public function getPosts($status = null, $limitQuery = null) { $P = new post(); $posts = array(); if (is_null($status) === true) { $posts = $P->findAll("ID,id_user,urlfriendly,title,IF(POSITION('<!--more-->' IN content)>0,MID(content,1,POSITION('<!--more-->' IN content)-1),content) as content, created", 'ID DESC', $limitQuery, null); } else { if (is_array($status) === false) { $posts = $P->findAll("ID,id_user,urlfriendly,title,IF(POSITION('<!--more-->' IN content)>0,MID(content,1,POSITION('<!--more-->' IN content)-1),content) as content, created", 'ID DESC', $limitQuery, "WHERE status='{$status}'"); } else { $status_sql = ""; foreach ($status as $st) { $status_sql .= "status ='{$st}' OR "; } $status_sql = substr($status_sql, 0, -3); $posts = $P->findAll("ID,id_user,urlfriendly,title,IF(POSITION('<!--more-->' IN content)>0,MID(content,1,POSITION('<!--more-->' IN content)-1),content) as content, created", 'ID DESC', $limitQuery, "WHERE ({$status_sql})"); } } $C = new comment(); foreach ($posts as $k => $p) { $posts[$k]['title'] = htmlspecialchars($posts[$k]['title']); $posts[$k]['tags'] = $this->getTags($posts[$k]['ID']); $posts[$k]['comments_count'] = $C->countCommentsByPost($posts[$k]['ID'], "publish"); $U = new user(); if ($posts[$k]['id_user'] < 2) { $posts[$k]['autor'] = $U->find(1); } else { $posts[$k]['autor'] = $U->find($posts[$k]['id_user']); } } return $posts; }
public function index($id = NULL, $page = 1) { if (is_null($id) or is_numeric($id)) { $this->redirect($this->conf['blog_siteurl']); } $tag = $id; $post = new post(); $link = new link(); $comment = new comment(); $this->html->useTheme($this->conf['blog_current_theme']); $info = array(); $info["isAdmin"] = false; if ($this->cookie->check("logged") and $this->cookie->id_user == 1) { $info["isAdmin"] = true; } $this->themes->info = $info; $includes['charset'] = $this->html->charsetTag("UTF-8"); $includes['rssFeed'] = $this->html->includeRSS(); if ($page > 1) { $includes['canonical'] = "<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"{$this->conf['blog_siteurl']}/tag/" . rawurlencode($post->sql_escape($id)) . "/{$page}\" />"; } else { $includes['canonical'] = "<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"{$this->conf['blog_siteurl']}/tag/" . rawurlencode($post->sql_escape($id)) . "\" />"; } $this->registry->includes = $includes; $this->plugin->call('index_includes'); $includes = null; foreach ($this->registry->includes as $include) { $includes .= $include; } $this->themes->includes = $includes; $this->themes->links = $link->findAll(); $this->themes->single = false; $total_rows = $post->countPosts(array('status' => 'publish', 'tag' => $tag)); $page = (int) is_null($page) ? 1 : $page; $limit = $this->conf['blog_posts_per_page']; $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; $limitQuery = $offset . "," . $limit; $targetpage = $this->path . "tag/{$tag}/"; $this->themes->pagination = $this->pagination->init($total_rows, $page, $limit, $targetpage); $posts = $post->getPostsByTag($tag, $limitQuery); foreach ($posts as $k => $p) { $posts[$k]['title'] = htmlspecialchars($p['title']); $posts[$k]['tags'] = $post->getTags($p['ID']); $posts[$k]['comments_count'] = $comment->countCommentsByPost($posts[$k]['ID']); $user = new user(); if ($posts[$k]['id_user'] < 2) { $posts[$k]['autor'] = $user->find(1); } else { $posts[$k]['autor'] = $user->find($posts[$k]['id_user']); } } $this->registry->posts = $posts; $this->plugin->call("index_post_content"); $this->themes->posts = $this->registry->posts; $this->themes->title_for_layout = "{$this->conf['blog_name']} - {$tag}"; $this->render(); }
private function process() { $this->commonProcess(); $config = services::getService('config'); $lang = services::getService('lang'); $params = services::getService('pageParams'); $mail = services::getService('mail'); $geo = services::getService('geoinfo'); $categories = services::getService('cats'); if ($params->getParam('add_to_adressbook')) { $addr = new adressbook(); $addr->sender_id = $this->user->id; $addr->recipient_id = $params->getParam('showmember'); if (!$addr->find()) { $addr->insert(); $this->addMsg('msg_adressbook_add_success'); } else { $this->addMsg('msg_adressbook_add_allready'); } } // build userlist // assotiativ array with object and detail-flag $smember = new user(); $smember->id = $params->getParam('showmember'); $smember->find(true); $member = array("obj" => $smember); $this->member = $member; $this->member['obj']->getPhoto(); $this->geodist = $geo->getDistance($this->user, $this->member["obj"]); }
