Пример #1
# $Id: division-forum.php,v 1.4 2008/01/09 17:16:02 publicwhip Exp $
# vim:sw=4:ts=4:et:nowrap
# The Public Whip, Copyright (C) 2003 Francis Irving and Julian Todd
# This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
# certain conditions.  However, it comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# For details see the file LICENSE.html in the top level of the source.
require_once "db.inc";
require_once "decodeids.inc";
require_once "account/user.inc";
require_once "database.inc";
require_once "divisionvote.inc";
require_once "forummagic.inc";
require_once "pretty.inc";
$db = new DB();
# decode the attributes
$divattr = get_division_attr_decode($db, "");
if ($divattr == "none") {
    trigger_error('Division not found', E_USER_ERROR);
$motion_data = get_wiki_current_value($db, "motion", array($divattr["division_date"], $divattr["division_number"], $divattr['house']));
$name = extract_title_from_wiki_text($motion_data['text_body']);
$description = extract_motion_text_from_wiki_text($motion_data['text_body']);
$just_logged_in = do_login_screen();
if ($just_logged_in) {
    header("Location: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\n");
# Find discuss URL
$discuss_url = divisionvote_post_forum_link($db, $divattr['division_date'], $divattr['division_number'], $divattr['house']);
if (!$discuss_url) {
    if (user_isloggedin()) {
        // First time someone logged in comes along, add division to the forum
Пример #2
require_once "parliaments.inc";
function no_division_found($plural)
    $title = "Division{$plural} not found";
    print "<p>Public Whip does not have this/these divisions.  Perhaps it\n    \t\t  doesn't exist, or it hasn't been added to The Public Whip yet.\n\t\t      New divisions are added one or two working days after they happen.</p>\n\t\t     <p><a href=\"divisions.php\">Browse for a division</a> </p>";
# decode the attributes
$divattr = get_division_attr_decode("");
if ($divattr == "none") {
# second division (which we can compare against)
$divattr2 = get_division_attr_decode("2");
$singlemotionpage = $divattr2 == "none";
$div_id = $divattr["division_id"];
# current motion text from the database
$motion_data = get_wiki_current_value("motion", array($divattr["division_date"], $divattr["division_number"], $divattr['house']));
$name = extract_title_from_wiki_text($motion_data['text_body']);
$source = $divattr["source_url"];
$rebellions = $divattr["rebellions"];
$turnout = $divattr["turnout"];
$original_motion = $divattr["original_motion"];
$debate_url = $divattr["debate_url"];
$source_gid = $divattr["source_gid"];
$debate_gid = $divattr["debate_gid"];
$div_no = html_scrub($divattr["division_number"]);
$this_anchor = $divattr["divhref"];
$house = $divattr["house"];
Пример #3
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

require_once "common.inc";
# $Id: twfydivinsert.php,v 1.3 2005/12/22 18:22:28 publicwhip Exp $
# vim:sw=4:ts=4:et:nowrap
# The Public Whip, Copyright (C) 2003 Francis Irving and Julian Todd
# This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
# certain conditions.  However, it comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# For details see the file LICENSE.html in the top level of the source.
require_once "db.inc";
$db = new DB();
require_once "decodeids.inc";
require_once "tablepeop.inc";
require_once "tablemake.inc";
require_once "tableoth.inc";
require_once "pretty.inc";
# decode the attributes
$divattr = get_division_attr_decode("");
$div_id = $divattr["division_id"];
print_party_summary_division($div_id, "www.publicwhip.org.uk/", $divattr["house"]);