Пример #1
 * Implement a rating at the quantum level.
 * @param  ?integer		Rating given (NULL: unrate)
 * @range 1 10
 * @param  ID_TEXT		The page name the rating is on
 * @param  MEMBER			The member doing the rating
 * @param  ID_TEXT		The type (download, etc) that this rating is for
 * @param  ID_TEXT		The second level type (probably blank)
 * @param  ID_TEXT		The ID of the type that this rating is for
 * @param  ?string		The title to where the commenting will pass back to (to put into the comment topic header) (NULL: don't know)
 * @param  mixed			The URL to where the commenting will pass back to (to put into the comment topic header) (URLPATH or Tempcode)
function actualise_specific_rating($rating, $page_name, $member_id, $content_type, $type, $content_id, $content_url, $content_title)
    if (!is_null($rating)) {
        if ($rating > 10 || $rating < 1) {
    $rating_for_type = $content_type . ($type == '' ? '' : '_' . $type);
    if (!has_specific_permission($member_id, 'rate', $page_name)) {
    $already_rated = already_rated(array($rating_for_type), $content_id);
    if (!is_null($rating)) {
        if ($already_rated) {
            // Delete, in preparation for re-rating
            $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_delete('rating', array('rating_for_type' => $rating_for_type, 'rating_for_id' => $content_id, 'rating_member' => $member_id, 'rating_ip' => get_ip_address()));
    list($_content_title, $submitter, , $safe_content_url, $cma_info) = get_details_behind_feedback_code($content_type, $content_id);
    if (is_null($content_title)) {
        $content_title = $_content_title;
    if ($member_id === $submitter && !is_guest($member_id)) {
    if (!is_null($rating)) {
        $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('rating', array('rating_for_type' => $rating_for_type, 'rating_for_id' => $content_id, 'rating_member' => $member_id, 'rating_ip' => get_ip_address(), 'rating_time' => time(), 'rating' => $rating));
    } else {
        $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_delete('rating', array('rating_for_type' => $rating_for_type, 'rating_for_id' => $content_id, 'rating_member' => $member_id, 'rating_ip' => get_ip_address()));
    // Top rating / liked
    if ($rating === 10 && $type == '') {
        $content_type_title = $content_type;
        if (!is_null($cma_info) && isset($cma_info['content_type_label'])) {
            $content_type_title = do_lang($cma_info['content_type_label']);
        // Special case. Would prefer not to hard-code, but important for usability
        if ($content_type == 'post' && $content_title == '' && get_forum_type() == 'ocf') {
            $content_title = do_lang('POST_IN', $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value('f_topics', 't_cache_first_title', array('id' => $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value('f_posts', 'p_topic_id', array('id' => intval($content_id))))));
        if (!is_null($submitter) && !is_guest($submitter)) {
            // Give points
            if ($member_id != $submitter) {
                if (addon_installed('points') && !$already_rated) {
                    system_gift_transfer(do_lang('CONTENT_LIKED'), intval(get_option('points_if_liked')), $submitter);
            // Notification
            $subject = do_lang('CONTENT_LIKED_NOTIFICATION_MAIL_SUBJECT', get_site_name(), $content_title == '' ? ocp_mb_strtolower($content_type_title) : $content_title);
            $rendered_award = '';
            $award_hook = convert_ocportal_type_codes('feedback_type_code', $content_type, 'award_hook');
            if ($award_hook != '') {
                require_code('hooks/systems/awards/' . $award_hook);
                $award_ob = object_factory('Hook_awards_' . $award_hook);
                $award_content_row = content_get_row($content_id, $award_ob->info());
                if (!is_null($award_content_row)) {
                    $rendered_award = preg_replace('#&amp;keep_\\w+=[^&]*#', '', static_evaluate_tempcode($award_ob->run($award_content_row, '_SEARCH')));
            $mail = do_lang('CONTENT_LIKED_NOTIFICATION_MAIL', comcode_escape(get_site_name()), comcode_escape($content_title == '' ? ocp_mb_strtolower($content_type_title) : $content_title), array(comcode_escape(is_object($safe_content_url) ? $safe_content_url->evaluate() : $safe_content_url), $rendered_award, comcode_escape($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username(get_member()))));
            dispatch_notification('like', NULL, $subject, $mail, array($submitter));
        // Put on activity wall / whatever
        $real_content_type = convert_ocportal_type_codes('feedback_type_code', $content_type, 'cma_hook');
        if (may_view_content_behind_feedback_code($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id(), $real_content_type, $content_id)) {
            if (is_null($submitter)) {
                $submitter = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id();
            $activity_type = is_null($submitter) || is_guest($submitter) ? '_ACTIVITY_LIKES' : 'ACTIVITY_LIKES';
