$montant = 0; foreach ($operations as $op) { $d->setSource($op['DATETRANSACTION']); # $type = ($op['TYPE'] == "C" ? "CREDIT" : "DEBIT"); $type = $op['TYPE']; echo "<tr><td>" . $d->getDate() . '-' . $d->getMois(3) . "-" . $d->getYear(2) . "</td>" . "<td>" . $op['NOMEL'] . ' ' . $op['PRENOMEL'] . ".</td><td>" . $op['REFCAISSE'] . "</td>" . '<td>' . $op['DESCRIPTION'] . '</td><td align="right">' . moneyString($op['MONTANT']) . "</td>"; if ($op['VALIDE'] == 0) { echo "<td style='background-color:#ff9999' align='center'>En cours</td>"; } else { echo "<td style='background-color:#99ff99' align='center'>Validée</td>"; } echo "<td align='center'><img onclick = \"tooltip_on(event,'" . $op['IDCAISSE'] . "')\"" . " style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_info() . "' />"; # Droit d'impression des recu if (isAuth(522)) { if (!empty($op['PERCUPAR'])) { echo " <img style='cursor:pointer' title='Imprimer le recu de cette operation caisse' " . "src='" . img_print() . "' onclick=\"document.location='" . Router::url("caisse", "recu", $op['IDCAISSE']) . "'\">"; } else { echo " <img style='cursor:pointer' title='Certifier que vous avez recu ce montant' " . "src='" . img_accept() . "' onclick=\"percuRecu(" . $op['IDCAISSE'] . ")\">"; } } echo "</td><td align='center'>"; if (peutValiderLesOperationsCaisses()) { if ($op['VALIDE'] == 0 && !empty($op['PERCUPAR'])) { echo "<img onclick=\"validerOperation(" . $op['IDCAISSE'] . ")\" " . "style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_valider() . "' /> "; } else { echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_valider_disabled() . "' /> "; } } else { echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_valider_disabled() . "' /> "; } if (peutSupprimerLesOperationsCaisses()) {
<table class="dataTable" id="punitionTable"> <thead><th>Date</th><th>Elèves</th><th>Puni par</th><th>Type</th><th>Motif</th><th>Durée</th><th></th></thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($punitions as $p) { $d = new DateFR($p['DATEPUNITION']); echo "<tr><td>" . $d->getDate() . " " . $d->getMois(3) . " " . $d->getYear() . "</td><td>" . $p['NOM'] . " " . $p['PRENOM'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $p['PUNISSEUR'] . "</td><td>" . $p['LIBELLE'] . "</td><td>" . $p['MOTIF'] . "</td><td>" . $p['DUREE'] . " jrs</td>"; //echo "<td><img style ='cursor:pointer' src = '" . img_edit() . "' /> "; echo "<td><img style ='cursor:pointer' src = '" . img_delete() . "' onclick=\"supprimerPunition('" . $p['IDPUNITION'] . "')\" /> "; echo "<img style ='cursor:pointer' src = '" . img_print() . "' onclick = \"printPunition('" . $p['IDPUNITION'] . "')\" /></td></tr>"; } ?> </tbody> </table>
?> " /></th> <th>Matière - classe</th><th>Coeff.</th><th>Libellé du devoir</th><th></th></thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($notations as $n) { $d = new DateFR($n['DATEDEVOIR']); echo "<tr><td>" . $d->getDate() . " " . $d->getMois(3) . " " . $d->getYear() . "</td><td>" . $n['SEQUENCELIBELLE'] . "</td>"; if ($n['NOTATIONVERROUILLER'] == 1) { echo "<td align='center'><input type='checkbox' checked disabled='disabled' /></td>"; } else { echo "<td align='center'><input disabled='disabled' type='checkbox' /></td>"; } echo "<td>" . $n['MATIERELIBELLE'] . " - " . $n['CLASSELIBELLE'] . "</td><td align='right'>" . $n['COEFF'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $n['DESCRIPTION'] . "</td><td align='center'><img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_info() . "'\n onclick = \"tooltip_on(event,'" . $n['IDNOTATION'] . "')\" /> "; echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_print() . "' onclick=\"impression(" . $n['IDNOTATION'] . ")\" /> "; if (isAuth(407) && $n['NOTATIONVERROUILLER'] != 1) { echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_edit() . "' onclick=\"editNotation(" . $n['IDNOTATION'] . ")\" /> "; } else { echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_edit_disabled() . "' /> "; } if ($n['NOTATIONVERROUILLER'] == 1) { echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_delete_disabled() . "' />"; } elseif (isAuth(409)) { echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_delete() . "' onclick=\"supprimerNotation(" . $n['IDNOTATION'] . ")\" />"; } else { echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_delete_disabled() . "' />"; } echo "</td></tr>"; } ?>
} foreach ($soldes as $el) { echo "<tr><td>" . $el['MATRICULE'] . "</td><td>" . $el['NOM'] . " " . $el['PRENOM'] . "</td>"; if (in_array($el['IDELEVE'], $array_of_redoublants)) { echo "<td align = 'center'><input type = 'checkbox' disabled checked /></td>"; } else { echo "<td align = 'center'><input type = 'checkbox' disabled /></td>"; } echo "<td align ='right'>" . moneyString($el['MONTANTPAYE']) . "</td>"; echo "<td align ='right'>" . moneyString($el['MONTANTPAYE'] - $montanfraisapplicable) . "</td>"; if ($el['MONTANTPAYE'] >= $montanfraisapplicable) { echo "<td style='background-color:#99ff99;text-align:center'>#C#</td>"; } else { echo "<td style='background-color:#ff9999;text-align:center'>#D#</td>"; } echo "<td align ='center'><img style='cursor:pointer' title='Imprimer le compte de cet élèves' " . "src='" . img_print() . "' onclick=\"imprimerCompte(" . $el['IDELEVE'] . ")\"></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } ?> </tbody> </table> <script> $(document).ready(function () { if (!$.fn.DataTable.isDataTable("#tableFinance")) { $("#tableFinance").DataTable({ scrollY: $(".page").height() - 160, "columns": [ {"width": "7%"}, null, {"width": "12%"},
