public function forgotPass_exec($data) { $response_array = array(); $email = $data['email']; // CHECK EMAIL IN SYSTEM $emailExist = user::checkExist("user_accounts", "email = '{$email}'"); if (!$emailExist) { $response_array['r'] = "false"; $response_array['msg'] = "<div><strong>{$email}</strong> is not registered email.</div>"; } else { // CHECK ACCOUNT STATUS $userdata = $this->db->select("user_accounts", "*", "email = '{$email}'", "fetch"); $activate = $userdata['activate']; if ($activate == 0) { $response_array['r'] = "false"; $response_array['msg'] = "<div><strong>{$email}</strong> is not activate. Please request your activation link (if you don't receive activation email) by clicking '<b>Don't receive activation email? Click here.</b>' link below. </div>"; } else { // RESET PASSWORD // SEND PASSWORD TO AGENT $response_array['r'] = "true"; $response_array['msg'] = "{$userdata}"; } } return $response_array; }
public static function loginAuth($from) { //check token remember me //check session $db = new database(DBTYPE, DBHOST, DBNAME, DBUSER, DBPASS); if (cookie::exists(TOKEN_NAME)) { $token = cookie::get(TOKEN_NAME); $checkExist = user::checkExist("users_session", "token = '{$token}'"); if ($checkExist) { $sessionData = $db->select("users_session", "*", "token = '{$token}'", "fetch"); $agent_id = $sessionData['agent_id']; user::login($agent_id); $userData = $db->select("user_accounts", "*", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}'", "fetch"); if ($from == 'login') { self::accountCheck($userData); redirect::to("dashboard"); } else { self::accountCheck($userData); } } else { user::logout(); } } elseif (session::exist(AGENT_LOGIN_SESSION) && session::exist(AGENT_SESSION_NAME)) { $agent_id = session::get(AGENT_SESSION_NAME); $check_agentExist = user::checkExist("user_accounts", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}'"); $userData = $db->select("user_accounts", "*", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}'", "fetch"); if (!$check_agentExist) { user::logout(); } user::login($agent_id); if ($from == 'login') { self::accountCheck($userData); redirect::to("dashboard"); } else { self::accountCheck($userData); } } else { if ($from != 'login') { user::logout(); } } }
function success($agent_id = NULL) { $this->breadcrumb->add("Successful", "join/success"); $this->view->breadcrumbs = $this->breadcrumb->get(); if (isset($agent_id)) { $verify = user::checkExist("user_accounts", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}'"); if (!$verify) { redirect::to(); exit; } else { $data = user::getUserData("agent_id", $agent_id); $this->view->userdata = $data; $this->view->js = array('join/js/success.js'); $this->view->render('join/success'); } } else { redirect::to(); exit; } }
public function s($sponsor) { $userData = user::checkExist("user_accounts", "agent_id = '{$sponsor}' or username = '******'"); if ($userData == 1) { $getUserData = $this->db->select("user_accounts", "agent_id, username", "agent_id = '{$sponsor}' or username = '******'", "fetch"); $chkCookie = cookie::exists(COOKIE_SPONSOR_NAME); if ($chkCookie) { $cookieName = cookie::get(COOKIE_SPONSOR_NAME); if ($cookieName != $getUserData['agent_id']) { cookie::delete(COOKIE_SPONSOR_NAME); cookie::set(COOKIE_SPONSOR_NAME, $getUserData['agent_id'], COOKIE_EXPIRY); } } else { cookie::set(COOKIE_SPONSOR_NAME, $getUserData['agent_id'], COOKIE_EXPIRY); } } else { cookie::delete(COOKIE_SPONSOR_NAME); } redirect::to(BASE_PATH, TRUE); }
function success($supplier_username = NULL) { $this->breadcrumb->add("Registration", "supp/register"); $this->breadcrumb->add("Successful", "supp/success"); $this->view->breadcrumbs = $this->breadcrumb->get(); if (isset($supplier_username)) { $verify = user::checkExist("supplier", "username = '******'"); if (!$verify) { redirect::to(); exit; } else { $data = user::getSupplierData("username", $supplier_username); $this->view->userdata = $data; $this->view->js = array('supp/js/success.js'); $this->view->render('supp/success'); } } else { redirect::to(); exit; } }