            if ($content_title == '') {
                syndicate_described_activity($activity_type . '_UNTITLED', ocp_mb_strtolower($content_type_title), $content_type_title, '', url_to_pagelink(is_object($safe_content_url) ? $safe_content_url->evaluate() : $safe_content_url), '', '', convert_ocportal_type_codes('feedback_type_code', $content_type, 'addon_name'), 1, NULL, false, $submitter);
            } else {
                syndicate_described_activity($activity_type, $content_title, ocp_mb_strtolower($content_type_title), $content_type_title, url_to_pagelink(is_object($safe_content_url) ? $safe_content_url->evaluate() : $safe_content_url), '', '', convert_ocportal_type_codes('feedback_type_code', $content_type, 'addon_name'), 1, NULL, false, $submitter);
    // Enter them for a prize draw to win a free jet
    // NOT IMPLEMENTED- Anyone want to donate the jet?
Пример #2
 * Get meta details of a content item
 * @param  ID_TEXT		Content type
 * @param  ID_TEXT		Content ID
 * @return array			Tuple: title, submitter, content hook info, the content row, URL (for use within current browser session), URL (for use in emails / sharing)
function content_get_details($content_type, $content_id)
    require_code('hooks/systems/content_meta_aware/' . $content_type);
    $cma_ob = object_factory('Hook_content_meta_aware_' . $content_type);
    $cma_info = $cma_ob->info();
    $db = $GLOBALS[substr($cma_info['table'], 0, 2) == 'f_' ? 'FORUM_DB' : 'SITE_DB'];
    $content_row = content_get_row($content_id, $cma_info);
    if (is_null($content_row)) {
        if ($content_type == 'comcode_page' && strpos($content_id, ':') !== false) {
            list($zone, $page) = explode(':', $content_id, 2);
            $members = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->member_group_query($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_super_admin_groups(), 1);
            if (count($members) != 0) {
                $submitter_id = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->pname_id($members[key($members)]);
            } else {
                $submitter_id = db_get_first_id() + 1;
                // On OCF and most forums, this is the first admin member
            $content_row = array('the_zone' => $zone, 'the_page' => $page, 'p_parent_page' => '', 'p_validated' => 1, 'p_edit_date' => NULL, 'p_add_date' => time(), 'p_submitter' => $submitter_id, 'p_show_as_edit' => 0);
            $content_url = build_url(array('page' => $page), $zone, NULL, false, false, false);
            $content_url_email_safe = build_url(array('page' => $page), $zone, NULL, false, false, true);
            return array($zone . ':' . $page, $submitter_id, $cma_info, $content_row, $content_url, $content_url_email_safe);
        return array(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (is_null($cma_info['title_field'])) {
        $content_title = do_lang($cma_info['content_type_label']);
    } else {
        if (strpos($cma_info['title_field'], 'CALL:') !== false) {
            $content_title = call_user_func(trim(substr($cma_info['title_field'], 5)), array('id' => $content_id));
        } else {
            $_content_title = $content_row[$cma_info['title_field']];
            $content_title = $cma_info['title_field_dereference'] ? get_translated_text($_content_title, $db) : $_content_title;
            if ($content_title == '') {
                $content_title = do_lang($cma_info['content_type_label']) . ' (#' . (is_string($content_id) ? $content_id : strval($content_id)) . ')';
                if ($content_type == 'image' || $content_type == 'video') {
                    $fullname = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('galleries', 'fullname', array('name' => $content_row['cat']));
                    if (!is_null($fullname)) {
                        $content_title = do_lang('VIEW_' . strtoupper($content_type) . '_IN', get_translated_text($fullname));
    if (isset($cma_info['submitter_field'])) {
        if (strpos($cma_info['submitter_field'], ':') !== false) {
            $bits = explode(':', $cma_info['submitter_field']);
            $matches = array();
            if (preg_match('#' . $bits[1] . '#', $content_row[$bits[0]], $matches) != 0) {
                $submitter_id = intval($matches[1]);
            } else {
                $submitter_id = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id();
        } else {
            $submitter_id = $content_row[$cma_info['submitter_field']];
    } else {
        $submitter_id = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id();
    list($zone, $url_bits, $hash) = page_link_decode(str_replace('_WILD', $content_id, $cma_info['view_pagelink_pattern']));
    $content_url = build_url($url_bits, $zone, NULL, false, false, false, $hash);
    $content_url_email_safe = build_url($url_bits, $zone, NULL, false, false, true, $hash);
    return array($content_title, $submitter_id, $cma_info, $content_row, $content_url, $content_url_email_safe);
Пример #3
  * Standard modular run function.
