Пример #1
 function print_text($length = 0, $html_id = false)
     global $current_user, $globals;
     if ($length > 0 && mb_strlen($this->content) > $length + $length / 2) {
         $this->content = preg_replace('/&\\w*$/', '', mb_substr($this->content, 0, $length));
         $expand = '...&nbsp;&nbsp;' . '<a href="javascript:load_html(\'get_commentmobile.php\',\'comment\',\'cid-' . $this->id . '\',0,' . $this->id . ')" title="' . _('resto del comentario') . '">&#187;&nbsp;' . _('ver todo el comentario') . '</a>';
     echo put_smileys(save_text_to_html($this->content)) . $expand;
     echo "\n";
Пример #2
	function print_summary($link) {
		global $current_user;
		static $comment_counter = 0;

		if(!$this->read) return;
		echo '<li id="c-'.$this->id.'"><div class="comment-body" id="comment-'.$comment_counter.'"><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$link->id.'#comment-'.$comment_counter.'"><strong>#'.$comment_counter.'</strong></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$this->put_smileys(save_text_to_html($this->content)).'</div>';
		echo '<div class="comment-info">';
		echo _('escrito por'). ' <a href="./user.php?login='******'">'.$this->username.'</a> '._('hace').' '.txt_time_diff($this->date);
		echo '<img src="'.get_gravatar_url($this->email, 20).'" width="20" height="20" alt="'.$this->username.'" title="gravatar.com" /></div></li>'."\n";

Пример #3
include_once mnminclude . 'search.php';
include_once mnminclude . 'smartyvariables.php';
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
global $the_template, $main_smarty, $db;
$body = '';
$res = "select comment_content,comment_id,link_id, " . table_links . ".link_title_url, " . table_links . ".link_category from " . table_comments . "," . table_links . " WHERE comment_link_id = link_id ORDER BY comment_date DESC limit " . comments_size_sidebar . "";
$list_comments = $db->get_results($res);
if ($list_comments) {
    foreach ($list_comments as $row) {
        if ($row->link_title_url == "") {
            $story_url = getmyurl("story", $row->link_id);
        } else {
            $story_url = getmyurl("storyURL", comments_category_safe_name($row->link_category), urlencode($row->link_title_url), $row->link_id);
        $main_smarty->assign('comment_url', $story_url . "#c" . $row->comment_id);
        $main_smarty->assign('comment_text', ShortenText(save_text_to_html($row->comment_content)));
        $body .= $main_smarty->fetch($the_template . '/sidebar_comments.tpl');
$main_smarty->assign('live_url', getmyurl("comments"));
$main_smarty->assign('sc_body', $body);
$main_smarty->display($the_template . '/sidebar_comments_wrapper.tpl');
$main_smarty->assign('ss_toggle_id', 'latcomments');
// determine the amount of characters to show for each comment
function ShortenText($text)
    $chars = comments_length_sidebar;
    $text = strip_tags($text);
    $text = $text . " ";
    $text = substr($text, 0, $chars);
    $text = substr($text, 0, strrpos($text, ' '));
Пример #4
include_once mnminclude . 'post.php';
if (!empty($_GET['id'])) {
    if (preg_match('/([\\w\\.\\-_]+)-(\\d+)/', $_GET['id'], $matches) > 0) {
        $user = $db->escape($matches[1]);
        $date = $matches[2];
        $id = (int) $db->get_var("select post_id from posts, users where user_login = '******' and post_user_id = user_id and post_date < FROM_UNIXTIME({$date}) order by post_date desc limit 1");
        if (!$id > 0) {
            echo '<strong>Error: </strong>' . _('usuario o nota no encontrada');
    } else {
        $id = intval($_GET['id']);
} else {
$post = new Post();
$post->id = $id;
if (!$post->read) {
echo '<div style="font-size:8.5pt;width:280px; margin-right:15px; overflow:hidden">';
if ($post->avatar) {
    echo '<img src="' . get_avatar_url($post->author, $post->avatar, 40) . '" width="40" height="40" alt="avatar" style="float:left; margin: 0 5px 5px 0;"/>';
echo '<a href="' . post_get_base_url($post->username) . '" target="_blank"><strong>' . $post->username . '</strong></a> (' . $post->src . ')<br/>';
echo put_smileys(save_text_to_html($post->content));
echo '</div>';
Пример #5
 function print_text($length = 0)
     global $current_user, $globals;
     if (!$this->basic_summary && ($this->author == $current_user->user_id && time() - $this->date < $globals['posts_edit_time'] || $current_user->user_level == 'god' && time() - $this->date < $globals['posts_edit_time_admin'])) {
         // Admins can edit up to 10 days
         $expand = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:post_edit(' . $this->id . ')" title="' . _('editar') . '"><img class="mini-icon-text" src="' . $globals['base_static'] . 'img/common/edit-misc01.png" alt="edit" width="18" height="12"/></a>';
     } elseif ($length > 0) {
         $this->content = text_to_summary($this->content, $length);
     echo put_smileys($this->put_tooltips(save_text_to_html($this->content, 'posts'))) . $expand;
     echo "\n";
Пример #6
function akismet_showpage()
    global $main_smarty, $the_template, $current_user, $db;
    $canIhaveAccess = 0;
    $canIhaveAccess = $canIhaveAccess + checklevel('admin');
    if ($canIhaveAccess == 1) {
        $navwhere['text1'] = 'Akismet';
        $navwhere['link1'] = URL_akismet;
        define('pagename', 'akismet');
        $main_smarty->assign('pagename', pagename);
        define('modulename', 'akismet');
        $main_smarty->assign('modulename', modulename);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['view'])) {
            $view = sanitize($_REQUEST['view'], 3);
        } else {
            $view = '';
        if ($view == '') {
            $wordpress_key = get_misc_data('wordpress_key');
            if ($wordpress_key == '') {
                header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageKey');
            $main_smarty->assign('spam_links_count', akismet_get_link_count());