<table class="dataTable" id="tableDiscipline"> <thead><tr><th>N°</th><th>Noms et Prénoms</th><th>Retards</th><th>Absences</th><th></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <?php $i = 1; foreach ($absences as $abs) { echo "<tr><td>" . $i . "</td><td>" . $abs['NOM'] . " " . $abs['PRENOM'] . "</td>" . "<td align='right'>" . $abs['SUMRETARD'] . "</td>" . "<td align='right'>" . $abs['SUMABSENCE'] . " Hrs</td>" . "<td align='center'><img src='" . img_print() . "' style='cursor:pointer' " . "onclick=\"imprimerAbsence(" . $abs['IDPERSONNEL'] . ")\" /></td></tr>"; $i++; } ?> </tbody> </table> <script> $(document).ready(function () { if (!$.fn.DataTable.isDataTable("#tableDiscipline")) { $("#tableDiscipline").DataTable({ bInfo: false, searching: false, paging: false, columns: [ {"width": "7%"}, null, {"width": "15%"}, {"width": "15%"}, {"width": "5%"} ] }); } }); </script>
<table class="dataTable" id="tablePersonnel"> <thead><th>Civ.</th><th>Matricule</th><th>Nom</th><th>Prénom</th><th>Fonction</th><th>Portable</th> <th></th></thead> <tbody> <?php # 203 consulter les info sur le personnel foreach ($personnels as $p) { echo "<tr><td>" . $p['CIVILITE'] . "</td><td>" . $p['MATRICULE'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $p['NOM'] . "</td><td>" . $p['PRENOM'] . "</td><td>" . $p['LIBELLE'] . "</td><td>" . $p['PORTABLE'] . "</td>" . "<td align='center'>"; if (isAuth(203)) { echo "<img src='" . img_print() . "' style='cursor:pointer' " . "onclick = \"impression('" . $p['IDPERSONNEL'] . "')\" /> "; } if (isAuth(513)) { echo "<img style ='cursor:pointer' src = '" . img_edit() . "' " . "onclick = \"document.location='" . Router::url("personnel", "edit", $p['IDPERSONNEL']) . "'\" /> "; } else { echo "<img style ='cursor:pointer' src = '" . img_edit_disabled() . "' /> "; } if (isAuth(507)) { echo "<img style ='cursor:pointer' src = '" . img_delete() . "' " . "onclick =\"deleteRow('" . Router::url("personnel", "delete", $p['IDPERSONNEL']) . "', '" . $p['NOM'] . " " . $p['PRENOM'] . "')\" />"; } else { echo "<img style ='cursor:pointer' src = '" . img_delete_disabled() . "' />"; } echo "</td></tr>"; } ?> </tbody> </table> <script> $(document).ready(function () { if (!$.fn.DataTable.isDataTable("#tablePersonnel")) { $('#tablePersonnel').DataTable({
// Date in the past header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); // OK header('Content-type: image/png'); print $_SESSION['current_lab']->images[$_GET['img_id']]->content; } else { if (isset($_GET['img_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['img_id'])) { // Used if single image is selected (outside a lab) header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); // OK header('Content-type: image/png'); print img_print($_GET['img_id']); } else { $status = 'Error'; $message = 'Cannot print image.'; xml_message('AJAX ' . $action, $status, $message); } } break; /************************************************************************* * Delete a lab * *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* * Delete a lab * *************************************************************************/ case 'lab_delete': // Must be admin and lab_id must be numeric
} echo "<td class='{$class}'></td>"; if (!empty($abs['JUSTIFIER'])) { echo "<td align='center'><input type='checkbox' checked disabled /></td>"; } else { echo "<td align='center'><input type='checkbox' disabled /></td>"; } echo "<td align='center'>"; if (!empty($abs['JUSTIFIER'])) { echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src = '" . img_valider_disabled() . "' /> "; echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src = '" . img_delete() . "' " . "onclick = \"supprimerJustification('" . $abs['JUSTIFIER'] . "', '" . $abs['IDABSENCE'] . "')\" /> "; echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_print() . "' " . "onclick=\"printJustification('" . $abs['JUSTIFIER'] . "', '" . $abs['IDABSENCE'] . "')\" />"; } else { echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src = '" . img_valider() . "' \n onclick = \"openFormJustification(this, '" . $abs['IDABSENCE'] . "');\" /> "; echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src = '" . img_delete_disabled() . "' /> "; echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_print() . "' />"; } echo "</td></tr>"; $i++; } } } ?> </tbody> </table> <div id="justification-dialog-form" class="dialog" title="Justification" > <span style="width: 100%"><label>Motif de la justification : </label><input style="width: 100%" type="text" name="motif" /></span> <span style="width: 100%"><label>Description détaillé : </label> <textarea name="description" rows="3" cols="40" ></textarea></span> </div> <script>