  * @param  array		A map of parameters.
  * @return tempcode	The result of execution.
 function run($map)
     if (array_key_exists('param', $map)) {
         $type_id = $map['param'];
     } else {
         if (addon_installed('downloads')) {
             $type_id = 'download';
         } else {
             $hooks = find_all_hooks('systems', 'awards');
             $type_id = key($hooks);
     $mode = array_key_exists('mode', $map) ? $map['mode'] : 'recent';
     // recent|top|random|all
     $filter = array_key_exists('filter', $map) ? $map['filter'] : '';
     $filter_b = array_key_exists('filter_b', $map) ? $map['filter_b'] : '';
     $zone = array_key_exists('zone', $map) ? $map['zone'] : '_SEARCH';
     $efficient = (array_key_exists('efficient', $map) ? $map['efficient'] : '1') == '1';
     $title = array_key_exists('title', $map) ? $map['title'] : '';
     $max = array_key_exists('max', $map) ? intval($map['max']) : 10;
     $days = array_key_exists('days', $map) && $map['days'] != '' ? intval($map['days']) : NULL;
     $lifetime = array_key_exists('lifetime', $map) && $map['lifetime'] != '' ? intval($map['lifetime']) : NULL;
     $pinned = array_key_exists('pinned', $map) && $map['pinned'] != '' ? explode(',', $map['pinned']) : array();
     if (!file_exists(get_file_base() . '/sources/hooks/systems/awards/' . filter_naughty_harsh($type_id) . '.php') && !file_exists(get_file_base() . '/sources_custom/hooks/systems/awards/' . filter_naughty_harsh($type_id) . '.php')) {
         return paragraph(do_lang_tempcode('NO_SUCH_CONTENT_TYPE', $type_id));
     require_code('hooks/systems/awards/' . filter_naughty_harsh($type_id), true);
     $object = object_factory('Hook_awards_' . $type_id);
     $info = $object->info($filter_b == '' ? NULL : $filter_b);
     if (is_null($info)) {
     $submit_url = $info['add_url'];
     if (is_object($submit_url)) {
         $submit_url = $submit_url->evaluate();
     if (!has_actual_page_access(NULL, $info['cms_page'], NULL, NULL)) {
         $submit_url = '';
     // Get entries
     if (is_array($info['category_field'])) {
         $category_field_access = $info['category_field'][0];
         $category_field_filter = $info['category_field'][1];
     } else {
         $category_field_access = $info['category_field'];
         $category_field_filter = $info['category_field'];
     if (array_key_exists('category_type', $info)) {
         if (is_array($info['category_type'])) {
             $category_type_access = $info['category_type'][0];
             $category_type_filter = $info['category_type'][1];
         } else {
             $category_type_access = $info['category_type'];
             $category_type_filter = $info['category_type'];
     } else {
         $category_type_access = mixed();
         $category_type_filter = mixed();
     $where = '';
     $query = 'FROM ' . get_table_prefix() . $info['table'] . ' r';
     if (!$GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->is_super_admin(get_member()) && !$efficient) {
         $_groups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_members_groups(get_member(), false, true);
         $groups = '';
         foreach ($_groups as $group) {
             if ($groups != '') {
                 $groups .= ' OR ';
             $groups .= 'a.group_id=' . strval((int) $group);
         if (!is_null($category_field_access)) {
             if ($category_type_access === '!') {
                 $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'group_page_access a ON (r.' . $category_field_filter . '=a.page_name AND r.' . $category_field_access . '=a.zone_name AND (' . $groups . '))';
                 $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'group_zone_access a2 ON (r.' . $category_field_access . '=a2.zone_name)';
             } else {
                 $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'group_category_access a ON (' . db_string_equal_to('a.module_the_name', $category_type_access) . ' AND r.' . $category_field_access . '=a.category_name)';