            $main_smarty->assign('spam_comments_count', akismet_get_comment_count());
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'main');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if ($view == 'updateKey') {
            if ($_REQUEST['key']) {
                $wordpress_key = sanitize($_REQUEST['key'], 3);
                // Verify key before save
                if (phpnum() >= 5) {
                    include akismet_lib_path . 'Akismet.class_5.php';
                    $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, $wordpress_key);
                    if (!$akismet->isKeyValid()) {
                        $main_smarty->assign('error', 1);
                    } else {
                        misc_data_update('wordpress_key', $wordpress_key);
                } else {
                    include akismet_lib_path . 'Akismet.class_4.php';
                    $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, $wordpress_key);
                    if (!$akismet->_isValidApiKey($wordpress_key)) {
                        $main_smarty->assign('error', 1);
                    } else {
                        misc_data_update('wordpress_key', $wordpress_key);
            } else {
                $wordpress_key = '';
                misc_data_update('wordpress_key', $wordpress_key);
            $view = 'manageKey';
        if ($view == 'manageKey') {
            $wordpress_key = get_misc_data('wordpress_key');
            $main_smarty->assign('wordpress_key', $wordpress_key);
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageKey');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if ($view == 'manageSpam') {
            $sql = "SELECT " . table_links . ".*, " . table_users . ".user_login FROM " . table_links . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . table_users . " ON link_author=user_id \r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . table_prefix . "spam_links ON linkid=link_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE !ISNULL(linkid)";
            $link_data = $db->get_results($sql);
            if (sizeof($link_data)) {
                $main_smarty->assign('link_data', object_2_array($link_data));
            } else {
                header("Location: " . my_pligg_base . "/admin/admin_index.php");
                //				header('Location: ' . URL_akismet);
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageSpam');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if ($view == 'manageSettings') {
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageSettings');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if ($view == 'manageSpamcomments') {
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . table_prefix . "spam_comments ";
            $link_data = $db->get_results($sql);
            if (sizeof($link_data)) {
                $user_cmt = new User();
                $user_cmt_link = new Link();
                $spam_output .= ' <form name="bulk_moderate" action="' . URL_akismet_isSpamcomment . '&action=bulkmod" method="post">';
                $spam_output .= '<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">';
                $spam_output .= "<thead>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th>Author</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th>Content</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th style='width:65px;text-align:center;'><input type='checkbox' name='all1' onclick='mark_all_spam();' style='display:none;'><a onclick='mark_all_spam();' style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;'>Spam</a></th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th style='width:80px;text-align:center;'><input type='checkbox' name='all2' onclick='mark_all_notspam();' style='display:none;'><a onclick='mark_all_notspam();' style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;'>Not Spam</a></th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tbody>";
                foreach ($link_data as $spam_cmts) {
                    $user_cmt->id = $spam_cmts->userid;
                    $user_name = $user_cmt->username;
                    $user_cmt_link->id = $spam_cmts->linkid;
                    $spam_output .= "<tr>";
                    $spam_output .= "\t<td>" . $user_name . "</td>";
                    $spam_output .= "\t<td><a href='story.php?id=" . ($user_cmt_link->id = $spam_cmts->linkid . "'>" . save_text_to_html($spam_cmts->cmt_content) . "</a></td>");
                    $spam_output .= '	<td style="text-align:center;"><input type="radio" name="spamcomment[' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . ']" id="spamcomment-' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . '" value="spamcomment"></td>';
                    $spam_output .= '	<td style="text-align:center;"><input type="radio" name="spamcomment[' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . ']" id="spamcomment-' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . '" value="notspamcomment"></td>';
                    $spam_output .= "</tr>";
                $spam_output .= "</tbody></table>";
                $spam_output .= '<p align="right" style="margin-top:10px;"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Apply Changes" class="btn btn-default" /></p>';
                $spam_output .= "</form>";
                $main_smarty->assign('spam_output', $spam_output);
                $main_smarty->assign('link_data', object_2_array($link_data));
            } else {
                header("Location: " . my_pligg_base . "/admin/admin_index.php");
                //				header('Location: ' . URL_akismet);
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageSpamcomments');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if (phpnum() >= 5) {
            include_once akismet_lib_path . 'Akismet.class_5.php';
        } else {
            include_once akismet_lib_path . 'Akismet.class_4.php';
        if ($view == 'isSpam') {