/** * Handle a POST request to reset a user's password. * * @return Response */ public function postReset() { $credentials = Input::only('email', 'password', 'token'); //hack password_confirmation for package $credentials['password_confirmation'] = $credentials['password']; $rules = array('email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required|min:6', 'token' => 'required'); $v = Validator::make($credentials, $rules); if ($v->fails()) { return Output::push(array('path' => 'password/reset', 'errors' => $v, 'input' => TRUE)); } //new style $validtoken = $this->_isValidToken($credentials['email'], $credentials['token']); if ($validtoken) { $id = $this->_getUserId($credentials['email']); if ($id) { $user = user::find($id); //$user->username = $input['username']; $user->email = $credentials['email']; if ($credentials['password']) { $user->password = Hash::make($credentials['password']); Event::fire('logger', array(array('account_password_update', array('id' => $id, 'username' => $user->username), 2))); } $user->save(); return Output::push(array('path' => 'login', 'messages' => array('success' => _('Password has been reset')))); } else { return Output::push(array('path' => 'password/recovery', 'messages' => array('fail' => _('Unable to process password reset')))); } } else { return Output::push(array('path' => 'password/recovery', 'messages' => array('fail' => _('Invalid token')))); } }
public static function substractCredit($price) { $user = user::find(Auth::user()->id); $user_credit = $user->balance; $user->balance = $user_credit - $price; $user->save(); }
public function login($msg = null) { if ($this->session->check("logged") == true) { $this->redirect("admin"); } if ($msg == "nosession") { $this->session->flash("La URL solicitada necesita autentificacion."); } elseif ($msg == "fail") { $this->session->flash("Lo siento, la informacion ingresada es incorrecta."); } elseif ($msg == "logout") { $this->session->flash("Haz terminado la sesion correctamente."); } if ($this->data) { $U = new user(); if ($id_user = $U->validateLogin($this->data)) { $user = $U->find($id_user); $this->session->user = $user; $this->session->logged = true; $this->redirect("admin/"); } else { $this->redirect("admin/login/fail/"); } } else { $this->view->setLayout("admin"); $this->title_for_layout("Login - Codice CMS"); $this->render(); } }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { $input = Input::only('email', 'username', 'password'); $rules = array('email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email,' . Auth::user()->id . ',id,deleted_at,NULL,status,' . Auth::user()->status . ''); if ($input['password']) { $rules['password'] = '******'; } $v = Validator::make($input, $rules); if ($v->fails()) { return Output::push(array('path' => 'user', 'errors' => $v, 'input' => TRUE)); } if ($input['password'] && $id && Auth::user()->id == $id) { $user = user::find($id); //$user->username = $input['username']; $user->email = $input['email']; if ($input['password']) { $user->password = Hash::make($input['password']); Event::fire('logger', array(array('account_password_update', array('id' => $id, 'username' => $user->username), 2))); } $user->save(); return Output::push(array('path' => 'user', 'errors' => 'Change Password Successfully', 'messages' => array('success', _('User data has been saved')), 'input' => TRUE)); } else { return Output::push(array('path' => 'user', 'errors' => 'Unable to update user', 'messages' => array('fail', _('Unable to update user')), 'input' => TRUE)); } }
