function getScore($file, $useInternal) { global $OLCScoringServerUseInternal, $OLCScoringServerPath, $scoringServerActive, $OLCScoringServerPassword; global $baseInstallationPath, $CONF_allow_olc_files, $CONF; if ($useInternal) { $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/server'; $igcFilename = tempnam($path . "/tmpFiles", "IGC."); //urlencode($basename) @unlink($igcFilename); $lines = file(rawurldecode($file)); $cont = ""; foreach ($lines as $line) { $cont .= $line; } if (!($handle = fopen($igcFilename, 'w'))) { exit; } if (!fwrite($handle, $cont)) { exit; } fclose($handle); @chmod($path . "/olc", 0755); if ($CONF['os'] == 'windows') { $olcEXE = 'olc.exe'; } else { $olcEXE = 'olc'; } $cmd = $path . "/{$olcEXE} {$igcFilename}"; DEBUG('OLC_SCORE', 1, "cmd={$cmd}"); exec($cmd, $res); DEBUG('OLC_SCORE', 1, "result has " . count($res) . " lines<BR>"); $contents = array(); foreach ($res as $line) { DEBUG('OLC_SCORE', 1, $line . '<BR>'); if (substr($line, 0, 4) == "OUT ") { // echo substr($line,4)."\n"; $contents[] = substr($line, 4); } } @unlink($igcFilename); } else { $IGCwebPath = urlencode("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $baseInstallationPath . "/") . $file; // score saned file $fl = $OLCScoringServerPath . "?pass="******"&file=" . $IGCwebPath; DEBUG("OLC_SCORE", 1, "Will use URL: {$fl}<BR>"); //$contents = file($fl); $contents = split("\n", fetchURL($fl, 40)); // if (!$contents) return; } return $contents; }
function getExtrernalServerTakeoffs($serverID, $lat, $lon, $limitKm, $limitNum) { global $xmlSites; $takeoffServers = array(1 => array("callUrl" => "", "latArg" => "lat", "lonArg" => "lng", "limitKmArg" => "distance", "limitNumArg" => "limit", "XML_name" => "name", "XML_distance" => "distance", "XML_area" => "area", "XML_countryCode" => "countryCode", "XML_url" => "pe_link", "XML_lat" => "lat", "XML_lon" => "lng"), 2 => array("callUrl" => "", "latArg" => "latitude", "lonArg" => "longitude", "limitKmArg" => "radius", "limitNumArg" => "notused", "XML_name" => "name", "XML_distance" => "distance", "XML_area" => "location", "XML_countryCode" => "iso", "XML_url" => "link", "XML_lat" => "lat", "XML_lon" => "lng")); $getXMLurl = $takeoffServers[$serverID]["callUrl"] . $takeoffServers[$serverID]["latArg"] . "={$lat}&" . $takeoffServers[$serverID]["lonArg"] . "={$lon}&" . $takeoffServers[$serverID]["limitKmArg"] . "={$limitKm}&" . $takeoffServers[$serverID]["limitNumArg"] . "={$limitNum}"; //echo $getXMLurl; $xmlSites = fetchURL($getXMLurl); if ($xmlSites) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/miniXML/'; $xmlDoc = new MiniXMLDoc(); $xmlDoc->fromString($xmlSites); $xmlArray = $xmlDoc->toArray(); $takeoffsNum = 0; $takoffsList = array(); // print_r($xmlArray); if ($serverID == 1) { // if (is_array($xmlArray['search'])) { if (is_array($xmlArray['search']['takeoff'][0])) { $arrayToUse = $xmlArray['search']['takeoff']; } else { $arrayToUse = $xmlArray['search']; } } else { $arrayToUse = 0; } } else { if ($serverID == 2) { // if ($xmlArray['root']['flightareas']['flightarea']) { if (is_array($xmlArray['root']['flightareas']['flightarea'][0])) { $arrayToUse = $xmlArray['root']['flightareas']['flightarea']; } else { $arrayToUse = $xmlArray['root']['flightareas']; } } else { $arrayToUse = 0; } } else { $arrayToUse = 0; } } $takeoffsList = array(); $takeoffsNum = 0; if ($arrayToUse) { //echo "#"; //print_r($arrayToUse); foreach ($arrayToUse as $flightareaNum => $flightarea) { $XML_name = $takeoffServers[$serverID]["XML_name"]; $XML_distance = $takeoffServers[$serverID]["XML_distance"]; $XML_area = $takeoffServers[$serverID]["XML_area"]; $XML_countryCode = $takeoffServers[$serverID]["XML_countryCode"]; $XML_url = $takeoffServers[$serverID]["XML_url"]; $XML_lat = $takeoffServers[$serverID]["XML_lat"]; $XML_lon = $takeoffServers[$serverID]["XML_lon"]; if ($flightareaNum !== "_num" && $flightarea[$XML_name]) { $distance = $flightarea[$XML_distance]; if ($distance > $limitKm * 1000) { continue; } $takeoffsList[$takeoffsNum]['distance'] = $flightarea[$XML_distance]; $takeoffsList[$takeoffsNum]['name'] = $flightarea[$XML_name]; $takeoffsList[$takeoffsNum]['area'] = $flightarea[$XML_area]; $takeoffsList[$takeoffsNum]['countryCode'] = $flightarea[$XML_countryCode]; $takeoffsList[$takeoffsNum]['url'] = $flightarea[$XML_url]; $takeoffsList[$takeoffsNum]['lat'] = $flightarea[$XML_lat]; $takeoffsList[$takeoffsNum]['lon'] = $flightarea[$XML_lon]; $takeoffsNum++; if ($takeoffsNum == $limitNum) { break; } } } } return $takeoffsList; } // if we have content return array(); }