            if ($_GET['action'] == "bulkmod") {
                if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                    $spam = array();
                    foreach ($_POST["spam"] as $k => $v) {
                        $spam[intval($k)] = $v;
                    foreach ($spam as $key => $value) {
                        if (isset($key)) {
                            $link_id = sanitize($key, 3);
                        } else {
                        $link = new Link();
                        $link->id = $link_id;
                        $user = new User();
                        $user->id = $link->author;
                        if (phpnum() < 5) {
                            $comment = array('author' => $user->username, 'email' => $user->email, 'website' => $link->url, 'body' => $link->content, 'permalink' => my_base_url . getmyurl('story', $link->id));
                            $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'), $comment);
                        } else {
                            $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'));
                            $akismet->setPermalink(my_base_url . getmyurl('story', $link->id));
                        if ($value == "spam") {
                            $link->status = 'spam';
                        } elseif ($value == "notspam") {
                            $link->status = 'new';
                        $db->query("DELETE FROM " . table_prefix . "spam_links WHERE linkid={$link_id}");
            header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpam');
        if ($view == 'isSpamcomment') {
            if ($_GET['action'] == "bulkmod") {
                if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                    $spamcomment = array();
                    foreach ($_POST["spamcomment"] as $k => $v) {
                        $spamcomment[intval($k)] = $v;
                    foreach ($spamcomment as $key => $value) {
                        if (isset($key)) {
                            $link_id = sanitize($key, 3);
                        } else {
                        $sql_result = "Select * from " . table_prefix . "spam_comments where auto_id=" . $link_id;
                        $result = $db->get_row($sql_result);
                        $link = new Link();
                        $link->id = $result->linkid;
                        $user = new User();
                        $user->id = $result->userid;
                        if (phpnum() < 5) {
                            $comment = array('author' => $user->username, 'email' => $user->email, 'website' => $link->url, 'body' => $result->cmt_content, 'permalink' => my_base_url . getmyurl('story', $link->id));
                            $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'), $comment);
                        } else {
                            $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'));
                            $akismet->setPermalink(my_base_url . getmyurl('story', $link->id));
                        if ($value == "spamcomment") {
                        } elseif ($value == "notspamcomment") {
                            $sql = "INSERT INTO " . table_comments . " (comment_parent, comment_user_id, comment_link_id , comment_date, comment_randkey, comment_content) VALUES ('{$result->cmt_parent}', '{$result->userid}', '{$result->linkid}', now(), '{$result->cmt_rand}', '{$result->cmt_content}')";
                            #print $sql;
                        $db->query(' Delete from ' . table_prefix . 'spam_comments where auto_id=' . $link_id);
                header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpamcomments');
    } else {
        header("Location: " . getmyurl('login', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
Пример #7
	function print_text($length = 0) {
		global $current_user, $globals;

		if ($this->author == $current_user->user_id &&
			time() - $this->date < $globals['comment_edit_time']) {
			$expand = '<br /><br />&#187;&nbsp;' . 
				'<a href="javascript:get_votes(\'comment_edit.php\',\'edit_comment\',\'ccontainer-'.$this->id.'\',0,'.$this->id.')" title="'._('editar').'">'._('editar comentario').'</a>';

		} elseif ($length>0 && strlen($this->content) > $length + $length/2) {
			$this->content = substr($this->content, 0 , $length);
			$expand = '...<br /><br />&#187;&nbsp;' .
				'<a href="javascript:get_votes(\'get_comment.php\',\'comment\',\'c-'.$this->id.'\',0,'.$this->id.')" title="'._('resto del comentario').'">'._('ver todo el comentario').'</a>';
		echo $this->put_smileys(save_text_to_html($this->content)) . $expand;
Пример #8
 function print_text($length = 0, $single_link = true)
     global $current_user, $globals;
     if ($this->author == $current_user->user_id && $globals['now'] - $this->date < $globals['comment_edit_time'] || $current_user->user_level == 'god') {
         // gods can always edit
         $expand = '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:get_votes(\'comment_edit.php\',\'edit_comment\',\'ccontainer-' . $this->id . '\',0,' . $this->id . ')" title="' . _('editar comentario') . '"><img src="' . $globals['base_url'] . 'img/common/edit-misc01.png" alt="edit"/></a>';
     } elseif ($length > 0 && mb_strlen($this->content) > $length + $length / 2) {
         $this->content = preg_replace('/&\\w*$/', '', mb_substr($this->content, 0, $length));
         $expand = '...&nbsp;&nbsp;' . '<a href="javascript:get_votes(\'get_comment.php\',\'comment\',\'cid-' . $this->id . '\',0,' . $this->id . ')" title="' . _('resto del comentario') . '">&#187;&nbsp;' . _('ver todo el comentario') . '</a>';
     echo put_smileys($this->put_comment_tooltips(save_text_to_html($this->content))) . $expand;
     echo "\n";
Пример #9
	END WARNING ******/
if ($last_modified <= $if_modified) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