function __construct() { session::init(); $this->breadcrumb = new breadcrumb(); $this->view = new view(); $this->_userProfileImages = IMAGES_PATH . "user-default.png"; if (session::exist(AGENT_SESSION_NAME) and session::exist(AGENT_LOGIN_SESSION)) { $agent_id = session::get(AGENT_SESSION_NAME); $userData = new user(); // USERDATA $this->_userData = $userData->getUserData('agent_id', $agent_id); $user = $this->_userData; // USER ACC. TYPE $userAccType = user::getAccType($user['acc_type']); $this->_userAccType = $userAccType['label']; // PROFILE IMAGE $profileImageExist = user::checkExist("user_images", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}' AND profile = '1'"); if ($profileImageExist) { $image = user::getUserImages($agent_id, TRUE); $this->_userProfileImages = IMAGES_PATH . "users/" . $image['filename']; } // AVAILABLE COMMISSION $this->_availableCommission = user::getAvailableComm($agent_id); // BADGE $countAccPaymentBadge = user::countBadge("user_payment", "status = '0'"); $this->_accPaymentBadge = $countAccPaymentBadge > 0 ? $countAccPaymentBadge : ""; $countWithdrawalBadge = user::countBadge("user_withdrawal", "status = '0' OR status = '1'"); $this->_withdrawalBadge = $countWithdrawalBadge > 0 ? $countWithdrawalBadge : ""; // $countMessageBadge = user::countBadge("user_messages", "agent_id = '$agent_id' AND status = '0'"); // $this->_messageBadge = ($countMessageBadge > 0) ? $countMessageBadge : ""; } $this->view->_userData = $this->_userData; $this->view->_userAccType = $this->_userAccType; $this->view->_userProfileImages = $this->_userProfileImages; $this->view->_availableCommission = $this->_availableCommission; // BADGE $this->view->_accPaymentBadge = $this->_accPaymentBadge; $this->view->_withdrawalBadge = $this->_withdrawalBadge; // $this->view->_messageBadge = $this->_messageBadge; }
public function getSponsorId($agent_id) { $owner_ID = session::get(AGENT_SESSION_NAME); $mydata = $this->db->select("user_accounts", "agent_id,username", "agent_id = '{$owner_ID}'", "fetch"); $cond = "(agent_id LIKE '%{$agent_id}%' OR username LIKE '%{$agent_id}%') AND (lv1 = '{$owner_ID}' OR lv2 = '{$owner_ID}' OR lv3 = '{$owner_ID}' OR lv4 = '{$owner_ID}' OR lv5 = '{$owner_ID}' OR lv6 = '{$owner_ID}' OR lv7 = '{$owner_ID}' OR lv8 = '{$owner_ID}' OR lv9 = '{$owner_ID}' OR lv10 = '{$owner_ID}') LIMIT 0,10"; $usersData = $this->db->select("user_accounts", "agent_id, username", $cond); if (strpos($mydata['agent_id'], $agent_id) !== FALSE or strpos($mydata['username'], $agent_id) !== FALSE) { $usersData[] = $mydata; } foreach ($usersData as $key => $value) { $userID = $value['agent_id']; $imageExist = user::checkExist("user_images", "agent_id = '{$userID}' and profile = '1'"); if ($imageExist) { $image = user::getUserImages($userID, TRUE); $imagePath = IMAGES_PATH . "users/" . $image['filename']; } else { $imagePath = IMAGES_PATH . "user-default.png"; } $usersData[$key]['image'] = $imagePath; } return $usersData; }
function complete() { $userdata = $this->user; $agent_id = $userdata['agent_id']; $paymentComplete = TRUE; $db = new database(DBTYPE, DBHOST, DBNAME, DBUSER, DBPASS); $hasPayment = user::checkExist("user_payment", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}'"); $paymentDetails = $db->select("user_payment", "payment_date, payment_time, from_acc, to_acc, payment_type", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}'", "fetch"); if ($paymentDetails != FALSE) { foreach ($paymentDetails as $key => $value) { if (empty($value)) { $paymentComplete = FALSE; } } } else { $paymentComplete = FALSE; } if (!$hasPayment or !$paymentComplete) { redirect::to("setup/payment"); } $this->breadcrumb->add("Complete", "setup/complete"); $this->view->breadcrumbs = $this->breadcrumb->get(); $this->view->js = array('setup/js/setup.js'); $this->view->render('setup/complete', 'backoffice'); }