public function adminNotify() { if ($this->cookie->check("id_user") and $this->cookie->id_user == 1) { //no notificamos a administrador de su propio comentario. return; } $id = $this->registry->lastCommentID; $Comment = new comment(); $comment = $Comment->find($id); $comment['content'] = utils::nl2br($comment['content']); if (!defined('GESHI_VERSION')) { $comment['content'] = $this->comment_source_code_beautifier($comment['content'], 'addTagPRE'); } else { $comment['content'] = $this->comment_source_code_beautifier($comment['content']); } $User = new user(); $user = $User->find(1); $Post = new post(); $post = $Post->find($comment['ID_post']); $commentsWaiting = $Comment->countCommentsByPost(null, 'waiting'); $mailStr = "\n\t\t\t<table width=\"100%\">\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<small>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>From IP</strong>: {$comment['IP']}<br />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"{$comment['url']}\">{$comment['url']}</a><br />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Email</strong>: <a href=\"mailto:{$comment['email']}\">{$comment['email']}</a><br />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>DateTime</strong>: {$comment['created']}<br />\n\t\t\t\t\t</small>\n\t\t\t\t\t<hr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Author</strong>: {$comment['author']}<br />\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<tr><td><strong>Content</strong></td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td bgcolor=\"#f7f7f7\">\n\t\t\t\t{$comment['content']}\n\t\t\t\t<hr />\n\t\t\t</td></tr>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tModerate comment: <a href=\"{$this->registry->path}comments/edit/{$comment['ID']}\">{$this->registry->path}comments/edit/{$comment['ID']}</a><br />\n\t\t\t\t\t\tView entry: <a href=\"{$this->registry->path}{$post['urlfriendly']}\">{$this->registry->path}{$post['urlfriendly']}</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tThere are {$commentsWaiting} comments waiting for approbal. <br />\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPlease moderate comments: <a href=\"{$this->registry->path}comments/waiting\">{$this->registry->path}comments</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t"; $conf = $this->registry->conf; $subject = "[{$conf['blog_name']}] Nuevo Comentario en: {$post['title']}"; $this->enviaMail($user['email'], $subject, $mailStr, $user['email']); }
public function page() { $page_params = services::getService('pageParams'); $config = services::getService('config'); $login = $page_params->getParam('login'); $password = $page_params->getParam('password'); $this->act_page = $page_params->getParam('page'); $this->act_get = $this->getActGet(); if ($login != "" && $password != "") { $user = new user($login, crypt($password, 'dl')); if ($user->find(true)) { $this->user = $user; } } // set interface-language // if lang is in get, a cookie is set, lang in get is set, is written in db // else if lang is in db, a cookie is set // else if lang is in cookie, lang in cookie is set, is written in db // else if lang is in browser, a cookie is set etc., is written in db // else if lang is in config.ini, cookie, set, written in db if ($_GET['lang']) { setcookie('language', $_GET['lang'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); if (is_object($user)) { $this->user->language = $_GET['lang']; $this->user->update(); } } else { if ($this->user->language) { if ($_COOKIE['language'] != $this->user->language) { setcookie('language', $this->user->language, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); } } else { if ($_COOKIE['language']) { if (is_object($user)) { $this->user->language = $_COOKIE['language']; $this->user->update(); } } else { if (is_array(parseHttpAcceptLanguage())) { $blang = parseHttpAcceptLanguage(); setcookie('language', $blang[0]['code'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); if (is_object($user)) { $this->user->language = $blang[0]['code']; $this->user->update(); } } else { setcookie('language', $config->getSetting('language'), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); if (is_object($user)) { $this->user->language = $config->getSetting('language'); $this->user->update(); } } } } } $this->addMsg($page_params->getParam('msg')); $this->assignAll(); }
public static function validateLogin($email, $password) { if ($user = user::find(array('email' => $email))) { if (authentication::verify($password, $user["password"])) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