$comment = new Comment();
$link = new Link();
$comments = $db->get_col($sql);
if ($comments) {
    foreach ($comments as $comment_id) {
        $comment->id = $comment_id;
        $content = save_text_to_html($comment->content);
        echo "\t<item>\n";
        $link_id = $link->id = $comment->link;
        $link_title = $db->get_var("select link_title from links where link_id = {$link_id}");
        // Title must not carry htmlentities
        echo "\t\t<title><![CDATA[" . html_entity_decode($link_title) . "]]></title>\n";
        echo "\t\t<link>" . $link->get_permalink() . "#comment-" . $comment->order . "</link>\n";
        echo "\t\t<pubDate>" . date("r", $comment->date) . "</pubDate>\n";
        echo "\t\t<dc:creator>{$comment->username}</dc:creator>\n";
        echo "\t\t<guid>" . $link->get_permalink() . "#comment-" . $comment->order . "</guid>\n";
        echo "\t\t<description><![CDATA[<p>{$content}";
        echo '</p><p>&#187;&nbsp;' . _('autor') . ': <strong>' . $comment->username . '</strong></p>';
        echo '<p><img src="http://' . get_server_name() . $globals['base_url'] . 'backend/vote_com_img.php?id=' . $link->id . '" alt="votes" width=200, height=16 /></p>';
        echo "]]></description>\n";
        echo "\t</item>\n\n";
Пример #10
if (!empty($_GET['id'])) {
    if (!empty($_GET['link'])) {
        $link = intval($_GET['link']);
        $order = intval($_GET['id']);
        $id = $db->get_var("select comment_id from comments where comment_link_id={$link} and comment_order={$order}");
        if (!$id > 0) {
    } else {
        $id = intval($_GET['id']);
} else {
$comment = new Comment();
$comment->id = $id;
if (!$comment->read) {
if ($comment->type != 'admin') {
    if ($comment->avatar) {
        echo '<img src="' . get_avatar_url($comment->author, $comment->avatar, 40) . '" width="40" height="40" alt="avatar" style="float:left; margin: 0 5px 4px 0;"/>';
    echo '<strong>' . $comment->username . '</strong><br/>';
} else {
    echo '<strong>' . get_server_name() . '</strong><br/>';
echo put_smileys(save_text_to_html(mb_substr($comment->content, 0, 1000)));
Пример #11
    $id = 0;
    $sql = "SELECT post_id FROM posts WHERE {$from_time} ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT {$rows}";
    $last_modified = $db->get_var("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) FROM posts ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 1");
    $title = _('Nótame') . ': ' . _('notas');
$post = new Post();
$posts = $db->get_col($sql);
if ($posts) {
    foreach ($posts as $post_id) {
        $post->id = $post_id;
        $title = text_to_summary($post->clean_content(), 40);
        $title = $post->username . ': ' . htmlentities2unicodeentities($title);
        $content = htmlentities2unicodeentities(put_smileys(save_text_to_html($post->clean_content())));
        echo "\t<item>\n";
        echo "\t\t<title>{$title}</title>\n";
        echo "\t\t<link>http://" . get_server_name() . post_get_base_url($post->username) . '/' . $post->id . "</link>\n";
        echo "\t\t<pubDate>" . date("r", $post->date) . "</pubDate>\n";
        echo "\t\t<dc:creator>{$post->username}</dc:creator>\n";
        echo "\t\t<guid>http://" . get_server_name() . post_get_base_url($post->username) . '/' . $post->id . "</guid>\n";
        // Insert GEO
        if ($latlng = geo_latlng('user', $post->author)) {
            echo "\t\t<georss:point>{$latlng->lat} {$latlng->lng}</georss:point>\n";
        echo "\t\t<description><![CDATA[{$content}";
        echo '</p><p>&#187;&nbsp;' . _('autor') . ': <strong>' . $post->username . '</strong></p>';
        echo "]]></description>\n";
        echo "\t</item>\n\n";
Пример #12
if ($comments) {
    foreach ($comments as $comment_id) {
        $comment = Comment::from_db($comment_id);
        if ($comment->type == 'admin') {
            if ($individual_user) {
            } else {
                $comment->username = get_server_name();
        if ($comment->user_level == 'disabled') {
            $content = '[' . _('Usuario deshabilitado') . ']';
        } else {
            $content = put_smileys(save_text_to_html(htmlentities2unicodeentities($comment->content)));
        echo "\t<item>\n";
        $link = Link::from_db($comment->link);
        echo "\t\t<meneame:comment_id>{$comment->id}</meneame:comment_id>\n";
        echo "\t\t<meneame:link_id>{$comment->link}</meneame:link_id>\n";
        echo "\t\t<meneame:order>{$comment->c_order}</meneame:order>\n";
        echo "\t\t<meneame:user>{$comment->username}</meneame:user>\n";
        echo "\t\t<meneame:votes>" . intval($comment->votes) . "</meneame:votes>\n";
        echo "\t\t<meneame:karma>" . intval($comment->karma) . "</meneame:karma>\n";
        echo "\t\t<meneame:url>" . 'http://' . get_server_name() . $comment->get_relative_individual_permalink() . "</meneame:url>\n";
        // Title must not carry htmlentities
        echo "\t\t<title>#{$comment->order} " . htmlentities2unicodeentities($link->title) . "</title>\n";
        echo "\t\t<link>" . $link->get_permalink() . "/000" . $comment->order . "</link>\n";
        echo "\t\t<pubDate>" . date("r", $comment->date) . "</pubDate>\n";
        echo "\t\t<dc:creator>{$comment->username}</dc:creator>\n";
Пример #13
 function print_text($length = 0)
     global $current_user, $globals;
     if ($this->author == $current_user->user_id && time() - $this->date < 3600 || $current_user->user_level == 'god' && time() - $this->date < 864000) {
         // Admins can edit up to 10 days
         $expand = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:get_votes(\'post_edit.php\',\'edit_post\',\'pcontainer-' . $this->id . '\',0,' . $this->id . ')" title="' . _('editar') . '"><img src="' . $globals['base_url'] . 'img/common/edit-misc01.png" alt="edit"/></a>';
     echo put_smileys($this->put_tooltips(save_text_to_html($this->content))) . $expand;