public function checkPin($data) { $response_array = array(); $agent_id = $data['pin']; $userExist = user::checkExist("user_accounts", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}'"); if (!$userExist) { $response_array['r'] = "false"; $response_array['msg'] = "<div><b>Advertisement Pin</b> not valid!</div>"; } else { $userdata = $this->db->select("user_accounts", "*", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}'", "fetch"); $header = "<table class='table table-bordered table-condensed'><thead><tr class='active'><th class='text-center' width='50'>#</th><th class='text-center' width='150'>Available Pin</th><th class='text-center' width='200'>Pin Code</th><th class='text-center'>Acc. Type</th><th class='text-center' width='150'>Action</th></tr></thead><tbody>"; $content = ""; $footer = "</tbody></table>"; $acc_type = $userdata['acc_type']; $activate = $userdata['activate']; $payment = $userdata['payment']; $available_pin = $userdata['available_pin']; if ($acc_type == "pb" or $acc_type == "aa" or $activate == 0 or $payment != 2) { $response_array['r'] = "false"; $response_array['msg'] = "<div><b>Advertisement Pin</b> not valid!</div>"; } elseif ($available_pin == 0) { $response_array['r'] = "false"; $response_array['msg'] = "<div>Insufficient <b>Advertisement Pin</b> balance!</div>"; } else { // CONSTRUCT CONTENT $highlight = $userdata['acc_type'] == "ep" ? "warning" : NULL; $pin_code = $userdata['agent_id']; $accType = user::getAccType($acc_type); $accType = $accType['label']; $content .= "<tr class='text-center {$highlight}'>"; $content .= "<td>1</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$available_pin}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$pin_code}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$accType}</td>"; $content .= "<td><button class='btnSelect btn btn-primary btn-xs' type='button' data-pin='{$pin_code}'>Select</button></td>"; $content .= "</tr>"; $result = $header . $content . $footer; $response_array['r'] = "true"; $response_array['msg'] = $result; } } return $response_array; }
public function addagent_success($agent_id) { $this->breadcrumb->add("Geneology", "mynetwork/geneology"); $this->breadcrumb->add("Add Agent", "mynetwork/addagent"); $this->breadcrumb->add("Successful", "mynetwork/addagent_success"); $this->view->breadcrumbs = $this->breadcrumb->get(); if (isset($agent_id)) { $verify = user::checkExist("user_accounts", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}'"); if (!$verify) { redirect::to("mynetwork/geneology"); exit; } else { $data = user::getUserData("agent_id", $agent_id); $this->view->userdata = $data; $this->view->js = array('mynetwork/js/addagent_success.js'); $this->view->render('mynetwork/addagent_success', "backoffice"); } } else { redirect::to(); exit; } }
public function advertisementList() { $self_address = BASE_PATH . "management/advertisement"; if (!isset($_REQUEST['s'])) { $_GET['s'] = NULL; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['p'])) { $_GET['p'] = 1; } $header = "<table class='table table-bordered table-condensed'><thead><tr><th class='text-center' width='50px'>#</th><th class='text-center' width='150px'>Ads ID</th><th class='text-center' width='150px'>Ads Pin</th><th class='text-center' >Supplier Name</th><th class='text-center' >Ads Name</th><th class='text-center' width='150px'>Document Date</th><th class='text-center' width='150px'>Receive Date</th><th class='text-center' width='150px'>Status</th><th class='text-center' width='150px'>Start Date</th><th class='text-center' width='150px'>Expiry Date</th><th class='text-center' width='300px'></th></tr></thead><tbody>"; $content = ""; $pagination = ""; $listExist = user::checkExist("advertisement_view"); if (!$listExist) { $content .= "<tr><td class ='text-center' colspan='11'>No advertisement record.</td></tr>"; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['s'])) { $s = $_GET['s']; if ($_GET['s'] != "") { $searchItm = $s; $searchSQL = " AND (ads_name LIKE '%{$searchItm}%') OR (supplier_id LIKE '%{$searchItm}%') OR (ads_id LIKE '%{$searchItm}%')"; $get_search = "&s={$searchItm}"; } else { $searchItm = NULL; $searchSQL = NULL; $get_search = NULL; } } else { $searchItm = NULL; $searchSQL = NULL; $get_search = NULL; } $page = $_GET['p']; $current_page = $page; $prev_page = $current_page - 1; $next_page = $current_page + 1; $max_result = 15; $from = $current_page * $max_result - $max_result; if (isset($_REQUEST['sid']) and isset($_REQUEST['aid'])) { $aid = $_GET['aid']; $sid = $_GET['sid']; $cond = "agent_id = '{$aid}' AND supplier_id = '{$sid}'"; } else { $cond = "agent_id != 'NULL'"; } if ($searchItm == NULL) { $advertisementList_full = $this->db->select("advertisement_view", "*", "{$cond} ORDER BY id DESC"); } else { $advertisementList_full = $this->db->select("advertisement_view", "*", "{$cond} {$searchSQL} ORDER BY id DESC"); } // $total_row = count($advertisementList_full); $total_pages = ceil($total_row / $max_result); $pagination .