         if (!is_null($category_field_filter) && $category_field_filter != $category_field_access && $info['category_type'] !== '!') {
             $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'group_category_access a2 ON (' . db_string_equal_to('a.module_the_name', $category_type_filter) . ' AND r.' . $category_field_filter . '=a2.category_name)';
         if (!is_null($category_field_access)) {
             if ($where != '') {
                 $where .= ' AND ';
             if ($info['category_type'] === '!') {
                 $where .= '(a.group_id IS NULL) AND (' . str_replace('a.', 'a2.', $groups) . ') AND (a2.group_id IS NOT NULL)';
             } else {
                 $where .= '(' . $groups . ') AND (a.group_id IS NOT NULL)';
         if (!is_null($category_field_filter) && $category_field_filter != $category_field_access && $info['category_type'] !== '!') {
             if ($where != '') {
                 $where .= ' AND ';
             $where .= '(' . str_replace('a.group_id', 'a2.group_id', $groups) . ') AND (a2.group_id IS NOT NULL)';
         if (array_key_exists('where', $info)) {
             if ($where != '') {
                 $where .= ' AND ';
             $where .= $info['where'];
     if (array_key_exists('validated_field', $info) && $info['validated_field'] != '') {
         if ($where != '') {
             $where .= ' AND ';
         $where .= 'r.' . $info['validated_field'] . '=1';
     $x1 = '';
     $x2 = '';
     if ($filter != '' && !is_null($category_field_filter)) {
         $x1 = $this->build_filter($filter, $info, 'r.' . $category_field_filter);
     if ($filter_b != '' && !is_null($category_field_access)) {
         $x2 = $this->build_filter($filter_b, $info, 'r.' . $category_field_access);
     if (!is_null($days)) {
         if ($where != '') {
             $where .= ' AND ';
         $where .= $info['date_field'] . '>=' . strval(time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * $days);
     if (is_array($info['id_field'])) {
         $lifetime = NULL;
     // Cannot join on this
     if (!is_null($lifetime)) {
         $block_cache_id = md5(serialize($map));
         $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $info['connection']->get_table_prefix() . 'feature_lifetime_monitor m ON m.content_id=r.' . $info['id_field'] . ' AND ' . db_string_equal_to('m.block_cache_id', $block_cache_id);
         if ($where != '') {
             $where .= ' AND ';
         $where .= '(m.run_period IS NULL OR m.run_period<' . strval($lifetime * 60 * 60 * 24) . ')';
     if (array_key_exists('extra_select_sql', $info)) {
         $extra_select_sql = $info['extra_select_sql'];
     } else {
         $extra_select_sql = '';
     if (array_key_exists('extra_table_sql', $info)) {
         $query .= $info['extra_table_sql'];
     if (array_key_exists('extra_where_sql', $info)) {
         if ($where != '') {
             $where .= ' AND ';
         $where .= $info['extra_where_sql'];
     if ($mode == 'all') {
         if (array_key_exists('title_field', $info) && strpos($info['title_field'], ':') === false) {
             $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'translate t ON t.id=r.' . $info['title_field'] . ' AND ' . db_string_equal_to('t.language', user_lang());
     if ($where . $x1 . $x2 != '') {
         if ($where == '') {
             $where = '1=1';
         $query .= ' WHERE ' . $where;
         if ($x1 != '') {
             $query .= ' AND (' . $x1 . ')';
         if ($x2 != '') {
             $query .= ' AND (' . $x2 . ')';
     if ($mode == 'top' && array_key_exists('feedback_type', $info) && is_null($info['feedback_type'])) {
         $mode = 'all';
     switch ($mode) {
         case 'random':
             $cnt = $info['connection']->query_value_null_ok_full('SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt ' . $query);
             $rows = $info['connection']->query('SELECT r.*' . $extra_select_sql . ' ' . $query, $max, mt_rand(0, max(0, $cnt - $max)));
         case 'recent':