     echo "\n";
Пример #14
if (!empty($option)) {
    echo '<a href="./">' . _('Todas') . '</a>&nbsp;';
echo '<a href="../">' . _('Muéveme') . '</a>';
echo '</div>';
echo "<ul>\n";
switch ($option) {
    case '':
    case '_all':
        $sql = "SELECT post_id from posts order by post_date desc LIMIT {$page_size}";
        $user = new User();
        $user->username = $db->escape($option);
        if (!$user->read()) {
        $sql = "SELECT post_id FROM posts WHERE post_user_id={$user->id} ORDER BY post_id desc limit {$page_size}";
$posts = $db->get_col($sql);
if ($posts) {
    foreach ($posts as $post_id) {
        $post->id = $post_id;
        echo '<li><a href="./?id=' . htmlspecialchars($post->username) . '">' . $post->username . '</a>: ';
        echo '<span class="text">' . save_text_to_html($post->content) . '</span>';
        echo "</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</body></html>";
Пример #15
	function print_text($length = 0, $html_id=false) {
		global $current_user, $globals;

		if (!$html_id) $html_id = $this->id;

		if (!$this->basic_summary && (
					($this->author == $current_user->user_id && $globals['now'] - $this->date < $globals['comment_edit_time']) 
					|| (($this->author != $current_user->user_id || $this->type == 'admin')
					&& $current_user->user_level == 'god')) ) { // gods can always edit 
			$expand = '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:get_votes(\'comment_edit.php\',\'edit_comment\',\'c-'.$html_id.'\',0,'.$this->id.')" title="'._('editar comentario').'"><img class="mini-icon-text" src="'.$globals['base_static'].'img/common/edit-misc01.png" alt="edit" width="18" height="12"/></a>';

		if ($length > 0 && mb_strlen($this->content) > $length + $length/2) {

			$this->content = preg_replace('/[&<\{]\w*$/', '', mb_substr($this->content, 0 , $length));
			// Check all html tags are closed
			if (preg_match('/<\w+>/', $this->content)) {
				$this->content = close_tags($this->content);
			$this->content = preg_replace('/&\w*$|<\w{1,6}>([^<>]*)$/', "$1", mb_substr($this->content, 0 , $length));
			$expand .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;' .
				'<a href="javascript:get_votes(\'get_comment.php\',\'comment\',\'cid-'.$this->id.'\',0,'.$this->id.')" title="'._('resto del comentario').'">&#187;&nbsp;'._('ver todo el comentario').'</a>';

		echo put_smileys($this->put_comment_tooltips(save_text_to_html($this->content, 'comments'))) . $expand;
		echo "\n";
Пример #16
 function fill_smarty($smarty)
     global $current_user, $the_template, $comment_counter, $link, $ranklist, $db;
     if (!$ranklist) {
         $users = $db->get_results("SELECT user_karma, COUNT(*) FROM " . table_users . " WHERE user_level NOT IN ('Spammer') AND user_karma>0 GROUP BY user_karma ORDER BY user_karma DESC", ARRAY_N);
         $ranklist = array();
         $rank = 1;
         if ($users) {
             foreach ($users as $dbuser) {
                 $ranklist[$dbuser[0]] = $rank;
                 $rank += $dbuser[1];
     $smarty->assign('comment_counter', $comment_counter);
     $text = save_text_to_html($this->content);
     $vars = array('comment_text' => $text, 'comment_id' => $this->id, 'smarty' => $smarty);
     check_actions('show_comment_content', $vars);
     $smarty->assign('comment_content', $vars['comment_text']);
     $vars = array('comment_form_label' => '');
     check_actions('comment_form_label', $vars);
     $smarty->assign('comment_form_label', $vars['comment_form_label']);
     $smarty->assign('current_userid', $current_user->user_id);
     $smarty->assign('user_logged_in', $current_user->user_login);
     $vars = array('comment_username' => $this->username(), 'is_anonymous' => 0, 'comment_id' => $this->id);
     check_actions('show_comment_username', $vars);
     $smarty->assign('user_username', $vars['comment_username']);
     $smarty->assign('user_rank', $ranklist[$this->userkarma]);
     $smarty->assign('is_anonymous', $vars['is_anonymous']);
     $smarty->assign('user_extra_fields', $this->extra_field);
     //$smarty->assign('link_submitter', $link->username());
     $smarty->assign('comment_id', $this->id);
     $smarty->assign('comment_status', $this->status);
     $smarty->assign('comment_author', $this->author);
     $smarty->assign('comment_link', $this->link);
     $smarty->assign('user_view_url', getmyurl('user', $this->username));
     $smarty->assign('comment_date_timestamp', $this->date);
     $smarty->assign('comment_date', date('F, d Y g:i A', $this->date));
     $smarty->assign('comment_age', txt_time_diff($this->date));
     $smarty->assign('comment_randkey', $this->randkey);
     $smarty->assign('comment_votes', $this->votes);
     $smarty->assign('comment_parent', $this->parent);
     $smarty->assign('hide_comment_edit', $this->hideedit);
     $this->user_vote_count = $this->votes($current_user->user_id);
     $smarty->assign('comment_user_vote_count', $this->user_vote_count);
     $smarty->assign('comment_shakebox_currentuser_votes', $this->votes($current_user->user_id, '>0'));
     $smarty->assign('comment_shakebox_currentuser_reports', $this->votes($current_user->user_id, '<0'));
     // if the person logged in is the person viewing the comment, show 'you' instead of the name
     $smarty->assign('user_userlogin', $this->username);
     // the url for the edit comment link
     $smarty->assign('edit_comment_url', getmyurl('editcomment', $this->id, $link->id));
     $smarty->assign('delete_comment_url', my_pligg_base . '/delete.php?comment_id=' . $this->id);
     // avatars
     $smarty->assign('UseAvatars', do_we_use_avatars());
     $smarty->assign('Avatar', $avatars = get_avatar('all', '', $this->username, ''));
     $smarty->assign('Avatar_ImgSrc', $avatars['large']);
     $smarty->assign('Avatar_ImgSrc_Small', $avatars['small']);
     // does the person logged in have admin or moderator status?