= "<ul class='pagination pagination-sm'>"; if ($current_page > 1) { $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p={$prev_page}{$get_search}'><span class='fa fa-angle-double-left fa-fw'></span> Back</a></li>"; } else { $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'><span class='fa fa-angle-double-left fa-fw'></span> Back</a></li>"; } if ($current_page >= 7) { $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p=1{$get_search}'>1</a></li>"; $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>..</a></li>"; } for ($i = max(1, $current_page - 5); $i <= min($current_page + 5, $total_pages); $i++) { if ($current_page == $i) { $pagination .= "<li class='active'><a href='#'>{$i}</a></li>"; } else { $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p={$i}{$get_search}'>{$i}</a></li>"; } } if ($current_page < $total_pages - 5) { $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>..</a></li>"; $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p={$total_pages}{$get_search}'>{$total_pages}</a></li>"; } if ($current_page < $total_pages) { $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p={$next_page}{$get_search}'>Next <span class='fa fa-angle-double-right fa-fw'></span></a></li>"; } else { $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>Next <span class='fa fa-angle-double-right fa-fw'></span></a></li>"; } $pagination .= "</ul>"; if ($searchItm == NULL) { $advertisementList_limit = $this->db->select("advertisement_view", "*", "{$cond} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$from},{$max_result}"); } else { $advertisementList_limit = $this->db->select("advertisement_view", "*", "{$cond} {$searchSQL} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$from},{$max_result}"); } if ($total_row == 0) { $content .= "<tr><td class ='text-center' colspan='11'>No advertisement record.</td></tr>"; $pagination = NULL; } else { if ($total_row <= $max_result) { $pagination = NULL; } $x = $from + 1; foreach ($advertisementList_limit as $value) { // CONSTRUCT CONTENT $ads_id = $value['ads_id']; $ads_pin = $value['ads_pin'] ? "Yes" : "No"; $supplier_data = user::getSupplierData("supplier_id", $value['supplier_id']); $supplier_name = "<a href='" . BASE_PATH . "management/supplier?s=" . $supplier_data['comp_name'] . "'>" . $supplier_data['comp_name'] . "</a>"; $ads_name = $value['ads_name']; $doc_date = $value['date_doc'] != NULL ? date("d M Y", strtotime($value['date_doc'])) : "N/A"; $receive_date = $value['date_receive'] != NULL ? date("d M Y", strtotime($value['date_receive'])) : "N/A"; $ads_status = $value['ads_status']; $date_start = $value['date_start'] != NULL ? date("d M Y", strtotime($value['date_start'])) : "N/A"; $date_end = $value['date_end'] != NULL ? date("d M Y", strtotime($value['date_end'])) : "N/A"; $action = "<button type='button' class='btn btn-primary btn-xs btn-details-toggles' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#detailsModal' data-adsid='{$ads_id}' data-url='" . BASE_PATH . "management/ajaxAdsDetails'><i class='fa fa-file-text fa-fw'></i> Details</button>"; $content .= "<tr class='text-center'>"; $content .= "<td>{$x}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$ads_id}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$ads_pin}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$supplier_name}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$ads_name}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$doc_date}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$receive_date}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$ads_status}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$date_start}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$date_end}</td>"; $content .= "<td class='details'>{$action}</td>"; $content .= "</tr>"; $x++; } } } $footer = "</tbody></table>"; $result = $header . $content . $footer . $pagination; return $result; }
