 * Calculates the nutation in longitude
 * @param   int|float $year      The year, for example: 2000, -1000, 0, or a Julian day
 * @param   int|bool  $month     The month, from 1 to 12, or false if the previous parameter is a Julian day
 * @param   int|float $day       The day, from 1 to 31, or with decimals
 * @param   int       $hours     The hours, from 0 to 23
 * @param   int       $minutes   The minutes, from 0 to 59
 * @param   float     $seconds   The seconds, from 0 to 59, or with decimals
 * @param   string    $format    The format of the nutation in longitude: DEGREES, RADIANS, SECONDS, default = SECONDS
 * @param   bool      $use_cache Caches the arguments of the nutation during the calculation, default = true
 * @return  float                The nutation in longitude
function aa_nutation_in_longitude($year, $month, $day = null, $hours = null, $minutes = null, $seconds = null, $format = null, $use_cache = true)
    global $_aa_nutation_periodic_terms;
    if ($month === false) {
        // the year is actually a Julian day
        $julian_day = $year;
    } else {
        // a date is passed, calculates the Julian day
        $julian_day = aa_date_to_julian_day($year, $month, $day, $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
        if ($julian_day === false) {
            return false;
    $T = ($julian_day - 2451545) / 36525;
    $nutation_arguments = aa_nutation_arguments($T, $use_cache);
    $nutation_in_longitude = 0;
    foreach ($_aa_nutation_periodic_terms as $index => $terms) {
        list(, , , , , $coef0_sin, $coef1_sin) = $terms;
        $nutation_in_longitude += ($coef0_sin + $coef1_sin * $T) * sin($nutation_arguments[$index]) * 0.0001;
    if ($format !== null) {
        $nutation_in_longitude = aa_seconds_to_format($nutation_in_longitude, $format);
    return $nutation_in_longitude;
 * Calculates the day of the week for a given date
 * @param  int      $year  The year, for example: 2000, -1000, 0
 * @param  int      $month The month, from 1 to 12
 * @param  float    $day   The day, from 1 to 31, or with decimals
 * @return int|bool        The day of the week, for example: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or false on error
function aa_day_of_week($year, $month, $day)
    $julian_day = aa_date_to_julian_day($year, $month, (int) $day);
    if ($julian_day === false) {
        return false;
    $julian_day += 1.5;
    $day_of_week = $julian_day % 7;
    return $day_of_week;
 * Calculates the number of days between two dates
 * The calendar in which each date falls is automatically detected.
 * This algorithm is invalid for negative Julian days.
 * @param  int        $year_from  The year from, for example: 2000, -1000, 0
 * @param  int        $month_from The month from , from 1 to 12
 * @param  float      $day_from   The day from, from 1 to 31, or also: 1.5, 2.75, 30.25
 * @param  int        $year_to    The year to, for example: 2000, -1000, 0
 * @param  int        $month_to   The month to , from 1 to 12
 * @param  float      $day_to     The day to, from 1 to 31, or also: 1.5, 2.75, 30.25
 * @return float|bool             The number of days or false on error
function aa_date_difference($year_from, $month_from, $day_from, $year_to, $month_to, $day_to)
    $julian_day_from = aa_date_to_julian_day($year_from, $month_from, $day_from);
    if ($julian_day_from === false) {
        return false;
    $julian_day_to = aa_date_to_julian_day($year_to, $month_to, $day_to);
    if ($julian_day_to === false) {
        return false;
    $days = $julian_day_to - $julian_day_from;
    return $days;
 * Adds a number of days to a date
 * The calendar in which the date falls is automatically detected.
 * This algorithm is invalid for negative Julian days.
 * @param   int        $year        The year, for example: 2000, -1000, 0
 * @param   int        $month       The month, from 1 to 12
 * @param   float      $day         The day, from 1 to 31, or with decimals
 * @param   float      $days_to_add The number of days to add,  example: 1, 2, -1, -2, -1.25, 1.5
 * @return  array|bool              The new year or false on error
 * @returns int        0            The year
 * @returns int        1            The month
 * @returns float      2            The day
function aa_add_days_to_date($year, $month, $day, $days_to_add)
    $julian_day = aa_date_to_julian_day($year, $month, $day);
    if ($julian_day === false) {
        return false;
    $julian_day += $days_to_add;
    if ($julian_day < 0) {
        aa_set_error('This algorithm is invalid for negative Julian days.');
        return false;
    $new_date = aa_julian_day_to_date($julian_day);
    return $new_date;
 * Calculates the mean sidereal time at Greenwich
 * The calendar in which the date falls is automatically detected.
 * This algorithm is invalid for negative Julian days.
 * @param   int              $year    The year, for example: 2000, -1000, 0
 * @param   int              $month   The month, from 1 to 12
 * @param   int|float        $day     The day, from 1 to 31, or with decimals
 * @param   int              $hours   The hours, from 0 to 23
 * @param   int              $minutes The minutes, from 0 to 59
 * @param   float            $seconds The seconds, from 0 to 59, or with decimals
 * @param   string           $format  The format of the mean sidereal time: DMS, HMS, MOD360, NONE, RADIANS, default = HMS
 * @param   bool             $mod360  True to convert degrees to a value between 0 and 360 degrees before formating,
 *                                    false otherwise, default = true
 * @return  float|array|bool          The mean sidereal time at Greenwich
 * @returns int              0        The hours or degrees
 * @returns int              1        The minutes
 * @returns float            2        The seconds
function aa_greenwich_mean_sidereal_time($year, $month, $day, $hours = null, $minutes = null, $seconds = null, $format = null, $mod360 = true)
    is_null($format) and $format = 'HMS';
    $julian_day = aa_date_to_julian_day($year, $month, (int) $day);
    if ($julian_day === false) {
        return false;
    $T = ($julian_day - 2451545) / 36525;
    $T2 = $T * $T;
    $T3 = $T2 * $T;
    $mean_sidereal_time = 100.46061837 + 36000.770053608 * $T + 0.000387933 * $T2 - $T3 / 38710000;
    $time = (($day - (int) $day) * 24 + $hours) * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $seconds;
    $mean_sidereal_time += 1.00273790935 * $time / 240;
    // 3600 / 24 * 360 = 240
    $mean_sidereal_time = aa_degrees_to_format($mean_sidereal_time, $format, $mod360);
    return $mean_sidereal_time;
Пример #6

 * * Astronomical Algorithms UI Defaults
 * @author    Michel Corne <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright 2012 Michel Corne
 * @license   http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT
require_once ROOT . '/api/aa-date-to-julian-day.php';
$year = date('Y');
$month = date('n');
$day = date('j');
return array('day' => $day, 'degrees' => 90, 'height' => 1706, 'hours' => 6, 'is_positive' => true, 'julian_day' => aa_date_to_julian_day($year, $month, $day), 'latitude' => 33.356111, 'minutes' => 0, 'month' => $month, 'seconds' => 0, 'year' => $year);
 * Calculates the Julian day corresponding to January 0.0 of a given year
 * This is the same number as for December 31.0 of the preceding year.
 * The calendar in which the date falls is automatically detected.
 * This algorithm is invalid for negative Julian days.
 * @param  int        $year  The year, for example: 2000, -1000, 0
 * @param  int        $month The month, from 1 to 12
 * @param  float      $day   The day, from 1 to 31, or with decimals
 * @return float|bool        The Julian day or false on error
function aa_date_to_julian_day0($year)
    $julian_day0 = aa_date_to_julian_day($year - 1, 12, 31);
    return $julian_day0;