function showall($username = null) { using('lepton.user.*'); using('lepton.mvc.request'); if ($username) { $ur = user::find($username); console::writeLn(__astr('\\b{%-20s}: %s'), 'Username', $ur->username); console::writeLn(__astr('\\b{%-20s}: %s'), 'Displayname', $ur->displayname); console::writeLn(__astr('\\b{%-20s}: %s'), 'E-Mail', $ur->email); console::writeLn(__astr('\\b{%-20s}: %s'), 'UUID', $ur->uuid); console::writeLn(__astr('\\b{%-20s}: %s'), 'Flags', $ur->flags); console::writeLn(__astr('\\b{%-20s}: %s'), 'Active', $ur->active == 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No'); console::writeLn(__astr('\\b{%-20s}: %s'), 'Firstname', $ur->firstname); console::writeLn(__astr('\\b{%-20s}: %s'), 'Lastname', $ur->lastname); console::writeLn(__astr('\\b{%-20s}: %s'), 'Last login', $ur->lastlogin); console::writeLn(__astr('\\b{%-20s}: %s'), 'Last IP', $ur->lastip); console::writeLn(__astr('\\b{%-20s}: %s'), 'Registered', $ur->registered); foreach ($ur as $af => $ad) { console::writeLn(__astr('\\g{%-20s}: %s'), $af, $ad); } } else { console::writeLn("Use: user show username"); } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $detail = table_users_detail::where('users_id', '=', $id)->first(); if (isset($detail->users_detail_id)) { $idusersdetail = $detail->users_detail_id; table_users_detail::find($idusersdetail)->delete(); } user::find($id)->delete(); return redirect('admin/users-detail')->with('warning', 'Data have been removed!'); }
/** * Find a user in the database. Deprecated in favor of User::find() * * @deprecated since 1.0.0 * @param string $username * @return UserRecord The user record if any. Null otherwise. */ static function findUser($username) { __deprecated('user::findUser', 'user::find'); return user::find($username); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { $input = Input::only('first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'website', 'username', 'password'); $domain_id = Request::segment(4) ? Request::segment(4) : 'NULL'; $rules = array('first_name' => 'required|min:1', 'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email,' . $id . ',id,deleted_at,NULL,domain_id,' . $domain_id, 'password' => 'min:6'); $v = Validator::make($input, $rules); if ($v->fails()) { return Output::push(array('path' => 'users/edit/' . $id, 'errors' => $v, 'input' => TRUE)); } $profile = Profile::find($id); $profile->first_name = $input['first_name']; $profile->last_name = $input['last_name']; $profile->website = $input['website']; $profile->save(); $user = user::find($id); //$user->username = $input['username']; $user->email = $input['email']; if ($input['password']) { $user->password = Hash::make($input['password']); Event::fire('logger', array(array('account_password_update', array('id' => $id, 'username' => $user->username), 2))); } $user->profile()->associate($profile); $user->save(); $path = Request::segment(4) ? 'domain/users/' . Request::segment(4) : 'users'; $path = Request::segment(1) == "managers" ? "managers" : $path; if ($id) { return Output::push(array('path' => $path, 'messages' => array('success' => _('You have updated user successfully')))); } else { return Output::push(array('path' => 'users/edit/' . $id, 'messages' => array('fail' => _('Fail to update user')), 'input' => TRUE)); } }
public function putfollowinotherprofile() { $followerid = $_GET['followerid']; $authusrid = Auth::user()->ID; $curdate = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $inputdetails['followerid'] = $followerid; $inputdetails['userid'] = $authusrid; $inputdetails['createddate'] = $curdate; $followers = followModel::create($inputdetails); if ($followers) { ////// Send Mail ///////// $followedetails = user::find($followerid); $email = $followedetails['email']; if (Auth::user()->firstname != '') { $username = Auth::user()->firstname . ' ' . Auth::user()->lastname; } else { $username = Auth::user()->username; } if ($followedetails['firstname'] != '') { $followingusername = $followedetails['firstname'] . ' ' . $followedetails['lastname']; } else { $followingusername = $followedetails['username']; } //$email ='*****@*****.