameid FROM %prefix%t2_games WHERE (tournamentid = %int%) AND (group_nr > 0) AND (round = 0) GROUP BY group_nr ", $tournamentid); $team_anz = 2 * $db->num_rows($game); $db->free_result($game); } elseif ($t["mode"] == "liga"){ $games = $db->qry_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS anz
<?php include_once "inc/classes/class_gd.php"; $gd = new gd(); include_once "modules/tournament2/class_tournament.php"; $tfunc = new tfunc(); $qacc = $_GET["qacc"]; $tournamentid = $_GET["tournamentid"]; $gameid1 = $_GET["gameid1"]; $gameid2 = $_GET["gameid2"]; $score_team1 = $_POST["score_team1"]; $score_team2 = $_POST["score_team2"]; $score_comment = $_POST["score_comment"]; ## Ueberschreibungsabfrage if ($_GET["qacc"] == 1) { $score_team1 = $_GET["score_team1"]; $score_team2 = $_GET["score_team2"]; $score_comment = $_GET["score_comment"]; } ########## Infos holen $tournament = $db->qry_first("SELECT name, teamplayer, over18, status, mode, mapcycle, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starttime) AS starttime, max_games, game_duration, break_duration, tournamentid FROM %prefix%tournament_tournaments WHERE tournamentid = %int%", $tournamentid); $map = explode("\n", $tournament["mapcycle"]); if ($map[0] == "") { $map[0] = t('unbekannt'); } $games = $db->qry_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS anz FROM %prefix%t2_games WHERE (tournamentid = %int%) AND (round=0) GROUP BY round", $tournamentid); $team_anz = $games["anz"]; $team1 = $db->qry_first("SELECT games.group_nr, games.round, games.position, games.score, games.comment, games.server_id, teams.name, teams.teamid, teams.disqualified, user.userid, user.username\n FROM %prefix%t2_games AS games\n LEFT JOIN %prefix%t2_teams AS teams ON games.leaderid = teams.leaderid\n LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS user ON user.userid = teams.leaderid\n WHERE (teams.tournamentid = %int%) AND (games.gameid = %int%)\n ", $tournamentid, $gameid1); $team2 = $db->qry_first("SELECT games.round, games.position, games.score, games.comment, games.server_id, teams.name, teams.teamid, teams.disqualified, user.userid, user.username\n FROM %prefix%t2_games AS games\n LEFT JOIN %prefix%t2_teams AS teams ON games.leaderid = teams.leaderid\n LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS user ON user.userid = teams.leaderid\n WHERE (teams.tournamentid = %int%) AND (games.gameid = %int%)\n ", $tournamentid, $gameid2); ########## Einschränkungen prüfen if ($tournament["name"] == "") {
<?php include_once "modules/tournament2/class_tournament.php"; $tfunc = new tfunc(); if (!$_GET["teamid"]) { $func->error(t('Es wurde kein Team ausgewählt! Die Anzeige der Team-Details ist daher nicht möglich')); } else { $dsp->NewContent(t('Turnier Verwaltung'), t('Mit Hilfe des folgenden Formulars kannst du ein Turnier erstellen / ändern')); // Get Data $team = $db->qry_first("SELECT teams.name, teams.comment, teams.disqualified, teams.banner, users.username, users.userid\n FROM %prefix%t2_teams AS teams\n LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS users ON (teams.leaderid = users.userid)\n WHERE (teams.teamid = %int%)\n ", $_GET["teamid"]); // Teamname $dsp->AddDoubleRow(t('Teamame'), $team['name']); // Disqualified if ($team['disqualified']) { $dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<font color=\"#ff0000\">" . t('Disqualifiziert') . "</font>"); } // Banner if ($team['banner']) { $dsp->AddSingleRow("<img src=\"ext_inc/team_banners/{$team['banner']}\" alt=\"{$team['banner']}\">"); } // Leader include_once "modules/seating/class_seat.php"; $seat2 = new seat2(); $dsp->AddDoubleRow(t('Teamleiter'), $dsp->FetchUserIcon($team['userid'], $team['username']) . " (Platz: " . $seat2->SeatNameLink($team['userid'], '', '') . ")"); // Members $dsp->AddDoubleRow(t('Mitglieder'), $tfunc->GetMemberList($_GET["teamid"])); // Stats $game_anz = 0; $won = 0; $lost = 0; $games = $db->qry("SELECT g1.score AS s1, g2.score AS s2, g1.leaderid\n FROM %prefix%t2_games AS g1\n LEFT JOIN %prefix%t2_games AS g2 ON (g1.tournamentid = g2.tournamentid) AND (g1.round = g2.round) AND ((g1.position + 1) = g2.position)\n WHERE ((g1.score != 0) OR (g2.score != 0))\n AND ((g1.position / 2) = FLOOR(g1.position / 2))\n AND ((g1.leaderid = %int%) OR (g2.leaderid = %int%))\n ", $team['userid'], $team['userid']);