     $canIhaveAccess = 0;
     $canIhaveAccess = $canIhaveAccess + checklevel('admin');
     $canIhaveAccess = $canIhaveAccess + checklevel('moderator');
     if ($canIhaveAccess == 1) {
         $smarty->assign('isadmin', 1);
     // the link to upvote the comment
     $jslinky = "cvote({$current_user->user_id},{$this->id},{$this->id}," . "'" . md5($current_user->user_id . $this->randkey) . "',10,'" . my_base_url . my_pligg_base . "/')";
     $smarty->assign('link_shakebox_javascript_votey', $jslinky);
     $jslinky = "cunvote({$current_user->user_id},{$this->id},{$this->id}," . "'" . md5($current_user->user_id . $this->randkey) . "',10,'" . my_base_url . my_pligg_base . "/')";
     $smarty->assign('link_shakebox_javascript_unvotey', $jslinky);
     // the link to downvote the comment
     $jslinkn = "cvote({$current_user->user_id},{$this->id},{$this->id}," . "'" . md5($current_user->user_id . $this->randkey) . "',-10,'" . my_base_url . my_pligg_base . "/')";
     $smarty->assign('link_shakebox_javascript_voten', $jslinkn);
     $jslinkn = "cunvote({$current_user->user_id},{$this->id},{$this->id}," . "'" . md5($current_user->user_id . $this->randkey) . "',-10,'" . my_base_url . my_pligg_base . "/')";
     $smarty->assign('link_shakebox_javascript_unvoten', $jslinkn);
     // misc
     $smarty->assign('Enable_Comment_Voting', Enable_Comment_Voting);
     $smarty->assign('my_base_url', my_base_url);
     $smarty->assign('my_pligg_base', my_pligg_base);
     $smarty->assign('Default_Gravatar_Small', Default_Gravatar_Small);
     return $smarty;
Пример #17
 function fill_smarty($smarty)
     global $current_user, $the_template, $comment_counter, $link;
     $smarty->assign('comment_counter', $comment_counter);
     $smarty->assign('comment_content', save_text_to_html($this->content));
     $smarty->assign('current_userid', $current_user->user_id);
     $smarty->assign('user_logged_in', $current_user->user_login);
     $smarty->assign('user_username', $this->username());
     $smarty->assign('comment_id', $this->id);
     $smarty->assign('comment_author', $this->author);
     $smarty->assign('comment_link', $this->link);
     $smarty->assign('user_view_url', getmyurl('user', $this->username()));
     $smarty->assign('comment_age', txt_time_diff($this->date));
     $smarty->assign('comment_randkey', $this->randkey);
     $smarty->assign('comment_votes', $this->votes);
     $smarty->assign('comment_parent', $this->parent);
     $smarty->assign('hide_comment_edit', $this->hideedit);
     $this->user_vote_count = $this->votes($current_user->user_id);
     $smarty->assign('comment_user_vote_count', $this->user_vote_count);
     // if the person logged in is the person viewing the comment, show 'you' instead of the name
     if ($current_user->user_login == $this->username()) {
         $smarty->assign('user_username', 'you');
     // the url for the edit comment link
     $smarty->assign('edit_comment_url', getmyurl('editcomment', $this->id, $link->id));
     // avatars
     $smarty->assign('UseAvatars', do_we_use_avatars());
     $smarty->assign('Avatar_ImgSrc', get_avatar('small', "", $this->username(), ""));
     $smarty->assign('Spell_Checker', Spell_Checker);
     // does the person logged in have admin or god access?