function update() { authenticate(1); $questionid = sanitize($_POST['id'], "int"); $title = sanitize($_POST['title'], "string"); $description = sanitize($_POST['description'], "markdown"); $link = sanitize($_POST['link'], "url"); $slug = createSlug($title); $kb = 0; if (!empty($_POST['answercheck'])) { $kb = sanitize($_POST['answercheck'], "int"); } $cache = ''; if (!empty($link)) { $cache = fetchURL($link); } $sql = "select * from questions where id = '" . escape($questionid) . "'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $result = mysql_fetch_array($query); if ($result['userid'] != $_SESSION['userid']) { $basePath = basePath(); header("Location: {$basePath}/questions/view/{$result['id']}/{$result['slug']}"); } $cacheup = ''; if ($result['link'] != $link) { $cacheup = ",linkcache = '" . escape($cache) . "'"; } if ($result['kb'] == 1 && $kb == 0) { score('kb_posted_removed', $questionid); } else { if ($result['kb'] == 0 && $kb == 1) { score('kb_posted', $questionid); } } $sql = "update questions set title = '" . escape($title) . "', kb = '" . escape($kb) . "', description = '" . escape($description) . "' , updated = NOW(), link = '" . escape($link) . "', slug = '" . escape($slug) . "' {$cacheup} where userid = '" . escape($_SESSION['userid']) . "' and id = '" . escape($questionid) . "'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); echo mysql_error(); $sql = "delete from tags_questions where questionid = '" . escape($questionid) . "'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); if (!empty($_POST['tags'])) { foreach ($_POST['tags'] as $tag) { $tag = createSlug($tag); $sql = "select * from tags where tag = '" . escape($tag) . "'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $result = mysql_fetch_array($query); if ($result['id'] > 0) { $sql = "insert into tags_questions (tagid,questionid) values ('" . escape($result['id']) . "','" . escape($questionid) . "')"; $query = mysql_query($sql); } else { $sql = "insert into tags (tag) values ('" . escape($tag) . "')"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $tagid = mysql_insert_id(); $sql = "insert into tags_questions (tagid,questionid) values ('" . escape($tagid) . "','" . escape($questionid) . "')"; $query = mysql_query($sql); } } } $basePath = basePath(); header("Location: {$basePath}/questions/view/{$questionid}/{$slug}"); }
function processEntry($serverID, $e, $sync_mode = SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LINK) { global $CONF; global $DBGcat, $DBGlvl; if ($DBGlvl > 0) { echo "<PRE>"; print_r($e); echo "</PRE>"; } if (is_array($e['ActionXML'])) { $actionData =& $e['ActionXML']; } else { if (is_array($e['actionData'])) { $actionData =& $e['actionData']; } else { if (is_array($e['flight'])) { $actionData =& $e; } else { return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : actionData section not found"); } } } // if this log entry is not for a flight of the specific server // then check if we are allowesd to accpet these flights from this server if (isset($actionData['flight']['serverID'])) { $thisEntryServerID = $actionData['flight']['serverID']; } else { if (isset($e['serverID'])) { $thisEntryServerID = $e['serverID']; } else { return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : ServerID for Log entry could not be determined "); } } if ($thisEntryServerID != $serverID) { $wrongServer = 1; if (is_array($CONF['servers']['list'][$serverID]['accept_also_servers'])) { if (in_array($thisEntryServerID, $CONF['servers']['list'][$serverID]['accept_also_servers'])) { $wrongServer = 0; } } if ($wrongServer) { return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : We dont accept flights originally from server " . $thisEntryServerID); } } if ($e['type'] == '1') { // flight if ($e['action'] == 4) { // delete $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($actionData['flight']['serverID'], $actionData['flight']['id']); if (!$flightIDlocal) { return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID " . $actionData['flight']['serverID'] . " and original ID : " . $actionData['flight']['id'] . " is not found in the local DB -> Wont delete it"); } // echo "Will delete flight $flightIDlocal<BR>"; $extFlight = new flight(); $extFlight->getFlightFromDB($flightIDlocal, 0); $extFlight->deleteFlight(); return array(1, "Flight with local ID: {$flightIDlocal} DELETED"); } if ($e['action'] == 16) { // rename tracklog $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($e['serverID'], $e['id']); if (!$flightIDlocal) { return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID " . $e['serverID'] . " and original ID : " . $e['id'] . " is not found in the local DB -> Wont rename tracklog<BR>"); } $extFlight = new flight(); $extFlight->getFlightFromDB($flightIDlocal, 0); $extFlight->renameTracklog($actionData['newFilename'], $actionData['oldFilename']); return array(1, "Flight tracklog renamed for local ID {$flightIDlocal}"); } if ($e['action'] == 8) { // scoring info $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($e['serverID'], $e['id']); if (!$flightIDlocal) { return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID " . $e['serverID'] . " and original ID : " . $e['id'] . " is not found in the local DB -> Wont update scoring<BR>"); } // echo "Will update scoring info for flight $flightIDlocal<BR>"; // no need to pull flight info //$extFlight=new flight(); //$extFlight->getFlightFromDB($flightIDlocal,0); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_flightScore.php'; $flightScore = new flightScore($flightIDlocal); // we have the score array in $actionData['score'] $sArr =& $actionData['score']; $flightScore->fromSyncArray($sArr); //put also in scores table, the flight is sure to be present in flights table $flightScore->putToDB(1, 1); return array(1, "Flight Score was *pulled* for local ID {$flightIDlocal}"); } // now deal with add/update $getValidationData = 1; $getScoreData = 1; // check 'alien' pilot and insert him or update him anyway $userServerID = $actionData['flight']['serverID']; if ($userServerID == 0) { $userServerID = $serverID; } // echo "logReplicator::checkPilot"; list($effectiveServerID, $effectiveUserID) = logReplicator::checkPilot($userServerID, $actionData['flight']['pilot']); //echo "effectiveServerID: $effectiveServerID, effectiveUserID: $effectiveUserID // userServerID: $userServerID, userID: ".$actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID']."<BR>"; // check if a maping took place and LOG it!! if ($effectiveServerID != $userServerID || $effectiveUserID != $actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID']) { $orgUserIDstr = $userServerID + 0 . '_' . $actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID']; } else { $orgUserIDstr = ''; } // $userIDstr=$userServerID.'_'.$actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID']; $userIDstr = $effectiveServerID . '_' . $effectiveUserID; list($nearestTakeoffID, $nearestDistance) = logReplicator::checkLocation($userServerID, $actionData['flight']['location'], $actionData['flight']['bounds']); list($nearestLandingID, $nearestLandingDistance) = findNearestWaypoint($actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLat'], $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLon']); // get only the first 2 bits $externalFlightType = $sync_mode & 0x3; $addFlightNote = ''; // if action ==update check to see if the flight exists ! if ($e['action'] == 2) { $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($actionData['flight']['serverID'], $actionData['flight']['id']); if (!$flightIDlocal) { // we then INSERT IT instead echo " [Not found,will insert] "; $e['action'] = 1; } } else { if ($e['action'] == 1) { // if action == insert we make an extra check to see if the fligh is there, if yes we UPDATE instead $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($actionData['flight']['serverID'], $actionData['flight']['id']); if ($flightIDlocal) { // we then UPDATE IT instead echo " [Already here,will update] "; $e['action'] = 2; } } } if ($e['action'] == 1) { // add $igcFilename = $actionData['flight']['filename']; $igcFileURL = $actionData['flight']['linkIGC']; $igcZipFileURL = $actionData['flight']['linkIGCzip']; $tempFilename = LEONARDO_ABS_PATH . '/' . $CONF['paths']['tmpigc'] . '/' . $igcFilename; $hash = $actionData['flight']['validation']['hash']; $sameHashIDarray = flight::findSameHash($hash); if (count($sameHashIDarray) > 0) { $isFlightDup = 0; $markFlightAsDisabled = 1; $msg = ''; if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['allow_duplicate_flights']) { foreach ($sameHashIDarray as $sameHashFlightInfo) { if ($sameHashFlightInfo['serverID'] == $actionData['flight']['serverID']) { // from same server $isFlightDup = 1; $msg .= " local flight: " . $sameHashFlightInfo['serverID'] . '_' . $sameHashFlightInfo['ID'] . " , new entry:" . $actionData['flight']['serverID'] . '_' . $actionData['flight']['id']; break; } else { // we have a flight with same hash that is not from this specific server. // HERE we must make the decision whether to mark this flight as DISABLED // WE always mark this new flight as DISABLED because : // the local flight takes precedence anyway. // ONE case // we are DHV mirror , the new flight is from DHV and there is a dup from XContest // we should insert, // SO INSERT TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER LINKED FLIGHTS } } } else { $isFlightDup = 1; } if ($isFlightDup) { return array(-1, "Flight already exists : {$msg}"); } } /* if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['allow_duplicate_flights']) { $sameHashIDarray=flight::findSameHash( $hash , $actionData['flight']['serverID'] ); if (count($sameHashIDarray)>0 ) { return array(-1,"Flight already exists in local with ID: $sameHashID (dups allowed)"); continue; } else { // $addFlightNote="*(Duplicate Flight)*"; } } else { $sameHashIDarray=flight::findSameHash( $hash ); if (count($sameHashIDarray)>0 ) { return array(-1,"Flight already exists in local with ID: $sameHashID"); continue; } } */ } else { if ($e['action'] == 2) { // update // This is not needed , we have found $flightIDlocal earlier and if it didnt exist we will insert it instead /* $flightIDlocal=logReplicator::findFlight($actionData['flight']['serverID'],$actionData['flight']['id']); if (!$flightIDlocal) { return array(0,"logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID ".$actionData['flight']['serverID']." and original ID : ". $actionData['flight']['id']." is not found in the local DB -> Wont update<BR>"); } */ // echo "Will update flight $flightIDlocal<BR>"; } } $thisCat = $actionData['flight']['info']['cat'] + 0; // when we get data from leonardo servers, we just ignore these fields // since they can be computed on the fly $originalURL = htmlDecode($actionData['flight']['linkDisplay']); $originalKML = htmlDecode($actionData['flight']['linkGE']); if ($actionData['flight']['serverID'] != 0) { global $CONF; if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['isLeo'] == 1) { $originalURL = ''; $originalKML = ''; } } $argArray = array("private" => $actionData['flight']['info']['private'] + 0, "cat" => $actionData['flight']['info']['gliderCat'] + 0, "linkURL" => $actionData['flight']['info']['linkURL'], "comments" => $actionData['flight']['info']['comments'], "glider" => $actionData['flight']['info']['glider'], "gliderBrandID" => $actionData['flight']['info']['gliderBrandID'] + 0, "category" => $thisCat >= 0 ? $thisCat : 0, "dateAdded" => $actionData['flight']['dateAdded'], "originalURL" => $originalURL, "originalKML" => $originalKML, "original_ID" => $actionData['flight']['id'], "serverID" => $actionData['flight']['serverID'], "userServerID" => $actionData['flight']['serverID'], "originalUserID" => $orgUserIDstr, "externalFlightType" => $externalFlightType, "allowDuplicates" => $CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['allow_duplicate_flights'] + 0); // print_r($argArray); if ($e['action'] == 1 && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_REPROCESS_LOCALLY) { if (!($igcFileStr = fetchURL($igcFileURL, 20))) { return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry() : Cannot Fetch {$igcFileURL}"); } writeFile($tempFilename, $igcFileStr); list($res, $flightID) = addFlightFromFile($tempFilename, 0, $userIDstr, $argArray); if ($res != 1) { return array(-128, "Problem: " . getAddFlightErrMsg($res, $flightID)); } return array(1, "Flight *pulled* OK with local ID {$flightID}"); } else { // if ( ( $e['action']==1 && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LINK ) || $e['action']==2 ){ // inserting in LINK / LOCAL mode or updates - NOT reproccess if ($e['action'] == 1) { $extFlight = new flight(); // get igc if required if ($sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) { echo " Geting IGC file : "; if (!$e['tmpDir']) { $e['tmpDir'] = '/tmp'; } $igcFileTmp = $e['tmpDir'] . '/' . $actionData['flight']['id'] . '.igc'; if (!is_file($igcFileTmp)) { echo "igc file: {$igcFileURL}<BR>\n"; echo "tmpfile: {$igcFileTmp}<BR>\n"; echo "NOT in zip -> will fetch ..."; if (!($igcFileStr = fetchURL($igcFileURL, 20))) { return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry() : Cannot Fetch {$igcFileURL}"); } writeFile($igcFileTmp, $igcFileStr); } else { echo "IN zip -> will use that ..."; } } } else { $extFlight = new flight(); $extFlight->getFlightFromDB($flightIDlocal, 0); } $igcFilename = $actionData['flight']['filename']; $igcFileURL = $actionData['flight']['linkIGC']; if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['exclude_from_list']) { $extFlight->excludeFrom |= 3; } if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['exclude_from_league']) { $extFlight->excludeFrom |= 2; } foreach ($argArray as $fieldName => $fieldValue) { // if the flight is already present // we must tkae care to honor ONLY // the 1st bit of 'private' , the others are used locally !! if ($fieldName == 'private') { if ($fieldValue & 0x1) { $fieldValue = $extFlight->private | 0x1; } else { if ($fieldValue & 0x4) { // visible to friends $fieldValue = $extFlight->private | 0x4; } else { $fieldValue = $extFlight->private & 0xfa; } } } $extFlight->{$fieldName} = $fieldValue; } // echo " gliderBrandID : $extFlight->gliderBrandID #<BR>"; $extFlight->takeoffID = $nearestTakeoffID; $extFlight->takeoffVinicity = $nearestDistance; $extFlight->landingID = $nearestLandingID; $extFlight->landingVinicity = $nearestLandingDistance; // no userid will be assgined to this flight since it will not be inserted locally // so userID= userServerID; // $extFlight->userID=$extFlight->originalUserID; // now we take care of mapping between users $extFlight->userID = $effectiveUserID; $extFlight->userServerID = $effectiveServerID; $extFlight->dateAdded = $actionData['flight']['dateAdded']; $extFlight->DATE = $actionData['flight']['time']['date']; $extFlight->timezone = $actionData['flight']['time']['Timezone'] + 0; $extFlight->START_TIME = $actionData['flight']['time']['StartTime'] + 0; $extFlight->DURATION = $actionData['flight']['time']['Duration'] + 0; $extFlight->END_TIME = $extFlight->START_TIME + $extFlight->DURATION; $extFlight->forceBounds = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['forceBounds'] + 0; $extFlight->firstLon = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstLon'] + 0; $extFlight->firstLat = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstLat'] + 0; $extFlight->firstPointTM = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstTM'] + 0; $extFlight->lastLon = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLon'] + 0; $extFlight->lastLat = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLat'] + 0; $extFlight->lastPointTM = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastTM'] + 0; $firstPoint = new gpsPoint(); $firstPoint->setLon($actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstLon']); $firstPoint->setLat($actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstLat']); $firstPoint->gpsTime = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstTM'] % 86400; $lastPoint = new gpsPoint(); $lastPoint->setLon($actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLon']); $lastPoint->setLat($actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLat']); $lastPoint->gpsTime = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastTM'] % 86400; // $extFlight->FIRST_POINT=$firstPoint->to_IGC_Record(); // $extFlight->LAST_POINT=$lastPoint->to_IGC_Record(); // not used!! /* if ( is_array($actionData['flight']['turnpoints']) ) { foreach ($actionData['flight']['turnpoints'] as $i=>$tp){ $tpNum=$tp['id']; $tpPoint=new gpsPoint(); $tpPoint->setLon($tp['lon']); $tpPoint->setLat($tp['lat']); $varname="turnpoint$tpNum" ; $extFlight->$varname = $tpPoint->getLatMin().' '.