public function getWithdrawalStatement($agent_id) { $self_address = BASE_PATH . "comm/withdrawal"; $header = "<table class='table table-bordered table-condensed'><thead><tr><th class='text-center' width='50'>#</th><th class='text-center' width='150'>Date Request</th><th class='text-center'>Acount Details</th><th class='text-center' width='150'>Amount</th><th class='text-center' width='300'>Remarks</th><th class='text-center' width='150'>Status</th><th class='text-center' width='100'>Action</th></tr></thead> <tbody>"; $content = ""; $pagination = ""; $recordExist = user::checkExist("user_withdrawal", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}'"); if (!$recordExist) { $content .= "<tr><td class ='text-center' colspan='7'>No withdrawal record.</td></tr>"; } else { $filterItm = $_GET['f'] != "" ? $_GET['f'] : NULL; if ($filterItm != NULL) { $filter = "AND date_request LIKE '%{$filterItm}%'"; } else { $filter = NULL; } $page = $_GET['p']; $current_page = $page; $prev_page = $current_page - 1; $next_page = $current_page + 1; $max_result = 30; $from = $current_page * $max_result - $max_result; $withdrawalList_full = $this->db->select("user_withdrawal", "*", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}' {$filter} ORDER BY id DESC"); $total_row = count($withdrawalList_full); $total_pages = ceil($total_row / $max_result); $pagination .= "<ul class='pagination pagination-sm'>"; $filterLink = $filterItm != NULL ? "&s={$filterItm}" : NULL; if ($current_page > 1) { $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p={$prev_page}{$filterLink}'><span class='fa fa-angle-double-left fa-fw'></span> Back</a></li>"; } else { $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'><span class='fa fa-angle-double-left fa-fw'></span> Back</a></li>"; } if ($current_page >= 7) { $pagination .= "<li><a href='#'>1</a></li>"; $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>..</a></li>"; } for ($i = max(1, $current_page - 5); $i <= min($current_page + 5, $total_pages); $i++) { if ($current_page == $i) { $pagination .= "<li class='active'><a href='#'>{$i}</a></li>"; } else { $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p={$i}{$filterLink}'>{$i}</a></li>"; } } if ($current_page < $total_pages - 5) { $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>..</a></li>"; $pagination .= "<li><a href='#'>{$total_pages}</a></li>"; } if ($current_page < $total_pages) { $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p={$next_page}{$filterLink}'>Next <span class='fa fa-angle-double-right fa-fw'></span></a></li>"; } else { $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>Next <span class='fa fa-angle-double-right fa-fw'></span></a></li>"; } $pagination .= "</ul>"; $withdrawalList_limit = $this->db->select("user_withdrawal", "*", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}' {$filter} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$from},{$max_result}"); if ($total_row == 0) { $content .= "<tr><td class ='text-center' colspan='7'>No withdrawal record.</td></tr>"; $pagination = NULL; } else { if ($total_row <= $max_result) { $pagination = NULL; } $x = $from + 1; $total_withdrawal = 0; foreach ($withdrawalList_limit as $value) { // CONSTRUCT CONTENT $id = $value['id']; $datetime = date("d M Y-h:i A", strtotime($value['date_request'])); $date_request = str_replace("-", "<br/>", $datetime); $holder_name = $value['holder_name']; $bank_name = strtoupper($value['bank_name']); $acc_no = $value['acc_no']; $account_details = $holder_name . "<br/>" . $bank_name . " - " . $acc_no; $amount = $value['amount']; $remarks = $value['remarks']; $status_code = $value['status']; $date_review = date("d M Y", strtotime($value['date_review'])); switch ($status_code) { case "-1": $status = "<abbr title='Withdrawal request rejected.'><span class='label label-danger'>Rejected</span></abbr><br/>{$date_review}"; $action = ""; break; case "1": $status = "<abbr title='Withdrawal request in process.'><span class='label label-info'>Process</span></abbr><br/>{$date_review}"; $action = ""; break; case "2": $status = "<abbr title='Payment complete.'><span class='label label-success'>Success</span></abbr><br/>{$date_review}"; $action = ""; break; default: $status = "<abbr title='Waiting for review process.'