public static function downloadData($plugin_id, $vendor_name, $user = "******") { // Get main files from Github $composer = Github::getContent($vendor_name, 'composer.json', $user); $featherbb = Github::getContent($vendor_name, 'featherbb.json', $user); $readme = Github::getContent($vendor_name, '', $user); if ($composer === false || $featherbb === false || $readme === false) { return false; } $composerDecoded = json_decode($composer); $featherDecoded = json_decode($featherbb); $plugin = ORM::for_table('market_plugins')->find_one($plugin_id); if ($plugin !== false) { $plugin->homepage = '' . $vendor_name; $plugin->status = 2; $plugin->vendor_name = $vendor_name; // $plugin->author = $featherDecoded->author->name; $plugin->last_version = $featherDecoded->version; $plugin->description = $composerDecoded->description; $plugin->keywords = serialize($composerDecoded->keywords); $plugin->readme = $readme; $plugin->save(); } return $plugin; }
public static function downloadData($theme_id, $vendor_name) { $theme = ORM::for_table('market_themes')->find_one($theme_id); if ($theme === false) { return false; } // Get main files from Github $userGit = explode('/', str_ireplace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', $theme->homepage)); $readme = Github::getContent($userGit[2], '', $userGit[1]); $featherbb = Github::getContent($userGit[2], 'featherbb.json', $userGit[1]); if ($featherbb === false || $readme === false) { return false; } $featherDecoded = json_decode($featherbb); $theme->status = 2; $theme->vendor_name = $vendor_name; $theme->last_version = $featherDecoded->version; $theme->last_update = time(); $theme->keywords = serialize($featherDecoded->keywords); $theme->readme = $readme; $theme->save(); return $theme; }
public function accept($req, $res, $args) { // Ensure user is admmod on forum $user = $req->getAttribute('user'); if (!$user->is_admmod) { $notFoundHandler = Container::get('notFoundHandler'); return $notFoundHandler($req, $res); } // Download archive and store info files to disk $vendor_name = Input::post('vendor_name'); $plugin_id = Input::post('plugin_id'); // Check required fields are sent from form if (!$vendor_name || !$plugin_id) { $notFoundHandler = Container::get('notFoundHandler'); return $notFoundHandler($req, $res); } // Check vendor name is unique if (ORM::for_table('market_plugins')->where('vendor_name', $vendor_name)->where('status', 2)->count() > 0) { return 'Vendor name already exists!'; } $repoURL = PluginModel::getUser($vendor_name); $userGit = explode('/', str_ireplace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', $repoURL)); if (Input::post('accept_plugin')) { // If no errors while getting data from Github, store generic infos to DB, else throw 404 if (PluginModel::downloadData($plugin_id, $vendor_name, $userGit[1]) === false) { $notFoundHandler = Container::get('notFoundHandler'); return $notFoundHandler($req, $res); } else { GithubApi::forkRepo($userGit[1], $vendor_name); } } elseif (Input::post('delete_plugin')) { // TODO: Remove plugin from DB } return Router::redirect(Router::pathFor('plugins.pending')); }
public function view($req, $res, $args) { $plugin = PluginModel::getData($args['name']); if ($plugin === false) { $notFoundHandler = Container::get('notFoundHandler'); return $notFoundHandler($req, $res); } $action = isset($args['action']) ? $args['action'] : 'description'; $content = ''; if ($action === 'history') { // $content = json_decode(GithubApi::getTags($args['name'])); $content = GithubApi::getTags($args['name']); } elseif (!isset($plugin->menu_content[$action]) && isset($plugin->menu_content['description'])) { $content = Markdown::defaultTransform($plugin->menu_content['description']); } elseif (isset($plugin->menu_content[$action])) { $content = Markdown::defaultTransform($plugin->menu_content[$action]); } return View::setPageInfo(['plugin' => $plugin, 'content' => $content, 'active_menu' => $action, 'active_nav' => 'plugins'])->addBreadcrumb([Router::pathFor('plugins') => 'Plugins', htmlspecialchars($plugin->name)])->addTemplate('plugins/view.php')->display(); }