/** * put your comment there... * */ public function getBlocks() { // Set request view filters used for querying database. $this->setRequestFilters(); // Get blocks order. NOTE: This is all blocks order not only the queried/target blocks. $blocksOrder = array(); $metaBoxesOrder = $this->onblocksorder($this->model->getOrder()); // Get ORDER-INDEX <TO> BLOCK-ID mapping. preg_match_all('/cjtoolbox-(\\d+)/', $metaBoxesOrder['normal'], $blocksOrder, PREG_SET_ORDER); /** * append more to orders produced by CJTBlocksCouplingController::setRequestFilter(). * More to orders may allow other blocks to bein the output (e.g metaboxe blocks). */ $blocksOrder = array_merge($blocksOrder, $this->getFilters()->moreToOrder); // Prepare request URL to match against Links & Expressions. $linksRequestURL = self::getRequestURL(); $expressionsRequestURL = "{$linksRequestURL}?{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}"; extract($this->onmatchingurls(compact('linksRequestURL', 'expressionsRequestURL'))); // Get all blocks including (Links & Expressions Blocks). $blocks = $this->ongetblocks($this->model->getPinsBlocks(CJTBlockModel::PINS_LINK_EXPRESSION, $this->getFilters()->pinPoint, $this->getFilters()->customPins, $this->getFilters())); if (empty($blocks)) { $this->onnoblocks(); return false; } // Import related libraries. cssJSToolbox::import('framework:php:evaluator:evaluator.inc.php'); /** * Iterator over all blocks by using they order. * For each block get code and scripts. */ $this->onprocess(); foreach ($blocksOrder as $blockOrder) { $blockId = (int) $blockOrder[1]; // As mentioned above. Orders is for all blocks not just those queried from db. if (isset($blocks[$blockId])) { $block = $this->onprocessblock($blocks[$blockId]); /** * Process Links & Expressions blocks. * For better performace check only those with links and expressions flags. */ if ($block->blocksGroup & CJTBlockModel::PINS_LINK_EXPRESSION) { /** * Initiliaze $matchedLink and $matchedExpression inside IF statment. * Those variables need to refresh state at each block. * If there is no link or expression flags, they will be FALSE. * Otherwise they'll get the correct value inside each statement. */ /// Check if there is a matched link. if ($matchedLink = $block->blocksGroup & CJTBlockModel::PINS_LINKS) { $links = explode("\n", trim($block->links)); $matchedLink = in_array($linksRequestURL, $links); } /// Check if there is a matched expression. if ($matchedExpression = $block->blocksGroup & CJTBlockModel::PINS_EXPRESSIONS) { $expressions = explode("\n", $block->expressions); foreach ($expressions as $expression) { /// @TODO: Matches may be used later to evaulate variables inside code block. if ($matchedExpression = @preg_match("/{$expression}/", $expressionsRequestURL)) { break; } } } /** * Exclude Links & Expressions Blocks that doesn't has a match. * If there is no matched link or expression then exclude block. */ if ($this->oncancelmatching(!($matchedExpression || $matchedLink))) { continue; } } // Allow extensions to control to prevent block from being in the output if ($block = $this->onblockmatched($block)) { // Retrieve block code-files. $block->code = $this->model->getBlockCode($block->id); // Import Executable (PHP and HTML) templates. $block->code = $block->code . $this->model->getExecTemplatesCode($block->id); // For every location store blocks code into single string if (!($evaluatedCode = $this->onevalcodeblock(false, $block))) { $evaluatedCode = CJTPHPCodeEvaluator::getInstance($block)->exec()->getOutput(); } /** @todo Include Debuging info only if we're in debuging mode! */ if (1) { $evaluatedCode = "\n<!-- Block ({$blockId}) START-->\n{$evaluatedCode}\n<!-- Block ({$blockId}) END -->\n"; } $this->blocks['code'][$block->location] .= $this->onappendcode($evaluatedCode); // Store all used Ids in the CORRECT ORDER. $this->addOnActionIds($blockId); } } } $templates = $this->onActionIds ? $this->model->getLinkedTemplates($this->onActionIds) : array(); // Classisfy as we process Scripts and Styles separatly (different hooks!). foreach ($this->onlinkedtemplates($templates) as $id => $template) { // Filer template! extract($this->onlinktemplate(compact('template', 'id'))); $this->templates[$template->type][$id] = $template; } return true; }
/** * put your comment there... * */ public function __toString() { // Initialize. $replacement = ''; $model = CJTModel::getInstance('coupling'); // Get shortcode options. $this->options = array_merge($this->options, array_intersect_key($this->attributes, $this->options)); // Get shortcode parameters. $this->parameters = array_diff_key($this->attributes, array_flip(array('force', 'tag', 'name', 'id'))); // Get Block fields to be used to query the block. $blockQueryFields = array_intersect_key($this->attributes, array_flip(array('id', 'name'))); $coupling =& CJTBlocksCouplingController::theInstance(); // Import dependecies. cssJSToolbox::import('framework:db:mysql:xtable.inc.php', 'framework:php:evaluator:evaluator.inc.php'); // Query block. $block = CJTxTable::getInstance('block')->setData($blockQueryFields)->load(array_keys($blockQueryFields)); // Load using Creteria fields. // Get block code if exists and is active block. if ($block->get('id')) { if ($block->get('state') == 'active') { // Get stdCLass copy. $block = $block->getData(); // Output block if 'force="true" or only if it wasn't already in the header/footer! if ($this->options['force'] == 'true' || !in_array($block->id, $coupling->getOnActionIds())) { // Id is being used! $coupling->addOnActionIds((int) $block->id); // Retrieve block code-files. $block->code = $model->getBlockCode($block->id); // Import Executable (PHP and HTML) templates. $block->code = $block->code . $model->getExecTemplatesCode($block->id); // CJT Block Standard Parameters object. $spi = new CJT_Framework_Developer_Interface_Block_Shortcode_Shortcode($block, $this->parameters, $this->content); // Get block code, execute it as PHP! $blockCode = CJTPHPCodeEvaluator::getInstance($block)->exec(array('cb' => $spi))->getOutput(); // CJT Shortcode markup interface (CSMI)! // CSMI is HTML markup to identify the CJT block Shortcode replacement. $replacement = "<{$this->options['tag']} id='{$spi->containerElementId()}' class='csmi csmi-bid-{$block->id} csmi-{$block->name}'>{$this->content}{$blockCode}</{$this->options['tag']}>"; // Get linked templates. $linkedStylesheets = ''; $templates = $model->getLinkedTemplates($block->id); $reverseTypes = array_flip(CJTCouplingModel::$templateTypes); // Enqueue all scripts & Direct Output for all Style Sheets! foreach ($templates as $template) { // Get Template type name. $typeName = $reverseTypes[$template->type]; /** * @var WP_Dependencies */ $queue = $model->getQueueObject($typeName); if (!in_array($template->queueName, $queue->done)) { if (!isset($queue->registered[$template->queueName])) { $queue->add($template->queueName, "/{$template->file}", null, $template->version, 1); } // Enqueue template! $queue->enqueue($template->queueName); } } // Prepend linked Stylesheets to the replacement. if (isset($linkedStylesheets)) { $replacement = "<style type='text/css'>{$linkedStylesheets}</style>{$replacement}"; } } } } else { // Invalid Shortcode block query! $replacement = cssJSToolbox::getText('Could not find block specified! Please check out the Shortcode parameters.'); } // Return shortcode replacement string. return $replacement; }