$modus = t('Double-Elimination'); } if ($tournament['mode'] == "liga") { $modus = t('Liga'); } if ($tournament['mode'] == "groups") { $modus = t('Gruppenspiele + KO'); } if ($tournament['mode'] == "all") { $modus = t('Alle in einem'); } /* $games = $db->qry("SELECT gameid FROM %prefix%t2_games WHERE (tournamentid = %int%) AND (round=0)", $_GET['tournamentid']); $team_anz = $db->num_rows($games); $db->free_result($games);*/ include_once "modules/tournament2/class_tournament.php"; $tfunc = new tfunc(); $team_anz = $tfunc->GetTeamAnz($_GET['tournamentid'], $tournament['mode'], $_POST['group']); $dsp->NewContent(t('Turnierbaum zum Turnier %1 (%2)', $tournament['name'], $modus), t('Hier siehst du grafisch dargestellt, wer gegen wen spielt und kannst Ergebnisse melden')); if ($team_anz == 0) { $func->information(t('Dieses Turnier wurde noch nicht generiert. Die Paarungen sind noch nicht bekannt.'), "index.php?mod=tournament2&action=tree&step=1"); break; } elseif ($tournament['mode'] == "all") { $func->information(t('Ein Turnierbaum ist für diesen Spiel-Modus nicht vorgesehen. Schaue bitte unter Paarungen nach'), "index.php?mod=tournament2&action=games&step=2&tournamentid=" . $_GET['tournamentid']); break; } else { if ($tournament['mode'] == "liga") { $height = $team_anz * 20 + 30; } else { $height = $team_anz / 2 * 50 + 60; } if ($tournament["mode"] == "groups" && $_POST['group'] == '') {
} if ($user_data['nglclanid']) { $ngl .= '(' . $user_data['nglclanid'] . ')'; } $dsp->AddDoubleRow(t('NGL-ID') . ' (Clan-ID)', $ngl); $lgz = ''; if ($user_data['lgzid']) { $lgz .= $user_data['lgzid'] . ' '; } if ($user_data['lgzclanid']) { $lgz .= '(' . $user_data['lgzclanid'] . ')'; } $dsp->AddDoubleRow(t('LGZ-ID') . ' (Clan-ID)', $lgz); $dsp->AddFieldsetEnd(); include_once "modules/tournament2/class_tournament.php"; $tfunc = new tfunc(); // Own Teams $dsp->AddFieldsetStart(t('Benutzer hat folgende Teams eröffnet')); $leader_teams = $db->qry("SELECT t.name, t.tournamentid AS tid, team.name AS teamname, team.teamid \n FROM %prefix%t2_teams AS team\n LEFT JOIN %prefix%tournament_tournaments AS t ON t.tournamentid = team.tournamentid\n WHERE team.leaderid = %int% AND t.party_id = %int%", $_GET['userid'], $cfg['signon_partyid']); if ($db->num_rows($leader_teams) == 0) { $dsp->AddSingleRow('<i>-' . t('Keine') . '-</i>'); } else { while ($leader_team = $db->fetch_array($leader_teams)) { $dsp->AddDoubleRow('<a href="index.php?mod=tournament2&action=details&tournamentid=' . $leader_team['tid'] . '">' . $leader_team['name'] . '</a>', $leader_team['teamname'] . ' ' . $tfunc->button_team_details($leader_team['teamid'], $leader_team['tid'])); } } $dsp->AddFieldsetEnd(); // Teammember $dsp->AddFieldsetStart(t('Benutzer ist in folgenden Teams Mitglied')); $member_teams = $db->qry("SELECT t.name, t.tournamentid AS tid, team.name AS teamname, team.teamid \n FROM %prefix%t2_teams AS team\n LEFT JOIN %prefix%tournament_tournaments AS t ON t.tournamentid = team.tournamentid\n LEFT JOIN %prefix%t2_teammembers AS m ON team.teamid = m.teamid\n WHERE m.userid = %int% AND t.party_id = %int%", $_GET['userid'], $cfg['signon_partyid']); if ($db->num_rows($member_teams) == 0) {
<?php include_once "modules/tournament2/class_tournament.php"; $tfunc = new tfunc(); $headermenuitem = $_GET['headermenuitem']; if ($headermenuitem == "") { $headermenuitem = 1; } $tournament = $db->qry_first("SELECT t.*, a.username AS techadmin_name, r.username AS tournamentadmin_name, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starttime) AS starttime FROM %prefix%tournament_tournaments AS t \n LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS r ON t.tournamentadmin = r.userid\n LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS a ON t.techadmin = a.userid\n WHERE tournamentid = %int%", $_GET['tournamentid']); if (!$tournament["tournamentid"]) { $func->error(t('Das ausgewählte Turnier existiert nicht'), "index.php?mod=tournament2"); } else { switch ($_GET['step']) { // Shuffle maps case 20: if ($auth['type'] <= 1) { $func->information('ACCESS_DENIED'); } else { $maps = explode("\n", $tournament["mapcycle"]); shuffle($maps); $tournament["mapcycle"] = implode("\n", $maps); $db->qry("UPDATE %prefix%tournament_tournaments SET mapcycle = %string% WHERE tournamentid = %int%", $tournament['mapcycle'], $_GET['tournamentid']); } break; } switch ($_GET['step']) { case 10: // Activate Seeding $seeded = $db->qry_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS anz FROM %prefix%t2_teams WHERE (tournamentid = %int%) AND (seeding_mark = '1') GROUP BY tournamentid", $_GET['tournamentid']); $team = $db->qry_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS anz FROM %prefix%t2_teams WHERE (tournamentid = %int%) GROUP BY tournamentid", $_GET['tournamentid']); if ($seeded['anz'] + 1 > $team['anz'] / 2) {