**'; Mail::send([], array('followingusername' => $followingusername, 'email' => $email, 'username' => $username), function ($message) use($followingusername, $email, $username) { /* $mail_body = 'Dear {followingusername},<br><br> The Member {username} is following you.<br><br> Thank You, <br><br>Regards,<br>DingDatt<br><a href="'.URL::to('assets/inner/img/DingDatt_logo_web1.png').'" style="dislay:block;outline: none; padding:25px;margin:25px; min-height:110px; width:100%; overflow:hidden;"> <img src="'.URL::to('assets/inner/img/DingDatt_logo_web1.png').'" width="110" height="86" style="width:110px; padding:0px; margin:0px;" alt="DingDatt"/> </a>'; $mail_body = str_replace("{username}", $username, $mail_body); $mail_body = str_replace("{followingusername}", $followingusername, $mail_body); */ $mail_body = '<style>.thank{text-align:center; width:100%;} .but_color{color:#ffffff;} .cont_name{width:100px;} .cont_value{width:500px;} </style> <body style="font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; margin:0px auto; padding:0px;"> <div style="margin:0px auto;background:#e5e5e5;float:left; width:98%; height:30px;margin:0px 1%; border-bottom:#005377 1px solid;vertical-align: text-middle;"> <a href="' . URL() . '"><img src="' . URL::to('assets/images/logo.png') . '" style="margin-top:3px; line-height:20px;" /></a> </div> <div style="background:#ffffff;float:left;padding:10px 20px;margin:1px 1%;" > <div class="thank" style="font-size:16px;color: #078AC2;font-weight:bold;float:left;width:100%;margin-top:10px;text-align:left;">Dear ' . $followingusername . '</div> <div style="font-size:12px; color: #000000; float:left;padding:10px 2px;width:100%;margin:15px;">The Member.' . $username . '. is following you. </div> <div style="margin:10px;"><a href="' . URL() . '"><img src="' . URL::to('assets/inner/images/vist_dingdatt.png') . '" width="120" height="30" /></a> </div> </div> <div style="font-size:12px; margin-top:10px;color: #5b5b5b;/* background:#e5e5e5;*/width:95%;vertical-align: text-middle;height:30px;margin:0% 1%;padding:0px 15px; border-top:#005377 1px solid; border-bottom:5px solid background:#e5e5e5;line-height:25px; "> </body>'; $message->setBody($mail_body, 'text/html'); $message->to($email); $message->subject('Follower details - DingDatt'); }); } return Redirect::to("other_profile/" . $followerid)->with('Massage', 'You are following ' . $followingusername); }
function removeAccount() { $userId = Session::get('user_id'); if (!isset($userId)) { return json_encode(array('message' => 'not logged')); } if (isset($userId)) { $user = user::find($userId); if (isset($user)) { $user->status = 'removed'; $user->save(); return json_encode(array('message' => 'done')); } else { return json_encode(array('message' => 'invalid')); } } else { return json_encode(array('message' => 'invalid')); } }
} else { $casesIds = CaseOwner::where('user', '=', \Auth::user()->id)->get(); $ids = array(); foreach ($casesIds as $case) { $ids[] = $case->caseId; } $cases = CaseReport::whereNotNull('gps_lat')->whereNotNull('gps_lng')->whereIn('id', $ids)->get(); } foreach ($cases as $case) { if ($case->addressbook == 1) { $userObj = addressbook::find($case->reporter); $ReporterName = $userObj->FirstName . ' ' . $userObj->Surname; $ReporterPosition = ""; $ReporterMobile = $userObj->cellphone; } else { $userObj = user::find($case->reporter); $ReporterName = $userObj->name . ' ' . $userObj->surname; $RepPos = Position::find($userObj->position); $ReporterPosition = $RepPos->name; $ReporterMobile = $userObj->email; } $user = User::find($case->user); $position = Position::find($user->position); $ID = $case->id; $GPS = $case->gps_lat . ',' . $case->gps_lng; $Province = 'KZN'; $Port = Municipality::find($case->precinct); $Port = $Port->name; $precinctObj = Municipality::find($case->precinct); $Precinct = $precinctObj->name; $Submitted = $case->created_at;
/** * Show the form for editing the specified user. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $user = user::find($id); return View::make('users.edit', compact('user')); }