><span class='label label-warning'>Pending</span></abbr>"; $action = "<a class='btn btn-link btn-cancel-withdraw' data-no='{$x}' data-id='{$id}' href='" . BASE_PATH . "comm/cancelWithdraw'>Cancel</a>"; break; } $content .= "<tr class='text-center'>"; $content .= "<td>{$x}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$date_request}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$account_details}</td>"; $content .= "<td>RM" . number_format($amount) . "</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$remarks}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$status}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$action}</td>"; $content .= "</tr>"; if ($value['status'] == "2") { $total_withdrawal = $total_withdrawal + $amount; } $x++; } $content .= "<tr class='active'>"; $content .= "<th class='text-center' colspan='3'>Total Successful Withdrawal</th>"; $content .= "<th class='text-center'>RM" . number_format($total_withdrawal) . "</th>"; $content .= "<th class='text-center' colspan='3'></th>"; $content .= "</tr>"; } } $footer = "</tbody></table>"; $result = $header . $content . $footer . $pagination; echo json_encode($result); }
public function ajaxSupplierList() { $self_address = BASE_PATH . "supplier"; $header = "<table class='table table-bordered table-condensed'><thead><tr><th class='text-center' width='50px'>#</th><th class='text-center' width='100px'>Type</th><th class='text-center' width='250px'>Name</th><th class='text-center' width='150px'>Category</th><th class='text-center' width='150px'>State, Country</th><th class='text-center' width='400px'>Business Desc</th><th class='text-center' width='150px'>Advertisement</th><th class='text-center' width='150px'>Status</th><th class='text-center' width='250px'>Action</th></tr></thead><tbody>"; $content = ""; $pagination = ""; $agent_id = session::get(AGENT_SESSION_NAME); $listExist = user::checkExist("user_suppliers", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}'"); if (!$listExist) { $content .= "<tr><td class ='text-center' colspan='9'>No supplier record.</td></tr>"; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['s'])) { $s = $_GET['s']; if ($_GET['s'] != "") { $searchItm = $s; $searchSQL = " AND (comp_name LIKE '%{$searchItm}%')"; $get_search = "&s={$searchItm}"; } else { $searchItm = NULL; $searchSQL = NULL; $get_search = NULL; } } else { $searchItm = NULL; $searchSQL = NULL; $get_search = NULL; } $page = $_GET['p']; $current_page = $page; $prev_page = $current_page - 1; $next_page = $current_page + 1; $max_result = 15; $from = $current_page * $max_result - $max_result; if ($searchItm == NULL) { $supplierList_full = $this->db->select("user_suppliers", "*", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}' ORDER BY id DESC"); } else { $supplierList_full = $this->db->select("user_suppliers", "*", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}' {$searchSQL} ORDER BY id DESC"); } // $total_row = count($supplierList_full); $total_pages = ceil($total_row / $max_result); $pagination .= "<ul class='pagination pagination-sm'>"; if ($current_page > 1) { $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p={$prev_page}{$get_search}'><span class='fa fa-angle-double-left fa-fw'></span> Back</a></li>"; } else { $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'><span class='fa fa-angle-double-left fa-fw'></span> Back</a></li>"; } if ($current_page >= 7) { $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p=1{$get_search}'>1</a></li>"; $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>..</a></li>"; } for ($i = max(1, $current_page - 5); $i <= min($current_page + 5, $total_pages); $i++) { if ($current_page == $i) { $pagination .= "<li class='active'><a href='#'>{$i}</a></li>"; } else { $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p={$i}{$get_search}'>{$i}</a></li>"; } } if ($current_page < $total_pages - 5) { $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>..</a></li>"; $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p={$total_pages}{$get_search}'>{$total_pages}</a></li>"; } if ($current_page < $total_pages) { $pagination .= "<li><a href='{$self_address}?p={$next_page}{$get_search}'>Next <span class='fa fa-angle-double-right fa-fw'></span></a></li>"; } else { $pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>Next <span class='fa fa-angle-double-right fa-fw'></span></a></li>"; } $pagination .