     $canIhaveAccess = 0;
     $canIhaveAccess = $canIhaveAccess + checklevel('god');
     $canIhaveAccess = $canIhaveAccess + checklevel('admin');
     if ($canIhaveAccess == 1) {
         $smarty->assign('isadmin', 1);
     // the link to upvote the comment
     $jslinky = "cvote({$current_user->user_id}, {$this->id}, {$this->id}, " . "'" . md5($current_user->user_id . $this->randkey) . "', 10, '" . my_base_url . my_pligg_base . "/')";
     $smarty->assign('link_shakebox_javascript_votey', $jslinky);
     // the link to downvote the comment
     $jslinkn = "cvote({$current_user->user_id}, {$this->id}, {$this->id}, " . "'" . md5($current_user->user_id . $this->randkey) . "', -10,  '" . my_base_url . my_pligg_base . "/')";
     $smarty->assign('link_shakebox_javascript_voten', $jslinkn);
     // misc
     $smarty->assign('Enable_Comment_Voting', Enable_Comment_Voting);
     $smarty->assign('my_base_url', my_base_url);
     $smarty->assign('my_pligg_base', my_pligg_base);
     $smarty->assign('Default_Gravatar_Small', Default_Gravatar_Small);
     return $smarty;
Пример #18
function akismet_showpage()
    global $main_smarty, $the_template, $current_user, $db;
    $canIhaveAccess = 0;
    $canIhaveAccess = $canIhaveAccess + checklevel('god');
    if ($canIhaveAccess == 1) {
        if (phpnum() >= 5) {
            include_once akismet_lib_path . 'Akismet.class_5.php';
        } else {
            include_once akismet_lib_path . 'Akismet.class_4.php';
        $navwhere['text1'] = 'Akismet';
        $navwhere['link1'] = URL_akismet;
        define('pagename', 'akismet');
        $main_smarty->assign('pagename', pagename);
        define('modulename', 'akismet');
        $main_smarty->assign('modulename', modulename);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['view'])) {
            $view = sanitize($_REQUEST['view'], 3);
        } else {
            $view = '';
        if ($view == '') {
            $wordpress_key = get_misc_data('wordpress_key');
            if ($wordpress_key == '') {
                header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageKey');
            $spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
            if ($spam_links != '') {
                $spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
            } else {
                $spam_links = array();
            $main_smarty->assign('spam_links', $spam_links);
            $main_smarty->assign('spam_links_count', count($spam_links));
            $spam_comments = get_misc_data('spam_comments');
            if ($spam_comments != '') {
                $spam_comments = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_comments'));
            } else {
                $spam_comments = array();
            $main_smarty->assign('spam_comments', $spam_comments);
            $main_smarty->assign('spam_comments_count', count($spam_comments));
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'main');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if ($view == 'manageKey') {
            $wordpress_key = get_misc_data('wordpress_key');
            $main_smarty->assign('wordpress_key', $wordpress_key);
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageKey');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if ($view == 'updateKey') {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['key'])) {
                $wordpress_key = sanitize($_REQUEST['key'], 3);
            } else {
                $wordpress_key = '';
            misc_data_update('wordpress_key', $wordpress_key);
            header('Location: ' . URL_akismet);
        if ($view == 'manageSpam') {
            $spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
            if ($spam_links != '') {
                $spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
            } else {
                $spam_links = array();
            if (count($spam_links) > 0) {
                $sql = "SELECT " . table_links . ".* FROM " . table_links . " WHERE ";
                $sql .= 'link_id IN (' . implode(',', $spam_links) . ')';
                $link_data = $db->get_results($sql);
                $main_smarty->assign('link_data', object_2_array($link_data));
            } else {
                header('Location: ' . URL_akismet);
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageSpam');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if ($view == 'manageSettings') {
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageSettings');
            $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
        if($view == 'isSpam'){
        	if(isset($_REQUEST['link_id'])){$link_id = sanitize($_REQUEST['link_id'], 3);}else{$link_id='';}
        	$spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
        	$spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
        	misc_data_update('spam_links', serialize($spam_links));
        	$link = new Link;
        	$link->id = $link_id;
        	$link->status = 'discard';
        	header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpam');
        if($view == 'isNotSpam'){
        	if(isset($_REQUEST['link_id'])){$link_id = sanitize($_REQUEST['link_id'], 3);}else{$link_id='';}
        	$spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
        	$spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
        	misc_data_update('spam_links', serialize($spam_links));
        	$link = new Link;
        	$link->id = $link_id;
        	$link->status = 'queued';
        	header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpam');
        if($view == 'addSpam'){
        	$spam_links[1] = 1;
        	misc_data_update('spam_links', serialize($spam_links));
        	header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpam');
        if ($view == 'manageSpamcomments') {
            $spam_comments = get_misc_data('spam_comments');
            if ($spam_comments != '') {
                $spam_comments = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_comments'));
            } else {
                $spam_comments = array();
            if (count($spam_comments) > 0) {
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . table_prefix . "spam_comments WHERE ";
                $sql .= 'linkid IN (' . implode(',', $spam_comments) . ')';
                $link_data = $db->get_results($sql);
                $user_cmt = new User();
                $user_cmt_link = new Link();
                $spam_output .= ' <form name="bulk_moderate" action="' . URL_akismet_isSpamcomment . '&action=bulkmod" method="post">';
                $spam_output .= "<table>";
                $spam_output .= "<tr><th>Author</th><th>Body</th><th>this is spam</th><th>this is NOT spam</th></tr>";
                if ($link_data) {
                    foreach ($link_data as $spam_cmts) {
                        $user_cmt->id = $spam_cmts->userid;
                        $user_name = $user_cmt->username;
                        $user_cmt_link->id = $spam_cmts->linkid;
                        $spam_output .= "<tr>";
                        $spam_output .= "<td>" . $user_name . "</td>";
                        $spam_output .= "<td>" . save_text_to_html($spam_cmts->cmt_content) . "</td>";
                        $spam_output .= '<td><center><input type="radio" name="spamcomment[' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . ']" id="spamcomment-' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . '" value="spamcomment"></center></td>';
                        $spam_output .= '<td><center><input type="radio" name="spamcomment[' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . ']" id="spamcomment-' . $spam_cmts->auto_id . '" value="notspamcomment"></center></td>';
                        $spam_output .= "</tr>";
                $spam_output .= "</table>";
                $spam_output .= '<p align="right"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Change Status" class="log2" /></p>';
                $spam_output .= "</form>";