$tpPoint->getLonMin() ; } } */ if ($getValidationData) { $extFlight->validated = $actionData['flight']['validation']['validated']; $extFlight->grecord = $actionData['flight']['validation']['grecord']; $extFlight->hash = $actionData['flight']['validation']['hash']; $extFlight->validationMessage = $actionData['flight']['validation']['validationMessage']; $extFlight->airspaceCheck = $actionData['flight']['validation']['airspaceCheck'] + 0; $extFlight->airspaceCheckFinal = $actionData['flight']['validation']['airspaceCheckFinal'] + 0; $extFlight->airspaceCheckMsg = $actionData['flight']['validation']['airspaceCheckMsg']; } $getScoreDataExtra = 0; $getScoreDataExtraMissing = 0; if ($getScoreData) { // we should get these from the [score] section also $extFlight->BEST_FLIGHT_TYPE = $actionData['flight']['stats']['FlightType']; $extFlight->FLIGHT_KM = $actionData['flight']['stats']['XCdistance']; $extFlight->FLIGHT_POINTS = $actionData['flight']['stats']['XCscore']; $extFlight->LINEAR_DISTANCE = $actionData['flight']['stats']['StraightDistance'] + 0; $extFlight->MAX_LINEAR_DISTANCE = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxStraightDistance'] + 0; $extFlight->MEAN_SPEED = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MeanGliderSpeed'] + 0; $extFlight->MAX_SPEED = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxSpeed'] + 0; $extFlight->MAX_VARIO = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxVario'] + 0; $extFlight->MIN_VARIO = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MinVario'] + 0; $extFlight->MAX_ALT = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxAltASL'] + 0; $extFlight->MIN_ALT = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MinAltASL'] + 0; $extFlight->TAKEOFF_ALT = $actionData['flight']['stats']['TakeoffAlt'] + 0; if (is_array($actionData['flight']['score']) && count($actionData['flight']['score']) > 0) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_flightScore.php'; $flightScore = new flightScore($extFlight->flightID); // we have the score array in $actionData['score'] $sArr =& $actionData['flight']['score']; $flightScore->fromSyncArray($sArr); $extFlight->flightScore = $flightScore; $getScoreDataExtra = 1; $extFlight->BEST_FLIGHT_TYPE = $flightScore->bestScoreType; $extFlight->FLIGHT_KM = $flightScore->bestDistance * 1000; $extFlight->FLIGHT_POINTS = $flightScore->bestScore; // check for missing linear distance if ($extFlight->LINEAR_DISTANCE == 0 && $extFlight->MAX_LINEAR_DISTANCE > 0) { // echo "compute MAxtakeoffDistance"; $extFlight->LINEAR_DISTANCE = $flightScore->computeMaxTakeoffDistance($firstPoint); } //put also in scores table, the flight is sure to be present in flights table if ($e['action'] == 2) { // update so we already know the flightID $flightScore->putToDB(1, 1); } } else { $getScoreDataExtraMissing = 1; } } // we also have [gliderBrand] => GRADIENT $extFlight->checkGliderBrand($actionData['flight']['info']['gliderBrand']); if ($e['action'] == 1) { if ($sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) { $tmpPilot = new pilot($effectiveServerID, $effectiveUserID); $tmpPilot->createDirs(); $extFlight->filename = $igcFilename; $extFlight->checkDirs(); if ($DBGlvl > 0) { echo "Moving file into place: " . $extFlight->getIGCFilename() . "<BR>"; } while (is_file($extFlight->getIGCFilename())) { if ($DBGlvl > 0) { echo "Same filename is already present<BR>"; } $extFlight->filename = '_' . $extFlight->filename; } @rename($igcFileTmp, $extFlight->getIGCFilename()); $opString = '*inserted*'; } else { $opString = '*linked*'; } // insert flight $extFlight->putFlightToDB(0); // take care of sme flights (hide /unhide) $extFlight->hideSameFlights(); if ($getScoreData && $getScoreDataExtra) { $flightScore->flightID = $extFlight->flightID; $flightScore->putToDB(1, 1); } else { if ($getScoreDataExtraMissing && $CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['rescore_if_missing'] && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) { echo " [Re-score] "; $extFlight->computeScore(); } } return array(1, "Flight {$opString} OK {$addFlightNote} with local ID {$extFlight->flightID}"); } else { //update flight $extFlight->putFlightToDB(1); if ($getScoreDataExtraMissing && $CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['rescore_if_missing'] && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) { echo " [Re-score] "; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_flightScore.php'; $flightScore = new flightScore($extFlight->flightID); $flightScore->getFromDB(); if ($flightScore->gotValues) { echo "[not needed] "; } else { $extFlight->computeScore(); } } return array(1, "Flight with local ID {$flightIDlocal} UPDATED OK"); } } return array(0, "Unknown error, we should have returned by this far..."); } // if type==1 }