= "</ul>"; if ($searchItm == NULL) { $supplierList_limit = $this->db->select("user_suppliers", "*", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$from},{$max_result}"); } else { $supplierList_limit = $this->db->select("user_suppliers", "*", "agent_id = '{$agent_id}' {$searchSQL} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$from},{$max_result}"); } if ($total_row == 0) { $content .= "<tr><td class ='text-center' colspan='9'>No supplier record.</td></tr>"; $pagination = NULL; } else { if ($total_row <= $max_result) { $pagination = NULL; } $x = $from + 1; foreach ($supplierList_limit as $value) { // CONSTRUCT CONTENT $supplier_id = $value['supplier_id']; switch ($value['type']) { case 1: $type = "Paid"; $color = "bg-highlight"; break; default: $type = "Free"; $color = NULL; break; } $name = ucwords(strtolower($value['comp_name'])); $categotyData = $this->db->select("category", "*", "id = '" . $value['category'] . "'", "fetch"); $category = $categotyData['category'] . " - " . $categotyData['subcategory']; if ($value['comp_state'] == "oth") { $state = $value['state_other']; } else { $stateData = user::getStates($value['comp_country']); $statesArr = $stateData[0]['states']; $statesArr = json_decode($statesArr); $statesArr = get_object_vars($statesArr); foreach ($statesArr as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key2 == $value['comp_state']) { $state = $value2; } } } $country = $this->db->select("country", "*", "code = '" . $value['comp_country'] . "'", "fetch"); $stateCountry = $state . ", " . $country['name']; $descLenght = strlen($value['desc']); if ($descLenght > 50) { $desc = "<span class='desc'>" . substr($value['desc'], 0, 50) . "... </span>"; $desc .= "<a class='btn btn-xs btn-info btn-more-desc' href='{$self_address}/ajaxSupplierDesc' data-view='0' data-supplier='{$supplier_id}' title='Read more'><i class='fa fa-angle-down fa-fw'></i></a>"; } else { $desc = "<span class='desc'>" . $value['desc'] . "</span>"; } $count_ads = $this->db->count("advertisement_view", "supplier_id = {$supplier_id}"); $ads_count = "<a class='btn btn-xs btn-link' href='" . BASE_PATH . "advertisement?sid={$supplier_id}' title='View all advertisement from this supplier.'>{$count_ads}</a>"; $total_ads = $ads_count; $status = $value['status'] == 0 ? "<span class='text-danger'>Waiting to verify</span>" : "<span class='text-success'>Verified</span>"; $action = "<div class='col-xs-12'><a class='btn btn-xs btn-info' href='{$self_address}/details?sid={$supplier_id}' title='View supplier details.'><i class='fa fa-file-text fa-fw'></i> Details</a></div>"; $content .= "<tr class='text-center {$color}'>"; $content .= "<td>{$x}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$type}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$name}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$category}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$stateCountry}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$desc}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$total_ads}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$status}</td>"; $content .= "<td>{$action}</td>"; $content .= "</tr>"; $x++; } } } $footer = "</tbody></table>"; $result = $header . $content . $footer . $pagination; return $result; }
public function join_exec($data) { $response_array = array(); $agent = new user(); $data['fullname'] = strtoupper($data['fullname']); $data['agent_id'] = $agent->generateID(); $data['tmp_password'] = strtoupper(hash::create('crc32', uniqid(), HASH_PASSWORD_KEY)); $data['activate_code'] = $agent->generateActivationCode($data['email']); $acc_type = $data['acc_type']; switch ($acc_type) { case "pb": $ads_pin_limit = "na"; $available_pin = 0; break; case "aa": $ads_pin_limit = "na"; $available_pin = 0; break; case "ed": $ads_pin_limit = 10; $available_pin = 10; break; case "ep": $ads_pin_limit = 40; $available_pin = 40; break; default: $ads_pin_limit = "unlimited"; $available_pin = 40; break; } $data['ads_pin_limit'] = $ads_pin_limit; $data['available_pin'] = $available_pin; $checkEmail = $agent->checkEmail($data['email']); $checkCEmail = $agent->checkCdata($data['email'], $data['cemail']); $checkUsername = $data['chkusername']; $sponsor_id = $data['sponsor_id']; $checkSponsodID = user::checkExist("user_accounts", "agent_id = '{$sponsor_id}'"); if (!