function cupdate($id = FALSE) { if ($_POST) { unset($_POST['send']); $_POST = array_map('htmlspecialchars', $_POST); $quotation = Quoterequest::find_by_id($id); $quotation = $quotation->update_attributes($_POST); if (!$quotation) { $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'error:' . $this->lang->line('messages_save_quotation_error')); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'success:' . $this->lang->line('messages_save_quotation_success')); } redirect('quotations/cview/' . $id); } else { $this->view_data['quotations'] = Quoterequest::find_by_id($id); $this->view_data['users'] = user::find('all', array('conditions' => array('status=?', 'active'))); $this->theme_view = 'modal'; $this->view_data['title'] = $this->lang->line('application_edit_quotation'); $this->view_data['form_action'] = 'quotations/cupdate/' . $id; $this->content_view = 'quotations/_quotations'; } }
$('#notVerified').hide(); </script> </body> </html> <?php if ($input == true) { if ($token == true) { $validate = new validate(); $validation = $validate->check($_POST, array('Username' => array('required' => true))); if ($validation->passed()) { $user = new user(null, $_log); $remember = input::get('remember') === 'on' ? true : false; $login = $user->login(input::get('Username'), input::get('Password'), $remember); if ($user->verified(input::get('Username')) && $user->find(input::get('Username'))) { if ($login) { redirect::to('../index.php'); } } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'> notVerifiedShow(); </script>"; } // else { // echo 'Sorry, logging in failed'; // } } else { foreach ($validation->errors() as $error) { echo $error, '<br>'; } } } else {
/** * Gets a instructor listing with specific sort and other filters. * * @param string $sort Field to sort on. * @param string $dir Direction of sort. * @param int $startrec Record number to start at. * @param int $perpage Number of records per page. * @param string $namesearch Search string for instructor name. * @param string $alpha Start initial of instructor name filter. * @return object array Returned records. */ function user_get_listing($sort = 'name', $dir = 'ASC', $startrec = 0, $perpage = 0, $namesearch = '', $alpha = '') { global $DB; $FULLNAME = $DB->sql_concat_join("' '", array('firstname', 'lastname')); $filters = array(); if (!empty($namesearch)) { $namesearch = trim($namesearch); $filters[] = new field_filter($FULLNAME, "%{$DB->sql_like_escape($namesearch)}%", field_filter::LIKE); } if ($alpha) { $filters[] = new field_filter($FULLNAME, "{$DB->sql_like_escape($alpha)}%", field_filter::LIKE); } if ($sort) { $sort = array($sort, $dir); } else { $sort = array(); } return user::find(new AND_filter($filters), $sort, $startrec, $perpage); }
/** * Migrate a single Moodle user to the Program Management system. Will * only do this for users who have an idnumber set. * * @param object $mu Moodle user object * @return boolean Whether user was synchronized or not */ function pm_moodle_user_to_pm($mu) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/moodlelib.php'; require_once elis::lib('data/customfield.class.php'); require_once elispm::lib('data/user.class.php'); require_once elispm::lib('data/usermoodle.class.php'); require_once elis::lib('data/data_filter.class.php'); require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/user/profile/lib.php'; require_once elis::lib('lib.php'); if (!isset($mu->id)) { return true; } // re-fetch, in case this is from a stale event $mu = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $mu->id)); if (user_not_fully_set_up($mu) || !$mu->confirmed) { // Prevent the sync if a bare-bones user record is being created by create_user_record // or Moodle user has not yet been confirmed. return true; } //not going to be concerned with city or password for now if (empty($mu->idnumber) && elis::$config->local_elisprogram->auto_assign_user_idnumber) { //make sure the current user's username does not match up with some other user's //idnumber (necessary since usernames and idnumbers aren't bound to one another) if (!