/** * fetches content from actual password looking service * * @param string $hash * @param string $type * @return string */ function getpassbyhash($hash, $type) { return fetchURL('' . $hash . '&type=' . $type); }
unset($_GET['op1']); unset($_GET['direct']); unset($_GET['remote']); $url="http://".urldecode($_GET['url']); foreach($_GET as $name=>$val ) { if ( !in_array($name,array('print','url') ) ){ $url.="&$name=$val"; } } if ($remote) $url.='&remote=1'; $url.='&print'; if ($direct){ $res=fetchURL($url,300); echo "<a href='$url' target='_blank'>Printing URL</a><BR>\n"; // echo $res; $lines=split("\n",$res); if (!$remote) { //$lines=$res; $pdfFile=$SERVER_URL.$moduleRelPath.$lines[count($lines)-1]; $pdfFile=$SERVER_URL.$lines[count($lines)-1]; } else { require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/CL_pdf.php"; $linesNum=count($lines); for($k=$linesNum-1;$k>0;$k--) {
function validate($updateFlightInDB = 1) { global $CONF_validation_server_url, $CONF_use_custom_validation, $DBGlvl; global $baseInstallationPath, $CONF_abs_path, $CONF; global $alreadyValidatedInPage; if ($alreadyValidatedInPage) { return; } $alreadyValidatedInPage = 1; set_time_limit(240); $customValidationCodeFile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/site/CODE_validate_custom.php"; if ($CONF_use_custom_validation && file_exists($customValidationCodeFile)) { // we expect the result on $ok include $customValidationCodeFile; } else { //standard leoanrdo validation -> the server not yet working $IGCwebPath = urlencode("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $baseInstallationPath . "/") . $this->getIGCRelPath(0); // validate original file $fl = $CONF['validation']['server_url'] . "?file=" . $IGCwebPath; if ($DBGlvl) { $fl .= "&dbg=1"; } DEBUG("VALIDATE_IGC", 1, "Will use URL: {$fl}<BR>"); $contents = split("\n", fetchURL($fl, 30)); if (!$contents) { return 0; } $ok = -1; foreach ($contents as $lnum => $line) { DEBUG("VALIDATE", 64, "{$line}"); if (trim($contents[$lnum]) == "VALI:OK") { $ok = 1; $valStr = trim($contents[$lnum + 1]); } if (trim($contents[$lnum]) == "VALI:NOK") { $ok = -1; $valStr = trim($contents[$lnum + 1]); } if (trim($contents[$lnum]) == "VALI:NNOK") { $ok = -2; $valStr = trim($contents[$lnum + 1]); } } } // -1 => invalid 0 => not yet proccessed 1 => valid // force ok=1 till we have a validation server ready // $ok=1; $this->grecord = $ok; $this->validated = $ok; $this->validationMessage = $valStr; if ($updateFlightInDB) { $this->putFlightToDB(1); } return $ok; }
function flights_submit($args) { global $opMode, $CONF; //global $DBGlvl,$DEBUG_OUTPUT; $DBGlvl=255; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/FN_flight.php"; $username = $args[0]; $passwd = $args[1]; $igcURL = $args[2]; $igcFilename = $args[3]; $private = $args[4]; $cat = $args[5]; $linkURL = $args[6]; $comments = $args[7]; $glider = $args[8]; $clientID = $args[9]; $clientPass = $args[10]; global $db, $CONF; $allowUploadWithoutPassword = 0; if ($clientID) { if (clientCheck($clientID, $clientPass)) { if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$clientID]['allowUploadWithoutPassword']) { $allowUploadWithoutPassword = 1; } } else { return new IXR_Error(200, "Client {$clientID} authentication failed"); } } if ($CONF['userdb']['password_users_table']) { $dbTable = $CONF['userdb']['password_users_table']; } else { } $sql = "SELECT " . $CONF['userdb']['user_id_field'] . ", " . $CONF['userdb']['username_field'] . ", " . $CONF['userdb']['password_field'] . " FROM " . $CONF['userdb']['users_table'] . " WHERE LOWER(" . $CONF['userdb']['username_field'] . ") = '" . strtolower($username) . "'"; if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) { return new IXR_Error(200, "Error in obtaining userdata for {$username}"); } $passwordHashed = ''; if ($CONF['userdb']['password_users_table']) { $sql2 = "SELECT " . $CONF['userdb']['password_username_field'] . ", " . $CONF['userdb']['password_password_field'] . " FROM " . $CONF['userdb']['password_users_table'] . " WHERE LOWER(" . $CONF['userdb']['password_username_field'] . ") = '" . strtolower($username) . "'"; if (!($result2 = $db->sql_query($sql2))) { return new IXR_Error(200, "Error in obtaining userdata2 for {$username}"); } if ($row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) { $passwordHashed = $row2[$CONF['userdb']['password_password_field']]; } } //echo "$passwordHashed %"; $passwdProblems = 0; if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (!$passwordHashed) { $passwordHashed = $row[$CONF['userdb']['password_field']]; } if (function_exists('leonardo_check_password')) { // phpbb3 has custom way of hashing passwords if (!leonardo_check_password($passwd, $passwordHashed)) { $passwdProblems = 1; } } else { if (md5($passwd) != $passwordHashed) { $passwdProblems = 1; } } } else { return new IXR_Error(200, "Error in obtaining userdata for {$username}"); } // check if the client is authrorized to by pass passord so that it can mass upload flights if ($passwdProblems && !