             if (array_key_exists('date_field', $info) && !is_null($info['date_field'])) {
                 $rows = $info['connection']->query('SELECT r.*' . $extra_select_sql . ' ' . $query . ' ORDER BY r.' . $info['date_field'] . ' DESC', $max, NULL);
         case 'views':
             if (array_key_exists('views_field', $info) && !is_null($info['views_field'])) {
                 $rows = $info['connection']->query('SELECT r.*' . $extra_select_sql . ' ' . $query . ' ORDER BY r.' . $info['views_field'] . ' DESC', $max, NULL);
         case 'top':
             if (array_key_exists('feedback_type', $info) && !is_null($info['feedback_type'])) {
                 $select_rating = ',(SELECT AVG(rating) FROM ' . get_table_prefix() . 'rating WHERE ' . db_string_equal_to('rating_for_type', $info['feedback_type']) . ' AND rating_for_id=' . $info['id_field'] . ') AS compound_rating';
                 $rows = $info['connection']->query('SELECT r.*' . $extra_select_sql . $select_rating . ' ' . $query, $max, NULL, 'ORDER BY compound_rating DESC');
         case 'all':
             if (array_key_exists('title_field', $info) && strpos($info['title_field'], ':') === false) {
                 if ($info['title_field_dereference']) {
                     $rows = $info['connection']->query('SELECT r.*' . $extra_select_sql . ' ' . $query . ' ORDER BY t.text_original ASC', $max, NULL);
                 } else {
                     $rows = $info['connection']->query('SELECT r.*' . $extra_select_sql . ' ' . $query . ' ORDER BY r.' . $info['title_field'] . ' ASC', $max, NULL);
             } else {
                 $sql = 'SELECT r.*' . $extra_select_sql . ' ' . $query;
                 if (is_string($info['id_field'])) {
                     $sql .= ' ORDER BY r.' . $info['id_field'] . ' ASC';
                 } else {
                     $sql .= ' ORDER BY ';
                     foreach ($info['id_field'] as $i => $id_field) {
                         if ($i != 0) {
                             $sql .= ',';
                         $sql .= 'r.' . $id_field . ' ASC';
                 $rows = $info['connection']->query($sql, $max, NULL);
             $rows = array();
     $pinned_order = array();
     // Add in requested pinned awards
     foreach ($pinned as $i => $p) {
         $awarded_rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('award_archive', array('*'), array('a_type_id' => intval($p)), 'ORDER BY date_and_time DESC', 1);
         if (!array_key_exists(0, $awarded_rows)) {
         $awarded_row = $awarded_rows[0];
         $award_content_row = content_get_row($awarded_row['content_id'], $info);
         if (!is_null($award_content_row) && (!isset($info['validated_field']) || $award_content_row[$info['validated_field']] != 0)) {
             $pinned_order[$i] = $award_content_row;
     if (count($pinned_order) > 0) {
         if (count($rows) > 0) {
             //Bit inefficient I know, but it'll mean less rewriting of the later code -- Paul
             $old_rows = $rows;
             $rows = array();
             $total_count = count($old_rows) + count($pinned_order);
             $used_ids = array();
              * NOTE: If anything is pinned as the first element, it can't just be passed on directly because
              * next() will miss the first element of the $old rows array. It is necessary to assess the first
              * element of the array so if a pinned element must be first, tacking it on to the start of the
              * array then using the array's first element under either circumstance is the simplest answer.
             if (array_key_exists(0, $pinned_order)) {
                 array_unshift($old_rows, $pinned_order[0]);
             //Why is there no 'get number _then_ goto next element' function?
             $temp_row = current($old_rows);
             $rows[] = $temp_row;
             $used_ids[] = $temp_row[$info['id_field']];
             $n_count = 1;
             //If duplicates exist, position in the new array needs to be maintained.