$DB->record_exists('user', array('idnumber' => $mu->username))) { $mu->idnumber = $mu->username; $DB->update_record('user', $mu); } } // skip user if no ID number set if (empty($mu->idnumber)) { return true; } // track whether we're syncing an idnumber change over to the PM system $idnumber_updated = false; // track whether an associated Moodle user is linked to the current PM user $moodle_user_exists = false; // determine if the user is already noted as having been associated to a PM user // this will join to Moodle user and PM user table to ensure data correctness $filters = array(); $filters[] = new join_filter('muserid', 'user', 'id'); $filters[] = new join_filter('cuserid', user::TABLE, 'id'); $filters[] = new field_filter('muserid', $mu->id); if ($um = usermoodle::find($filters)) { if ($um->valid()) { $um = $um->current(); //signal that an associated user already exists $moodle_user_exists = true; // determine if the Moodle user idnumber was updated if ($um->idnumber != $mu->idnumber) { //signal that the idnumber was synced over $idnumber_updated = true; // update the PM user with the new idnumber $cmuser = new user(); $cmuser->id = $um->cuserid; $cmuser->idnumber = $mu->idnumber; $cmuser->save(); // update the association table with the new idnumber $um->idnumber = $mu->idnumber; $um->save(); } } } // find the linked PM user //filter for the basic condition on the Moodle user id $condition_filter = new field_filter('id', $mu->id); //filter for joining the association table $association_filter = new join_filter('muserid', 'user', 'id', $condition_filter); //outermost filter $filter = new join_filter('id', usermoodle::TABLE, 'cuserid', $association_filter); $cu = user::find($filter); if ($cu->valid()) { $cu = $cu->current(); } else { // if a user with the same username but different idnumber exists, // we can't sync over because it will violate PM user uniqueness // constraints $cu = user::find(new field_filter('username', $mu->username)); if ($cu->valid()) { return true; } // if no such PM user exists, create a new one $cu = new user(); $cu->transfercredits = 0; $cu->timecreated = time(); } // synchronize standard fields $cu->username = $mu->username; $cu->password = $mu->password; // only need to update the idnumber if it wasn't handled above if (!$idnumber_updated) { $cu->idnumber = $mu->idnumber; } $cu->firstname = $mu->firstname; $cu->lastname = $mu->lastname; $cu->email = $mu->email; $cu->address = $mu->address; $cu->city = $mu->city; $cu->country = $mu->country; if (!empty($mu->phone1)) { $cu->phone = $mu->phone1; } if (!empty($mu->phone2)) { $cu->phone2 = $mu->phone2; } if (!empty($mu->lang)) { $cu->language = $mu->lang; } $cu->timemodified = time(); // synchronize custom profile fields profile_load_data($mu); fix_moodle_profile_fields($mu); $fields = field::get_for_context_level(CONTEXT_ELIS_USER); $fields = $fields ? $fields : array(); require_once elis::plugin_file('elisfields_moodleprofile', 'custom_fields.php'); foreach ($fields as $field) { $field = new field($field); if (!moodle_profile_can_sync($field->shortname)) { continue; } if (isset($field->owners['moodle_profile']) && isset($mu->{"profile_field_{$field->shortname}"})) { // check if should sync user profile field settings if ($field->owners['moodle_profile']->exclude == pm_moodle_profile::sync_from_moodle) { sync_profile_field_settings_from_moodle($field); } $fieldname = "field_{$field->shortname}"; $cu->{$fieldname} = $mu->{"profile_field_{$field->shortname}"}; } } //specifically tell the user save not to use the local_elisprogram_usr_mdl for syncing //because the record hasn't been inserted yet (see below) try { $cu->save(false); } catch (Exception $ex) { if (in_cron()) { mtrace(get_string('record_not_created_reason', 'local_elisprogram', array('message' => $ex->getMessage() . " [{$mu->id}]"))); return false; } else { throw new Exception($ex->getMessage()); } } // if no user association record exists, create one if (!$moodle_user_exists) { $um = new usermoodle(); $um->cuserid = $cu->id; $um->muserid = $mu->id; $um->idnumber = $mu->idnumber; $um->save(); } return true; }