$allowUploadWithoutPassword) { return new IXR_Error(201, "Error in password for {$username}"); } $userID = $row['user_id']; //$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/flights/".$igcFilename; $filename = LEONARDO_ABS_PATH . '/' . $CONF['paths']['tmpigc'] . '/' . $igcFilename; if (!($handle = fopen($filename, 'w'))) { return new IXR_Error(202, "Cannot open file ({$filename})"); } // $igcURL=html_entity_decode($igcURL); $igcURL = rawurldecode($igcURL); // return new IXR_Error(203, "Cannot get igcURL ($igcURL)"); $igcStr = fetchURL($igcURL, 10); // timeout 10 secs if (!$igcStr) { return new IXR_Error(203, "Cannot get igcURL ({$igcURL})"); } if (!fwrite($handle, $igcStr)) { return new IXR_Error(204, "Cannot write to file ({$filename})"); } @fclose($handle); error_reporting(0); ob_start(); list($errCode, $flightID) = addFlightFromFile($filename, 0, $userID, array('private' => $private, 'cat' => $cat, 'category' => 1, 'linkURL' => $linkURL, 'comments' => $comments, 'glider' => $glider)); $errorBuffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $flightID += 0; if ($errCode == 1 && $flightID != 0) { // all ok // return new IXR_Error(500,htmlspecialchars("flightID:$flightID^errCode:$errCode^" )); return $flightID; } else { if ($errCode == 1 && $flightID == 0) { $errStr = "The IGC file did not contain a valid flight"; //.urlencode($DEBUG_OUTPUT); } else { $errStr = htmlspecialchars(getAddFlightErrMsg($errCode, $flightID)); } // $errStr.=htmlspecialchars("#----------\n".$errorBuffer); return new IXR_Error(500, $errStr); } }
<?php require_once 'appshed-extension-api/api/api.php'; require_once 'functions.php'; if (empty($_GET['username']) || empty($_GET['password'])) { $apiScreen = new AppBuilderAPIListScreen("Incorrect Login"); echo AppBuilderAPI::getScreenResponse($apiScreen); exit; } $file = fetchURL('', null, false, array('username' => $_GET['username'], 'password' => $_GET['password'])); if (!$file) { $apiScreen = new AppBuilderAPIListScreen("Incorrect Login"); echo AppBuilderAPI::getScreenResponse($apiScreen); exit; } $data = json_decode($file, true); $apiScreen = new AppBuilderAPIListScreen("Discussion Forums"); $apiScreen->setBack(false); $base = base(); foreach ($data['normal'] as $forum) { $apiItem = new AppBuilderAPILinkItem($forum['name'], ""); $apiItem->setImageSize(array('width' => 40, 'height' => 40)); $query = http_build_query(array('url' => $forum['json_url'], 'name' => $forum['name'], 'username' => $_GET['username'], 'password' => $_GET['password'])); $apiItem->setRemoteLink("{$base}/forum.php?{$query}"); $apiScreen->addChild($apiItem); } echo AppBuilderAPI::getScreenResponse($apiScreen);
<?php require_once 'appshed-extension-api/api/api.php'; require_once 'functions.php'; if (empty($_GET['username']) || empty($_GET['password'])) { $apiScreen = new AppBuilderAPIListScreen("Incorrect Login"); echo AppBuilderAPI::getScreenResponse($apiScreen); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['url']) || !isset($_GET['name']) || strpos($_GET['url'], '') != 0) { exit; } $file = fetchURL($_GET['url'], null, false, array('username' => $_GET['username'], 'password' => $_GET['password'])); if (!$file) { $apiScreen = new AppBuilderAPIListScreen("Incorrect Login"); echo AppBuilderAPI::getScreenResponse($apiScreen); exit; } $data = json_decode($file, true); $apiScreen = new AppBuilderAPIListScreen($_GET['name']); foreach ($data as $topic) { if (!($countPosts = count($topic['posts']))) { continue; } $createStr = date('j M Y', strtotime($topic['created_at'])); $apiItem = new AppBuilderAPIThumbItem($topic['name'], "by {$topic['posts'][0]['user']['name']} - {$createStr} - {$countPosts} replies", "{$topic['posts'][0]['user']['picture']}"); $apiItem->setImageSize(array('width' => 24, 'height' => 21)); $apiItem->setScreenLink(getTopicScreen($topic)); $apiItem->setHrAfter(false); $apiScreen->addChild($apiItem); $lastPost = $countPosts - 1;
function sync($chunkSize = 5, $verbose = 1) { // we pull data from this server global $CONF_server_id, $CONF_tmp_path; global $DBGlvl; $this->getFromDB(); // we need to take care for protocol version 2, // in v21 the StartID is the last TM in UTC , we need to start again from the last TM // in case 2 or more actions were preformed on the same second and we only // proccessed them partially // Problem: the last transaction gets pulled again and again !!! // we need to detect if the same transaction ID has been proccessed // at least 2 times, then we can move to the next ID without fear of loosing // transactions made in the same second. // we have enforced RULE #1 on the other server running protocol v2 // RULE #1 // we ensure that no transactions of the same second are split into 2 log batches // thats why we get 100 more entries and stop manually // so the following is not needed nay more , we always start +1 /* if ( $this->getProtocolVersion() == 2 ) $startID=$this->lastPullUpdateID; else // old version $startID=$this->lastPullUpdateID+1; */ $startID = $this->lastPullUpdateID + 1; if ($this->data['isLeo']) { $urlToPull = 'http://' . $this->data['url_base'] . '/sync.php?type=1&version=' . $this->getProtocolVersion(); $urlToPull .