<?php include_once "modules/tournament2/class_tournament.php"; $tfunc = new tfunc(); $dsp->NewContent(t('Turnier-Zeitplan'), t('Hier siehst du, welches Turnier zu welcher Zeit stattfindet.')); // Generate Table-head $mintime = 9999999999; $maxtime = 0; $tournaments = $db->qry("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starttime) AS starttime\n FROM %prefix%tournament_tournaments\n WHERE party_id = %int% AND (%int% > 1 OR status != 'invisible')", $party->party_id, $auth['type']); while ($tournament = $db->fetch_array($tournaments)) { // Calc Min-Time if ($tournament["starttime"] < $mintime) { $mintime = $tournament["starttime"]; } // Calc Max-Time $team_anz = $tfunc->GetTeamAnz($tournament["tournamentid"], $tournament["mode"]); $max_round = 1; for ($z = $team_anz / 2; $z >= 2; $z /= 2) { $max_round++; } $endtime = $tfunc->GetGameEnd($tournament, $max_round); if ($endtime > $maxtime) { $maxtime = $endtime; } } $db->free_result($tournaments); if ($maxtime > $mintime + 60 * 60 * 24 * 4) { $maxtime = $mintime + 60 * 60 * 24 * 4; } $head .= "<td><b>" . t('Turnier') . "</b></td>"; for ($z = $mintime; $z <= $maxtime; $z += 60 * 60 * 2) {
<?php $tournamentid = (int) $_GET["tournamentid"]; include_once "modules/tournament2/class_tournament.php"; $tfunc = new tfunc(); function WriteGame() { global $spieler1, $gameid1, $score1, $spieler1_id, $i, $tournamentid, $game, $dsp, $auth, $lang; if ($spieler1 == "") { $spieler1 = $game['name']; $gameid1 = $game['gameid']; $score1 = $game['score']; $spieler1_id = $game['leaderid']; } else { $i++; $spieler2 = $game['name']; $gameid2 = $game['gameid']; $score2 = $game['score']; $spieler2_id = $game['leaderid']; // Set Colour if ($spieler1_id == 0 && $spieler2_id != 0) { $spieler2 = "<font color=\"#006600\">{$spieler2}</font>"; } elseif ($spieler2_id == 0 && $spieler1_id != 0) { $spieler1 = "<font color=\"#006600\">{$spieler1}</font>"; } elseif ($score1 > 0 || $score2 > 0) { if ($score1 > $score2) { $spieler1 = "<font color=\"#006600\">{$spieler1}</font>"; $spieler2 = "<font color=\"#660000\">{$spieler2}</font>"; } elseif ($score1 < $score2) { $spieler1 = "<font color=\"#660000\">{$spieler1}</font>"; $spieler2 = "<font color=\"#006600\">{$spieler2}</font>";
} if ($tournament['mode'] == "liga") { $modus = t('Liga'); } if ($tournament['mode'] == "groups") { $modus = t('Gruppenspiele + KO'); } if ($tournament['mode'] == "all") { $modus = t('Alle in einem'); } if ($tournament['status'] != "closed" && $tournament['mode'] != "liga") { $func->information(t('Dieses Turnier wurde noch nicht beendet. Die Rangliste ist daher noch nicht bekannt.'), "index.php?mod=tournament2&action=rangliste&step=1"); break; } include_once "modules/tournament2/class_tournament.php"; $tfunc = new tfunc(); $ranking_data = $tfunc->get_ranking($_GET['tournamentid']); $dsp->NewContent(t('Turnier %1 (%2) - Rangliste', $tournament['name'], $modus), t('Hier siehst du das Ergebnis dieses Turniers')); $rows = ''; $anz_elements = count($ranking_data->tid); for ($i = 0; $i < $anz_elements; $i++) { $akt_pos = $ranking_data->tid[$i]; $ranking_data->disqualified[$i] ? $mark = "<font color=\"#ff0000\">" : ($mark = ""); $ranking_data->disqualified[$i] ? $mark2 = "</font>" : ($mark2 = ""); if ($tournament['mode'] == "liga") { $score_out = $ranking_data->score[$i] . " : " . $ranking_data->score_en[$i]; $smarty->assign('cell1', t('Platz') . " " . $ranking_data->pos[$i]); $smarty->assign('cell2', $mark . $ranking_data->name[$i] . $mark2 . $tfunc->button_team_details($akt_pos, $_GET['tournamentid'])); $smarty->assign('cell3', $ranking_data->win[$i]); $smarty->assign('cell4', $ranking_data->score_dif[$i] . " ({$score_out})"); $smarty->assign('cell5', $ranking_data->games[$i]);