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper; use dektrium\user\models\User; use backend\models\Relevadores; /* @var $this yii\web\View */ /* @var $model backend\models\Relevadores */ /* @var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */ ?> <div class="relevadores-form"> <?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?> <?php $usuarios = ArrayHelper::map(user::find()->all(), 'id', 'username'); ?> <?php $relevadores = ArrayHelper::toArray(Relevadores::find()->all()); ?> <?php unset($usuarios['1']); ?> <?php foreach ($relevadores as $value) { if (!in_array($value['idUsuario'], $usuarios, true)) { unset($usuarios[$value['idUsuario']]);
public function user() { return user::find($this->created_by, array('select' => 'username', 'readonly' => true)); }
function get_records_from_selection($record_ids) { $sort = $this->optional_param('sort', 'name', PARAM_ALPHA); $dir = $this->optional_param('dir', 'ASC', PARAM_ALPHA); $perpage = $this->optional_param('perpage', 30, PARAM_INT); $page = $this->optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT); $users = user::find(new in_list_filter('id', $record_ids), array($sort => $dir), $page * $perpage, $perpage); return $users; }
/** *This function will handle the post requests * * * Tasks * 1. Load Opend Tickets * 2. Load Closed Tickets * 3. Close the tickets * 4. Open the tickets * **/ public function inputs() { if (Request::get('task') == "loadtableopendtickets") { $x = Request::get('skip'); return $this->loadTableOpendTickets($x); } elseif (Request::get('task') == "loadtableclosedtickets") { $x = Request::get('skip'); return $this->loadTableClosedTickets($x); } elseif (Request::get('task') == "closeTicket") { $ids = Request::get('tickets'); return $this->closeTickets($ids); } elseif (Request::get('task') == "openTicket") { $ids = Request::get('tickets'); return $this->openTickets($ids); } elseif (Request::get('task') == "viewTicket") { $user = Session::get('user'); $ids = Request::get('ticket'); if (!is_null($ids)) { $ticket = tickets::find($ids); if (is_null($ticket)) { abort(404); } if ($ticket->userid != Session::get('userid') && $user->level < 10) { abort(404); } $admin = adminUserTickets::where('ticketid', $ticket->id)->first(); $staff = null; if (!is_null($admin)) { $staff = user::find($admin->adminid); } $ticketsMessages = tickets_messages::where('ticket_id', $ticket->id)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get(); return view('')->with('user', $user)->with('messages', $ticketsMessages)->with('ticket', $ticket)->with('staff', $staff); } else { abort(404); } } elseif (Request::get('task') == "replyTickets") { $message = Request::get('text'); $ticket_id = Request::get('ticket_id'); return $this->replyTickets($message, $ticket_id); } }
function remove($userId) { if (isset($userId)) { $user = user::find($userId); if (isset($user)) { $user->status = 'removed'; $user->save(); return json_encode(array('message' => 'done')); } else { return json_encode(array('message' => 'invalid')); } } else { return json_encode(array('message' => 'invalid')); } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * DELETE /users/{id} * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $user = user::find($id); if (is_null($user)) { $class = 'error'; $message = 'Record does not exist.'; } else { $user = User::find($id); $user->active = 0; $user->save(); $class = 'success'; $message = 'Record successfully inactivate.'; } return Redirect::route('user.index')->with('class', $class)->with('message', $message); }
/** * Test PM user method moodle_fullname */ public function test_pmuser_moodle_fullname() { global $DB; // Create a Moodle user $src = new stdClass(); $src->username = '******'; $src->password = '******'; $src->idnumber = '_____phpunit_test_'; $src->firstname = 'John'; $src->lastname = 'Doe'; $src->email = '*****@*****.**'; $src->country = 'CA'; $src->confirmed = 1; $src->id = $DB->insert_record('user', $src); events_trigger('user_created', $src); // Get the PM user $retr = user::find(new field_filter('idnumber', $src->idnumber), array(), 0, 0); $this->assertTrue($retr->valid()); $retr = $retr->current(); $mdluser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $src->id)); $this->assertEquals(fullname($mdluser), $retr->moodle_fullname()); }
function emailUnique($email) { $check_user = new user(); $check_user->email = $email; if ($check_user->find()) { return false; } else { return true; } }