             //Carry on as it should be
             for ($t_count = 1; $t_count < $total_count; $t_count++) {
                 if (array_key_exists($n_count, $pinned_order)) {
                     if (!in_array($pinned_order[$n_count][$info['id_field']], $used_ids)) {
                         $rows[] = $pinned_order[$n_count];
                         $used_ids[] = $pinned_order[$n_count][$info['id_field']];
                     } else {
                         $temp_row = next($old_rows);
                         if (!in_array($temp_row[$info['id_field']], $used_ids)) {
                             $rows[] = $temp_row;
                             $used_ids[] = $temp_row[$info['id_field']];
                 } else {
                     $temp_row = next($old_rows);
                     if (!in_array($temp_row[$info['id_field']], $used_ids)) {
                         $rows[] = $temp_row;
                         $used_ids[] = $temp_row[$info['id_field']];
         } else {
             switch ($mode) {
                 case 'recent':
                     if (array_key_exists('date_field', $info)) {
                         global $M_SORT_KEY;
                         $M_SORT_KEY = $info['date_field'];
                         usort($pinned_order, 'multi_sort');
                         $rows = array_reverse($pinned_order);
                 case 'views':
                     if (array_key_exists('views_field', $info)) {
                         global $M_SORT_KEY;
                         $M_SORT_KEY = $info['views_field'];
                         usort($pinned_order, 'multi_sort');
                         $rows = array_reverse($pinned_order);
     // Sort out run periods
     if (!is_null($lifetime)) {
         $lifetime_monitor = list_to_map('content_id', $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('feature_lifetime_monitor', array('content_id', 'run_period', 'last_update'), array('block_cache_id' => $block_cache_id, 'running_now' => 1)));
     // Render
     $archive_url = $info['archive_url'];
     $view_url = array_key_exists('view_url', $info) ? $info['view_url'] : new ocp_tempcode();
     $done_already = array();
     // We need to keep track, in case those pulled up via awards would also come up naturally
     $rendered_content = array();
     $content_data = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if (count($done_already) == $max) {
         // Get content ID
         if (is_array($info['id_field'])) {
             $content_id = '';
             foreach ($info['id_field'] as $f) {
                 if ($content_id != '') {
                     $content_id .= ':';
                 $x = $row[$f];
                 if (!is_string($x)) {
                     $x = strval($x);
                 $content_id .= $x;
         } else {
             $content_id = $row[$info['id_field']];
             if (!is_string($content_id)) {
                 $content_id = strval($content_id);
         if (array_key_exists($content_id, $done_already)) {
         $done_already[$content_id] = 1;
         // Lifetime managing
         if (!is_null($lifetime)) {
             if (!array_key_exists($content_id, $lifetime_monitor)) {
                 // Test to see if it is actually there in the past - we only loaded the "running now" ones for performance reasons. Any new ones coming will trigger extra queries to see if they've been used before, as a tradeoff to loading potentially 10's of thousands of rows.
                 $lifetime_monitor += list_to_map('content_id', $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('feature_lifetime_monitor', array('content_id', 'run_period', 'last_update'), array('block_cache_id' => $block_cache_id, 'content_id' => $content_id)));
             if (array_key_exists($content_id, $lifetime_monitor)) {
                 $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('feature_lifetime_monitor', array('run_period' => $lifetime_monitor[$content_id]['run_period'] + (time() - $lifetime_monitor[$content_id]['last_update']), 'running_now' => 1, 'last_update' => time()), array('content_id' => $content_id, 'block_cache_id' => $block_cache_id));
             } else {
                 $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('feature_lifetime_monitor', array('content_id' => $content_id, 'block_cache_id' => $block_cache_id, 'run_period' => 0, 'running_now' => 1, 'last_update' => time()));
         // Render
         $rendered_content[] = $object->run($row, $zone);
         // Try and get a better submit url
         $submit_url = str_replace('%21', $content_id, $submit_url);
         $content_data[] = array('URL' => str_replace('%21', $content_id, $view_url->evaluate()));
     // Sort out run periods of stuff gone
     if (!is_null($lifetime)) {
         foreach (array_keys($lifetime_monitor) as $content_id) {
             if (is_integer($content_id)) {
                 $content_id = strval($content_id);
             $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('feature_lifetime_monitor', array('run_period' => $lifetime_monitor[$content_id]['run_period'] + (time() - $lifetime_monitor[$content_id]['last_update']), 'running_now' => 0, 'last_update' => time()), array('content_id' => $content_id, 'block_cache_id' => $block_cache_id));
     if (array_key_exists('no_links', $map) && $map['no_links'] == '1') {
         $submit_url = '';
         $archive_url = '';
     return do_template('BLOCK_MAIN_MULTI_CONTENT', array('TYPE' => $info['title'], 'TITLE' => $title, 'CONTENT' => $rendered_content, 'CONTENT_DATA' => $content_data, 'SUBMIT_URL' => $submit_url, 'ARCHIVE_URL' => $archive_url));
Пример #4
  * Standard modular run function.