$checkCEmail) { $response_array['r'] = "false"; $response_array['msg'] = "<div><b>Confirm Email</b> not match!</div>"; } elseif (!$checkEmail) { $response_array['r'] = "false"; $response_array['msg'] = "<div><b>Email</b> already exist!</div>"; } elseif ($checkUsername == 0) { $response_array['r'] = "false"; $response_array['msg'] = "<div>Please <b>Check Username</b> availability!<div>"; } elseif ($checkUsername == '-1') { $response_array['r'] = "false"; $response_array['msg'] = "<div><b>Username</b> not available! Please choose another username.<div>"; } elseif (!$checkSponsodID) { $response_array['r'] = "false"; $response_array['msg'] = "<div><b>Refferal ID</b> not valid! Please ask Refferal ID from the person who introduce you to 1STG Programs. If you don't have any refferal, you can directly <a href='" . BASE_PATH . "contact'>contact us</a> for an assistance.<div>"; } else { unset($data['cemail']); unset($data['chkusername']); $link = BASE_PATH . 'join/verify?a=' . $data['activate_code'] . '&s=' . $data['username']; $agent_id = $data['sponsor_id']; $upline_id = $agent->generateUpline($agent_id); $newUplineData = $this->newUplineData($upline_id); foreach ($newUplineData as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = $value; } // Insert into Database $this->db->insert("user_accounts", $data); // Generate Email BODY $html = file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . 'email_template/activation'); $html = htmlspecialchars($html); $html = str_replace('[USERNAME]', ucfirst($data['username']), $html); $html = str_replace('[ACTIVATION_CODE]', $link, $html); $html = html_entity_decode($html); $body = $html; // Send Email $mailer = new mailer(); $mailer->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP $mailer->Port = EMAIL_PORT; $mailer->Host = EMAIL_HOST; // specify main and backup server $mailer->SMTPAuth = true; // turn on SMTP authentication $mailer->Username = NOREPLY_EMAIL; // SMTP username $mailer->Password = NOREPLY_PASS; // SMTP password $mailer->From = NOREPLY_EMAIL; $mailer->FromName = SUPPORT_NAME; $mailer->AddAddress($data['email']); $mailer->IsHTML(true); $mailer->Subject = "Email verification to " . $data['email']; $mailer->Body = $body; if (!$mailer->Send()) { $response_array['r'] = "false"; $response_array['msg'] = "Mailer Error: " . $mailer->ErrorInfo; } else { $response_array['r'] = "true"; $response_array['msg'] = BASE_PATH . "join/success/" . $data['agent_id']; } } return $response_array; }
function agentUpgrade() { $agent_id = $_REQUEST['agent_id'] ? $_GET['agent_id'] : redirect::to("management/agentList"); $validateID = user::checkExist("user_accounts", "agent_id = {$agent_id}"); if (!$validateID) { redirect::to("management/agentList"); } else { $userData = user::getUserData("agent_id", $agent_id); } $this->view->userdata = $userData; $this->view->user_acc_type = user::getAccType($userData['acc_type']); $this->view->acc_type_list = user::getAccType(); $this->view->paymentMethodList = user::getPaymentMethod(); $this->view->bankList = user::getBanks(); $this->breadcrumb->add("Agent List", "management/agentList"); $this->breadcrumb->add("Agent Upgrade - " . $userData['fullname'], "management/agentUpgrade"); $this->view->breadcrumbs = $this->breadcrumb->get(); $this->view->js = array('management/js/agentUpgrade.js'); $this->view->render('management/agentUpgrade', 'backoffice'); }
function details() { $supplier_id = isset($_GET['sid']) ? $_GET['sid'] : header("location: " . BASE_PATH . "supplier"); $supplier_exist = user::checkExist("user_suppliers", "supplier_id = {$supplier_id}"); if ($supplier_exist) { $supplier_data = user::getSupplierData("supplier_id", $supplier_id); } else { header("location: " . BASE_PATH . "supplier"); } $this->view->supplier_data = $supplier_data; $this->view->breadcrumbs = $this->breadcrumb->add("Details", "supplier/details"); $this->view->breadcrumbs = $this->breadcrumb->get(); $this->view->js = array('supplier/js/details.js'); $this->view->render('supplier/details', 'backoffice'); }