                $main_smarty->assign('spam_output', $spam_output);
                $main_smarty->assign('link_data', object_2_array($link_data));
            } else {
                header('Location: ' . URL_akismet);
            $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty, $navwhere);
            $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', akismet_tpl_path . 'manageSpamcomments');
            $main_smarty->display($the_template . '/pligg.tpl');
        if ($view == 'isSpam') {
            if ($_GET['action'] == "bulkmod") {
                if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                    $spam = array();
                    foreach ($_POST["spam"] as $k => $v) {
                        $spam[intval($k)] = $v;
                    foreach ($spam as $key => $value) {
                        if ($value == "spam") {
                            if (isset($key)) {
                                $link_id = sanitize($key, 3);
                            } else {
                                $link_id = '';
                            $spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
                            $spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
                            $key = array_search($link_id, $spam_links);
                            misc_data_update('spam_links', serialize($spam_links));
                            $link = new Link();
                            $link->id = $link_id;
                            $link->status = 'discard';
                            $user = new User();
                            $user->id = $link->author;
                            $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'));
                            $akismet->setPermalink(getmyurl('story', $link->id));
                        } elseif ($value == "notspam") {
                            if (isset($key)) {
                                $link_id = sanitize($key, 3);
                            } else {
                                $link_id = '';
                            $spam_links = get_misc_data('spam_links');
                            $spam_links = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_links'));
                            $key = array_search($link_id, $spam_links);
                            misc_data_update('spam_links', serialize($spam_links));
                            $link = new Link();
                            $link->id = $link_id;
                            $link->status = 'queued';
                            $user = new User();
                            $user->id = $link->author;
                            $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'));
                            $akismet->setPermalink(getmyurl('story', $link->id));
            header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpam');
        if ($view == 'isSpamcomment') {
            if ($_GET['action'] == "bulkmod") {
                if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                    $spamcomment = array();
                    foreach ($_POST["spamcomment"] as $k => $v) {
                        $spamcomment[intval($k)] = $v;
                    foreach ($spamcomment as $key => $value) {
                        if ($value == "spamcomment") {
                            if (isset($key)) {
                                $link_id = sanitize($key, 3);
                            } else {
                                $link_id = '';
                            global $db;
                            $spam_comments = get_misc_data('spam_comments');
                            $spam_comments = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_comments'));
                            $key = array_search($link_id, $spam_comments);
                            $sql_result = "Select * from " . table_prefix . "spam_comments where auto_id=" . $link_id;
                            $result_arr = $db->get_results($sql_result);
                            if ($result_arr) {
                                foreach ($result_arr as $result_arr_comments) {
                                    $link = new Link();
                                    $link->id = $result_arr_comments->linkid;
                                    $user = new User();
                                    $user->id = $result_arr_comments->userid;
                                    $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'));
                                    $akismet->setPermalink(getmyurl('story', $link->id));
                            misc_data_update('spam_comments', serialize($spam_comments));
                            $db->query(' Delete from ' . table_prefix . 'spam_comments where auto_id=' . $link_id);
                        } elseif ($value == "notspamcomment") {
                            if (isset($key)) {
                                $link_id = sanitize($key, 3);
                            } else {
                                $link_id = '';
                            global $db;
                            $spam_comments = get_misc_data('spam_comments');
                            $spam_comments = unserialize(get_misc_data('spam_comments'));
                            $key = array_search($link_id, $spam_comments);
                            $sql_result = " Select * from " . table_prefix . "spam_comments where auto_id={$link_id}";
                            $result_arr = $db->get_results($sql_result);
                            if ($result_arr) {
                                foreach ($result_arr as $result_arr_comments) {
                                    $link = new Link();
                                    $link->id = $result_arr_comments->linkid;
                                    $user = new User();
                                    $user->id = $result_arr_comments->userid;
                                    $akismet = new Akismet(my_base_url . my_pligg_base, get_misc_data('wordpress_key'));
                                    $akismet->setPermalink(getmyurl('story', $link->id));
                                    $sql = "INSERT INTO " . table_comments . " (comment_parent, comment_user_id, comment_link_id , comment_date, comment_randkey, comment_content) VALUES ({$result_arr_comments->cmt_parent}, {$result_arr_comments->userid}, {$result_arr_comments->linkid}, now(), '{$result_arr_comments->cmt_rand}', '{$result_arr_comments->cmt_content}')";
                            misc_data_update('spam_comments', serialize($spam_comments));
                            $sql_delete = ' Delete from ' . table_prefix . 'spam_comments where auto_id=' . $link_id;
                header('Location: ' . URL_akismet . '&view=manageSpamcomments');
Пример #19
 function print_text($length = 0, $single_link = true)
     global $current_user, $globals;
     if ($this->author == $current_user->user_id && time() - $this->date < $globals['comment_edit_time'] || $current_user->user_level == 'god' && time() - $this->date < 10800) {
         // Admins can edit up to 3 hours
         $expand = '<br /><br />&#187;&nbsp;' . '<a href="javascript:get_votes(\'comment_edit.php\',\'edit_comment\',\'ccontainer-' . $this->id . '\',0,' . $this->id . ')" title="' . _('editar') . '">' . _('editar comentario') . '</a>';
     } elseif ($length > 0 && mb_strlen($this->content) > $length + $length / 2) {
         $this->content = mb_substr($this->content, 0, $length);
         $expand = '...<br /><br />&#187;&nbsp;' . '<a href="javascript:get_votes(\'get_comment.php\',\'comment\',\'cid-' . $this->id . '\',0,' . $this->id . ')" title="' . _('resto del comentario') . '">' . _('ver todo el comentario') . '</a>';
     if ($single_link) {
         echo $this->put_smileys($this->put_comment_tooltips(save_text_to_html($this->content))) . $expand;
     } else {
         echo $this->put_smileys(save_text_to_html($this->content)) . $expand;
     echo "\n";