  * @param  array		A map of parameters.
  * @return tempcode	The result of execution.
 function run($map)
     $award = array_key_exists('param', $map) ? intval($map['param']) : db_get_first_id();
     $zone = array_key_exists('zone', $map) ? $map['zone'] : '_SEARCH';
     $_award_type_row = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('award_types', array('*'), array('id' => $award), '', 1);
     if (!array_key_exists(0, $_award_type_row)) {
         return do_lang_tempcode('MISSING_RESOURCE');
     $award_type_row = $_award_type_row[0];
     $award_title = get_translated_text($award_type_row['a_title']);
     $award_description = get_translated_text($award_type_row['a_description']);
     if (!file_exists(get_file_base() . '/sources/hooks/systems/awards/' . filter_naughty_harsh($award_type_row['a_content_type']) . '.php') && !file_exists(get_file_base() . '/sources_custom/hooks/systems/awards/' . filter_naughty_harsh($award_type_row['a_content_type']) . '.php')) {
         return paragraph(do_lang_tempcode('NO_SUCH_CONTENT_TYPE', $award_type_row['a_content_type']));
     require_code('hooks/systems/awards/' . filter_naughty_harsh($award_type_row['a_content_type']));
     $object = object_factory('Hook_awards_' . $award_type_row['a_content_type']);
     $info = $object->info();
     if (is_null($info)) {
         return do_lang_tempcode('IMPOSSIBLE_TYPE_USED');
     $submit_url = $info['add_url'];
     if (is_object($submit_url)) {
         $submit_url = $submit_url->evaluate();
     if (!has_actual_page_access(NULL, $info['cms_page'], NULL, NULL)) {
         $submit_url = '';
     if (!has_category_access(get_member(), 'award', strval($award))) {
         $submit_url = '';
     if ($submit_url != '') {
         if (strpos($submit_url, '?') === false) {
             $submit_url .= '?';
         } else {
             $submit_url .= '&';
         $submit_url .= 'award=' . strval($award);
     $sup = '';
     do {
         $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query('SELECT * FROM ' . get_table_prefix() . 'award_archive WHERE a_type_id=' . strval($award) . ' ' . $sup . ' ORDER BY date_and_time DESC', 1);
         if (!array_key_exists(0, $rows)) {
             return do_template('BLOCK_NO_ENTRIES', array('_GUID' => 'f32b50770fd6581c4a2c839a1ed25801', 'HIGH' => false, 'TITLE' => $award_title, 'MESSAGE' => do_lang_tempcode('NO_AWARD'), 'ADD_NAME' => do_lang_tempcode('ADD'), 'SUBMIT_URL' => str_replace('=!', '__ignore=1', $submit_url)));
         $myrow = $rows[0];
         $submit_url = str_replace('!', $myrow['content_id'], $submit_url);
         $award_content_row = content_get_row($myrow['content_id'], $info);
         $sup = ' AND date_and_time<' . strval($myrow['date_and_time']);
     } while (is_null($award_content_row));
     $archive_url = build_url(array('page' => 'awards', 'type' => 'award', 'id' => $award), get_module_zone('awards'));
     $rendered_content = $object->run($award_content_row, $zone);
     if ($award_type_row['a_hide_awardee'] == 1 || is_guest($myrow['member_id'])) {
         $awardee = '';
         $awardee_username = '';
         $awardee_profile_url = '';
     } else {
         $awardee = strval($myrow['member_id']);
         $awardee_username = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($myrow['member_id']);
         if (is_null($awardee_username)) {
             $awardee_username = do_lang('UNKNOWN');
         $awardee_profile_url = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->member_profile_url($myrow['member_id'], true, true);
     return do_template('BLOCK_MAIN_AWARDS', array('_GUID' => '99f092e35db0c17f407f40ed55c42cfd', 'TITLE' => $award_title, 'TYPE' => $award_type_row['a_content_type'], 'DESCRIPTION' => $award_description, 'AWARDEE_PROFILE_URL' => $awardee_profile_url, 'AWARDEE' => $awardee, 'AWARDEE_USERNAME' => $awardee_username, 'RAW_AWARD_DATE' => strval($myrow['date_and_time']), 'AWARD_DATE' => get_timezoned_date($myrow['date_and_time']), 'CONTENT' => $rendered_content, 'SUBMIT_URL' => $submit_url, 'ARCHIVE_URL' => $archive_url));
Пример #5
  * The UI to view the archive for an award type.