= "&c={$chunkSize}&startID={$startID}&format=" . $this->data['sync_format']; $urlToPull .= "&clientID={$CONF_server_id}&clientPass="******"&sync_type=" . $this->data['sync_type'] . "&use_zip=" . $this->data['use_zip']; } else { $urlToPull = 'http://' . $this->data['url_sync'] . "count={$chunkSize}&startID={$startID}"; } if ($verbose) { echo "Getting <strong>" . $this->data['sync_format'] . "</strong> sync-log from {$urlToPull} ... "; } if ($verbose) { flush2Browser(); } if ($verbose) { flush2Browser(); } $timeout = 60 + floor($chunkSize / 5); if ($this->data['sync_type'] & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL && $this->data['use_zip']) { $timeout *= 5; } $rssStr = fetchURL($urlToPull, $timeout); if (!$rssStr) { echo "<div class='error'>Cannot get data from server</div><BR>"; return array(-1, "Cannot get data from {$urlToPull}"); } if ($verbose) { echo " <div class='ok'>DONE</div><br>"; } if ($verbose) { flush2Browser(); } if ($this->data['use_zip']) { // we have a zip file in $rssStr, unzip it if ($verbose) { echo "Unziping sync-log ... "; } $tmpZIPfolder = $CONF_tmp_path . '/' . $this->ID . "_" . time(); makeDir($tmpZIPfolder); $zipFile = "{$tmpZIPfolder}/"; writeFile($zipFile, $rssStr); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/lib/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php"; $archive = new PclZip($zipFile); $list = $archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $tmpZIPfolder, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH, PCLZIP_OPT_BY_PREG, "/(\\.igc)|(\\.olc)|(\\.txt)\$/i"); if ($list) { if ($verbose) { echo " <div class='ok'>DONE</div><br>"; } echo "<br><b>List of uploaded igc/olc/txt files</b><BR>"; $f_num = 1; foreach ($list as $fileInZip) { echo "{$f_num}) " . $fileInZip['stored_filename'] . ' (' . floor($fileInZip['size'] / 1024) . 'Kb)<br>'; $f_num++; } if ($verbose) { flush2Browser(); } if (is_file($tmpZIPfolder . '/sync.txt')) { $rssStr = implode('', file($tmpZIPfolder . '/sync.txt')); } else { echo "Could not find sync.txt. <div class='error'>Aborting</div>"; delDir($tmpZIPfolder); return array(-2, "Could not find sync.txt"); } //delDir($tmpZIPfolder); //exit; } else { echo " <div class='error'>This is not a zip file (" . $archive->errorInfo() . ")</div><br>"; } } // // getIGC // zip // for debugging json // writeFile(dirname(__FILE__).'/sync.txt',$rssStr); //return; // echo "<PRE>$rssStr</pre>"; if ($this->data['sync_format'] == 'XML') { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/miniXML/'; $xmlDoc = new MiniXMLDoc(); $xmlDoc->fromString($rssStr); $xmlArray = $xmlDoc->toArray(); //echo "<PRE>"; //print_r($xmlArray); //echo "</PRE>"; if ($xmlArray['log']['item']['_num']) { foreach ($xmlArray['log']['item'] as $i => $logItem) { if (!is_numeric($i)) { continue; } if (!$this->processSyncEntry($this->ID, $logItem)) { // if we got an error break the loop, the admin must solve the error break; } } } else { $this->processSyncEntry($this->ID, $xmlArray['log']['item']); } } else { if ($this->data['sync_format'] == 'JSON') { if ($verbose) { echo "Decoding log from JSON format ..."; } if ($verbose) { flush2Browser(); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/json/CL_json.php'; // is this needed ? // $rssStr=str_replace('\\\\"','\"',$rssStr); // for testing emply log // $rssStr='{ "log": [ ] }'; // for testing bad log // $rssStr='{ "log": [ }'; $arr = json::decode($rssStr); if ($verbose) { echo " <div class='ok'>DONE</div><br>"; } if ($verbose) { flush2Browser(); } if ($DBGlvl > 0) { echo "<PRE>"; print_r($arr); echo "</PRE>"; } //exit; $entriesNum = 0; $entriesNumOK = 0; if (count($arr['log'])) { if ($verbose) { echo "Log Entries: <div class='ok'>" . count($arr['log']) . "</div><br>"; } if ($verbose) { flush2Browser(); } foreach ($arr['log'] as $i => $logItem) { if (!is_numeric($i)) { continue; } echo $entriesNum + 1 . " / {$chunkSize} "; // add path of temp folder into array $logItem['item']['tmpDir'] = $tmpZIPfolder; $entryResult = $this->processSyncEntry($this->ID, $logItem['item'], $verbose); if ($entryResult <= -128) { // if we got an error break the loop, the admin must solve the error echo "<div class'error'>Got fatal Error, will exit</div>"; $errorInProccess = 1; break; } if ($entryResult > 0) { $entriesNumOK++; } $entriesNum++; } } else { if (is_array($arr['log'])) { // no log entries to proccess delDir($tmpZIPfolder); echo "No new log entries to proccess<br />"; return array(0, 0); } if ($verbose) { echo "Sync-log format error:<br />"; print_r($arr); echo "<hr><pre>{$rssStr}</pre>"; } else { echo "Sync-log format error:<br><pre>{$rssStr}</pre><br>"; } delDir($tmpZIPfolder); return array(-4, "Sync-log format error: <pre>{$rssStr}</pre>"); } } } if ($verbose || $entriesNum > 0) { echo "<div class='ok'>Sync-log replication finished</div><br>"; echo "Proccessed {$entriesNum} log entries ({$entriesNumOK} inserted OK) out of {$chunkSize}<br>"; } // clean up delDir($tmpZIPfolder); if ($errorInProccess) { return array(-3, $entriesNum); } else { return array(1, $entriesNum); } }