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function award()
     breadcrumb_set_parents(array(array('_SELF:_SELF:misc', do_lang_tempcode('CHOOSE'))));
     $id = get_param_integer('id');
     $_award_type_row = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('award_types', array('*'), array('id' => $id), '', 1);
     if (!array_key_exists(0, $_award_type_row)) {
     $award_type_row = $_award_type_row[0];
     require_code('hooks/systems/awards/' . filter_naughty_harsh($award_type_row['a_content_type']), true);
     $object = object_factory('Hook_awards_' . $award_type_row['a_content_type']);
     $info = $object->info();
     if (is_null($info)) {
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'max';
     $start = get_param_integer('start', 0);
     $max = get_param_integer('max', 20);
     $title = get_page_title('_AWARD', true, array(escape_html(get_translated_text($award_type_row['a_title']))));
     $description = paragraph(get_translated_tempcode($award_type_row['a_description']), 'grdgdfghdfgodfs');
     $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('award_archive', array('*'), array('a_type_id' => $id), 'ORDER BY date_and_time DESC', $max, $start);
     $max_rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('award_archive', 'COUNT(*)', array('a_type_id' => $id));
     $content = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach ($rows as $myrow) {
         $award_content_row = content_get_row($myrow['content_id'], $info);
         if (!is_null($award_content_row)) {
             $rendered_content = $object->run($award_content_row, '_SEARCH');
             if ($award_type_row['a_hide_awardee'] == 1 || is_guest($myrow['member_id'])) {
                 $awardee = '';
                 $awardee_username = '';
                 $awardee_profile_url = '';
             } else {
                 $awardee = strval($myrow['member_id']);
                 $awardee_username = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($myrow['member_id']);
                 if (is_null($awardee_username)) {
                     $awardee_username = do_lang('UNKNOWN');
                 $awardee_profile_url = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->member_profile_url($myrow['member_id'], false, true);
             $content->attach(do_template('AWARDED_CONTENT', array('_GUID' => '1a2a5b6e9b53a99e303b7ed17070cea9', 'AWARDEE_PROFILE_URL' => $awardee_profile_url, 'AWARDEE' => $awardee, 'AWARDEE_USERNAME' => $awardee_username, 'RAW_AWARD_DATE' => strval($myrow['date_and_time']), 'AWARD_DATE' => get_timezoned_date($myrow['date_and_time'], false, false, false, true), 'CONTENT' => $rendered_content)));
             $content->attach(do_template('BLOCK_SEPARATOR', array()));
     if ($content->is_empty()) {
         if (has_category_access(get_member(), 'award', strval($id))) {
             inform_exit(do_lang_tempcode('NO_ENTRIES_AWARDS', escape_html($info['title'])));
     $page_num = intval(floor(floatval($start) / floatval($max))) + 1;
     $num_pages = intval(ceil(floatval($max_rows) / floatval($max)));
     $previous_url = $start == 0 ? new ocp_tempcode() : build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'start' => $start - $max == 0 ? NULL : $start - $max), '_SELF');
     $next_url = count($rows) != $max ? new ocp_tempcode() : build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'start' => $start + $max), '_SELF');
     $browse = do_template('NEXT_BROWSER_BROWSE_NEXT', array('_GUID' => '54690cd3d6ea1ee0722271ab428e6a31', 'NEXT_LINK' => $next_url, 'PREVIOUS_LINK' => $previous_url, 'PAGE_NUM' => integer_format($page_num), 'NUM_PAGES' => integer_format($num_pages)));
     $sub_title = do_lang_tempcode('AWARD_HISTORY');
     return do_template('NEXT_BROWSER_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => 'b9cf3a37300aced490003f79d7bb4914', 'TITLE' => $title, 'SUB_TITLE' => $sub_title, 'DESCRIPTION' => $description, 'CONTENT' => $content, 'BROWSE' => $browse));